of the
American Ethnological Society
Edited by FRANZ BOAS
LEYDEN, 1917
AM *
SERIES I. Nos. 1-18.
i. The Birth of Nanabushu 3
„ 2. The Theft of Fire 7
3. Nanabushu slays his Younger Brother 15
4. Nanabushu kills Another Brother 23
5. Nanabushu and the Winged Startlers 41 -
6. Nanabushu and the Dancing Bullrushes . < 45 —
7. Nanabushu, the Sweet-Brier Berries, and the Sturgeons . . 49
8. Nanabushu and the Wolves 73 -
9. Nanabushu and the Wolves, Continued 85
10. The Death of Nanabushu's Nephew, the Wolf 89
11. Nanabushu breaks the Necks of the Dancing Geese . . . 101 -
12. Nanabushu eats the Artichokes 113
13. Nanabushu and the Cranberries 117 -
14. Nanabushu and the Caribou 117
15. Nanabushu flies with the Geese 127
1 6. Nanabushu and the Buzzard 133
17. Nanabushu pretends to be a Woman 139
1 8. Nanabushu slays Toad- Woman, the Healer of the Manitous . 145
SERIES II. Nos. 19-32.
^i0. Nanabushu and the Caribou 159
20. Nanabushu breaks the Necks of the Dancing Geese . . .169
21. Nanabushu and the Cranberries 179
22. Nanabushu and the Dancing Bullrushes 181
23. Nanabushu eats the Artichokes 185
24. Nanabushu and the Winged Startlers 187
qA '25. Nanabushu and the Great Fisher 193
26. Nanabushu and Windigo 197
27. Nanabushu comforts his Grandmother 203
28. Nanabushu swallowed by t^he Sturgeon 207
29. Nanabushu, the Sweet-Brier Berries, and the Sturgeons . . 215
30. Nanabushu and the Wolves 235
31. The Death of Nanabushu's Nephew, the Wolf 251
32. Nanabushu slays Toad- Woman, the Healer of the Manitous . 261
SERIES III. Nos. 33-38.
33. Nanabushu feigns Death to marry his Sister . 279
34. Nanabushu is fed Meat from the Back of a Woman . . . 299
- 35. Nanabushu and the WToodpecker 305
36. Nanabushu is Miraculously fed Bear-Grease 311
i , 37. Nanabushu and the Mallard 317
38. Nanabushu is given Power by the Skunk, but wastes it . . 321
SERIES IV. No. 39.
39. Nanabushu and Soaring-Eagle 331
SERIES V. Nos. 40-42.
. 40. Nanabushu is Miraculously fed Bear-Grease 341
^ 41. Nanabus'hu and the Mallard 351
_ 42. Nanabushu and the Woodpecker 357
SERIES VI. No. 43.
43. Nanabushu hunts Buffalo with his Younger Brother . . . 363
SERIES VII. Nos. 44-56.
— 44. Nanabushu and the Wolves 373
^ 45. The Death of Nanabushu's Nephew 389
,46. Nanabushu slays Toad- Woman, the Healer of the Manitous . 399
47. The Scattering of the Animals and the Regulation of Nature 407
— 48. Nanabushu breaks the Necks of the Dancing Geese . . . 409
49. Nanabushu and the Little Fishers 413
50. Nanabushu and the Ruffed Grouse 415
51. Nanabushu and the Moose-Head 415
^52. Nanabushu is Miraculously fed Bear-Grease 421
53. Nanabushu and the Woodpecker 423
54. Nanabushu marries 423
55. The Origin of Likenesses of Nanabushu 429
56. Nanabushu flies with the Geese 433
SERIES VIII. Nos. 57-63.
57. Nanabushu and the Fish-Trap 437
58. Nanabushu obscenely jests with his Grandmother .... 447
59. Nanabushu finds Cranberries and Big Cherries 449
60. Nanabushu is made to fast by his Grandmother, and revenges
Himself . . ' 451
6 1. Nanabushu swallowed by the Sturgeon 467
62. Nanabushu slays Hewer-of-his-Shin 483
63. Nanabushu leaves his Brother, and also his Grandmother . . 495
THE material contained in the present volume represents
part of the results obtained by the late William Jones in
his work undertaken under the auspices of the Carnegie
Institution during the years 1903, 1904, and 1905. During
this period Dr. Jones was research assistant at the Carnegie
Institution, and he was charged with the study of the
Ojibwa tribes. Most of his investigations were carried on
north of Lake Superior. During the year 1906, when he
was still engaged in working up the results obtained during
the journeys undertaken for the Carnegie Institution, he
accepted a position in the Anthropological Department
of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.
He was immediately sent to the Philippine Islands to
collect and study on behalf of the Museum. He took
his manuscript material along, hoping to work on it in
spare moments. During his researches in the Philippine
Islands he was killed by the natives, and the manuscript
material lay for a long time buried in Manila. Finally
the Field Museum of Natural History sent a member of
its staff, Mr. S. C. Simms, to rescue Dr. Jones's collections.
He also found the manuscript which, at the request of
Professor Boas, was turned over to him by the Carnegie
Institution for the purpose of reporting on its condition.
An agreement was reached between Professor Boas and
the Carnegie Institution by which the Institution undertook
to contribute to the expense of printing the collections.
Professor Boas also obtained the co-operation of the
American Ethnological Society, and the editorial work on
the collections was entrusted to the undersigned.
In the papers left by Dr. Jones the following prefatory
note was found, which explains his plan of publication.
"The work presented in the following pages is the trans
lation of a body of material that was taken down in text
from several dialects of an Algonkin people called the
Ojibwa. It was originally the purpose to bring out this
translation at the same time with the text, but circum
stances of various sorts have interfered with this plan : in
consequence the offer of the texts for publication will be
postponed. It is the plan to present with these texts a
linguistic introduction dealing with the phonetics, morphol
ogy, and syntax of the Ojibwa language, together with
a dictionary of stems to the same. Much work has already
been done toward the fulfilment of this end, but it is not
yet in a form to justify its publication.
"With this translation is an introduction treating of the
material culture of the Ojibwas : it will serve as a means
of rendering the narratives more intelligible. The narra
tives contain myth, primitive lore, sayings, and a good
deal else bearing largely on the religious sentiment ; they
also contain traditional matter, some of which may be
classed as historical. On account of the heterogeneous
character of the work, it is hardly possible to present it
in an orderly sequence. The plan of the present arrange
ment has been to group together as near as possible the
parts that have an intimate connection ; as, for example,
tales that are variants of one another, or that have elements
of a similar character, or that belong psychologically in
a class by themselves. For this reason it has seemed best
to break up some of the long narratives as given by the
informants, and to mass together such parts of them as
deal with the same episodes. This arrangement readily
offers means for an immediate comparison of the various
forms in which a common tale is told.
"The work is to be taken largely as an attempt to get
at the religious ideas of a people from their own point
of view. As this point of view can be expressed only
in terms of their own language, naturally the linguistic
method had to be employed in the investigation. A
speaker's own words were put down in text ; and, since
the object was not to find how well a narrative could be
told, never was a version repeated a second time by the
one who gave it. The form of the story in the text is
that which the speaker told but once, at the first dictation.
Simplicity is a characteristic mark of the narratives
throughout : they run along with such an even, quiet pace,
that they leave an impression of dull monotony. They
are told off in a matter-of-fact way, and conscious effort
at rhetorical effect is feeble. The rare use of figures of
speech, and the sudden turning of phrases for springing
surprise, are suggestive facts, especially from the point of
view of the form and construction of a narrative. Repe
tition is frequent, not only of an idea, but of an expres
sion : stereotyped phrases constantly recur, verbs of saying,
quotatives, and introductive adverbs being especially
common. Quotatives have been in some cases difficult
to handle, and equally as much trouble was given by
introductive adverbs.
"The language of most of the material is conversational;
the periods are short; sentences colloquial, seldom sustained,
and often loose and incoherent. Vagueness of reference
is common. The unconscious assumption on the part of
the narrator that one is familiar with the background of
a narrative, is one cause why so many of the statements,
when taken as they stand, are unintelligible. This vague-
ness of effect is helped along by the tendency to abbre
viated expression, - - such as the frequent occurrence of
a quotation without mention of the speaker, and the
presence of subjects and objects without verbs, - - thus
rendering sentences often extremely elliptical.
"Other causes have operated in rendering the sense
uncertain ; such, for instance, as the interruption of the
sequence of a passage, the interruption being due to the
sudden appearance of persons for one cause or another,
or whose presence was desirable, or to the response of
some call, domestic, social, or ceremonial. In a less
degree, the uncertainty of the sense of a passage has
been due to the delay in translation.
"The language is spoken in word-sentences, and the
rendering in English is generally longer. In a passage
capable of more than one rendering, preference is given
to the shorter. The inchoative character of a verb is
always present, despite the fact that it may not be expli
citly expressed in the stem. This inchoative sense is not
always brought out in the translation •, in particular, if the
omission is not likely to interfere with the general meaning
of a passage. As already stated, the English equivalent
is generally longer than the original, and it has been the
object to keep the length of the translation back as near
as possible to that of the original. Frequently, however,
the inchoative would be superfluous in the English idiom,
hence in such instances it is left unexpressed in the trans
lation. A common peculiarity is met with in the inception
of an inchoative, a beginning-to-do or a beginning-to-be.
It is enough in English to say that 'he commenced his work,'
or that 'he started to grow in stature:' but it is common
in Ojibwa to say that 'he began to commence his work,' or
that 'he began to start to grow in stature.' The inception
of this inchoative is seldom expressed in the translation.
"It was the plan to have the translation run as near as
possible with the order of the ideas of the text ; but this
could not be maintained except within approximate limits.
But with few exceptions, it was possible to keep the
grammar of the translation close to that of the text.
Where there was departure from the grammatical structure
of the original, it was in cases where the sense would
have been left in doubt if fidelity to syntax was adhered
to : as, for example, the matter of plurality, which the
Ojibwa often expressed by the use of singular nouns and
verbs, but which in the translation are rendered according
to sense ; or when a passive could best be rendered by
an active form, a personal by an impersonal, a transitive
by an intransitive. Furthermore, the inchoative character
of verbs is not always shown in the translation.
"The language contains grammatical gender, animate and
inanimate. It may be said, that, as a rule, the animate
refers to everything having the quality of life and move
ment ; while the inanimate refers to all things without
those qualities. 'Being' or 'creature' would be a general
rendering of the animate, while 'thing' would express the
inanimate. It has been found best in the translation to
express gender somewhat as follows : animate as masculine,
unless from the context the gender is feminine; and in
animate as neuter.
"Pronouns of the second person singular are rendered
according to the English idiom ; viz., 'thou' and 'thine'
into 'you' and 'yours.' The form of the verb with the
pronoun 'you' is made to take the place of the more
consistent 'thou.'
"The plural of the first person in Ojibwa is treated dif
ferently from the way it is in English. In Ojibwa it is
expressed in the terms of relationship which the speaker
bears to the other two persons : hence there are two sets
of forms, - - one including the first and second persons ;
and another, the first and third persons. This distinction
is not maintained in the translation : it has not seemed
necessary except in a few instances, for purposes of
"The paragraphs of the translation correspond to those
in the text. Punctuation in both text and translation is
the same for periods, colons, semicolons, and interrogation-
signs, but irregular for commas and exclamation-marks.
It has been found necessary, for purposes of clearness, to
use commas in the translation where they are absent in
the text.
"An effort was made to keep the translation as free as
possible of Ojibwa words ; but this could not be done
absolutely, on account of the doubtful meaning of many
terms (such as proper names) ; and in the introduction it
was found necessary to give names of places, people,
groups of people, and the like. The spelling of Ojibwa
words in the translation does not always conform exactly
to the orthography here shown. The vowels are about
the same, but the consonantal sounds are about as they
would generally be expressed in English.
"The vowels have their continental values, and their
quantity is indicated by symbols. Thus : -
u . . . . like u in /////.
u . . . . long, like the vowel-sound in loon.
o . . . . like o in fellow.
o . . . . long, like o in no.
a .... like the vowel-sound in hut.
a .... like the vowel-sound in not.
a .... long, like a in alms.
a .... broad, like a in all.
a . . like the vowel-sound in sham.
e . . . . like e in men.
e . . . . long, like the a in tale.
i . ... like z in sit.
i . . . . shorter than the i in sit.
1 .... long, like the vowel-sound in see.
"The combination of two vowels into one sound is not
frequent. There are probably but two clear diphthongs : -
ai .... like the diphthong in my.
au . . . . like the diphthong in shout.
"The movement of the voice off a long vowel is down
ward ; hence o and ~e sometimes sound as if they might
be ou and 'e1, where ou would be almost like the diphthong
in toe, and ~el like the diphthong in day.
2 .... a soft glottal stop.
' .... a Greek spiritus asper denoting a whispered continuant before
/i, k, t and p.
h . . . . like h in hall.
'£....-. like h, but with a whisper preceding.
£ .... like the /£-sound in call.
'/&.... like k, but with a whisper before articulation.
£...•; like g in go.
x . . . . like ch in German Bach, but less feeble.
£..-.. like sh in j//£.
j . . . . like the French / in jour.
s . . . . like the sound in English, but made with the tongue against the
lower teeth.
5 . . . . like the z in zero,
tc . . . . like ^ in charm,
dc . . . . like / in June.
t . . . . like / in tea.
V .... like /, but with a whisper before articulation.
d . . . . like d in day.
;/.... like the same sound in English.
p . . . . like p in pen.
'/.... like p, but with a whisper preceding.
b . . . . like b in boy.
m . . . . like the sound in English.
y . . . . like y in jy<?&.
w . . . . like w in war.
"The consonants can be graphically shown in tabular
view thus : —
Spirants and
c, tc
s, ts
j, dc 2
z, ds '
t <t
P 'P
h, <h, w
UI am indebted to many who have lent aid in furthering
the work, - - to many Ojibwas, among whom may first
be mentioned the names of five whose narratives are here
in translation. By accident they all happen to be of the
Bull-Head totem. First is Mrs. Marie Syrette of Fort
William, Ontario. She grew up at Lake Nipigon, where
dwell Ojibwas of Lake Superior, arid to which place come
those that live on the height of land and along the rivers
flowing towards Hudson Bay. She is well versed in the
1 The nasal of this series is found only before g and /£, and hence transcribed
by the dental nasal, n. Nasal vowels are indicated by a superior n. The Ojibwa
surds are not aspirated as in English. Superior vowels following other vowels
indicate weakly articulated sonant vowels. — T. M.
2 Better dj. — T. M. 3 Better dz. — T. M.
lore of all these people. In Ojibwa she is called Kiigi-
gepinasi'kwa ('Forever-Bird-Woman'). Next is John Pinesi
(Penessi, Penassie), chief of the Fort William Ojibwas.
No name is better spoken of or more widely known by
the Canadian Ojibwas than that of this fine, old man.
His surname comes from an abbreviation of his Ojibwa
name, which is Kagige pinasi ('Forever-Bird'), and by
that name he is more familiarly known. He knows the
Ojibwas from Manitoulin Island to the Sault, and all that
live along the north shore of Lake Superior to Grand
Marais. He has been among those who live on Rainy-
River, Lake of the Woods, and those who live on the
height of land ; but he is more familiar with the Ojibwas
that inhabit the shore country between Kanustiquia River
and the Sault, for it was in this vast region that lay the
scenes and experiences of his life, from childhood to old
age. The third is Wasagunackang ("He-that-leaves-the-
Imprint-of-his-Foot-shining-in-the-Snow"). He is now an
old man, bent with age, living at Pelican Lake, near the
Bois Fort Reservation, in Minnesota. He grew up on
Rainy River, Rainy Lake, and the Lake of the Woods.
The fourth is his nephew, Midasuganj ('Ten-Claw'), living
at Bois Fort. He visits with the Red Lake Ojibwas on
the west, and with those of Rainy River on the north
and east. He is a man of middle age, of strong physique,
energetic, well built, intelligent, and of the number fre
quently called upon to take leading part in ceremony.
The last is Madcfgabo ('Begins-to-Rise-to-his-Feet'). He
is chief of the Bear Island Ojibwas of Leech Lake in
Minnesota. Unfortunately but two of his narratives appear
in the collection. His help was utilized in another way, -
in going rapidly over the whole collection to see what
was familiar to his group of Ojibwas, and what was not.
To be mentioned with him in this connection is Nigani-
pinas (*Bird-on- Ahead'), the head chief of the Pillager
Ojibwas, of Leech Lake, Minnesota. He is better known
by the whites under the name of Flat-Mouth, the
name of his father, who was one of the great chiefs ot
the Ojibwas. He is also of the Bull-Head totem. Flat-
Mouth was exceedingly helpful. It can be said that for
acquaintance and knowledge he is to the Ojibwas west
and northwest of Lake Superior what Forever-Bird is to
those of the north shore of Lake Superior. He is probably
more familiar with the Ojibwas south of Lake Superior
than Forever-Bird is with the Ojibwas of Manitoulin Island
and thereabouts. He has journeyed back and forth for
years between Leech Lake and the Lake of the Woods,
stopping for long periods at a time at Red Lake, Rainy
River, and Rainy Lake. He practises magic, soothsaying,
and is one of the foremost members of the mystic rite.
He was acquainted with all the materials of the text, and
was familiar with the various peculiarities of dialect. Texts
from him and Begins-to-Rise-to-his-Feet would have com
pleted the circuit I had set out to make, - - a circuit that
would have contained practically all the important tales
known among the Ojibwas, wherever they are found ;
but, under circumstances of the moment, I had to rest
content with the service which they kindly gave in checking
up what I had already gathered.
"To three English-speaking Ojibwas I am under obligations
for the help they gave in a more restricted sense, - - to
Mrs. Milise Millet, the daughter of Mrs. Marie Syrette,
of Fort William, Ontario ; to Joseph Morrison of White
Earth (?) ; and to William Butcher of Leech Lake, Minne
sota. The aid rendered by them individually was not
quite the same in each case. Mrs. Millet was quick at
syntax. Morrison was proficient in throwing into idiomatic
English the meaning of an Ojibwa passage. In this partic-
ular sense, he is probably the ablest interpreter of Ojibvva
now to be found. Butcher's familiarity with the life of
the old-time people and with the background of the material
of the text was of great assistance. It was of a world
that he knew well, and for which he had a sympathetic
feeling (in it he had been reared), and of which he had
become so much a part that it was easy for him to
interpret in terms of that experience.
"I take this opportunity of acknowledging the many
courtesies extended me by officials of the Canadian Pacific,
Great Northern, and Northwestern Railroads. To Dr.
George A. Dorsey, Curator of Anthropology of the Field
Museum of Natural History at Chicago, and to Dr. Clark
Wissler, Curator of Anthropology of the American Museum
of Natural History at New York, I am indebted for
generous assistance kindly given at various times in various
ways.' I cannot leave unmentioned the name of the late
William Wells Newell, who watched the work with lively
interest from its very beginning. It was his desire that
the work be brought out by the Cambridge Branch of
the American Folk-Lore Society, on account of the fact
that in the texts were the myths from which Longfellow
derived the materials for the 'Song of Hiawatha/ I am
under special obligations to Professor Franz Boas of Co
lumbia University for his constant assistance at all times,
and for the kindly interest he took in the work from the
very beginning. He pointed out the field, suggested lines
of investigation, provided means for carrying on the work :
hence to him is largely due whatever results the work
may have for the scientific study of the lore of a primi
tive people."
Circumstances have forced me to modify Dr. Jones's
original plan. It has seemed best, after long delay, to
bring out both text and translation, and to postpone a
vocabulary and grammatical discussion till a future time.
The editor decided to abandon the arrangement of the
tales according to the method suggested by Dr. Jones,
and to give the tales rather in the order in which they
were told. By doing so, the individuality of each narrator
could be brought out more clearly. So far as is at present
known, the provenience and authorship of the tales are
as follows : -
Series i (Nos. 1-18). Bois Fort: Wasagunackank.
Series 2 (Nos 19-32). Bois Fort: probably Midasuga'J.
Series 3 (Nos. 33-38). Bois Fort: probably Midasuga'j.
Series 4 (No. 39). Bois Fort : Wasagunackank.
Series 5 (Nos. 40-42). Bois Fort : probably Wasagunackank.
Series 6 (No. 43). Leech Lake : Madcigabo.
Series 7 (Nos. 44-56). Fort William: Penessi.
Series 8 (Nos. 57-63). Fort William : Mrs. Syrette.
It should be expressly noted that Dr. Jones had con
templated publishing the Indian text later, not in conjunc
tion with the English translation. Doubtless he would
have revised it ; for a critical examination shows that these
Ojibwa texts are especially valuable for their literary, and
less so for their phonetic, accuracy. Yet, on the whole,
it seemed entirely feasible to print the texts as he left them.
It may not be inappropriate to outline here my task.
The first thing to determine was what Indian originals
corresponded with the English translations ; and, secondly,
to harmonize their paragraphing and punctuation, for it
appeared Dr. Jones's plans regarding them (vide supra)
had not been carried out. I have revised the Indian text
of Part II and inserted the proper diacritical marks on
the basis of Dr. Jones's field-notes, as it was apparent
that the typewritten copy was made by a person who
had no knowledge of Ojibwa. Where these field-notes
have failed me (happily, in only a few instances), I have
relied on Ojibwa informants and my own slight knowledge
of Ojibwa. Here and there some phrases which were
left untranslated by Dr. Jones have been translated by
me on the basis of Dr. Jones's note-books. Where I am
wholly responsible for the translation, a footnote will
show it.
The contents of Part I contain little, if any, new material
for Ojibwa mythology. The works of Schoolcraft, Kohl,
Radin, De Jong, cover more or less the same ground.
Skinner's "Notes on the Eastern Cree and Northern Saul-
teaux" should also be mentioned in this connection.
Part II of the "Ojibwa Texts" is in press, and it is
hoped that it may be issued soon. Another volume,
dealing with Ojibwa ethnology, is being prepared by me
for publication by the Bureau of American Ethnology.
The following papers have been issued, based on Dr.
Jones's manuscript material : —
Notes on Fox Indians (Journal of American Folk-Lore, Vol. XXIV,
pp. 209-237).
Ojibwa Tales from the North Shore of Lake Superior (Ibid., Vol. XXIX,
pp. 368-391)-
Kickapoo Tales (Publications of the American Ethnological Society,
Vol. IX, 143 PP-).
Washington, D.C.,
November, 1916.
SERIES I. Nos, 1-18.
Uwlgiwamiwag anicinabag, mindimoya11 udanisan uwidi-
gaman. Ninguting uganonan Ini/u udanisan : "Ambasano
nindanis aiyangwamizin. Wlnondawicin ka/rninan. Kagiitsa
ningitciku'tatc, kinanlsananimin. Kagu wl'ka ijitcika'kan
5 owiti nlngabra'nung tciinasamapiyan saga'a-man.1 Kago
klga'iji'a'ya klcpin 'i^widi inasamapiyan. Mri'wisa ajina-
msananiminan. Aiyangwamisin 4ici/u nongumaninan tcri'jio
tcigayan ; kiga'i'niga'ton klya/u. Mlsai iu aninan."
Anic misagu iu, anic misa ka^a't aiyangwamisigobanan
10 4aca/u i'kwa wackinlgi4kwawit.2 Kawm wi'ka ininiwan pacu7
oglwabamasin. Ningutingigu ka/i'ciwaniwisit a11 uckinlgi-
'kwa ; mldac alpl saga'a'mugubanan ka-iji'i*nasamabit nm-
gabl'a'nung mldac a'pl nondamugubanan pldwawayanima-
tinig. Kaijiki'kandank ta'kacit i'i'widi osaga'a'mowining.3
1 Saga'a'man, "when you go out," a euphemistic expression.
- Wackimgi'kwawit, "who was a maiden," or "a woman young in years."
SERIES I. Nos. i-iS.
In a wigwam lived some people, an old woman with
her daughter dwelt. Once she spoke to her daughter,
saying: "I beg of you, my daughter, be on your guard.
I would have you listen to what I am going to tell you.
Verily, am I greatly afraid, I am in fear for you. Never
bring to pass when you go out l that you sit facing toward
this westward way. Something will happen to you if
toward that way you sit facing. That is what causes me
to entertain fears for you. Be careful to give heed to
that which I now tell you to do ; (or else) you will bring
(an evil) fate upon yourself. Now that was what I had
to tell you."
Now such was the way it was, for it was true that at
the time heedful was this woman who was a maiden.2
Never with men had she intimate association. But once
on a time unmindful became the maiden ; so when out
of doors she went (and) afterwards sat down facing the
west, then heard she the sound of wind coming hither-
ward. When she felt it, she was chilled there at the
place of the passage out.3 Accordingly she quickly leaped
3 Osaga'a-mowining, "at the place of the passage out," a euphemistic expression
for the vulva.
Mldac ajipasigundcisat. "Nimama, nackaginm, ka'ijra/ya-
yan ! mlganabatc ka/i jiyan ajra/yayan."
Ka'ijikanonat a*a'u mindimoya lni/u udanisan: "Mamin-
daga gigrrniga'ton klya/u." Anlc misa iu cigwa gimawit
5 au mindimoya. "Anlc mlgu iu nindanis, Iniga'toyan klya/u.
Nackaguta ka'ijiwabisiyan. Awiya klpindigawag klyawing,
mlgu iu nindanis, Inigasiyan. Kawm anicinabawisiwag ka-
'pindigawad imasa giyawing. Kawln wasa iu tcinlgiwad.
Na, mldac Igiu kagusagwa."
10 Anlc nackadac kumagu ya'pi misagu kinondawat a*a-wisa
mindamoya awlya madwagi'kandinit. Uglki'kanima ana-
maya'rtanwawataminit. Midac mojag klmawit 'aV11 min
dimoya. Mldac kaga't i'i'ma klkwaya'kwanimat tcipima-
disisinit Ini/u udanisan. Anlc oglnondawasa ;ici/u ga'kandinit,
15 'iYma umisadaning tanwawataminit. lO8o/widac madwai-
'kidowan : "Nln ningasazi'kis." l
"Kawin," madwai'kito paejik blnicigu i'kido au paejik :
"Kawln kidazazlkisisl. Ninisa ningasazikis.
Anlc mlsa'pana mawit au mindimoya pisindawat Wu
20 ga'kandinit. Uglkikanima a11 mindimoya 'iY11 watacinit
4^/uu- o-cicanya8.
Na, mldac 'i£i/u a'kidowat nagawabinitlwat (ayani) ana-
wisaga'a-mowat. Igiwidac anind anugrr'kitowag : "Kagu
pina! kiga'i'niga'a-nan kuca kimamanan. Wawani pinagu
25 saga'a nda," anirr'kidowag.
1 Ningasazikis, "I want to be the first brought forth;" more literally, "I want
to be the eldest."
to her feet. "O my mother, behold the state that I am
in ! It may be that what you told me of is the matter
with me."
Then spoke the old woman to her daughter, saying :
"Exceeding harm have you done to yourself." So there
fore then did the old woman weep. "Now therefore, my
daughter, have you done yourself a hurt. You shall learn
what will happen to you. Certain beings have entered
into your body : therefore, my daughter, you are in a
pitiable state. They are not human beings that have
gone inside of you there. The time is not far distant
before they will be born. Therefore it was they whom
I feared." "
Now, lo, in the course of time did the old women hear
the sound of beings that were quarrelling one with another.
She knew by the sound of their voices that they were
inside. And so without ceasing did the old woman weep.
It was true that then was she sure that her daughter
would not live. Now she heard them quarrelling one
with another, there in her (daughter's) belly the sound of
their voices could be heard. This was what one was
heard to say: "I wish to be the first brought forth."1
"No," one was heard saying, even did one say, "you
cannot be the first-born. I am the one to be the eldest."
It was natural that all the while the old woman should
weep as she listened to them quarrelling one with another.
Knowledge of them had the old woman as to how many
would her grandchildren be.
Hark ! this was what they said as they pushed one
another back from the place where they tried in vain to
go out. But others of them tried, but to no purpose, to
say: "Don't, please! We shall surely do injury to our
mother. In proper order please let us go out," (thus) in
vain they said.
Kawmdac ijiminwadanziwag igi/u wasazi'kizitcig. Midac
'ici/u a/kidowat cigwa anotcigu wrrjisaga'armowad. Pajik
ugiwabandan wasa'kunanig. "Anlc mrrma kwaya'k nln
wa/ijayan." Midac a'pi klkagwatanimitiwad awanan a11
5 ni'tam kasaga'a'nk, mldac iu ka'i'jiplguckawawad ini/u
Wi'kagu ningutci papa'i'nabit mindimoya ugimi'kan
miskwi pang!. Mlsa wlgwas ajipapagunang. Midac ima
ka'iji'a^tod wlgwasing lisi/u miskwi ka'ijikackackwamagi-
nang, misa/ ka'ijina'i'nang. Anlc pltcmag ugiwabandan.
Ningudingigu apackwamaginang uglwabaman abinodciyan,
mlgu 48i/u klkanonigut, o*o*dac ogri'gon : "No'komis,"
ogri'gon a'pi kanonigut. Anlc mlsa cigwa ugrrgon :
"Giki'kanimna ayawiyan? Nlnisa Nanabucu.
15 Anlc mlsa iu cigwa klni'tawigra't 4a8a/u mindimoya.
Mlsa iu caylgwa ugri*nan ini/u o^umisan : " Kawmina
ningutci anicinabag kiki'kanimaslg tci'a*yawat?"
"Aye8," ugri'gon Ini o'kumisan. "O'O'widi7 agamiki'tci-
gami ayawag Igi/u anicinabag. "
20 "Kunaga'ka udayaslnawatug lisi/u ickuda?"
"Aye8," ugri'gon Ini11 o'kumisan ; "Kaga't utaiyanawa
Ii8i/u ickuda."
O'O'widac ugri'nan Ini/u o'kumisan : "Ambasano, ninga-
nasi'kan 'i8i/u ickuda," ugi'i'nan Ini/u o'kumisan. Oo'widac
25 ugri'gon Ini/u o'kumisan : "Kawln kidakackitosm. Kaga't
1 It is said that four was the number of them that thus came forth : Nanabushu,
But not content with the idea were they who wished
to be the eldest. Therefore then they said that now from
different places they wished to go out. One saw where
there was light. "Now, straight by this very way do I
wish to go." And so while they were debating among
themselves as to who should be the first to go out, then
was when they burst open their mother.1
After a while at a certain place where round about the
old woman was looking she found a clot of blood. There
upon some birch-bark she began peeling (from a tree).
And now, after she had put the blood upon the bark, she
then folded the bark over it, and laid it away. Naturally,
by and by she looked at it. Now, once when she opened
the bark she beheld a babe, whereupon she was addressed,
and this is what she was told: "O my grandmother!" she
was told at the time that she was addressed. So now
this was what she was told: "Do you know who I am?
Why, I am Nanabushu."
So accordingly then did the old woman bring him up.
And so by and by he said to his grandmother: "Don't
you know of a place where there are some people."
"Yes," he was told by his grandmother. "In yonder
direction on the farther shore of the sea are some people."
"I am curious to know if they do not possess fire."
"Yes," he was told by his grandmother; "truly, they
do possess some fire."
Now, this was what he said to his grandmother : "Please
let me go fetch the fire," he said to his grandmother.
And this was what he was told by his grandmother:
the deer, the chickadee, and the Sun. It is said that the deer was one of the very
first animals to be created.
a'pidci oganawandanawa rrwisa andawat. Alkiwanzl rrma
aya. Mlgu a'pana tasing kljigatinig asabin ujra't. Kawin
wf ka ningutci'i'jasi, mlgu a'pana ima pmdik ayat. Nlnji-
wasidac lisi/u otanisae, miya'ta iu mojag agwatcing ayanit."
5 O'O'widac ugri'nan !ni/u o'kumisan : "Ma^u ninga'ija,"
ogri'nan ini/u o'kumisan.
"Awawa," ugri'gon !ni/u o'kumisan.
Amc misa a'pl cigwa ka'i^kidut: "Ambasano tagackatin
^o^ ki'tcigami, wlgwasabakwang tawlaprtadin 0*0' ki-
10 'tcigami."
Misa gagat ka'ijiwabatinig iwisa ka-i>ckidut.
"Ocrwidac ninga'ijinagus," ki'i^kido; "Nindawa ninga-
wabosonsiu." Amc misa kaga't ka'ijinagusit. Misa cigwa
klmadciyataga'kwat. Misa kaga't kawln krtwajinsl. Anic
15 misa ugiki'kaniman 'i'i'ma ayanit 48i/u anicinaba8. Midac
ima ka'ijitagwicing i'i'ma wanda'i'blnit, crcrwidac kri'nan-
dam : "Ambagicsa pinibinatit a'a'wi'kwa," kri'nandam.
O'O'widac ki'i'jitciga iima wa'u'gwabaiminit Ii9i/u nibi, midac
ka/i'ji'a*gwawaba'irgut Ii8i/u ki'tcigami mri'man klti'tipa'u'gut
20 mrrma mi 'kwawan ka'u'ndcigwaba'i-bmit. O'O'widac
kli'kido : "Ambasano ningawawiyatanimik." Anic misa
a'kawabamat tcibinasiblnit. Kunlgimn, kaga't uglwabaman
Midac cigwa iman tagwicinbn imasa ayat, cayigwa ugl-
25 gwaba*a*mini.
Ka'ijimrkawabamigut misa ka'pri'zitapipinigut. Midac
4isi/u ka'i'jisfkoplginigut ka'i'jiklwawinigut o'O'widi ka'i'ji-
"Not will you be able to succeed. Truly, a very careful
watch do they keep over it there where they dwell. An
old man at the place abides. And all the while, as often
as the day comes round, upon a net he works. Never
anywhere does he go, but always there indoors he remains.
Now, two are those daughters of his, and only they are
continually out of doors."
And this he said to his grandmother: "Nevertheless I
will go," he said to his grandmother.
"Very well," he was told by his grandmother.
Now, this was what he then said afterwards : " I will
that the sea shall freeze, as thick as the birch-bark
covering of the lodge so let this sea freeze."
It was true that it happened according as he had said.
"Now, this is the way I shall look," he said. "I will
that I become a hare." So accordingly that truly was the
way he looked. Thereupon he then started on his way
over the ice. It was true that he did not break through
(the ice). Of course it was so that he knew that at
yonder place the people were abiding. And so after he
was come at the place where they drew water, this then
he thought: "I wish that for water some woman would
come," he thought. And this he did there where she
intended to dip up water: that after he was washed up
by the waves of the sea, then he was tossed rolling to
the place from which the woman was to draw water.
And this he said: "I wish that she would take me for a
plaything." So thereupon he lay in wait for her to come
for water. Lo, truly he beheld her walking hitherward.
Thereupon soon was she come at the place where he
was, at once she dipped out the water.
As soon as he was discovered, forthwith was he seized
upon. And after the water had been rubbed from him,
then was he taken over there to her home ; in the bosom
plndomowint l iu wlya/u. Mlsa', ka'rjipindiganigut kaga/t
oglwabaman a'kiwa^ziyan namadabinit. Kagact asabi'kawan.
Ocvwidac ogrrnan Vawi'kwa ini/u omisayan: "Nackii-
ginm," ugrrnan klmodc ini/u omisayan. "Nackaginm wa!:-a*u
5 kami'kawag, wabozons. Arnba'a'tata ; wawiya tatagusi
wa8au wabozons! Ambasano kaya gin wawiyatanim nimisa11
wa*a'wisa wabozons."
Oo'widac ugri-gon ini/u umisayan : "Klga'a'yawigunan
kosinan klga'U'nsumigunan," ugri'gon Inomisayan ; kimo-
10 dcidac ugri'gon Ini/u omisayan.
Mldac lici/u ka'ijinandobagwid ka-ijipagitinigut rrma
tclgickuda wl'pangwawasagut. Mldac ^-i'-v pa'piwad Igi/u
i'kwawag wawlyadanimawat Ini/u wabozonsan.
Ajiki'kanimiguwat mi/u osiwan. "Kitomblgisim," ugri'gu-
15 wan lni/u osiwan.
'O^widac ogi'i-nawan Ini/u osiwan: "Nackaginin," ogl-
inawan. "Nackakinln wasa11 wabozons."
"Ca!" ugliguwan Ini/u osiwan. "Kawlnina kigmontanzlm
Igi/u manitog 48i/u ginlgiwad? kanaml a11 paejik awizltug.
20 Awra-sik," ugri'guwan !ni/u osiwan. "Kagatsa klgaglba-
tisim lieixwisa kro'ta'pinag."
O'O'widac krr'kito awi'kwa : "Atatakuca nlwawiyatanima
'a^aVisa wabosons." O'o'widac ogl'i'nan Ini/u osan : "Anm
kagl'i'jinagwa'k 2 'i^wisa kawabosonsiwit Ca8a/u manito?"
25 ogri-nan Ini/u osan.
O8owidac kri-'kido : "Kagatsa kawin kini'tanondazl.
Kawlnina kiwabamisl a'pitcinagusiyan ?"
1 Ka-i-jipindomowint iu \vlya/u, "in the bosom of her garment she put the
creature;" literally, "in the bosom of her garment was put its body."
1 1
of her garment she put the creature.1 And after he had
been carried inside, truly he saw an old man that was
seated (there). Sure enough, he was at work making a net.
And this said the woman to her elder sister : " I say,"
said she in secret to her elder sister, "see this creature
that I have found, a little bunny ! Oh; such a cunning
thing is this dear little bunny! I wish you would also
think it cunning, elder sister, this little bunny."
Now, this was she told by her elder sister : " We shall
be scolded by our father, on account of it shall we be
taken to task," she was told by her elder sister; and in
secret she was told by her elder sister.
Accordingly, after she had searched in the bosom of
her garment, then was he placed there beside the fire, that
from the heat his hair might become dry. Thereupon
laughed the women as they made a pet of the little bunny.
Then they were found out by their father. "You are
noisy," they were told by their father.
And this they said to their father: "See this," they
said to him, "see this little bunny!"
"Beware!" they were told by their father. "Have you
not heard of the manitous how they were born ? Perhaps
this might be one of them. Go put it where you got it,"
they were told by their father. "Truly, indeed, were you
foolish to take it."
And this said the woman: "Such a precious pet do I
think this little bunny!" And this she said to her father:
"How is it possible for3 a manitou to be a little bunny?"
she said to her father.
And this he said: "Truly, indeed, you are not heedful
of what is told you. Do you not behold me, how far in
years I am?"
2 Anln kagi'i-jinagwa'k, uhow is it possible for . . . ;'' more literally, "how would
it look or seem for . .
O'owidac klicitciga 'aV11 i'kwa, nawandicigu ogra'biswan
Ini/u wabozonsan ; 4isi'wisa wl'pangwawaswat kaTJikwa'kwa-
kicimat ima tclgickuta.
Ocrwidac krrnandam laca/u Nanabucu : "Mlmawlnrr11
5 cigwa pangwawasowanan."
Amc opa'pra'wan Igi/u i'kwawag.
O'O'widac kl'i'nandam : " Ambasano ningapa'kinas."
Kaegalt ajipa'kinazut. Ka/ijinawatisut kaijisagitcikwas-
10 0'0'widac krr'kitowag Igi/u i'kwawag. "Nackaginln,
osagitcipatwatan lici/u ickuta!" utinawan Ini/u osiwan.
"AT!" kri-'kito 'aV11 alkiwanzl; "kaga'tsa kawln kini-
'tanonta^im kago anu'i'guyagin. Kana mlyasau ('a'a*u)
paejik manito l pama'kaminank iu kitickutaminan." Ka'i'-
15 jipasiguntcisat 'aca/u alkiwanzl anugl mawinatang Ii5:i/u
utciman. Anugri-jimatablwapinang, midac ka-ijimi'kwaml-
'kanig. Midac anicagu ka'i'ciganawabamawat micawiki-
'tcigami ani'O'cawackwa'kunanit, midac pmic ka/ijipickwa-
pamawat. Anlc klgwinawiijitcigawag.
20 Midac cigwa otababandan andawat 2 wuu'o*widac ogri'-
nan Ini/u o'kumisan tcibwamadcat : "Acwm, magica kaegact
pltoyan lici/u ickuta," ogri'nan Ini/u o'kumisan. Ka/rjika-
nonat a'pltababandank lisi/u andawat, oc'5' ogi'i'nan a'pi
pandigasat Ini/u o'kumisan : "A'tawapicin nintcagis, no'ko !"
25 Midac kaega't ka'iji'a-'tawapinat 'aca/u mindimoya.
1 Miya£au paejik manito, "it is one of the manitous;" more literally, "it is
certain manitou."
Now, this the woman did : in spite of what she was
told, she exposed the little bunny to the heat of the fire ;
that she might dry its hair, she turned it over with its
other side near the fire.
And this thought Nanabushu : "By this time surely must
I be dry from the heat."
Yet at him laughed the women.
And this he thought: "I wish a spark would fall upon
me." Sure enough, a spark fell upon him. After he was
set on fire, then out of doors he leaped.
And this said the women: "Look at him, out of doors
is he running with the fire !" they said to their father.
"Too bad!" said the old man. "Truly, indeed, are you
unheedful of what is told you. Doubtless it is one of the
manitous l that has come to take away this fire of ours."
Then, leaping to his feet, the old man ran to his canoe •,
but it was of no avail. He flung his canoe into the
water ; but it was of no use, for it was frozen with ice. And
all they could do was to watch (the hare) far out on the
great expanse burning with a blue flame, (watching him)
till they beheld him pass out of sight. Of course they
were helpless to do anything.
And then presently he was coming in sight of his
home.3 Now, this he had said to his grandmother before
he started away : " Be prepared if perchance I truly happen
to fetch the fire," he (thus) had said to his grandmother.
Afterwards he addressed her when he was coming in sight
of their home, and this he said to his grandmother when
he came flying in : " Rub the fire off from me, I am
burning up, my grandmother !"
Whereupon truly off from him did the old woman rub
the fire.
* Andawut, "his home;" literally, "where they dwell."
Mldac 48i/u ima kauntinamowat Ci8i/u ickuta.
Oo'widac krr'kito 'a8a/u Nanabucu: "Mlsa iu ka'ijina-
gusit 'a8a/u wabos 48i/u tcinlbink." l
Anlc mlsai iu cigwa kro'tickutamiwat. Anlc misai
5 ka'ijiwawltigamat Ini/u o'kumisan win kawi'ka pizan kra1-
yasinon wu86 ki'tcigami. Wabos namatapit ijini'katatug
wo8o ki'tcigami. Mldac a'pana mojag 48iwidi klaVinama-
tapit. Oo'widac ogi'i'nan Ini/u o'kumisan : "Ambasano,
no'ko, ml-f*11 mini'k kawabonsoyan." Mldac kis>rwidi ki'tci-
10 yanayabi'kagwan, mldac i'i'widi ugitapi'k pana kl'u-nabit.
Mldac ka-i-cinagwa'k 48i/u asin. Mldac ka'i-'kitut : "Wabos
namadabit uga'i'cini'katanawa oguu anicinabag."
Anlc misa iu clgwa kra-nicinapawit. Kawm kayab1
kra'binotci'rwisl. Wircr ugri'nan lni/u o^kumisan : "Kigi-
1 5 'kanimina ayawiyan ?"
"Kawm," ogri'gon mi/u o'kumisan.
"Ninisa Nanabucu nintau." O^o oglinan Ini/u o'kumisan :
"Kuniga mlgu'i^11 ajipajiguwanan !" ogrrnari Ini/u o^kurnisan.
"Aye8," ogri'gon ; "mlgu'i*11 ajipajiguyan," ogri'gon Ini/u
20 o'kumisan.
O^o-widec ogri'nan : "Ambasano manu wlndamawicin,"
ogrrnan ini/u o'kumisan. "Kuniga ningi'O'O'simitug !"
"Aye8," ogri'gon ; "kawln kmagusisl awagwan Ia8a/u
ka'a'O'siyan," ogl'i'gon Ini/u o'kumisan. O8owidac ogi'i'gon
1 That is, as if he had been scorched by fire.
Therefore such was how they there came into posses
sion of fire.
And this said Nanabushu : "Therefore such shall be
the look of the hare in the summer-time." l
Now, therefore, were they then in possession of fire.
So now afterwards, while he lived with his grandmother,
never still was this sea. Seated-Hare was perhaps the
name of this sea, for it was always his custom to go
frequently over there and sit. And this he said to his
grandmother : " Now, my grandmother, it is now long
enough that I have been a hare." And so at that place
there must have been a promontory jutting (out into the
sea), and over there on the top was where he always sat.
And now such was the way that rock looked. And this
was what he said: "Seated-Hare shall these people call it."
So thereupon he now became a human being. No
longer was he a child. This he said to his grandmother :
"Do you know who I am?"
"No," he was told by his grandmother.
"I am indeed Nanabushu." This he said to his grand
mother. "I wonder if indeed I am an only (child)!" he
said to his grandmother.
"Yes," he was told. "Truly are you but an only
(child)," he was told by his grandmother.
And this he said to her: "I wish that you would please
tell me," he said to his grandmother. "I wonder if I may
have had a father!"
"Yes," he was told. "They could not see whoever he
was that was your father," he was told by his grand
mother. And this he was told by his grandmother: "Dead
Ini/u o'kumisan : "Kinibu 'af:au ogiyamban : misagui'r11
ajiwlndamonan. Kawin kitagatarnosinon."
O^'O'widac ogri'nan 'a8a/u Nanabucu : "Anln kakicina-
gwa'k kapaciguyan ? kagatamawiyan," ogri'nan Ini/u cVku-
5 misan. Mldac caylgwa kri-'kitut: "Anln wandci-i-citcigii-
yan 'i^i711 katamawiyan 48iwisa ka'ijiwabisiyang? Kawin
po'tc niwanandazin i'i'wisa ka'ijiwabisiyang. Ayawagisa
nintinandam nintcikiwayang. Mano taga wlndamawicin
i'i'wisa ka'i'jiwabisiyang."
10 Mldac klsagimigut 'aV11 mindimoya. O'o'widic ogri'nan
mi/u ocicanyan : "Anlc, kigawindamon, kaegalt kawin kigl-
pajikuzi i'i'wisa klmgiyag. Ka^ga't kanangwanawm : wu*o'
kigl'i'jiwapisim, kigmisawa la'a'u kigiwa lisiu a'pi naguyag.
Kaegalt anica kami'kwandaman lisi/u wa'ijitcigayan 'iYwisa
15 dac ka'u'ndciniktawigi'i*nan."
O'o'widac ogri'nan Ini/u o'kumisan : "On, minangwana
lij:i/u ka'i jiwabisiyan Ci8i/u kamgiyan ! Anic, kawin nm nin-
gmisasi casa/u ninga." Mldac i'i'ma kl'i'nandank. "Intawa
ningatawiwabamag," ki'i'nandam ; "Igi/u nitcikiwanyag."
20 Na, midac a'p! kri'nat lni/u o'kumisan. "Tndawa ninga-
tawiwabama laca/u ka'klwaci'i't."
"Kagu7!" utanugri'gon lni/u o'kumisan. "Anln ka'u-n-
dci-i'cictcigayan 'iY11 laca/u kltcikiwanzi i'i'wisa ka*u'ndci-
nantopanltawatupan ?"
25 "Kawin," ogri*nan-, "potc nlwrijictciga." Mldac a'pi
1 Kangact kanangwanavvin, "as true as I speak," is a free rendering of an adverbial
expression, "perhaps," but given in some such phrase as "truly, did the event or
thing happen."
is she who was your mother : that is all I can tell you.
Not would I hide it from you."
And this to her said Nanabushu : "How could it pos
sibly be that I should be the only (child)? You must be
hiding it from me," he said to his grandmother. And
this now he said : " Why do you behave in such a way
that you should keep from me that which has happened
to us? In spite of all that, not am I ignorant of what
has happened to us. In existence somewhere I am sure
are my brothers. Please do convey to me the knowledge
of what happened to us."
Thereupon frightened became the old woman. So this
she said to her grandson: "Well, I will tell you about it
Of a truth were you not alone at the time when you
(and they) were born. As true as I speak,1 this was what
happened to you (and them) : you (and they) killed your
mother at the time when you (and they) were born.
Verily, had I not carried out the purpose 3 of my mind,
I could never have reared you."
And this he said to his grandmother: "Oh, so that
was the sort of thing that happened to me when I was
born ! Why, it was not I who killed my mother." Where
upon he there made up his mind (what to do). "There
fore will I go to see them," he thought, "those brothers
of mine." Accordingly, then was the time he said to his
grandmother: "Therefore will I go to see him who made
me an orphan."
"Don't!" in vain was he told by his grandmother.
"What is the reason of your undertaking that you should
go and seek for him ?"
"Nay," he said to her, "rather am I determined to do
2 That is, of making him an instrument whereby a new order of things should
come to pass in the world. It should be borne in mind that the old woman is
mother earth.
kimadci'tat lisi/u ubi'kwa'kon krirji'tot. Mldac ka*i*jikijiltat,
mldac a' pi cigwa klmadcat ; mldac owidi kwaya'k cawa-
nung ka'i'jimadcat. Anlc oglki'kaniman iwidi ayanit Ini/u
wltcikiwanyan. A'pi'i'dac rrwidi pajwandank iwidi andanit
5 mwingidac ugi'a'santcigtinan Ini/u ublkwa'kon. Mldac a' pi
i*i*widi ka*i*ji'o*tisat, mldac ka'i'jiplndigawat. 'OVwidac
ogri'gon Nanabucu : "Mlsa 48i/u pinandopan^tawiyan ?"
"Aye8," ogri'nan.
"Anlc mlsa cigwa tcimadci'kutatiyang."
10 Anlc mlsa cigwa klmadcrkutatiwat, mlsa cigwa klpimut-
iwat. Aji'a'janici'kawint lasa/u Nanabucu ka'i'ji'irdi'tank
lni/u ubi'kwa'kon, i'i'ma klpi'a'santcigut. Mri'ma rninawa
ka'u'ndci'a'janici'kawat, mldac plnic andanit ka/rjipagami-
niskawat. Mldac ima mlnawa ka-u-ndcra'janici'kagut,
1 5 mldac mlnawa ri'widi klpra'santcigut lni/u upikwa'kon
ka'i'jipagaminickagut. Mlsa minawa anugri'jiacanici'kawat,
pacutac ogriji'a-canicikawan. Mldac minawa ri ma ka-
•u-ndci'a'janici'kagut, mlnawa ogluti'tanan lni/u upikwa'kon.
Mldac i'i'ma krrnandank : "Mlmawin liei/u tcimamacri'pfo-
• • o
20 yan." Kaegalt a'pitci pangl udayanan lni/u upikwa'kon ;
mldac a'pitci angaslnnatinik. Mldac cigwa klmawit, o'o'wi-
dac kri'nandam : "Mlmawin 'isi/u tcinisiguyan," kri'nandam.
Midac ka'pi'i'jikanonigut lni/u cingusan : "Anin andiyan?
kwandigukuca kima/u, Nanabucu," ugrrgon lni/u cingusan.
it." So thereupon he then set to work making some
arrows. And when he was prepared, he then set out; it
was off in this direction, straight toward the south, where
he started for. Of course he knew that at the place was
abiding that brother of his. So when he felt that he was
nearing yonder place where they lived, then in four different
places he hid his arrows. And when over there he had
arrived, he then went into (the place) where the other
was. And this was what Nanabushu was told: "And so
you have come looking for me?"
"Yes," he said to him.
"Then we might as well now begin fighting with each
So thereupon started they to fight with each other,
and then soon were they shooting at each other. While
Nanabushu was being forced back, he came to where his
arrows were, there where he had concealed them. Then
in turn back from this place he drove the other, even
all the way to the place where the other lived he drove
him. Thereupon back from that place in turn was he
chased by the other, and again back to where he had
concealed his arrows when on his way hither was he
driven. Then again he tried in vain to drive him back,
but only a little distance he made him retrace his way.
Whereupon in turn from that place was he driven back,
once more he came to the place of his arrows. And so
there he thought : "It is possible that I may be vanquished."
Truly, very few were the arrows he had ; for now very
few they were. Whereupon he now began weeping, for
this he thought: "It is like enough that I shall be killed,"
(thus) he thought.
Thereupon came a Weasel, by whom he was addressed,
saying: "What is the matter with you? It seems as if
you have been crying, Nanabushu," he was told by the
"Kawin nino-utano kigatisl. Nacka kigawmdamon kadu-
o o • • o
cictcigayan," ugri'gon Ini/u cingusan. "Nackaguta rrma
ina-a/n," ugligon mi/u cingusan ; "pimutamawi iu osagi-
5 Midac a'pl kisasa'kwat lasa/u Nanabucu. Ningutingigu
madcinicikawat Ini/u wltcikiwanyan. Midac ka'i'jipimutama-
wat wifii/u osagipanwanini. Midac acitcinkitcisanit. Acima-
winanat laca/u Nanabucu, o'6'widac ugl'i-nan : "Manu nibun!"
O'O'widac ogri'gon !ni/u wltcikiwanyan : "Kagatsa kitini-
10 ga'a* 'asa/u l pitcinag 'aVu kanipimadisit." Midac ka'iji-
mawinit, ml Ii9i/u kamawimat anicinabac. Kawin anugri*-
nandanz! 'i^Visa tcinisint.
A'pitcidac kri*nandam waca/u Nanabucu wlnisat. Midac
ka/ijikacki'tot kinisat Ini/u ucPmayan.
15 Midac atcina klclpayantamon.
"Mackut klgamganis o8fo'witi ka'i'jawat ogo/u kanipima-
tisisiguk • mi'i'witi tci'a*yayan, mri'witi tcinlganisiyan."
Anic midac kaegalt ka'i'jina'kwa'tawat mldac ka'i'ji'i'nat :
"Mamindaga kidiniga'a1 ;aca/u anicinaba pitcinag wanipi-
20 matisit."
"Ayec, osamisa tanonta mockina o^o/u alki. Anlndidac
tci-a'ya'pan 'aVwisa anicinaba *aca/u pitcinag kani'o*ntatisit?
Midac intawa lisi/u ka'irntci'i'jiwabisit lasa/u anicinaba 4Ri/u
tcinibut. Nar, lisi/u wandcri'citcigayan i'i^wisa tcinibut
25 'aca/u pitcinag ka'a-nimockinat o'O'man a'kmg, o'o' ka'irji-
toyan o a'ki. Anawi kitakri'jitcigamin 'isi/u panima kawl-
gi'kat tciglnibo'pan, kawlndac ningutci ta*a*yasl wo^'o''
1 Kitiniga-a- 'aeau, "you are doing wrong to them." . . . The object of the verb
is singular, but the sense is plural. The Ojibwa is fond of this construction, and
it is of frequent occurrence in the texts.
Weasel. "Nothing (harmful) is going to happen to you.
Listen ! (and) I will advise you what you are to do," he
was told by the Weasel. "Now, right at yonder place do
you shoot," he was told by the Weasel. "Shoot at the
wrap (of his hair-knot)."
Thereupon was the time that Nanabushu whooped.
Once as he began driving his brother back, he then shot
at the wrap (of his hair-knot). Thereupon the other fell
forward. Then to him ran Nanabushu, and this he said
to him: "Please die!"
And this he was told by his brother: "Verily, you are
doing wrong to them : who in the future are to live."
Thereupon he wept, as it was for these people he wept.
Not was he willing that he should be killed.
But thoroughly determined was Nanabushu to kill him.
Whereupon he then succeeded in killing his younger brother.
And so for a little while was the other out of his wits.
"Instead you shall be leader over there where will go
these who are to die ; in that place shall you remain, in
that place shall you be foremost."
So then truly, after he gave him answer (and consented),
this was what he said to him : " Particular harm have you
brought upon the people who in time to come are to live."
"Yea, overmuch (and) too soon will this earth fill up.
Where will live the people who in after time are to be
born? Now, therefore, this is what shall come to pass,
that people are to die. So, therefore, this is why I have
brought it about that they should die who in times to
come will fill up this earth, this earth which I have created.
Although we could bring it to pass that not till they have
reached old age they should die, yet nowhere would they
have room if this should take place. Therefore this is
how it shall come to pass that while they are yet in
infancy they shall die. Such, therefore, is what I now
ijiwaba'k. Na, midac ka/irndcri'jiwaba'k Ii8i'u magwa
abinodcri-wit Wu tcinibut. Na', misa iu wayabantaman,
midac tibicko ka/rjiwabisit Ia8a/u pitclnag ka'a'ninibut
tibickogu ka'ijiwabisiyan. Anicasa tayanda'kl owat1 paji'k
5 alki. Ayayan tcinasi'kawi'k ka'a-nri'ckwayat."
Na, misa ka/ijictcigat Ia8a/u Nanabucu. Na, midac
cigwa kra-ndawabamat Ini/u o^kumisan. Midac mlnawa
kra'wltci'a-yawat. Nigutlngigu mlnawa ka'i-ci'i-'kitut 48i/u
winandunawat lni/u paji'k wltcikiwayan, '•oPo'dac ugri'gon
10 Ini/u o'kumisan : "Kawm kidanisasl," ugri'gon Ini/u o'kumi-
san. "Pa'tanlnowan Ii8i/u kanawanimigut. Midac ka'irn-
dcikaskitosiwamban. Nackaguta klgawmdamon ka-i'cina-
mambaban misawa icayan, Amc minising aya lafia/u
uka'kwan 'a8a/u tcaglga'a'nk. Nackadac, o'O'ma11 nawiki-
15 'tcigami plgi/u ta'kamakuntcin. Kawm kitakackitosm tci-
kapi'kawatipan misawa tclman anu'a'yoyan ; mlgo'i'ma11
ka'kina kajaku'kat kitcimaning. Na, ml^i'11 abitink kirrji-
naman. Mlnawa paplmickaiyan misawa 48iman anigacki-
•Q-yan, mlnawa kago kigawabandan, cingwa'k klgai'nan-
20 dam. Midac 'asa/u kistci'o'ga omi stciga kawabamimat.
Kawln dac po'tc kitakackitosin misawa anawlwlmackawat.
Na, misa i'i'man abitink 48i/u sanagusiwin andaguk. Misawa
mlnawa rrma anikackioyan, kumax tacigu a'pl papimickai-
yan klgatababandan i'i'ma ayat. Mldacigu pacuwabanda-
25 man, klgawabamag waswag tciba'ta'rnowat. Midac kawm
see. It is the same thing that will happen to them who
in the future are to live, and like unto what is now hap
pening to you. It is only a change of going from one
earth to another. To you where you are shall come they
who shall cease to live (here)."
^^ -
Such, therefore, was what Nanabushu did. So accord
ingly he went to seek his grandmother. Thereupon again
he went and staid with her. On another occasion when
he said that he intended to go and look for another of
his brothers, then this was he told by his grandmother :
"You would not be able to kill him," he was told by his
grandmother. "Many are they under whose watch he is
kept. That is the reason why it will be impossible for
you to succeed. Give ear, and I will declare to you what
you are likely to see should you by chance happen to go.
Now, upon an island abides he that hews upon his shin.
And listen ! Out across the middle of this sea some pitch
extends, floating upon the water. Not will you succeed
in passing (by that place), even though you should try to
make use of a canoe ; there on every part of your canoe
will (the pitch) stick. So that is one of the things which
you will see. Furthermore, as you go paddling along,
should you by chance succeed in passing in your canoe,
then something else will you behold, some pines you will
think them to be. That is the Great Pike whose big fins
upon the back you will see. Not at all will you succeed
if you wish to pass around. Therefore that is one of
the difficult places lying in (your way). Should you again
succeed in passing the place with your canoe, and then
go paddling on a certain distance, you will come in sight
of the place where he is. And as you approach the
place, you will see some swans that will be in a swarm.
kltakackitosm mlnawa anawi wlmackawatwa. Mri/>u kana-
wanimigut 'a8a/u wanantunawat. Wo'O'widac klgatina
wa8a/u wa8wa awagwan ni'tam kanontagusigwan : 'Cii!'
kigatina. 'Nacka a11 mackwat wabisfpin,' kiga'i'na. Mldac
5 ka/rjinlminamawat o'o'dac ta'i''kito wa8a/u waswa : ^Nima-
lkamig !ni/u wabisipinln,' lasa/u waswa ta'i-'kito. Misawadac
mlnawa rrma anikacki'o-yan i'i'ma11 mlnawa abiting kayabi.
Mldac cigwa tcigl'kabaiyan i'i'ma ayat. Mldac anigu'piyan
tmdisiwan nondagusinit. Tabltciba'to, o'o'dac klgatcictcigit ;
10 mi'tigumin klganlminamawa. Mldac ka*i'4kitut: lNima4kamig
'i7!11 mi'tigumin lasa/u tindlsi tai'kito.' Midac mlnawa i'i'ma
tclpitagwicing 'a^wisa i'i'ma ayat minising." O'O'widac
ogi'i'gon ini/u o^kumisan : " Wantcita nawiminis ta lasa/u
nandawabamat. Wa'kwagan *isi/u andat."
15 Nax, midac a'pl kamadci'tat lisi/u ki'uji'tot ;i8i/u utclman.
A'pi'i'dac ka'klcitot mlnawa ka'i'cinantawabamat nlganigu
waninunit ini/u awaslyan. Ka'iji'u'ci'tot 'iYwisa pimita
mlgu iu ka'kina ka/rcina'rnang 'i8i/u waya'batci'tot. Mlnawa
ugi'a'ndawabaman wabisipinln. A 'pi mlnawa kamamat
20 lni/u wabislpinin. Mlnawa ogra'ndawabandanan lni/u mi'ti-
guminan. Anic mli^ caylgwa krkijftat. Mldac acpi klma-
dci'tat lni/u upi'twa'kon kruji'tot. Mldac a'pl kaklci'tot
Ini/u upi'twa'kon, "Anlc mlsa cigwa wlmadcayan," ogri'nan
Ini/u o'kumisan. Wo'O'widac ugi'i'nan : "Anlc mlsa wlnan-
25 topaniyan," ogri'nan lni/u o'kumisan. Oo'widac kri-'kito :
"Nlyokun ningatacicta wo'o- tcra/cawa'cryan o'o' ki'tcigami.
Anlc mlgu'i'11 mini'k ka'a'nwa'ting 'i8^11 myokun," kri-'kito
Ia8a/u Nanabucu.
Nar, midac cigwa klmadcat, kl'pozit 48i/u utclman.
And now you will not succeed again, even though it be
your wish to pass round them. So in the keeping of
these is he whom you wish to seek. Now, this is what
you will say to the Swan, whichsoever shall be the first
to make itself heard: 'Hist!' you shall say to it. 'Look,
here is in payment a white potato,' you shall say to it.
Thereupon as you offer it (the potato), this is what the
Swan will say : 'He is taking from me the white potato,'
the Swan will say. And if by chance again through that
place you succeed in passing with your canoe, there will
still remain one other (difficulty), and it will be where you
go ashore there where he is. And when you go up from
the shore, a Bluejay will be heard calling. He will come
running hitherward, and this is what you shall do : an
acorn shall you offer to it. And this is what it will say :
'He is taking the acorn from me/ the Bluejay will say.
So then next to the place will come he who abides there
on the island." And this was what he was told by his
grandmother: "In the very centre of the island dwells the
one whom you seek. At one end of it is his home."
So thereupon he began upon the work of making his
canoe. After he had finished it, he then sought for a
game-being that was unsurpassingly fat. After he had
made the oil, he then put away all that he expected to
use. Next he sought for a white potato. After he had
obtained the white potato, he next looked for the acorns.
So therefore was he now fully prepared. And then was
when he started on the work of making his arrows. Now,
when he had finished making his arrows, "Now, therefore,
I want to be off (to war)," he said to his grandmother.
And this was what he said to her: "Four days I shall
spend crossing this sea, for the length of time that it will
be (calm will be) four days/' (so) said Nanabushu.
So therefore he started away, he was in his canoe.
Ningutingigu kaega't papimickat ri'wisa kistcigami cigwa
gaga/t oglwabandan kago ta'kamakundanik. "Anlc,"
ogri'gon lni/u o'kumisan *ofio/u ; "kawln potc kitakackitosin
tciwlmackaman" ogri'gon Ini/u o'kumisan. A4pri*dac wadi-
5 'tawat Ini/u pigiwan, mldac ka/rjiposinank li€i/u utciman
kaya 48i/u utabwi ; mldac ka'i'citca'kisat, mlsa kakanaga
pangl kra'gukaslwan i'i'ma utcimaning kaya utabwlng.
Nax, mldac ka^ga't wiwaylba klposinank ^Y utciman kaya
W11 utabwi. Mldac ajikackitot klgabi'kawat Ini/u pigiwan.
10 Mldac ka/i'jimadcru-t. Ningutingigu mlnawa papimickat
ml cigwa gaga't ogiwabaman cingwa'kwan kri'nandam.
Ajigwa ubacwabandan, kuninginln mlwa/nini/u ki'tci'o'gawan.
Ocrwidac ogri'nan a'pi wadi'tawat: "Ambasano kawa'kun
Igi/u kimistcigu't," ugri'nan Ini/u tcro'gawan.
15 Mldac kaegat ka'i'jictciganit ini/u tci'6'gawan, mldac
ajikabi'kawat. Mldac a'pi kltababandank 4ci/u wa'ijat.
Cigwa obacwabandan, cigwa kaega't owabaman lni/u wa!:wan.
Cigwa owabamigon Ini/u waVan, cigwa nondagusiwan.
"Ic!" ugri'nan. Ka'i'cimminamawat Ini/u wabisipinin.
20 Cixgwa pitcipa'towan.
"Ic, anln andiyan ?" obri'nani.
"Ka, nima^kamig caca/u waswa ini/u wabisipinin," ki'i'ckito
awaswa. O'5'widac kri-'kito : "Anln win kaya win mana-
kacki'a't Ini/u wabisipinin?" oglprrgon.
25 Mldac anicikiwanit anlc ki'kasu 'aV11 Nanabucu. Mldac
a'pl mlnawa kanicimadcat. Ka'i'cikabat mldac ima11
ka'kina klnagatank Ini/u udabatcitciganan.
Now, truly, once as he went journeying by canoe over
that sea, he now indeed beheld something lying lengthwise
upon the water across his way. "To be sure," he had
been told by his grandmother about this; "in no way
will you succeed in passing round it," he had been told
by his grandmother. Now, when he was approaching the
pitch, he then oiled his canoe and his paddle ; and when
he drove his canoe into (the pitch), not even a speck (of
the pitch) was stuck to his canoe or his paddle. So it was
true that every now and then he kept oiling his canoe
and his paddle. So thus he succeeded in passing through
the pitch. Thereupon he continued his way. And another
time as he was journeying along in his canoe, he now
truly saw some pines, he thought. Soon he got a near
view, and, sure enough, it was the Great Pike. And this
he said to it when he drew up to it : " Please lower the
fins of your back," he said to the Great Pike.
And then truly, after the Great Pike had done so, he
accordingly passed over it. And then was when he came
in sight of the place whither he was bound. Presently
he got a close view of it, now truly he saw the Swan.
Soon was he observed by the Swan, then it was heard
calling. "Hist!" he said to it, after which he offered it
the white potato.
Then it came running.
"Hist! What is the matter with you?" to it said (the
manitou) coming (to it).
"Oh, from me is he taking the white potato!" said the
Swan. And this he said: "Why is he not himself able
to procure the white potato?" he was told by the other
coming hither.
Now, while the other was on his way back, in hiding
of course was Nanabushu. And that was when he con
tinued on. After he went ashore, he then left behind all
cigwa kaga't anipapimusa/t. Kaga't owabamigon tindlsi-
wan ; cigwa weyabamigut tmdisiwan ajinondagusinit. Ka/r-
jiniminamawat 'isi/u mi'tigumin, mldac ka/ijiklckuwanit.
Cigwa mmawa kipitcipa'tonit. " Ic ! anin andiyan ?"
5 ogrrnan Ini/u tmdisiwan.
O'o'widac kri''kitu £aca/u tindisi : "Nima'kamig Ii8i/u
mi'tigumin." lA8a/u tindisi ogri'gon : "Anm win kaya win
manakacki'tot Ci2i/u mi'tigumin ?" Mldac a'pl mlnawa klni-
acakiwanit. Mldac cigwa mlnawa kimo'kit 'a8a/u Nanabucu.
10 Anic animamadcat, cigwa tababandamawan Ii8i/u andanit.
Kaga't ki'tciwaya'kwagan. Mldac ajrcrdisat madwa'i-ga-
wan i'i-ma andanit. Mldac ka/rcita'pabamat i'i'man andanit,
kunigimn Ii8i/u uka'kwananan tcagika'a-minit ! Mldac kana-
wabamat, kawin kanaga pmabislwan.
15 Midac caylgwa kipasigwmit migu iu aka'i'cawabisanik
o'katini ; mldac ka/i jipasigwlnit migu iu ka/i'cicawabisanik
o'katini pimusanit. Kagagu po'kusaniwan, kagasagu kawi-
sawan anicagu aswa'kwlwan. Oo'widac kri-'kitowan
kanawabamat : " Awlyasa ninganawabami'k." Kri-'kito
20 mlnawa, o-o'widac krr'kito : a Awlyasa undcita ningana
wabami'k." Mlnawa ka'ijimadci'tad kitcigika'a-nk Ii8i/u
uka'kwan. Ka'ijipasigwlt mri'gu iu ajicawabisanik "ici/u
u'katini ; pimacigamanit i'i-man andanit, ka/ijikawisanit.
"Kaga't nangwana awiya ninganawabamik." Ka'piji'i'na-
25 binit, pitclnag ka/ijiwabamigut 48i/u ta'pabamat ; o'o'widac
of his equipments. After he had gone up from the shore,
he then truly went walking along. In truth, he was
observed by the Bluejay; as soon as he was seen, the
Bluejay was heard calling out. After he had offered it
the oak acorn, it therefore ceased its cries.
Now again came the other running. "Hist! What is
the matter with you?" he said to the Bluejay.
And this said the Bluejay: "He took from me the oak
acorn." The Bluejay was told by the other : " Why is
he not himself able to procure the oak acorns ?" There
upon he was on his way back home. Then was when
again Nanabushu came out of his hiding. Soon on his
way he slowly went, till presently he came in sight of the
dwelling of the being. It was really a very long lodge.
And as he was coming up to him, he could hear him
pounding upon something in where he lived. And so
when he peeped in at him there in his dwelling, behold,
it was upon his shins that he was hewing ! And so he
watched him, but not a look did the other cast up at him.
And now presently the other started to rise to his feet,
whereupon his legs were bent ; and when he had risen to
his feet, then wabbling were his legs as he walked. And
nearly were they on the point of breaking, and almost
would he have fallen but for his holding on to something.
And this he said as (Nanabushu) was watching him: "By
somebody surely am I watched," he said. He spoke again,
and this he said: "By somebody surely with a purpose
am I watched." Again he went to work hewing upon his
shin. When he rose to his feet thereupon bending were
his legs ; as he walked beside (the fireplace) there where
he lived, he fell over. "Truly, it is a fact that by some
body am I watched." After he had looked up towards
(where Nanabushu was peeping in), then (Nanabushu) was
seen peeping in at him ; and this was what was told
ogri'gon a" Nanabucu, ugrrgon : "Pa'ka a'kawa, pama
plndi^ka/kan " uoa'i'ofdn.
1 ' O O
Mldac ka'rcikanawabamat cigwa mlnawa ugikanonigon,
"Mri'-11 ijipmdigan," ugrrgon. Mldac kaegalt ajipmdigat.
5 Anlc a'picimonikawan ri'ma tcinamadapit. Kaga't mi'i'ma11
ka'i'conabit o'o*widac ogl'i'gon : "Kagatsa, Nanabucu,
kimanito1 klpigacki'O'yan i'i'wisa wf piwabamiyan. Kamawln
anica kipijasi," ugri'gon.
Ocrwidac ugiinan : "Anicasagu nibrija," ugri'nan 'aca/u
10 Nanabucu.
"Kawm anica kibljasl," ugri'gon.
Anlc utanu'a-gunwa'tawan 48i/u igut. "Anicasagu kipi-
mawadisin," ugri'nan.
"Kagatsa kimanito1, Nanabucu," ugrrgon.
15 Anlc misa pisan i'i'ma kikakanonitiwat. Ocrwidac
ogl'i'nan : "Wagunan kin kwa'taman kisi/u kanisigwiyamban?"
"Ml nangwana iu gagat anica prijasiwan," ugl'i'gon.
"Kawm," ugl*i*nan ; "mini'kina iu anica kitatacikanawa-
20 bamin idac," ugri'nan.
"Aye8," o'd'dac ogl'i'gon: "Iwa ojawaskwanwins upigwa-
ckunk kaya dac plwanak naba'i'gank, mlsai tcinisiguyamban.
Na, mri/>u wlndamonan. Kinidac, Nanabucu? Wagunani
iu kanisiguyamban ?"
25 Wo'5'widec ugri'nan : "Igi/u ublwayackinag pangigu
tangickawagwa, mlgu iu tcinibuyamban," ugri'nan. Anicadac
ugri'nan. Kawm kaga't tcinibut, iwisa awansinini 'i8i/u
kanisigut. "Anlc, misagu ixiu mini'k kakanoninan."
Nanabushu, he was told: "Wait yet a while, by and by
come in," he was told.
And so after he had been watching him, then was he
now once more addressed: "Now come on in," he was
told. Whereupon truly in he went. Now the other laid
a spread there for him to sit down upon. Truly, as he
sat there, this he was told: "Quite true, Nanabushu, are
you a manitou being, since you were able to come here
by canoe for the purpose of seeing me. I suspect that
you have not come without a purpose," he was told.
And this he said to him: "For no special object have
I come," to him said Nanabushu.
"Not for nothing have you come," he was told.
Naturally he tried to disavow what was told him. "I
have come only to make you a visit," he said to him.
"Verily, indeed, you are a manitou being, Nanabushu,"
he was told.
So therefore in a friendly way they there conversed
together. And this (Nanabushu) said to him: "What do
you fear that would kill you?" he said to him.
"It is quite evident that you have not come for nothing,"
he was told.
"Not," he said to him, "for so long a time would I
merely be watching you (if I had come for mischief)," he
said to him.
"Yea," and this (Nanabushu) was told: "It is a tiny
blue missile upon an arrow, and a piece of flint fastened
on for a spear, by such should I be killed. Thus, there
fore, have I told you. Now about yours, Nanabushu? What
is it that would kill you?"
So this he said to him : " If I should gently touch those
cat-tails with my foot, then would I die," he said to him.
Now, he was only deceiving him. He was truly not
destined to die, that was not the thing by which he would
jipasigwlt Ca8a/u Nanabucu ka'pri'jimadcat rrman utclma-
ning. Midac caylgwa krtrjrtat 48i/u kawlndaminit iu
kanisigunit. Mitac 'i8i/u klpigwaku'kat. Kaklci'tot, midac
sasa'twat klmawinatank 49i/u wlgiwam.
5 "Micanim!" ugri'gon Nanabucu. " Mmangwana gaga't
pinantupanftawit," ugri'gon. Minangwana gu iu ka'pisa-
ga*a-nk madawananigubanan 48i/u uplwayackina8 ; klpincli-
gananit i'i*man andanit. Amc midac cigwa pacwabandank
48i/u wlgiwam, midac sagisltagogubanan. Midac ka'i'jipim-
10 wat upi'kwananing, wantcitagu na'U'pi'kwan ugrrninawan.
Midac kanljicawabipitonit 'i8i/u ubikwa'k, midac ka/rjigwa-
niblt ; midac wmi'tam ka*i jipimmija'irgut, wlni'tam ka'i'ji-
pimugut naarpi^kwan. Amc midac kaya win ka/rcicawa-
bipitot Ii8i/u ubikwa'kuni.
15 Midac rrma11 klwam'kat 'i8i/u uta, ningutci ki'a-'tosig
i'i'wisa uta. Amc mrrman pitclnag klmi'kwandank i'i'wisa
ningutci tcigra-'topan i'O'ta. Midac kaijimadcinija'i'gat ;
midac a'pl ani'a'timat, ka'i'jipimwat. Midac wlni'tam
ka'pi'i'ci'u'cimut. Midac a'timigut ki'pimugut. Anic m'igu'ku
20 ka'todank cisi/u kljababitot cici/u ubikwakuni. Anic wmi'tam
ka*i*jimadcinicawat. A'pri'dac ani-a'tamat ka'ijipimwat.
Amc mlgu kljababitonit.
Anic misa cigwa minawa wini'tam kipiminica*u'gut, cigwa
minawa uglpimwugon. Midac caylgwa anawi anagucini-
25 nigubanan. Midac inandamitgubanan : "Mlmawln iu tci-
mamaji'i't," kri'nandam. Anic cigwa upiminicawan, midac
minawa kra'wipimwat. Anic mlgu'ku kato'taminit cawaba-
be killed. "Now, this is all that I have to say to you."
After which to his feet then rose Nanabushu, who came
away to the place of his canoe. Whereupon he began
preparing what the other had said would kill him. And
so he made the arrows. When he had finished them, he
then gave a whoop as he made a rush upon the wigwam.
"You wretch!" was said to Nanabushu. "It is really
true that he has come to war against me," was said to
(Nanabushu). Now, just as soon as (Nanabushu) had gone
out, then was when he began drawing the cat-tails ; he
had taken them inside of the place where he lived. Now,
when (Nanabushu) approached the wigwam, he then ran
out. Whereupon (Nanabushu) shot him in the back,
squarely in the middle of the back he hit him. And
after he had pulled out the arrow, then (Nanabushu)
retreated ; it was then his turn to be pursued, and his
turn to be shot in the middle of the back. So thereupon
he also had to pull out the other's arrow.
And so there (Nanabushu) forgot his heart, somewhere
he had put that heart of his. Now, it was at that very
moment that it occurred to him that he should have put
away his heart. Thereupon he rushed to the attack ; and
when he caught up with (the other), he then shot him. And
then it was his turn to run away. And when he was over
taken, he was shot. Now he did what he had done before,
which was to pull out the other's arrow. So then in turn
he pursued him. And when he overtook him, he shot
him. So then the other pulled out (the arrow).
So then another time was (Nanabushu) pursued, now
again was he shot. It was now, to be sure, growing
evening. And this was his thought at the time: "I believe
that he will overcome me," he thought. So, then, now he
chased after him, and then again he went and shot him.
Now, that which the other kept on doing all the while was
bitonit lisi/u ubigwa'k. Midac mmawa prircimut. Midac
ri'ma pimawit. Amc mra/'ta nijininig Ini/u ubigwa'kon,
midac wandcisagisit. Ocrwidac ugrrgon Ini/u Maman :
"Anin andiyan?" ugrrgon ini/u Maman. "Kwandigtikuca
5 kimawi Nanabucu?"
"Aye8, anic misa7 nibuyan, nicimisa."
"Anin ka'tiyan kanibuyan? O*o* icitcigan ; kawm kita-
nisasl rrman wlyawing anuglpimwat. Nacka, i'i'ma ici-
pimwat usagipinwaning."
10 Mldac kaegalt ka'ijicictcigat. O'5'widac a'pianiatimat
Ii8i/u ka-ijipimwat, kagagu uml'kunamawan Ii8i/u usagipan-
wanini, mldac kaga ka'i jipangicininit. O'O'widac ogrrgon :
"Anlndi a'ka ana*a-yan, Nanabucu?"
ttAyes," ogri'nan. "Ta^wanrnac i'pitawan lni/we anwm
15 magadingin." Mldac ka'rcigwanipit. Mldac a'ta pacig-
waninig 48i/u ubigwa'k mldac manu wasa ugra^'pa'a-n.
Cigwa minawa uglpimwugon, kayabi pa'tanma'tiniwan lni/u
upigwa'kuni. Mldac ka-ijiabami'tawat ; midac manu pacu
ka'i'ci'u'ndinawat. Mldac ka'i'jimicutamawat lisi/u utaski-
20 bawanansan. Mldac ka'i'jipangicininit ka'i'jisasa'kwat.
Kapangicininit, mldac ajimawinanat ka'i'jitangickawat ;
ka'i-ji'a'capa'tot. Minawa ka/rjimawinanat minawa kltan-
gickawat ; minawa ka'i'ji'a'japa'tot ; minawa ka-i^jima/rna-
nat; minawa ka'ijitangickawat ; minawa ka/rjrajapa'tot ;
25 minawa ajimawinanat, ka/ijitangickawat. "Misa iu ka'iji-
tcigat 'asa/u anicinapa tci-a^ni-a^kiwang ; misa niywing
kitangickawat ; misa iu mini'k ka'U'ndiniit 'a8a/u inini
i'i'wisa tcimigatit."
to bend the arrow. And so again (Nanabushu) ran away.
And then to yonder place he came weeping. Now there
were but two of his arrows left, and that was the reason
why he became afraid. Now, this was he told by the
Red-headed Woodpecker: "What is the matter with you?"
he was told by the Red-headed Woodpecker. "Is it possi
ble that you are really crying, Nanabushu?"
"Yes, for now am I going to die, my little brother."
" Why is it that you should die ? This you should do •,
not could you kill him if you should shoot him here in the
body (as you have been doing). But rather, the place for
you to shoot him is in the wrap of his knot of hair."
Therefore truly that was what (Nanabushu) did. And
now when he overtook him, he shot him, and he nearly
hit the wrap of his hair-knot, whereupon the other almost
fell. Then this was he asked by the other: "Where is
the target you are trying to hit, Nanabushu?"
"Yea," he said to him. "In many a place are arrows
likely to fall during a battle." Thereupon he turned and
fled. And since there was but a single arrow left, he
then with good reason ran a long way off. Then again
was he shot by the other, who yet had many arrows.
Thereupon, turning about, he chased him; and then after
he ran as close as possible upon him (to make sure of
success), he then shot, hitting his small head-gear. And
as he fell (Nanabushu) whooped. After he had fallen,
then (Nanabushu) rushed upon him, and kicked him ; then
he ran back. Again he rushed upon him ; again he
kicked him ; again he ran back ; again he rushed upon
him ; again he kicked him ; again he ran back ; again he
rushed upon him, (and again) he kicked him. "Thus shall
the people do till the end of the world ; thus four times
shall they kick (an enemy); thus shall the number be
when men obtain (honor) from one another in war."
Mldac a'pl 48i/u ka/rjimadci'tat klpa'kunang Ii8i/u utuctig-
wanim. Mldac ka/rjipasank 48i/u utuctigwanim. Mldac
a'pl kapa'tanig 48i/u utuctigwanini mldac a'pl clgwa ka'pi-
klwat. Mldac clgwa mmawa kf pra'cawa'irt 48i/u kistcigami.
5 Kawlndac kayabi oglwabamasln !ni/u Tmdlsiwan kaya Ini/u
Wa8wan, mldac ka'pljiniminawa-u't ; kawln kayapi ugiwa-
bamasm Ini/u Kistci'O'gawan kayasagu Ini/u pigiwan. Kawi-
nisagu kago oglwabandazin 48i/u mini'k ka'a'ni'ijat ani-
madcat. A'pl dac pagawat, mldac ciofvva kri'nandank :
JT • IT • O • O
10 "'lYwisa ka'ijictcigat Ia8a/u anicinapa tci-a'ni'a'kiwank,"
kri''kito. Midac alpl patagwicing, "Amantcigic ka'ijayan,"
krrnandam. Ogiwabama 'isi/u anicinaba8 udanawi'tonit,
mldac kaga/t cixgwa wlnasi'kawat 'i8i/u anicinaba8. Mldac
ka/i'jra'ca'tat. Kago nangana utAiyan. Anlc mldac ka'iji-
15 ki'kiwa/u-ni'kat midac Ii8i/u utansiyanic kanima'kwa'a'nk.
Mldac ka/rjrrnacit anicinaban ayanit. Mldac kaanrrjina-
gamut, anlc wu*o- kiinandam : " Wagutugwanigic ka/irm-
bi'i'gogwan wa8a/u anicinaba? Mlsa o ka'U'mbri'gut, ka'kina
pamadisit uga'crmbrrgun," kriilkito. Na, mldac alpi cigwa
20 bacwabamat 'i8i/u anicinaba", mldac cigwa klanimadciyank ;
o*o*widac krrna*a/m anlc miguna iu utaciyanic kanaga-
ma'tot :
"Wagunan wagunan wayaninabigamug?
Ya aha yo hu yointca.
25 Wagunan wagunan wayaninabigamug?
Ya aha yo hu yointca."
Mldac ka/rciwabamigut Ini/u anicinaban. "Mlmawin (aca/u
Nanabucu !" Kri^kitowag lgi/u anicinabag. "Wagunan
kinawa kitinandam 'i8i/u panlma'kwa'a'nk?'5
30 "Mlsa Ii8i/u, nintinandam, udaciyanic kamma'kwa'a-nk."
"Anlc, kaya i-i'man tabajlc kago uglnlma'kwa'a'nini !"
Thereupon he then began removing the skin from the
head of his (slain). And then he dried that one's head.
And after that one's head was dry, he then started back
home. So now back he came over the sea in his canoe.
And not again saw he the Bluejay and the Swan, so
then straight out to sea he went ; and not again saw he
the Great Pike and also the pitch. And nothing else
he saw of the many things that had been in his way as
he went along. And while he was on his homeward way,
this now he thought: "This is what the people shall do
till the end of the world," he said. And when he was
arriving home, "I wonder if I should go thither," he thought.
He saw where some people were living in a town, where
upon truly he then desired to go where the people were.
Thereupon he turned back. Not a thing did he have.
So when he made a flag, it was his old soiled clout that
he had raised upon a staff. And then, carried along with
the wind, he went to where the people were. And as he
went along, he sang, for this he thought: "I wonder what
would rouse the feelings of these people? By this shall
they be aroused, all that live shall be stirred," he said.
So while he was now approaching the people, he then
began singing ; and this he sang, for it was to his old
soiled clout that he sang :
"What, what is that which suspended from two corners hangs so limp?
Ya aha yo hu yointca
"What, what is that which suspended from two corners hangs so limp?
Ya aha yo hu yointca."
Thereupon he was seen by the people. "That must
be Nanabushu!" said the people. "What do you imagine
that is which as he comes he has raised upon a staff?"
"That is, I think, his old soiled clout which he has raised
upon a staff."
" Why, there below is something else he has upon the staff!"
Kunigimn, a'pl rrma agwa-a'cinit Ini/u Nanabucuwan,
kuniginln anicinaba uctigwan uglnlma'kwa'a-mlni. Mldac
ka-i-'kitot: "Mlsa Io8o ka-o'mbrrguyag anicinabatug."
Mri'dac kaga/t ka/rciwabatinig. Kawm ganaga pang!
5 klnibaslwag cigwa klki'kino'a'maguwat 48i/u katijictcigawat.
lO8owidac krr'kito waVu Nanabucu : "Misawa ki'tcikac-
kandank 'a8a/u anicinaba mlgu iu ka-ijipapagwadandank,
taya pa'kawizl. Mlsa iu ka'ijictcigat lasa/u anicinaba
10 Mldac a'pl cfgwa klmadcat kra-ndawabamat !ni/u o'ku-
misan; cirgwa ugl'u'disan Ini/u o'kumisan, o'o'widac ogri'nan:
"Hala/n, no'ko, mamawicin, no'ko!"
Mldac kaegact ka'todank Ia5:a/u mindimoya.
Mldac ka-i-lkitot Ia8a/u Nanabucu: "Mlsa iu katotatit
15 lasa/u anicinaba tci-a-ni-a^klwank ; kaga't ogasagi'ton 'aV11
anicinaba 48i/u tcrafni-a^kiwank ; misawa ki'tcikackandank,
mlgu iu tciwabinamowind Wu agackandamowin wabandank
48i/u anicinaba uctigwan. Misawa kago papamandasik,
po'tc ka'kina awiya agacopi'i'gun Ii8i/u nindicictcigawin.
20 Kaga't ugapapagwatcri'gunawa Igi/u anicinabag," krr'kito
'a8a/u Nanabucu.
Wo'o' ugri'gon Ini/u o'kumisan: "Mamindaga kigri*nigapa'
'a8a/u pamatisit 48i/u tcitotatit. Nacka *isi/u wantcrrninan.
Nacka iu kimawinanat wasau kitcikiwansi, lisi/u kimawinanat
25 lisiwidec tcitotatit Ia8a/u pitclnag kanipimatisit li8iVidac
wandcri-ninan ; Igi/u abinotciyag, na, mlwagugi/u anigi'a'twa.
Nax, misa iu nln ajiwabandaman," ugri'gon Ini/u o'kumisan.
Lo, when to yonder shore drifted Nanabushu, behold,
a hitman head he had upon a staff. Thereupon he said :
"Now by this will you be stirred to feelings of joy, O ye
people !"
It was true that was what happened. Not for a moment
did they sleep while they were being- taught the things
which they were to do. And this said Nanabushu: "Even
though grievously sad the people may be, yet they will
find consolation in this, they will cease from their sadness.
Therefore this shall the people do till the end of the
So thereupon he started upon his way to find his grand
mother ; soon he came to where his grandmother was,
and this he said to her : " Come, my grandmother, relieve
me of this, my grandmother!"
It was true that was what the old woman did.
And this was what Nanabushu said: "This is what the
people shall do to one another till the end of the world ;
truly, the people shall be fond of (doing) it till the end
of the world ; no matter how bitterly sad they may be,
yet they will be relieved of sadness when they behold the
human head. No matter what may be the object of their
concern, yet of necessity all are bound to find joy in this
that I have done. Verily, from all their cares will the
people be relieved by it," said Nanabushu.
This was he told by his grandmother: "Vast harm
have you wrought upon the living of the future by causing
them to do such a thing. Listen to the reason why I
tell you. On account of that act of yours when you
attacked your brother, that by your attacking him so
should the living to come do to one another, is the reason
why I tell you this ; the children, I say, are the ones
whom you have harmed. Such, therefore, is the way I
look upon it," he was told by his grandmother.
"Aye8," ugri-nan 'a8a/u Nanabushu. "Anlc kawm nin-
dakackitos! 48i/u tciminutcigayamban. Anlc, aja nlngipa-
'tatciga lisi/u nangwana 48i/u kltotaman," ugrrnan ini/u
o'kumisan. "Anlc, mngaglbatis magwa apinotclwiyan,"
5 kri-'kito wasa/u Nanabucu. Krr'kito : "Anic kawm atata
ningltananagatawatanzl. Kaegalt kitabwe, no'ko, lisi/u a'ki-
toyan," ogi'i'nan mi/u o'kumisan.
Ml a'kawa ka'i'nat mi/u o'kumisan. Midac a'pi karna-
dcat, mldac rrman kiundcimadcat idac anodcigu kipapa'i'-
10 jitcigat. Mldac miziwa kl'ijat 'oso/u a'ki. Nackadac
ka'ijictcigat o*o'man a'king.
Mldac caylgwa anibapimusat ningutingigu oglwabaman
awiya ukucininit. "Kuniga klwPsumwatug ?" ugrrnan lifii/u
wayabamat. "Mlnanga," ugrrgon ; "o'o* ninticini'kasomin,
15 kuckungasinag, nindigomin."
"Kagatsa, minangwani iu acinikasoyag !" Midac ka'i'ci-
mltcinat, 'o^oMac ka/rcrrnat : "Wa8au kucaya'ta kuckun-
gasi, ugo kucaya'ta," ugri'nan. Mldac kanijimadcat, kra'-
nibapimusat. Ka'i'cimatapit Ii8i/u ki'tcigami, uglwabandan
20 ki'tciklckapi'kanig ; inapit, kaga't nawinagwatini iwidi
nibllkang. " Undcitamawm ninda'i'cikwackwan i^kwatug
abating; a'pitcigu tata'kuntclgwanat. Undcitamawln nin-
"Yea," to her said Nanabushu. "So I have not suc
ceeded in bringing (them) a source of joy. Now com
pletely have I erred, though no harm was intended in
what I did," he said to his grandmother. "Thus I was
exceedingly foolish while I was yet a child," said Nana
bushu. He said: "Of course I did fully realize the effect
of my act. Of a truth, you are in the right, my grand
mother, concerning what you say," he said to his grand
This was what he first said to his grandmother. And
so then was the time that he started away, and from
there he travelled about doing all manner of things. And
now everywhere over the earth he went. For look and
see what he has done here upon earth.
And now, while -he was walking along, he suddenly saw
something lying [together] in a heap. "I should like to
know if perchance you have a name?" he said to the
creatures which he saw. "To be sure," he was told-,
"this is our name, little winged startlers, such are we
"Oh, indeed, so that is what you are called!" Where
upon, after he had eased himself upon them, this he then
said to them : "This is really the only winged startler,
this is the only thing," he said to them. Thereupon on
his way he started, on his way he went walking. When
he came out upon the sea, he saw a very high cliff with
steep sides ;. as he looked, truly far seemed the distance
down to where the water was. "With good reason would
I leap down if a woman were up for a prize, particularly
if she were short from knee to groin. With good reason
t For another version see No. 24.
taijikwackwan : ^wagwan ka/rjikwackwanigwan?' i^kitung.
Undcitamawm ninta'ijikwackwan." Migirrma a'kuklbabi-
'kanig nlbawit. Oo'dac totam, mlzan ajiwaninigatanit.
Mldac clgwa kru'disat a'a'wati kamldcinimint mri/<u
5 umtcanisa8. "Anm ka'tiyag?" udina8 48i/u umtcanisas.
"Ka, nangwana Nanabucu ninglmldcinigunan."
"Ningutano mawm inawaguban."
"Kawm," kri*lkito lasa/u paji'k i-i'man mowing usibi'tot.
"Kaga't ningagwatcimigunan, ;Anm ajini'kasoyag?' ningl-
10 "i'gunan. O'5'widac ningrrnanan, 'Kuckungasmag ninti-
gomin,' ningri-nanan. Oo'widac kri*(kito : 'Nabisa kuc-
kungasi!' ningri'gunan ; mldac ka'ijimamackitciciyangit,
mldac ka'a'nicimadcat."
Wa'a'widac wanitcanisit ka'i'cikislbiginat ; ka'i'ckwa kisl-
15 blginat, clgwa ka/ijimadcat. "Micanim!" ugri'nan Nana-
bucuwan. Mldac ka'i'cra'dimat i'i'man kickabi'kang, mldac
pacu uglunsabaman. Mldac ka'i'nanimat : "Wrkagasa
mlnawa tawaninigatani."
Clgwa kaga't umbigatani Nanabucu. "Undcltasa
20 ninta'i'jikwackwan ningutwa'kwa'a/gan a'kwutclngwanat
Mldac ka'ijipasigwa'u't laca/u pina, mldac ka'ijikwac-
kwaninit rrman kickabi'kang. Mldac i'i-ma ka-i'ciponlt
kanawabamat animibisu^iit ; mldac i'i'witi nibrkang ka'iji-
25 pangicininit. Mldac rrman ka'u'nsabimat, kaga't kabaya'r
kri'nandiwan rrman nibrkang; wi'ka ayagosit. Undcimo-
'kisawan, mlgu iwiti kabmabinit ; o'o'widac ogri'gon :
would I leap down if some one should ask: 'Who will
jump down?' With good reason then would I leap down."
There on the very brink of the cliff he stood. Now, this
happened to him : as he started to jump, he lost his footing.
And so in the mean time (the mother) had come to
where her young had been eased upon. "What has hap
pened to you?" she said to her children.
"Why, it was by that old Nanabushu that we were
eased upon."
"Something or other must you have said to him."
"Nay," said one moving about there in the slush of the
dung. "Truly, we were asked, 'What is your name?' we
were told. And this was what we said to him, 'Little
winged startlers are we called,' we said to him. And this
he said: 'Like the deuce (you are) little winged frighteners ! '
we were told by him ; whereupon he squirted at us, after
which he went his way."
Then the mother washed them with water ; and after
she had finished washing them, she then started away.
"Confound him!" she said of Nanabushu. And so after
she had overtaken him yonder at the cliff, then close by
she took a peep at him. Now, this was her thought of
him: "I wish that again he would swing his leg."
Now, sure enough, up Nanabushu raised his leg. "For
a purpose would I leap if the object of the prize measured
one span of the hand from groin to knee."
Thereupon as up flew the ruffed grouse, then (Nana
bushu) leaped off the steep cliff. And so after she had
alighted there (on the edge), she watched him as he went
falling ; and then yonder into the water he fell. And so
from there she kept watch of him, truly a long while was
he gone in the water ; a long time was she perched up
there. When he came to the surface, straightway at
yonder place he cast a look ; now this was she told by
"Kagatsa kikuckungasP," ugrrgon. Mldac ka'rciklwat
lasa/u pina ; mldac kayawln ka-rcimadciyatagat, mlsa ka/r-
ci'a-gwa;tat. Mldac mlnawa kra-nimadcat.
Ninguting papimusat, "Anln?" kri'nandam. "Kunigii?"
5 O'o'widac krrnandam : "Kuniga kawm ningakackitosin."
Ningutingigu papimusat, uglwabama *isi/u ininiwac kistci-
•o'samininit wlnlmi'i'tiwa8. O'o'widac ogri'gon !ni/u pacig :
"Anln kaya klnina, Nanabucu, klgamm ?" uglgon.
"Aye8, nisimsa nmganim kayanm," ugri'nan.
10 Ka'kina pingwacagitiwa8, mldac ka'kina acrirnit i''i'u
papikwangana pata'kibinwa'irnit. "Kaya klnina klwlnim ?"
krrna Ia8a/u Nanabucu. "Minagu iu itug cigwa wlwito-
'kasoyan? Kinondamina mini'k 'iYwisa mini'k wanlmrrtink?
Nicwasugin wlnimi'i'tim."
15 Mldac kaya win ka'rcrirt, kipata'kibinwa'U't. Mldac
alpi madci'tanit, nawayal ka'ijocigabawit kayawln klnlmit.
Mldac alp! kimadci'tanit, anic mlsa gaya win ri'man ka-i'n-
daciwacimut ; babanaginanga ina'kamigisiwa8. Kagatsa
kistcinlmiitiwa i*i'man. Mldac i*i'man andaciwacimut, nlyo-
20 gun kanlmit. Anic rrrna" wldci'a't i'ix'wisa kanro'guna-
him: "Of a truth, you are a winged startler," she was
told. Thereupon back home went the ruffed grouse ; and
as for himself he started swimming inshore, after which
he then went out of the water. Thereupon again he
started on his way.
While he was once walking along, " What (is it) ?" he
thought. " Wonder (what it can be) ?" Now, this he
thought: "I wonder if I am unable to do it!" And as
he was once walking along, he saw some men gathered
in a throng to dance together. And this he was asked
by one of them: "You too, Nanabushu, are you going
to dance?" he was asked.
"Yes, my little brother, I too am going to dance," he
said to him.
They were all naked; and the only dress they all had
was a feather, with all but the top stripped from the shaft,
standing perched upon their heads.- "And do you also
wish to dance?" they said to Nanabushu. "Without doubt
it must be your wish to participate? Have you heard
how many days they will be dancing? Eight days will
they be dancing."
Thereupon he himself dressed in the same costume, he
had a feather standing upon his head. Now, when they
began, in their midst was where he stood and also danced.
Now, when the others began (dancing), thereupon then
and there did he dance ; a rousing time did they have.
Of a truth, a great dance they had together there. And
now, there where he was dancing, four days did he dance.
So there he helped them for a space of four days. And
t For another version see No. 22.
gatnik. Mldac a'pl krrnint : "Ambasano ayangwamisin,"
kri-na au Nanabucu. "Kagu' nonda'a-nicrtangan."
Mldac a'pl cigwa krtrjrirnit -, ka'ijimiskwa'kwiyuwanit,
anlc mlgu gaya win ka/ijru't Ia8a/u Nanabucu. Kinani-
5 mit ml'i'ma, anlc kawln anawi maci aya'kusisl. Mldac
kaga't anigu'k nlminit. Aba'pic kaningutwasugunagatinik,
mldac a'pl aniwabaninig, cigwa ki'kandank aya'kusit.
Mlgu iu ajislgisanig uckmcigun. Kagatsa nanontantam tcib-
wawabininig. Kaga'pri'gu ki'tcimawi Ii8i/u a'pl'tcitibi'katinig.
10 Mldac Ii9i/u tcl'i'ckwanlmi'i'tlng aniwabaninig. Misa7 agawa
ugacki'ton anummit, anlc aya'kuzi. Cayigwa anawi plta-
banini, mlsa caylgwa nanawatcimunit. Mldac anawi cigwa
piwabaninig, anlc mlgu iu ajinasina mawit, a'pltci aya'kusit.
Ningutingigu, ackwawabiniganit, klnlbawi magwa caca-
15 ganacku'ka, anlc ka'i'cinaguskank lni/u cacaganackan ml-
nangwuna lni/u ka'ijinank. Mldac kaga't nanondantam
tcibwawabaninig, mldac acimawit, a'pltci aya'kusit. Nin
gutingigu lisi/u a'kawabandank tcibiwabaninig, cigwa kaga't
owabandan piwabaninig. Mldac ka'rnandank : " Ambagic
20 ka-i-citina kipimipaga'kabank." Mri'dac kaga't cigwa
tibickotcayaT pimra-'kwabanini. Anlc mlgu iu mo'kwici-
mut. Mldac inabit ; kaga't rrma mbawit, kuniginln magwa
cacaganaguckulka klnlbawi. Mlsandawa acinatagama'a-yat.
that was when they said to him: "We beg of you, display
your zeal," they said to Nanabushu. "Don't let up before
the affair is over."
Now, that was when they began to paint themselves ;
after they were painted red, then the same to himself
did Nanabushu. He kept right on dancing there at the
place, for not even yet was he weary. And so truly with
much fervor he danced. By the time the sixth day was
up, and when the light of morning was coming on, he
began to realize that he was growing tired. Thereupon
the tears streamed from his eyes. In good earnest was
he anxious for the morning to come. Then at last he
wept aloud for that the night was yet far from spent.
And now the dance would be over during the coming-on
of the morning. And so hardly was he able to dance,
for he was tired. By and by, nevertheless, the dawn
began to break, whereupon the others then began whooping.
In spite of the breaking of the dawn, he was nevertheless
weeping all the while, so very tired was he.
Now presently, after the others had ceased with their
music, there he was standing in amongst the bullrushes,
for what he had met with was the bullrushes, which
he had supposed (to be people dancing). It was true
that he had grown restless before it was morning, and
so he was weeping, he was so tired. But of a sudden,
while waiting for the morrow, he then truly saw the coming
of the morning. And this is what he thought: "Would
that at once the full light of day might appear!" Where
upon truly now straight overhead had come the line of
the morning light. Now, by that time he was tired out
by reason of the dance. And so he looked ; truly, there
where he was standing, to his surprise, was in among the
bullrushes. On recognizing (what he had been dancing
with), he made his way close to the shore. Thereupon
Mldac nangwana Ini/u ka*i jinank cacaganackon anicinabank
ka/rjinank. Minangwana iya'plku 48i/u kra'nitagwagik
minangwana Ii8i/u klki'tcinanotink. Minangwana Ini/u ka-
krrcinank !ni/u cacaganackon. Na, mldac inangwana
5 rrma wawiyac ki'i'ciwabisit.
Anic, mlsa kani'i'cimamadcat. Ningutingigu ka'i'ciwa-
bamat 4si/u anicinaba wltagwagicinit, mldac ka'i'cri'nat :
"Ambasano, niclmisa," ugrrna ti8i/u anicinaba8. Uglwaba-
man kigo^kanit, anic mldac kaya win rrma wra'yat,
10 o'O'widac ugri'nan : "Ambasano kawltcitagwagicimin."
"Awawa," ugri'gon.
Mldac ka/rciwitigamat. Anic unisawa8 klngonya8 i
tagwagiciwat. Aba'pic cigwa kackatininig, anic mlsa
H-man piboniciwat. Anic ayawa8 unldcanisiwa8. Abalpic
15 cigwa gatamwawat Ci8i/u uglgonimiwa. Mldac o-o- ka'i*nat
Ini/u uwldigamaganan : "Indawa sana, kini'tamawa lgi/u
kiglngonimiwa klgagitamwananig ; pamadac nmawint ickwatc
Midac gaga't ka'rcictcigawat. Anic mlsa7 kaga't ka'i'ji-
20 -a/mwawat 48i/u ugigon'i'mini. Aba'pic kadamwawat 'i8i/u
klngonya8. Mldac a'pl ka'kidamwawad Ini/u uwldigamaga
nan oglgoirnini, iniwisa utagamida'kawaganan, anic mlga-
lkina 48i/u uglgonimini ; mldac kai'ciniskadisltawat, mldac
it became a fact that he had taken the bullrushes for
people. It » happened to be in the autumn, during- the
season when there was always a strong wind blowing.
It was true that such was the way he had seen the bull-
rushes. Therefore that was a time when he had a joke
played on him.
Well, accordingly then went he slowly along his way.
And once after he had seen where some people were
intending to spend the autumn, he then said to them :
"I beg of you, my younger brothers," he said to the people.
He saw them engaged in catching fish, so naturally desired
to remain there too, and this he said to them: "I beg
that you let me spend the autumn with you."
"You may," he was told.
Thereupon he abode with them. Now they killed fish
there where they were spending the autumn. In the
course of time (the lake) was frozen over, so thereupon
there they spent the winter. Now they had some children.
As time went on, they ate up (all) their fish. Thereupon
this was what (Nanabushu) said to them with whom he
lived : a Now, therefore, we will eat your fishes first ; and
then afterwards, when they are gone, then our fish will
we eat."
And so truly that was what they did. Now, it was
true that they ate the fish of the others. In course of
time they ate up (all) the fish. And so after they had
eaten up the fish of his companions, they that were on
the opposite side of the (lodge) fire, then gone were all
the fish of the other; thereupon he became angry at them,
1 For other versions see Nos. 28, 29.
ka'rjikusit. Pangi upimayari' kri'cikabaci, anlc mldac
rrwiti iciwinat lni/u uglngdn'rman. Anlc misa pa'kadanit
Ini/u ka'kidamawat Ini/u uglngonimini. Anlc mldac lasa'u
inini anica uginln wandcipimadcra/t 48i/u unldcanisa8.
5 Ningutingigu tagwicing 'a8a/u inini. " Mlmawlntcigawanan
damang," ugri'nan !ni/u wlwan.
aMimawmi'i-u," ugri'gon.
Mldac cigwa mlnawa aciwabininig mlnawa animadca
nandawabamat Ini/u uginln. Ningutingigu anipimadaga'kut
10 saga'i'ganing, anitcatclkawat, ningutingigu kago uglnondam
madwasininig miciwa'kung. Ugiwabandan a'tanig, mldac
ka-rcinasilkank, kuniginln pikwa'k ! Mldac kanawaban-
dank wa-i-ci'u'da'pinank. Kumiginm awiya uglmadwaga-
nonigon : "Tatata," : ugri'gon ; "klnina Ii8i/u kipigwa'k,"
15 ugri-gon.
<O8*o'widac ugri'nan: "Kawm," ugri'nan. "Anicagu
"Taga, podawan kundigu kigfkatc," ugl'i'gon.
O-o'dac ugri-nan: "Aye8, kaga't nigrkatc." Mldac
20 kaga't acipodawat, mldac i'i'man aci'a'wasut.
Mldac rrman ajigagistcinit, midac, "Taga, midcin mi/u
indacikanan," ugri-gon. Mldac kagat acro'da'pinank lni/u
udaciganini, anln kawri'cinang a'pl ka-u'da'pinang Ini/u
udaciganini minangwana lni/u kaskami'kwanawan ! Pacigi-
25 dac udanawickwandan, "Mlgu'i'11 ka'kina icimld cin,"
ugri'gon. "Mamindaga idac ningri'niga'a'g," krrnandam ;
"i'i'wisa kiskwandamawasiwagwa ninldcanisag." Owabaman
1 Tatata, "you fool," an adverb of imprecation.
and so moved away. Not far away he made his camp,
and so of course thither he took his own fish. So thereby
hungry became the others whose fish he had eaten up.
Now, as for the man (whose fish had been eaten up), he
kept his children alive by means of sweet-brier berries.
So once when home came the man, "Now, I fear that
we shall starve," he said to his wife.
"I fear so," he was told.
And so on the following day he started on his way
again to seek for sweet-brier berries. And once as he
was travelling over the ice of the lake, as he went walking
along the shore-line, he suddenly heard the sound of
something out on the ice. He saw that an object was
there, and so went up to it, and lo, it was an arrow !
Accordingly he gazed upon it with a desire to pick it up.
He was startled at the sound of somebody's voice saying
to him: "You fool,"1 he was told; "is that your arrow?"
he was told.
And this he said to him: "Nay," he said to him. "I
desire only to look at it."
"Come, kindle a fire. It seems as if you are cold,"
he was told.
And this he said to him: "Yes, truly, I am cold."
Accordingly, indeed, he kindled a fire, and so there he
warmed himself.
And then the other took off his moccasins, whereupon,
"Pray, eat these moccasins of mine," he was told. Accord
ingly, indeed, he took the other's moccasins, and what
was he to behold when he took the other's moccasins
but really the dried tails of beavers ! 3 Now, one he fully
intended to leave, but, "All of it shall you eat," he was
told. "Now, very great wrong am I doing them," he
thought, "in that I have not saved some for my children."
2 The tail of a beaver dried by fire is a delicacy.
rru iyanigu'kwanig Ini/u uma'kisinan, pacigwag ini/u malk-
wayanan niganigu ma'tcigisinit, miwanini11 wama'kisinit ;
iniwidac maskitibanabin miwamniu pagwa'rgatanig kisi/u
uma'kisining. Mldac ka'kijibabl'tclnit ka-i-cinasi'kaminit
5 (isi/u umackimut, uglckackimut. Mldac ka'i'cislgwabinanit
liei/u udugimma8, mldac ka-i'cimockina'a-nit ami'kuminan.
Mldac ka'i'ci'u-mbawana'i'gut. Mldac alpl ka'O'mbawa-
na'i-gut o'o'dac ugri'gon : "Anipacwanbandaman iima
andayag unabandan ki^ciwanu'kamigag, mldac i'i'ma11
10 ka-rcipagatciwapa'kandaman (isi/u kimackimut. Mldac kanl-
cimadcayan, kagu7 win abanabi'kan. Pamadac kigicap
klgapi'i'nap. Ayangwamisin ; kici'kan o'crma11 tcimadcayan ;
awiya kiganondawag 'i*i/u tcisa'kwanikwa, o'o'dac kiga'i'-
gog : l 'A8a/u, kungwau'k!' klga'i'gog. Gagu^ac abanabi-
15 lkan ; ayangwamisin. Migu-i'u icictcigan rrwisa aciki'ki-
Mldac kaga't ka'i'cimadciba'tot. O'o'widac ugri'go
(i2i'u paminica'u'gut: utA8a/u, kungwa'u^k !" ugri'go9. Midac
kaga't pacu'tawat; intigwamlpigu katabibiciwat. Anlc
20 saga'i'ganing pimadaga'kuba 'i'wat. Midac cayigwa anawi
pacwabandank 'i8i/u tcimicaga'kuba'i-wat, midac a'pitci
cigwa kzTkrrgut 48i/u paminica'u-gut. Midac cigwa miga-
ga'kuba'i'wat; kamicaga'kut, awaniban 48i/u paminica-u'gut.1
1 That is, the manitous of the wind.
He saw how large the moccasins were, that one bear
skin was of a bear surpassingly large, and from that the
other had a moccasin ; and (the skin of) a young bear
was what he used for a patch on his moccasins. And
when the other had put on his moccasins, he went to
where his bag was, his cedar-bark bag. And so when
he poured out his sweet-brier berries, he filled the bag
up with beaver berries.
Thereupon by the other was he helped in lifting the
pack upon his back. And then, after he had helped in
lifting on the pack, this he was told: "When you have
come nigh to the place where you (and the others) live,
then select a large hollow space of ground, and there is
where you should put down that pack of yours. And
then you should continue on your way, and look not back
behind you. Not till in the morning should you go and
look. Exert yourself; make haste as you go on this path ;
for the sound of somebody will you hear yelling at you,
and this you will be told: 'Hey, push him!' will you be
told. So look not back ; be careful. Do precisely as I
have taught you."
And so truly off he started running. And this he was
told by them who pursued him: "Hey, push him!" he
was told. And now, indeed, he heard them a short distance
away ; it seemed that now they would overtake him. So
out upon the ice of a lake he came fleeing. And not
withstanding that, already was he coming close to the
other side in his flight over the ice, yet exceedingly hard
was he now being pressed by them who were pursuing
him. And then presently was he arriving at the other
side of the frozen lake ; and when he was come at the
other side of the ice, gone were they by whom he was
Mlsa pisan anrijipapimusat. Mldac cisi/u ka'rgut: "Anlc
kawln gayapi iwati no'piming kanibiminija'irgusV ugrrgon.
Mldac kaga't kawln keyabi ugra^nra-manisutuwasln iwiti
kani'kuplt. Mldac kaga't kra-nra-ntawabandank rrman
5 tcigistclwana'kamiganig. Mldac kaga't aciwabandank rrman
ki'tciwana'kamiganig, mldac i'i-ma11 ka'ijipagitciwapa'kan-
dank. Mlsa kaga't kawln kra'banabisi. Mlsa kaniijikiwat.
O'o-widac ugri'gon !ni/u wlwan : "Anm wlna kipmasiwadwa
Igi/u uginlg?" ugi'i'gon Ini/u wlwan.
10 O'o'dac ugri'nan : "An'ic, kawm ningutino kita'i'nan-
danzl, kanabatc kicawandagus," 1 ugrrnan mi/u wiwan.
Mldac kawin kicancax nibasi 'asa/u inini. "Wo'o- kuca7
ningl'i'ciwabis ; kanabatc, mindimoya, klcawandagusimin,"
ugrrnan Ini/u wiwan. Mldac a'pl kawabaninig acikanonat:
15 "'A'au', amba, icada6!"
Mldac kaga't cigwa kra'nimadcawat, awrrnabiwat i'i'ma11
kl'pipagitciwapa'kandank 48i/u omockimut ; amm ka-i'cina-
mowat alpi anitababandamuwat a'pana mlgu'i'11 namawan !
Mldac motcigisiwat. "Kaga'tiguna klgawlsinimin." Mlsa
20 cigwa alp! ka'u'ntciwanawat. Mlsa ka/rnano'klwat, klci-
gatnig kaya kra'wanawat Ini/u namawan. Mldac a'pl cigwa
ka'a'wanawat kawin gayapi klwlsinislwag.
"Taga, uwraakamawi'k i-i'man kitonda'i'baninang."
Mldac kaga't ka'rca'kamawawat. Anlc potc taplndiga
i Kicawandagus, "you (will) yet have food to eat;" literally, "you will be
And so in peace he then went walking on. Now, this
was what he had been told : " For at yonder forest will
you no longer be pursued," he was told. It was true
that no longer did he feel the pursuit of anybody after
he had gone up from the shore. And so truly he con
tinued his way, looking for the place where there was a
great depression in the ground. And when he truly saw
the place that had a deep depression, it was there that
he dropped his pack. It was true that he did not look
back. And so on his way back home he went. Now,
this he was asked by his wife : " Where are the sweet-
brier berries that you went to get?" he was asked by
his wife.
And this he said to her: "Why, in no wise should you
feel so sad about it, for no doubt you will yet have food
to eat," 1 he said to his wife. And then hardly could the
man sleep. "This is indeed the feeling I have had, that
perhaps, old woman, we shall yet be blessed," he (thus)
said to his wife. And so after the day was come, he
then addressed her, saying: "All right, come, let us go!"
Thereupon, in truth, they now started on their way, they
went to look at the place where he had dropped his pack
when coming home ; now, what were they to behold when
they caught sight of it but a place full of sturgeons !
Thereupon were they happy. "Without fail shall we now
have food to eat." And so from that moment they began
packing from there. And now when they set to work,
while it was day and all day long, they packed (and)
hauled the sturgeon. And so by the time they had finished
hauling it all, not yet had they eaten.
"I say, do you go wait for him at the place where we
draw our water."
Accordingly they truly waited for him. Naturally without
blessed," but blessed in a particular way, which in this case is in the getting of food.
Ia8a/u Nanabucu ; cigwa ka'klcf tawat, pacik kaya rrman
utackwandamiwan uglpima'kwicimawat Ini/u namawan.
.. Anlc mii/u pra-wat tciblndiganit Ini/u Nanabucowan.
Midac kaga't asawati Nanabucu o8'd' utigo8 : "Nimba-
5 'kinagunanig Igi/u kwlwisansag," l ugri'gd8 Ii8i/u unidcanisa8
'a8a/u Nanabucu, o8o7 ugl'i'go is-i/>u unidcanisa8.
Od'widac kri-'kito : "Magica kago uglmi'kani 48i/u midac
wantcimino'a-yawat. Kaga't kuca aya'a'n namawa'kwan,
mlguca 48i/u madciwat. Midac wandcipa'kinawiyangitwa.
10 Taga ningawabama mtcizazi'kizi," ! ugri'nan 48i/u unidca
nisa8. Midac kaga't cigwa klmadcat mawatisat Ini/u Papa-
'klwisan.3 Midac ka/i'cipmdigawat, mlgu -i'man anipmdigat,
owabaman namawan pima'kwucinini ! Wo'o'widac ugri'nan:
" Ningamawadisa nitcizazrkizl," ugri'nan. Anm ka*i'cina-
15 mawat 48i/u andanit atata oba'ta*rnawan namawan ! Wo'o1-
widac uoq-rnan : "Anlndi wantcinanatwa?"
o • •
Midac ka'i'gut : "Ocrma11 nintonta'i'paninang. Wo'o'-
kri-cictciga lasa/u nimmdimoyayim ; kra-pi'ka kabagijik.
Midac ka'ijisagisitayabinikacit, midac i'i-man nintonta'i-pa-
20 ninang ka'i'cipa'kuplyan. Midac a'pl rrwiti wabamak
agumut, midac pacipawak. Midac acito'tokablkibitoyan,
midac aciwl'kubitot 'a8a/u mindimoyan. Midac aci'a'gwawa-
binit. Mldacigu mlnawa acipa'kublyan. Nax, misa' acic-
tcigayan i'i'ma11 ka-u'ntinaman. Midac kaya nln wantciwl-
25 siniyan. Mlsa'i>u windamonan ka'i-cictcigayan."
1 Referring to the contest between the children of Nanabushu and those of the
other family.
'2 Nitcizaz^kizi, "my old friend:" literally, "my one of the same age as I."
3 Papa'klwisan, "Pilferer;" in the nominative form it is Papackiwis; this is the
Papakeewis, the mischief-maker, in the song of Hiawatha. The name comes from
pa^kwis, one that breaks off or snaps something off; the reduplicated form denotes
the frequency of the act; and the name connotes one given to petty theft, especially
fail would Nanabushu come in ; so, after they were ready,
then one of the sturgeons they laid across their doorway.
Then accordingly waited they for Nanabushu to come in.
Thereupon, truly, Nanabushu at yonder place had this
told him: "We lost to the boys in a wager," l (thus) by
his children was Nanabushu told, this was he told by his
So this he said: "Probably he has found something,
and for that reason they are living comfortably. Surely,
indeed, it is sturgeon-roe, for that was what they ate.
It was on that account that they won from us. I think
I will go and see my old friend," 2 he said to his children.
Thereupon, truly, he soon was off to visit the Pilferer.3
And so after he had gone in, indeed while he was entering,
he saw a sturgeon lying across his way ! And this he
said to them: "I want to visit my old friend," he said to
them. What should he see where the others lived but a
wonderful supply of sturgeon ! And this he said to them :
"Where did you kill them?" he said to him.
So this he was told: "Over here at our water-hole.
This my old woman did ; she was at work all day long
making a line. And after she had tied the line to my
foot, I thereupon went down into the water by way of
our water-hole. And when I saw (the sturgeon) down
there under the water, I then speared it. And when I
jerked the line, then on the line pulled the old woman.
So thus she drew me out of the water. And so once
again I went down into the water. There, that was how
I did down there where I got them. Now, that was how
I provided myself with food. Therefore have I related
to you what I had done."
in the way of food. The term is also a synonyme for a "sponger 5" the phrase
ubaba'kiwisi'kanan means, "he desires the use of some one else's things before using
his own,"
"Kaga'tsa," krr'kito casa/u Nanabucu. "Mlsa7 idac
isi/u Izan rrman ka-irntciwlsiniyan."
Anlc acama rrman mawaticiwat. Wo'O'tac krrna:
Igiwati kitani'a-yawag nintickwantaminang kapima'kwici-
Mldac kaga't kanicisaga'a'nk, kra'ni'u'da'pinat 48i/u na-
mawas, mldac kamciklwat, O'O'dac ogri'nan ini/u wiwan :
"Taga, wabank api'ka'kan. Miguca Isan i-i'man utagaml-
miwang wantcinanawa Ini/u namawan."
10 Mldac kaga't ka'i'cictcigat 'a8a/u mindimoya, ki'a-pi'kat
kabagljik, wmidac 'a8a/u Nanabucu kra'nitrka. Mldac
ka'i-jikici'tawat, wayabaninig kigicap o'o'widac ugrrgon
Ini/u Papa'kiwisan : "Migu -i'man nmtonta'i'baninang icipa-
'kubln." Wo'o'widac kl'i'cictciga Ia8a/u Papa'kiwis, ugra'-
15 gumu'a-an Ini/u namawan.
Mldac a'pipa'kublt Nanabucu kaya ani'a'I'nabit uglwa-
baman, kaga't agumunit ini/u namawan. Anlc misa" aci-
pacipawat. Acito'togabigipitot, mldac ka'i'ci'a'gwawabi-
nigut Ini/u wiwan. Kuniginln kaga't namawan utagwaci-
20 manini. Wo'o'widac udinan Ini/u wiwan: "Mlnangwana
wo'o-ma ka/u'ndatismg."
Anlc, mlnawa anu'i'cipa'kubit, anubaba'i'nabit, misa7
kawin ganaga ningutino icinanzl ; plnicigu a'kwanabawat,
intawa a'kwanabawat ajito'togablgipitot. Anlc, minawagu
25 anuba'kubl; mldac intawa ka'rcito'tokabigipi'tot. Ka'i'ci-
•a'gwawabinigut Ini/u wiwan, anic, minawagu anuba'kubl,
misa kawin kanaga kago. "Anm aciwabisiwangan i'i'wisa
"Yes, indeed," said Nanabushu. "Possibly that may
be a source by which I shall obtain some food."
Naturally he was fed at the place where he was visiting.
Now, this he was told: "Take with you the ones that lie
across yonder doorway of ours."
It was so that, as he went out, he took up the sturgeons,
and then he went his homeward way. Now, this he said
to his wife: "I say, to-morrow do you make a line. For
it was by way of yonder water-hole of theirs that they
killed the sturgeons."
Accordingly that truly was what the old woman did:
she worked all day long making a line, while Nanabushu
himself worked at making spears. And so after they were
ready, then on the morning of the morrow this he was
told by the Pilferer: "By way of yonder water-hole of ours
do you go into the water." Now, this had the Pilferer
done, he had laid a sturgeon in under the water.
And so when into the water Nanabushu went, and when
he was looking about, he saw, sure enough, a sturgeon
moving in the water. So thereupon he speared it. When
he jerked the line, he was then pulled out of the water
by his wife. She was amazed to see him actually drawing
a sturgeon out of the water. And this he said to his
wife : "This is just the place where we shall obtain
Well, again he went into the water, but without success;
in vain he tried looking about, but not a single thing
did he see ; (this continued) till he was getting short of
breath, and there was no need of his getting out of breath.
Then he jerked the line (to be drawn up). So once more
he went into the water, but it came to nothing ; and so
without success he jerked on the line (to be drawn up).
After he was pulled out of the water by his wife, why,
he would have gone back in again, but it was no use
wabamasiwag 'aV11 nama?" ugrrnan Ini/u wlwan. Intawa
ka'katabawat, intawamrr11 ka/rcra-nici'tank. Kaga/t inanga
rrman krirndinigasuwan ; anica kra'gantcitcigasuwan.
Mldac ka/rciklwawat intawa. Kumadac igu a'pl'a'i'ndawad
5 anlc ml cigwa pa'katawad.
Cigwa anawi sigwanini, mldac wmi'tam ka'i'cinantawi-
ginlwat. A'pidci tacigu pa'kadawat, animadcat ; uginln
ugiwabaman, anlc miya'tagu 'i'i'u wantcipimatciat umtca-
nisan. Mldac anandank : "Kuniga ningapina 'asa/u ugin?"
10 inandam.
Ningutingigu anibabimusat saga'i'gan ogiwabandan ;
anlcimada'kut, anlcitcatclgawat 'i'i'u saga'i'gan. Owaban-
dan wapigamanig. Pama mlgu rrman saga'i'ganing na-
wi'kwam kago madwasininig. Aji'i'nabit, mldac kaga't
15 ka/rcinondank madwasininig. "Wagunan?" kri'nandam.
Kuniginln, aninasikank pikwa'k kl'a-'tani kitcipikwa'k,
ma'kwa'tawagan asawawint ! Acrirta'pinank awiya ma-
dwaganonigon : "Tatata, klnina kibikwa'k, Nanabucu,
wa-u'da'pinaman ?"
20 "Aye8, nislmisa, nin nimbikwa'k."
"Kawln, nm, Nanabucu, nimbikwa'k," ugrrgon.
"Kawln," ugri-nan casa/u Nanabucu.
"Kawln," ugri-gon; "Nm 48i/u nimbikwa'k." Medac
ka'i'gut: "Kawln win kri'kitusl Papa'kiwis a'pl cawanimag."
25 "On," ugri-nan wa'a'u Nanabucu; "kin nangwana 'iu,
niclmisa, kipi'kwa'k!" ugri'nan.
at all. "What can be the matter with us that I do not
see any sturgeon?" he said to his wife. For nought was
he chilled by the water, so he gave up in failure. It truly
was not a place to get (sturgeons) ; for wittingly had (the
sturgeon) been put into the water for him. Thereupon
back home they went without success. And so later on,
while they were abiding there, they then began to be in
want of food.
It was now getting well on towards the springtime,
whereupon he took it upon himself to go looking for
sweet-brier berries. So when they were exceedingly hungry,
he started on his way -, some sweet-brier berries he found,
for it was only by such means that he was able to keep
his children alive. And then he thought : " Wonder if I
can take the sweet-brier berries home !" he thought.
Now, once as he was walking along, he saw a lake ;
then along upon the ice he went, on the ice along by the
edge of the lake he travelled. He saw where (the lake)
narrowed into a channel. Then farther on the lake, far out
upon the ice, he heard some sort of a sound. As he looked,
then was he sure that he heard something making a sound.
"What (is it)?" he thought. As he went up to it, there
was an arrow, a great arrow, with the ear of a bear for
the feather ! As he reached for it, he heard the voice of
some one addressing him: "Fool, is it your arrow, Nana-
bushu, that you should have the desire to take it?"
"Yea, my younger brother, it is my own arrow."
"Nay, it is mine, Nanabushu, it is my arrow," he was told.
"Nay," to him said Nanabushu.
"Nay," he was told, "it is my own arrow." And he was
told: "The Pilferer himself did not say that when I was
merciful to him."
"Oh," to him said Nanabushu, "then it is the truth, my
younger brother, that the arrow is yours!" he said to him.
Cigwa minawa uglkanonigon Nanabucu: "Intigwa
kigrkatc. Taga, potawan," ugrrgon.
Oo-dac kri-'kito wa-a'u Nanabucu: "Antagasa 'asa/u mini
klgrkatci. Kawm nm nimkfkatisi," krr'kito lasa/u Na-
5 nabucu.
" Nanabucu, kawm kri^kitusl a'pi cawanimag laca/u
"Ayes, niclmisa, kaga't ningl'katc."
"Potawin guta."
10 Kaga't ka'i'cipotawat. Mri'dac mri'ma11 ka-i'cigagi'tcinit.
"Taga, Nanabucu, midcin uno/u nindaciganan."
Wo'5'widac ugri'nan: "Kawm nin nindanimuciwisl kami-
tciyamban lni/u aciganan."
"Nanabucu, kawin kri''kitus! Papa'kiwis alpl cawanimag."
15 "Aye8, niclmisa, kaga't ningamitcinan Ini/u kitaciganan."
Mldac ka'i'cipa'pa'u'wabinaminit mldac ka'i^kitut au Nana
bucu : "Pldon, niclmisa, ningamldcinan Ini/u kitaciganan."
Amn ka'i'cinang Nanabucu, kuniginln, Ini/u kaskami'kwa-
nuwan ! Mldac kagat, acimldcit. Pajig utanawl'i'ckwandan.
20 "Awawa, Nanabucu, mlgu'ru icigitan." Mldac kaga/t
Cigwa undani-u'da'pinamini 48i/u utogimwac, acisigwapi-
nanit 4i8i/u udogimma8. Aninimina'kuwan micawi'kwam
kidacisigwa-i'gawan. Mldac ka-ijimockina-a/nit i'i'ma11
25 mackimutank, "Amba, Nanabucu," ugri'gon. "Umpum
wasau mi'kwam. Kagu win inanimicikan. 'Acimadci nin-
grrniga'i'k!' inantangan. Kmlgu kigababami'tam 48i/u
a/rninan. Ayangwamisin ; ambasano, manu icitcigan ka'i'-
ninan. Kagu' bablni'tawici'kan ; mlgu iu tci-i*niga-i'tisuyan
30 klcpin pablni'tawiyan lisi/u ; mlgu iu kaga't tci'i'niga'toyan
Presently again was Nanabushu addressed: "It seems
as if you were cold. Pray, kindle a fire," he was told.
And this said Nanabushu : " He is surely the man who
is cold. I am not cold," said Nanabushu.
"Nanabushu, the Pilferer did not say that when I was
blessing him."
"Yea, my younger brother, certainly I am cold."
"Then build you up a fire."
Truly, after that he built up a fire. Accordingly the
other then took off his moccasins there. "I say, Nana
bushu, eat these stockings of mine."
And this he said to him : "I am not a dog, that I should
eat those stockings."
"Nanabushu, the Pilferer did not say that when I was
taking pity upon him."
" Yea, my younger brother, truly, will I eat those stockings
of yours." And so, after the other had shaken them thor
oughly, then this said Nanabushu: "Bring them hither,
my younger brother, I will eat those stockings of yours."
What was Nanabushu to behold but a wondrous store of
dried beaver-tails ! Thereupon truly he ate. One he
wished to save. "O Nanabushu! go eat it up." Where
upon truly he ate it up.
When the other went and took up (Nanabushu's) bag
of sweet-brier berries, he emptied out his sweet-brier berries.
Then off he went, going far out upon the ice, where he
began chopping the ice (into chunks). And then, after
he had filled the sack full (of ice), "Hither, Nanabushu,"
(Nanabushu) was told. "Carry this ice upon your back.
Regard me not in an evil way. lOh, the evil that I am
done!' do not think. (It is for) your (good) that you
should heed what I am telling you. Be careful ; I beg
of you, try to do what I tell you. Do not disobey me ;
klya/u. Ambasano, ayangwamisin, icictcigan 'i8i/u ka/rninan.
Q-o-man tcra-nimadcayan, awlya kikanontawag tcigagigito-
wat. 'A-e'e1!' klga'i'gdg awlya. Kagu pabami'tawa'kan.
1 'A'a/u, Nanabushu, pamataga'kut !' klga'i'gog. l 'Ala/u,
5 kungwa'u-'k !' klga-i'gog. Kagux abanabi'kan. Mlgu 48i/u
a'pana ka-i'ni'taman WCTO* saga'i'gan tcibimataga'kuyan.
Pimiba'ton anigu'k. Midac ka'i'ni'kwa : c 1O, lo, co, lo,
kungwa'u-'k, kungwa'u-'k, kungwa*u'(k!' klga'i'gog."
Midac a'pl cigwa ki'pimadca ; pitcmagigu a'pi patagwi-
10 cing, cigwa kaga't awiya onondawa8. Midac acimadcl-
pa'tod, cigwa gaga't onondawa8, " 1AU, lau, 'au, lau, kun-
gwa-u''k Nanabucu !" utigo8.
'An, midac kaga't nandaganimusig pimipa'tod. Cayigwa
nawi'kwam pimadaga'kuba'to. Kumagu udaplsi'taw^a8 48i/u
15 paminlca-irgut. Midac aninantaganimusig ackam pacu.
Ningutingigu, "Mlmawln tcitabibiciwat ka/rnwawat," kri n-
andam. Ugltcicagwasum 'rru waga'kwat ; aciyabamipagisut,
" 'Au, kungwa'u-'k !" kri-'kitu. Anu'i'nabit, kawln awlya
20 Midac mmawa acimadciba'tod, misa unbtcita 48i/u ani'tank;
anigu'k pimiba'to. "Taga nlngagwanaganag Igi/u ka'i'n-
wawat," kri-nandam. Midac anigu'k anupimipa'tod acka-
migu upacu'tawa mmawa. "Mlmawln midac i'i<u tcitabi
biciwat Igi/u ka-i-nwawat," kri-nandam. Midac a'pidci
else you will surely clo yourself harm if you fail to obey
me in that ; for truly will you do yourself harm. I beg
of you, be careful, do that which I have told you. When
from this place you start upon your way, you will hear
the voice of somebody talking". 'Halloo !' you will be told
by somebody. Do not heed them. 'Halloo, Nanabushu
is passing across on the ice!' they will say of you. Now,
then, 'Push him!' they will say of you. Don't look back.
That is what you will keep hearing all the while you are
crossing this lake on the ice. Run as fast as you can.
This is what they will say to you : 'Hey, hey, hey, hey,
push him, push him, push him!' they will say of you."
And so then was when he came starting away. As soon
as he was come at the place, then truly some one he
heard. And as he began running, then truly he heard
them, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, push Nanabushu !" was said
of him.
Ah, thereupon truly, nothing loath, he ran with all his
speed. Soon a long way out upon the ice did he come
running. Some distance away he could hear those who
were pursuing him. And then all the faster he went, the
nearer they came. At times, "Now they sound as if they
will overtake me," he thought. From the belt round his
waist he pulled forth an axe. As round he whirled, "All
right, push him !" he said. In vain he looked round about,
but nobody did he see.
Thereupon, as he started running again, it seemed as
if he could hear the sound ; with all his speed he ran.
"Now, I will try running away from them who are making
the noise," he thought. Thereupon with all his might he
tried to run, and closer still he could hear them again.
"I fear that they who are making the noise will now
overtake me," he thought. Thereupon ever so close was
he now being pressed when again round he whirled, and
kaya'kri'gut mlnawa acra/bamipagisiit, awanan dac kawa-
bamat? Amc anirrnabi, awanan dac kawabamat?
Mlnawa acimadclba'tod ; kumagu a1 pi mlnawa anitagwi-
cink, cigwa mlnawa onontawa, mldac acimadclpa'tod anigu'k.
5 Mldac anawi cigwa pacwabandank i'i'man wa'i'cimlcaga'k-
upa'tod, mldac anawi caylgwa pacwabandank, micigwa
mlnawa ka'kri'gut. Medac aciku'plpa'tod, mldac awaniban
lisi/u nondawa'pan.
Mldac acipapimusat plsan. Cayigwa bacwandank lici/u
10 andawat, anic idac cigwa andawabandan Ii8i/u tciwana'ka-
miganig ; mldac kaga't cigwa klwabandank kiltciwanalka-
miganig. Mldac iman ka'i'cipagitciwanat. Mldac ka'a*ni-
cimadcat ki'i'na : "Kagu7 abanabi'kan," anic krrna.
Mldac ka-i'ci'a-banabit. Anln ka-rcinank a'pi ayabanabit?
15 A'panagu namawan owabaman iman ka-i'cipagitciwanat.
Kaga't minwantam rrman ka'i-cipagitciwanat. Mldac ani-
•i'ciglwat ; ka'i'citagwicink iwiti antawat, mldac ka'i'gut ini/u
wlwan : "Anln win klblnasiwatwa Igi/u uginlg?"
"Mindimonya, ninglcawantagus." Mlsa" kawln nibasl 'ifii/u
20 tibi'katinik, a'pltciminwantank. Wo'O'dac ugri-gon Ini/u
wlwan: "Intacka kigibwabablnitanzimitug i'i'u anugri'go-
Amc anotantam tcibwawabaninig. Tcigwasa piwabanini.
" cAa/u, mindimoya, kidapi'kan uda'pinan. Kagackaginm
25 na*a*gatc ningrijinanzl," ugrrnan Ini/u wlwan.
Mldac kaga't anicimadcawat. Anisagatciwat, awaniban
ml'i11 kaicinank; intacka uglwabaman mockinanit lni/u
nawawan rrma11 kanibagitciwanat. Mldac aciganonat Ini/u
who was there for him to see? Even though he tried
looking round about, yet who was there for him to see?
Then again he started running ; and when a certain
distance on the way he was come, then again he heard
them, whereupon he began running with full speed. And
though he could see that near was the other shore which
he hoped to reach by running on the ice, though he could
see it close by, yet again was he being hard pressed.
And when up from the shore he ran, no one then did
he hear any more.
Thereupon he walked peacefully on his way. When he
perceived that he was approaching home, he then sought
for a great depression in the ground. It was true that
soon he saw where there was a great hollow. It was
there he put down his pack. Now, when he started to
go, he was told: "Look not back," thus he was told.
But what he did was to look back. What was he to
behold when he looked back? A host of sturgeons he
saw where he had put down his pack. Truly, was he
pleased to have put down his pack there. Thereupon
he started on his homeward way. After he was come there
where they lived, he was then asked by his wife: "Why
did you not bring home the sweet-brier berries?"
"Old woman, I have been blessed." Thereupon he did
not sleep during the night, for he was so thoroughly happy.
And this he avas told by his wife : " I wager that you
failed to obey what was fruitlessly said to you."
Now, he longed for the morning before it was time to
appear. Soon then came the morning. "Now, then, old
woman, get your tump-line. By no means a mere morsel
have I seen," he said to his wife.
Thereupon truly on their way they started. When he
came out upon the hill, gone was that which he had seen;
for previously he had seen great abundance of sturgeons
umindimo-i-mican : "Mockinabanik ogou namawag." Mldac
ka/rgut Ini/u wlwan: "Intacka kiglbwabablnitazlmitug,"
ugri'gon Ini/u wlwan.
"Ayes," ugrrnan; "kaga't 'kagu abanabi'kan,' nintanu-
v} ^S £>
Mldac kfrrcinickiat lni/u wlwan. "Mamindagasa gaga't
kawln kini'tanontanzl k*ago anugri-goyanin."
Wo-o'widac igri'nan wasa/u Nanabucu: "Kaga'tsa kawln
ningri'jitcigasi i'i<u anugri'goyan." Mldac iman ki'a'nwa-
10 nindizut.
Mri'madac papa'i'nabiwat pajik sa^na cigwa'kunamawan
uglmi'kawawan i'i'ma kl*a*ltod rr11 upimiwanan. Mldac
acikiwawat, intawa mlsana lni/u ka'plnawat mldac ini/u
15 Mlsa minawa tcigwa krarnimadcat, minawa aninantcwa-
bamat. Anlc mlsaguna/r11 wandcipimatci'a't i'i<u unldcanisa/s.
Anlc mlgu'ku tasing wabaninigin antawabamat Ini/u uginln.
Ningutingigu a'pitci kawanantamuwat minawa antawabamat
lni/u uginln. Mldac ka'i'cipimadaga'kut 'iY11 saga'i'gan,
20 mldac pimacagamat 48i/u saga'i'gan, minawa kago onontiln
pitiku'kusininig. Ka-i-cinansilkank, kuniginm uglwabandan
kistcipikwalk a'tanig, ma'ku'tawagan asawawint. "Tatata,"
ugri'gon awiya "klnina kibi'kwak, Nanabucu?"
"Kawln," ugri'nan. "Ayee," ugri'nan 'at;a/u Nanabucu;
25 "kin kibikwa'k, niclmsa."
"Taga, Nanabucu, potawan. Kuntigu kigrkatc."
there where he had laid down his pack. So then he
addressed the old woman, saying: "The place here was
once full of sturgeons." And this he was told by his
wife: "I dare say but that you have doubtless disobeyed,"
he was told by his wife.
"Yea," he said to her; "truly, 'Look not back,' I was
told to no purpose."
And then was when he angered his wife. "Really in
good sooth you are thoroughly incapable of giving heed
to anything one tries to tell you."
And this to her said Nanabushu : "Quite true, I did not do
what I was uselessly told." And so then was he repentant.
Now, from there they went searching round about, when
truly they found some sturgeon-roe at the place where
he had put down his pack. Whereupon they then went
back home, so accordingly what they fetched home was
what they cooked in the kettle.
And so once more was he already on his way, once
more was he looking for (sweet-brier berries). Now, this
was the only source he had to sustain his children. So
it was every morning that he went to look for the sweet-
brier berries. Nowr once, when they were very much in
want of food, he went again to seek for the sweet-brier
berries. Accordingly, as he was going across on the ice
of the lake, and as he travelled along by the shore of
the lake, again he heard the sound of something fall with
a thud upon the ice. When he went up to it, he was
surprised to see a great arrow that was there, with a
bear-ear was it feathered. "Fool," he was told by some
one, "is it your arrow, Nanabushu?"
"No," he said to him. "Yea," to him said Nanabushu;
"it is your arrow, my younger brother."
"I say, Nanabushu, kindle a fire. It seems that you
are cold."
"Aye8," ugri-nan; "nislmisa, kaga't nigi'katc," ugrrnan.
Mldac ka/rcikagi'tcinit. "Taga, uno/u midcin," l ugri'gon.
Midac kaga't ka/rcimidcit ini'u aciganan.
Clgwa utota'pinamini 48i/u utoginiwac, midac acisigwa-
5 binat. Kaslgwabinanit kahicimadcanit. Owabaman tacisi-
gwa*i*ganit mi'ipman navvi'kwam, mlsa mlnawa ka'i'cimock-
ina*a'nit ima11 umackimutank.
Mldac ka-rci'u'mbiwana'rgut, o'6'widac ugri-gon : "Am-
basino tac ayangwamisin, kagi^dac mlnawa icictciga/kan.
10 Ka'i*ninan dacigu icictcigan. Kawln mlnawa kida'i'nisinan.
Mldac a/ta ou Ininan," igli-gon. " 'Au, mri<u icimadcan,"
Mldac kagalt ka i'cimadcat, ka'i'cimadciba'tod. Cigwa
mlnawa awiya unontawa8 sa'kwanigut. Midac ka*i*nandank :
15 a Kawln pa'pic idac nintaVrnapisl. Misawagu awiya ki'tci-
winank liei/u nimpimiwanan," kri'nandam. Midac kaga't
pimataga'kut, cigwa bablmiba'to. Kaga't uga'kri-go 'iY11
nwantawat. "O-o-o, kungwinr'k Nanabucu !" utigo8.
Anlc midac kaga't kawin wra'banabisl. Midac pinic ka-
20 'rciacawaga'kut awaniban a'pi i'i'witi a'ki'kank.
Anipapimusat cayigwa ubacwantan 'is;i/u antawat. Anlc
minawa utaninantawabandan tciki'tciwana'kamiganig. Mldac
ri'rna' ka'i'cipagitciwanat, midac kawin kiabababisi i'i'ma11
ka'i'jipagitciwanat. Ka-ijitagwicink iwiti antawat, midac
25 kawin ugiganonasi ini/u wiwan. Ka'ijikawicimut, kawin
1 Not the moccasins, but the stockings.
"Yes," he said to him- "my younger brother, truly I
am cold," he said to him.
Thereupon the other removed his moccasins. "I say,
eat these," l (Nanabushu) was told.
Whereupon he then truly ate the stockings.
Now, the other took (Nanabushu's) bag of sweet-brier
berries and poured them out. After he had emptied them
out, he then started away. (Nanabushu) saw him chopping
a hole far out upon the ice, and he was again filling his
sack there.
And when by the other he was helped with lifting on
his pack, this was he then told : " I beg of you now take
pains, and repeat not the same thing. What I have to
tell you, that you do. Not again will I give you advice.
This is the last time that I shall speak to you," he was
told. "So then, start you hence," he was told.
Thereupon truly off he started, off he went running.
Presently another one he heard yelling to him. And then
he thought: "Under no circumstances will I look, even
though some one should hold back on my pack," he
(thus) thought. Thereupon truly, as he was coming across
on the ice, he then took a straight away course as he ran.
Truly was he hard pressed by those whom he heard.
"Ho, ho, ho, push Nanabushu!" was said of him. Now,
it was true that he was not anxious to look behind. So
then at last, after he had crossed the ice, there was then
no one there on the land.
As he went walking along, he soon perceived that he
was approaching where he lived. So again he sought for
the place with a deep depression in the earth. And so
after he had put down his pack there, he accordingly did
not look back where he had put down his pack. When
he was come at yonder place where he dwelt, he accord
ingly did not speak to his wife. After he had gone to
uglkacki'tosln Ii8i/u tcinibat. Mldac anicagu ka/i'cicink
o'O'dac ugrrnan Ini/u wlwan: "Kagii't mlnawa nintanugii-
"Intacka kibwabablni'tanzimltug waylba mlnawa amantc
5 ka/i'gowanan. Kitiniga'a'g kinltcanisinanig bablni'taman
kago. Amn, kagona kigri'go?"
"Aye8, amantc midac ka-i-ciwabatogwan ; mldac igu 'iri/u
ka'i'goyan ka'i'cictcigayan."
Cigwasa owabandanawa 4isi/u wabaninig. ulAla/u mindi-
10 moya!" ugri'nan mi/u wlwan. Mrrdac ka'i'cimadcawat
iiman kipipagitwanat, kaga't anm ka'rcinank iman klpagi-
tciwanat wantcitagu mockinani mini'k i'i'ma11 wana'kami-
ganig namawan mockinawan. Anlc mldac awatciwanawat
kabagljik. "Mlmawin i'i>u tciwabanicink," ugrrnan ini/u
15 wlwan.
"Aye8," ugri'gon ; "mlsa i'i/>u pimatisiwat Igi/u kinltcan
Mldac pisan mri'rna11 ka'i'ciwawlsiniwat.
Mldac ningtitinigu papamusat awiya owabaman, kuniginin
20 tna'i'gana8 Izan. Ka'rcipipagimat, ka'plciicanit 'i'^ma11 ayat.
O'o'widac kri*ckitowag igi/u ma'i'nganag : "Kagu pacux
alpitci ica'kagun, kago klwri'gowa," ugiina8. Mldac kaga't
nagawasa wantcigabawiwat kanonawat. Wo'O'widac ugl-
•i'gowan : " Amantcwlni/u kltotamag ingutci wayabamina-
25 gogun? Kawinina indinawamaslwanan kitinandamina'ku ?
Pacuginlnigu kitinawamininim ; migininigu Ia8a/u kosiwa
bed, he was not able to sleep. And after he had spent
some time merely lying there, this he then said to his
wife: "Truly, again to no purpose have I been blessed."
"I fancy that perhaps again you were not long remem
bering what had been told you. You do our children a
hurt by your failure to obey. What, was there something
you were told?"
"Yes, but it is uncertain how it will turn out; for
according as I was told so I did."
So presently they saw that the morrow was come.
"Now, then, old woman!" he said to his wife. Accord
ingly, after they had started off (and had come) to the
place where he had left his pack, truly what was he to
behold there where he had left his pack but a place full
to the brim with as many sturgeons as the basin could
hold. So therefore were they busy lugging throughout
the day. "No doubt but that now we shall live through
the winter," he said to his wife.
"Yes," he was told; "therefore saved are our children."
And so in comfort with plenty to eat they continued there.
Now, once on a time as he was travelling about, he
saw somebody. Lo, they were wolves! After he had called
aloud to them, then they came over to where he was.
And this said the wolves: "Go you not so very close,
for he wishes to say something to you," they said of him.
Whereupon truly, at some distance away, was where they
stood when they spoke to him. Then this they were told :
"I should like to know why you act so whenever I happen
to see you anywhere. Is it always your idea that I am
not your kinsman? Why, I am very closely related to
1 For other versions see Nos. 9, 30, 44.
nldcikiwanzi." Oo'dac ugri'nangoman Ini/u alkiwanz!maT-
nganan : "Nltcizazfkizl," ugrrnan. Midac ka/rnat ini/u
ugwisisini Ini/u alkiwanzImaTnganan. "Anlc nintocimag,"
ugrrna8 li':i'u maTngana8. Wo'crwidac ugrrnan : "Anlndi
5 acayag? ugri'nan. "
"Wo'o'witi nlbinunk kini'tagfabanigf I^i/u kitocimaof. inldac
O • O O • O ' •
iiwiti acayang. Midac a'pana iwiti ki'a'santcikuyangiban
ugimrkawiawabanin. Mldacigu iwiti ka'kina kaicra'santci-
kuyangiban mlciac iwiti anubimi'i'cayank."
10 O'0'dac ugri'na8 *a8a/u Nanabucu : "Ml gaya nm 'i'i'witi
pami-i'cayan, mlsa'iTsan kataniciwltclwinaguk," uglma8.
Anlc, mlsa kaga't cigwa kra'niwawltclwat. Anlc kawln
keclca" utibi'a'sm aniwidciwat. Ta'kasinini pimusawat.
Midac cigwa unagucininig, "Mlmawlni ru cigwa tcinantaga-
15 baclyank," i'kitowag. Midac kagact aninantakabaciwat.
Kaga't cigwa umi'kanawa iman kabaciwat ; anotc iman
apagata'a'nunk wantci-irninamanit. "Mlsa uma," i'kitowaL'.
Cigwa wi'kacimowag ; cayigwa mlciac ka'i'cikicipagabawinit
*ij:i/u kawicimonit anic mlgu gayli win andotank 'i{:i/u ka-
20 wicimunit. Ocr ugri'gon Ini/u a'kiwa^Ima'rnganan : "Mi-
ziwa iu Igi/u kitocimag i-i-ma11 cingicimuwat icikawicimun
kaya ; kuntigu kigrkatc."
"Ayec, kaga't ningikatc." Anlc mlgu iu acimadwasininig
Ini/u wlbitan Ia8a/u Nanabucu, a'pltcikrkatcit. Midac kagiilt
25 ka'i'cikawicimut i'i'ma11 nisawicininit, o-o'clac krkitowan
Ini/u a4kiwanzima'i-nganan : "Taga, kimicomaiwa awi'i-'k
you ; now that father of yours is my brother." And this
was the way he told of how he was related to the old
Wolf: "He is of my old brother," he said to them. And
this was what he said to the son of the old Wolf: "Why
(you are) my nephews," he said to the Wolves. And this
he said to them : "Whither are you going?" he said to them.
"Off over here last summer your nephews did some
killing, and it is thither we are going : for it was always
there that we have cached what (my children) have found.
Therefore over to the place where we had cached away
everything is where we are endeavoring to go."
And this to them said Nanabushu : "So am I bound
for that place too, therefore I will go along with you,"
he said to them.
Well, it was true that he then went with them upon
their journey. To be sure, he could hardly keep up as
he travelled along with them. A cold wind was blowing
as they went. And then as evening was coming on, "It
is perhaps now time for us to look for a place to camp,"
they said. Thereupon they truly went seeking for a place
to carnp. Very soon they found a place where they were
to camp -, all about a spot where the wind had full sweep
was where they prepared a place to camp. "Here is a place,"
they said. At once they made ready to lie down ; so after
they had (each) circled a spot in which they were to lie, then
the same thing did he when he lay down to sleep. This
he was told by the old Wolf: "In among where lie your
nephews do you lie too; it seems as if you were cold."
"Yes, indeed I am cold." Now, then the chatter of
Nanabushu's teeth could be heard, so very cold was he.
Thereupon truly, after he had lain down in the midst of
where they lay, this then said the old Wolf: "Pray, let
your uncle have the top-covering." l
1 Referring to the tail.
Mldac kaga't pinanowaniwan Ini/u pacig, mlnawa ini/u
pacio--, mitugigu kauntcinibat. Kaga'tsa klcungwan. Midac
ningutinigu kuckusit, kaga'tsa abwaso. 0'6'wiclac krr'kito:
"Kaga'tsa, nintabwackagunan Ini/u animowaniuwucan !"
5 Ningutci ka'rcra^pagita'irt, o*o*dac uglmadwa'i'gon mi/u
a'kiwanz!mainganan : "Kagatsa kitimlgamag Igi/u kitocimag,"
ugl'i'gon lni/u a4kiwanzlma'rnganan.
Anlc wlbagu mlnawa anigi'katci, anlc cigwa mlnawa
madwawasininig Ini/u wlbitan.
10 "Mlmawlnigu cayigwa tcigawatcit 'as:a/u kimicoma'i'wa.
Aninta wlniu mlnawa awra'siwag mri/>u kibl'tawacaniwa ?"
Mldac kaga't 'asa/u pacig ka'i'ciinanuwanit, minawa
Ia8a/u pacig.
Anlc migu mlnawa kra'niklcosit.
15 Anlc, midac cigwa tciwabaninig, anic cayrgwa wimad-
cawag mlnawa. Anic cayigwa ugri'gon ini/u alkiwiinzl-
ma*rnganan : "Mlsa nongum wunagwucig tcitagwicinang
iwiti pamri'cayank klcpin kicfkayank."
Midac kaga't kanlcimadcawat, midac anupimiba'tot
20 Nanabucu. Ningutinigu bapimusawat, "Mlmawin cigwa
tciglwlsiniyanguban," udigon Ini/u a'kiwa^zTma-rnganan.
Mlsa kaga't cayigwa Nanabucu ina : "Taga, ani'a'tpltcipo-
Mlsa kaga't ka'ir'kwa'kwisitot, midac natunawat Ini/u
25 utickuta'kanan.
"Anln acictcigayan ?" udigon Ini/u alkiwanzlma"rnganan.
Cigwa kanoniman Ini/u pacig: "Taga, kin, potawan,"
Mldac kaga't pimiijawan i'i*man krtrkwa'kwisitot ini/u
30 mi'tigon •, cayigwa acipacitcikwaskwanutaminit, panagum
Thereupon truly one of them tossed his tail over him,
and the same (did) another ; so in that way he went to
sleep. Truly, very warm he slept. And now, when once
he woke, he truly was in a sweat. So this he said :
"Forsooth, but now I am made to sweat by these old
dog-tails !" When aside he had flung them, this he heard
said to him by the old Wolf: "In truth, very shamefully
you use your nephews," he was told by the old Wolf.
So when in a little while he was again becoming cold,
o o
then already again the chatter of his teeth could he heard.
"Without doubt your uncle is already freezing to death.
Why do you not again let him have your top-coverings?"
Thereupon truly, after one had tossed his tail over him,
then another (did) likewise.
Naturally then again he was warmed.
Well, it was now time for the morrow to come, so of
course they were already anxious to be off again. So
presently he was told by the old Wolf: "It is this evening
that we shall arrive at the place for which we are bound,
if only we hasten."
Thereupon truly, as on their way they started, then with
effort went Nanabushu running. Now, once as they were
walking along, "It surely must be time for us to have
eaten," he was told by the old Wolf. It was true that
presently Nanabushu was told: "Pray, go on ahead and
have a fire built up."
Thereupon truly, after he had gathered his wood into
a pile, he then sought for his flint.
"What are you doing?" he was asked by the old Wolf.
Presently (the old WTolf) addressed one (of his sons): "I
say, you kindle the fire," thus (the son) was told.
Thereupon (the young Wolf) went over to where (Nana
bushu) had gathered the wood into a pile ; the instant he
leaped over (the wood), up then blazed the fire.
"Na', mlsai iu acictcigank rru wapo'tawangin."
Mlsa' ka'i'ciwlsiniwat rrma11, mldac cigwa kra'nimadca-
wat ; anlc wrkagwatataguicinog. Kawln kanaga anuglpan-
gicimtmit, nawantcic pimusawag. "Anlc, mritU pacu7 cigwa,"
5 utigoc. Mldac uskitibi'katini acp! wadi'tamuwat. Anlc
mldac i'i-ma11 ka'i'cikabaciwat kl'ircikawag. Cigwasa natas-
antcigowag. Anlc kaya win mina aya'r, uto'pa'kunisag
mlna. Mlnawa wacackwatowan mina Nanabucu. "Kagu
win ka'a'pltcitibi^kak wabandangan • pamagu kiglcap klga-
10 wabandan," kri'na. Mldac ka'i'nint : "Pama kigicap."
Mlsa acinanontayagantank tcibwawabaninig. "Tagapina,
ningawabandan," kri-nandank. Mlsa kaga't ka'i'ciwaban-
dank, anln ka'i'cinank wayabandank kagwanisagimistca-
'kwatini 48i/u monsonagic ! Mldac ka/rcipa'kwandank, mldac
15 ka'i'ciwabaninik, caylgwa kwa'kitawan ; anln ka'rcinawat
kagwanisagimiHca'kwatini 'iGi/u monsunagic ! Anlc caylgwa
kaya win kwa/ki'ta, o'O'dac ugri*gos : "Intigoguca tibi'kunk
Caylgwasa kayawm udanumatasiton lis'i/>u kaya win
20 kamlnt. Klyanabitacin 48i/u to'pa'kunisag, kaya Ini/u wa
cackwatowan klyanabitacin. Mldac uba'pH'gon. "Anln
waridcitotaman li}]i/u kri'cictcigayan? kawln kitagipapaman-
danzln a'pl'tcitibi'kak, nackadac ajrrnlga'rtisuyan. Kagatsa
"There, that is the way to do when one intends to
make a fire."
And so after they had eaten there, then presently upon
their way they started ; for they were trying to arrive
there (that day). They did noj: stop even when the sun
went down, right on they kept going. "Well, it is a
little way now," he was told. And it was in the twilight
when they arrived there. Now, it was after they had
gone into camp there that they built a shelter. Presently
they went after (the contents of) the cache. And as for
(Nanabushu) himself, he was given a certain thing, some
choice firewood was he given. Besides, some fungus was
given Nanabushu. "Don't you look at it during the night
time ; not till in the morning shall you look at it," he was
told. And so this was what he was told: "Not till in
the morning."
And as he grew restless waiting for the morning before
it was time to come, "Now, really, I should like to see
it," he (thus) thought. It was true that after he had
seen it, what should he behold as he looked at it but an
enormously large moose-gut ! And now, after he had
bitten off a piece, and then after he had looked at it,
that moment (from where they sat) did they turn about
to reach for something ; (and) what was he to see but
them (in the act of reaching hold of) a wonderfully large
moose-£ut ! So then also turned he in his seat to reach
for something, and this he was told: "It truly seemed by
the sound you made last night that you had been eating."
Already now was he too trying to take out the things
that had been given to him. The mark of his teeth was
on the choice firewood, and on the fungus was the mark
of his teeth. Thereupon fun was made of him. "For
what reason did you do what you did? You should not
have bothered with it during the night, for behold the
kawln klni'tanontanzl, iwidac iniga'toyan 'isi/u kimisat.
Anlc, wagunac win kamldcit?"
Misa intawa acra'camigut mlnawa 'isi/u. Anlc umisawi-
namawan. Midac ka-rcra'camigut, anlc, misa/ klwisinit
5 kaya win. O'O'dac ugri-gon Ini/u a'kiwa^ima'i^ganan :
"Ambasano, papamigusita," ugri'gon. "Wa'a'wa pajig
kitocim kigapapanantawantcigam, mlgu iu pa' pic mminan.
Kaga't umaci'a'ii Ini/u awasiyan."
Midac kaga't ka'i'cikusiwat, a'pana kamadcanit 'i!:i/u
10 utockinawamiwa. Wrkaguna pitcinag kanimadcawad.
A'pana a'i'ci'kawanit (iYu utockinawamiwa nudac anipapi-
ma'a'nawat. Midac cigvva ningutingigu anipima*a'nawat,
ninguting anrrnabiwat, ugiwabandanawa upimwackltlwinini
ka'u-ntcimaclciba'tonit. O'o-dac ugrrgon Ini/u alkiwanzi-
T5 ma'rnganan : "Anra'yamu* kitocim 'ifii/u u'pl'taw^acan."
"Sa11! Anln katotaman i'i>u mackitlwinic kaniayayan?"
i'kito 'a"a/u Nanabucu. O'0'vvidac udigon ini/u alkiwanzl-
ma-rnganan : "Mamindaga kigri-nigama 'aV11 kitocim."
Obiminasi'kamini 4iRi/u mackitlwin ; ac-i'oda'pinaminit miclac
20 aciba'pawabinaminit ; waboyan idac uglta'kunamini.
"Icta! Pidon, nitcizazi'kizi, ninganipimuntan," ugri'nan.
Midac kaga't ka'pljimmigut mldac anipimondank. Anic,
mlsax mlnawa kanlcimadcawat. Ningutingigu anipapimu-
disappointment you have done yourself! Truthfully are
you not good at giving heed, and on that account have
you disappointed the craving of your belly. Why, what
on earth is he going to eat?"
And so accordingly was he again given that to eat.
Now he felt a desire for (what they had). And after he
was given food, why, he ate too. And this he was told
by the old Wolf: "Pray, let us go travelling about with
all our possessions," he (thus) was told. "Along with all
of these nephews of yours shall you go as you journey
about hunting for game, and this gift I make you for
all time. Truly, he is good in getting game."
It was true that when (he and the Wolf) left the camp,
already off had gone their companions. Not for a while
afterwards did they leave. Ever in the trail of their
companions did they keep as they followed along behind.
And then occasionally while they continued holding the
trail of the others, once in a while as they looked when
going along, they beheld the fresh droppings (in places)
from which (their companions) started running (again).
Now, this he was told by the old Wolf: "As you go, take
with you the top-covering of your nephew."
"Disgusting! What should I do with the yielding filth
that I should take it along?" said Nanabushu. And this
he was told by the old Wolf: "Miserably pitiful have you
made your nephew by saying that." Then he went to
where the fresh dropping was ; when he reached (and)
took it up, he then gave it a shaking ; then a (white)
blanket he was holding in his hand.
"(I) declare! Fetch it hither, my old friend, I will
carry it along upon my back," (Nanabushu) said to him.
Whereupon truly hither came the other, who then gave
it to him, and accordingly then went he on his way carrying
it upon his back. Well, so then again were they off on
sawat utanri'gon Ini/u a'kiwa^Iyan ; wcrcr udigon : "Mlsa
iu Ini/u tcro'nitcaniwan paminlcawawa lgi/u kidocimag.
Anic, mlsa gaga't cigwa aniga'kiawat Igi/u kidocimag. "
Ningutingigu kinibataga'kwismini Ii8i/u wlbitani.
5 "Naginin, Nanabucu, midugoma anu-a'nipimwawagwan
Ini/u monson. Nanabucu, taga ani'a-ya11 'i^i7'1 ubikwa'k
'aca/u kidocim."
"Sa, bina ! Amnda katotaman 'i8i/u animwabidic kani-
ayayan ?"
10 "Kagatsa kidinigamag Igiu kitocimag." Ajiblmra'yaminit
nani'kakubitonit Ini/u a'kiwa^Ima'rnganan. Mldac ajipa-
wiwapinaminit, kuniginln, kaga't pikwa'k uglta'kunamini !
"Pldon, taga," ugl'i'nan.
Mldac kaga't ka'ijimmigut ; ka'i'jipimiwitot. Cigwa
15 ninguting ugiwabamawan cingicininit udqjima^. Kawm
kanaga ningutci tcimiskwlwakunaganig. Kuniginln, Nana
bucu kanona : "Kani'tagawagwan igi/u kitocimag. Mlsa
iu andotamuwat ma'kawawatcin ini/u mdnzon." Kamdtcigi-
sinit !ni/u a'kiw^slyan. U'AU, la11, Nanabucu, wikici'tota
20 i-i'man kataciwiyasikayank."
"Wagunan ri>u kawiyasi'katamank?"
Mldac agut Ini/u a'kiwa^zImaTngan : "Kagatsa kitiniga-
mag kitocimag."
Mldac kaga't sibickatc witci'a't ucigawat. Kawin kanaga
25 tcimadcicininit, plnic panima kaklcigawat paplndigawag.
Anln kaicinank? Cigwa unawi'a- kaya win, abi'tagu wlnin
their way. Now once while they were walking along, he
was addressed by the old (Wolf). This he was told : "It is
a big cow that your nephews are after. Why, it is true
that now are your nephews pressing close upon it."
And presently (he saw) sticking in a tree the tooth
(of one of his nephews).
" Look, Nanabushu ! perhaps here may have been where
they shot at a moose, but failed to hit it. Nanabushu,
pray, take that arrow of your nephew's as you go."
"Pshaw! What am I to do with that old dog-tooth,
that I should take it along?"
"Truly, indeed, have you done your nephews a wrong
by saying that." By giving it a twist the old Wolf pulled
it out ; and when he shook it, lo, an arrow was he truly
holding in his hand !
"Fetch it hither, please," he said to (the old Wolf).
It was true that it was given to him ; after which he
took it along. Then by and by they saw his nephews
lying down. Nowhere at all was there snow on the
ground. Behold, Nanabushu was addressed (in these
words): "Some game must your nephews have killed.
That is the way they act whenever they have found a
moose." Then happy was the old (Wolf). "Corne on,
Nanabushu ! let us make a place where we can prepare
the meat."
"Where in the world is the meat for us to dry?"
Whereupon was he told by the old Wolf: "Truly, indeed,
pitiful have you made your nephews by saying that."
Thereupon truly, much against his will, (Nanabushu)
helped them make the lodge. Not at all did he move
from where he lay, (which he continued to do) till later
on, when they had finished the lodge, (and) one by one
they were coming in. What was he now to see? Already
was he allotted a share, half of the fat was the share
kici/u wanawi-rnt. Mlsa pitclnag I rman klminwandank
"Mlnangwana iu tciwlsiniyan kaya nln," krrnandam.
"Wandcitagu kaga'tiguna minira-yang."
Ningutingigu rrman mamonsutkawat, "Ambasanona,
5 kosinan ta-a<cka. Mlgwantacinac iu alta pimisa'kwat," ugl-
•i -Hawaii Ini/u osiwan.
Mldac kaga't cigwa kimadci'tanit lni/u osiwan. O^owidac
udiguwan : "Ambasano, kagu" kanawabamici'kagun wofio/u
wra-'kayan. Ayangwamisin, Nanabucu," udigon ini/u
10 a'kiwa^zfmaTnganan.
Mldac kaga't.
Amc Nanabucu u'kunacic acikackackiwicink, misa pisin-
dawawat, indigunandagu madwagana'pi'tciga. "Taga pina,
ninga'rnab," inandam Nanabucu. Kaga't aci'a'gwasaigi-
15 nank 'isi/u ulkunacic, cigwa kaga't owabaman na'i'ta i*i'u
ubigwa'kugananini na'rta utowawicacanatamini ; kagagu
mica'klgablgagotani rru usibickanamowinini. Mldac kana-
wabamat, ningutingigu aciku'tigwandaminit a'pidci i'i'ma11
uckmcigunk acipangisininig. Panagu, tcon, ton kaini'tank.
20 "Cigwadac, Nanabucu ningwackwagana*a'mawa !" Mldac
a'kidut ;afia/u alkiwanzl: "Ayawi'k kimicoma'rwa, ta'kaba-
Midac kaga't krta'kabawinint, midac ka'i'cimi'kawit.
Mldac ka-i-gut Ini/u alkiwanzlyan : "Nanabucu. kanawa-
25 bamivvambansa."
given him. So then was he well pleased over it. "It is
certain that I shall eat too," he thought. "Truly, very
excellently are we now living."
Now once, while they were fixing moose-meat there,
"Please let our father boil the broken bones for the
marrow. Therefore then let him be the only one to do
the cooking," they said of their father.
Thereupon truly began their father upon his work. So
this were they told by him: "I beg of you, watch me not
while I am at this work of boiling bones for the marrow.
Have a care, Nanabushu," he was told by the old Wolf.
Thereupon truly (such was what happened).
Now, as Nanabushu lay wrapped in his old soiled blanket,
and as they listened to (their father), it seemed by the
sound as if he were gnawing upon a bone. "I say, now,
I will take a look," (thus) thought Nanabushu. Truly, as
he quietly lifted his old soiled blanket, he saw him at the
very moment when he was biting on an ulna, but at just
the time when it slipped from his mouth ; and nearly to
the ground was stringing the (old Wolf's) saliva. And
now, as he was watching him, then of a sudden (the old
Wolf) lost his hold (on the bone) in his mouth, (and)
straight yonder into (Nanabushu's) eye it struck. Then
nothing but tcon, ton, was the sound he heard. "Oh, to
Nanabushu slipped a bone from my mouth!" Whereupon
said the old (Wolf): "Attend to your uncle, cool him
with water !"
And so they truly cooled him off with water, whereupon
he was then revived. Accordingly was he then told by
the old (Wolf) : "Nanabushu, really you were looking at me."
i See Nos. 8, 30, 44.
"Kawln, kawln !"
"Nanabucu, kanawabamiwambansagu."
Amc cigwa kigicap, amn aya'pitcisigwanig pimida?
Amc udacamiguwan kigicap lifc'i'u uda'kanini.
5 Cigwa udinan : "Ambasano, mn ni'tam ninga-aftka,"
udina15. Midac kaga't a'kat. "Anic mlgu gaya nln, kawln
wfka ninganawabamigosl Ii8i/u alkayan. Amc mlcigwa
tcigackackiwicinag." Amc tcaTgwa umadclplsiganaanan
Ini/u a'kanan. Kagatsa pimitawikanagatiniwan. Miguna
10 anislwaganatank li{:i/u mini'k pamitawikanagatini'k, cigwa
kumaa'pl plti'kwacinon kackackiwicininit Ini/u a'kiw^zlma-
•rganan. Wawanigu ugrtrnabandan lisi/u mangikanagatinig
ulkan ka'rcra'cogana/a'nk, ka'i'cipaki'ta'O'wat Ini/u alki-
wanz!ma*rn2fanan. Amc m!sa/ aciniwanawat. Ocodac um-
o • • • • o
15 -i na*"' 'i{:i/u utocima8 : "Nackana, ta'kabawani'k !" ugrrnan.
Medac ka'i'nat: "Kanawabamlwambanisa nltcizazi'kisi.
Misa' aci'ayayan awiya kanawabamitcin."
Anic mrr11 cigwa kimi'kawit waVu a'kiwa^ima-rngan.
Wo^owidac ki'i-'kito: "Nanabucu nimpakilta<u'lk," kri-'kito;
20 "untcitagu nimpakilta*umtk1" kri-'kito wa*a*u a4kiwanzima-
•rngfan. "Kawln kuca anawi ninp;anawabaniasiban ," kri'-
O • C5 • '
'kito wacau a'kiwa^ima-rngan. "Anic pamasana kaya nln
o •
Midac kaga't kigicap. Cigwa anlc na Ini/u uda'ki'kon
25 kanabatc wlgwasaba'kwang a'pi'tcisigwani 4j:i/u upimita'kan.
Cigwasa minawa udacama ;i8i/u udocimas. Amc mlsa7
cigwa kidamwawat Ini/u umonzumiwan, "Mlmawin cigwa
"No, no!"
"Nanabushu, really you were looking at me."
So when (came) the morning, how thick was the grease
frozen! So they were fed in the morning upon the grease
made by boiling the bones.
Now (Nanabushu) said to them: "Pray, let me have a
turn at making grease from bones broken and boiled," he
said to them. Thereupon truly he made some grease.
"Now, it is the same with me too, never should I be
watched while at work making grease from broken bones.
So therefore cover yourselves up." Now began he upon
the work of cracking the bones. Truly very greasy were
(the bones). Now, while he sucked the marrow from as
many bones as had grease in them, at some distance away,
with his head towards (Nanabushu and) rolled up in his
blanket, lay the old Wolf. With care he selected a bone
of great size which he had split crosswise, (and) with it
he hit the old Wolf. So he then killed (the old Wolf).
Now, this he said to his nephews: "Mercy, cool him off
with some water!" he said to them. And this was what
he said of him: "My old friend was certainly looking at
me. That is the way I behave whenever any one is
watching me."
So then presently was the old Wolf revived. And this
he said: "By Nanabushu was I struck," he said; "purposely
was I hit by him," said the old Wolf. "No attempt what
ever did I make to watch him," said the old Wolf. "So
not till after a while will I feed you."
Thereupon truly was it now morning. According to
the story, the grease in his kettle was frozen as thick as
a sheet of birch-bark covering of the lodge. Now, again
he fed his nephews on it. So by the time they had eaten
up their moose, "It must be time for us now to move
camp," he was told by the old (Wolf). And so he was
tciguslyang, " utigon ini/u a'kiwa^zlyan. Mldac agut Ini/u
a'kiwa^zlyan : "Pacik kiminin was;a/u ningwisis," utigon.
Anlc unana/kuman. "Mlsadac izan rru ka/irndcimino
ayayayan. Intawa mlgu oma ka'u*ndcit," udinan !ni/u
5 a'kiwanzyan.
"Anlc, mlsagu iu wabank tciguslyang," utigon Ini/u a'ki-
Anlc mlsa gagat cigwa kusiwat. "Namaguna aya 'a<<;a/u
kawabanicimi'k," ugri'gon Ini11 a'kiwaziyan.
10 Mldac kaga't.
Mldac ka'i'jipa'kaguzita'tiwat. Mldac ka'ijikabaciwat,
mlsa' kaga't unisani Ini/u awaslyan. Anlc kawlnigu piici-
gwanunk ayaslwag. Paniigu papamigusiwag. Mldac kaga't
Ligitcimamrkawi'a'nini ini/u awaslyan. Kaga't mmo'a'ya.
15 Ningutingigu papamigusiwat, acimawlngwaminit Ini/u
umicomayan. 'Al>a/u ma'i'ngan acinimiskamat, "Intacka
nlnltug manapamigwan," udinan 'i^'i711 klciglnipanit.
Mldac ka'i'cikuskusinit, cigwa kaga't uwmdamagon :
"Kagatsa, nintojim, kigic'tcimanabamin. Ambasano, manu
20 pisindawicin ka/rmnan ; manu icictcigan 4t!i/u kaininan.
Klcpin wlnontawisiwan ciixwisa kaininan, kaga't klga'i'niga-
4ton liGi/u kiya/u. Ambasano, misawa'ku ani'a'timat was:a/u
told by the old (Wolf): "One of my sons I give to you,"
he was told.
Now, (Nanabushu) uttered assent (while the old Wolf
spoke). "This, indeed, will be the source from which I
shall obtain good sustenance. Accordingly from this place
he should go forth (to hunt)," he said to the old (Wolf).
"Well, it is on the morrow that we will move," he was
told by the old (Wolf).
So it was true that then they moved. "I am leaving
you one who will keep you supplied with food throughout
the winter," he was told by the old (Wolf).
And it was true.
Thereupon they separated from one another. And when
(he and the Wolf) went into camp, it was truly (the Wolf)
that killed the game. Naturally not in one spot they
remained, always from one place to another they went.
And so truly was (the Wolf) ever killing the pick of game.
Truly was he living well.
Now, once while they were 'moving about, in his sleep
was (the Wolf's) uncle weeping. The Wolf indifferently
signed to him with the hand, "I fancy that probably he
may be having a bad dream about me," he said of him
who then was taking his nap.
Thereupon when (Nanabushu) woke, then truly was (the
Wolf) informed by him, saying: "Verily, my nephew, have
I had an exceedingly bad dream about you. I beg of
you, please listen to what I shall say to you ; please do
what I tell you. If you have no desire to listen to what
I have to tell you, truly then will you do yourself an
injury. So please, even if it be when you are overtaking
1 For other versions see Nos. 31, 45.
awasP, manii mi'tigons klganabo'kubiton misawa pangins
slblnsiwa'kamigak, mldac 'i'l'ma11 kanra'pagitoyan lii:i'u
mi'tigons. Mlsagu 'pana katotaman."
Anic mlsa gaga't acictcigat misawagu cigwa adimat.
5 Anic ningutingigu piminicawat mi/u awasPyan - - anlc mlgu
'pana 48i/u acictcigat kagatsa clgatci. Ningutingigu
kani'u'ndciidacpiminicawat Ini/u monson - - anlc mlcigwa
anawi slgwaninig - - mldac anantank 8a*a'u ma'rngan pimi-
nijawat Ini/u monzon, kaga't ki'tciunltcaniwan Ini/u pami-
10 nicawat. Mldac cigwa tababamat, mlgu 4i8i/u a'pitci cigwa
tabipinat, ugiwabandan pangPs slbmsiwa'kamiganig.
KPwan krrnandam: "Ambasano, mlgu iu kanrijra/cawi-
gwackwaniyan ciKi'man siblnsiwa'kamiganig." Panagu nawa-
gam kapangicink si'i'nian ki'tcisiblnk, panagu kasaswiinik
15 u'tawagan.
Misa7 papimusat Nanabucu acinica'i'ka'kawanit lni/u
utociman, cigwa unisito'kawa/a'n kc^ki'a'nigubanan ningu
tingigu anrrnabit, panagu ki'tcisibi kabimi'tigwayanig.
Mldac acimawit Nanabucu. Mlnawa'ku ningutci anuwri'ca,
20 a'panagu pabamatamut. Kagatsa umindcinawasinan Ini/u
utociman. Anlc ugi'kantan awlya totagut. Ka'ijimadcat
msatciwan 4ci/u sibi. Anic anibimatamu. Mldac ka'ijisa-
gitawacagamat 48i/u sibi, mldac i'i'man owabaman Ini/u
game, as you go along break off a little stick, no matter
how small the dry bed of a brook may be, and there
shall you fling the little stick. That is what you should
always do."
Accordingly that truly was what he did whenever he
was about to overtake (the game). Now, once while he
was in pursuit of some game, - - for that was what he
always was doing, - - truly, he grew tired (of throwing a
stick into the dry bed of brooks). For when once away
from a certain place he was in pursuit of a moose, -
since it was now getting well on towards the spring, -
this was the feeling of the Wolf when in pursuit of the
moose, truly a big cow was he following after. And then
presently, when he came in sight of her, -- indeed, when he
was on the very point of seizing her, - he saw the dry
bed of a small brook. They say (that thus) he thought:
"Well, now, (without throwing the stick ahead of me,) I
will leap right on across the dry bed of this brook."
Then straightway down into the middle of a great stream
he fell, and all the while was there a ringing in his ears.
And now, while along was walking Nanabushu as he
followed the trail of his nephew, he presently noticed by
the sign of the tracks that (his nephew) was pressing close
(upon the moose) ; and once as he looked while going
along, there, to his surprise, was a great river flowing
across his path. Thereupon wept Nanabushu. Then
repeatedly from place to place in vain he went (to get
across), and all the while he wept as he wandered about.
Truly sad he felt for his nephew. Now, (Nanabushu)
knew that by somebody was he (thus) treated. Afterwards
he started down the course of the river. Now, he wept
as he went. And now, when he had followed the course
of the river to where it opened out (into another body
of water), then there he beheld the kingfisher looking
uglckimanism inabiwan rrman nibrkang. Acinawatinat,
mldac ka'i'cipicigunat uctigwanining anuglna'U'tinat. Midac
ka/rgut : "Micanim Nanabucu! Niwiwindamawaban win
a11," ugri'gon.
5 "Taga, wlndamawicin," ugri'nan.
Mldac kaga't ka'priji'rcanit.
"Tagackuma, wlndamawicin, nicimisa," ugri nan ini/u
uglckimanism. O'o'widac ugl i'gon : "Aye8, klgawmdamon.
Km mawin Nanabucu," ugri'gon.
10 "Kawm," ugri -nan.
Wo'o* idac ugrrgon : "Ka, anica Nanabucu udociman
klma'kama. Mraf'* ugimamiclpici, mra/-u kama'kamat Ini/u
Nanabucowan udocimini. O'o'widac nintinandam, magica
kaya mn unagic sagitciwapinigatanig. Kaya nln nintinan-
15 tarn rrma11 kra'gosiyan, mlgu*i'u kanawabiyan rrman
"Kao-atsa awawa, ambasano, wawmdamawicin," um'i'nan
o ' • • o
Ini/u uglckimanism. "Mackut tcru'niciciyan kiga'i'ci'i'n."
Medac kaga't ka'i'cina'kumigut.
20 Mldac ka-rciwawacra/t Ini/u uglckimanism, Ini/u udona-
manan klwawacitcigagat. Mldac kiwawacra't Ini/u uglcki
manism. O'o'widac ugri'gon : "Ambasano, ayangwamisin,
Nanabucu. Kigawito'kawin 8H*U kadicictcigayan," ugri'nan
25 "Awawa," ugl'i-nan wa8a/u Nanabucu.
"Nacka, klgawawmtamon," ugri'gon Ini/u uglckimanisln.
"Aye8, kagalt mlgiri'ma11 tcra'yayan pacu'irma11 saga'i'gan
sagitawa," ugi'i'gon ; "medac i'i'ma11 nawagam minisina-
tawangak. Midac iman andaci'kawat klcigatinik klcpin
30 mica'kwatinik; mlgu'i'11 acinibawat ka'kina. Mlgu liu kaba-
down into the water. He made a grab for him, but he
slipped hold of him at the head when he tried to seize
him. And this was what he was told: "Confound Nana-
bushu ! I meant to tell him something," he was told.
"Pray, do tell me," he said to him.
Thereupon truly hither came (the Kingfisher).
"Do please tell me, my little brother," he said to the
Kino-fisher. So this he was told: "Yes, I will tell you.
But you must be Nanabushu," he was told.
"No," he said to him.
So this he was told : "Ay, without reason was Nanabushu's
nephew taken away from him. It was the chief of the great
lynxes,1 it was he who took away Nanabushu's nephew.
Now, this was I thinking : 'Perhaps I too (shall have a share
of) his gut when it is thrown out (from where he has been
taken down). I too wanted it, (that) was why I was perched
up there, and watched for it while perched up there.'"
"Truly, then, all right! Pray, go ahead and tell me
about it," he said to the Kingfisher. "In return I will
make you so that you will be beautiful."
Thereupon he truly was willing to do what he was asked.
Thereupon, when he painted the Kingfisher, it was his
paint that he had used. And so he painted the Kingfisher.
Now, this he was told: "Pray, take pains, Nanabushu;
for I will help you in what you do," (thus) to him said
the Kingfisher.
"All right," to him said Nanabushu.
"Listen! I will now tell you," he was told by the King
fisher. "Yea, truly, there at the place where I stay, close
to where (the river) flows out upon this lake," he was
told; "and so out there upon the water is an island of
sand. It is there they amuse themselves by day when
the sky is clear •, and there they all sleep. And so all
1 Chief of the great lynxes, the great water-monster of the sea, lakes, and rivers.
gijik aciglciginibawat. Medac iiman tciwabamat 'a^a'11
ka'irda'pinat Ini/u kitociman. Pama ickwatc agwalta
mri'ma11 o-alkina agwa'tawat Igi/u manito^. Midac liei'man
o • o o • o
a'pitcmawaya'r cingicing 'asau ka'irta'pinat Ini/u kitociman.
5 Wabickisi minangwana a11 klga'i'nandam a'pl mockamut.
Mldac i'i-ma11 nawaya*r tcinibat. Nax, misa aciwlntamonan.
Anlc mlgu'i'ma11 katanisiyan i'i'ma11 tciayayan. Usam
kaga't kigrtabi ka'i-ci'i'yan. *Pi/u kri'ci'i-yan idac ka'U'n-
dciagawatansiwan liu kamldciyan."
10 Kaga't ugawanipaci'a n ini/u kigocansan lasa/u ugicki-
manisi ; anic an i' tins an kimina 'aca/u uklckimanisi. Miclac
a'pidci kiwawlcantam.
Cigwasa kaga't Nanabucu kisagitawacigama lifii/u saga-
'i'gan. Mldac ka-rnandank tcimica'kwatinik. Mldac kaga't
15 ka'i'cimica'kwatinik. Ka*i'ji*u*jigabawit tcigigicap tcibwa-
mo'ka'a'minit klzison, anic manisisag kra'wi ; rrman tclgibig
kipada'kisut. Mldac Ii8i/u wlnag kawm kri'cinagusinini,
misa7 acigwinawicictcigat, anic inasamigabawi iwiti nibrkang.
"Amn ka-i'cictcigayan?" kl'i'nandam 'isi/u wlnag tcri'cina-
20 gusininig. "Anlc, ningawati'kwani11/' Medac ka/rcibwa-
nawi'tot mldac ka'i'ci'a'nonat lni/u uglckimanesin tcimldci-
taminit. Midac kaga't ka'i'cimldcitaminit, mlgu a'pana
ponlnit i'i'ma" winagank. Midac kaga't ka'i'cinisi'tawina-
gfusininik i'i'u ka'i'nackitcitaminit.
o •
25 Cigwa kaga't owabandan mamatcltciwaninig. Cigwa
owabama mockamunit awiya anotc awlya mockam65; ; mlgu
pimra-gwa'tanit ima" minisinatawanganik. Migu a'pana
day long they nap. And so there will you see the one
that seized your nephew. Not till the last does he come
forth out of the water to where have come all the manitous.
And then there in the very centre lies the one that seized
your nephew. He is white, and therefore by that sign
will you know when he comes up to the surface. And
there in the middle will he sleep. There, that is all I
have to tell you. Now, therefore, there will I be present
where you are. Ever so proud, truly, am I of what you
have done for me. That you did so to me is why I shall
not lack for what I shall eat."
Truly, always with ease will the Kingfisher obtain the
little fishes ; for with tiny spears was the Kingfisher provided.
Accordingly very pleased was he with the gift.
Then truly Nanabushu followed the stream to where it
opened out on the lake. Thereupon he willed that there
should be a clear day. Whereupon truly there was a
clear day. After he had found a place to stand very
early in the morning before the sun was yet up, then
into a dead pine stump he changed ; there by the edge
of the water he stood. But yet his penis did not change
its form, whereupon he was at a loss to know what to
do, for as he stood he faced the water. "What shall I
do ?" He desired that his penis should not look that way.
"Well, I will have a branch (there)." And when he was
unable to produce it, he then had the Kingfisher mute
upon it. And then, truly, after he had muted upon it,
then continually lit he there upon the penis. Whereupon
it truly could not be recognized from its appearance, by
reason of (the Kingfisher) having muted upon it.
In time he truly beheld the water setting up a ripple.
Presently he saw a creature come to the surface, then all
kinds of beings began to rise upon the water ; and then
hither came they forth from out of the water upon the
agwa'tanit rru manitoc, anotc acinagusinit. "Mldac awa-
niban," inandam.
Anlc mlgu-rma" agosinit mi/u ugickimanisin. "Ml cigvva
kaga," udigon; "tcimockamut," udigon. "Mamawi ickwatc
5 tamockamu," udigon.
Mldac kaga't acinawat 'ix-i'u manitofi. Mlgu aninibanit
iman minisinatawangank. Wl'kagu awaniban awlya kamoc-
kamunit. "Mlsa/ ca'ta*a>u, Nanabucu, kamockamut wa!:a/u
10 Ningutinigu ca'i'gwa ki'tcimadcitciwanini rru saga*i-gan.
"Mlcigwa !" udigon lni/u ugickimanisin.
Cavig^wa kaea't inabit ri'witi nawaram untcimockamo-
J O O • O
wan, kaga'tsa uniciciwan. Cigwa madwaglgitowan : "Nana
bucu awati kanibawit," madwa-i^kitowan.
15 O'O'widac madwa/r'kitowan mi/u pajig : "Anm kagicina-
gwa'k kayawit caca/u Nanabucu?" madwa*r(kitowan ini/u
Mldac ka-i-'kitut mlnawa pajik: "Madclnata'i'jimanitowi."
O'o'widac kri>lkito awati agumut: "Kawln wlgwra*patasl.
20 Taga, kinabi'k, awititibana'kwa8."
Kaga't kipitotawan ka'i'cititbana'kwa'U'gut. Kwratcigucku
"Yo!" tcri'kitut ka'i'ci-a-bisku'tanit. "Anln kaglcinagwa'k
Nanabucu kayawit ?" kl'i-'kitowan.
sandy island. Then in a multitude out of the water came
the manitous, of every kind that were, and the way they
looked. "But he is not there," he thought.
Now, up yonder was perched the Kingfisher. "It is
nearly time," (Nanabushu) was told, "for him to come to
the surface," he was told. "Of* them all, he will be the
last to appear," he was told.
And so they truly seemed to him like the manitous.
And as they came, they went to sleep there upon the
sandy island. It was a long while before the absent one
came up to the surface. "Now, that is the only one,
Nanabushu, yet to appear, (the one) that you have been
wanting to see."
Now, at times the water moved in great ripples about
over the lake.
"Now, then!" he was told by the Kingfisher.
Now, truly, as he looked out there upon the water from
which the creature was coming forth, truly beautiful was
the being. Presently the voice of him was heard saying:
"It is Nanabushu that stands yonder," the voice of him
was heard saying.
And this one of them was heard saying: "How could
Nanabushu be changed to look like that?" one of them
was heard saying.
And this was what another said : " He is without the
power of being a manitou to that extent."
And this said the one yonder, who was yet in the
water: "He does not want to come. Go, Snake, (and) coil
around him."
Truly (by the Snake) that came crawling was (Nanabushu)
then coiled round about. Just as he was on the point
of saying "Yo!" then (the Snake) uncoiled. "How is it
possible for Nanabushu to take on such a form?" said
(the Snake).
Midac minawa ka/r'kitut awati : "Ambasano, kin krtci-
ma'kwa, awiba^pasagobic," ugrrnan.
Midac kaga't ka'picra/gwa'tanit Ini/u ki^tcima^kwan ka'i*-
cipa^pasagubinigut. Kwatcigu^ku' "Yd!" tcri*lkitut acipo-
5 nri'gut. "Anin kaglcinagwa'k Nanabucu kayawit?" ki'i-
"Kawln, iTiisagu 'i^i711 Nanabucu ka'i'cinagirirt." Midac
sibiskatc ka'picinatagumunit, a'pidcinawaya'i' icigawici-
10 "Wi'kagasa a'pidci tabosangwaci," kri'nandam w^a'a11
Nanabucu. Mlsa wi'kawa'a't tcinibanit, misa kawln niba-
slwan pinic kalkina nabanit. O'5'widac ogri'gon lni/u
ugickimanisin : " Kigawmtamon a'pi nibat," udigon lni/u
uglckimanisln. "Mimawin cigwa kinibat. lAla/u, Nana-
15 bucu, amba, awipimi/! Nanabucu, kagu win wiyawing
pimwa'kan. Kawln potc kitanisas! rrma11 wiyawink anu-
pimwat, Miya^ta iiman mazinatacink mri'ma11 tcimisat
ijipimwat," utigon Ini/u ugickimanisin.
Midac cigwa animadcat nasi'kawat. Cigwasa utotisan ;
20 anlcipa'pacitawat un'o<u cankicininit. Amc krrnantam
tcaposangwaminit. Midac cigwa krirdisat, anic kaga't
cigwa uglkwatackwawan mi/u mi'tigwabin, midac cigwa
wi'pimwat. Anic waca'pmit udicipimwan, kagatclskatwa-
wayanga*a*t. Minawa pangigu pimaya'i1 aniri'na'a*, misa7
25 minawa kagatclckatwawayanga'a't liei/u ubigwa'k. "Icta,
And this again was what the one yonder said: "I beg
of you, Great Bear, do go (and) claw him," he said to him.
Whereupon truly out of the water came the Great Bear
by whom (Nanabushu) was clawed. Just as he was about
to say "Yo!" he was let alone by it. "How is it possible
for Nanabushu to be changed to such a form?" said (the Bear).
"Nay, but into such a form has Nanabushu changed
himself." Then cautiously over the water to where the
others were, came the being; in their very midst was where
he lay down.
"Would that he might go soundly to sleep!" thought
Nanabushu. Whereupon he waited for him to go to sleep,
but the other would not go to sleep till all (the rest) were
asleep. Then this was he told by the Kingfisher: "I will
tell you when he is asleep," he was told by the Kingfisher.
"No doubt he is now asleep. Now, then, Nanabushu,
come, go shoot him ! Nanabushu, don't you shoot him in
the body. It is impossible for you to kill him if you try
to shoot him there in the body. Only there where he
casts a shadow l is where you will kill him when you
shoot him," he was told by the Kingfisher.
Thereupon now on his way he started to go to him. In
a while (Nanabushu) came to where (the manitou) was ; as
he went, he stepped over them that were lying there. Now,
he was sure that they were all sound asleep. And when
he got to where (the being) was, then truly he strung his
bow, whereupon he then aimed to shoot (the being). Now,
in his side was where he shot him; he heard the sound of
(his weapon) when it hit him. Another time in a slightly
different place he tried to shoot with his arrow, and so
again he heard the sound of his arrow when it struck.
"Ah, this was the way my little brother told me: 'There
1 Shadow and soul are closely connected. The soul of a person is his life:
hence to kill the soul is to kill life.
ml'ta win ka'rcit nicimisa rrwiti agawa'tacink icipimu'
ningrr'k." Midac kaga't iima11 waskaningwlcininit aci-
" Micanlm Nanabucu ! Nax, mra*11 Nanabucu nindanu-
5 'i^kitunaban. Mlgu iu nicit kanabatc."
Mlsa7, acimadclba'rwat, mlsa/ nipi uno4pinanigun. Ani-
nantaganimusik nantupatwadank ningutci tciwatciwaninig ;
wrkagu umi'kan. Ackamigu a'ku'kitcipisut a'kwa'a-m ri*u
nipi. "Mlmawln ni'kibig wo'O' alki," kri'andam. Anlc
10 micigwa klta'kwamatciwat i'i<u wadci/u, mlgu kayabi klmo-
cka*a*ninig. Ka'i'cia^kwantawat, kagagu abi'tawa'tig srru
mi'tigon mi'i'u ka'a-'kumocka'a-ninig ; medac ka'i'cinogick-
anig. Midac ka'i'ciskablnig ; medac ka/rciskabig i'i<u nipi,
15 Mlsax cigwa minawa kl'pabamatisit wo'O' alki. Ningu-
tingigu pabamusat oglwabandan saga'i'gan ; oglwabama
awlya tacfkanit. " Awagwanagigic ?" kri*nandam. Medac
ka-rcinasi'kawat i'i'ma11 tacl'kanit, kuniginin 4ci/u ni'ka !
"Amantcigic katotawawagwan ?" kri'nandam. Cigwa ugl-
20 milkwantan i'i'u kacictcigat. "Taga, wa-o* ninga'i'nag,"
kl-i'nandani. "'Ambasano, kiganlmrrninim' ninga'i'nag,"
kl'i-nandam. Midac acikupipa'tod ri*u saga'i'gan; kawli-
cikacklginat clngubl8 rrma11 u'kunacicink, mldac acimada-
where he casts a shadow is where you shall shoot him,'
I was told." And so truly there into the side of his
shadow was where he shot him.
"Confound Nanabushu! There, that it was Nanabushu
I said, but to no purpose. And now perhaps he has
slain me."
And now, as (Nanabushu) started in flight, then by the
water was he pursued. With all his might he ran, seeking
for a place where there might be a mountain ; he was a
long while finding it. And above his girdle was he wading
in the water. "No doubt but that this earth is wholly
under water," he thought. Now, while he was on his way
up the mountain, still yet was it overflowing. When he
had climbed (a tree), then nearly halfway up the trees
was how far the water had risen ; and then was when
the water ceased rising. And then afterwards the water
receded ; and when the water receded, then down from
the tree he descended.
And so again he went travelling about over this earth.
Now, once while he was walking about, he saw a lake ;
he saw some creatures moving about there. " Wonder
who they are!" he thought. And so, when he went over
to the place where they were busied, lo, they were geese !
"Wonder how I shall do to get at them!" he thought.
Presently he discovered what he would do. "I say, this
will I tell them," he thought. "'Please let me make you
dance,' I will say to them," he thought. And then he
ran up from the lake ; after he had been off gathering
balsam-boughs in his old soiled blanket, then out upon
the beach he went walking.
1 For other versions see Nos. 20 and 48.
"Oi, Nanabucu awati ! Kawm klgabasamigusiwa !
Niminawa'O'yu'k !" inawag Igi/u ni'ka^sag.
Cigwasa owabama Nanabucu, "Namantc winrr11 kito-
tawak ningutci wa/a'bammagogun ! Kaga/tagu ningitcrr-
5 nigawagantam. Nackagimn ana'kamiga'k o'o'witi wantu-
sayan. Kaga't rninawanigusiwag, ki'tcipapa'pina'kamigisi-
wag o-o'witi wantusayan. Atatana, ki'tcinanimi'i'tiwag !
Nacka, o'O'ma11 picayu'k."
Anic kaga't pri'cawa8.
10 " Nicimisatug, nlmi'i'tiwin nimplton. Misagu ono/u naga-
munan ka'i'ciwanayan. Nackasagu kigammi'i'ninim. Uci-
'toyu'k i'i'man kitacinimi'i'nagu'k."
Anic kaga/t agwa'tawag lgi/u ni'kansag, midac cigwa
ujiltowat 'i'i'ina11 watacinimi'i'ntwa. Anic ugMdncra'mawa,
15 lisi/u ka'irci'tonit. Aba'pic ka'kicitdnit.
"Anic misa cigwa tciblndigayag." Mlsa/ iicimockinanit.
Aba'pic ka'kino'a'mawat ka'i'cictciganit. "Migii i!:i/u kiini-
•i'na'a'man kani'a'rntotamag; mri/<u ka'i'citcigayag. Nacka,
kiga'ki'kino-a'monininim lici/u kani'rna'a'man, mlgu <<:i/u
20 kani-a'rntotamag," udina i'i<u nilkansa8. "Anm win kiici-
pabami^tawiyag usam tci'kinclisoyan, ningapasigwlwinigu.
Mlgu'ku iu katatotaman i'i'u tca'kintisoyanin. Anic misa7
mlgu lisi/u tcibabatacicimoyan, ri*u tcitcfkindisoyan tciba-
bananlrniyan anigu'k."
25 Anic misa cigwa madcinimra't i'i*u nilkansa. Kiigatsa
udcrkima{: mmi'a't. "Anic, mlmawln cigwa tciwlnisagwa,"
inantam. Midac ajinagamut :
" Hey, (there is) Nanabushu yonder ! He will not refrain
from saying something to you ! Swim out into the lake !"
the goslings were told.
When Nanabushu saw them, "Wonder why you act so
whenever I see you anywhere ! Truly hurt am I over
my disappointment. Learn what is going on over here
from whence I come. Truly, a fine time are they having,
in a highly delightful manner are they enjoying themselves
over here from whence I come. Oh, my ! but what a great
time they always have dancing! Hark! Come you hither."
Now, truly, hither they came.
"O my little brothers! a dance have I fetched (to you).
Now, these are (all) songs that I have upon my back.
So therefore I am going to have you dance. Arrange
you there a place where I am to have you dance."
And so truly out of the water came the goslings, where
upon they now began making a place where they would
be made to dance. Now, he taught them how to make it.
In time they had it finished.
"Now it is time for you to enter in." Wrhereupon they
filled (the place) full. In due time he taught them what they
should do. "Now, the way that 1 shall sing is the way
that you should do ; such is the way you are to act. Now,
listen ! I will teach you what I shall sing, and that is what
you are to do," he said to the goslings. "You shall pay
no heed to me when I become overwrought with excite
ment, for I shall be leaping to my feet. That is what I
shall be doing when I get to feeling good. Now, that is
the very way I shall move about in the dance, because I
shall be so happy when I am moving about dancing."
Well, it was now that he began to make the goslings
dance. Truly happy he made them when he had them
dancing. "Well, perhaps now is the time for me to kill
them," he thought. And so he sang :
"Nabanakatacimuwin nimbiton, nicimisitug !"
Anic mlgu gaga't nabanagatacimuwat igi/L1 ni'ka^ag.
Anic udci'kimiguwan.
Ningutingigu mlnawa madcra*minit, cro'widac ina'a'mon :
5 "Toskabicimowin nimpiton nicimisitug!"
Midacigu antotaminit i'i*u nikansae.
"Ocrkutawin a'pi i'i-u ina'a-man, klcpin awiya toskabit
tamiskuskicingwa," ugl*i-na8. Caylgwa madcra/m :
"Pasangwa picimowin nimpiton, nicimisitug!"
10 Anlc migu gaga't acipasangwabiwat Igi/u nilkansag.
Caylgwa mlnawa udanra/ntciwintan yi'i'u nagamun :
"Ayantaso ni'kiwiyag ayansigwacimoyu'k,
Nicimisitug, nicimisitug !"
Anic mlgu kaga't antotamuwat Igi/u ni'kansag, intigu
i ^ kro*yu4kupinawag acicimuwat.
Anlc midac i'i'ma11 kri'nat : "Mrrman a'pi kapasigwiyan
kayamn tcipabanlmiyan," ugi'i'na8. Midac kaga't klpasi-
gwit, mlgu aninitamickawat ansigwacimunit acipo'kugwa-
binat. Anlc mlgu pa'kic nagamut pimipo'kugwabinat.
20 Ickwantang win mank aTntacicimu. Kagatsa wawisa-
gickagon awiya. "Aninta?" inantam *ai:a/u mank. "Taga
pina ningatoskab," inantam. "Untikwanantagu obo'ku-
gwabina o'<r naminit," inantam lasa/u mank. Acitoskabit,
kuniginln kaga't na'i'ta inabit upimipo'kugwabinani. O'6'man
"A dance on one leg do I fetch, O my little brothers!"
So then truly on one leg danced the goslings. Now
happy were they made by him.
Now, another time as he started singing, this was the
song he sang :
"A dance with the eyes nearly closed do I fetch, O my little brothers!"
Now, that was what the goslings did.
"Now, when in this manner I begin to sing, if one
• DO'
opens one's eyes to look, then will one become red in the
eye," he said to them. Now he began singing :
"A dance with the eyes closed do I fetch, O my little brothers!"
So then truly did the goslings close their eyes (as they
Now again he changed his song as he sang :
"As many geese as there are of you, swarm you with necks together,
O my little brothers, O my little brothers!"
Now, that truly was what the goslings did : as expected,
they bunched together when they danced.
So it was at this point that he said to them: "Now is
the time for me to rise and move about in the dance,"
he said to them. And so truly up he rose, whereupon,
as he came to them dancing with their necks together, he
broke their necks. Now he sang at the same time that
he moved among them breaking their necks.
By the doorway was yonder Loon dancing. Truly was
he hurt when jostled by some one bumping against him.
"What is the matter?" thought the Loon. "I think I had
better open my eyes and see," he thought. "It is seemingly
probable that he is breaking the necks of these who are
dancing," thought the Loon. When he opened his eyes
to look, lo, it truly was in time to see that (Nanabushu)
antacicimut !ni/u kawawisagickagut, mmangwana kawinanit.
Ajisagitcikwaskwanit. "Mimawln tcitaba'kupipa'rwayam-
ban," inantam aciplgagit 'asa/u mank. " Aba'pinisiwagan,
Nanabucu kidickwanigunan !" i'kito 'a^a'11 mank.
5 "Nicanim!" omadwa-i'gon nasibiba*i-wat. Cigwa pacwa-
witamon, mri'u cigwa anubacwabandank i'rma11 a'kunibl-
lkanig ; migu' ba'kubipa-i'wat, intagagimn pl'tcibagwani.
Mldac i'i'man kltangickagut uciganang, mldac ka'i'cica-
kackicikanawapickagut. Mldac ka'u'ndcrixinagusit laea/u
10 mank.
Anlc misa cigwa Nanabucu wikiciswat ri<u unitkansimai;.
Aciki'tcipotawat, mldac anlciningwa'a'bawat lit:i/u unilkiin-
sima8. Mldac kanicisagisitacimat. "Kaga'tsa ninki'tciwi-
niba," i'kito Nanabucu. "Ambasano, ninganiba," ki'i*'kito.
15 Mldac H/>u utclt ka'i'tank : "Ambasano, alkawabam piwitag
tcisagwa'O'wat," ugi'i'tan 4ci/u utclt.
Misa' ka'i'cinibat, misax ka'i'citcangitiyanit ; sagra't 'i'i7'11
unikansima8. Anlc pimickawat igi/u anicinabag Nanabucowan
kitcankitiya'kisowan. " Nanabucu owiiti. Kago mawin
20 uglni'tonatug," i'kitowag Igi/u anicinabag.
Anlc, cigwa laca/u ka'kanawanta'i'nt la!:a/u miskwasap
cigwa gaga't owabama sagawa'O'nit piwita8. "Piwitag
!" i'kito caca/u miskwasap.
was busily breaking the necks (of the goslings). Here
where he was dancing, by one was he hurt when jostled,
it was by one that was flopping around. Then out of
doors leaped (the Loon). "Perhaps there is just time for
me to flee to the water," he thought. Then with a loud
voice cried the Loon: "Look out! by Nanabushu are we
being slain !" said the Loon.
"Wretch!" he heard (Nanabushu) say to him as he fled
for the water. Now, near was heard the voice (of Nana
bushu), whereupon then he tried to reach the place where
the water met the land ; whereupon he reached the water
in his flight, but alas! far away out was it yet shallow. And
so he was kicked upon the small of the back, whereupon
he got a flat curve in the back by the kick he received.
And such was how the Loon came to look that way.
So it was now that Nanabushu desired to cook his
goslings. When he made a great fire, he then baked
his goslings under (a bed of live-coals). And after he
had laid them so that their feet were sticking out, then,
"Truly very anxious am I for a long sleep," said Nana
bushu. "Well, I am going to sleep," he said. Accordingly,
then to his bottom he said: "Pray, do you watch for any
visitors that might be coming into view round the point,"
he said to his bottom.
And so when he went to sleep, he then lay with the
bottom projecting upward • for he was selfish of his goslings.
Now, by canoe were travelling some people (who saw)
Nanabushu reclining with the bottom projecting upward.
"(There is) Nanabushu yonder. Something perhaps he
may have killed," said the people.
Well, presently the bottom that was watching for him
now truly saw some strangers coming into view round the
point. "Strangers are coming round the point!" said the
Aciwaniskapa'tod Nanabucu, anic awaniban kawabamat.
"A'pana ka-a'cata'a-muwat," i'kito lat:a/u mickwasap.
Mldac mlnawa acitcangitiyakisut.
"Mlmawm cigwa kinibagwan," i'kitowag Igi/u anicinabag.
5 "Mlmawin kinibagwan," i'kitowag. "Taga, mlnawa saga-
waota." Acisagawa'O'wat, mlnawa aci-a'ca'ta'a-muwat.
Cigwa minawa uganonigon iyutclt : "Plwitag sagawa'a'-
mog." Mlgu iu anigucktisit Nanabucu. Minawa kigito-
wan ini/u utcitin : "Pana kacata'a'muwat," utigon Ini/u
10 utcitin.
"Micanim !" utitan i'i>u utclt. Acipa'pasagupitot • panim-
agu kakackipitot mri-u klponiltot.
"Kaga'tigu kawm ba'pic minawa nintawlntamawasi,"
tidinanimigun rru utclt.
15 Minawa acisagawa'O'wat Igi/l1 anicinabag. "Mldac i'i<u
kinibat," i'kitowag. '"A'a/u, taga, awri'nabiwata6. Kago
kuca ugini'tonatug." Mldac kaga't acikabawat, kagalt
opotawanini kra'yani. Mldac acikimodimawat ka'kina 4!:i/u
uni4kansimini. Anic kickisitabinawat, anicisagisitowat iiman
20 kanondcimo^awawat i*i>u ni'kansa8.
Cigwa kuskusi Nanabucu. "E^ nindonsamingwam !
Mlmawln usamisuwagwan Igi/u nini'ka^simag. Tagataga
skumakuta." Ani'i'ciwlkubitot i'i<u usidansini, migu acina-
ni'kibitot. "Nax, mlsa kaga't usamisowat nini'kansimag."
25 Mlnawa pacig utanuwi'kubiton, mlgayabi aci'u'ndcipitot.
"Mlsa gaga't usamisuwat Igi/u nini'kansimag." Mldac
Up leaped Nanabushu from where he lay, but there
was no one for him to see.
"Straightway back have they turned," said the bottom.
And so again he lay with his bottom projecting upward.
"Perhaps now he may be asleep," said the people.
"Perhaps he may be asleep," they said. "Pray, let us
again go round the point." They then went round the
point, but again they withdrew.
Now, again he was addressed by his bottom saying :
"Strangers are coming round the point." Whereupon then
up rose Nanabushu from where he lay. Again spoke his
bottom, saying: "Forthwith out of sight they withdrew,"
he was told by his bottom.
"Wretch!" he said to his bottom. Then vigorously he
scratched it ; and not till he had scratched it so hard that
it bled did he then let it alone.
"Surely, not another time would I warn him," was the
thought entertained of him by his bottom.
Then again round the point into view came the people.
"He has now gone to sleep," they said. "Now, then, I
say, let us go (and) look. Something surely must he have
killed." And then, in truth, when they went ashore, sure
enough, there was his fire. Thereupon they robbed him
of all his goslings. So, breaking off the legs (of the
goslings), they put them sticking out of the place from
which they took out the goslings.
Then up woke Nanabushu. "Why, I have overslept!
Perhaps overdone must be those goslings of mine. Per
haps I had better look at them." As one after another
he pulled out their little feet, he was pulling them off.
"Why, it is true that over-long have my goslings cooked."
Another he tried in vain to pull out, and that too he
pulled off. "It is true that too long have my goslings
been cooking." And so, when one after another he had
ka'kina aniciwfkubitot, "Kanabatc ma win ningigimotimigog,"
inandam. O'o'dac uditan rru utclt : "Klgayanimis kicpin
ka'kimotimigowanan," uditan 'iei/u utclt. Mldac anubaba-
nantwawanga-i'gat, mlsa7 kawln kanaga pajik umi'kawasln.
5 "Micanim!" i'kito. "Wantcitotawit kiwintamawisi'k!" i'kito.
Kaga't unickri'gun 'i8i/u utclt. Mlsa7 acimawandcitot misa'n,
uticpa'kwisitonan Ini/u misan. Aciki'tcipotawat, aba' pic
ka'kitcipotawat acinisawa'a'ng 49i/u ickuta. Amc, tcagisu.
Anicagu, "Tel!" ka'i'nwawatanig *i8i/u utclt; pmicigu kasi-
10 'tawickat, kasitawitiyat. Amc o'O'dac uditan 48i/u utclt:
"Ae8, ctcin, tcin, f;cin!' ka'i'nwayan ka'kimotimigoyan Igi/u
nini'kansimag," uditan lisi/u utclt. Madwatanig. " Mlmawl-
ni'i<u tcagisugwan," ki'i'nandam. Mldac ka'i'cii'kugabawit
cayigwa anawimadca, mlgu iu ajikaskitosig lisi/u anuwima-
15 dcat. Mlgu iu acitongitiya'a'mit, anic kawln ugackitosm
liGi/u tcipimusat. "Anmta aci-a*yawanan ?" inantam. Misax
acipwanawitot anuwlpimusat. O'O'dac kri'nandam; "Aman-
tcigic nantawm i'i'wisa kibwanawi'toyan, tcipimusayan ?"
Mldac ka-i'cinantawabantank ningutci ki'tcigickabi'kanig,
20 cigwadac ka*i-cicockwatciwat 'i8!7!!!^11 klckabi'kanig. Kap-
angicing, abanabit, panagu kaba'a-yagu'kanig i'i'u utdmi-
gitiyan. Mldac ka-i-'kitut: "Ei, wa'kunag uga'i-nawan
anicinabag tci'a'nia^kiwang !"
Anrrjaniadcat niinawa ; cayigwa anibabimusat ngiwab-
25 andanan miltigonsan u'kwa'kitanig. Anic ajinisawitiyantank,
abanabit, panagu kamiskwiwa'kwatinig Ini/u mi'tigonsan.
ut£i, miskwablmagon ogaitanawan anicinabag tci'a'ni'a''ki-
1 1 1
taken them all out, then, "Perhaps I may have been
robbed," he thought. So this he said to his bottom :
"You shall suffer if I have been robbed," he said to his
bottom. Thereupon he searched about in among the ashes,
but not a single one did he find. "Wretch!" he said.
"For what reason should he thus treat me, that he should
not tell me!" he said. Truly was he angered by his bottom.
And so, when he set to gathering firewood, high he stacked
the pile. Then he kindled a great fire ; and by the time
he had the fire going strong, he stood over the fire with
legs spread apart. Well, he was thoroughly burned.
Simply "Tci!" was the only sound the bottom made; (he
burned) till he was drawn tight, drawn tight at the bottom.
So then this he said to his bottom: "Yes, 'tcP, tcln, tc!n !'
is what you say after letting me be robbed of those gos
lings of mine," he said to his bottom. He heard it utter
a sound. "Perhaps it may now be thoroughly burned,"
he thought. And after he had taken his stand away
(from the fire), he then tried in vain to go ; but he was
unable to try to start. And so his legs were stretched far
apart, but he was not able to walk. "Wonder what may
be the matter with me !" he thought. And so he was
without strength when he tried to walk. So this he thought :
"I am curious to know what it is that prevents me from
being able to walk." And when he had sought for a
place where there was a very steep cliff, then down from
the cliff he slid. When he alighted, he looked back (and)
saw nothing but the sore of his bottom along where he
had slid. And this was what he said: "Oh, lichens shall
the people call it as long as the world lasts!"
Then he continued on his way again. Now, while he
was walking about, he saw a dense growth of shrub. Now,
as he walked through their midst, he then looked behind,
and all the way was the shrub reddened. "Oh, red willows
I 1 2
wang ! Anicinabag sagaswawat uga'a-'pa'kusiganawan,"
Mldac ka-a-ni-ijimadcat. Ningutingigu anibabimusat
mlnawa ka'a'nrrjinisawitiyantank mi'tigonsan, kawlndac
5 kwa'tc miskwlwa'kusininiwan. "Wo'o'wisa uga'rcini'kata-
nawa anicinabag tci-a'iii'a-'kiwang, pagwatc miskwabima-
gog ta'i'nawag," kl'
Midac ka-a-ni-i*cimamadcat. Ningutingigu papimusat
awiya uglwabamas. "Anln acinickasuyag?" ugri'na8.
10 "Kuniga kitamugumwatug ?"
"Ayes," ugri'go8. Midac ka'i'gut : "Ayes, kagat ninta-
"Amc ani'kagayag 'i^wisa nlbiwa amugoyag?"
"Kawinsa winigu kago nintini'kagaslmin. Mlsa ya'tagu
15 Ii8i/u pogisi'kagayank."
Midac ka-i-ci'a-mwat, anic ugri*gofi i*i'u amuntwa ; pama
ka'ta'a'mwat ugrponi*atfi. "Kagatsa klwmgipugusim,"
ugri'na8. Mldac a'pra'nimamadcat. Ningutingigu anipa-
pimusat pamagu tatanaming, "PonG!" inwanit. Acimadci-
20 pa'tot, "Awanan ka'i'nwat?" krrnandam. Wasa pagami-
'pa'tot. Magwagu mlnawa anipapimusat, "Po8!" inwawan
awiya, acra/pamipagisut, "Awanan ka'i'nwat?" kri'nan-
tam. Magwagu mlnawa anipapimusat, panimagu wantci-
shall the people call them till the end of the world ! The
people, when they smoke, shall use them for a mixture
(in their tobacco)," he said.
And so upon his way he then started. And by and
by, as he went travelling along, he again went wading
through some bushes, but not quite so much were they
reddened. "This, indeed, shall the people call them till
the end of the world, - - wild red willows shall they be
called," he said.
So then upon his way he slowly went along. And
once while travelling along he saw some creatures. " What
o o
are you called?" he said to them. "Wonder if you may
be eaten for food !"
"Yes," he was told. Now, this was what he was told:
"Yes, truly we are eaten for food."
"What is your effect upon one after a great deal of
you has been eaten?"
"No (evil) effect of any sort do we leave. The only
thing we do is to make one windy in the stomach."
Thereupon he ate them, for he was told that they were
good to eat ; not till he had had his fill of them did he
leave them alone. "Truly a pleasing taste you have," he
said to them. And so then he kept straight on his course
of travel. Now, once as he was travelling along, of a
sudden at the rear, "Po!" came a sound. As he started
running, "Who was it made that noise?" he thought.
Afar was he now getting while on the run. And while
again he was walking along, "Po!" was the sound some
thing uttered; when round he whirled, "Who was it made
that sound?" he thought. And while again he was walking
1 For another version see No. 23.
pogitit acimadclpa'tot. "Ambasano, ningagagwanagana
^a'11 ka/rnwat," krrnantam. Kwatciku'ku aninanawatcisat
pamagu mlnawa, "Pon{M" anwanit. Misa' sagisit. "Amba
sano, ninga-a/'kamawa 'aV11 ka-rnwat," krrnandam. Aci'a'-
5 'kandwadank Ii8i/u umi'kana ; mlsagu klci-a'caglwa, midac
inia" wansabandank Ii8i/u umi'kana. Panimagu mlnawa
npi'kwanang uwlya nwantawat. Mlsa7 untcita anwanit,
uPonC!" Acipasiguntcisat. "Taba'pinisiwagan, awanac wara/u
pamfnica'O'gwan ! Ka/tcimanitowigwan," ki-rnantam aci-
10 madclpa'tot kistcra'nigu4k. Magwagu anipimipa'tot, pamagu
mlnawa, "PonC!" Ki'tciwasa pangicin, apamipagisut • anlc,
kawin owabamasln anu'a-swaganat. Panimagu mlnawa
Wwiti upi'kwanang wantcinontagusinit, "Pon!" "Taba-
'pinisiwagan !" inandam acimadcipa'tot. Mlgiri'ma11 maclcl-
15 pa'tot, mlnawa, "Pon8!" "Taba/pinisiwagan !" inandam
anigirk ajimadclpa'tot ; kagu'pri'gu pacux aba'to, pimipa'tot
anigu'k. Mlsax undcita ani'tank utackwayaming, "Ponl:!"
Kagu'pigu antasupangicink, "PonC, pon8, pon8, ponS, ponf: !"
- "Midac 'ifii/u ml'taglni/u ka'i'ciwat niclmayagsa klbiwaba-
20 magwa Igi/n ackipwag.1 'Nimpogisi'kakamin,' ningrrgog.
Takln, ei, nimpogit! mlsa/ ka/r'kitowat anicinabag nicijayag,
tcini'a''klwank." Magwagu anipapimusat, panimagu mlnawa,
- "Ei, nimpogit!"
1 Ackipwag, "artichokes:" literally, "raw objects."
along, suddenly from the place where he broke wind he
started running. "Well, now, I will try to leave behind
the one that is making the sound," he thought. Just as
he was about to slacken his speed, then suddenly again,
"Po!" was the sound something made. Thereupon he
became afraid. "Well, now, I will watch for the one that
uttered the sound," he thought. Then he lay in wait for
it beside the path ; and then a short ways back he went,
and so from there by the road he watched for it. Suddenly
again at his back some creature he heard. And as before,
it uttered the same "Po!" Then up he leaped to his feet.
" For goodness sake ! wonder who it is that may be fol
lowing me ! It must be a great manitou being," he thought
as he started running at the very top of his speed. And
while he was running along, suddenly again, "Po!" A
great distance off he landed, when round he whirled ; why,
he did not see the one at whom he tried in vain to aim
a blow. And later again, from yonder at his back, was
heard the sound of some one saying, "Po!" "For good
ness sake !" he thought as he started running. And there
where he started running, again, "Po!" "For goodness
sake !" he thought as with speed he started running. Then
at last a short way he ran ; as he went, he ran with speed.
But what he heard behind him was still the same sound,
"Po!" Then finally at every step he took it was, "Po,
po, po, po, po !" "Why, this was just what my little
brothers told me when I saw the artichokes.1 'We make
people windy in the stomach,' I was told. Oh, why, I
am breaking wind ! That is what the people, my uncles,
shall say till the end of the world." And while he went
walking along, then of a sudden again, "Po!" - "Why, I
am breaking wind !"
Aye8, anipapimusat acimadabit sibi a'panagu inabit anlbi
minan ka/a-yitcitagiskotanig. "Kaga't pama tamltciyan
ningaponi'tonan," inantam. Mldac igu clgwa acru'cigaba-
wi'tank; inabit rrwiti nibi'kang, panagu anlbiminan. "Taga,
5 ml iwiti ni'tam ningamltcinan," krrnandam. Acigagltci-
kunaya'u't aciba'kubikwackwanit anupapanantublkantcigat.
Wagunac kamrkwandank? A'kwanapawat, acimockamut ;
inabit, ml gayubi ka'i*nagotanik ini/u anlbiminan. "Aman-
tcigic 48i/u klmrkwandanziwan ?" inandam. Mlnawa ajipa-
10 'kublkwackwanit, aciklcklngwacink ; mldac aci*a-gwaslt
acimawit. Anlc wlsagicin, pana mlgu miskwi usklcigunk.
Agwasltidac ajiki'tcimawit •, magwagu mawit, kago unana-
cabickagun. Acipa'katawabit inabit, panagu anlbiminan.
Utanimamatantanan. Ka'tamitcit aciponi'tot.
Mianicmamadcat. Ningutingigu anipapimusat, tcimica-
waskusiwagani waditank. Ajrrnabit i'i'witi waya lkwackusi/u
tci'a'yaba ati'kwan klpimatabickusiwawan. Kagatsa umi-
Yea, as he went walking along, he came out upon a
river, where, while looking about, he saw nothing but high-
bush cranberries that hung with drooping head. "Truly,
not till after I have eaten enough will I leave them alone,"
he thought. So thereupon he then went and stood in
their midst ; as he looked down in the water, nothing
(could be seen) but high-bush cranberries. " Now, those
yonder first will I eat," he thought. When he was un
dressed, he then leaped into the stream where beneath
the water he sought for things to eat. But what was
there for him to bite upon ? He was getting out of breath
in the water when he then came up to the surface ; as
he looked, there still hung the high-bush cranberries.
C5 O
"Wonder how I did not bite upon any!" he thought.
When again into the water he leaped, he cut his face by
landing (on a rock) • and so when he came out of the
water, he was weeping. Naturally, he was hurt in the fall ;
and, to crown all, his eyes were filled with blood. And
as he came out of the water, he was crying bitterly ; and
while he cried, he felt the rub of something across the
face. On opening his eyes to see, he glanced about,
and there were the high-bush cranberries without measure.
Thither he went, and ate of them without stint. After
he had eaten enough, then he quit.
Thereupon he continued steadily on his way. Now,
once while he was walking along, to a wide field of high
grass he came. As he looked toward the other end of
i For another version see No. 21. 2 For another version see No. 19.
sawinawan. "Amantcigic ka/rna'pinanawagipanan ?" Aci-
wabamigut, "Intacltug kapasamit," inandam lau adilk.
"Tagantawa ninga'a'cima," animadclba'to 'a5:a/u adi'k.
Cigwa kaga't umadwakanonigon : utAi, niclmisa', amantcwin
5 48i/u kltotaman ningutci wayapaminanin ? A'kawa, klwiti-
batcimo'tawin ! Kaga't ki'tci'i'nakamigat o'o'witi wantu-
sayan," udinan. "Awawa, undas, plcan ! Kawln kitana-
Midac kaga't ka'plji'i'canit i'i'man ayat.
10 "Tiwa/, kaga'tigu tci'i'na'kamigat pitcmagu, kmisitiwag ;
ki'tciwawlyag kru'ndcinanitiwag ; kipickwa'taginu'tatiwag."
Anic mlgu'i'ma11 apitcitanatcimu'tawat aci'i^kwa^tackawat
ini/u umi'tigwabin. "O'O'wisagu totamobamg." A'cinani-
ma'kwlnotawat rrma11 waca'plnit.1 "Mlsa wuco" antota-
15 mowa'pan," udinan. Acipimwat iiman waca/plnit.
"Micanim Nanabucu ! Kaga't anaglnanimagiban."
Anic misax ka'i'cinisat, acimatci'kawat. Papanaginanga
i'kamowan ; acipapimagotot !ni'u uwininoman ; acigapaci-
mat ka'kina. Ka/rciklziswat, ugltackwamag ugl'a'gwawan.
20 Midac ka/r'kitut a'pi ka'u'nabrtawat : "Tibigic kauntama-
wagan ?" krr'kitd. "Intawasa uctigwaning ninga'U'ntama.
Kamawln nintaminu'tcigasl, nintapa'pri'gog nlnimucanyag 3
ugra'cawabaman," grrnandam. "Nindaba'pi'igog nlnimo-
1 At the Caribou's side.
~ Ninimuca"yag.l "my loves;" literally, "my cousins;" more literally still, "my
relatives" (that are the children of the sister of my mother).
the meadow, (he saw) a big bull Caribou come walking out
upon the stretch of grass, and so he (Nanabushu) wanted
to cret him. "Wonder how can I get hold of him!"
o o
When (Nanabushu) was seen, "Without fail he will have
something to say to me," thought the Caribou. "1 think
I will draw him on." Off running started the Caribou.
Then truly the voice of Nanabushu was heard saying to
him: "Hey, my little brother, would that I knew why you
act so whenever I see you anywhere! Wait, I wish to tell
you something ! Truly, a great time is going on over
there from whence I have come," he said to him. "Ay,
hither, come here ! You have no cause to fear me."
It was true that he went to where (Nanabushu) was.
"Ah, but there truly was a great time going on yesterday,
they were killing one another ; for no reason were they
slaying one another ; they shot one another indiscriminately
with arrows." Now, while he was telling him the story,
he was stringing his bow. "This was the very way they
did at the time." All the while he kept aiming there at
his l side. "This was just the way they did," he said to
him. Then he shot him in the side.
" Confound Nanabushu ! Truly, that was the very thing
I thought he would do."
So after he had killed (the Caribou), he then set to work
flaying (and) cutting him up. Exceedingly fat was (the
Caribou) ; then he went (and) hung up his fat ; then he
boiled it all. After he had finished cooking it, then out
upon a sheet of birch-bark he dipped the meat. And this
was what he said when he came to where it lay : " Wonder
from what part of the body I shall take (what I am to eat)!"
he said. "I think that from the head I will take what I
am to eat of him. - Perhaps it would not be proper for
me to do that, for I should be made fun of by my loves 3
on account of my having begun at the opposite end,"
canyag," klnandam. "Amantcisawln rrwiti upi'kwanang
undamak? Kawlnsa, kanabatc nindaba'prrgog. Kanabatc
uglkantcwabaman ki'tciayaba'a'di'kwan, ninda/rgog mawin
nlnimucanyag. Amantcisawln pimi'tcayaTundamak?" krr-
5 nandam. "Kawlnsa, kanabatc nindapa'pr'i-gok. Ugipimi-
tcwabaman ninda'i'gok ki'tci-a-yaba'a'di'kwan, nmimocanyag
Magwagu tanwawa'tod mlslwa tciga'tig ugibaba'a-'ton
umama'i'biman. Midac a'pl ajinondagwatinig kisiba'kwat,
10 "Kaga/tsa ningi'tcisasiskimigun. Kanabatcsa kaya win
wlwlsini." Kapa'kwacwat i'i-man uwlninowinit, acra'lkwan-
tawiit. Midac iwiti awiposinang ; l kayagu wlninon ugisin-
da'kwiciman. Aciki'tcipltanimadinik, acita'kwamigut 'ici/u
kislba'kwat. A1, mlsa ima11 a'i'ntanagosit ! Pinicigu kabci-
15 ya-r agosi.
Ningutingigu inabit iwiti wayakwakusi/u ma*rngana8 un-
tatabipa'rtiwa51, midac acikanonat : "Kagu win oman pica-
kagun !"
" Kago mawin ugini'tonatug Nanabucu. 'A'a'11, taga
20 a'pa'i'tita !" Intigumi kibigagwatcikanitiwa<:. Cayigwa
pagamisawav:, aciwabamanit ini/u udadi'kuman. A'paniigu
AeXi, anlc kagldotank, misa'pana udadi'kuman. Acika
nonat: "Niclmisa, kagi/ win tcatclga'tig pa-i'nabi'kagun !"
1 Awiposinang: the real sense is that "he went (and) greased" (the place).
The expression is a Bois Fort idiom.
(thus) he thought. "I should be laughed at by my loves,"
(thus) he thought. "Wonder if it would be well for me
to eat of him at the back ! - - No, indeed, for probably I
should then be laughed at. - - 'Perhaps he shoved the big-
bull Caribou forward while eating upon him,' would be said
of me perhaps by my loves. - - Wonder if it would be well
for me to eat of him at the side!" (thus) he thought.
"No indeed, for perhaps I should be laughed at. - - 'He
tried to push a great bull caribou sidewise when eating
upon him,' would be said of me by my loves."
And while engaged in this talk, he laid round about
the foot of a tree all the grease (which he had boiled
down). And so when the creaking of trees rubbing (to
gether) was heard, "Truly by some one am I sought
beseechingly. Perhaps, indeed, some one too wants to eat."
After slicing off a piece from a fatty part (of the caribou),
then up the tree he climbed. And so there he went and
placed the fat ; l and he put the fat in where it was
creaking. When a great gust of wind came up, he was
then caught fast by the creaking tree. Ah, and so there
he hung ! Even till a long while after was he hanging.
Then suddenly, while looking toward the other end of
J > o
the meadowy (he saw) some wolves running hitherward
into the meadow, whereupon he addressed them, saying:
"Don't you come this way!"
"Something doubtless must Nanabushu have slain. Come
on, do let us run over there!" It seemed as if they tried
to race (to where he was). Now, when they came running
up to the place, they saw his caribou. Straightway did
they fall upon it, grabbing it from one another.
Alas ! naturally was there nothing for him to do, for
entirely gone was his caribou. Then he addressed them,
saying: "O my little brothers! don't you come and look
round about this tree !"
] 22
"'A'a'11, kago ogla'tonatug !" Mldac kaga't kama'kan-
dinitigu umama'rbiman. Cigwa wanimadclba'rtIwaL>, "Kagux
win, nicimisatug, icpiming inabi'kagun !" Anic acida'ta-
ganapiwat !gi/u ma'Pnganag, panagu winin ka*i-nagotanig.
5 Anic kaya kama^kandinit i'i'u ma'rngana. Ka^kitanawanit
animadcibai'tinit ; acipagitamigut. Nap^m upagitamigun
i'i*u kislba'kwat.
Acinisantawat. Misa' anugwinawri'crkank, anic mra-'ta
utoctigwanim a'tanig. Anic utanutclctclgwantan rru utoc-
10 tigwanim. Anic mlya/ta wlnintip ayanig. Anic ukwlna-
wri'na'pinaton. "Taga intawa, ningakinabi'konsi^kas,"
kri'nantam. Mldac kaga't ka'i-cinagusit, mi'i-wati wlnintip
wantci'tot. Magwagu tacl'kank aci'a'nicinabawit, mlsa7
madcat. Mldac aci'irtackanimagatinig, a1, anic gaglcictcigat !
15 Acipita'kwicink, "Kitawanana'tigo, niclmisar"
"Aye5:, ninisa'ku pagwata'kamik kananibaxviyan."
ttOn, niclmisa, kiminaikowimlzan."
«Ayee," ugi-i-gon.
Minawa acipita'kwicink, " Kitawanana'tigo, niclmisa ?'
20 "Nlnisa'ku wadciwink kananlbawiyan."
U0n, kicingwa'kowimizan."
Minawa acipita^kwicing, "Kitawanana^igo?"
"Come on, something he probably has laid out (there)!"
Whereupon truly they grabbed away from one another
the grease (which he had boiled down). Presently were
they about to race away when, "Don't now, O my little
brothers, don't you look up !" So when up the Wolves
looked, nothing but fat (did they see) hanging there. So
of course the Wolves also grabbed that away from one
another. After they had eaten it up, then away they
went racing ; then was he let loose from the grip. When
it was all over, he was set free by the creaking tree.
Then down he climbed from the tree. Thereupon he
went in vain to see what he yet had left, for there remained
only his (caribou) head. So he tried in vain to gnaw
upon what was left (of the meat of) his (caribou) head.
Now only the brain was left. Naturally he had no means
of getting at it. "Then, therefore, I will take on the form
of a little snake," he thought. Thereupon truly that was
the form he took upon himself, the reason he did it was
on account of the brain there (in the skull). And while
busied with the brain he became a human being, where
upon off he started. And so when there were horns
(upon his head), ah, what was he then to do ! When he
bumped against a tree, " What sort of a tree are you,
my little brother?" (he asked.)
"Ay, in the deep solutide of the forest ever do I
"Then really, my little brother, you must be a tamarack."
"Yes," he was told.
When he bumped against another tree, " What kind of
a tree are you, my little brother?" he asked.
"Always upon the mountain do I stand."
"Then, indeed, you must (then) be a pine."
When lie bumped against another tree, "What kind of
a tree are you ?" (he asked.)
"Nlnisa'ku kawawasana'kikabawiyan ningutci saga'i'gan
u Nicimisa, kiwlgwasiwimizan." Anlcimadcat. Minawa
acipitackwicink, "Kitawanana'tigu, nicimisa?"
5 " Nmisa'ku ningutci saga'i'gan ayagin nomaga no'piming
"On, nicimisa, kitasatlwimizan."
Minawa anicirnaclcat. Minawa ajipita'kwicink, "Kitawa-
10 nana'tigu, nicimisa?"
"Nmisa'ku saga'i'ganing a'kugicka'kamigag kananlba-
"On, nicimisa, kiglciklvvimizan."
"Ayeu," udigon.
15 Anicimadcat, pitcinagigu ani'irda'a'mlt acipa'kubita'ku-
'kit. Anlc mlgu acipana^klnank acimadclyatagat. lj^pi-
matagat, ningutingigu awiya unontawa : "'E'e'e, adi'k
pamadagat!" i'kitowa5''. Amc, "'A-'a'11, mawinata'ir'k !"
Anlc misa gaga't mawinata'irnt. Anlc kawln nantagani-
20 must pirnatagat. Ackam pacwawitamo, kawln nantagani-
musl. "A'e'e7, kimicaganigunan !"
"Mlnangwana cigwa anawi pacwabatamowanan," inantam.
Anlc kawln nantaganimusl pirnatagat. Ackam pigigitowa8,
"Taba'pinisiwagan, misa rnicaganinank !" Ka*itlkitunint.
25 Acitaba'klnank, waylbagu taba'kinank. Anlc mlnangwana
cockwanabi'kanig i'i-man ka'iji'a'gwasiba'tod. Magwagu
"Continually do I stand with glistening top for one that
comes in sight of a lake anywhere."
"My little brother, you then must be a birch." Then
on his way he went. When he bumped against another
tree, "What kind of a tree are you, my little brother?"
(he asked.)
"Wherever there is a lake, then a short way back in
the forest is where I always stand."
"Really, my little brother, you then must be a poplar."
Then on his way he continued. When he bumped
against another tree, "What kind of a tree are you, my
little brother?" (he asked.)
"Always by the bank of a lake do I stand."
"Oh, my little brother, then you must be a cedar."
"Yes," he was told.
Then on his way he started, and the instant he made
another step he walked into the water. Well, he then
began wading out into the water, then he began swimming.
While swimming along he suddenly heard the sound of
somebody (saying) : "Halloo, there goes a caribou swimming
along!" they said. Then, "Come on, go after it!" So
thereupon they truly started after it. Now, with all his
power he swam. As nearer he heard the sound of them,
then with all his speed did he go. "Halloo, we shall be
beaten to the shore !"
"It is possible that I surely must be getting close (to
the shore)," he thought. Yet with all his might he swam.
Nearer came the sound of their voices, near by he heard
them saying: "Too bad, he is landing ahead of us!"
(Such) was what they said. Then he came to where he
could touch bottom, soon was he where he could touch
bottom. Now, it happened to be a slippery bank where
anibabimipa'tod acrujajabi'kicink aciblkusitod lici/u utdcti-
gwanim. Inabiwat igi/u anicinabag, Nanabucowan anrirn-
dciklgitowan : "Kaga'tigu adi'k pamatagat, kagatigu ati'k
pamatagat," ani'i^kitowan Nanabucowan, anigagawa'piwan.
5 Kawln kanaga piyapimigabawdslwan, pana mlsa anipapi-
Ningutingigu anipapimusat saga'i'gan acimatablt, alpa-
nagu nrkafi tnanominilkawas. Kagatsa umisawinawa8, anlc
acikanonat : "Ambasano,2 klgawitclwininim," udina8.
10 "Awawa, Nanabucu," udigoc. "Migu lisi/u a'kawii uci-
'toyang wanawa'poyang."
Anlc acipa'kublt kaya win Nanabucu. Mlsa kayii win
antotaminit anutotank, mlsa7 kawln umilkobiga'a>nsln 'iT11
15 "Amn, Nanabucu? Intigo kucagu kibwranawiton i'i<u
"Aye8, nimbwanawiton."
"'A'a''11, intawa mri'u mini'k. Papanglns 'ici/u manomin,"
itiwa8 H7'11 ni'ka1. Ningutingigu cigwa utigoE : "Mlsa wa-
20 bank wlmadcayang," utigo8 48i/u ni'ka'. Mldac ka'i'nat :
"Aniga'ka kitakackl'i'slm kaya nin tcipimisayamban r"
"Nanabucu, anawi kitakackri'go tcipimisayan, kawlnidac
kitapisindanzl 4i8i/u ka-i'goyambam."
1 For another version see No. 56.
he ran up out of the water. And while he was running
along, he slipped and fell upon a rock, bursting open his
(caribou) head. As the people looked, (they saw) Nana-
btishu, who said as he went running from there: "Truly
it was a caribou swimming along, truly it was a caribou
swimming along," said Nanabushu as he went, as he fell
headlong laughing. Not did he stop in his career to look
back at them, ever straight ahead he continued his way.
Now, once while walking along, out upon a lake he
came, and everywhere were Geese feeding on rice. Truly
much he envied them, so he then addressed them, saying:
"I pray you,2 let me in among you," he said to them.
"Very well, Nanabushu," he was told. "But we first
are laying in store the food that we shall eat on the way."
So into the water went Nanabushu too. And what
they did he tried to do too, but he found no rice in the
"What, Nanabushu? Seemingly, indeed, are you'without
success in finding rice."
" Ay, I am not successful."
"There, now, that is enough. Each (of us) now has a
small bit of rice," to one another said the Geese. And
presently then was he told : "Therefore on the morrow shall
we expect to start," he was told by the Geese. And this
he then said to them: "I want to know if you could fix
me up so that I too might fly."
"Nanabushu, it is quite within our power to fix you up
so that you can fly, but you would not listen to what
would be told you."
2 Ambasano, "I pray you." This adverb is rendered in various ways throughout
the texts, sometimes with a finite verb, as here; its general sense is that of an
"On, manii, niclmisa, icrrciyu'k tcipimisayan !"
Mldac kagact lau ugrrgon : " Ayangwamisin dac win.
O'crman abi'tawaiyaT anicinabag pa'taTnuwag. A'p! iman
anitagwicinank, kagu inabi'kan, kigasa'kwanigunanig. Aya-
5 ngwamisin, kagux inabi'kan • mlgu siu tcibangicinan klcpin
inabiyan. Mlya'tagu i*i'man acicagwanimigoyan," l udigd?;.
Mldac antacinit ka'kina papajik umigwanini ka'i'cimmigut.
"Tagackuma, kutcipasigvva'u'n."
Mldac kagalt ka'i'cipasigwa'u't, ka'i'cikiwi'tagamasat.
10 "Mlsa7 iu tciwltciwigoyan. Misax wabank tcimadcayang."
Cigwa wabanini, cigwa pasigwa'O'wa8; a'pidci nawaya'r
icino'a'mawa. aMrirman tcipimisay an . Xawatcigu una-
gucik tciwabamangwa Igi/u anicinabag." Cigwa gagii't
okanonigon : "Mlcigwa tababandamank 8i'i'man ayawat Igi/u
15 anicinabag." Caylgwa gaga't rnadwasa'kwanigtiwa^ : " A'c'e7,
nilkag ! Nanabucu uwldcisama !" madwa'i'na. Kaga'pl
madwa/i'lkitowan : "Kanawabami'k, nackakuca pagicin !"
"Kagu inabi'kan, Nanabucu," udigo lisi/u nilkas.
Kaga'pl madwa nagamowan :
20 "Nanabucu uwitcisama uciraisa8, ucimisa8. Tapangicin.
Nanabucu uwitcisama uclmisa8, ucimisa8. Tapangicin.
Nanabucu uwitcisama ucimisa8, ucimisa8. Tapangicin."
"Taga pina7, ninga'i'nab," inantam. Acrrnabit, "a'ta,
1 Acicagwanimigoyan, "\ve fear you might do," -— a very free rendering, but yet
I 29
"Do please, my little brothers, fix me up so that I
may fly!"
Whereupon truly he was told: "Take care that you
do it ! Off here about halfway are many people. When
we are coming there, don't you look down, for we shall
be whooped at. Do you be careful, don't you look clown •,
for you will surely fall if you look down. That is the
only thing we fear you might do," : he was told. Accord
ingly by every one that was there was he given a feather.
"Therefore, now, just you try to fly up."
Thereupon truly up he rose on the wing, then round
over the lake he flew. "Therefore now you may go with
us. Now, to-morrow is when we shall start."
Now was the morrow come, now was when they flew
away ; in the very centre was he given a place where to
fly. "It is here you are to fly. Along towards evening
shall we see the people." Sure enough, was he addressed
by one saying: "There, now, are we coming into view of
the place where the people are." Already could they
truly hear (the people) whooping at them: "Halloo, Geese!
Nanabushu is flying along with them !" was the sound of
them speaking of him. At last he heard them saying :
"Why, look, he is really falling!"
"Don't you look, Nanabushu," he was told by the Geese.
Finally he heard them sing :
"Nanabushu flies in company with his little brothers, with his little brothers.
May he fall.
Nanabushu flies in company with his little brothers, with his little brothers.
May he fall.
Nanabushu flies in company with his little brothers, with his little brothers.
May he fall."
"I say, really, I will take a look," he thought. When
conveying the sense better than the literal one, which is, "in which you are regarded
ki'tcodana! Anln ka-rniktank panagu kaco'kanik u'tawa-
gan. Anuta'taganabit, aca wasa uwitclwagana8. A'pitci
na/o'tana icipangicin.
Mldac ka-rcimamandcigwa'pinint. "Ambasano, midcinata!"
5 i'kitowag. Mlsa' kaga't ka/rcimldcinint, ga^kina mini'k ima
wa^ta^tonit umltcinicro. Aba'pic tciofwa nakackitcinio-ut
O JT o C>
clpitonanit. Awlya onontawa: "Anti kamltcinint?" i'kitowa8.
Kuniginln, mindimoyaya8, niciwa gaglplngwawa8. "Anti
kamltcinint?" prr'kitunit. Acikanonat : "Oman nintaya,"
10 udina8. Cigwa udotisigu.1 Caylgwa uwlmltcinigon Ini/u
mindimoyayan, acikanonat : "Ic," utinan ; "Kagicwln, guca
mlgu lisi/u wa-rcimltciciyan ? A'kawa nlni'kti nintapa-ygu
"On," udigon. "Kaga kiwanitotawanan lafia/u kamitcinint."
i 5 Misax kaga't aci'a-biskwamigut kanawabamat ; kamamo
wabitanit igu iu mindimoyaya8. Ka'klcl'kagut acinanlwanu-
wat.2 Anrrcimadcat oma11. Anipapimusat saga'i'gan unia-
tabln, mlgu iu acipa'kublt acikislblglt. Kanawabandank
49i/u nibi mlgu iu acipimangutanik Ii8i/u moxi. Ka'a'gwaslt
20 mldac alkitut : "Ka'i'cini'katamowat anicinabag nicicanyag
- 'e', wlniplg!'3 ta'i'cini'kata iu saga-rgan."
1 Udotisigu, "to where he was they came 5" more literally, "he was come to."
2 Acinannvanuwat, "he clubbed them to death, first one, then the other." "First
one, then the other," is the sense of the reduplication nanl-.
3 Wlniplg! "filthy water!" — the name of various lakes in the Ojibwa country;
Lake Winnipeg is one of them.
he looked, oh, what a great town ! Then what was he
to hear but a continuous whizzing- in his ears. In vain
he tried keeping his look upwards, but already afar (had
gone) his companions. In the very centre of the town
was where he fell.
Thereupon was he then thoroughly bound with cords.
"Come on, let us ease ourselves upon him!" they said.
Whereupon truly was he then eased upon, by every one
there in the town was he eased upon. In course of time
he became engulfed so deep in the dung that he had to
purse his lips. Somebody he heard (asking) : " Where is
he who was eased upon ?" they were saying. Lo, (there
were) some old women, two that were blind. "Where is he
that was eased upon ?" they said as they came. Then he
spoke to them, saying: "Here I am," he said to them.
Then to where he was they came.1 Already was he
desired by an old woman to ease herself upon when he
addressed her: "Wait," he said to her; "really, now, is
this the position you mean to relieve yourself upon me?
Usually I am first unbound before I am relieved upon."
"Really," he was told. "Nearly did we do a mistake
to him who has been eased upon."
And so truly, while being unbound, was he watching
them ; (he saw that) the old women had dung in their
teeth. When he was set free, then he clubbed them to
death, first one, then the other.2 Then on his way he
continued from this place. As he went walking along,
out upon a lake he came, whereupon into the water he
went (and) washed himself. While looking at the water,
he then saw the dung floating thereon. When he came
out of the water, this then he said: "The name which the
people my uncles shall call it - - lah, filthy water !' 3 such
shall be the name of the lake."
Midac acimadcat, kipabamusat. Ningutingigu pabamusat
inabit icpiming awiya ugiwabaman namadabinit ana'kwatunk.
Kaga't umisawlnawan. "Ambadac1 kaya nin," krrnandam
ka'i'cakanonat : "Kawlnina kitablcasi, niclmisa?" ugTrnan.
5 Midac ka'i'gut : "Kawln," ugri'gon.
" Anin kagrrcinagwa'k 2 mini'k awiya pawabamag klnidac
lri/u tcipisindawislwambanan ?"
"Nanabucu, klgusin."
"Kawln kitagwacisi," udinan. Midac ka/rciwayacimat,
10 anic mlsa7 kap'anoniorut : "Ambasano, kao-a'tsa kimisawi-
. o • o • • o
nawin. Kunigana wasa klta'kwabimituo-," udinan.
"Ayee, kaga't."
atAu," udinan. Medac krri'ci'i-nat : u Ambasano, kiga-
15 "Awawa," ugl'i'gon. Midac ka*rcru'mb!wat i'i'ma ana-
'kwatunk. Midac acimadcawat, madciyasinik i'i>u ana'kwat.
Ninguting agawa tabinagwatini Ii8i/u a'ki tcigwa udinani-
migon. ulndacltug wawiyac nandagini'tatotawat. Amba
sano, wawiyac ningatotawa," kri-riandam. Midac ka/rci-
20 pa'kwayasininik liei/u ana'kwat. Mlnawa acipa'kwayasininik ;
iickamigu agasani ina ayawat. Kaga'pi kagagu anigu-
'kwabiwat Inigu'kwani. Ningutingigu ka'i'citacki'kanik
papa^kankinamadapiwag. Anic mlnawa acitackasininik
1 Ambadac, "would that;" it is less frequently used than ambagic and acpagic;
the last is the best of the three forms.
- Kagri-cinagwa'k, "would it look;" that is the literal meaning; but the sense
is, "can it be possible."
And so he started away, round about he travelled.
Now, once while journeying about, he looked above (and)
saw some one seated upon a cloud. Truly envious was
he of him. "Would that I (could) too,"1 he thought, after
which he addressed him, saying: "Would you not come
down, my little brother?" he said to him. Upon which
he was then told: "No," he was told.
"How would it look,3 (in view of) as many as I have
seen, for you not to heed me?"
"Nanabushu, I am afraid of you."
"You have no cause to fear me," he said to him. And
so after (Nanabushu) had deceived him, then was he brought
into conversation with him. "Oh, really, I am so envious
of you ! I fancy that afar must you be able to see," he
said to him.
"Yes, (that is) true."
"Good," he said to him. Upon which he then said to
him: "Pray, let me bear you company."
"Certainly," he was told. Whereupon up they went
to yonder cloud. And so when they started away, with
the wind went wafting the cloud. By and by hardly was the
earth to be seen. Then thoughts concerning him did the
other entertain. "Apparently he is ever playing a trick
on some one. Now, I will play a trick on him," (thus)
he thought. Thereupon apart then broke the cloud by
reason of the wind. Again it broke apart on account of
the wind ; gradually smaller grew the space where they
were. At last almost space enough for them to sit on
was how much that yet remained. And anon when it
was rent asunder, then in different places they sat. So
when again it blew apart, then away flew the other, alight-
acipasigwa'irnit, aciponinit ri'wati animi'tcanik l rru ana-
'kwat. Midac utanukanonan : "Anm katiyan, nicimisa?"
ugrrnan. Mlcigwa klwabandank tclpangicink. Cigwa
mlnawa pa'kwayasinini mi'i-ma ayat; kaga'pri'gu piguckani.
5 Agawa udababandan ucawacka'kamiganig. Acipangicink
a'panaTban pabimipisut. Cigwa ajidababandank atata
ki'tcimi'tikukani ka'i'cipangicink. Cayigwa ka'i'ciplndcisat
kitcimi'tigon wimbisinit. Mlsa/ ka'i'cipmdcini'kisat, misax
acibwabwanawi'u't. Anuwfkwatcrirt awlya uglnontawa,
jo pipapinit i'kwawa1'', midac ka'i-'kitunit : "Mlsa7 6*o'man nin-
gutci andat ka'r'kitung wabigak," ilkitowac i'i>u ilkwawa5:.
Acikigitut : " Wabigagowiyan andayan."
O'o'dac i(kitowac : "Kunugana milkawang ca!ja/u wabigag,
nicim," ugri'nan mra*u matciki'kwawis.
15 "Kana gin kinontawasl?" udigon Ini/u uclmayan. "Kimi-
lkawanan, mawln."
Midac mrrma11 mlnawa ka'i'cikanonat : "Wabigagowiyan
andayan," ugri'nan. Midac ka'i'cimadclkawa'u'gut.
"Nicim, kl'kawawank, awagwanina kaayanigwan kami-
20 lkawagwan, mra<u ka'irnabamit," ugri'nan lni/u uclmayan.
Misax cigwa kaga't udanuklckika'irgun.
"Wrkagasa i'i'ma11 tayawi laca/u wacima'i'mawit," krr-
nandam 'au Nanabuco.
1 Animi'tcanik, "where there was a bigger;1' the comparative element is in the
initial stem ani-.
ing upon yonder place where there was a bigger l cloud.
Whereupon in vain he tried to speak to him, saying :
"What will become of me, my little brother?" he said to
him. So then he knew that he was going to fall. Then
again apart flew the place where he was ; and in the end
it broke completely. Faintly could he see the green of
the landscape. When he fell, a long while was he falling
through the air. Now, when he came in full sight (of
the earth, he saw) how so dreadfully wooded was the
place into which he was to fall. Then down he fell into
a great tree that was hollow. Thereupon, when he had
dropped into the hollow, then was he unable (to get out).
While vainly trying (to get out,) he heard some one, those
were women 2 coming laughing ; and this was what they
were saying: "Now, somewhere hereabouts lives a Gray
Porcupine, so they say," said the women.
Then up he spoke, saying: "I am the Gray Porcupine
that dwells here."
And this they said: "Suppose we should find the Gray
Porcupine, my little sister," to the other said she that
was older.3
"And did you not hear him?" she was asked by her
little sister. "We have found him, maybe."
And so what he said before, he said to them again :
"I am the Gray Porcupine that dwells (here)," he said to
them. Whereupon they began felling the tree he was in.
"My little sister, when we have felled the tree, then who
soever is there, (and) whichever the one that finds him, she
will be the one to have him for a husband," she said to her
little sister. And so they truly chopped away unavailingly.
"I wish the younger one would be there," thought
2 The Foolish Maiden and her younger sister, sisters of Nanabushu.
3 The confusion of the subject of a question, as here, is common.
1 36
Cigwasa utackika'irgon rru nantuga/irgut, plnic matci-
ki'kwawis ka'kina ka'plguga'a'nk ; mi'sa ka/rcigwlnawaba-
mat. Misa a11 ilkwa waclmamawit iiman ayat kaga'pi
ka'i'cipo^kwisitot ri-u uwaga'kwat.
5 "Nicim," udinan alpl kapo'kwisitonit lisi/u uwaga'kwatoni •
"Misa mn tci'irnabamiyan," ugrrnan Ini/u uclmayan.
"Wa'kagasa kaya win." O'O'dac kri'nandam : "Amba-
sano, mlyatagu abiding tcibiyapagitot lisi/u uwaga'kwat,"
udinaniman. Aci'a-cowinat ; cigwa gaga't udackika'irgon ;
10 acipasiguntcisat. Nanabucowan !ni/u undcipasiguntcisawan,
anigagawa'piwan. "Kaga'tigu wapigak andat inantamog !"
Misa kanicimamadcat Nanabucu. "Amantcigic ka'i'cic-
tcigawanan," kri'nandam ; "wawiyac tcitotawak kayii win?"
udinaniman lni/u pinasiwan. Acimadablt saga'i'gan, midac
15 i:rrman micawi'kwam ka'i'ci'U'cicink. "Ambasano, ninga'a'-
mugok anotc, pinasiwag," kri'nandam. Uwlckwatiiniman
Ini/u wawiyac ka'totagut. Cigwa kaga't udamugo8 antegwa^
anotcisagu pinasiwa8. Midac ka/rnat : "Kagux win i'i'witi
nintciting ttntamici'kagun,
20 Midac kaga't ka*i*cictciganit, anlc panagu gatanwavva-
'tonit. Cigwasa uwabaman upabamasimonunit mi/u pinasi
wan. utAic, mlsa kawm prrcasiwan !" anlc uwl'kwatiiniman
tcipicanit. Ackamigu tasing kacigatinigin paconagusiwan,
kaga'pi aciponinit ; nagawasagu fci'i'witi pangicink utonsa-
Now, (the women) began splitting a tree in an effort to
find him,1 (keeping it up) till the elder sister had it all in
pieces; but she had failed to find him. And then the younger
woman yonder, where she was, finally broke her axe.
"My little sister," (the elder sister) said to her after she
had broken her axe, "so it will be I who will have a
husband," she said to her little sister.
"Would the same happen to her too!" And this he
thought: "Now, would that only once she might strike
(the tree) with her axe," was the thought he had of her.
Then he watched for her ; presently was the tree really
split up by her ; then up he leaped. And there was
Nanabushu leaping away, falling headlong with laughter
as he went. "That it actually was the home of a Gray
Porcupine they thought !"
And so upon his way continued Nanabushu. "I wonder
what I shall do," he thought, "in order that I may play
a trick on him too !" such was his thought of the bird.
When he came out upon a lake, then far out there on
the ice he went and lay down. "Now, I shall be eaten
by all kinds of birds," he willed. He formed a scheme
to get the one that had done him a trick. Then truly
was he eaten by crows and by various kinds of birds.
Then this he said to them: "Don't you eat upon me
yonder at my buttocks," he said to them.
Whereupon truly such was what they did, and a con
tinuous din did they keep up. At last he then saw the
bird sailing about through the air. "Alas, he is not coming!"
for he longed in his mind for him to come. Gradually
as the days came and went, nearer it could be seen, till
at last it then alighted ; and a good way off from yonder
place where it came down was (Nanabushu) observed.
1 This passage is in the passive, with "Nanabushu" as subject; but in the trans
lation it is turned about, with "him" as object, and "the women" as subject.
bamigon. Midac kaga/t a'pidci ugusigon. Tcigwasa w!kka
upinasi'kagon. Acipa'kiwagit, iicikwackwackwaninit. Midac
tcigwa ackamigu kawin tontanslwan l kaga'prrgu uwawan-
gawanimigon. Kaga'prrgu owi'kitowan : "Aninta glnawa
untamasiwao- o'o'witi wminwa^uclo-anat?" Mlsa oraora't lrr-
O O • C) O
witi wantamigut. Cigwa ackamigu wasa iciplndi'kwanuwan
utclting, kaga'pigu kawin sagiti'kwanislwan.
Acipasiguntcisat kackitiyantamawat lifii/u uctigwanini.
"Micanim Nanabucu, ninglgagwanisagi'rk !"
10 Madclpa'tot lici/u saga'i'gan. Anlc anupimiwrkwatci'irnit.
Misax cigwa pacwabandank wa'kwagamiwaninik i'i<u saga-
'i'gan acipagitcitiyamat, mldac ka'i'cipangicininit iman
mi'tcaya'r.3 Midac ka'i'nat : "Winangii kiga'i'go tcra'ni-
•a-'klwang," ugri'nan. "Klgawlnanimik 'a11 anicinaba."
15 Misa/ anrrcimadcat papimusat. Misax ugltabi'tawa8
i'kwawa^ manisanit ; anlc uglmi'tawa8 : "Amantcigic ka'ijic-
tciga-irngubanan tciwltigamank 4aea/u inini?" i'kitowa1''.
"Ambasano, wawiyac ningatotawag awagwaniwigwanag,"
krrnandam Nanabucu. Ugi'kaniman kamawinit wagwi-
20 sisinit. Midac ka/rciwawaci'irt ka-i'ci'i-'kwa'kasut. Midac
adi'ko-u-blnisagusm mldac Ini/u ka'a'wa'tcigat ri-u i'kwang.
1 Ackamigu kawin to"tanslwan, "it gradually became less afraid;" literally, "it
gradually did it less," that is keeping up its fear.
- Mi'tcaya-r, "on the ice;" literally, "on the firm."
And it was true that much was he feared (by the bird).
Then after a while to where he was came (the bird). As
he raised the muscle on his calf, away went the other
hopping. And then presently it gradually became less
afraid,1 till at last (Nanabushu) was made free and easy
with. Then finally this it said: "Why do you not eat
of him from the small of the back, where he is fat?"
Thereupon truly from that place was he eaten. Presently
farther into the anus yonder it put its neck, then at last
it did not take its neck out from there.
Then up he sprang closing his anus tight over the
other's hand.
"Confound Nanabushu, by him am I frightfully treated!"
While (Nanabushu) went running along the lake, naturally
the other tried in vain to get free. And then presently,
when nearing the far end of the lake, (Nanabushu) freed
(the bird) from his anus, whereupon down it fell on the
ice.2 And this was what he said to it : " Buzzard shall
you be called till the end of the world," he said to it.
"For your filth will you be loathed by the people."
And then away he started upon his journey, travelling
afoot. And so he came within the sound of some women
who were gathering fire-wood ; now he secretly overheard
them saying: "(I) wonder how we can bring it to pass
so that we can marry that man!" they said. "Now, a
trick I am going to play on them, whoever they are,"
thought Nanabushu. He knew that the mother (of the
man) would cry. And so he got into gay attire after he
had taken on the form of a woman. There was a caribou
spleen which he turned into a woman's thing. After he had
taken on the form (of a woman), (and) after he had gone
Ka*rcinagwirirt, ka/rcinasi'kawat H*u i'kwawa8, o'o'widac
ugri'na8 a'pika/irdisat : "Anmti ayat 'a8a/u inini cinganimat
48i/u ilkwawa8 ka/rnint?" Midac ka/rgut : "Mrirma11 nawo-
tana ayat," ugrrgo8. "Gagwanisagisi, antugwan tci'i'nan-
5 dank."
"Tagackuma, awrrni'k," udina^'; "'Ninbi'i'cinica'irgo ninl-
gri'gok,'" udinac iu i'kwawa8.
Misax kaga't ka/i'ciklwat pacik, ka'i'ciwlndamawint wat:a/u
mindimonya wagusisit. A'kitut Ca8a/u i'kwa mayatcra'tci-
10 mut : " Plwita oman aya." Odac i'kito : " Nimbri'cinica'U'go
ninlgri'gok," i'kito. "Midac ka'plcimadcinica'irt, lawitiba-
tcimun,' nintik. Nicagwanim. 'Tabicawag nintangwaiyag.'"
Midac a'kitut 'a11 mintimoya: "Anin dac c^i'u antawa-
bamasiwak," utina8 ciK'i/u udanisa8.
15 Midac kaga't pa-rcinantawabamawat !gi/u i'kwawag,
mlsax ka'i'klwawitciwawat lgi/u i'kwawag. Midac ka/rcrcr-
nota'i'nt iwiti wantapinit Ini/u niniwan. Mlsa7 cigwax ki'u*-
napamit. Cigwa uwlcama8 utangwaya8 tclmanisawat. Anlc
atcinagu kimamatwa'i-gawan, aca nibiwa misan. "Awanan
20 dac lau mamindaga kajincawisit?" utinawan, uwlntamawawan
ugiwan. "Kagatsa klcincawisl 'a8a/u nintangwanan."
1 The woman impersonated by Nanabushu.
'2 A woman to whom the message had been given. 3 The woman-hater.
4 The formality of leading a daughter to that part of the lodge where a man
over to where the women were, this he then saicl to them
when he came upon them: "Where is the man who is
said to be a hater of women ?" Whereupon he was told :
"Here in the centre of the town he is," he was told.
" He is hopelessly impossible, it is uncertain what his
feeling would be (concerning" you)."
"Then pray, do you go and give him a message," he
said to them; "'I have been sent hither by my parents,'"
he said to the women.
And so truly, when back one (of them) went, then was
the old woman who was mother (to the man) given the
message. Then said the woman who had conveyed the
message: "A stranger is here." And this she said: "I
have been sent hither by my parents," she saicl. "And
so when I was set upon my way hitherward, 'Go give
the news,' I was told. I was loath (to go). 'Let my
friends come hither,' (said the woman T)."
Thereupon said the old woman : 2 " Why do you not
go look for her ?" 1 she said to her daughters.
And so truly came the women seeking for her, where
upon back home the women went, taking her l with them.
And then a place was made for her there where the man *
was seated. Therefore she a now had a husband.4 By
and by she wished her sisters-in-law to go with her to
gather fire-wood.5 So in a little while after the sound of
her chopping was heard, already (was there) much fire
wood. "W7ho is she that is such a remarkable worker?"
they said to their mother, they said to her, telling her
about it. "Truly a good worker is our sister-in-law."6
seats himself, and having her seat herself by him, is the public announcement that
she is his wife.
5 One of the first things a bride does is to go for fire-wood or for water, a
convention by which she enters her new station.
6 A pleasing compliment which a wife enjoys is to hear it said of her that she
is a good worker.
Anlc kagatsa minwantam 'afia/u minclimoya, kaya la^a/u
a'kiwa^zi kicincawisinit una'a/ngani'kwamiwan. Mldac
ka/rcikanonat wabicaciwan : "Ambasano wlto'kawicin o'o*
acictcigayan," ugrrnan. Mldac Ini/u ka'trnltcanisit ; o'6'wi-
dac ugi'i'nan : "Ambasano, monjag maw^n," ugri'nan.
Mldac kaga/t ka'i'cictciganit, ta'kubinat acictcigat mlya/ta
skljignning saga'pinat; ta^kubinat pimumawisut.
Misagu'pana mawinit.
"Wo'o'widac i'kidun," ugrrnan. '"Tagwagicop niwl-
10 -a'mwa,' i'kitun *i8i/u tcimamawiyan," ugri'nan.
Mldac kaga/t anwat 'asa/u abinodci. "Tagwagicop ni-
wra'mwa !" inwat.
Caylgwa nisitu'tawa. Anlc cigwa sagitowan usinisan,
anlc ugimawiwan; poltc kicitciganit ('fi/u anicinaba ka'i^kltut
15 'asa/u a'kiwanzl. "Anlc, anicinabatug, a'kitut wasa/u nocica11,
'tagwagicop niwra-mwa,'" i'kito. Mlclac kaga't ka'plcimi-
nint Nanabucu tagwagicopln. Pisa alp! ka'irnicicininik
Midac wawitigamat mi/u ininiwan, cigwa ugi^waniman
20 pigickananinit Ini/u ublnisagusln. Mldac kigiciip aca nama-
dapiwan ucinisan kaya uzikusisan mlsa cigwa ki'kanimat
Now, thoroughly pleased was the old woman, as was
also the old man, that such a good worker was their
daughter-in-law.1 And then she (Nanabushu) addressed
the Marten, saying: "I wish you would help me in this
that I am undertaking," she said to it. And so that was
the creature she had for child ; and this she said to it :
"Come, now, all the while do you cry," she said to it.
And that truly was what (the Marten) did. When she had
it strapped to the cradle-board, her arrangement was such
that she had it bound up as far as over the eyes ; with
it bound to the cradle-board, she played the nurse carrying
it about on her back.
And so all the while did (the Marten) weep.
"Now, this do you say," she said to it. "'Some tender
loin do I wish to eat,' do you say, so that you may cry,"
she said to it.
And that truly was what the infant cried. "Some
tenderloin do I want to eat !" it cried.
Presently they understood what it wanted. Now, then
out went her father-in-law to cry aloud, for he was chief;
for of necessity were the people bound to do whatever
the old man should say. "Now, O ye people! thus says
my grandchild, 'Some tenderloin do I want to eat,' " he
said. And so truly was Nanabushu given some tenderloin.
It hushed when it was given something good to eat.
And so while she (Nanabushu) continued living (as a
wife) with the man, she then became aware that the spleen
was decaying. And so one morning, while her father-in-
law and mother-in-law were seated, she then began to
realize that she was becoming rotten between the loins.
1 Pleased because their maintenance is assured. A son is seldom encouraged to
marry a woman simply because she is handsome or that she is of a pleasing dis
position ; but if she can work, if she can turn her hands to something useful, then
she is the one for him to get. Behind all this is the desire of the old folks to be
cared for in their old age.
pioickanitcitca'kamat. "Piso," i'kitowan ucinisan. "Wa-
i o •
gunanta ka'i'cimagwa'k?" i'kitowan ucinisan.
Kaga't mamitawantam ; acipasigwlt, anira'nicikaskabanit.
Acipangicimat ucinisan anasamabinit, acimadclpa^tod. "Ka-
i;kwa inantamogf !" i'kitowan Nanabucowan.
Misar anicimaclcat minawa Nanabucu, anipapimusat
minawa. Mldac ka'i'nandank : "Mlmawin kl'pomagwan
kama'kamit nintociman. Mlsax cigwa tci'a'ntunawag."
Misa' kaga't nantunaSvat, ningutingigu awiya onontawan
10 naeamunit :
. o .
"Piya'kwa nimbicinawicin ca"."
Mlsa7 nasi'tawat, misa7 undcita ani'tawat :
"Piya'kwa nimbicinawicin ca"."
Tcigwa uwabaman, kunigimn uma'ka'kln uclclgwanini
15 ayaconingwawanit. Acikanonat : "Anin no'ko anln anano-
'klyan?" udinan.
"Ka; ninantawikubl. Nanabucu uglpimwan ugimam-
Mldac anat : "Anic wa'totaman Ini/u wlgupln?"
20 " Ka, Nanabucu wmantuwa'pi'kana. Kanabatc klnisa-
"Phew!" said her father-in-law. "What is that which smells
so ?" said her father-in-law.
Truly was she worried about it. When she rose to her
feet, in vain she tried to keep it from falling. When she
dropped it in front of where her father-in-law was seated,
then away she started running. "Truly a real woman
they thought!" said Nanabushu.
And then on his way continued Nanabushu, on his way
he continued walking. Now, this was what he thought :
"Perchance he thinks he is free who robbed me of my
nephew. The time has now come for me to look for him."
Thereupon truly, while seeking for him, he suddenly heard
some one singing :
"From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, sha"."
And so when he went to where it was sounding, it
seemed as if he heard the same sound as before :
"From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, sha"."
Presently he saw the being ; lo, it was a toad with her
rattle hanging under one arm from the other shoulder.
Then he addressed her, saying : " What, my grandmother,
what are you working at?" he said to her.
" Why, I am seeking for some bast. Nanabushu has
shot the chief of the big lynxes."
And so he said to her : " What are you going to do
with the bast?"
"Why, an attempt will be made to ensnare Nanabushu.
Perhaps he may be drowned, for almost flooded was this
1 For other versions see Nos. 32 and 46.
bawatug, anlc kini'kibl kaga wcro* a'ki. Amnti dac ka/irn-
dcipimatisit ? i'kitowag."
"Amn guta win wantcitotawawat klma'kamawat Ini/u
utocimini? Manitosa win, ninawint anangit laca/u Nanabucu.
5 "Wa, nocis, kin inawin Nanabucu."
"Ka, noma'i'tkana kltaglnlwana'u^k ^a^a^1 Nanabucu
awiyamban. Anin, no'ko, a'i'ci'a'yat lasa/u ga'pimunt?"
Ka, kagasagu ninotcimo'a'nan, nmawint ninananta-
10 "No'ko, anm i'ku ana-a'man nanantawi-a't?"
"Aye2, misagu ana'a'man, o'o* kabi'a'i'na'a'man :
"Piya'kwa nimbicinawicin can."
Anlc owlnga ugagwatciman owlngadac uwlndamagon,
kaya rrma11 a'pl wandabinit 8i*i'u rianantawi'i'wanit, midac
15 kaya ima andanit. " IckwayaiRIgu nintamin. Nlciwag noci-
sanyag," udigon. Awlnga oki^kino'a'magon, ka'kina uglki-
Midac a;pl ka'i'cinlwana^wat, ka'i'cipa'kunat. Midac ka-
•ixipisi'kaw^at, ka'i'ciklckipinat pangl ima utclngwaniming.
20 Midac ka'i'combiwanat Ini/u wlgupln, midac ana*a-nk ana-
•a'minit ani'a-ntcikwaskwanit :
"Piyit'kwa nimbicinawicin caV
Anlc mlgu siu anri'nwat anra/ntcikwaskwanit. Cayigwa
earth with water. And in what place can he now be
alive? they said."
"Now, what was their purpose that they should deprive
him of his nephew? He is really a manitou, so we claim
Nanabushu to be."
"Ah, my grandson! you must be Nanabushu (himself)."
"Why, long since would you have been clubbed to
death if I had been Nanabushu. How, my grandmother,
is the one doing that was shot?"
"Oh, nearly now have we healed him, we ourselves are
giving him treatment." l
"My grandmother, how do you usually sing while you
are giving him treatment?"
"Ay, this is the way I sing, this was how I sang while
coming hitherward :
"From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, sha'1."
Now, quite everything he asked her, and quite everything
he was told, even the place where she sat when she gave
her treatment, likewise the place where she lived (in the
wigwam). "In one corner of the place do we live. Two
are my grandchildren," he was told. Concerning everything
was he taught, concerning all things was he instructed.
And so after he had clubbed her to death, he flayed
her. And when he got into (the skin), he tore a small
opening there at its head. And now, when he had lifted
the bast upon his back, he then sang the way she sang
when she went hopping along :
"From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, sha11."
Now, such was the sound of his voice as he went hopping
1 By conjuring with bones and flat, circular skin rattles loaded with pebbles;
the bones to be swallowed to give knowledge concerning the cause of illness, and
the rattle to bring one's power into action.
utababandan mrrman andanit. Cigwa aninasi'kank aciwani-
cink pa'kanatinik wlgiwam; anicinasi'kank sagitciparrtawa^.
"No'ko, o'O'ma11 kuca andayang."
5 "Amn win, no'ko, ka/irndciwanicinan?"
"Ka, kanagu'ku awlnga gaglbwabimoyan, mldac i*i'/u
kawln nlsababandanzin Wu antayang. Intawa, nocisitug,
icisagini'kaniciyu'k." Mldac kaga't ka'u'nabit, anic migu
iman antaci'kanit wagitcitclngwan isi/u abinotclya51. Cigwa
10 umi'kawabamigo lipi'man kinanigic kawat Ini/u udoma'ka'kf-
wayanan. "Wa, no'ko, anicinabawacaga-a'nk kigri-na-
" Nya, nocis, kana mri/>u alposoyan !ni/u wigupin ici^ka-
man kagabagljik pimina'kwataman," utina{: i'i*11 ocici^'ya^.
15 Mldac pru-t tcibisagaswa'i-nt. Cigwa unagucinini. Cayigwa
kaga't pldawacinon, cigwa plta'pabiwan. "No'ko, awisaga-
swan," pri-'kitowan. Mldac kaga't anicimadcat. Cayigwa
udababandan 4fii/u andanit, uglwabaman odociman kibi-
ckwanta'i'gawint. Mlgux *i*u anawi aci'a'Inabinit, kagagu
20 mawi. Anicagu antagantasik kawln untcimawisl acipindigat.
Tcigwa ka'irnabit, awaniban kawabamat.
Adcikackikibitani, midac iwiti ayanit. Cayigwa nanan-
tawri'wawa* kanawabamat, pana'ku iwiti awasaya*!'.
Cayigwa kaya win uwlnanantawi'a'n. Klca ugrirci'ton
along in a newly changed form. Presently he came in
sight of the place where (the manitous) lived. When on
his way to the place, he lost the way (and) came to a
different wigwam ; while on his way to it, (he saw some
children) coming racing out. "O my grandmother! why,
here is where we live."
"Pray, how, my grandmother, came you to lose the way?"
"Oh, by reason of too much weeping have my eyes
become closed, and that is why I cannot clearly see where
we live. Therefore, O my grandchildren ! do you lead
me thither by the hand." Whereupon truly, after he was
seated, then there upon his lap played the children. Then
was it discovered where he had ripped an opening in that
toad-skin of his. "Why, my grandmother, like the skin
of a human being is the look of your skin !"
"Ah, my grandchild ! that was how I rubbed myself
when working with the bast, as throughout the whole of
every day I was making twine," she said to her grand
children. And then he waited to be asked to where the
smoking was being held. Already was the evening coming
on. Then he truly heard the sound of footsteps approach
ing. Presently some one came and peeped inside. "My
grandmother, come and smoke," (the person) came saying.
Whereupon truly then away he went. Now, when he was
come in sight of where they dwelt, he saw that his nephew
was used as a cover over the entry-way. Even yet he
could see it, and he almost wept. By reason solely of
his power to control his feelings was why he did not cry
when entering. Then, after he was seated, there was no
one for him to see.
There was a hanging partition dividing the room, and
there beyond was (the wounded). Then, as they began
ministering, he kept watch of them, and continuously round
4Eiman wa'pra-'pa'i'wat, mi'tigo8 ugra-'kwakwa'pina^
Mldac cigwa kaya win anrrcat Wwiti awasaya'i', cigwa
owabaman asota'kwa-i'gasunit. A'pidci waca/pmit sangan-
gasininik liei/u ubigwa'k. Wawanigu udoninan acicicigwa-
5 nawat.
" Micanim Nanabucu ! Misa nicit!" i'kito.
Pasigwintcisat Nanabucu udanimamipinan otocimiwaya-
nan, madclba'i-wat. Unsusama'kamik kapiyapitcipitwavva-
tciwaninik igu, anigu'k pimipa'to. Ackamigu a'kupiski'klt
10 a'kwa-a'm. Mi yanawi cigwa pacwantank 48i/u omisonu-
'kan, caylgwa upacwabandan ciKi/u omisonu'kan. Mi cigwa
axkukitcipisut a'kwa'a'ng aciposit 'ici/u omisomu^kan.
Acini'kipmit i*i*u mi'tigo8, misax a'pana kagalt unawandan
wasa anamindim a(ki ayanik. Owabama ayanit pamataganit
15 anotc awaslya5'. Misa wlposiwa55 lic>i'man utclmaning, m!sa/
acrkunlcawat. "Pa'ka," udina8. "Panima pica'kag," udinas:.
Misa cigwa krrnandank : "Anln kacictcigayan awagwan
kabltot c\Ki'u a'ki?" kri'nandam. Cigwa ugi'kanona55 li{:i/u
manitowanca, midac nictam nigigwan : "Kawlnina kltanasi-
20 lkansln 'i8i/u a'ki?" udinan.
Misa gaga't ka'i'cigoglnit. Ningutingigu awayat krirn-
dci*a-pockandcisawan, kanisabawanigwan. Ka'i'cipabwata-
nat, ka'i'cigagwatcimat : "Anm?" ugri'nan.
to the other side (of the partition they kept passing).
Presently he too began ministering to him. In advance
had he made ready the way by which he meant to flee,
some wood he had heaped in a pile. And so when
presently he too went round to the other side, he then
saw him who sat propped with a support at the back.
Right in his side was the feather of the arrow barely to
be seen. And with a careful grip he held it as he worked
it vigorously back and forth.
"Confound Nanabushu! Now he is killing me!" he said.
Springing to his feet, Nanabushu seized the skin of his
nephew as he went, (and) started in flight. Frightful was
the roar of the water that came pursuing after, at top
speed he ran. Then by degrees till up to the knee in
water was he wading. When truly, now, he thought he
was nigh to his raft, then near by did he see his raft.
When up to his waist he was wading in water, then he
went aboard his raft.
When the water overflowed the trees, then at once he
truly realized what a long way clown in the water the
earth was. He saw all kinds of game-folk swimming
around. And when they wished to go aboard his raft,
he kept them off. "Wait," he said to them. "Not till
after a while do you come," he said to them. And so
he then thought: "How shall I do (to select) what one
is to fetch some earth?" he thought. Presently he spoke
to the smaller animal-folk,1 and so the first was the Otter :
"Would you not go after some earth?" he said to him.
Thereupon truly down into the water (the Otter) dived.
And by and by the one that had gone down came up
out of the water dead, he must have drowned. When
(Nanabushu) had breathed upon him, then he asked him:
"Well?" he said to him.
1 Such as wolves, foxes, beavers, badgers, minks, hares, and the like.
"Mlgu 4si/u tababamagwaban Igi/u mi'tigog piwa'kwana-
'kisiwat, mldac a'pl ka-rciwanantaman."
"Taga, km, amick nasi'kan lisi/u a'ki."
Kaga't ka/i'cigogit laea/u ami'k. Tcigwa' minawa kl'a'-
5 bockantcisawan. Acipabwatanat, "Anln?" udinan. "Kawl-
nina kanaga klbacwabandanz!naban ?"
"Kaga't abi'tawa'tig mi'tigog nintayanaban, mldac ka-r-
" Aba'pinisiwagan," udinan.
10 "Taga, kin, wajack."
Mldac kaga^t acikoglt laca/u wajack. Cigwa abockan-
tcisawan. Aciwuta'pinat ugikacka'kunitcantamini, a'i'tawi-
ni'k uda'kunamini ;ifc'i/u alki ; kaya usitaning, a'T'tawisit
usitaning a'tani 'I1''!'11 a'ki.
15 "Anlc misa 4i:i/u tcikackitoyang tci'O'ci'toyang cPi/u a'ki,"
ugina^. Anic ml cigwa klpoclatank lifii/u alki, ackamigu
kimistcani, ackam kl-aji'tot. Anic migu ka'i'cictcigat.
Cigwa ajiki'kandank ackam mistcanig, o'6'widac kriftkito :
"Taga, ma'rngan, wabandan anigu^kwagwan," udinan
20 ma'I'nganan ka/a'nonat.
Mldac kaga't ka'i'cimadcanit, mldac ka/rcitagwicininit.
"Kawlnisa tanigu'kwasinon," kri-nandam. "Usam ta/a'-
gasin." Mldac ka'i'cictcigat minawa nawatc tcimistcanig,
mldac minawa kacri'nat : "Taga, wabandan minawa ani-
25 gu'kwagwan," ugri'nan.
Misax kaga't klmadcanit minawa. Kuniginm, aniwa'k
kabaya'i' inantiwan ; cigwa tagwicinon minawa.
Mldac ka'i'nat: "'Au, amba, agwa'tayu'k," ugri-nai: anotc
awaslyac. Mldac kaga't. Misa cigwa krpimadci'a't lifii/u
"Just as I came in sight of the tree-tops, then was
when I lost my wits."
"Pray, you, O Beaver! go fetch some earth."
Truly then down into the water dived the Beaver.
Presently he was another to come up out of the water
dead. When (Nanabushu) breathed upon him, "Well?" he
said to him. "Did you not approach anywhere at all to it?"
"Truly, as far as halfway down the trees I was, where
upon I lost my senses."
"Too bad," he said to him.
"Now, you, Muskrat."
Whereupon truly into the water dived the Muskrat.
Presently he came up out of the water dead. As (Nana
bushu) took him up, he was holding (the earth) in his
clinched paws, in both paws he was holding the earth ;
also in his feet, in each foot was some earth.
"So therefore shall we now be able to create the earth,"
he said to them. So it was then that he breathed upon
the earth, and by degrees it grew in size, larger he made
it. Now, such was what he did. When he knew that it
was grown larger, then this he said: "Pray, Wolf, do you
see how big this earth is," he said to the Wolf that he
had employed.
Thereupon truly away went (the Wolf), and then after
wards back home he came.
"(This,) indeed, shall not be the size of the earth," he
thought. "Too small it will be." And so what he did
next was to have it larger, whereat again he spoke to
(the Wolf): "Pray, do you see again how big it is," he
said to him.
Thereupon truly off (the Wolf) started again. Lo, some
what longer was he absent ; then back was he come again.
Whereupon (Nanabushu) said to them : "Now, come, go
you ashore," he said to all the various game-folk. And so
awasiya8. Cigwa kltagwicinon ka'a'tionat. "Aye8, osam
ta/a'gasa," ugrrnan. "Anawi klnlcugtinantiyan, kawin katii-
bisasinon ka/i'dnit pitcmag wa'pimatisit," ugrrnan. Mlsa
minawa ka'i'ji'o'citot, "Cigwa taga," ugrrnan; "mima tac
5 i'i'u tanigu'kwagwan," ugri'nan.
Misa7 minawa ka'i'cimadcanit. Misa babra't pmic nro'-
gun. Kanro'gunagatnig, cigwa tagwicinon. "Kagiitsa
pPtca ka'i-cayan."
"Kawin," ugrrnan : "usam atcina kidinant. Kawin
10 tataTnigu'kwasinon," ugri'nan. Mlsax minawa ka/rjiTrci-
'tot ; kanru'gunagatinink, "Tagackuma, inabin anigu'kwa-
gwan minawa," udinan.
Medac kaga't kimadcanit. Caylgwa minawa klmadcawan
mlsa7 pabra't minawa. AT, plnic kabaya'r anantinint.
15 Cigwa tagwicin. "Kagatsa pl'tca Ii8i/u ka'i'cayan," ugl'i'nan.
Medac, "Aye8, asam atcina kidinant," ugri'nan. "Nawa-
tcisa kayabi ka'U'ci'tomin o-o* a'ki." Mldac minawa ka'i--
ciuji'tod, nawatc tcimistcanig kri'cictcigat.
Mldac kaga^t anro'gunagatnik minawa ka'i'cimadcanit.
20 Mlsar minawa pabra't- plnic ninguklsis anantinint. "Ml-
mawln illi/u a'pitantit," ugri'naniman. Kawin nangwana
i/u kaya'pitantisinik, ninguklsis ka'i-nantinint cigwa tagwi
cinon. "Kaga'tsa a'pitci pl'tca ka'i'cayan," i'kitowan.
"Aye8, kawin 'isi/u mini'k kita'i'cinantawanimisinon tci'i'-
25 nantiyan," ugri'nan. "Na'a'gatamina tataci kabimatisit uma
it was true. So, then, now he had saved the lives of the
game-folk. Now, back home came the one he had em
ployed. "Ay, too small it will be," he said to him.
"Though you have been gone two days, yet it will not
be (big) enough to contain all that are to live in times
to come," he said to him. And so when he had worked
upon it again, "Now, once more," he said to him: "per
haps it is now big enough," he said to him.
Thereupon again off started (the Wolf). And then he
awaited his coming for the space of four days. When
the four days were ended, then (the Wolf) arrived. "Truly
far have I been."
"No," he said to him : "too short a time have you been
gone. It will not be large enough," he said to him. And
then he created some more of it ; when four days were
ended, "Pray, now, do you see again how large it is," he
said to him.
Thereupon truly off started (the Wolf). When again
(the Wolf) had gone, then (Nanabushu) waited for his coming
again. Oh, for a long while was he gone. Then he came
back. "Truly far have I been," he said to (Nanabushu).
Thereupon, "Ay, too short a while have you been
gone," he said to him. "Larger yet will we make this
earth." Thereupon again he worked upon it, to the end
that it might be larger he did his work.
Thereupon truly, after four days were ended, then again
away started (the Wolf). And so again (Nanabushu) waited
for his coming; for a moon was (the Wolf) away. "Per
haps now he is gone forever," was his thought of him.
But it was not time for him yet to be gone forever ; so
when he had been gone for a moon, then back he came.
"Truly very far have I been," said (the Wolf).
"Ay, but not for so short a time do I wish you to
be absent," Nanabushu said to him. "Not so very few
a'king," agri-nan. "Pitclnag taba'taTno kapimadisit oma11
a'klng," ugrrnan. Minawa ka/iji'irci'towat, nawatc tcimi-
stcanig kijictcigawat.
Midac mmawa ka'i'cimadcanit.
5 Mlsa' pabra/t minawa, plnic ninguki^kinunawin kl'i'nan-
tiwan. Cigwa ningupibon ka'i*nantinit cigwa tagwicinon.
"Mlsa iu kaga cigwa ka/rnigu'kwag. Kawln po^c lifii/u
ta'i'nigu'kwasinon. Mlnawasa nawatc ninga'U'ci'ton." Mlsax
minawa ka'i'ci'O'ci'tot, "Amc minawa inabin," ugri'nan.
10 Cigwa minawa klmadcawan.
Mlsa' minawa pabra't. Cigwa minawa ningu'ki'kinona-
win kri'nantiwan, midac cigwa plnic nicuki'kinonawin
anantinit. Mlsa papra't awaniban katagwicininit. Midac
ka'i'nandank : "Awaniban," kri'nandam. Mlsa' anubabra/t,
15 misa7 aci'a-'pitantinit. Ka/rcrr'kitut : "Taga, kin, kagagi,
klwitasan amantc inigu^kwagwan," ugri'nan.
Midac kaga/t cigwa kipasigwa'u-t. Mlsax lpana kama-
dclsanit awaniban anubapra't ; wrka anunantawabamat,
ninguki'kinonawin ka*i*nahtinit. Cigwa pagamisawan.
20 "Aniwa'kigu, Nanabucu, mistca wo'o- a'ki," ugri-gon.
7 kaga rru ta'i'nigu'kwag, manu nawatc minawa
tcimistcag ninga'i'cictciga," ugri'nan. Midac kaga't mlnama
ka'iji'irci'tot i'i*u a'ki. Kanrtrgunatinik cigwa minawa
uganonan Ini/u kagagi wan.
will the number be of them who shall live here on earth,"
he said to him. "In time many will they be who shall
live here on earth," he said to him. When they had
created more of it, it was to the end that it might be
larger that they worked.
Thereupon again away went (the Wolf).
And then (Nanabushu) waited for his coming again, as
long as a full cycle of seasons was (the Wolf) gone. When
for a winter he had been gone, then back he came.
"Therefore it is now almost as large as it will be.
It is not yet so large as it should be. Again will I make
it larger." And when he had made some more of it, "Now
again do you look," he said to him.
Then again off started (the Wolf).
And so when (Nanabushu) waited again for his coming,
then for another cycle of seasons was (the W7olf) absent,
and then it came to pass that for two full rounds of sea
sons was (the Wolf) gone. And then he waited for him,
but he was not destined to come back. And this was
what he thought: "He is gone," he thought. And so in
vain he waited for him ; but (the Wolf) was gone forever,
at which he said: "Pray, you, O Raven! do you fly round
over (this earth) to find out how large it is," he said to him.
Thereupon truly then up (the Raven) rose on the wing.
And so gone was he when he started flying away, and it
was needless of (Nanabushu) to wait for him ; for a long-
while he vainly watched for him, for one full round of
seasons had he been gone when he came flying back home.
"Rather large, O Nanabushu! is this earth," he was told.
"It is now almost big enough, but to the end that it
yet may be larger will I make it," he said to him. There
upon truly more of the earth did he make. After four
days were ended, he then again spoke to the Raven.
1 Meaning the people.
Midac kaga/t minawa cigwa acipasigwa'irt lafia/u kagagi.
Misa cigwa minawa ki'kiwitasat H*u a'ki.
Mlsa' mlnawa papra/t Nanabucu. Pmic nicuki'kino-
nuwin anantinit •, awanibani'ku katagwicininit, pinic cigwa
5 kabaya'i* anantinit; wrka cigwa tagwicinon mlnawa. Mldac
ka'i-nat: "'A, manu nawatc kayabi tamistca." Mldac kaga't
minawa ka'ijro'ci'tot i'i>u a'ki nrirgun, "Amc, tagackuma,
minawa awinabin," ugrrnan mi/u kagagiwan. Caylgwa
minawa pabra't, mlsax ka'i'ci'a-'pitantinit. Anupabl'a't.
10 "Misa lifii/u intawa ka'i'nigu'kwag o a'ki," ugri'nafi. Mldac,
"Mimawln tciwaba*a-ngiban," krr'kito. "Intawa tcigusi-
gunk ninga'a-ci'ton wl'ka tcibltcimi'kasunu'k." ]
SERIES II. Nos. 19-32.
Nanabucusa papimusa ; ningutingigu papimusat slblns
umatabl ; a'pidcisa mackusi'kani. Inabit adi'kwan pimima-
1 5 daplwan ; nibiwa ackana^ udayawani.3 Kwaya'kigu pimia-
iyawakusiwawan, midac i'i/>u ajiplpagimat : "Nicimica,
a'kawa, klwlwapamin !"
Kaga't kibi'tcikapawiwan.
Anlcinasi'kawat ; payacwabamat oganonan : "Kaga't
1 Unfortunately the ending is incomplete.
2 See series i, No. 14, p. 117.
Whereupon truly again up flew the Raven. And then
again did he fly roundabout the earth.
Thereupon again for him did Nanabushu wait. For as
long as two cycles of the seasons was (the Raven) gone •,
as time went on, there was no sight of him coming back,
continuing so till he had been gone a long while ; a long
time afterwards he came back again. And this was what
he said to him: "Well, let it be still larger." Thereupon
truly, after he had been creating it for four days more,
"Well, now, this time, again go you and see," he said to
the Raven. Again he waited for him, but this time he
was gone forever. In vain he waited for him. "That
then, no doubt, will be the extent of this earth," he said
to the (animal-folk). And now, "(I) fear that this will
float away," he said. "Therefore in order that it may be
heavy will I make it so that it shall never be moved." 1
SERIES II. Nos. 19-32.
Now, Nanabushu was travelling about ; now, once while
travelling about, he came out upon a brook ; an exceedingly
broad meadow was there. While looking around, (he saw)
a caribou moving out upon the meadow ; many the prongs
he had on his antlers.3 And straight across the meadow
was he moving, whereupon (Nanabushu) called to him
with a loud voice: "O my younger brother! wait, I want
to see you !"
Truly he stopped (and) stood.
Then (Nanabushu) walked over to where he was ; when
he was in close view of him, he addressed him, saying:
3 Nibiwa ackanaE udayawani, "many the prongs he had on his antlers;" literally,
"many the horns he had."
matcina'kamigat wandusayan, odanang nimprirndcl. Awa-
sinago kinisitiwag ininiwibanlg, mlgu *ru tabita klnisitiwat.
Kaga't sanagat. Nlnanaginiwanaban, midacigu iu pimini-
cimoyan. Ocrwisagu totamobanlg." Odota'pinani Niina-
5 bucowan Ini/u umi'tigwablni ; acfkwa'tawanit ; kaT'kwa'ta-
wanit ubi'kwa'kuni, cigwasa unamma'kwinu'tagdn. Cigwa-
dac kigitowan : "Misa o nasab andodamowa'pan."
Ta'tiwa, acipimugut, wantcitagu waca'pit u'tininagon.
Anicna plwabi'k sagapi'kisini rrma ubi'kwa'kuning. Anu-
TO kwaskuni a'a'wisa adi'k wandcitagu a'konamut ; mlsagu iu
Tava, Nanabucu oriio;a't minwantam wantcitagu winino-
J O C5 • • O
wan !ni/u udadi'kuman. Ac, mlsagu cigwa madcrkawat
wlninira't. Alkawa, udagwawanalk udoci'ton ; kaklci'tod
15 mldac ima ani'a-gotod 4si/u uwininon. Paba'pic kaklci'kawat
a'pidcisa pa'kada. "Pamagu wawani gld'tayan ningawlsin,"
inandam. Wlyasi dac mlnawa abi'ta pimida udclba'kwaclan.
Cigwasa ka'klcitanik, "Misa cigwa tcimadantcigayan," inan
dam. Wigwas unantawabandan mldac ima acagwa'a'nk.
20 Kayagwa'a'nk Nanabucu klgito : "A'tawa, ningakiwiyagan-
tan. A'pagicsa i'kwatug wito'pamag a'pidcigu tata'kwu-
tclngwanat." Ta, cigwa upa'kwacan 4ci/u wlnin. "Kaga'tsa
Pamagu pi'kwanang rrma tciga'kwawinini, "Kantc,
25 kantc," inwawan mi'tigon.
Misa7 upagitinan Na*nabucu waca'kamu'pan. "Kaga'tsa
ningikagwanisaglnawamigun." Wawlp acipa'kwacank 'isi/u
"Truly a wicked time is going on at the place from
whence I come, from a town is where I come. Day
before yesterday were the men killing one another, act
ually on both sides were they killing one another. It is
truly desperate. I tried to stop the fight, and then I
fled away. Thus were they doing at the time." Nana-
bushu reached for his bow ; then he strung it ; after he
had strung it, he then aimed (to shoot). And then he
spoke, saying: "This was what they did at the time."
Poor creature ! when he was shot by (Nanabushu), right
in the side behind the shoulder was he shot. According
to the story, a metal was sticking out of the arrow. In
vain did the caribou try to leap away, even till he could
breathe no more ; and then he died.
Oh, now truly pleased was Nanabushu that so unusually
fat his caribou should be. Ah ! and then was when he
began work upon it, cutting up its meat. First, he made
a roasting-rack ; when he had finished it, he thereupon
hung up his fat. By the time he had finished his work
on (the caribou), very hungry was he. "Not till I have
put (things) in good order will I eat," he thought. So
some meat partly fat he cooked. And when it was done
cooking, "It is now time that I eat," he thought. For
(some) birch-bark he sought, upon which he spread out
(what he had cooked). After Nanabushu had dipped it
out of (the kettle), he said : " Ah ! but I shall spoil it by
eating it (alone). Would that I might eat with a woman
who was short from groin to knee!" However, presently
he sliced off a piece of the fat. "Verily, I shall spoil it
by eating it (alone)."
Then of a sudden at his back from yonder edge of the
woods, "Kantc, kantc," came the sound of a tree.
Thereupon down Nanabushu laid what he was going
to put into his mouth. "Truly am I terribly angered by
wamidci'pan umawinanan ini/u mi'tigon. Aji*a'4kwandawat ;
mlclac Ii8i/u kakackrtrt, midac ima ajida'tot 4YU wamldci'pan.
Mlsa lifii/u ajita'kwamigut Ini/u mi'tigon ; paya'ta'ircigo
pldanimatini. Amc mlsa Ii8i/u ayagosit. Anlc anawi ucla-
5 nuwf kwutci'ton kawln ugacki'tosln Ii8i/u unintc. Ningutin-
gigu ayagosit inabit ka^pi'irndusat, owabaman ma'I'nganan
plmatapiskusiwanit ; mlnawa pacik, kayabi pajik kwaya'kigu
pimi'a'yawackusiwawas. Kwatcigu pami'ku'pinit ajiplpagi-
mat: "Nisttclnistca !" udinae.
10 Kibiltcikapawiwafi. Anlc 'a'a/widac a'kiwa^zImaTngan
oganona *i8i/u unldcanisas : "Mlsa/ au Nanabucu kaganoni-
nank. Kao^o ugini'tonatuef i'i'nia klbaskinawat. Ka^odac
• o o o ^ •
iciwabisitug 'i^ma kra'gosit. 'A 'a11, madcada', ijata7
klbaskinawat. "
15 Nanabucu kanawabamat pimadclba'i'tinit.
Anln ka'i'cinamowat ma^rnganag panagu adi'kwan nan
awicicrasunit. Anlc ka/rnabamawat,1 mlsao'u ciVwa mata
o • • £> <> •
mawat. Kawln kanaga nomag kitacitasiwag 'iY11 ki'kitam
wawat. A'pidcigu wawip cigwa animadcawag.
20 Nanabucu uganona2 : " Nistcimistca, kagux ta'taganapi-'
'kagun !"
Ma'rnoranao; acita'tagranabiwat, a'tiwa, anln acinamowat
o • • o • &
panagu wmin agotani. Wantcitagu kamama'kantiwad
mldciwad. Kawln kanaga nomag kltaci'taslwag krkitamo-
1 Anic kii'I'nabamawiit, "they had nothing to gain by simply looking upon it"
(literally, "why should they look upon it," but the sense is in the other rendering).
1 63
that." When he had quickly sliced off (a piece of) what
he was going to eat, he rushed to the tree. Then up he
climbed ; and when he got up, he then placed there what
he was going to eat. Thereupon he was caught fast by
the tree ; for just at the moment (a gust of) wind came.
And so now up there he hung. To be sure, he tried in
vain to get his finger out, but he could not succeed.
Then by and by, while hanging up there and looking
towards the place from whence he had come afoot, he
saw a Wolf coming out into the meadow ; (he saw) another,
still another, coming out into the meadow. Just as they
were about entering the cover of the woods, then he called
aloud to them: "My younger brothers!" he said to them.
They stopped (and) stood. Now, the old Wolf addressed
his children, saying: "That is Nanabushu who is speaking
to us. Something probably he has killed at yonder place
where his smoke is lifting. And something must have
happened to him, that he should be hanging there. Well,
let us go, let us go thither where he has a smoke going !"
Nanabushu then watched them as they began racing
What should the Wolves have appear but a vast store
of caribou already prepared. Now, they had nothing to
gain by simply looking upon it,1 so thereupon they set
to work eating it. Not a whit were they a long (time)
occupied before they had it all eaten up. And very soon
were they started on their way.
Nanabushu addressed them, saying: "My little brothers,
don't you look up !"
As the WTolves looked up, why, what were they to
behold but a great heap of fat hanging aloft. What they
simply did was to grab it from one another when they ate.
Not at all long were they at it before they had it eaten up.
Then off they started racing together ; when they were
wat. Animadclba-rtiwa8 ; kapickunagusinit, nabawic kibi-
'tanimatini. Kutciwrkwutcrir ajikacki'to't 4si/u anintc.
Ajimsantawat, a/tawa Nanabucu kaga/t ko'padantam.
Ajiki'tcimawit, anlc a'pidci wlwlsini. Indawa 4fiiwa mis-
5 kwlwa'kamiganik mii/u itinunk mwacagantcigat. A'pidcigu
wasi'tawl. "Ambagicsa7 kacki'toyan 'l^i'11 tciginabigonsi-
wiyan." Anigu'k uwrkwatciton 'r8!^11 wi'kinabi'konsiwit.
Kaga/t ugacki'ton crQ'\-11 kinabi'konsiwit, mlsadac iu pitcinag
minwlt 'i-8i/<u wlsinit. Aniwa'k anitatawlsini. Midac iu
10 ustigwan aniwa'k liei/u pasiganagatinik aniwa'k udontcimi-
lkan ci'8i/<u pimita. Magwagu 'i^i^witi wlsinit pasiga-
nagatinig, a'tiwa, acinonta'a'nicinabawit. Wantagu ima
uka'tigwang mri'ma ajra/ta'o-sut. A'ta, Nanabucu kawin
wabandanzln 'is;i/u kaijat. Wagunamwinan ki'tci'a'nigu'k
15 ajimadcat. Papimiba'tod a'pidcisa kusigwanini lifii/u usti
gwan; cigwasa papimiba'tod ajibita^ucing, "Tcwan, tcwiin,"
ka-rnwawakami'kicing. Nanabucu ajiklgitut : "Kidawana-
na'tigu ?" Cigwa uganonigon : " Nlnisa'ku uca'kamigank
20 "Ou, kiwlgwasi11."
"Kaga't, Nanabucu, nlwigwasi11."
Mlnawa madca anigu'k. Ningutingigu pi'ta'kucin minawa
Nanabucu, misa kayabi aniwawa'kamikicing. Nanabucu
ajiklgitut : " Kituwanana'tigu ?"
25 "Ayes, nini'ku anipatinank kananlbawiyan."
"Ou, klcingwalkuu ingwana." Mlsax, ajimadciba'tot intiku
aniba'kamiga, inantam Nanabucu. Ningutingigu mlnawa
ajipita'kucink. "Awanan kin ayawiyan ?" 2 ilkito.
1 The head of the caribou.
out of sight, unfortunately not till then did the wind go
down. He tried getting his fingers loose till he succeeded.
When down he climbed, poor Nanabushu truly felt dis
appointed. Then he had a great cry, for he was very
anxious to eat. Now, there was blood on the ground, and
such was the place where he ate. Very awkward was it
(for him to get to it). "Would, indeed, that I might be
come a little serpent!" With all his power he tried to
become a little snake. Truly successful was he in changing
to a little snake, and then he was in an easy position to
eat. Pretty well contented was he as he continued eating.
And now the head : had in it somewhat of a groove, where
he discovered some fat. And while he was eatino- there
in the groove, why, he turned into a person before he
expected. Exactly over his forehead was where he was
held fast. Why, Nanabushu did not see where to go.
It so happened that with great speed he started. As he
ran along, exceedingly heavy was the head ; when running
along, he bumped against a tree. "Tcwa11, tcwan," was
the sound he made when he fell. Nanabushu then said :
"And what kind of a tree are you?" Then was he
answered: "Always on the ridge do I stand."
"Oh, then you are a birch!"
"To be sure, Nanabushu, I am a birch."
He continued speeding on. And one other time against
a tree Nanabushu bumped, whereupon he made the same
noise as he fell. Nanabushu then said: "What kind of
a tree are you?"
"Yea, ever on the hillside do I stand."
"Oh, then you are indeed a pine!" And then as he
started, it seemed that he was running down hill, so thought
Nanabushu. And another time he bumped against a tree
(and) fell. "Who are you?"2 he said.
2 Awanan kin ayawiyan? literally, "who are you that you are.1'
1 66
"Nlnsa'ku a'kwa'kamiga'k kananlbawiyan."
"O, kiglci'kiy
" Nanabucu, kaga't ningici'ki11."
Anigu'k ajimadcat Nanabucu. Nicingigu ka'pangicing,
5 panagu kasaswanik Ini/u u'tawagan. Mlsa cigwa madciya-
tagat. Kawm ugi'kand^zm a'pl'tcanig 'i-8!7-11 saga'i'gan.
Ml nano^wana iu anicinaba8 andaci odanawi'tonit 'i{li/u
• o • •
saga'i'gan iwitac pamatagat. Nintigumi kaga't adi'k pa-
madagat acinagusit Nanabucu. Pamagu mlnangwana iu
10 ima u'pimacicutaux wandcipa'kublt waca/u Nanabucu. "Ale,
'a'e1, micawa pamatagat ! l A'a/u, mawinatawata !" Panagu
A'ta, Nanabucu anigu'k ajimadcat.
"A," piglgitowag, "a'a'e1, kawasa, kimicaganigunan !"
15 "Mlnagwana pacu ninga'i'cimicaga," inandam. Mldac
kaga't anigu'k Nanabucu ajimadcat. Ningutingigu ajita-
A'pidcisa upacwabamawan Igix anicinaban kanawaba-
mawat, kuniginln, Nanabucowan ani'u'ndci'a'gwagwackuni-
20 wan. Anic aniba'a'bi'kani ; kumagu a'pl tagwucininit,
a'tiwa, acocacapi'kicininit Nanabucowan. Acibasisitonit
'i^^wa udoctigwanimini. Ka'O'nickabi'tonit anigagawa'pi-
wan. Mldac Ii8i/u aniglgitonit : "Kaga'tigu micawa pama
tagat inantamog Igi/u anicinabag."
25 Kavvln kanaga tibatcimoslwan Nanabucowan anuwika-
1 67
"Always by the edge of the bank do I stand."
"Oh, then you are a cedar!"
"Nanabushu, truly am I a cedar."
With all his speed then started Nanabushu. And when
he was come at the end of the second leap, then was
there a steady ringing in his ears. Thereupon he then
began swimming. He did not know how big was the lake.
There happened to be some people dwelling in a town
by the lake where he was swimming. Very much like a
caribou swimming past was the look of Nanabushu. Then
of a sudden there was stirring at yonder place, off a way
from where Nanabushu had gone down into the water.
" Halloo, an elk is swimming past ! Come, let us chase
him in our canoes!" And forthwith there arose a hubbub
(with paddles and canoes when shoving off into the water).
Oh, how Nanabushu went with all his speed !
"Ah," they said as they came, "too bad, impossible,
we shall be beaten to the shore!"
"It must be that nigh to the shore am I getting," he
thought. Thereupon truly with full speed then Nanabushu
started. Then all at once he touched the bottom.
Exceedingly nigh were the people observing (the elk),
when, lo, Nanabushu went leaping out of the water. Now,
there was a bank of loose stones sloping down to the
water ; and when he was come a certain distance, why,
upon a rock Nanabushu slipped (and) fell. Then he burst
open that (caribou) head of his. When up he sprang
from where he fell, away he went falling headlong with
laughter. And this he said as he went along: "So truly
an elk was swimming past, thought the people."
Nothing at all did Nanabushu tell when in vain they
tried to question him.
Mlsagu li<8i/<u ba'pic animadcanit. Nanabucu anibabi-
musat cigwadac umadabl slblns ; udanibabima'a'ton kaga-
'pri'gu mis;tcanig li'8i'-u slbi. Cigwadac udababatan 4'8i/>u
saga'i'gan, a'pidci unicicinini ima wandcisagitawanig 'i{":i/u
5 slbi. Inabit Nanabuco mlnisi'u'tawanganig ; owabamas
ni4kansa8, a'pidcisa pa^tinlnowa8. Nanabucu wagunaniwi-
nan, natagamaba'to, udawru'da'pinan ini/u clngubln ; ulku-
nacicing ugacklwaginan. Uciwani'ka iu cingubl, a'pidcisa
ubwawanana8 iu cingubl. Miclac Ii8i'u anlcimadcat udani'a'-
10 sunan 'i'Y111 umi'kwaban. Anisagawat kigito au kis'tcinrka :
"Nanabucu sagawat. Ucimuyu^k, kagugu kiga'i'gunan."
Kawlndac win pasigu'irsiwag lgi/u ni'kansag. Kuniginin,
oganonigowan Nanabucowan : "Kaga/tsagu nintinigawagan-
tam anuwabamagwanin !gi/u niclmayag. Kaga'tiginin pa
15 'pina'kainigat wandusayan ; mlsa7 iwiti7 nlmi'i'tiwat anicina-
bag. Kagwanisagimaminwa'i-gataniwan !ni/u nagamunan
nagamuwatcin. Mlsagu na onou pamondamanin Ini/u naga
munan. Ambasano kammi'i'ninim. Mro*ma tcibagiton-
daman Ini/u nagamunan. Ninga'u'ci'ton 'i^ma katacitayan
20 tcinlmi'i-nagu'k. Ta'irnicicin nlmi'i'tlwigamik ka'irci'toyan."
Nanabucu mlsa cigwa madci'tad uci'tod, cingubl waka-
lkinat ; tcitagu pacitcipagisusinik mi/'itu aplta'tod
And so in course of time he was upon his way. While
Nanabushu was travelling about, he soon came out upon
a brook ; he followed its course till at last it (opened out
into) a large river. Then presently he came in sight of
a lake, very beautiful was the place where the river flowed
out (into the lake). While Nanabushu was looking about,
(he saw) an island of sand ; he saw some Goslings, very
numerous were they. Nanabushu, simpleton that he was,
went running out towards the land, he went to get some
balsam-boughs; in his old soiled blanket he wrapped them.
He made a pack of the balsams, a very heavy pack did
the balsams make. And so when he started on his way,
he had his hands on the tump-line (running from the fore
head back over the shoulders). When he came into view
(round a point of land), up spoke a big Goose: "Nana
bushu is coming into view (round the point). Do you
flee, for something shall we be told."
But the Goslings did not fly away. Lo, they were
addressed by Nanabushu saying: "Truly am I sad at
heart whenever I fail to see my little brothers. Now, truly
a merry time is going at the place from whence I come ;
for at that place are the people dancing together. Wonder
fully good are the songs that they sing. Pray, let me make
you dance. Now, these that I have on my back are those
very songs. And down at this spot will I lay the songs.
I will fix a place yonder where I will devote (myself) to
making you dance. Handsome will be the dance-lodge that
I will make." Nanabushu thereupon set to work making
it, with balsams he made a stockade ; at only such a height
that it could not be taken at a leap was how high he
1 For other versions see Nos. 1 1 and 48.
unlmri'tlwigamig. "Ml'-r11 cigwa tcimadci'taiyang tcinlmi-
•i'tiyank. Ambasa, mi''i'u icra'gwa'taiyu'k."
Kaga/t ni'kansag agwa'tawag.
"Ambasano, kawlndamoninim ka/a'rciyag. Migtl rci/>u
5 kani'rna/a'man aTdyu'k ^{•2{/-u tcinlmiyag. Ayangwamisi-
yu'k. Kagi/ wlwamwisi'kagun. Mlsagu iu cigwa tciplndi-
gayak ^Ym^ nlmi'i'tlwigamigunk."
Ajipmdigawat ni'kansag, kaya win mang ; kaya win dac
cingibis ajiplndigat.
10 Ka'kina ka'plndiganit Nanabucu uglpa'a-n udickwandam.
Cigwax Nanabucu wlmadcra'm a'kawa minawa uganona^:
"Migu iu kania'rna'a'man, aTdyu'k. A'pidac pasinawan-
disuyan mra^pi kapasigwlyan. Ml wlnigu iu nanasawaya'I*
kababatacicimoyan. Mlsa cigwa tcimadcra'man :"
15 "Pasangwabicimowinan ninpidonan, nicimisitug !
Nabanagatacimowimm, nicimisitug, ninpitonan."
Midac cigwa a'pidci udcl'kima8, misagu kaga't ka'kina
"Ayansigwacimowinaii nimpidonan, nicimisitug."
20 Kaga/t ayansigwa'tawa11 pa'kic nlminit.
Nanabucu ajikigitut : "A1 exi, mlcigwa pasinawanintisu-
yan !" Ajipasigwlt Nanabucu papanimi, Nanabucu uda-
ninatcicimuttawai;. Wagunaniwinan pimi'a'yasigwa'tanit
^.sj'.u ni'kansa8. Aji'U'dota'pinat ajipo'kugwabinat ; minawa
25 abiding pimra-yasigwa'tanit ajipo'kugwabinat.
Ckwantank iwiti tacicimu 'a^V11 mang. Intigunantagu
umadwagwawabina, iu ni'tam mang. Wagunaniwinan pangi
made his dance-lodge. "It is now time for us to begin
dancing together. Hither, now come you out of the water."
To be sure, the Goslings came out of the water.
"Harken! I will tell you how you are to act. According
as I sing, so do you when you dance. Do you take pains.
Don't you fail in anything. Now is the time for you to
enter into the dance-lodge."
Then in went the Goslings, likewise the Loon ; and also
the Diver entered in.
When all had gone inside, Nanabushu closed up the
doorway. Now, Nanabushu was about to sing, but first
he addressed them again, saying: "Therefore according
to what I say in my song, that you do. And when I
become thrilled, then shall I rise to my feet. Thereupon
in amongst you shall I dance. It is time for me now to
begin singing :"
"A dance with the eyes closed do I fetch !
A dance upon one leg, O my little brothers ! do I fetch."
Thereupon then were they much thrilled with the song,
and so all of course danced with their eyes closed.
"A dance with the necks close up together do I fetch, O my little brothers !"
Of course, up close together came their necks, while at
the same time they were dancing.
Nanabushu then spoke up: "Behold, now am I in a
transport of delight!" Rising to his feet, Nanabushu moved
about, dancing here and there, approaching (the Goslings)
while he danced. Foolishly did the Goslings hold their
necks close up together. As he took them up, he broke
their necks ; once again when they bunched with necks
together, he broke their necks.
By the doorway yonder the Loon was dancing. Now,
it seemed as if he heard the sound of the breaking of
necks, thus it seemed to the Loon. Happening to open
ajitockabit a'tawa, inabit mang, na'i'tag ubimibolkugwanani
Nanabucowan ni'kansa8. Ajiklgitut mang: "A'e^e1, Nana-
bucu kidickwanigunan !" Misa' a'kawa a'kitut mang, migu
iu anawitabacitcipagisut.
5 Altaa, Nanabucu miwanigu iniwati mangwan nwa'pi-
nanat. lTa, mang anupapisingwa'i'gat. Anawidac pacu-
nagwatini i'i'wa nibi abanabit aca pacu Nanabucowan •
ajipa'kublgwackunit mang. A'tawa, ajitangiskagut 'i^ma
uclganang. Kaya win a'i'tag anupa'kublba'i'wa 'a8a/u
10 cingibis, ml gaya wlni i/u kltangickagut Ini/u Nanabucowan.
Mlsa iu cigwa ajiklgitut Nanabucu: "Mlsa iu mini'k ka'a'-
'klwang ka*i'cinagusit laGau mang, kaya 'a^a'11 cingibis."
Misa cigwa ajigu'pit iwiti unimi'i'tiwigamigunk, aniwa-
lkigu mbiwa uglnisa cisi/u nikansa8. Nanabucu ajiklgitut :
15 "Arnantcigic a'pidci ka'i'ciminosa'kwayan ogo/u nini'kansi-
mag? Ambasano, ninganigwa'a'bwanag." Kaga't madci'ta
Nanabucu ki'tcibotawat mi'tawangank. A'pidcisa mbiwa
ka/rcawangitanik, mlsa cigwa madci'tad ningwa'a'bwat.
Mldac 'i^i7*11 klwitackuta anisagisitacima8 48i/u uni'kansima8.
20 Ka^Icltad mldac i'i>u kaga/t wlniba. "Ambasano, klgana-
wanta'i'n imwa nini'kansimao-," udinan lni/u utcltln. "Nintclt,
O • O '
kanawanim gwatcinatawm awlya ningakimotimik iwa nini-
'kansima8." Nanabucu ajitcangitiyakisut ; mldac iwiti
nayaciwaninik ajitcangitiya'kidut. Mlnawa uganonan Ini/u
25 utcltln: " Wlndamawicin anicinabag sagawa'O'wat." Uga-
nonigon utcltln : "Klgawlndamon."
his eyes a little, why, when the Loon looked, it was to
see Nanabushu at just the time when he was among the
Goslings breaking their necks. Then up spoke the Loon :
"Look out! by Nanabushu are we being killed off." Now,
when the Loon first spoke, he then cleared (the balsam
enclosure), just barely getting over.
Oh, but how Nanabushu did go in pursuit of yonder
Loon ! Ah, and how the Loon did struggle in vain to get
away ! And though near by seemed yonder water, yet
when he looked back, here close was Nanabushu ; then
into the water leaped the Loon. Poor thing ! he was kicked
on the small of his back. And in time did the Diver also
try to escape into the water, but to no purpose, for he
too was kicked by Nanabushu. Thereupon then up spoke
Nanabushu: "Therefore as long as the world lasts, thus
will look the loon, so too the diver."
So then up from the shore he went to his dance-lodge
yonder, and rather a good many Goslings he had killed.
Nanabushu then said: "Wonder in what especially fine way
I may cook these Goslings of mine ! I say, I am going to
bake them." Truly to work set Nanabushu building a
great fire upon the sandy beach. When a very great deal
of the sand was hot, accordingly then did he begin baking
them. And so in a circle about the fireplace he laid his
Goslings, (covering them) so that only their feet could be
seen sticking out. When he had finished (this work), he
was of course anxious to sleep. "I say, I would have you
keep watch of these Goslings of mine," he said to his bottom.
"My bottom, do you keep watch over them, lest someone
rob me of my Goslings." Nanabushu lay with bottom up ;
it was over towards the cape he lay with his bottom turned.
Again he addressed his bottom, saying: "Inform me if any
people come paddling into view (round the point)." He
was answered by his bottom saying: "I will inform you."
Nanabucu cigwasa' aniniba, a'pidci cigwa anibosangwam .
Ajia'kawabit Ia8a/u miskwasap anicinaba8 sagawa'a-mo':.
Anicna ajiklgitut : "Piwitag sagawa*a*mog."
Anicna owabamawan Nanabucowan tcangitiya'kisunit
5 kaya li-ci/<u undabasawanit. Ajigikitowat igi/u anicinabag :
"Kagu udayanatug Nanabucu ima krirndabasawat.
Ambasano, wl'kimotimata wagutugwan ayagwan ima kl-
Anlc, ml cigwa ki'kanonigut Ini/u utcitln, amc amrrnabit
10 Nanabucu; mldac ajini'kawaba'a-mowat 'i-8!7-11 utclmaniwa,
mlnawa cigwa anibosangwamu (asa/u Nanabucu. Minawa
ajitibabamawat Igi/u anicinabag. Anic inabit 'a8a/u Nana
bucu utcitln, pamagu mlnawa anicinaba pa'u'ndciminawa-
gurnunit. "Piwitag sagawa*a*mowag !" i'kitowan utcitln.
15 Anlc Nanabucu anu'rnabit, anicna aca ki'a'ca'u'ta'a'mog
lgi/u anicinabag. "Kaga't klgaklnawick," udinan lni/u utcltan.
Wagunanlwinan upapasagupinan Ini/u utcltan. u Pamagu
kaga't wabamatwaban lgi/u anicinabag kitaklkanoc. Kagux
mlnawa kanocici'kan. Mini'kigu wanibayan niwlniba."
20 Mlsa gaga/t Nanabucu nibat.
Midac li'9i''u ajikigitowat igi/u anicinabag: "Ambiisa,
mri/tU cigwa klposangwamigwan a11 Nanabucu." Cigwa
ajimadcikwaciwawad ina'kwaciwawat Nanabucowan. Ajiga-
bawat aji'ijawat ima ckutawaninig. A'tawa, panagu ni-
25 kansa8 sagisitacino8 ! Wawlp umo'kawangawawa 'i'8!7'11
ajikimotimawat Nanabucowan. Anlc matwangwamowan.
Wawlp ugicpisitapinawa ; nayap tibicko aji'a-yani'pan usi-
Nanabushu presently went off to sleep, he was soon in
very deep slumber. While the bottom was watching,
some people came paddling into view (round the point).
Naturally then up he spoke: "Some visitors are paddling
into view (round the point)."
Of course, they saw Nanabushu lying bottom up, and
also the smoke of his fire. Then up spoke the people :
"Something must Nanabushu have yonder where the smoke
of his fire is lifting. Pray, let us go rob him of whatever
he has yonder where he lies with bottom up."
Well, so when he was addressed by his bottom, then
did Nanabushu look, but to no purpose ; and so when
they paddled round to the other side of the point, then
again into sound slumber did Nanabushu fall. Then an
other look at him the people took. So while the bottom
of Nanabushu was looking about, then suddenly again the
people came into view on the water. "Visitors are appear
ing (round the point) !" said his bottom.
Now, when Nanabushu looked, it was no use, for naturally
back did the people turn their canoes. "A truly down
right liar you are," he said to his bottom. Foolishly he
scratched his bottom. "If you had really seen the people,
you should have spoken to me. Don't you speak to me
again. As long as I had intended sleeping, so do I wish
to sleep." Thereupon truly Nanabushu went to sleep.
Thereupon then said the people: "Come, now is when
Nanabushu must be sleeping soundly." Then off they
started in their canoes, going towards where Nanabushu
was. When they landed, then they went to where the
fire was. Ah, what a heap of Goslings with feet sticking
out ! Quickly they dug them out of the ashes when they
robbed Nanabushu of them. Now they could hear the
sound of him asleep. Quickly they broke off the legs ;
back in the same way as before they placed their feet
ltam usagisitonawa. Wawlp oposi'a'wa 'r8!''11 ni'tansa8,
mlsa cigwa ajimadcawad.
Cigwasa kuskusi Nanabucu ; ajiclplt, "Pa', nindosami-
gwan. Kwatcinatawin ta'irsamisowag nini'kansimag." Mlsa
5 cigwa uda'pinang 'r8!'-11 pajik usitani !ni/u uni'kansiman,
mi nangwana iu aji'u-ndcibi'tod lisi/u usitani. "Pabapinisi-
wagan, mlsa gaga't krirsamisuwat igiwa nini'kansimag."
Minawa pajik umamon lisi/u usitani, mlsa kayabi aji'U'n-
dcibitod 48i/u usitani. Mldac li*8i/<u ajimamot 'i8i/u mi'tig
10 ajinantwawangawat ; awaniban awlya. " Aba'pinisiwagan,"
inandam. " Gwa'tcinatawln ningrkimotimigo nini'kansimag."
Mlsa7 undcita anunantwawangawat. Wagunaniwinan nan-
du'kawatciga ; kaga't mi'tawangank pimi'kawawa8 ki'kaba-
nigwan 4'8i/>u anicinaba8. Misa cigwa kf kwaya'kwantank
1 5 4-8i/>u krkimotimint. Wagunaniwinan ajikacki'tot udijiba-
'pasagupinan Ini/u utcltan. Kaga'tsa unickri'gon lni/u utcitin.
Nanabucu ajiklgitut : "Ka, mawlni iu a'tagu ningatotawasi,
anawiwln i'i<u pa'pasigupinag. Intawa ningatcagiswa."
Nanabucu ajimadci'tat mi'tigon u'kwa'kuwabinang ; a'pi
20 kastcipiskananik, Wagunaniwinan acinisawa'a'nk Ickuta, mlsa7
i11 tcagiswat mi/u utcltan.
Wibago, aTc!n, tcln, tc!n, tcln," inwawasu.
Ajiklgitut Nanabucu: "Ana/n, ltcin, tcP, tcP,' kaaTn-
wayan, kawindamawisiyan nini'kansimag ki'kimotimigowa !"
25 Mldac iu a'pidci ackalkacank ka'i'nitanik 'i'8!7'11 utclt, midac
iu aci'kugabawit. Altawa, kawln kanaga ugacki'tosln tci-
pimusat -, mlgu i11 ajimiskwiwinit li'i/>u uniciciwa8, a'pidci
ugacki'ton wawasa a'tod lni/u u'katan, anugutcimadca ;
miya'ta i11 aniwack pang! ajikaskitot tongitiya'a'mlt.
sticking out. Quickly they put the Goslings into their
canoes, and then they started away.
Presently from slumber woke Nanabushu ; as he stretched
(himself), "Oh, I slept too long! It is possible that over
done might be my Goslings." And so when he reached for
the foot of one of his Goslings, why, he really pulled out
(only) a leg. "Too bad! it is the truth that too long have
these Goslings of mine been cooking." One more foot he
took hold of, and in the same way he pulled out another foot.
Thereupon taking a stick, he searched for them digging in
the ashes; but there wasn't a single one. "Bad luck," he
thought. "It is possible that I have been robbed of my
Goslings." And so with a will he tried to dig them out
(of the ashes), but with no result. It occurred to him to seek
for tracks ; truly, on the beach were some footprints which
the people must have made when they landed. Thereupon
now quite sure was he that he had been robbed. Foolishly
then as much as he could he scratched his bottom. Truly
was he angered by his bottom. Nanabushu then said : "Ah!
this is not all that am I going to do to him, even if I am
scratching him. Indeed, I will give him a thorough burning."
Nanabushu then set to work piling up some wood ; when
a big blaze was going, he then foolishly straddled the fire,
whereupon he gave his bottom a good burning.
In a little while, "Tc!n, tcP, tcP, tcP," was the sound
(his bottom) made when being burned.
Then said Nanabushu: "Oh, so 'TcP, tcP, tcP,' was
what you said, you who did not inform me when I was
being robbed of my Goslings!" And so when his bottom
was burned like charcoal, he then stepped away. Poor
creature ! not a whit could he walk ; since he was bloody
at the testes, as wide as was possible for him to do he
placed his feet, in vain he tried going -, it was but a short
distance he could walk with feet apart.
1 78
Aniwa'kigu wasa anttagwicin ningutingiku inabit mi'ti-
gonsan ugwa'kitaniwan ; wagunanlwinan udaninlsawa'a'iian.
Kanigabi'kank aci'a/banabit ; a/tawa, panagu kamiskwlwa-
"kwatinig Ini/u mi'tigonsan. Ajikigitut Nanabucu: "Miskwa-
5 blmagon uga'i'cini'katanawan Igi/u anicinabag mini'k ka/a--
'kiwang kaya mini'k kaglcigowank. Antagii ugawusaman-
tanawa igi/u anicinabag, ugapa'kusiganawa."
Misax mmawa animadca Nanabucu. Kaga't kawin
ugacki'tosm anuwl'pimusat, a'pidci sitawitiya. Ningutingiku
10 papimusat owabandan cockwanabi'kanig, wagunanlwinan
Nanabucu ajicockwatciwat. Ka'kabayabonut, midac 'i^i'-11
aci'a-banabit. A'tiwa, otomiglwitiyan. Kaga't kagwanisagi
nagwatini. Nanabucu ajiklgitut : "E1, mlsa i/u ka'i'jini-
lkatamowad anicinabag, wa'kunag uga'i'cini'katanawa.
i s Andaofadac u^awunsamantanaw7a li>ci/>u tci'a*ni'a>lklwansf
v-/ • O • O • • c7>
kaya dac ugamldcinawa Igi/u anicinabag."
Mlsax Nanabucu anijimadcat, aniwa'k ugacki'ton tcimi-
nopimusat. Kumagu a'pl tagucing siblns umatabin ; inabit
panagu anlbiminan ; kamiskwralkubanig mlgu siu anijinazi-
20 'kang. "A'tiwa, kaga'tigu nlbiwa ningamldcinan ; pamagu
a'pidci kl'tawlsiniyan nlngaponi'tonan." Wi'kwa'tigwayanik
Nanabucu ucigabawi islblns; inabit anamibig midac kaga't
1 For another version see Nos. 13 and 59.
At some distance away was he come, when suddenly,
on looking about, (he saw) some brambles standing in
dense growth ; without reason he walked straight through
their midst. After he had passed through them, he then
looked back. Oh, how completely red with blood were the
brambles ! Then said Nanabushu : " Red willows shall the
people call them as long as the world lasts and as long
as there is a sky. Special delight shall the people take
in them, they shall use them for a mixture in smoking."
And so on his way continued Nanabushu. To be sure,
he was not able to walk, in spite of his efforts ; exceedingly
stiff was he at the bottom. Once while going along he
saw a place where the rock was smooth, and then like
an idiot down slid Nanabushu. When he was come at
the other end of the slide, he accordingly looked back.
Why, there were the sores of his bottom. Really it was
a frightful thing to see. Nanabushu then said: "Oh, this
is what the people shall call it, lichens they shall call it.
And very much shall they esteem it, and as long as the
world lasts shall the people also eat it for food."
Accordingly, when Nanabushu departed on his way,
hardly was he able to walk with any comfort. After he
was come a certain distance, he came out upon a brook ;
while looking about, (he saw) nothing but high-bush cran
berries, and that they were of a red kind of bush. "Ah, surely
a heap will I eat ; and not till I am thoroughly satisfied
with eating will I leave them alone." By the bend of the
brook Nanabushu went and took his stand ; while looking
into the stream, he then of course saw high-bush cranberries
wabandank anlbiminan 'rrwiti agawatablgisininik. Nanabucu
ajiklgitut: "Taga, miwaniwati kamldciyanin." Ajitclga'kwaba-
gisut ; anunandobiginigat, rnlsa' kawln umi'kanzlnan. Intawa
a'kwanabawat ajimockamut agwaslit • mlgii7 pimi'a'nwa'tinl-
5 kamisanik. Inabit, a'tawa, mlsa untcita anlbiminan waban
dank anamiblg ; mlgu mlnawa tciga'kwapagisut, a'tiwii
Nanabucu acikitcikisklngwacing. Tci'a-nigu'k ajikaski'tot
ijimawi. Anlcna klwaskwacin. Magwagu mawit kago
omanacabiskagun. Ajiba'katawabit magwa mawit, kuniginln
10 anlbiminan nanacabiskagut. Taya, gaga't a'pidcisa min-
wantam. Mlsacigwa mantantcigat ; a'pidcisa katawlsinit
kaga't minwantam. Mldac kaga't wawani kacki'tod pimusat.
Ningutingigu papimusat awiya onontawa sasa'kwanit.
Wagunaniwinan unasi'tawa. Kuniginln, saga-i'gans sagita-
15 wanig fiii slblns, mri'ma ayanit 8rrwa ininiwa8, picicig ci'i'u
ininiwa8. Ka'kina pingwacagitiwa, kayadac aci'u'nit ka'kina
wabigunln ubata'kibina-u'ni. Cigwa owabamigo. "A ecc!,
Nanabucu, niwlnlmi'i'timin, nicwasugun niwlnlmi'i'timin.
Ka^a'tio-u niwlki'tcinimi'i'timin."
o o
20 " Nistc!mistca,2 mlsagu 8i'i-u paba'i'nano'klyan, pabana
ntanlmri'tlyan. Ki^ci'a-nigu'k klgawi'to'koninim."
1 For another version see No. 6.
'2 Ni'tclmi'tca, "my little brothers;" for nicima'tug, a form used by Nanabushu
in addressing the people.
reflected yonder in the water. Nanabushu then spoke up :
"Why, these are the ones I will eat." Then he dived
into the water ; in vain he tried to feel for them in the
water, but he could not find them. Accordingly, when
he was out of breath, then to the surface he rose (and)
came on out of the stream ; whereupon the water became
smooth (again). As he looked, why, he was bound to
see high-bush cranberries down in the water ; and so when
he again dived into the water, poor Nanabushu fell upon
his face, cutting a great gash. As hard as it was pos
sible for him did he weep. To be sure, he was knocked
out of his wits when he alighted. Now, while he wept he
felt something rubbing softly against his eyes. When he
opened his eyes while crying, he was surprised to see
that he was being gently rubbed across the eyes by high-
bush cranberries. Ah, truly was he highly pleased. And
so he then began eating ; after he was thoroughly satisfied
with the eating, he was truly pleased. Thereupon he was
truly able to travel comfortably.
And once, while travelling about, he heard the sound
of some one whooping. Like a dunce he went to where
he heard the sound. Lo, where out into a pond flowed
a brook was the place where those men were, a vast
throng of men. They were all nude, and they all had
flowers sticking upon (their heads). Presently he was seen.
"Halloo, Nanabushu! we expect to dance, for eight days we
intend to dance. To be sure, we hope for a big dance."
"My little brothers," this is precisely what I am travelling
about for, round about am I seeking for a place to dance.
With all (my) might will I help you."
"Nanabucu, kagu, kanabatc kiga'a'ya'kus. Nicwasugun
wlnlmitiyang, migu kayac, i kagabatibi'k winlmi'i'tiyang."
"Nistcimistca, mano, kaya nm nlngammrrti."
"Nanabucu, anlc mano kaya kin kltanim, kwaya'kigu
5 kiga'a-ya'kus."
Anic, misagu cigwa madci'tanit ; alta, cigwa pasigwiwa^.
Anlc Nanabucu kaya win klpata'kibina/o'na Ini/u misabi-
gunln. A'taa, a'i'cmit nami-i'ti-i'iiit ! Nanabucu ketcra'rjit
nanlmit, mlsax kaya win tibicko a'rntotank. Iskwatci nro'gun
10 nami'i'timint micigwa ki;kandank aya/kusit. Aba'pic nijwa-
sugun nami'i'timint anicagu namadabi ; a'pidci aiya'kusi,
kaya wlwisini. Aba'pic anitibi'katinik, a'pitci nanontaya-
gantam tcibwawabaninig. Micigwa Nanabucu cingicing
anunlmi'i'tit. Mindcimigo tcibltabaninig ajimawit Nanabucu.
15 Apipa'prrnt. Cigwasax plwabanini, cigwa ima tibickotca-
ya'r pimi-a^kwabanini. Kunigimn, kibi'tanimatini. A'tawa,
Nanabucu magwa cacaganacku'kank, mmangwana lni/u
ka'i'cinank, anicinabank ugrrcinanan. Kaga't mama'ka-
dantam Nanabucu, mrix*u kri'nandank anicinaba ka'tcino-
20 tingin, krrcinang; mlnangwana iu ka'i'jinlmi'i'tiwat cacagan-
askon. Mlsa ima cacingicing Nanabucu, kawm okacki'trsi
tcipimotat wawicinawm tcipasigwlt. Intawa ajinibat. A'pl
nicugun kanibat midac 48i/u pitclnag kackitot pimotat,
"Nanabushu, don't you do it, perhaps you might grow
tired. For eight days we intend to clance, and also
throughout the whole of every night do we expect to
"My little brothers, never you mind, I too will dance."
" Nanabushu, naturally unconcerned about care, you too
should dance, but certainly you will be tired."
Well, so presently they began ; ah, then they rose to
their feet. Now, Nanabushu also wore large blossoms
standing upon his head (for feathers). Oh, how they who
danced did carry on ! Nanabushu was quite beside him
self when he danced, for he did the same (as the others).
At the end of four days' dancing, he then began to realize
that he was tired. By the time they (had) danced seven
days, then it was all he could do to sit down ; exceedingly
tired was he, and he wanted to eat. By the time that
night was coming on, he grew deeply worried (that he
would not survive) before it was day. So then Nanabushu
lay down, trying in vain to dance. Just as the dawn was
breaking, then began Nanabushu to cry. Then was he
laughed at. Presently came the morning, soon straight
overhead was how far the light of the morning had
come. Lo, the wind died down. Why, Nanabushu was
in among the bullrushes, that was what he really had
seen, like people they had seemed to him. Truly sur
prised was Nanabushu, for he thought that they were
people when the wind was blowing hard, so it had seemed
to him ; as a matter of fact, he had been dancing with
the bullrushes. And so there lay Nanabushu for a long
while, he was neither able to crawl nor even to get up
on his feet. Accordingly he went to sleep. After he
had slept for two days, he then was able to crawl, he
then crawled out to the edge of the (swamp).
1 84
Ningutingigu papimotat owabandan kago saga'klnig,
kuma omdna'a/n •, kago ajimi'kwani'katank, kumagu a'kwani.
Midac lisi/u ajikanotank : "Kawlnina kltamagosln ? Kinwi-
zumina? anln iu acini'kasuyag?"
5 "Askibwa nintigomin."
aAnm ani'ka'kayag klcpin nlbiwa amukoyakun? Kagona
kitini'kagam ?"
"Kawinsagu; ninglciwackata'i'wamin, kaya dac nimpogi-
si'kagamin. Amc mlsagu iu ani'kagayang."
10 Nanabucu oma ajimadci'tat, nlbivva omona'wa Ii8ixwa
askibwas ; acigisibiginat, ajimadantciga, wantcitagu tawlsini.
A'pidci nlbiwa ka^kitamwat kudcipasigwl. Kawln kanaga
minan icra*yasl, kagalt minumadci'o*. Ajimadcat, kaga't
minopimusa. Kumagu alp! tagwicing kaga't kiciwackata.
i 5 Cigwasa a'pidci kiciwackata. Ningutingigu magwa pimusat
ajipogitit. Kaga't kuckupagiso; ajikwa'kipagisut. "Awanan
kanocit?" Aca minawa iwiti upi'kwanang. Kaga'pl umi-
'tigwabln uti'kwatawan. "1AU, kanociciyu'k." Magwagu
wrpimutcigat, u^pi'kwanang aca minawa, "Pu11!" Iwiti u'pi-
20 'kvvanang Nanabucu kawin kago owabandanzin. "Wagu-
nan dac iu nwantaman ?" Acagu minawa, mlsagu paci-
gwanung ani'tank. Kaga'pl madciba'to, mlgu iu ajikata-
pagisut, "PunC, pun8, pun8, pun8," inwani. Ningutingigu
1 For another version see No. 12.
And once, when he was crawling about, he saw some
thing that grew out of the ground, accordingly he dug it
up ; something he then found on digging it up, a certain
length it extended. Whereupon he then spoke to it, saying :
"Are you not eaten for food? Have you a name? What
are you called?"
"Artichoke we are called."
"What physical effect do you produce if much of you
be eaten ? Do you cause some sort of bodily ill ?"
"Not at all; we produce a pain in the stomach, and
we cause wind. Now, that is the bodily effect we produce."
Nanabushu then here set to work, he gathered many
artichokes ; when he wiped them clean with his hands,
then he began eating them, till he was quite satisfied he
ate. When he had eaten a bountiful supply of them, he
tried to rise to his feet. He was feeling very well, truly
very well was he feeling. When he started to go, really
he went walking easily. After he was come a certain
distance, truly his stomach ached. Presently he had a very
painful ache in the stomach. Then by and by, while
walking along, he broke wind. Truly was he startled with
surprise ; then he whirled about. " Who spoke to me ?"
(he said.) The same thing over again (he heard) there
behind him. Finally he strung his bow. "Now, do you
speak to me." And as he was going to shoot, then be
hind him once again, "Pii!" Over there at his back
Nanabushu saw not a thing. "And what do I hear?"
And the same thing over again (he heard), and it was
the same sound that he heard. Finally he started running,
whereupon at every step he made, "Pu, pu, pu, pu," was
pimipa'tod kaga'pi nogiba'to, kibi'tcisa. Nanabucu ajikikitut :
tttAu, mlgaciciyu'k !" Anic kawm kago owabandanzin.
Ningutingigu mlnawa midac kaga't anigu'k ajimadciba'tot,
misa untcita, "PunS, punt, pun8, punt," inwanik. Nanabucu
5 kibi'tcisa. Ka'kibi'tcisat, mi'kwantan lisi/u kl'i'gut Ini/u
askibwan. " Magicananta nimpogit." Ani'ajimadcat; ani-
nomagaskat mlnawa pogiti. "E1, nimpogit! Misa ka/rcini-
4katang pitclnag ka-a'nipimadisit, 'nimpogit,' ta'i'kito.
Papacig tapogisi'kagawan, askibwa ka'kinagu kago, kaya
10 u'pinlg kaya wa'kunag."
Misa7 iu ajimadcad Nanabucu papimusat •, kumagu a'pi
takncink owabamas pinansas wadiswaning, a'pidcigu mocki-
nawac i'i'ma wasiswaning. Nanabucu udunabi'tawa, a'pidci
ucawanimac. Udagima andacinint ; midaswi acinPjtaciwa15.
1 5 Cigwadac uganona^ : " Anln acini'kasuyag ?"
Anic sagisiwag Igi/u pinansag. Kawm ugacki'toslnawa55
tciglkitowat. Paclg glkito : "Kawln niwlsuslmin."
Nanabucu niskatciklgito : "Anin kaglcinagwa^ kawlsu-
siwag? Klcpin tibatcimusiwag acini'kasuyag, kananiwa-
20 niri'nim."
Anic a'pidci osagima8 ; wl'ka klgitowa8 : " Anic, kuckun-
gacms mri'u ajini'kasoyang."
1 For another version see No. 5-
• e sound made. And once, as he was running along, he
ime to a sudden halt, he ceased running. Nanabushu
icn said: "Now, do you fight me!" Of course, not a
ling did he see. So another time, when he really started
> run with all his speed, the same thing happened as
efore, "Pu, pu, pu, pu," was the sound that was made,
.anabushu stopped in his career. When running he had
)me to a stop, he thought of what he had been told by
ic Artichoke. "Perhaps I am breaking wind." Then he
arted on his way •, when he was come a little ways,
o-ain he broke wind. " Halloo, I am breaking wind ! And
lis is what he who will live in the future shall call it,
am breaking wind,' he will say. Various things will
lake (one) windy, (such as) the artichoke and all sorts
f things, and potatoes and lichens."
Thereupon departed Nanabushu, travelling about; when
e was come a certain distance, he saw some young ruffed
rouse in a nest, and very full they filled the place in
le nest. Nanabushu sat down beside them, very tender
ras his feeling for them. He counted how many they
rere ; twelve was their number. And then he spoke to
hem, asking: "By what name are you called?"
Naturally afraid were the little ruffed grouse. Not were
hey able to speak. One spoke up: "We have no name."
Nanabushu spoke in an angry way : " How is it possible
or you not to have a name? If you do not tell me what
oti are called, I will club you to death."
Naturally much did he alarm them ; after a long while
hey said: "Why, Little Frightener is the name we are
"Oun," Nanabucu i'kitu ; "mlnangwana iu!" ajipasigwit
Nanabucu ; acinisawawat acimldcinat. Panagu kawasibi-
ltonit, Nanabucu uganona8 : "Napisawugu kuckungacins!1
Mun !" inwa Nanabucu ajigi'tciba'pra/t. "Wawani wlnda-
5 mawi'k kimama'i'wa tagwicing."
Mlsagu iu anlcimadcat Nanabucu ; pacugu anitagwicing,
panagu micawabaminagwatini a'i'cat. "Undcitamawin
saga'i'gan madablyan," inandam. Kaga't saga'i'gan uma-
dabin, a'pidcisa7 kickabi'kani. Kaga't nawinagvvatini 'is:i/u
10 nibi. Kagatsa unicicinini mri'ma ugidabi'k. A'pidci i'i'ma
agoklckabi'kanig ka'rcat, aciwanlnigatanit Nanabucu ajikl-
gitut : "A'tiwa, ambagicsa abating, mamwa'tcigu wackinlgit
a'r'kwa abating, kayagu ta'ta'kutcingwanat, a'pidcigu kaya
minugit ; undcitamawin ninta'i'cikwaskun, awagwan ka'i'ci-
15 kwaskunigwan mra/lUak awldigamat i'kitung a'i^kwa. Kwa-
ya'kigu ninta/rcikwaskun." Migu mlnawa aciwanlnigatanit.
"Undcita ninta/rcikwa'skun."
Cigwadac iwiti pina upltawa^ kamidcinit unidcanisaL\ anm
ka'i'cinawat unldcanisa1*' ! A'tawa, wantagu kawusibi'tonit.
20 "Awanac ka'i'niga'i'nak."
"Kagona kitigowaban ?"
"'Anin acini'kasuyag?' i'kito. 'Kuskungacins,' nintina-
naban, mldac lici/u ka'i'cimldciclyangit. A'pidac animadcat
25 ki'tciba'pri'gunan. Ninglkanonigunan dac : 'Wawani wln-
1 Napisawugu kuckungacins! "Yes, you are a little frightener!" This could
have been given in other ways; as, "Like the deuce you are a little frightener!"
"The idea of your being a little frightener!" etc.
"Oh," Nanabushu said; "that is it!" Then up to his
feet rose Nanabushu ; standing over them with legs spread
apart, he eased himself upon them. (Observing) them
suddenly groping about in the slush, Nanabushu addressed
them, saying: "Yes, you are a little frightener ! l Phew!"
exclaimed Nanabushu, laughing heartily at them. "Cor
rectly inform your mother when she arrives."
And so upon his way went Nanabushu; when a little
way on his journey he was come, immediately a wide
view opened out, whither he was bound. "It seems as if
out upon a lake I am coming," he thought. In truth, out
upon a lake he came, and there was a very steep precipice.
Truly distant was the sight of the water. Really beautiful
was it there on the summit. When he had gone over
to the very edge of the cliff, then about over the verge
Nanabushu swung his leg, saying : " Ah, would that there
were a wager, and that a particularly youthful woman
were up as the prize, and that she were short from the
knee to the groin, and that she were of a very handsome
figure ! if such could be, I would jump off, if it were said
of the woman that whosoever would leap off would be
the one to have her for a wife. Actually would I jump
off." And so again he swung his leg out over the cliff.
"For a purpose would I leap off."
And when at yonder place the Ruffed Grouse was come,
fetching home to her children some food for them to eat,
how was she to find her children ! Oh, they were com
pletely submerged in it. "Who has done you the injury?"
"Were you told something?"
"'By what are you called?1 he asked. 'Little Frightener,'
we said to him, and thereupon was when we were eased
upon. And when he started away, we were very much
laughed at. And we were told : 'Correctly inform your
damawi'k kimama'rwa tagwicin/ Midac lisi/u ka'a'nicimad-
cat ajiklgitut . 'Napisana kuskungaclns !' nintigunan."
A'taya, pina unawataman pacig kaya udoda'pinan pacig ;
acipasigirirt, saga'i'ganlng udiciwinan kislblginat. Misa iu
5 ka'i'ciplni'a't, mlsagwa'pana ka'totawat pmic acimnc tacinit.
Unltcanisafi ka'kina ka/ijikislblginat, aba'pic ka'klji'tat, aji-
kikitut : "Ambasa7, ninganosunaswa 'asa/u Nanabucu, kaya
win wawiyoc niwltotawa." Ajimadcat omada'a'nan. Nin-
gutingigu mi'i ma tayoc udabi'tawan madwakaglkitonit Ini/u
10 Nanabucowan. Tiwa, undcita guca inabit na'i'ta pimiwa-
ninigatanowan. Pina inandam : "Wlkaga minawa tatotam."
Nawatc pacux anri'ca. Cigwa minawa uniniganiwan wagu-
nanlwinan acipasiguut • a'pidci i'i'ma tclgitawak ani-i-cisawan,
pamagu Nanabucu ka'i'nitank: "T!"1
15 Alta, Nanabucu tabasi, a'tawa ajika'kabi'kisat, anicagu
kaco'kanig lni/u u'tawagan. Alta, ajipangicing nibrkang,
"Tcamu/," inwawakamicin. A'ta, ki'tciwi'ka papimakotcing
mica'kisat. Midac iu kamica'klsat, ki^ci'a'-nigu'k klslntci-
'kaml • agawa mockamo, a'pidci kaga waya'kwanamu.
20 Anic mri/>u pina namadabit kanawabamat Nanabucowan.
Cigwa mockamowan, taya, mlgu iwiti kaplnabinit klgitowan :
"I1, kagatsa kuckungaci." Alta, Nanabucowan madwaba-
lpiwan. "Pina, ml gwaya'k totawiyan kimldcinagwa lgi/u
t]ie jjps^ imitating the whir of the grouse in flight.
mother when she arrives.' And so when he was setting
out, he then said: 'Yes, you are a little frightener!' we
were told."
Well, the Ruffed Grouse took up one with her mouth
and another with her claws •, then, flying up, to a lake
she carried them to wash them. And when she had made
them clean, then the same thing she did to the rest until
(she had finished with) the twelve. When she had made
all her children clean, and by the time she was done with
her work, then she said: "Now, then, I am going to follow
up Nanabushu, and I intend doing him a trick too."
When she started, she followed his trail. So by and by
she came within hearing distance of Nanabushu, who still
could be heard talking. Ah, it was precisely at the moment
she looked when he was swinging his leg out over (the
precipice). The Ruffed Grouse thought: "Would that he
might do it again !" Nearer to the place she went. When
again he was making ready (to swing his leg), she hap
pened then to fly up ; ever so near past his ear she flew,
and suddenly Nanabushu heard the sound of UT!"
Well, Nanabushu dodged, but unfortunately over the
precipice he fell, going so fast that the wind went whistling
past his ears. Ah, when he fell into the water, "Team"
was the sound of his fall there. Oh, for a great while
was he falling through the water. And so when he got
to the bottom, all his strength he used in pushing back
up to the surface ; barely was he able to reach the surface,
almost was he on the very point of losing his breath.
Naturally there was the Ruffed Grouse seated watching
Nanabushu. When he came to the surface, ah, then up
from where he fell he looked, saying: "Well, (that) really
is a little frightener." Oh, how Nanabushu could be heard
laughing! "Ruffed Grouse, it was right what you did to
kimtcanisag. Kawm wi'ka mlnawa ninga*i'cictcigasi.:
Mlsa' ajra-gwa'tat Nanabucu, ajinadcat papimusat.
Ningutinggigu papimusat awlya onontawan madwanaga-
munit. A'pidcisa uminu'tawan. "A'tiwa, ambagicsa wa-
5 bamag awagwanlwigwan laca/u nagamut. Ambasa, ninga-
wikagwawabama," inandam. Ajimadcat Nanabucu. Aba'pic
payacu'tawat, undcitasawin kawln pacigwanung ayasltug
ani'tawSt. Cigwasa pacti7 owabandan ki'tcigami, kunigimn
miciwutclgan ayacawikwaskwaniwan 'ieiu kistcigami. Midac
10 'i^i^1 sasipuckanik 48i/u kistcigami midac ima ayacawikwas-
kuninit, pa'kicidac nagamowan :
"Ki'tcigani sasi'pu'kag,
Ki"tcigtimi sasi'pu'kag,"
15 Kaga't uminwaniman. "Ambagicsa kaya nm kacki'toyan
tci'i-cictcigayan. Kawln nin nintayanicfta^zl. Kawlnina,
Miciwutcig, nindakacki'tosln 4isi/u tcrrcictcigayamban ?"
"Nanabucu, mawica nimadci^tanaban i'i'wa untaminoyan.
'Au, kini'tam ijictcigan. A'pidci nimpa'kada. A'kawa
20 nlwi'a'ntawantan Ii8i/u wamltciyan. Kini'tamidac kayayaca-
wikwaskwan. Mlsai'i'11 cigwa tcimadci'tayan, Nanabucu
kagux win babini'tagan wa-rninan. Mlgu^i'" monjag tci-
nagamuyan :
" 'Ki'tcigami sasi'pu'kag,
25 Ki'tcigami sasi'pu'kag,'
tclna'a'man. Kicpin,
me for easing upon your children. Never again will I
do so." And so when out of the water came Nanabushu,
then off he started walking about.
And once, while walking about, he heard the voice of
some one singing. Much was he pleased with the tune
(of the singer). "Ah, would that I might see who the
singer is ! I say, I am going to try to see (who it is),"
he thought. Then off went Nanabushu. By the time he
was in close hearing distance of him, it seemed by the
way he heard him that the being was not in any one
place. When he had a near view of the sea, lo, (he saw)
a great fisher l leaping back and forth across the sea.
It was at the coming-together of the shores of the sea
where to and fro he leaped, at the same time he sang :
"The shores of the sea meet together,
The shores of the sea meet together,"
(such) was the song he sang.
Truly was he pleased with him. "Would that I might
be able to do that too ! I would not cease. Might I
not be able, O Fisher! to do that?"
"Nanabushu, long ago I began this that I am playing.
Very well, take your turn at doing it. Very hungry am I.
In the mean while I want to look for something to eat.
So take your turn at leaping across back and forth.
Therefore now you may begin, Nanabushu. Do not do
otherwise than what I have told you. Therefore always
should you sing :
" 'The shores of the sea meet together,
The shores of the sea meet together/
(thus) you should sing. If
1 The constellation of the Great Dipper is called the "Fisher star," and this is
the Great Fisher referred to here.
" 'Ki'tcigami taski'kag,
Ki'tcigami taski'kag,'
ina*a*man, mldac iu kanabatc klganisabawa." Misa7 iu
cigwa animadcanit.
5 Nanabucu ajimadcra/nk :
"Ki'tcigami sasipu'kag,
Ki'tcigami sasipu'kag."
Migu i11 gaga/t ajisipuskanik. Alta, kaga'tsa minwantam.
Mlsax kabagicig kawln anicf tanzl acawigwaskwanit. Aba'pic
10 tabi'katinig, mlsa7 gu kaya kabatibi'k ; wayabaninig kawln
kanaga wra'nacrtanzl. Awandcis ba'pinantam. Cigwa
unagucinini, mlcigwa aya'kusit Nanabucu. Ningutingigu
oglmi'kwandan : "Amantcigic lici/u kawundcri^kitut, tKagu/
win ina'a-ngan.'" Wagunaniwinan. Nanabucu ajawik-
15 waskwanit,
"Ki'tcigami taski'kag,
Ki'tcigami taski'kag,"
ina'a/m. Wantagu nawagam pangicin. Anic acisikwasat.
Anumockamut inabit, kawln kanaga pima4kamigansininik.
20 Mlnawa anugwa'kagumu, mlsa/ undcita kawln o\vabandanzin
kifiiu tcipima'kamiganik. "Paba/pinisiwagan, mlsa gaga't
nibuyan !" Wagunaniwinan ajikaski'tot tciplpagi : " Mici-
•u'tclg!" Anigu'k plpagi.
Magwagu baba'tana'kamigisit awiya onontawan madwa-
25 bipaginit. "Mlmawina'a'11 Nanabucu," inandam. Pinicigu
madwamawiwan Ini/u Nanabucowan. A'ta, intawasa ma-
dciba'to ki^tci'a'nigfu'k. Ci^wa madabiba'to Micru'dclof,
o o • fc> "
" 'The shores of the sea draw apart,
The shores of the sea draw apart,'
you should sing, then perhaps you might drown." And
then he departed on his way.
Nanabushu then began singing :
"The shores of the sea meet together,
The shores of the sea meet together."
Whereupon truly the shores came together. Oh, truly
happy was he! And so throughout the day he did not
cease leaping back and forth across. And when night
came on, it was the same the whole night long; when
the morning came, not a whit was he anxious to stop.
Increasing joy he got from it. When it was growing
evening, then was Nanabushu becoming weary. Then he
happened on a sudden thought : " Wonder why it is he
said, 'Don't you sing (the other way)' !" But foolishly, as
Nanabushu leaped across,
"The shores of the sea draw apart,
The shores of the sea draw apart,"
he thus sang. And in the very centre of the sea he
fell. So down (out of sight) he fell. When on coming
up to the surface he tried to look about, there was not
a single bit of shore-line to be seen. Again he vainly
tried turning the other way, but, just as before, he did
not see the shore-line. "Woe is me, for now surely I
shall die!" In distress he called out as loud as he could:
"O Great Fisher!" with a loud voice he called.
Now, while (the Fisher) was roaming about, he heard
the voice of some one calling aloud. "That must be
Nanabushu," he thought. Then presently (he heard) the
voice of Nanabushu crying. Ah, accordingly then he
started running at full speed. Wrhen the Great Fisher
came running out upon (the sea), why, there was Nana-
actawa, Nanabucowan nanawiki8tci£ami madwamawiwan.
o •
"Cici, indacka mrru anugrirndcibwamit 'a8a/u Nanabucu."
Anic pisanigu madcra/m Mlcru'dcig. Ajikwaskwanit misa'
undcita aci'a'yanik sipuskanik.
Mlsa cio^wa Nanabucu kPa'o-wa'tat. Kaga't minwantam
O • O O
Nanabucu. "Aa, Mlci'irdclg, kaga't inangwana kimanidowi.
Magica nlna'ta nimanidowi nintinantanaban. Intawasa7 kin
kigazazrkis. Mlsax Ii8i/u ka'i'cinaganinan," Nanabucu
ajimadcra'cagamat lici/u ki'tcigami.
10 Ningutingigu papimacagamat Inabit iwiti agamikistci-
gami awiya owabaman 48i/u pimacagamanit, a'pidcisa min-
ditowan. Kawln kanaga a'konlngitawitiyanit a'kosislwan
48i/u mi'tigo8. Anic, mlwanini11 Windigo. Wagunaniwinan
upipagiman : "Nicimisa, watcaka-a'a-nowan kamamldcita-
15 man! Pamacagamayan, woi1 !" anic, nama wasa inantam
A'pidcidac unickimigon Windigo Nanabucowan. "Kaga't
mama'katc. Kuniga, 'Nlna'ta nimanitowi,' inanamutug 'aV11
Nanabucu. Ambasano, ningaglwi'tagamaba'to." Kaga't
20 madciba'to Windigo, ki'tciwlba udddi'tan ima pimacaga
manit mi/u Nanabucowan. Wagunaniwinan acitcangitiya-
bushu to be heard crying exceedingly far out on the water.
"There, that is on account of Nanabushu's failing to heed
(my words)." So then softly began the Great Fisher to
sing. When over he leaped, then back, as it did before,
came (the shores of the sea) together.
Thereupon then Nanabushu came out of the water.
Truly pleased was Nanabushu. "Ah, Great Fisher! really
indeed you are a manitou. That perhaps I was the only
manitou, was the thought I entertained heretofore. Accord
ingly you are to be older (than I).1 Therefore shall I now
leave you." Nanabushu then went his way along the shore
of the sea.
And once, while walking along the shore (and) looking
towards the other side of the sea, he saw one passing
along the coast, tremendously huge was the being. No
where near to his buttocks were the trees in their height.
Well, of course it was Wlndigo. Like a fool he called
aloud to him : " O my younger brother ! upon the dry tail
of a beaver did you ease yourself. You passer along the
shore, halloo !" Well, at a safe distance away Nanabushu
thought (he was).
Now, very angry was Wlndigo made by Nanabushu.
"It is really absurd. Perhaps 'I am the only manitou
existing,' may be Nanabushu's thought. Well, I will run
round (to where he is), keeping to the shore." Truly off
went running Wlndigo, in a very little while he arrived
at the place where Nanabushu was coming along the
shore. What did Wlndigo do but get down and lay with
his bottom up. It was but a short while when up came
1 The passage is given literally. The sense is, "being older, you are a greater
manitou than I."
cing laEa/u Wlndigo. Nagatcigu cigwa pagamacagamawan
Nanabucowan. Cigwa owabamigon ; anm ga'i'cinang awiya
kltcangitiyacinon. Mlgu iu anawri'cigaso'tawat omadwa-
kanonigon Nanabuco: "Ondas, a'kawa, ninganawatcln lisi/u
5 klya/u. Wawip, ontas."
A'tawa, Nanabucu anigagimota'tamo anin^zi'kawat.
Cigwa ima ododisan ; kagatsa mangitcitlwan, micicagu liL'i/u
oda'i'ni. Uganonigon : "Nanabucu, manisan. Ninga'a'-
'kawa-a-bwan lisi/u klya/u."
10 Kaga't ajigu'plt Nanabucu manisat. A'tawa, mojag
mawi. Cigwasa nlbiwa ka/ir'kwa'kwisi'tod ini/u misan,
uganonigon: aMri>u icibodawan."
Nanabucu ajibodawat. Ka'podawat uganonigon: "Na
nabucu, mri/>u ici'a'ntawabantan 'i^'wa kawatabwana'kuyan
15 lisi/u klyawic. A'pidci wana'kwa'k, magica tagita'kwitin
'i^i'11 kiwisancis."
Kaga't animadca Nanabucu. Anlc mocag mawi, a'pl-
tcisagisit. A'pidcigu 'i^^wa wayanina'kwatinik 'i^i'wa mi'tig
umi'kan, kaya iu sasagati'kwaniwaninik. Ajimadcat icat
20 acimlnat ; o'o* udinan : "Tawa't, tawa't, tawa't !W1 A'rnditcin
laVu Nanabuco.
"Kawminawm tagita'kwitin iwa kiwlsancic? Ba'kanag iwa
mi'tig nandawabandan, wana'kwak."
A'tawa Nanabucu. Midac gagat animawit, pmicigu
25 wasa anitagucin. Pamagu anrrnabit, ta'tiwa, cingusan
klbimiba'towan ajiganonat : " Nistclmistca, mnip nongum."
1 Tawa't, tawact, t.awact ! "Oh, oh, oh!" a masculine exclamation denoting anger,
often applied angrily to dogs when in the way or when disobedient.
Nanabushu to where he was on the shore. Then (by
Nanabushu) was he observed ; what was he to see but
somebody lying with bottom pointing up. Accordingly,
when he made an attempt to hide from him, Nanabushu
heard (Wlndigo) saying to him: "Come hither, wait, I
want to make a small meal out of you. Make haste, come!"
Alas ! Nanabushu began weeping silently on his way
over to where (Wlndigo) was. Presently he came to where
(Wlndigo) was ; truly big was his anus, and in plain view
was his heart. By him was he addressed, saying: "Nana
bushu, go gather some fire-wood. I will first roast your body."
Truly then up from the shore went Nanabushu to gather
fire-wood. Poor fellow! all the while was he crying. After
he had piled up much fire-wood, he was addressed: "Now,
do you kindle a fire."
Nanabushu then kindled the fire. After he had kindled
the fire, he was addressed: "Nanabushu, now go you
hence to seek for something which I can use for a spit
to roast your old body on. (Let it be) very straight, else
perhaps your old spleen might be forced out."
Truly away went Nanabushu. Now, all the time was
he weeping, he was so scared. So a stick with a very
big curve he found, and it had many twigs. Then he
started going over to give it to (Wlndigo); this he said to
him: "Oh, oh, oh!" l Such was the way Nanabushu acted.
"Would not your old spleen be forced out by that?
For a different one do you seek, one that is straight."
Hapless Nanabushu ! Thereupon truly off he went
crying, (going) till he a long way off was come. And
suddenly, while looking about as he went, why, here was
a Weasel whom he addressed as it went running past:
"My little brother, I am now going to die."
Kibi'tcisawan ini/u cingusan. Ota'taganabamigon ajiga-
nonigut : "Nanabucu, wagunac wa/u-ndcinibuyan?"
"A'tawa, migimnri7'11 wra^kawinawatclt waca/u Windigo
liBi/u mya/u. Kawmina kitanisasi?" Ajiganonigut : "Nama-
5 dapinagu laVu Windigo?"
"Kawm, tcangitiyacin, micicago iwa utclt, kaya liv:i/u uta."
" Nanabucu, mmotcisa ningawikagwanisa. Maskwati
dac win klgapagusanimin kago. Intawa dac kicpin kago
totawisiwan kawm nintanisasi."
10 Klgitowan Nanabucowan : "Maskwat kicpin nisat, tcipi-
cagantaman lisi/u klya/u klga'i'ci-i-n." Ajikanonint Nana-
buco : aMri/>u icipindomun ^iYwa. niyawic."
A'taya, kaga't minwantam Nanabucu. lPi/u abwana'k
wanicicininik (i}lwa mi'tig antawabandank, kaya a'pidci
1 5 wana'kwutinig ; mldac 'ici/u ka/klcka'arnk. Aniji madcitot,
kayabi kltcangitiyacinon miwa Wlndigon. Uganonan :
"O'o'wa udabwana'kun." Mldac ima ajigitcibagwlt Ini/u
cingusan, panagu ani'irtanawasanit. "A'tawa, ambasano
klni'tam kiga'irji'ton iyabwana'k."
20 "Kawm," udigon mi/u Wlndigon: "kinigu uji'ton."
Nanabucu udoda'pinan iiwa mi'tig ; pitclnagigu wata-
'pinang uganonigon : "Kawasa, Nanabucu, ningi'tcisasa-
gita'a*. Nintigwa awiya uwipa'kandan 'i^'i'wa ninta'a-yap."
Nanabucu uganonan : "Kacitina unaka'kirirtcin. Wa-
25 wlpigu apwan iu nlya/u. Kama gaya wlsasa'ku'kwataman
iwa mya/u."
In its flight stopped the Weasel. By it was he gazed
up at when by it he was addressed: "Nanabushu, why
are you going to die?"
"Alas! because a light meal does that Wlndigo intend
to make of my body. Could you not kill him?" Then
he was addressed by it saying : " And is the Wlndigo
sitting down ?"
"No, he lies with bottom pointing upward, and in full
view is his anus, likewise his heart."
"Nanabushu, nevertheless I will try to slay him. And
as a reward for myself I shall expect some kind of blessing
from you. So, therefore, if you fail to do something for
me, I would not kill him."
Up spoke Nanabushu: "As your reward for killing him,
I will make you proud of yourself." Then was Nanabushu
told: "Therefore do you put me in the bosom of your
Ah, truly pleased was Nanabushu. The roasting-spit
which he sought to find was of excellent wood and very
straight ; and that was what he had cut. When he went
thither taking it to him, still yet was Wlndigo lying with
bottom pointing up. He spoke to him, saying: "Here is
your spit." Then it was that he pulled the Weasel forth
from the bosom of his garment, and away whirled its tail
as it flew in. "Oh, well! then do you take a turn at
making a roasting-spit."
"No," he was told by Wlndigo: "do you make it."
Nanabushu took up the stick ; as soon as he picked it
up, he was addressed by the other saying: "Impossible,
Nanabushu, my heart beats with great fear. It seems as
if something is about to bite off the cord of my heart."
Nanabushu addressed him, saying: "Make haste and
impale me upon (the spit) ! Hurry and roast my body !
Or, if you wish, you may fry my body."
Minawa klgitowan : UE[, kawasa, Nanabucu! kawasa
knca. Ml guca kaga't H/>u wiwanantaman."
Nanabucu oma udaniga'kikabiwi'tawan. "Ocrcr, kaci-
tina unaka'kirirtcin !" inabit Nanabucu, acikawa'kwitiya-
5 sanit ; mlsagu 4i8i/u kaga't kra'ninibunit. Kanibunit pi'irn-
dcisagitcisawan cingusan.
"A'tawa, nicimisa ! amantcigic a'pidci ka-i'cimamoyawa-
kantamogubanan ? Intawasa7 ningawawaci-a'." Nanabucu
udoda'pinan aciglslblga'wat. A'pidcisa ka'plnabawanat,
TO wagunaniwinan wapapiganan unatawabaman. Kami'kawat
nawatc utcagiswan mi/u wababiganan. A'pidci ka'i'jiwa-
bickisinit ka'klci'a't, mldac Ii8i/u misiwa aciwawacra't cin
gusan ; wana'kwano uma'katawanawanan. "Ningataga
15 Kaga't cingus kagwatciba'to. A'tiwa, kaga't piciganimu.
Nanabucu uganonan : "Mi'saguna iu acimamoyawaminan.
Ninibunaban cingus. Mldac iu ka-i-cinagusiyan papongin
a'ta. Mldac ;ij:i/u mini'k ka/a-'klwank ka'i'cinagusiyan.
Ambadac kaba'kawmin." Nanabucu ajimadclyacagamat
20 Ii8i/u ki'tcigami.
Ningutingsa anipapimosat cigwasa udababandan o'ku-
misan kapi'u-ntcikana'pan. Kaga't kayabi kra-'tani utcl-
manini. Kaga^tsa minwantam Nanabuc tayoc 'ici/u pima-
disinit. Anigu'plta'i'tag madwamawiwan : "Nojis!" madwa-
Again he spoke: "Oh, impossible, Nanabushu! Impossible
really ! Perhaps, indeed, I am now growing unconscious."
Nanabushu then went up close and stood beside him.
"Oh, do hurry and impale me upon (the spit)!" -While
Nanabushu looked on, then down to the ground fell
(Wlndigo) with his bottom ; thereupon truly was he dying.
When he was dead, then out from thence came the Weasel
"How now, my little brother! Wonder what (I can do)
so that he may be very thankful ! Therefore then will I
paint him." Nanabushu took him up (and) then washed
him in water. After he had made him thoroughly clean,
what should he do but seek for white clay. After he
had found it, whiter still he burned the white clay. After
it was made exceedingly white, then he had it finished,
whereupon all over he painted the Weasel ; at the end of
the tail he painted it black. uNow, just you try and see
how you run."
To be sure, the Weasel started running. Oh, how really
proud he was! Nanabushu spoke to him, saying: "There
fore in this manner do I render thanks to you. I was
dying at the time, Weasel. And that is the way you shall
look only in the winter-time. And as long as the world
lasts, this is the way you shall look. Therefore I now
take leave of you." Nanabushu then departed, keeping
along the shore of the sea.
Once, while travelling along, he came in sight of where
he had left his grandmother. To be sure, there still was
her canoe. Truly pleased was Nanabushu that she was
still alive. When he went up from the shore, at that
moment he caught the sound of her voice crying: "O
•rnatamowan. Anida'pabit Wwa andansiwit, kunigimn,
kicingicinon, ami'kwan kigicinon. Nanabucu ajikanonat :
"No'ko, nintagwicin. "
Ka^kwabatawanga/rganit Ii8i/u utami^kwanini upra'pagi-
5 toni. "Cicl, matci'a'nimog ! Ninglgagwanisaganimag lgi/u
matciwabicaclwicag wlnanapagansumiwat."
Ajikanonat mlnawa: "No'ko, kaga't kuca nintagwicin."
Nanabucu oma ani'i-jipmdigat ; udani'u'di'tinan. "No'ko,
kaga't kucagu nintagwicin." Wagunanlwinan wawanigu
10 udabi'totclnan, a^pidcigu wlnisiwan, kaya ima usklcigunink
mi'tawangowiwan. Midac ajisagisi'a't Nanabucu o'kumi-
san, agaming ijiwinat. "No'ko, intawa misawa kabing-
wacagitobinin." Kaga^ wawmga ugi'tcikunaya'a'n ; aciki-
slyabawanat, a'pidcigu upini'a'n. Ka'pmi'a't aji'ijat iintat.
15 Ka'kina uckra'yiTn ublsi'konan. "No'ko, mri/>u iciklwata
ima antansiyang." Mlsax katagwicinuwat andawat ugano-
nigon o'kumisan : "Nocis, kawln win nimpa'kadasi. Maga-
'kuckwamag pajik nanta wabantcikan, ml'i'ma11 tcimi'kaman
wanicicing wlsiniwin."
20 Nanabucu ugalkikipiton lis;i/u maga'kuckwamag. A'tiwa,
anin ka*i*cinank picicig Ii5:i/u pimita kaya wlyas ! "No'ko,
kaga'tigu klgaminowlsinimin." Nanabucu mlsana iu pitclnag
my dear grandchild!" was the sound of her voice crying.
When he went up (and) peeped into her little dwelling,
lo, there she lay, by a spoon she lay. Nanabushu then
addressed her, saying: "O my grandmother! I am come."
Dipping up some ashes with her spoon, she threw
them toward (the speaker). "Begone, vile creature! I
thoroughly loathe those wicked martins that wish to
sadden me."
Then he spoke to her again, saying : u My grandmother,
in reality have I come." Nanabushu at that moment went
on in ; he went over and took hold of her. "My grand
mother, in reality have I come." At last he put his arms
tenderly around her waist, and she was very unclean, and
there in her eyes was sand. Thereupon out of doors
Nanabushu took his grandmother, to the shore was where
he took her. "My grandmother, therefore entirely of all
your clothes will I strip you." Really of every single
piece of clothing he stripped her ; then by washing he
made her clean, and very clean he made her. After he
had made her clean, then he went home. With clothes
all new he dressed her. "My grandmother, now let us
return to the little place where we dwell." And so when
they were come at their home, he was addressed by his
grandmother, saying: "My grandchild, I am not hungry
myself. In one of the birch-bark boxes do you search,
for there will you find some food that is nice."
Nanabushu ripped open the birch-bark box. My! what
should he behold but a vast store of grease and meat!
"My grandmother, in truth, shall we be well supplied with
food." Nanabushu then for the first time in a long while
ate a hearty meal.
Misa' ajitibi'katinik ; weyabaninig ayabi andansiwiwat.
Aba'pic nawa'kwanig uganonan o'kumisan : "No'ko, kana-
batc ningacacigatab. Kawlnina wawabanaban kitayasln?"
"Nojis, kaga't nintaiyan."
5 A'taya, kaga't minwantam Nanabucu. aNolko, am-
basa niwlwawabanabl. Intawa iu kitclman ningayabatci'ton."
Nanabucu ajiposit micawagam aji'i'cat. A'pidci micawa-
gam ka'tagwicing, anlc kisttcigami, "Mlsa7 oma kadaci-
gwagwaskwapitcigayan," i'kido. Nanabucu ubona'katdn
10 4£i/u umlgiskan ; kamica'klsanik madcra'm :
"Micmamiigwa, pinawil'kuntci'a'n i'ku'kaya11.
Micmamagwa, pinawa'kuntci'a'n i'ku'caya"."
Midac i'i'ma na'i'tag ayat asa/u miclnamagwa. Mamwa-
'tcidac ima unowangiganig mlsa ima siniguskagut. Kaga'pi
1 5 ingutci anu'i'ca, mlsa7 untcita 48i/u siniguskagut 'isi/n migis-
kan. Kaga'pisa oganonan adi'kamagwan : 2 "Adi'kamag,
ambasano, nawatantarna/u Nanabucu iwa wawabanaban."
Kaga't acinawatatank lifii/u uwawabanabanini. Ki'tci-
wlckani W11 owawabanaban. Ajiwrkubidot, " 'A'ta, mlsa'
20 mlsax, mlsa7 waltiyan !" Cigwa omo'kibinan adi'kamagwan.
"Isa,3 kawin kin kinantawanimisinon ! Klwinantan
wawabanaban. "
1 For other versions see Nos. 7, 29, 61.
2 Adi'kamagwan, "white fish;" literally, "caribou fish."
And then night came on; on the morrow he remained
idle at their little home. And when it came noon, he
spoke to his grandmother, saying : u My grandmother, per
haps I shall grow weary with being idle. Have you not
a hook and line?"
"My grandchild, to be sure, I have one."
Oh, truly pleased was Nanabushu. "My grandmother,
therefore do I wish to fish with hook and line. Accordingly
your canoe will I use." When Nanabushu got into (the
canoe), then out to sea he put. When very far out on
the water he was come, for it was the sea, " Here is where
I will fish with my hook and line," he said. Nanabushu
cast his hook into the water ; when it touched the floor
(of the sea), he began singing :
"O big sturgeon ! come swallow me, here is my decoy.
O big sturgeon! come swallow me, here is my decoy."
And so at that very place the big sturgeon happened
to be. And it was there that he felt a rubbing on the
cheeks (by the hook). At last away he tried in vain to
go, but exactly as before he felt the rubbing of the hook.
Then finally he spoke to the Whitefish,2 saying: "O White-
fish! please seize that bobbing (hook) of Nanabushu's with
your mouth."
Truly then it seized that bobbing (hook) with its mouth.
There was a hard pull on the bobbing (hook). When he
pulled on it, "Ah, that's it, that's it, that's what I want!"
Presently he drew the Whitefish to the surface of the
water. "Bah!3 I don't want you. You befoul the bobbing
3 Isa, "Bah!" an exclamation of reproach 5 with most Ojibwa dialects it is uttered
only by the feminine sex.
Kaga't intawa upagidandan 'ici/u wawabanaban. Intawa
ajiklwat adi'kamag. Cigwa anitagwicin. Micinamagwan
ajikakwatcimigut : "Anintac a'kitut?"
"Ka, ^Kiwmantan iu wawabanaban,' i'kito Nanabucu
5 Miclnamagwa ya'ta ninantawanima."
Misa keyabi onowangikanig sinigwisanig 'i^Va uwawa-
banabanini. A'pidcisa umiguckatantan miclnamagwa.
"Tagfa, kin, namao^us, awinawatantan."
•o" * • o ...
Tokisani iu wawabanaban. Ajiwfkubitot Nanabucu
10 uwawabanaban, mlsa7 nasao a'kitut : "Misa wa'tiyan."
Omo'kibanan !ni/u namagusan. "Isa, kawln km kinanta-
wanimisinon ! Kiwinantan 'ici/u niwawabanaban."
Minawa ubagitantan namagus. Ajimadcat -, tagwicing
uclogimaman uganonigon. "Amc a'kitut?"
15 "Kawln kuca km kinantawanirnisinon. Micinamagwa
yata ninantawanima."
Misa 4/u ingutci aji'i'cat miclnamagwa. Kawasa ugacki-
'tosln pa'kan tciwawabanabinit. u Acimadcisawma-a^11 Na
nabucu! Mini'k ningitacl'kag wmickri't !" Nanabucdwan
20 unawatantamawan isiwa uwiiwabanabanini.
Nanabucu migu iu ajiki'tciwibitot ifii/u wawabanaban.
Inabit micawao;am, minisans inantam wandcimo'kibinik.
Mlnangwana iu ucigwanani !ni/u miclnamagwan. Cigwasa
ningutingigu panagu kasaswanik u'tawagan. Minangwana
25 iu kogamigut mlgu iciu kigitciman. Mlsagu a'pan aciwan-
antank ; wllkasa mi'kawi. Ma'kawit, " Waginuganing nin-
taiya," inantam. Inabit, icpiming ki'tcimaskimut agotanik ;
Truly, therefore, (the Whitefish) let go from his mouth
the bobbing (hook). And so back home went the White-
fish. Soon he came home. By the big Sturgeon was he
asked: "And what did he say?"
"Oh, 'you befoul the bobbing (hook),' said Nanabushu.
llt is the big Sturgeon I want.'"
o o
And so once more against his cheeks rubbed the bob
bing (hook). Very much was the big Sturgeon annoyed :
"I say, you, Trout, go seize it with your mouth."
There was a gentle pull on the bobbing (hook). As
on his bobbing (hook) Nanabushu pulled, so the same
thing as before he said: "This is what I want." Out of
the water he pulled the Trout. " Bah ! you are not the
one I want. You befoul my bobbing (hook)."
The Trout was the next to let go from his mouth the
bobbing (hook). Then he departed ; when he got home,
by his chief was he asked: "What did he say?"
"You are not the one I really want. It is only the
big Sturgeon I wish."
Thereupon away went the big Sturgeon. He found it
impossible to make (Nanabushu) fish elsewhere with his
hook and line. "Confound that Nanabushu! He has been
pestering me so long as to anger me!" He then seized
hold of Nanabushu's bobbing (hook) with his mouth.
Nanabushu thereupon held tight to the bobbing (hook).
As he looked out over the broad sea, an island he thought
was appearing on the surface of the water. But it hap
pened to be the tail of the big Sturgeon. Then of a sudden
there was a continuous ringing in his ears. It happened
that he was being taken down into the water together
with his canoe. And so straightway he lost his wits;
after a long while he came to. When he was revived,
"In a circular place am I," he thought. While looking
around, up overhead a huge bag was hanging ; it hap-
2 IO
mimigu iu acimamasi'kanik. Mlnawa iwiti inabit wa'kwayal
awiya owabaman tacika'kawatabinit. Acipasigwlt Nana
bucu; aciwanabi'tawat, ajikanonat : "A'tawa niclmisa,
anlndac acra*yayan ?"
5 Agawagu pimadisiwan. Cigwa kigitowan : "Nanabucu,
mlsa kaya km kf kuni'k asa/u micinamagwa."
"Aba'pinisiwagan !" inantam Nanabucu. "Ambasano,
wlndamawicin anti ka'taciguni'k."
"Kawlnmac; iwiti nawaya'kwucink cingwa'k mri'witi
10 ayawat igi/u wacackwatowag ; 1 midac iwiti anantawayamban ;
piniwapamagwa Igi/u wacackwatowag, nibl'kangidac pangi-
cinog Igi/u ucackwatowag ; mldac 48i/u natagwana-o'nagitwa
midac ima klnawatamit micinamagwa. Nanabucu, am-
basa7, kigawlndamon. Mlginini iu odac kayagotanig. Am-
15 basano, kicpin ayawanan 'i8i/u mo'koman,
Nanabucu dac udaiyan iu mo'kuman. Wagunamwinan
pang! ajitca'ka'a'mawat.
Madwagigitowan micinamagwan : "Kaga't nisasagita'a'."
Nawatcidac anigu'k ubaciba'a-mawan Ii8i/u uda*i-ni.
20 Mlnawa madwa^io-itowan : "Ka^a't nimani4kag 'a^a/u
• O <^> • c> c>
Nanabucu krkunag." Madwakanonimawan : "Kawasa,
kldawlskiwigusl wasa/u Nanabucu. Kaga't matcri'ciwabisi
Wagunamwinan ajibabacipa-a-mawat lisi/u uda'i'ni.
Wacackwatowag, "cones;" it is also the name of the leathery hard shell-like
2 I I
pened to be in motion. Again while looking yonder at
the other end he saw some sort of a creature seated,
swinging back and forth. Then up rose Nanabushu to
his feet ; taking his seat beside him, he then addressed
him, saying: "My poor little brother, and what is the
matter with you ?"
And barely alive was the other. Presently he said :
"Nanabushu, and so you too have been swallowed by the
Big Sturgeon."
"(That is) dreadful!" thought Nanabushu. "Please tell
me where it was you were swallowed."
"Oh, it was over yonder; where a pine hangs out over
the water is a place where there are some cones ; l it was
there I climbed, searching for them ; I bit off the cones,
letting them fall, and into the water they dropped ; and
so when we were hauling them ashore by canoe was the
time that the Big Sturgeon seized me with his mouth.
Nanabushu, come, I will give you some information.
Behold, that is his heart which hangs from up there !
Please, if you have a knife, do pierce it."
Now, Nanabushu possessed a knife. And so what did
he do but give the heart a gentle prick.
Then was heard the voice of the Big Sturgeon saying :
"Really, I am afraid in my heart."
So harder still (Nanabushu) pierced his heart.
Again was heard the voice of him, saying: "Truly in
discomfort am I for having swallowed Nanabushu." Then
was heard the voice of some one addressing him: "Why,
you would not be free of harm from Nanabushu. Truly
a baneful being is Nanabushu."
What should he do but stab away upon the (Big Stur
geon's) heart.
fungi found on various trees, the poplar in particular; it may be that is what is
meant here.
2 12
Anigu'k madwagigitdwas : "As, misa'pana kinibut kito-
gimaminan ! Amc kagitotawank ? Madclnacina takackra'
tcipimadisit. Intawasagu manu mri'*11 ka/rcraryaguntcing."
Kumagu ya'pi aji'a'boskantcisat.
5 Anlc ml cigwa krki'kanimat Nanabucu kra'bockantci-
sanit, ajiganonat wadabimadcin. Anlc adcitamon Ini/u
wadabimat, miwanini11 kaya win kalkunigogubanan lni/u
micinamagwan 'aca/u adcitamo. Mldac alp! ajikigitut
Nanabucu: uAmbasano rrma no'kumis utagamlming
10 tawri-ci'a'gwaiya'a-gu wasa/u micmamagwa ; ningaki'tcimin-
Mlsa7 gaga't na'i'tag 4eima aci'a-gwaiya'a'gunlt. Nin-
gutingigu alpidci mamatcisawag. " Mlmawlni iu klmicaga-
maya'u'gut," udinan lni/u adcitamon. "Taga, mri/0U ka'i'ci-
15 bagutcinag." Anlc anawigu kinwabi'katini i'i'wa omo'ku-
man. Nanabucu ajimadicwat, ki'tciwl'ka ubagunacwan.
Aba'pic bagunacwat oganonan adcitamon: u'Alau, adci
tamo, saga'a'n."
Kagalt ajisaga-a'nk lasa/u adcitamo, kaya win Nanabucu
20 ajisaga'arnk. Kasaga'a'nk, utciman usagisi'ton. Mlsa
cigwa anici'kupit, ajiplndigawat o'kumisan. A'pl ka4plndi-
gawat ini/u o'kumisan, ajikanonat: "No'ko, mlsax iu klnisag
laea/u miclnamagwa. Ambasagu awimadcinama'kan."
"Nojic, kawin kanabatc kitanisasl laea/u micinamagwa."
25 "Kawin kuca anica klwri'nisinon. Naska kuca naziblta,
mri'ma tciwabamat."
Loud sounded the voices of them, saying: "Yea, gone
is our chief now dead ! What can we do for him ? It is
difficult to be able to bring him back to life. So there
fore he may just as well be left to drift upon the water."
It was some time before (the Big Sturgeon) came up
to the surface of the water.
Well, now, when Nanabushu learned that (the Sturgeon)
was come up to the surface of the water, then he spoke
to the one by whom he sat. Now, it was the Squirrel
by whom he sat, for it was the Squirrel that had been
swallowed too by the Big Sturgeon. And so then Nana
bushu said: "Pray, yonder to my grandmother's landing-
place let the Big Sturgeon drift; I shall be greatly pleased."
And so truly that was precisely the place where it
drifted ashore. And by and by they were much shaken
up. "It is possible that he has drifted ashore," he said
to the Squirrel. "Now, therefore, will I open him at the
belly." Of course rather long was that knife of his.
When Nanabushu was cutting him with the knife, he was
a long time cutting a hole through the body. By the
time he had made a hole through him with a knife, he
addressed the Squirrel, saying: "Now, Squirrel, do you
go outside."
To be sure, then out went the Squirrel, and Nanabushu
too went outside. When he had gone out, he then took
out his canoe. And so when on up from the shore he
went, he entered into where his grandmother was. After
he had gone into where his grandmother was, he then
spoke to her : " My grandmother, now have I slain the
Big Sturgeon. So please do you go dress the Sturgeon."
"My grandson, you could not possibly slay the Big,
"Why, not a whit am I deceiving you. Just let us go
down to the water, and there shall you see him."
Kaga/t 'asa/u mindimoya ajinaziblt, actaiya, ki'tcigi-
"No'ko, misa wa8a/u kanama/kanat."
"Mri/>u, nojis ka/rcinama/kanag."
5 Weyabaninik ajimadcat Nanabucu, saga-i'ganmg ododisa
4ci/u anicinaba8 ; kuniginln, ininiwan kaya wlwini ; nlciwa8
kwlwisansa8, umdcanisini. Pajikidac pa'kan i'kwawan nin-
gutci ima tawan, a'pidcisa usagri'gon Ini/u ininiwan.
"Kaga'tsa, Nanabucu, ambasa, wlwin ima au i'kwa."
10 "Niclmisa, kawasa ninta'i'cictcigasl. Kawm po'tc kaba-
yaT nintawlwislnan klcpin wlwiyan."
"Nanabucu, manogu, tabwa'tawicin."
" 'Au, misa iu tabwa'tonan." Misax kaga't widigamat
lni/u ilkwawan.
1 5 Amc, mri/>u cigwa anitagwagininig ; kayadac papa'kan
tawag, anlc mamawadisitiwag Ini/u ininiwan. "Misa cigwa
tcimadci'taiyank 'i8iwa tcinotciglngon'i'wayank." Anlc kaga't
ajinotcigingon:i'wawat, adi'kamagwa8 ki'tcinlbiwa unisawa8.
Anlc adcidagona'ku'kawag. A'pidcisa nlbiwa unisawa8.
20 Ningutingigu acikackatininig Wma andaciklngon'i*kawat ;
misa'pan kikackatininig 'isi/u saga'i'gan. Abapic kakacka-
tininig, " Ambasano," i'kito Nanabucu: "intawana klni'ta-
mawa kiga*a'mwananig Igiwa kldatcitagotakaniminanig."
Sure enough, when the old woman went down to the
water, why, (there was) a great fish.
"My grandmother, this is the sturgeon which you are
to dress."
"Very well, my grandson, then will I dress the sturgeon."
When the morrow came, then off started Nanabushu ; at
a lake he came upon some people ; lo, there was a man
and his wife; there were two boys, their children. And
there was one other woman who lived in another place,
very much was she loved by the man. "To be sure,
Nanabushu, come, do you take to wife the woman yonder."
"My little brother, I could not possibly do it. Not
even for a brief period of time could I have her for a
wife if I should marry her."
"Nanabushu, never you mind, but do as I tell you."
"Very well, then will I do as you say." Thereupon
truly he married the woman.
Well, it was now getting well on into the autumn ; and
(Nanabushu and his wife) lived apart from (the other
family), but they visited back and forth with the man. "It
is now time for us to set to work getting fish." Now, to
be sure, when they went to get fish, whitefish in great
plenty they killed. Now they made a rack to hang them
with head down. Ever so many they killed. And once
the place froze up where they were fishing; accordingly
all frozen up was the lake. Seeing that it was frozen,
"Come," said Nanabushu; "on that account let us first
eat up those (fishes) of yours which we have hung up
with head down."
1 For other versions see Nos. 7 (p. 49), 28 (p. 207), 61 (p. 467).
Anlc, mlgu iu gaga't acictcigawat. Kumagu a'pitcibi-
boninig ajigitamawat, mldac alta wlnawa ug!ngon*i'miwa.
Cigwasa madca Ia8a/u Inini ; anitagwicing wanagucininig ;
a'tawa, kuniginln ka'u'ndcikusinigwan. Mldac awinini
S acio^anonat Ini/u wlwan : "Mlmawini iu kanabatc tcikitcinon-
«J o • • • •
tayabaniciyang. Intawasa mlnotc ningaklyusa." Anlc
kaga't ajiklyusat, kawinsa kago uni'tosln. Kaga't sana-
gatini ; wl'ka'ku pajik pinawan uplnan. Kaga'plgu pa'ka-
dawag. Ningutingigu kawm kanaga oplnasln Ini/u pinawan.
10 Misa7 gaga't ajipa'kadawat. Intawadac ugini8 unantuna-
wawan. Mlsana 48i/u ugini8 ajiamwawat, wankitci cigu
Ningutingidac minawa ajimadcat papanandawlginiwat
a'pidcigu kisinani kayadacigu grkatci. Saga'i'ganing aji-
15 madablt. Mldac ima anasama'tawaninig anrijat a'pidcigu
umi'kawa8 lisi/u ugini9. Amc papagiwayanackimutacing
udaniblnawan8. Ningutingigu anipimacagamat, pamagu kago
nwantank madwasininig ima mi'kwamlng. Aji'i'nabit kago
k'ra'tani. Wagunamwinan nimina'ku nanzi;kank ; payacwa-
20 bandank, kuniginln pikwa'k ma'ku'tawagan asawawink !
Aji'O'doda'pinank wlwawanbandank, pamagu awiya wand-
cikanonigut : "Tawa't, tawa't ! Klnina klpi'kwa'k wata'pi-
naman ?"
Ajikanonat: "Kawm, anicagu niwlwabandan." Papa'kiwis
25 ajikanonigut : "Kigi'katc mawln."
Well, that was what they truly did. And later in the
winter when they ate them all up, there still remained
the fish (of Nanabushu and his wife). Then off went the
man ; he arrived at where he went l in the evening ; alas !
he found that they must have moved camp. Thereupon
the man spoke to his wife, saying: "There is a doubtful
chance if we shall be able to live through the winter.
Therefore on that account I will hunt for game." So
truly off on a hunt he went, but he could not kill anything.
To be sure, it was a trying time ; once in a long while
he fetched home only a single ruffed grouse. And at last
they were in want of food. Then by and by not even
a single ruffed grouse did he bring home. Thereupon
they were truly hungry. So on that account for sweet-
brier berries they went to seek. Although they had sweet-
brier berries to eat, yet by degrees were they starving.
And another time when he set out to seek for sweet-
brier berries, the weather was very cold and he was
shivering. Out upon a lake he came. And so when he
went along yonder sunny side, in abundance he found the
sweet-brier berries. Now, into a miserable cloth bag he
put them. And by and by, while going along the shore,
he suddenly heard the sound of something fall yonder on
the ice. When he looked, something was there. There
upon he went out upon the ice, going up to where it
was ; when he got a near view of it, lo, (it was) an arrow
feathered with the ear of a bear! As he started to pick
(the arrow) up to examine it, all at once by some one
there was he addressed: "Hold, hold! Is the arrow yours
that you are picking up?"
Then he spoke to the being: "No, I only wanted to
look at it." Pilferer then was addressed: "You are cold,
no doubt?"
1 At the place where he and Nanabushu had been in camp together.
"Kaga't ningfkatc."
"Taga, kabotawanin, intigu kigfkatc." Kaga't nadaga-
'kowan podawawan. Kaki'tcibotawanit, aTta ickutang
cingobln uda'paginani ; kaya dac gagltciwan madwaglgito-
5 wan: "Ba'kiwis, kawmina kitamldcisman !ni/u nintaciganan?"
" 'Au, ningamidcinan." Opi'a'cawagamawapina magon.
Ajiwabandank, kunigimn, kaskami'kwanowan ! Anic a'pidci
pa'kada, mldac lisi/u acimldcit. Udanuwri'ckwantanan.
"Kagu7!" udigon ; "manogu ga'kina mldcin."
10 Ml cigwa kici'tanit, kimackwatciplta'kisinanit. Cigwa
pasigwlwan, "Pa'kiwis, wagunan 'ici/u kapinondaman ?"
"Ka, uginig. Kagatusagu nimpa'kadamin. Mlna igi/u
waam wangitwa. "
Kuniginm, upimi-u'ta'pinamini 48i/u umackimut, pltawai-
1 5 yaT ka^anmaminit ; acislgwabinanit, a'pana tcatcatclpan
acipangicininit udoginlma8. "A'tawa, ugri'niga'a'8 lici/u
unldcanisa6 !" inantam. Aninimina'kowan anita'kunaminit
lisi/u umackimut 5 klmadwasigwa'i'gawan.
Kunigimn, inabit, kanawabamat udacimockina'a'ni 'i^ma
20 umackimutang mi/u mi'kwamln. Uganonigon Pa'kiwis •,
amba, nimina'ku Pa'kiwis. "Ambasa", wlpisintawicin wa'i'-
ninan, mlgu gaga't rru tcipa'kadayan klcpin nondawisiwan
ka'i'ninan. Pa'kiwis, ambasano! ompiwanan wacau mi'kwan.
Owiti dac waga'kwagamiwank mri'witi ka'a-ba'toyan ;
25 o'O'magu tcinimina'kuyan, mri'ma awiya kiganontawag
tcibibagimi'kwa : 'A'a'e1, Pa'kiwis ! Kungwa-u-'k! Wagunac
"Indeed, I am cold."
"Well, I will build you a fire, for it seems that you
are cold." Truly, then on the ice went the other towards
the shore to build the fire. When he had a great fire
going, then right into it he flung some balsams ; and as
he was taking off his moccasins, he was heard to say :
" Pilferer, would you not eat those stockings of mine ?"
"Very well, I will eat them." He had them flung over
to him from across the fire. As he looked at them, lo,
there was the dried tail of a beaver ! Naturally he was
exceedingly hungry, and therefore he ate (it). He tried
in vain not to eat it all up. "Don't!" he was told; "you
must eat it all."
Now, when he was ready, he put on the moccasins of
the other. When he rose to his feet, "Pilferer, what is
that you are carrying on your back?"
"Oh, sweet-brier berries. Really we are in want of food.
Those are what we are going to eat."
Lo, the other went over and took up his bag ; on the
inside between two layers he got hold of it ; when out
he poured them, forthwith in every direction fell his sweet-
brier berries. "Oh, how ill he treats his children!" he
thought. Then out on the ice went the other, carrying
in his hand the bag as he went; then was heard the
sound of him (chopping on the ice).
Lo, as he looked, he observed him filling up his bag
with the ice. By him was the Pilferer addressed ; accord
ingly out on the ice came the Pilferer. "Hark! do you
listen to what I intend to tell you, for surely you will go
hungry if you do not heed what I tell you. Pilferer,
listen ! do you put upon your back this pack of ice. And
over toward this other end of the lake is the way by
which you are to run; for as you go by this place on
the ice, then will you hear them yelling at you: 'Halloo,
pamondank?' Iwiti dac anigu'plyan mrr a'pl kabonrr'kwa.
Kawm klgawabamaslg !gi/u kabiminri*ca'irlkwa. TclgayaT
dac andayag tcikistciwanatinag, mrrwa kanantawabanda-
man. A'pldac wabandaman, mri'ma ka'i'cinlsatciwayan.
5 Ugida'kidac krrcaiyan, mri'ma ka'i-cipagitciwaba'kamat.
Kagu7 win plyabanabi'kan. Gikicapidac ml'i'u tciplcayag
;a8a/u kimindimoimlc. Aiyangwamisin, kagu7 win bablni'ta-
wici'kan. 'A'au, m!'i'u cigwa tcimadciba'toyan."
Nimina'kuba'to Ba'kiwis. Ajikaski'tot anigu'k madclba'to.
10 A'taiya, tcibagamanimatini. Awiya onontawa9 pipaginit :
" A'a'e1, Ba'kiwis pimiba*rwa ! ' A'a/u, kungwa'u'k !" Panagu
kabitclnguskwanik. "U8, u8, u8, kungwa8 wata !"
A'taiya ! mldac kaga't madciba'rwat. "Intigwa cigwagu
ningagungwa-u-gu," anantank. Cigwa ubacwabantan ciei/u
15 a'ki. A'pl ta'ku'katang alki, awaniban awiya ; ml-i/>u
krponi'i'gut. Anibabimusat, udani'a'ntawabandan 48i/u tcl-
wanatinanik. Cigwa gaga't owabandan ; anri jinlsatciwat.
Tagwucing ugida'ki, ajibagitciwaba'kamat Ini/u umi'kwarnl-
man. Kawln kanaga a'kawa abanabisl. Aniciklwat.
20 Ta.£wicinof antawat, altawa wlwan namadabiwan kaya 48i/u
oo .....y
unltcanisa8. A'pidcisa pa'kadawa8. Uganonigon wlwan :
"Anma? Intigwadaci'ko ubmabamn ugimn, kitinanimini-
22 I
(there is the) Pilferer ! Give him a push ! What is he
carrying on his back?' And when you go up from
yonder shore, then will you be left alone by them. You
will not see them who are to pursue after you. And
nigh the place where you live is a great depression in
the ground, so for that you are to seek. And when
you see it, then from there shall you descend the slope.
And when to the summit (again) you get, then there shall
you put down your pack. Look not behind you. Then
in the morning hither shall come you and your old
woman. Do you be careful, pay heed to what I have
told you. Now, then, it is time that you were off on
the run.7'
Over the ice went the Pilferer running. With all the
speed he was able he started running. Ah, what a gale
there was behind (him) ! Somebody he heard calling aloud :
"Halloo, the Pilferer is fleeing by! Come on, give him
a push !" And forthwith rose the din of ice cracking.
"Hu, hu, hu, hu, let us give him a push!"
Ah! thereupon he truly started fleeing. "It seems as
if I shall now be given a push," he thought. Presently
he was in close view of the land. When he stepped
upon land, gone were the beings ; accordingly he was left
alone. As on his way he walked, he kept looking for
the place where there was a great depression. In a while,
sure enough, he saw it ; then on down the slope he went.
When he came on the (other) summit, he put down his
pack of ice. Not a moment did he wait to look back.
Then on his homeward way he went. When he was
come at home, there sat his poor wife and those children
of his. Very much were they in want of food. He was
addressed by his wife saying : " How is it ? It seemed
that it was his wont to bring home sweet-brier berries, in
such manner have I been thinking of you."
Ajikanonatwlwan : "Kagu' ningutino inantagan, ganabatc
manido nindanucawanimik."
Mlsa7 pmic ka/rcikawicimowat. Kawm kago umldcisl-
nawa8. Magwagu tibi'kadinik unicka Pa'kiwis. Ajikanonat
5 wlwan : " Mindimoya, unickan."
Gaga't mindimoya unicika.
"BabP'tcIn taga, madcata, pacur ima kiga'i'camin."
Mlsagu cigwa animadcawad. Caylgwa udababandanawa
ima kistciwanatinanik. Anisagatciwawat, a'tawa, anm
10 ka'i'cinank Pa;kiwis ! A'pidci mockinablni 48i/u kistciwa-
natinan. A'tiwa, panagu namawa8 kasagicigwananinit.
"Naskaginln, mindimoya11! 'A'a'11, agwawabinatanik."
Kumagu mini'k udagwawabinawa8. " 'A'a11, mindimoya,
kaya kin mini'k kakaskomatwa pimiwanan." Aco'O'ciwa-
1 5 ni'kanawat, cigwadac ajiklwawat ajiplndigawanawat andawat.
Kaga't motcigisiwa8 'i8i/u unitcanisiwa. Mlsa cigwa ajitci-
ba'kwawat. Ka*ipckwawlsiniwat, " 'A'a711, ambadac kagat
awiagwawabinatanig. "
Midac kaga't ajimadcawad. Cigwasa umadci'kawawa.
20 Anawi guca, ki'tcinibiwa udagwacimawa8. Kawm kanaga
ubacinanasiwawa, kabaglcig udawanawa, i-i'ma antawat
inawanawat. Misa cigwa agwawana'kukawat. Anicawa-
wag anint agwatcing udagonawa8. Aba'pic ka'klcl'tawat,
amc mrV'u cigwa7 Nanabucu kl'kitamwat 'i8i/u uglngon'i*ma8.
25 Wagunanlwinan acimawaticiwat lasa/u Nanabucu. Anln
Then he spoke to his wife, saying: "Take no thought
whatever of that, for maybe by a manitou am I really
to be blessed."
And so time passed on till they lay them down to sleep.
Nothing had they to eat. And while it was yet dark, up
from bed rose the Pilferer. Then he spoke to his wife,
saying: "Old woman, do you rise up from bed."
To be sure, the old woman rose up from bed.
"Put on your moccasins now, let us be going, a short
way over there will we go."
And so then away they started on their journey. In
time they came within sight of the place of the great
basin. When they came out upon the summit, why, what
was the Pilferer to behold ! Very full of water was the
great basin. Why, nothing could be seen but the tails
of sturgeons sticking out. "Just look, old woman ! Come,
now, let us fling them out !" So a certain number of them
they flung out. "Now, then, old woman, as many as you
can carry do you make up into a pack." When they
made up their packs, then they returned, carrying their
burdens into where they lived. To be sure, pleased were
their children. And so then they cooked some food.
When they had eaten, "Now, then, therefore let us in
good earnest go fling them out of the water."
Thereupon truly they departed. Presently they were
at work on them. Oh, but a vast number of them they
drew out of the water ! By no means did they get any
where all of them, all day long were they hauling them,
over to where they lived they hauled them. Thereupon
they then set to work making a rack (to hang the fishes
on). They removed the scales from some (which) they
hung up out of doors. By the time they were done with
their work, then it was that Nanabushu had eaten up all
his own fish. What should Nanabushu do but go for a
ka-rcinank aniplndigat ! Nanabucu ajiklgitut : "A-a-a-e1,
mldcisasf kisl ! Kawininac wlni iu kigiga'tasi. Antidac o*o'
ka-u'ntcinanatwa ogou namawag?"
"Migu iu, nldcisazfkisl, rrma nintota'rbaninang mrrma
5 ka'irndcinanangwa Igi/u namawag."
"Ambasa, ki'kino'a'mawicin anln ajictcigayan lisi/u ni-
"Ka, pisanisagu ki'pimina'kwa laca/u nimindimo'i'mic.
Mldac 'i8i/u ka'klci'tod plmina'kwan, mldac lisi/u nm ni'tam
10 ka-ijimadci'taiyan ki'trci'a-g Ia8a/u wa-u'mi'tciglyan. Mldac
48i/u ka'klci'a'g nindonda'i'baninang ml'i'wa nawatc ningl-
mistcalton 4ei/u nindonda'i'baninan. Mldac ima mamwa'tci-
dac kigicap kigi'tcibotawa Ia8a/u nimindimoyayim. Ka/i'ci-
ta'kubicit lisi/u plmina'kwan ; katakkubicit, ka'i'ciba'kublyan.
15 Kumagu alpl anitagwicinan nama niwabama. Acipacipawak,
acito'to'kabigibitoyan Ii8i/u pimina'kwan • acikitcitabacit laca/u
nimindimo'i'mic. Misa'pl kanisak 'asa/u nama. Mlnawa
ka-i'ckwa-a-wasoyan, minawa ka'ijipa'kublyan. Mri/<u kaba-
gljik ka'totaman. Mlsagu iu wandcinama'kayang. Naim-
20 bucu, ninkackika'O'ninan anita'kun."
"Ou, misa' iu kagabagijik ka/rcittcigayan," i'kitowan
Ini/u Nanabucowan. Mlsa'pan aniklwanit. Pitcmagiku
aniba'kintanang Nanabucu 8iwandawat, oganonan wlwan :
"Mindimoya, kigakomin. Ambasanogu awimadciblmina-
25 lkwan, misa nangwana wlnawa odontaibaniwang wandci-
nanawat Ii8i/u namawa8. Kaga't kawln klgapa'kadaslmin
kicpin kacki'toyan 48i/u tcibimina'kwayan."
Kaga't ningakacki'ton 48i/u tcibimina'kwayan," udigon
visit. What was there for him to behold as he went
entering in ! Nanabushu then spoke up : " Why, why, why,
my old friend ! You are getting just the kind of food
we like. Now, where did you kill these sturgeons?"
"Why, my old friend, yonder from our hole in the ice
was where I killed these sturgeons."
"Oh, do you teach me how you did to kill them."
"Why, simply to work making some cord set this old
woman of mine. Thereupon, when she had finished with
the cord, I then in turn began making what I should use
for a spear. And so when I had finished it, I then enlarged
the size of our water-hole. Accordingly, on that very
same morning did my old woman build a great fire.
After that she bound me with the cord ; after she had
me bound, then down into the water I went. When I
arrived, after some little time on the way, I saw a sturgeon.
When I speared it, I then jerked upon the cord ; then out
my old woman drew me. Now, that was when I slew the
sturgeon. After I was warmed by the heat of the fire,
then again down into the water I went. And that was
what I did all day long. And that was the way we
fished for sturgeon. Nanabushu, (the one that lies across)
our doorway do you take as you go."
"Why, this is what I will do throughout the whole of
every day," said Nanabushu. And then straightway home
he returned. As soon as Nanabushu drew open the entry-
way of where they lived, he spoke to his wife, saying :
"Old woman, we have some food given us. Now, please
do you set to work making some cord, for it is the truth
that from their water-hole was where they killed the
sturgeons. Really we shall not be in want of food if you
can make the cord."
"Truly, I shall be able to make the cord," he was told
mi/u wlwan. Anlc, mlsagu cigwa mindimoya unabit pimi-
na'kwat ; kaya win Nanabucu odoci'ton anit. Wayabaninik
misa cigwa kfklci'towat kaya 48i/u plmina'kwan. Mlsagu
cigwa kigicap. Mlnotc madcawag Ini/u wlwan : a'pidci
kisinani. Aba'pic cigwa tagwicinowat i'i'ma udonta-i'bani-
wang, a'kawa ogagagwatciman ini/u Pa'klwisan : "Anln,
mtcisasl'kisi, ka/rcictcigayan klcpin mbiwa aninisagwa?"
"Taya, pisanigu tabaswawag."
Aba'pic Nanabucu kaki'tcibotawat, mlsa7 cigwa pa'kublt.
10 Altawa, mmotc ki'tcikisinani. Wlwan kasagisitayabinika-
nigut, Nanabucu ajipa'kuplt. Kumagu a'pl anitagwicink,
namawan owabaman ; Nanabucu ajipacipa'wat, uto'kibiton
48i/u ubimina'kw^anim ; ajigitcitabanigut lni/u wlwan. Kaga't
minwantam namawan nisat. "A'tiwa, kawm ba'pic ninda-
15 iyanicftanz! kabagljik." Mlnawa ka'i'ckwa'a'wasut, ajipa-
'kublt. Mlsax kayabi namawan wabamat, ajipacipa'wat.
Mlsax kayabi to'to'kipitot 49i/u pimina'kwan, mlnawa aciki-
'tciwabinigut Ini/u wlwan. Misa7 kayabi namawan nisat,
mldac kaga't ninwandank 'asa/u mindimoya, kaya Ia8a/u
20 Nanabucu.
Anlc Pa'kiwis anica ugra'gwantcima8 anamiblg iu na-
mawa8, mlya'ta nlnj, a'pidci kaya mamanatisinit iu namawaG.
Mlnawa anupa'kupl Nanabucu, kawln kago owabandanz!n.
A'pidci a'kwanabawat, intawa acimockamut. Mlnawa ajra/-
25 wasut, kayabawasut pa'kubi mlnawa. Mldac kaga't wasa7
anu'i'cat. A'pidci aya'kvvanabawat, intawa acimockamut.
by his wife. Well, then it was that the old woman sat
down to work making cord ; and Nanabushu too made a
spear. When the morrow came, then they were done
with their work and with the twine. It was now morning.
Determined were he and his wife to go : it was exceedingly
cold. At the time when they came to their water-hole,
they waited first to inquire of the Pilferer : " How, my
old friend, am I to do in case I should happen to kill
heaps of them ?"
"Why, they are easily dried."
When Nanabushu had a great fire going, then into the
water he went. Oh! it was extremely cold. When by
his wife he was bound at the feet, then Nanabushu went
into the water. When he was come, after some little time
he saw a sturgeon ; when Nanabushu speared it, he jerked
on the line ; then was he drawn up by his wife. Truly
pleased was he to kill a sturgeon. "Why, not a moment
will I stop all the day long." After he was warmed by
the fire, then again he went into the water. And so
another sturgeon he saw, which he speared. And so when
again he jerked upon the line, then again was he drawn
out by his wife. Accordingly, when another sturgeon he
slew, then really pleased was the old woman, and Nana
bushu too.
Now, the Pilferer, by the way, had put back into the
water some sturgeons, only two, but sturgeons that were
very ugly looking. Again into the water went Nanabushu,
but to no purpose, for he did not see anything. When
he stuck it out to the very last breath, accordingly, then
up to the surface he came. Again was he then warmed
by the fire. After he was warmed by the heat of the fire,
he went into the water again. Thereupon truly a long
way off he went, but without result. When he had gone
to the end of his breath, thereupon up to the surface he
A'tawa ! a'pidci krkatabawa. "Awas intawa klwata," i'kitu
Ajikiwawat. Kumasagu mini'k udanuklpimamawa8 'i8i/u
unamamiwa'. Aba'pic ka'kitarnwawat, mlsa' cigwa' Nana-
5 bucu wmi'tam pa'kadat. Ningudingigu nantawikimwa,
agawagu uplna8 lisi/u ugini8. A'pidcisax kawm unisitu'ka-
gusl a8wi'kwa ; wankitciciku pa'kadawan Ini/u wiwan. Nin-
gutingigu madca Nanabucu ubabagiwayanackimut 48i/u
kawuna'pitod. Ani'ijimadcat, atpidcisa/ kisinani. Cigwasa/
10 aninantawikinlwa, pamagu ningutingigu saga'i'gan matablt-,
a'pidcisa kmugamani. Anasama'tank inaka'kaya anl'ija.
Aniwa'k udaniml'kawa8 ugini. A'tawa ! a'pidci krkatci.
Ningutingigu anipimacagamat, pamagu kago nwantank
madwasininik ri*ma mi'kwaming. Aji'i'nabit, kago owa-
15 bandan. Ajinimina'kut, pi'kwa'k kra>(tani ma'kutawagan
asawawint. Nanabucu kacitina omamon. Ajigintcitawa-
gunanank, pamagu kanonigut awiya : "Nanabucu, kina 'i8i/u
"Aye8, nmsa, nicin, nimbi'kwa'k."
20 "Kawln win kri-'kitus! a'pl Papa'kiwis cawanimag."
"Kaga't kawm nln nindobi'kwa'k osln, nicln."
"Nanabucu, kigi'katc mawln."
Taya! Nanabucu ugistcikanawabaman. Oganonan : "Aci-
winan kigl'katc ! Nindabwac kuca."
25 "TaVa't, ta'wa't, ta'wa't! Kawln kuca win kri^kitusi
Pa'kiwis a'pl cawanimag."
came. Poor fellow ! he was very much chilled by the
water. "Off for home now let us go!" said Nanabushu.
Then back home they went. And in the course of
time they ate up their sturgeons. And by the time they
had eaten them up, then was when Nanabushu had a
turn at being hungry. And once while looking for sweet-
brier berries, only a few of them he fetched home. Scarcely
any nourishment from them did the woman get ; continually
hungrier became his wife. So once away went Nanabushu
after tying his old wretched bag of cloth secure. As he
started forth on his way, it was extremely cold. In a
while he was going along in search of sweet-brier berries,
when all of a sudden out upon a lake he came ; very
long indeed was the lake. Along by way of the sunny
side he went. But a few sweet-brier berries he found
along the way. Poor fellow ! he was so very cold. Now,
once while going along the shore, there was a sudden
sound of something that he heard fall on the ice. When
he looked, he saw something. When he went out on
the ice, there was an arrow feathered with the ear of a
bear. Nanabushu at once took it. As he shoved it into
the snow, he was suddenly addressed by some one saying :
"Nanabushu, is that your arrow?"
"Yes, my little brother, it is my own arrow."
"That was not what the Pilferer said when I blessed him."
"Really, it is not my arrow, my little brother."
"Nanabushu, you must be cold."
Ah ! Nanabushu was closely observing him. He spoke
to him, saying: "How can you say that1 I am cold!
Why, I am sweating."
"Come, come, come! the Pilferer certainly did not say
that when I blessed him."
1 Aciwinan, "How can you say that," ... an adverbial expression. It might
be put in this form : "The idea that" . . .
"Icta, kaga't ningl'katc!"
" 'Au, Nanabucu, kabotawin."
" 1AU, potawacicin." Kaga't acinataga'kut Nanabucu.
Acipodawanit. Ka'ki'tcipodawanit, aTtawickuta cingubl
5 uda'paginani. "Amba, Nanabucu, awazun."
Ta'taya! Nanabucu ajra/wazut.
Cigwasa7 tajikagPtciwan kaya tacigltaciga nawan. Aci-
kanonigut : "Taga, Nanabucu, mldcin Ini/u nindaciganan."
"An, aciwman 'Midcin' ! Nindanimucuwlna kamidciyan
10 Ini/u gitaciganan ?"
"TaVa't, ta^va't ! Kawln kuca win krr'kitusl Pa'kiwis
alpl cawanimak."
"Icta, kaga't ningamldcinan."
Kaga't ubra^pagidoni. Kumiginln, kaskami'kwaniwan !
15 "Nanabucu, kagux win ckwantangan."
Nanabucu mlgu ima wanimo'k ka'u'ndcipldomut. Cigwasa
ajimadantcigat aca/u Nanabucu, kuniginln, tapimipasigwlwan
udoda'pinamini 48i/u umackimut. "Nanabucu, wagunani'i'11
ka'pimondaman ?"
20 "Ka, ugimg kuca kapimomagwa."
Udatcitwapinani, panagu tcatcatclpan pangicino.
"Tawa't, tawa't ! Kwa'tcinantawln klga'rniga'ta. Anln
wmi iu wandcitotaman ?"
"Nanabucu, pisan ayan. Kawln win kri-'kitusi a'pl
25 Pa'klwis cawanimak." Aninimina'kowan klmadwasikwa-i'-
gawan. Mldac i'i'ma pma'wanit umickimutang Ini/u mi'kwa-
min, "Nanabucu, ambasax, pisindawicin ! Klcpin papani-
'tawiyan, mri/>u kawm klgawabanicizl. Umbom wasa/u
"Why, yes, to be sure I am cold!"
"Very well, Nanabushu, I will build you a fire."
"Good, build me a fire." Truly then over the ice towards
the land went Nanabushu.
Then the other built a fire. After he had a big fire
going, then on both sides of the fire he piled the balsams.
"Come, Nanabushu, warm yourself!"
Ah ! now Nanabushu warmed himself.
Ere long the other took off his moccasins and removed
his stockings. Then by him was (Nanabushu) addressed :
"Now, Nanabushu, do you eat those stockings of mine."
"Indeed, why should you say to me, 'Eat them!' Am
I a dog, that I should eat those stockings of yours?"
" Come, come ! The Pilferer really did not say that
when I blessed him."
"Why, yes, of course I will eat them."
Truly, the other flung them over to him. Lo, it was
the dried tail of a beaver! "Nanabushu, do not leave any
of it uneaten."
Nanabushu thereupon secretly put some away in the bosom
of his garment. When Nanabushu began eating, lo, the
other rose upon his feet (and) picked up (Nanabushu 's) bag.
"Nanabushu, what were you carrying upon your back?"
"Why, only some sweet-brier berries was I carrying."
The other turned (the bag) upside down and let them
spill, and straightway in every direction they fell.
" Stop, stop ! There is a chance that you will do (us)
harm. Why have you done that?"
"Nanabushu, do you keep silent. The Pilferer did not
say that when I blessed him." Then out over the ice
he went (where) he could be heard (chopping). And so
when out there he was putting the ice into the bag,
"Nanabushu, come, do you listen to me! If you fail to
heed what I say, then you will not live through the winter.
mi'kwam, awa'kwagam klga'rciwananan. Oma tcinimina-
'kuyan, pacu' anitagwicinan, ' a'a'e7, Nanabucu kago ubi-
montan - - ala/u, kwungu'ir'k !' klga-rni'tam. Kagu' aba-
nabi'kan. A'p! mlcaga'kuyan kawln kayabi kiga>i'nittanzl.
5 Mldac iwiti, tclgayaT andayag, tci'a-ninantawabantaman
tciwanatinag. Mi'kaman dac, mri'ma msatci/u kam-ijaiyan.
Ki'klcamatciwayan mlnawa, mldac 4ci/u ka-i'cipagitciwaba-
'kamat 'a8a/u mi'kwam. ' Kagux win abanabi'kan. Pamadac
kigicap klgapmapim Ca8a/u kimindimo'i'mic. Mlsa 4ci/u
10 cigwa7 tcipa'kawininan."
Aciumbiwanat Nanabucu, ajimadcat, anigu'k madci'ba'to.
Pacugu tagwicing awlya onondawa8 : " l A'e'e71, wagunan
Nanabucu pamontank? Ala/u, kwunku'u-'k!" Ta! mldac
kaga't anigu'k madciba'to. Kakacitinagu pacu7 pitclngwus-
15 kwani. "Intigu mfpi kaga kwugwa'u'kuyan," inantam
Nanabucu. Wagunaniwinan ajipagitciwaba'kamat Ini/u
umi'kwamiman. " lAla/u, kwungu'u-'k !" i'kito Nanabucu.
A'tawa ! wantagu kagat kago owabandanzln. Mlnawa
umbiwana. Kwatcigu majaga'kuba'tod, mlnawa ubagitcwa-
20 ba'kaman. " lA'a/u, kwungu'irk!" ickito. Pa'kita'i-ga Ini/u
umi'tigwabln, kawln kago owabandanzln • pagwanagu icipa-
pa'kita'i'ga. Mlnawa udombiwananan Ini/u umi'kwamman.
Misa/ cigwa acimicaga'kut, ani'i'cigu'plt ; kaga't unanta-
wabandan tciwanatinanik. Kaga't omi'kan 48i/u wanatinanig.
Put upon your back this ice, (and) to the other end of the
lake shall you carry it. As you go hence over the ice,
when a short distance on your way you have come, then,
'Halloo, there! Nanabushu has something upon his back -
come on, give him a push!' you will hear. Do not look
back. When you get across the ice to the shore, no
longer will you hear the sound. And then over there,
nigh to where you live, you should seek for a great
depression in the earth. And when you have found it,
then down the hill should you go. When you come out
upon the summit again, then you should put down your
pack of ice. Do not look back. And not till in the
morning shall you and your old woman go to look. There
fore now shall I leave you."
Then up Nanabushu lifted his pack, as he departed
with all speed, he started running. And when a short
way he was come, he heard (various) ones : "Halloo, there!
what is Nanabushu carrying upon his back? Come on,
give him a push !" Ah ! and then, to be sure, with all
speed he started running. And of a sudden close by
rose the din of roaring ice. "It seems that now am I
nearly pushed over," thought Nanabushu, What should
he do but lay down his pack of ice. "All right, give
him a push !" said Nanabushu. Poor man ! not a single
thing did he really see. Again he took up his pack.
The instant he gained the shore from the run over the
ice, again he laid down his pack. "Very well, give him
a push !" he said. He swung to hit with his bow, but
nothing he saw; and blindly did he strike to hit. Again
he took up his pack of ice. Thereupon, when he came
off the ice onto the shore, then on up inland he went;
truly he sought for the great depression in the earth.
To be sure, he found the hollow space. In time, when
he was come at the top the hill, he put down his pack.
Cigwasa kata'kwamatciwat, ubagitciwaba'kaman. Ajra/ba-
nabit, panagu namawa8 kasablnit. Ani'i'cikiwat. Anrrji-
pmdigat andawat, "A'tawa, wabang klganama'kamin.
Kaga't pa'tanlnowag namawag kawabamagwa."
Misa7 ajitibi'kat'inik. Nayagigu unicka. Nanabucu
Ajikanonat wlwan: "Ambagickana unickan. Kanantakin
klki'kandanzln tcinama'kayan ?"
Ajimadcawat ijawat iwiti kawabamat 'ici/u namawa8.
Kuniginm, a'pi anisagatciwawat, anln ka'i'cinamowat?
10 Wandcitagu ka'i'ska'tanigwan 'isi/u wanatina ! Inabiwat,
iwiti a'pidci nawatinang pajik kra'biwan Ini/u pikwa'kucti-
gwananamawan. Agawagu nabopiwagamisowan anukaba-
cimawat. A'tawa ! kagatsa mindcinawazi lasa/u mindimoya.
Nanabucu kanona : "Indacka kago kiglpablnitarnitug."
15 A'tawa! wandagu gaga't a'pl'tanatamowat. Kawm wi'ka
kago ubidosln anukro'sat Nanabucu. Ningutingigu oga-
nonan wlwan : " Ambasa7, unapi'ton mackimut *isi/u kaba-
bamiwanayan. Minotc nlawinantawi'irkimwa." Ajimadcat
Nanabucu. Aniwa'k udanimi'kawa lisi/u ugini8. Cigwasa
20 ani'u-nagucinini. "Kawm kanaga intawa nindaklwasl,"
inantam Nanabucu.
Ningutingigu saga'i'gan omada'kun. Ajimadcl'a-daga'kut,
wabigamanig pacwabandank, awiya owabaman pimadaga-
i See Series I, No. 7, p. 49.
On looking back, (he saw) vast numbers of sturgeon
moving about in the water. Then on his homeward way
he went. As he went on into where he (and the others)
lived, "Hurrah! to-morrow will we fish for sturgeon. Truly,
many are the sturgeons I saw."
And so night came on. And before it was time, up
from bed rose Nanabushu. Then he said to his wife :
"Do please rise up from bed. Do you not know that
you are going to fish for sturgeon?"
Then they departed to go to the place where he had
seen the sturgeons. Lo, when they came out upon the
summit, what were they to behold? Why, completely dry
must the basin have become ! As they looked, yonder
in the very centre of the basin lay but a single, large,
round-headed sturgeon. And scarcely any soup did it
make when they tried to cook it. Ah ! but truly disap
pointed was the old woman (at not getting more sturgeons).
Nanabushu was addressed : " No doubt but that you must
have failed to heed what was told you."
Alas! by degrees then were they really starving. Never
a thing did Nanabushu fetch home when he went out in
vain to hunt. And once he spoke to his wife, saying :
"Well, tie up the bag which I will carry as I wander
from place to place. In spite of ill luck, I will go seek for
sweet-brier berries." Then departed Nanabushu. A few
sweet-brier berries he found along where he went. Then
was the evening coming on. "Not at all, as matters stand,
would I go back home," thought Nanabushu.
Now, by and by he came out upon a frozen lake. As
he started forth on the ice, as nigh to the narrows of the
1 For other versions see Nos. 8 (p. 73), 9 (p. 85), 44 (p. 373).
'kupa'tonit; aca mlnawa, nlwiwa8. Kuniginln, maTnganac!
Ajiplpagimat : aNistcimistca, a'kawa, kawabamininim !"
Kaga't kipitciba'towa8 ; aciwawanabinit aninasi'kawat.
Ajiganonat : " Nltcisasrkizl, anti acayag ?"
5 "Ka, crc/'witi, kicika'tikwaning, mrrwiti acayang. Nibi-
nunk kra'santcigobanig ogo/u kitocimag, ki'tci'a'yaban
uginisawabamn. Mldac iwiti acayang."
"A'tiwa, ml gaya nln iwiti acayan, kicika'tikwaning, -
' 48i/u tci'a'niwawltclwinaguk."
10 Anic, mri/>u cigwa wunagucininig.
"Anlc 4isi/u, Tcltclgwanowis,1 aninanta'irninamasiwan,
magica takisina tibi'kat. Taga, kimicoma'i'wa tani'a-n-
Anic, mlsa7 gaga't Nanabucu aninanta'U'ninamat. Kawasa
15 ni'tawusasi, anuwltclwat 48i/u ma'l'ngana8. Ajikanonint
Nanabucu: "Ambasino, antotamangigu pimibaltoyang, ml
kaya km katotaman."
Taya, kaya win totam. Anic mldac iu kawln kago 48i/u
oso, mldac 4si/u wlnag lisi/u wasowat. Kawln kanaga nomag
20 cigwa animaskawa'kwatininig.
"Kaga't mlmawlni iu tcinibut kimicomanan, maskawa-
'kwatininig 'ici/u wlnag. Intawa kico'tdwata." Mldac lasa/u
pajik maTngan ubi'tawajan 3 aciwlwa'kwapitciga'tanig.
1 The name by which one of the young Wolves was called.
lake he drew, he saw some one running past over the ice;
then some more, four of them. Behold, (they were) Wolves!
Then he called aloud to them : " O my little brothers !
wait, I wish to see you."
To be sure, they came to a sudden halt ; then they sat
down, while he went up to where they were. Then he
spoke to them, saying: "My old friend, whither are you
"Oh, over here, for the place of cedar boughs, is where
we are bound. Last summer did these nephews of yours
make a cache there, a great bull (moose) they killed then.
Now, that is the place (for which) we are bound."
"Why, that is the place, too, for which I am bound, -
to the place of cedar boughs, — so therefore it is my
wish to go along with you."
Well, it was then evening.
"Now, Thin-Tail,1 do you go find a place where to camp,
for perhaps it will be cold in the night. I say, let your
uncle find a place where to camp."
So thereupon, truly did Nanabushu go to find a place
to camp. Not at all was he familiar with (their way of)
travelling, as he tried going along with the Wolves. Then
was Nanabushu told : " Come, as we do when we run
along, so in like manner should you do too."
Ah, and he did the same. Naturally, there was nothing
in the way of a tail, therefore his penis was what he
used for a tail. It was but a very little while before it
was frozen stiff.
"Surely now without doubt will our uncle die, for that
his penis is frozen stiff. Therefore let us warm it for him."
Accordingly, with the top blanket 3 of one of the Wolves
was it wrapped about the head. And very awkward was
his aspect as he tried in vain to run along. In time he
'2 Referring to the tail of a wolf.
A'pidcigu wasi'tawinagusi anupimiba'tod. Cigwasa' umi'kan
a'pidci tabinawanig. "Misa/ oma tcinibaiyang."
"E1, kawasa', kitagfkatcimin."
"Taga, kin Tcltcigwanowis," Inimawan Ini/u a'kiwa"zl
5 ma'i'nganan.
Gaga't mldac lisi/u nantukabacit a'pidci omi'kan anasa-
•a-maninig. "Mlsa7 oma tcinibayang." Anlc mlsan uto-
" 'Ala/u, Nanabucu, podawan," ina Nanabucu. Anlc
10 misa7 Nanabucu anawibotawat. A'kawa klci'kisagon uglci-
bawabinan. Ajiganonint : "Nanabucu, anlnna antotaman
wrpotawayan? Nackasa, kanawabamicin antotamink wa-
podawangin." Kunigimn, Ini/u a'kiwanzl maTnganan pasi-
gwlwan, u'kwa'kwisininig Ini/u mlsan acipacitcikwaskwaninit ;
15 mlsa7 ickuta ajipiska'kunanik.
Cigwasa7 tibi'kadini, ajikawicimut Nanabucu. A'tawa
Nanabucu ! a'pidci nondagusi, a'pi'tcigl'katcit.
"Icta, kimicomanan mlmawlni-r*11 wlkawatcit, intawa
20 Pajik pa'ijlnanawaninit.
Wibago amatciblso. "Cl, kagatsa ou animwanowic nin-
dabwackagun !" Anlc wlbagu minawa gl'katci. Ajinonda-
gusit, "Anlnta, pl'tawacai-'k minawa kimicoma'i'wa."
Pajik ajigikitut: "Ingutci kuca ugra*'pagiton anubl-
25 'tawaca-a-g." Kaga't minawa pa'i'crrnanowaninit ini/u
Mldac na iu ajiwabaninig. Cigwa kigicap ajikanonint
Nanabucu: "Nawa'kwag mra-'pl ka-u'di'tamang 48i/u asan-
found where there was excellent shelter from the wind.
"Now, here is where we will sleep," said Nanabushu.
"Why, impossible! we might be cold."
"I say, you, Thin-Tail, (go look for a camping-place),"
thus to one said the old Wolf.
It was so that when he looked for a place to camp, he
found a place that was exceedingly windy. "Here is where
we will sleep." So a great pile of fire-wood he heaped on.
"All right, Nanabushu, do you kindle the fire," was
told Nanabushu. So accordingly Nanabushu tried in vain
to kindle the fire. He first tried twirling a piece of cedar
wood. Then he was addressed: "Nanabushu, how do you
go about it when you want to make a fire? Just look,
observe me (and see) the way it is done when fire is
made." Behold, the old Wolf then rose to his feet, (and)
over where lay piled the heap of fire-wood he leaped ;
thereupon the fire blazed up.
It was now getting night, when down to sleep lay Na
nabushu. Poor Nanabushu ! he was heard making a very
loud noise, he was so cold.
"I declare, our uncle no doubt is about freezing to
death, therefore put another cover over him."
One then laid his tail over him.
In a little while he became awake because of the warmth.
"Oh, how really much am I made to sweat by this con
founded tail of a dog !" So in a little while he was again
cold. When he was heard making a noise, "Why, put
another cover over your uncle," (said the old Wolf).
One then spoke up: "Why, off he flung the cover when
I tried to put it over him." Truly again the Wolf laid his
tail (over him).
And so by that time it was day. Then in the morning
was Nanabushu addressed: "By noon is when we shall
arrive at the cache."
Ajimadcawat, udanang pimusawag !ni/u widalkiwanzlyan
mojag unlganri'gon. Ningutingigu uganonigon ackiwanzl
maTnganan : "Nanabucu, ambasano, intawa, kagu7 usowa-
lkan i'i'wa klnag, osam macimagwat. Intawagu acictciga-
5 yamban mi'i'u icictcigan tcipimusayan."
Nanabucu mlsa7 gaga't acictcigat, mlsa/ pitclnag mino-
pimusat. A'pidcigu udibi'a- Ii8i/u ma'rngana8. Cigwasa
tagwicinog asantciguning. Aca tana'kamigisiwa8 mona'a'-
minit asantcigun. Oganonigon wita'kiwanzlyan : "Nanabucu,
10 mlsa cigwa tciwlsiniyang. 4A4a/u, wltci'i'wan tcimo'ka'a*-
Kaga't Nanabucu wltcl'i'wa 'i8i/u mo'ka'rgadanig asan
tcigun. Cayigwa owabandanan Nanabucu. A'tawa, wato-
pa'kunisagon kaya 'isi/u anaga'kwan katawananit. "Tawa't,
15 tawalt, awanamwinanag ugou! Mri/>u kawm win wi'ka mld-
cislm Ini/u mi'tigucan !"
"Nanabucu, kagu7 ikidu'kan. Naska pitclnag kigicap,
Pang! mina 48i/u udopa'kunisag kaya iu anaga/kwan.
20 "Kagux win nontatibi'k wabandangan. Pama kigicap
kawlsinimin." Misax cigwa tibi'katinig Nanabucu ani'kwacing
udalton ^'^i^ kamlnint. Ajinibat Nanabucu. Ningutingigu,
tibi'kadinik wagunanlwinan owabandan i-i'wa kamlnint.
A'tiwa, kuniginln, monsonagic ml'i'wa iu wadopa'kunisagunk
25 ka'i'cinank, mmawa wanaga'kwan ml Ini/u ocobln. Migu
i8i/u acipa'kwandank, kaga't uminu'pitan. Mlsa7 mlnawa
Cigwasa wabanini, panagu kamodtigisinit 4si/u ma*rn-
gana8, wandagu gaga't minowlsiniwa8.
30 " 'A'a711, Nanabucu, kaya km ablginan kidacamigowin."
When they started, behind walked he and his old com
panion who always had him keep ahead. And once he
was told by the old Wolf: "Nanabushu, I beg of you,
really, do not use your penis for a tail, for it smells too
vile. Therefore, according to the manner you are accus
tomed (to), so you do when you travel."
Nanabushu then truly did so, whereupon he then travelled
with ease. And very well he kept pace with the Wolves.
In time they arrived at the cache. Already were the others
busily at work digging up the cache. He was addressed
by his old companion: "Nanabushu, it is now time for us
to eat. Come, go aid in the work of opening the cache."
Truly, Nanabushu aided them in the work of opening
the cache. In a while Nanabushu saw (what was there).
Why, it was choice fire-wood and some bark that they
were taking out. "Stop, stop, you rascals! Why, never
is this wretched wood to be eaten."
"Nanabushu, do not say that. Just you wait till in the
morning, you will have nice food to eat."
A little was given him of the choice wood and the bark.
"Do not look at it during the night. Not till in the
morning shall we eat." Thereupon, when it was night, then
Nanabushu placed where he lay his head that which had
been given him. Then to sleep went Nanabushu. By
and by, in the night, what should he do but look at that
which had been given him. Why, behold, a moose-gut
was that which had appeared to him as choice fire-wood,
and the bark was tenderloin. Accordingly, when he bit
off (a piece), he truly found it savory. And then he used
it again for a pillow.
In time came the morning, and forthwith pleased were
the Wolves, and very heartily indeed did they eat.
"Now, then, Nanabushu, do you too unwrap the food
that was given you."
Nanabucu ajiwabandank, a'tawa, ml gayabi udoba-
'kunisag kaya 48i/u wanaga'kwan. Ajikanonint Nanabucu :
"Tibi'kunksa kiglwabandan o*o'."
"Kawm ning!wabandanzm."
5 "Nanabucu, kitanabitacin tibilkunk 'isi/u klpa'kwandamo-
"Intawa, acami'k kimicoma-i'wa."
Mlsa gaga't acama, wandagu gaga't Nanabucu tawlsini.
Cigwasa7 ajikanonint Nanabucu: "Intawa kiwan. Kama-
10 tcita'i'ko kimintimo'i'mic kamldcit."
"Kuwm, osam pa'kada. Manu kawidclwininim."
" 1AU, Nanabucu, kawldclwiko. Ayangwarnisin, kwaya'k
wi'i'ciwabisin. Wabank kigagusimin. Wra-ntawantciwag
ogo/u kidocimag, moson wra*ntawabamawan.w
15 Mlsax weyabaninik ajigusiwat. A'pitci kigicap madcawa8
48i/u udockinawamiwa8 ; wfkadac animadcawag Nanabucu
Ini/u wlda'kiwanzlyan mada'arnawat ma'I'ngana8. Nayawa-
lkwanik mri/<u uci'kawanigubanan 48i/u moso8. Pacigidacigu
klmadcinicawaniguban, mlsa7 pima'a'nawat. Ningutingigu
20 upimwackitiwinini !ni/u ma-rnganan kl-a-ni'a''tani. Nanabucu
ajikanonint: "Nanabucu, anita'kunau mi/u ubl'tawacan a11
"Anmta katotaman animumowic ka-a'nita'kunaman?"
"Taiya, Nanabucu! kawm klta'i-'kitusl." Ma-rngan aji-
25 'o'ta'pinang, kuniginln, ma'katawagin udontcimamonini; !ni/u
ma'rnganan pa'pawiwabinaminit.
"Nicimisa, nm ninganipimiwitowan nintocim 'i8i/u ubl'ta-
wacan." Mlsa7 anicita4kunamawat.
When Nanabushu looked at it, why, it was yet choice
fire- wood and the bark. Nanabushu then was told: "Last
night you really looked at this."
"I did not look at it."
"Nanabushu, you have left the mark of your teeth on
what you must have taken a bite last night."
"However, do you feed your uncle."
Thereupon truly he was fed, and thoroughly indeed was
Nanabushu satisfied with food. Presently was Nanabushu
addressed: "Therefore go you back home. We will send
by you some food for your old woman to eat."
"No, she is too hungry. Please let me go along with you."
"Very well, Nanabushu, you may go along with us. Do
you be careful, in the right way do you conduct yourself.
To-morrow we will move camp. For some game do
these nephews of yours intend to hunt, for moose do they
expect to hunt."
And so on the morrow they moved camp. Very early
in the morning started their youths ; and a long while
afterwards departed Nanabushu and his old companion,
they followed in the path of the Wolves. At about noon
was when they laid plans how to get at the moose. Now,
one pursued after the moose, whereupon they trailed after
(the moose and wolf). And once some fresh dropping
of the Wolf lay along the way. Nanabushu was told :
"Nanabushu, as you go along, pick up the top blanket
of your nephew."
"What am I to do with the foul dropping of a dog,
that I should pick it up as I go along?"
"O Nanabushu! you should not say that." When the
Wolf picked it up, lo, a black cloth he picked up from
the place •, the Wolf then gave it a shaking.
"My little brother, let me carry for my nephew his top
blanket." Thereupon, as he went along, he carried it for him.
Misa' 48i/u ani'rcinlca'rga'kawanit anrijawat lni/u ma'r-
ngana8. Ningutingigu mi'tigunk pata'ka'kwisinini 48i/u
wibitani Ini/u maTnganan. "Nacka kuca' ! kitocim kapita-
'kwa'a-gwan. Taga, kltcigubiton, Nanabucu, kitocim Ii8i/u
5 umi'tigwanwi anitakwunamu1."
"Anlnta katotaman animwabitic kanita'kunaman ?"
"Nanabucu, kagur i'kitu'kan." A'kiwanz!maTngan aci-
kl'tcigwandank. Kunigimn, mi'tigwanwi udontcimamon.
"Taga, nm ninganita'kunan."
10 "Nanabucu, kagu7 win ingutci pagito'kan. Kigasanagra-
kitocim klcpin ingutci a'pagitowat."
Ningutingigu papima'a'nawat 'i8i/u, kunigimn, a'pidci
pacigini udadagwanasawan nlpitayabanigusinit. Nanabucu
kanona : "Awanan km kaci'kagwan kitinandam?"
15 Udicinowan Ini/u matci'kawa'a't, ajiklgitut : "Napisa nac
wlna a11 mindimoyanc wina-a/<u. Ogowistcagu miwagugu
"Kawln, mlsaf wa8au kanagaciwat."
Anipapimusawat. Cigwa a'pidci ka'kra/niguban. Nin-
20 gutingigu owabamawa8 cingicininit. " 'A'e'e^, kawlnnina-
wln kigigagoslmin. 'Ala/u, Nanabucu, ucl'tan, kadacimo-
su'kayank kawici'tomin."
Anlc Nanabucu anu'rnabit, kawin awiya owabamasin
tcra-binit monson. Anlc miya'tagu iu umiskwlwagunaganik
25 weyabandank. A'pidcisa/ tatapisinlwa8. Nanabucu ajima-
najitat, mldac ima a'1'cat a'i'tag cingicininit Ini/u pacik lni/u
ma-I'nganan. Wagunamwinan upapasiguntciwapiskawan.
"Atcimatclstaca! mini'k klgitanawa ?"
And so along the trail the Wolves made in their pursuit
was the way (Nanabushu and the old Wolf) went. Now,
once there was sticking out of a tree the tooth of a wolf.
" Oh, look ! your nephew must have struck the tree acci
dentally. I say, pull it out, Nanabushu, carry along your
nephew's arrow !"
"What am I to do with the miserable tooth of a dog,
that I should carry it as I go along?"
"Nanabushu, do not say that." The old Wolf took it
out with his mouth. Behold, an arrow he took out.
"I say, let me carry it along."
"Nanabushu, don't you fling it away. You will make
things difficult for your nephew if you throw it away."
Then presently, while trailing after the Wolves (and the
moose), lo, (they saw that) one of them went with dragging
feet through the snow as they moved abreast in line. Nana
bushu was addressed : " Which one do you think is swifter ?"
He pointed to the one that trailed along in difficulty,
then he said: "Why, this one here is nothing but an old
hag. Now, these are the ones that will lead in the run."
"No, this is the one that will be in the lead."
On then they went walking. Now, very hard were they
pressing the pursuit. Then by and by they beheld the
others lying down. "Halloo! why, they are getting us
something to eat. Come on, Nanabushu, get ready ! a
place for us to dress the moose we will make."
Naturally, Nanabushu tried looking about, but to no
purpose : he saw nothing of any moose that was there.
Now, the only thing he saw was some blood on the snow.
Thoroughly sated was each one with food. Then Nana
bushu went for some balsam boughs, and the way he
went was directly where one of the Wolves lay. What
should he do but give him a kick to make him stand up.
"For goodness, sake! have you eaten so much as that?"
Tcanga'kwanowan. "Kagatsa7 kiwawisagicka11, Nana-
bucu. Kagu7 icictciga'kan, Nanabucu. " Kanona Nanabucu :
"Pisan ayan. Klcpin mlnawa kago wltotaman, mri/<u kawin
klgacamigosi." A'taya, Nanabucu anigu'k ano'kl. Kawa-
5 nalpl uglcl'kanawa 48i/u watacimosu'kawat. Ajiganonawat :
"Mlsa7 iu kiglcl'taiyank." Papasigwlwa8 pimi'i'cawa8 i'i'ma
kra>cpicimonitkawat. Cigwa pacik cicigagowawan, mlgu
i/u pacig Ii8i/u usaglni ajimiziwapangisininik. Kaga't ma-
ma'katandam Nanabucu, kaga't minwantam ; wantagu
10 ba'kic nanagamosiwi, apl'tciminwandank 'aca/u Nanabucu.
"Ambasa7, agwawanackukata."
Gawana'pl uglci'tonawa lisi/u agwawana'k. Mlsa7 pitcinag
klcisa/kwawat Nanabucu a'pidcisa7 tawlsini. Aba'pic tapi-
'kadinik, ajinibawat. Cigwa wabanini. Kigicapigu kigito-
15 wan Ini/u a'kiwanzimaTnganan : "Mlsa7 cigwa tcigl'a-'kay-
amban. Anlc kawln wfka awiya ninganawabamigosl 48i/u
waya'kayanin. Intawa a'kawa padagwlngwacinuk."
Kaga't padagwmgwacinowag. Anic Nanabucu kaya win
padagwlngwacin. Indigunata madwaganagantciga, inantam
20 Nanabucu. Wagunanlwinan pangl odontcikanawabaman
na'i'tak udacigagwatigwantamini iu u'kan. Wagunanlwinan
ajipicagwantaminit. A'tawa ! a'pidci i'i'ma usklcigunk aci-
pangisininik. Nanabucu misa7 acigiwaskwackagut. Anicagu7
ta'kabawanint wandcimi'kawit. Kami'kawit, kanona : "Nana-
25 bucu, kanawabamiwamban 48i/u a'kayan."
Up he raised his head. "Really, you hurt me with your
kick, Nanabushu. Don't you do that again, Nanabushu."
Nanabushu was told: "Be quiet. If you intend doing
anything (like that) again, then you will not be fed."
Oh, but Nanabushu labored hard. In a little while they
finished working on where they intended to dress the
moose. Then they said to him: "Therefore are we ready."
Then up they rose to their feet (and) came over to the
place where they had spread out the balsams. Presently
one began to vomit, whereupon the whole of one foreleg
fell. To be sure, amazed was Nanabushu, really pleased
he was • and during all the while he hummed a song, so
very pleased was Nanabushu.
"Come, let us make a meat-rack!"
In a little while they completed the meat-rack. There
upon, when they had finished cooking, Nanabushu became
thoroughly sated with food. When it began to grow dark,
they then went to sleep. In time came the morrow. And
in the morning up spoke the old Wolf: "Therefore now
will I make some grease from the bones. Of course, by
no one am I ever observed while boiling grease from the
bones. On that account you shall first cover up your faces."
To be sure, they covered up their faces. Now, Nana
bushu covered up his face too. It seemed that he heard
the sound of bones being cracked with teeth, so thought
Nanabushu. What would he do but take a little peep at
him at the very moment when he was gnawing ravenously
upon a bone. What should (the Wolf) do but let (the
bone) slip from his teeth. Poor (Nanabushu) ! right square
across his eyes it fell. Nanabushu was then knocked out
of his senses. It was only by having water splashed upon
him that he was revived. WVfter he had revived, he was
addressed : " Nanabushu, you must have watched me while
I made grease from the bones."
Misa' iu minawa acitibi'katinik ; cigwa wabanini. A'pidci
kigicap kigitu Nanabucu: " Mistcatcigwa wra^kayan. Kawm
anistca wl'ka ninganawabamigostc! cici/u wa/a-'kayanin.
Intawa padagwmgwacinuk."
5 Amc, ga'kina ajipadagwlngwacinowat, Nanabucu madwa-
wa-i-ga blgwa*a*nk Ini/u u'kanan. Amc, a'pici pimiti'kwa-
cinon Ini/u a'kiwa^Ima'rnganan. Wagunanlwinan udani-
nazi'kawan. Kamamot udo'kanim, gi^ci'a'niguk u'kwagana-
ning ajiba'ki'ta/o'wat. Wantagu gagalt mri/<u ajitayapita-
10 ganamat. Kagatsa sagisiwag igi/u wawosiwat. Tawa7!
ajita'kabawanawat. Gaga't pang! kago ina ma'kawinit :
"Nanabucu, intawa mri/>u ijickwa'tan, usam wltclwigoyan,
anodcigu kiticiwabis."
"Kawln, manogu kiwltciwininim !"
i $ " 1A/U, Nanabucu, pisan ayayan kawltclwigo."
Wayabaninig kabaglcik wlsiniwag. Cigwa wanagucininig
klgitowan Ini/u a'kiwa^z! ma-I'nganan : "Intawasa wabang
kamadcamin tcigusiyang."
Anlc Nanabucu nawatcigu clnganima. "Nanabucu,
20 ambasa, wabank klwipa'kawinigo."
"Kawln. Ambasano, Ia8a/u pacik nintocim ningawitcrar-
yawa kicpin inandaman. Kawm wlcka kago ta-i'ciwabisisi."
"Anlc na, Nanabucu, kammin 'aVu ninidcanis. Kigi-
lkanimin manitowiyan, mi'i/>u wa'u-ndcimininan."
And so it was night again ; then came the morrow.
Very early in the morning up spoke Nanabushu : "And
now I want to make some grease from the bones. Never
for the mere sake of observing am I watched when making
grease from bones. Therefore cover up your faces."
Now, when all covered their faces, Nanabushu could be
heard breaking up the bones. Now, in plain view, with
his head resting on his side (facing Nanabushu), lay the
old Wolf. What should he do but go over to where (the
Wolf was). When he had picked up his bone, then with
all his might upon the back of his neck he struck him.
To be sure, he then laid him out completely with the blow.
Really scared were they who were his children. Poor
fellow! they then dashed cool water on him. Indeed, a
little something was said (to Nanabushu) after (the Wolf)
had revived: "Nanabushu, therefore now you had better
cease, too much have you been in our company, and you
do things you should not."
"Nay, please let me go with you!"
"Very well, Nanabushu; if you behave, you may go
On the morrow throughout the whole day were they
eating. When evening came on, then up spoke the old
Wolf: "Therefore to-morrow will we depart to find another
place to camp."
Now, Nanabushu was somewhat disliked. "Nanabushu,
come! to-morrow we will part company with you."
"Nay. Please let me remain with one of my nephews
if it be your will. Never will anything (harmful) happen
to him."
"Of course, Nanabushu, I will give you one of my
children. I know that you are a manitou, for such is the
reason why I give him to you."
A'taya, kaga't minwantam Nanabucu. Wayabaninig
kusiwa^. Pacigigu utociman kaya wlnawa ingutcigu icima-
dcawag. Uganonigon Ini/Ll udociman : "Nanabucu, pacugu
kiganibamin." Misa' a'i'na'a-nat udociman. Kumagu a'pl
5 cigwa owabaman ani'tawanini'k namadabinit. "Nos, mro'ma
tcinibaiyank," Nanabucu udigon. Ka'rskwawlsiniwat, awa-
ningwami. Klciginibat. Magwagu nanamadabit pamagu
wandcimawinit Nanabucowan. Ajidclcabinat. "Ci, indaska
nm nimanabamigutug," udinan. Cigwa tayanibanit, kusku-
10 siwan. Amc, tana'kamigisi Ia8a/u ma-rngan. "Anm ana-
bandaman klmawiyan ?"
"A'tawa, nindocim kimanabamin. Wabang 'aca/u mons
wl'piminicawat. Ambasano, kagu" ickwa pagito'kan 4ei/u
mi'tigons slblnsing misawagu cigwa tababamat Ia8a/u mons-,
15 mlgu iu wrrcimindcimantan."
Cigwasa7 wabanini. Kigicap madcawan wi'piminica'i'ganit,
Nanabucu animadca, udociman pima'a'nat. Cigwasa7 aci-
'kawanit lisi/u uci'kawanigubanan lni/u monson. Anlc, a'pidci
slgwanini. Misa iu a'i-na'a'nat kaya mri'wa iu acinama-
20 'tonit ini/u udociman ; mi'tigons ani-a^pagitonit i'i-ma pangi
Ah, truly pleased was Nanabushu. On the morrow
they moved camp. And with one of his nephews he
went off in another direction. He was addressed by his
nephew saying: "Nanabushu, not far away shall we stop
for the night." And so he followed in the tracks of his
nephew. Some distance on the way he saw (his nephew)
seated in a spot free from snow. "My father, here is a
place for us to sleep," Nanabushu was told. After they
had finished eating, he made ready to sleep. He then
had a nap. And while (the Wolf) was yet sitting up, all
of a sudden into weeping burst Nanabushu. Then he
waved to him with the hand.3 "Foh, (I) fancy that he
probably is having a bad dream about me," he said of him.
When (Nanabushu) had sleep enough, he then woke up.
Now, busy at work was the Wolf. "What were you
dreaming about, that you should weep ?"
"Ah, my nephew, I had a bad dream about you.
To-morrow you will pursue a moose. Please don't you
delay throwing a stick into the brook, even though you
are then in sight of the moose. Now, do try to keep that
in mind."
Now the morrow was at hand. In the morning, when
(the Wolf) departed to go in pursuit (of game), Nanabushu
set out ; in the trail of his nephew he followed. Now, by
the trail he made, (the Wolf) was stalking the moose.3
By the way, it was well on towards spring. That was
how he trailed up (his nephew), and that was how he
could tell by the trail (what) his nephew was doing ;
1 For other versions see Nos. 10 (p. 89), 45 (p. 389).
2 In a disdainful way.
3 It takes a great deal of manoeuvring to come upon the moose and not be discovered.
slblnsiwa'kamiganik ; cigwasa tapabamaniguban Ini/u monson ;
midac kaga't ki'tci anigu'k madcanigubanan Ini/u odociman ;
midac lisi/u cigwa tabibinanigubanan 'a8a/u maTngan a'pidci
pang! slblnsiwa'kamiganik. Migu' mmotc acawikwaskwa-
5 nigubanan, ka/ijidiskf kag i*i/<u siblns, midac ima nanawa-
gam ka'ijipangicink. 'Panagu kasaswanik Ini/u u'tawagan.
Mlsagu 4si/u kawln kimoskamuslg. Anlc mlsa kiwanandank
tci-a^pagitod iu mi'tigons.
Nanabucu cigwa odababandan sibi pimi'tigwayanik, lpana
10 udociman pa'kublkawanit. "A'tawa! mlmawlnini-i'u klnisa-
bawat Ia8a/u nindocim." Ani'iji-a'cawa'U't ; miziwa nlzatci-
wan anu'i'ca. Mlsa7 kawln inkutci unamaasln. Gitcraeni-
gu'k ajimawit Nanabucu ; mlsa7 kabagljik pabamawit,
anunantunawat Ini/u udociman. Skwatci midasuo^un anu-
• • o
15 nantuna'i'gat, mlsa7 kawln umi'kawasln. A'pidcisa cigwa
Ningutingigu nisatciwan icimadcat Ii8i/u sibi, ningutingsa
papimacagamat, owabaman uglskimanisin agosinit i'i'ma
nibl'kang ima inabinit. Wagunamwinan ugaglma'a'n ;
20 pacu7 ododisan. Anawi'i'cinawatinat, pangri-gu upicigupi-
nan. Midac 48i/u ka-i-'pinagubanan, mri*u klnlskawayantipat
asa/u uglskimanisl. Ajiganonigut uglskimanisin : "Utcltayap
Nanabucu mwlwlntamwaban win Ini/u u'tojiman."
"Tiwa, nicimisa7 ! wagunan wawlntamawiyan ?"
(he saw) that (his nephew) had flung a small stick ahead
on going down into the dry bed of a little brook ; (he
saw) where (the Wolf) had come in sight of the moose at
the time ; and then really with great speed was his nephew
going at the time ; and then now was the Wolf overtaking
(the moose) at where there was a dry bed of a very small
brook. But in an unguarded moment, when he tried to
take it with a leap, apart spread the brook, and so far
out yonder in the middle of the stream l he fell. And
at once there was ringing in his ears. And then he did
not come up to the surface. W7ell, this was because he
had forgotten to throw the little stick (ahead of him).
Nanabushu then came in sight of a river that went
flowing by, straight on down to the water he trailed his
nephew. "Alas! it is possible that that nephew of mine
has drowned." Then on over to the other side he went;
everywhere downstream he went, but in vain. And so
nowhere saw he a sign of him. With great affliction then
wept Nanabushu ; whereupon all day long he wandered
weeping, as he sought in vain for his nephew. For full
ten days he sought, but without result, for he did not find
him. Completely now was he starving.
Now, once while down the course of the river he was
going, once while he was walking along the shore, he
saw a kingfisher perched aloft (and) looking down into
the water. What should he do but slip stealthily up to
it ; nigh up to it he came. In an attempt to grab it he
just missed catching it. And the place where the king
fisher was seized at the time was by the tuft on its head.
Then he was addressed by the Kingfisher saying: "About
the anal gut of his nephew was I going to tell Nanabushu."
"O my little brother! what were you going to tell me?"
1 A stream that of a sudden and miraculously came into existence the moment
the Wolf disobeyed the warning.
"Ka, kitocim. Ninganawabama ima nibrkang kri'na-
biyan ; mra'<u kanawabamag. Nanabucu, ambasano, klga-
wlntamon ka'i'ciwabisit lasawa mantcinawasiyan. Mlginmrr11
ka/i'cra'yat Ia8a/u kitocim : ugimamicibici uglwuda'pinan Ini/u
5 kidociman. Imadac sagitawag iu slbi mri'ma ayag 'iY11
mlnisinatawanga ; mldac ima andaciklciganicit 'a8a/u ugima-
micipici klcpln mica'kwatinig. A'pidci minuglcigatinig ml
pitclnag agwa'tat rrma mlnisinatawangang. Nanabucu,
kicpin babmi'tawisiwan, kitawabama 'asa/u kitocimiwayan,
10 klpa'kuna kuca 'asa/u kidocim. Mlgu 48i/u ka/i'citabwa'ta-
wiyan ka'i'ciwabisit 'i'Y'wa ka'u-ndciwani-a't kidocim.
Pa'tanlnowan kanawanimigut. Kicpin idac win nondawiyan
'i8i/u ka'i'ninan, mlgu iu wato'tawatigu, tcitotawitiban.
Ambasano mi'tigwab klga'u'cra/. Kl'kici'a'tidac, mlnawa
15 klga-u'citon 'isi/u pikwa'k 'i'i'-wa kayabatci'toyan. Klga-
minin 'isi/u kanaba'i-gayan."
Nanabucu ominigon pajig mi/u uskanjmi. Ajikanonigut :
"Nanabucu, mra'wa kanaba-i'gayan 48i/u kibikwa'k. Mam-
wa'tcidac apaskwackwai ml au ka-u-dastcablyan. A'pidac,
20 Nanabucu, wi'pimwat, kagu" win wlyawink pimwa'kan.
Tcina'tacink mri'tinunk kapimwat ayangwamisin. Wlpisin-
dawicin. Kaya 'isi/u anusagan tci'u ji'toyan, a'pidcigu klga-
mistca'ton 'ici/u anusagan. A, kicpin a/ta manidowiyan,
miya'ta iu kago tcina'pinanat. Manidowi ugimamicibicl.
25 Misagu lisi/u mini'k aciki'kino'a-monan. Ayangwamisin,
kagux anwa'tawici'kan."
1 The water-monsters of lakes, rivers, and seas. 2 From the fibre.
"Why, about your nephew. I was watching for him
yonder, where I was looking into the water- he was the
one I was watching for. Nanabushu, listen ! I will declare
to you what happened to him for whom you have a longing.
Now, this was what became of your nephew : the chief of
the big lynxes l has seized your nephew. Now, yonder,
where the river flows out into the open, is an island of
sand; and it is there the chief of the big lynxes whiles
the day away when the sky is clear. When the day is
very pleasant, then from the water he proceeds out upon
the sandy island. Nanabushu, if you heed what I say,
you can behold the skin of your nephew, for flayed was
that nephew of yours. Therefore shall you believe me
concerning what befell your nephew when you lost him.
By many is he guarded. Now, if you harken to what I say
to you, then whatsoever you may wish to do to (the chief
of the big lynxes), that you may do to him. Therefore
a bow do you make. And when you have finished it, you
shall next make the arrow which you are to use. I will
give you what you shall use for a point (on your arrow)."
Nanabushu was then given one of the claws (of the
kingfisher). Then he was addressed: "Nanabushu, that
is what you shall use for a point on your arrow. And
of all things, it is from flag-reed3 that you shall obtain
your bowstring. And when, Nanabushu, you are ready
to shoot him, do not shoot him in the body. Where he
casts his shadow 3 is the place for you to shoot him. Do
you be careful that you heed my words. Likewise a raft
shall you build, and very large shall you make the raft.
Oh, if you were only a manitou, then would you be able
to get him under your power! A manitou being is the chief
of the big lynxes. Now, that is as much as I shall impart
to you. Take pains, do not fail to follow my words."
3 Shadow and soul are associated together as the same thing.
"Oun, mlgwetc wandamawiyan. Mackut, tcipicigantaman
kiya/u klga-i-cH-n."
"Mlgwetc, Nanabucu, Wwa a'kitoyan."
Mlsa cigwa Nanabucu madci'tad wawacra/t ugiskimanisin.
5 Cigwasa' ka'klcra/t, "Mrru iciwabandisun, ugickimanizl,"
Misa' gaga't ajiwabandisut, gaga't piciganimu casa/u
"Mlsa7 iu ka'i'cinagusiyan tcra'nra-'kiwank," i'kido Na-
10 nabucu. Mlsa7 Nanabucu ajimadcat, msatciwan icat.
Pacugu tagucink, kaga't owabandan saga'i'gan. Waguna-
niwinan udoci'ton Ii8i/u anusagan, a'pitcigu umistca'ton.
Ka'klci'tot, ajiposit aji'ijat ima minisina'tawanganik. Wa-
gunaniwlwinan ajikabat ima rni'tawangang. A'taya, awiya
15 pimi'kawawa^', anotc awiya pimi'kawawa8. Mlsa7 cigwa
nayap ajiposit, ingutcidac ugaton 48i/u utclman. Misa
cigwa madci'tat umi'tigwabln uci'a't kaya Ii8i/u upikwa'k ;
uji'tod kaya 48i/u kanaba'a*nk, udockanjlman naba'i'gagat.
Wawinga ka'klci'tot, cigwa tibi'kadini. Misa cigwa ajiwa-
20 baninig, Nanabucu ajiklgitut: "Ambasano, tawi'a'nwa'tin
kabaglcik, kayagu tciwlmicakwa'k." Nanabucu oma nawa-
tcigu no'pimmg aji'a-satisagu'kasut. Cigwa prrcpagotcinon
ini/u kisison, owabandan kagicibatciwaninik 48i/u saga'i'gan.
Ni'tam omaka'km mockamowan, kayagu anotcigu i'i'wisa
25 manido8, kalkina awiya mlgu 48i/u pamlcagwa'tanit 'i
minisinatawanganik. Mlgu iu piminibanit anint.
"Ambasano, aiyangwamisin," i'kito au ma'kwa : "Indigu
"Oh, (I) thank (you) for what you have told me. In
return, I will make you so that you will be proud of
"(I) thank (you), Nanabushu, for what you say."
And so then Nanabushu set to work painting the King
fisher. When he was done with him, "Now look at your
self, Kingfisher," he said to him.
It was true that when he looked at himself, really proud
was the Kingfisher.
"And this is the way you shall look till the end of the
world," said Nanabushu. Thereupon Nanabushu started
away, down the stream he went. And when a short way
he was come, sure enough, he beheld a lake. What
should he do but build a raft, and very large he made it.
When he had finished it, he then got aboard (and) went
over to yonder sandy island. What should he do but go
ashore upon yonder sandy beach. Lo, living beings left
the signs of their footprints, all kinds of living creatures
left the marks of their tracks. Thereupon then back on
his raft he went, in a certain place he hid away his float.
Thereupon he set to work making his bow and his arrow;
he also fixed what he was to have for a point, his claw
he used for the point. When all his work was entirely
done, by that time it was night. Thereupon, when it was
day, Nanabushu spoke, saying: "Now, let there be a calm
throughout the whole day, and may there be a very clear
sky!" Nanabushu then, in this place but towards the
woods, became a poplar. When high the sun was risen,
he beheld moving circles upon the water of the lake.
First a toad came up to the surface, and then the various
manitous, every living being then came forth from the
water out upon that island of sand. And as fast as some
of them came, they went to sleep.
"Please be careful," said the Bear. "It surely seems
kuca' Nanabucu klganawabamigunan, nintinandam. Aman-
tcisana ka/r'kitogwan 'asa/u kitogimaminan."
Inabit Nanabucu, panagu kawasatigusanik. Ningutingsa'
pamagu nawagam wantcimoskamunit ; kunigimn, micibicln!
5 Gaga't minditowan, pinabiwan, madwaglgitowan : "Nana
bucu awati kanlbawit, asatlsagunk krrcinagiru*."
Anintigu madwagigitowa8: "Kaya't ayaban 'aca/u asatisag."
"Kawm, mlgu yasa/u ka'i'cinagwa'U't."
Anintidac i'kitowap; : "Pa'katciofananta manitowit ta'i'ci-
• • o o
10 nagirir naska guca7, miciginabi'k, awititibina'kwablga11."
Kaga't pimadcawan kinabigon. Cigwasa7 udodisigon,
mlsa7 ajikaskabigi'tanit anigu'k. Anlc kibanamu Nanabucu.
Kwa'tcigu wa'pagitanamut, acra/nawantciganit. Aniglgito-
wan : "Mi'tig laca/u ! Anm kagri'cinagusit Nanabucu
1 5 kayawit ?"
7 kawln tabwa'a'ndanzi 'asa/u ugima. "Taga, gin
ma'kwa, awibasagubic. Ml guca au Nanabucu."
Cigwa pi'a'yawan Ini/u ki^cima'kwan. Cigwasa udotisi-
gon, ajibasagubinigut. Wibagu uponi'i'gon, anijimadcanit.
20 "Amn kaglcinagwak Nanabucu kayawit? - - Mri-u ici'a*-
Kaga't pimi'a'gwa'tavvan. A'pidci nawayaT kawicimo-
wan. Nanabucu ajikanawabamat, kayabi'ku wandcimaya-
wi'kwaninit. "Wrkagasa a'pitci tawiposangwami, ka'kinagu
25 kaya 'isi/u udockinawama8 tawiposangwamiwa8."
that by Nanabushu are we being observed, thus do I feel.
(I am) curious to know what our chief may have to say."
While Nanabushu was looking, everywhere was there
splashing of water. By and by all of a sudden far out
upon the water something came up to the surface; behold,
(it was the) Big Lynx! Truly big was he, hitherward he
looked as he came. He could be heard saying: "Nana
bushu is the one standing yonder, the form of a poplar
has he taken."
And some could be heard saying: "Long since has
that poplar been there."
"No, it is really he who has taken on its form."
And some said: "He is not so powerful a manitou as
to take on such a form. Why, Big Serpent, do you go
coil round about him."
Truly hitherward came the Big Serpent. When (Nana
bushu) was reached, then did (the Serpent) squeeze him
tight. Of course Nanabushu held in his breath. Just as
he was about to breathe, then the Serpent thought it a
fruitless task. Away he went, saying: "A tree that! How
is it possible for Nanabushu to become such a thing?"
But the chief did not believe (what the Serpent said).
"I say, you, O Bear! go claw him. It surely is Nanabushu."
Then hither came the Great Bear. When (Nanabushu)
was reached, he was clawed by it. And in a little while
he was let alone, then away started (the Bear). "How is
it possible for Nanabushu to become so? — Therefore
come you out of the water."
Truly on out of the water it came. In their very midst
it lay down to sleep. As Nanabushu was watching it,
every once in a while it would lift up its head to look
around. "Would that it might fall into deep sleep, and
that all its youths might sleep soundly too !" l
1 Willed by Nanabushu.
Kaga't ka'kina nibawa8.
Cigwasa' Nanabucu nayap anicinabaw1, ajiicat udanusa-
ganing. Niminawa'kru' ajrcrdoti'tank rrma antacinibanit.
Ajikabat, anasawayaT anitata'ku'kl 'iY11 manido8. Cigwasa
5 udodisan Ini/u ugiman. A'pidci waca'pinit upimwan.
Kawin kanaga kuckupagisusiwan. Paba'pinisiwagan !
Kayabi pajik udaiyan 'isi/u upikwa'k ajimamot. Midac
i'i'ma pitclnag atcina'tacininit, acipimwat. A'tawa, kucku-
pagisowan. A'tawa, ki'tcibawi'tigowanini, agawagu ododi-
10 'tan iu udanusagan. Mlsagu iu cigwa anini'kiblnik 4si/u
sagaigan kaya iu wadciwan. A'tawa, sagisi Nanabucu.
Cigwa ima pibonlwan Ini/u ugickimanisln ajikanonigut :
"Nanabucu, mlsa iu iniga'a't 'a8a/u pamadisi'pan crcrma
15 'Panagu kawanataganit, anode awlya. Kwa'tcigu na'ki-
binit 'isi/u mi'tigo8, mi'a-'pl acinogimocka'a-ninik. Kunigimn,
nayap anrrska'tani.
"E'e'e^," udigon ugickimanisln, "Nanabucu kawln kinisasl
ugimamicipicl !"
20 Misax nayap a'kublyanigiban kra*'kublyani'k. Aba'pic
nayap ka'a-'kublyanik, mlsa7 cigwa wawanigu udonabandan
wa'tat. Midac i'i'ma wa'U'ntclt 48i/u tayoc wlnantuna'i'gat.
Sure enough, all went to sleep.
In a while Nanabushu became a human being again.
Then he went over to his raft ; he poled it along as he
went over to where they were asleep. When he went
ashore, in among the manitous he stepped as he went
along. Presently he came to where the chief was. Squarely
in the side he shot him.
No surprise whatever did (the manitou) display. Too
bad (for him) ! He had yet one other arrow, which he
took. And so there, where (the manitou) then was casting
a shadow, was where he shot him. Behold, then was (the
manitou) startled with surprise. Oh ! but there was a
mighty rushing of water, and barely did he reach his raft.
Thereupon then under water went lake and mountain, one
after the other. Oh, afraid was Nanabushu ! Then yonder
where he was, alighted the Kingfisher by whom he was
addressed: "Nanabushu, therefore now have you done
injury to them that have been living upon this earth."
Oh, everywhere were they swimming about, beings of
every sort ! And as the trees were about to disappear
under the flood, then was when the water ceased rising.
Lo, the water receded, leaving (the earth) as dry as before.
"Well, now," he was told by the Kingfisher, " Nana
bushu, you did not kill the chief of the big lynxes!"
Thereupon back to its former depth did the water
recede. When the water got to where it was before, he
accordingly then with care selected a place where he
would have his lodge. And so from there he intended
yet to seek (for his nephew). And so while wandering
1 For other versions see Nos. 18 (p. 145) and 46 (p. 399).
Mlsa/ kayabi pabamatamut, ningutingsa awlya onontawan
piminagamunit :
"A'kiya'kwag nimbicinawicin, nimbicinawicin sa".
A'kiya'kwag nimbicinawicin, nimbicinawicin san."
5 Udini'tawan awiya piminagamunit. Wagunanlwinan
unanzrtawan. A'pl tababamat, kunigimn, umaka'kln pimi-
yantcikwaskuniwan. Wlgubln pamotaminit, kaya ciclgwanan
upimiwinanini udodananing ta'kubisowan. Nlbiwadac lni/u
wlgubln bamondaminit ajimawinanat. Aji'U'disat, anlc,
10 a'pidci mindimoyayan. "No'ko, amn wandcinagamoyan ?"
"Ka, Nanabucu kuca winantubi'kasu. Miwaninu waya-
bada'kin ono/Ll wlgubln kabimondaman. Nanabucu kuca
win kacpimwat Ini/u ugimamcibicln."
"No'ku, anln win isi/u wa'irndcinandobi'kasut 'a5;a/u
1 5 Nanabucu ?"
"Ka, kawlnac win mlgu iu ajisagisininik lici/u ubikwalk
asa/u Nanabucu. O8o/u odana mri'ma pa'u'ndclyan. Midac
ima ayawa pimadisi asa/u ugimamcibicl."
"No'kumis! amn dac win isiu Wwa kipiminagamuyan ?"
20 "Ka, kawlnac win nlnanantawra/nan *a8a/u ugima, mldac
iu ana-a'man 'i^wa nanandawi'a'g :
"'A'kia'kwag nimbicinawicin.'
"Mlsa iu a'pidci ginin nimino'tago. Nagamun unicicin."
1 Other translations of the song would be: "From the beginning of the world
has the sound of my voice been heard; From the ends of the earth is the sound
about weeping, he once heard somebody going along
singing :
"From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, sa".
From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, san." *
Such was the way he heard some one sing while going
along. What should he do but go towards the sound of
the being. When he came in sight of the being, lo, (he
saw that) it was a toad 3 leaping along from place to place.
Some bast she bore upon her back, and some rattles she
carried bound to her heels. Now, a good deal was the
bast she carried on her back when he rushed up to her.
On coming up to her, why, she was a very old woman.
"O my grandmother! for what reason are you singing?"
"Oh, a snare is really to be laid for Nanabushu. And
this bast which I carry upon my back is the thing to be
used for the purpose. It was Nanabushu who really shot
the chief of the big lynxes."
" O my grandmother ! pray, why is a snare to be set
for Nanabushu?"
"Oh, well! it is for the arrow of Nanabushu, which is
now sticking out of (the chief of the big lynxes). From
this town yonder do I come. And over there hardly
alive is the chief of the big lynxes."
"O my grandmother! pray, what was that you were
singing about?"
"Oh, why, we are ministering to the chief; and this is
what I sing when I am attending him :
" 'From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles.'
"It is so much pleasure I impart when I sing. The song
is fine."
of my coming heard." The second rendition is preferred to the first, but the one
given in the story is preferred to all.
2 The old Toad-Woman, mother earth.
"No'ko! anti tinunk namadapiyan ?"
"A'pitcigu mayawickant mi'ku ima andanapiyan. Iwitac
ka/rcictcigawat, abi'ta kackikibita ; mldac iwiti awasayaT
cingicink 'a8a/u nintogimaminan."
5 "Antidac win H'*u andayan?"
"Migu ima a'kwa'kwag antayan. A'pitcigu agansa isi/u
niwlgiwamans. Kayadac niciwag nocisag, a'pidcigu papl-
wiclyowag kwlwisansag ; miya'tagu Igi/u watigamagwa."
"No'ko! anm win rru ka*i*cinawa'a't Ini/u Nanabucowan?"
10 "Ka, kanawm ugl'u'da'pinamawan Ini/u odocimini. A'pidci
Nanabucu usagi'a'banln mi/u udociman. Mldac lisi/u klnis-
ki'a't, ka'irndcipimugut."
"Anfi, amnguta win aci'kawagubanan au ugimamcibicm
ieixwa mamawagubanan !ni/u udocimini? Kawmsa win agansi
15 manidowisl 'a8a/u Nanabucu ajini'kasut."
Uta'taganabamigon : "Nyan, magica kin Nanabucu!"
"Ta'tiwa! Kawln mlni'k ifii/u kitakaganonigusl Nanabucu
awit. Mawica kitanlwana*u*k klcpin awiyan Nanabuco.
No'ko ! taga, minawa madclan kinagamun ! Kawln gwatc
20 ningi'kandanzm isi/u kinagamun."
Amc kayabi :
"A'kia'kwag nimbicinawicin, nimbicinawicin, sa".
A'kia'kwag nimbicinawicin, nimbicinawicin, sa"."
Wagunaniwinan Nanabucu uniwana'wan. uTaga, awa-
25 naniwmana au matcimindimoyacic." A'taya, Nanabucu
umatcrkawan 'isi/u pa'kunat, wawlnga uba'kunan. Ka'ki-
"O my grandmother! at what place do you sit?"
In the very middle of the doorway is where I always sit.
Now, this is what they have done : a partition divides the
space in two equal parts ; and so over on the other side
lies that chief of ours."
"And where is it you dwell?"
"Why, yonder at the edge of the forest do I dwell.
And very small is that little wigwam of mine. And there
are two of my grandchildren, and very tiny are the boys;
now, they are the only ones with whom I live."
"O my grandmother! how was it that (the chief) angered
Nanabushu ?"
"Why, he actually took his nephew away from him.
Very fond was Nanabushu of his nephew. It was on that
account (the chief) angered him, which was why he was
shot (by Nanabushu)."
"Now, pray why should he be so treated by the chief
of the big lynxes as to be deprived of his nephew by
him? By no means a small manitou is he who goes by
the name of Nanabushu."
She lifted her head and looked up at him: "Ah, me!
perhaps you are Nanabushu !"
" Nonsense ! Not so long as this would you be held in
conversation if it were Nanabushu. Long ago would you
have been clubbed to death if I were Nanabushu. O my
grandmother ! do start that song of yours once more !
Not exactly yet do I know that song of yours."
So once more :
"From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, sa".
From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, sa"."
What did Nanabushu do but club her to death. "Well,
what a fool this wretched old woman (was) !" Ah ! Nana
bushu then set to work flaying her, from every part he
cipa^kunat, a'pitci agacPyi'kasu Nanabucu. Wagunamwinan
ajiplsi'kawat lni/u umaka'klwayanan, wawlnga udapickawan.
PangI oma upwaning uga'kikickawan. Ka'plsi'kawat, Ini/u
uclcigwanan udondanank uda'kupinan, kaya Ini/u wigupln
5 udompontanan. 'A, Nanabucu ajikwaskwanit ajimadcra'nk :
"A'ki-a/'kwag nimbicinawicin, nimbicinawicin, sa".
A'ki'a/'kwag nimbicinawicin, nimbicinawicin, sa"."
A'pitcigu kiclwa piminagamut. Caylgwa udababandan
odana. Aba'pic a'kwa'kwanig tagucing, kaga't owabandan
10 wlgiwamans. "Mima wmi'i'11 ka'i'tank," inandam. Kumagu
a'plsinagwatiniwan Ini/u wigiwaman. Amc, a'pitci anigu'k
piminagamu, nontawa piminagamut.
Pajik ajikikitut: "A8, cigwa mmawa ko'konan pitwawitam.
Mri/>u cigwa mmawa tci'a-wisagaswa'a'k."
15 Ml cigwa ani'U'di'tank wlgiwamans, nayagigu pisaga'a*moc
kwlwisansa8. "No'ko, kitagwicinina ?"
"Ayes, nosisitug, nintagwicin." Amciplndigat, wagitci-
tclngwan namadabiwa8 Ci8i/u osisa8. Wagunaniwinan pacig
Ini/u osisan owabamigon i'i'ma klka'kikickawat Ini/u uma-
20 ka'klwayanan. "No'ko, amn win i'i'ma kri'cinagusiyan ?
Anicinaba wacaga'a/ng kidicinagus."
"Ka, nimbigwa'tagl icl'kamani'ku Ini/u wigupln wra'ntawa
pi'kasut 'asa/u Nanabucu."
A'pidcisa ki'tci anigu'k naganun. Mlsa gaga't ka'prijisa-
removed the skin. After he had finished flaying her, very
small then Nanabushu made himself. What should he do
but get into the toad-skin to wear it, in every respect
did he fit into it. Slightly here on the hip he tore it.
After he had got into it, then he bound the rattles to
his heels, and put the bast upon his back. Ah ! as Nana
bushu went leaping along, he then began to sing:
"From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, sa".
From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, sa"."
And very loud was the sound of his voice as he went
singing. In a while was he come in sight of the town.
When he was come at the edge of the forest, sure enough,
he saw a small wigwam. "This must be what she spoke
of," he thought. Farther on was a view of the wigwams.
Now, ever so loud he sang as he went ; he was heard as
he went singing along.
One then spoke up: "Yea, now once again comes the
sound of our dear grandmother singing. Therefore now
again should you invite her to the gathering to smoke."
Then presently, as he was about to arrive at the little
wigwam, but before he got there, out came the boys.
"O my grandmother! have you come home?"
"Yes, my grandchildren, I am come home." When in
she entered, then on her lap sat her grandchildren. What
should happen to him l but to be seen by one of his
grandchildren at the place where he had torn open the
toad-skin. "O my grandmother! why do you look that
way there? Like the skin of a human being is the way
you look there."
"Oh, I wore it through while at work on the bast (to
be used for a snare) that is to be laid for Nanabushu."
As loud as she could she sang. Thereupon truly was
1 Gender is confused here, but it is given as in the text.
gaswa'i'nt, midac ka'ijimadcat. Cigwa ko'konan ubacwa-
bandan 48i/u wlgiwam. A'tawa, ckwantank anln ka/rcinank
udocimiwayanan kipickwantaigawan. Mlgu iu wipitani
acigigisininik. A;tiwa Nanabucu ! mlgu iu acislgisanik Ini/u
5 usklcigon. Kagagu ajikistcimawit, wawicwm alpl anipa-
'kintanank. Panagu a'pitci mockinawa8 wananatawi*i'wanit.
Ickwantank aciwunapit. Kagalt owabandan 48i/u kackilki-
pitanik, midac iwiti antanwawitaminit !ni/u ugiman mamat-
wanit. Cigwasa7 madci'tawa8 nanatawrrwanit. Mlsa iu
10 ajipacitcita'ku'kiwat iwiti antanwawitaminit lni/u mwa'kunanit.
Amc pa'tanlnowa8.
Cigwasa7 pacunagwatini kaya win 48i/u tcimadci'tad, cigwa
kaya win wlnanantawrrwa. A'taya, Nanabucu ajimadci'tat,
umatciwabinan Ini/u clclgwanan, a'pidci anigu'k nagamu :
I 5 "A'ki-a/'kwag nimpicinawicin nimbicinawicin, sa".
A'ki'a''kwag nimpicinawicin nimbicinawicin, sa"."
Ina'a'm. Caylgwa pasigwl ajiicat ugimamicipicln. A'tawa,
a'p! ani'o'nabrtawat, wantcidagu waca'pmit Ii8ixwa ubikwalk
klsaga'kusinini. Mlgu iu pagitanamunit, ana'kuskanik.
20 Wawanigu udota'pinan isi/u ubikwa'k acicicigwanawat.
A'ta7, Nanabucu ajipasiguntcisat, acika'kikiwabickawat Ini/u
umaka'klwayanan, mlgu ima wantcipapicigunint. " 'A'a'eM
mlsa iu piya'pitcinanat Ca8a/u Nanabucu mi/u kitogimami-
she invited to the assembly to smoke. Accordingly then
she went. Presently our grandmother was approaching
nigh to the wigwam. Oh, in the doorway what should
he l behold but the skin of his nephew then being used
for a flap over the entry-way. And there still were left
upon it some of the teeth (of his nephew). Sorrowful
Nanabushu ! then did tears pour from his eyes. And
almost did he weep aloud, especially when opened the
flap on his way in. Throughout every part was the space
crowded with them who were to heal. By the doorway
he sat down. Sure enough, he saw that there was a
partition, and it was over beyond he could hear the sound
of the chief as he groaned in pain. Already began they
who were to do the healing. Thereupon (the throng)
stepped over to the place where they heard the sound of
him who was suffering. Of course they were many.
Now the time drew nigh for him also to begin, now
he too was about to begin healing. Well, when Nana
bushu began, he began wielding the rattles with a swing,
very loud he sang :
"From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, san.
From the ends of the earth do I come with the sound of my rattles, san."
(Thus) he sang. Presently up he rose to his feet when
he went over to the chief of the big lynxes. Ah, when
he went over to sit beside him, square in his side was
the arrow sticking out. Accordingly, when he breathed,
then to and fro moved the arrow. Now with care (Nana
bushu) seized the arrow, which he worked back and forth
into him. Ah ! when Nanabushu sprang to his feet, he
thus tore up that toad-skin of his, whereupon they tried
in vain to catch him there. "Alas! it was to kill this
chief of ours that Nanabushu came."
1 Gender is confused here, but it is given as in the text.
Migu ima anro'ntcipa'kibinat ini/u udocimiwayanan.
A'tawa, mlgu iu pa/a^kublnik pimoskaaninik, anunatciba'r-
wat 48i/u udanusagan. A'tawa, mintcimigu cigwa' udanu-
pacwantan, cayigwasa mldac a'ta ustigwan anisagibatot.
5 Caylgwa udababandan, agawa udodi'tan ; mldac aciposit
i9i/u udanusagan, a'tawa Nanabucu, skwatci na'kiblni'k
watciwan. A'ta/, ki'tcikabaya*!' kayabi klmoskaanini. E1,
anicagu kawanataganit 'i8i/u awaslya8 kaya igi/u pabamisanit.
Anintigu udanaposi'a'8 paplwicri'nit ; ivvidac win mamandi-
10 dunit anicagu sa'ki'kwagumowa8. Po'tcidac migu iu kinta-
blckaminit 48i/u utclman. "Misa7 kawln wi'ka minawa
a'ki'kang klgataiyaslmin," inandamog.
aMimawmi-i'u kaga't pata'tcigayan," inandam. Oganona8
awaslya8: "A'tawa mlsa iu klwanrkayan i8i/u a'ki. Ambagic
15 pang! pra-yayamban Ii8i/u alki ! Ambasa, kawm ina awlya
odabltosm 48i/u a'ki? Klcpin cacagowisiyag ml iu ga'kina
tciniboyank. Minotc mini'k na'tagogiyag, nantawabanda-
mulk i8i/u a'ki. Kagu7 win mamawmu'kagun, aiya'kowatc
20 Mldac 'asa/u mang ni'tam kanonint : "Taga", kin, ni'tam
nantawabandan 'i8i/u a'ki. Ayangwamisin wlpldon."
"Anlc, mlnotcsa," i'kito 'asa/u mank. A'ta, 'a8a/u mank
nontagusl: "Aa, wlwiwi'!" A'ta', a'pa'n kwaglt. A'tawa,
wl'kagu klyaboska'a-guntcisawan. A'tawa acimangwan
25 wada'pinat. Nanabucu ka/u'da'pinat, acibabwatanat, mlsa7
nayap krpimadisinit. Ajikanonat : "Anln, kawln ina kigl-
And then from its place he tore off his nephew's skin
as he went. Oh, thereupon, as the flood came, as the
water rose, then he fled, seeking to find his raft. Oh,
at the very moment when he felt he was getting near to
it, then already was he going along with only his head
out of the water. Presently he came in sight of it, barely
did he get to it ; and when he got aboard his raft, poor
Nanabushu (saw that) now under water were the mountains.
Why, for a great while did the water rise. Well, to swim
aimlessly about was all that the animal-folk and the beings
of the air could do. Now, some that were tiny he tried
to put aboard ; and those that were big hung to (the raft)
by their chins. Yet, for all that, his float was weighed
down with its burden. "Therefore never again shall we
be upon land," they thought.
"Perhaps it is true that I have done a wrong (which
may never be repaired)," he thought. He spoke to the
animal-kind, saying: "Pity it is that I forgot (to fetch along)
some earth. Would that I might have brought a little !
Now, is there no one able to fetch some earth? If you
'continue passive, then shall we all die. Even so, do you,
as many as are good at diving, go seek for some earth.
Do not all go together, one after the other shall you go."
Accordingly the Loon was the first to be addressed :
"I say, you, do you first go seek for some earth. Take
care that you fetch it."
"Well, I will try," said the Loon. Lo, a cry the Loon
was heard to give: "A, wlwlwi!" Oh, then down he
dived into the water. Why, it was a long time before
he came back up to the surface of the water. It was a
poor dead loon (Nanabushu) then picked up. After Nana
bushu had picked him up, he then breathed upon him,
whereat back to life he came. Then (Nanabushu) spoke
to him, saying: "How now? Did you not come in sight of
tababandanzin 'isi/u a'ki?" Ajikarionigut Nanabucu: "Kawin
kanaga ningltababandazln, mi a'p! ka-rciwanantaman."
A'pitci sagisi Nanabucu. "Ambasa, gin ami'k, taga kin.
Pamagu nipuyan mri/>u tcra/nacl'taman. Kagu' win magwa
5 pimatisiyan pigiwa'kan."
A'taiya, misa7 kaya win a'kawa nondagusit ami'k.
A'pan kwaglt lafia/u ami'k. A'tawa! pabima'kwaciwat laca/u
ami'k, mlgu iu cigwa wanantank ; anutababamat 48i/u mi-
'tigos, misa' ka'i'ciwanantank.
10 Mlsa7 Nanabucu, aya'kawabit. A'tawa! ningutingigu
ki'u'ndcaboska'a'gun tcisawan mlnawa udagwaciman Ini/u
ami'kwan utclmaning. "A'tawa, acimadcl, mlsax kinisaba-
wat niclmisa!" Mlsa minawa ka'i'jipabwatanat, misa/ nayap
krpimadisinit. Ajikanonat : "Anm ka'i'ciwabisiyan ?"
15 "A'tawa, mlgu iciu tababamagwa mi'tigog, mi a'pi ka'i*-
"Amc na, misa gaga't nibuyank. Intawa mri/<u ka'kina
na'tagoglyak icimamawlnuyu'k. Iwitac ka'i'cictcigayak,
pamagu nibuyak klgayanicl'tam."
20 A'taiya, anic ga'kina mini'k na'tagoglwat acigoglwat.
Anic inandam nigik tcibltot 'isi/u a'ki. Cigwa a'kawa na-
watcimowag, a'pa/n kwaginit, a'taiya, tci'a'yanagotcininit.
Mini'k pabima'kwaciwawat, anintigu tcibwadababandamowat
mri''u ajiwanantamowat. Aninti dac kaya abi'tawa'tig
25 mi'tigunk mri'-u ajiwanantamowat; misa7 kawin kanaga
pangi awlya ubldosln 'i9i/u a'ki. Anicaya'tagu, kawanagun-
the earth?" Then was Nanabushu told: "Not even did
I come in sight of it, for when (on the way down) did I
become insensible."
Very much afraid became Nanabushu. "Now, you,
Beaver, do you (go). Not till you are dead shall you
give up. Do not return as long as you are alive."
Lo, therefore the Beaver too, before (he went), was heard
giving forth a cry. Then down dived the Beaver. Alas!
as down through the water the Beaver was going, then
was when he became unconscious ; (it was when) he tried
in vain to get sight of the trees that he lost his wits.
And now Nanabushu was keeping watch. Alas! by and
by up to the surface he came, and he drew the Beaver up
into his canoe. "Ah, what a pity, now that drowned is
my little brother!" And so again, when he had breathed
upon him, then accordingly, as before, (the Beaver) came
back to life. Then he spoke to him, saying: "How did
you fare ?"
"Why, just as I was coming into view of the trees,
then did I become insensible."
"Well, then, it is certain that now we shall die. There
fore then do all you that are good at diving go hence
together. And this is what you shall do, not till you are
dead shall you give up."
Behold, naturally, all that were good at diving then
dived into the water. Now the Otter thought that he
would fetch the earth. So before starting they (all)
whooped, then down they dived, (being gone) oh, till they
(were drowned and) came floating to the surface. Of as
many as went into the water, some became unconscious
before they got sight of the earth. And now some were
halfway down the trees when they then lost their wits ;
whereupon not even a small bit of earth did any one
fetch. Yea, of a truth, afloat on the water were all those
tcininit mini'k anugl kogmit. Ajra'gwabiginat, mlnawa
ajibabwadanat, mlsa' nayab ajipimadisinit ka'kina. Mldac
lisi'u anigagwatcimat : "Awanan ka'pacwabandank 4ci/u a'ki?"
Nigikidac klgito : "Nmsa/ nlntanugipacwabandan."
5 "Amnigu wa'pl?"
"Kawm win abi'tawa'tig nawatc paci/ ningrirsabandan
48i/u a'ki."
"Tagax, mlnawa, nigig."
Mlsa ora^a't ajikoglt, pabima'kwaciwat : tcibwag'ua'kwana-
10 bawat, mri''" cigwa tababandank Ci8i/u a'ki mindci migu
pacwabandank, aciwanantank. A'tawa! Nanabucu untci'a'-
boska'a'guntcisawan. "E8, mlsa7 gaga't niboyank." Intawa
nayap udoda'pinan. Babwadanat ajigagwatcima : "Anm
ka'ijiwabisiyan ?"
15 "Misax undcita kawm nindakacki'tosm nm tcibidoyamban."
A'tawa Nanabucu ! mlsa gaga't sagisit. Tiwa, uglmi-
'kwaniman lni/u wajackwan. "Taga', km. Minotc, wa-
jack, kogln."
"Anic, mlnotc mano kaya mn ninganisabawa."
20 " lAla/u, wajVck, aiyangwamisin."
Ta, waja^k osou odompinan ; cayigwa, kwatcak ! inwawa-
gamicinon. A'tax! waja^k pabima'kwaciwat, ningutingigu
utababama8 mi'tigo8. Kawm anawi a'pidci a'kwanabawasl.
Cigwa abi'tawatig mi'tigunk ododi'tan ; mlgux cigwax wa-
25 nantank tagwicing iwiti asking. Ajikana'kantank 'i8i/u a'ki",
kaya anint unintclnk ugani'kibi'ton. Mri'ma utcitcalkank
who had tried to dive. When he drew them out of the
water, again he breathed upon them, whereupon back to
life they all came. And then he asked of them, one after
another: "Who was it that got a near view of the earth?"
And the Otter spoke up: "I myself tried to get within
easy view of it, but without success."
"And how close?"
"Why I was more than halfway down the trees when
I saw the earth."
"I say, once more, Otter."
Whereupon truly down he dived, down into the water
he went ; and before he was out of breath, then he came
in sight of the earth. And the moment that he got within
easy reach of it, then he became insensible. Alas ! Nana-
bushu (saw) him come floating on the water. "Oh, there
fore certainly now shall we die !" Consequently, just as
before, he took (the Otter) up. Breathing upon him, he
then asked of him : " How did you fare ?"
"Why, it seemed fated for me not to be able to fetch
home (some earth)."
Poor Nanabushu ! thereupon truly was he scared. Behold,
he remembered the Muskrat. " Now you, despite our
failure, Muskrat, do you dive into the water."
"Well, anyhow, I will try; but I too shall drown."
"Good, Muskrat, do all you can."
Ay! the Muskrat lifted his tail; then "kwatcak!"1 was
the sound he made as he dived into the water. Ah ! as
the Muskrat was on his way through the water, he by
and by came in sight of the trees. Not so very much
out of breath was he for all that. In a while halfway
down the trees was he come ; and when he got to the
earth, he then became insensible. When he took some
earth in his mouth, he also took up some in his paws.
1 The sound of the water as he went down.
ajitcanga'kuskanig 'i9i/u usou kaya wlnaga'tig. Magwagu
Nanabucu a'kawabamat, a/tiwa ningutingigu undcra/bo-
cka'a'gundcisawan wantcitogu kapikwa'kwataguntcminitigu.
Mlnotc ododa'pinan Nanabucu. Anica totank, uba'ka'kin-
5 intclbinan. .A'tawa, a'ki uglkaska'kunintcantamini. Mlnawa
acawinintc mlnasab, a'ki uduntcimi'kamawan. Ima udcit-
ca'kayanink udici'a-ntawabandamawan, kayabi a'ki umi-
^kwunamawan ; kaya iwiti pindcikuna/11 nawatc nlbiwa udon-
tcimi'kamawan. Mlsa ajibabwadanat mi'i*u mlnawa ka'iji-
10 pimadisinit.
Acibasank 'isi/u alki, "Mlsa (i8i/u kaga tcigici'toyan 4ci/u
a'ki." Nanabucu acibodatank, kunigimn ! minisans kra*-
gwantani. Mig^ aca wl'pimi-a'gwa'tanit lici/u manidowanca6,
ajikanowat : "Ba'ka, pama nawatc mistcag agwa'ta'kag."
15 Mmawa ajipodadank, kistciminis kra-gwantani. Mldac
ima kistciba'tanmatinink ka'ijibotatank, mlsa cigwa pima-
dislwaganimunit 'ici/u manitowanca8. Mlnawa madci'ta
pabwatatank 48i/u a'ki. Ajiganonat Ini/u kaclsanit ka'ka-
'kwan : "Taga, klwitasan o'O' a'ki amantc anigu'kwagwan
20 oo/u akki."
Gaga't ajimadcat ka'ka'k. Kumagu kla'pi'tanti, cigwa
tagwicinon ajikanonigut. "Kawln a'pidci mi'tasinon."
Mmawa acipodadank, kabaya*!' taci'tababwadadank.
Mlnawa oganonan Ini/u kagakiwan : "Taga, km kagagi,
25 wlki'kadan amantc aniku'kwagwan ici/u a'ki."
Then there between his groins he flung his tail and his
stiffened penis. Now, while Nanabushu was watching for
him, why, by and by (he saw) the poor creature floating
on the water (looking) quite (like) a ball that was carried
on the flood. Even so Nanabushu reached down and
picked him up. Doing it in play, he opened out (the
Muskrat's) paws. Why, (the Muskrat) was holding fast to
some earth in his clinched paw. Likewise in the other
paw, in just the same way, he found him with some earth.
There in his groins he sought to find him with it, even
more earth he found upon him ; and there in his throat
too he found him with much more. And so when he
breathed upon him, he then came back to life.
When he had dried the earth (he found on the Muskrat),
"Therefore now am I about to create the earth." When
Nanabushu blew his breath upon it, behold ! a small island
floated on the water. Accordingly afterwards the small
animal-folk were eager to go out upon it, when he then
spoke to them, saying: "Wait! not till it is larger may
you go out upon it."
When again he blew his breath upon it, a great island
was floating on the water. And so upon the place where
he had blown his breath there was much earth, whereupon
then began the little animal-kind to feel themselves secure.
Once more he began breathing upon the earth. Then he
spoke to the swift-flying Bird-Hawk, saying: "Now fly you
round about this earth and see how large this earth is."
Sure enough, away went the Bird-Hawk. For some time
was he gone, in a while he came home. Then was (Nana
bushu) told by him, "Not so very large is (the earth.)"
When again (Nanabushu) breathed upon it, for a long
while was he busy breathing upon it. Next he spoke to
the Raven, saying: "Now, you, Raven, do you find out how
big this earth is."
Kaga't ajimadcat lasa/u kagagi. Amantcltug tasuglsis
anantit kagagi; wl'ka tagwicin. Cigwa tibatcimu : "Kawm
ninglmilkanzm amantc aniku'kwagwan Io8o/u a'ki, migu iu
5 Nanabucu dac ajiganonat Ini/u kagagiwan : "Ambasa,
tcipiciganimoyan klga'rcrrn. Anln i*i/>u ka'i'cipicigani-
moyan ?"
"Nanabucu, 'i^wa klmicakwa'k ka'i'cinagwa'k klyoca-
wackwag, ml7*!*11 ambagic ici'i'yan."
10 Misax gaga't Nanabucu kro'cawaskunat. Kagagidac
ka'i'cinagusit mri/<u mi/u Nanabucowan.
SERIES III. Nos. 33-38.
Amc, micigwa alndawag, Nanabucu uclmayan widigaman.
Mlsax piboniciwad rrma, ningudingigu inantam Nanabucu :
"Amantcigic ka-i'cictcigawabanan 4si/u misawanimak lasa/u
15 nicima 'i€i/u tciwldigamagiban !" Mlsa cigwa kinantami-
'kwantank, misa7 aci'a/'kusfkasut. Mlsa kaga't uga'tinigon
a'pidci. Kaga'tisa ugagwa'tagian Ini/u uclmayan, mlsa7
cigwa: "Kuniga migu*i>u kaga't tcinibugwan wasa/u nisayan!"
inandam 'asa/u i'kwa. Mldac cigwa ka'i'nandank udinan
20 mi/u usayan : "Minagu kaga't lici/u tcinibuyan ?" udinan.
Wo'O'dac ugl'i'gon : "Kuniga a'pidci kamanandam !" ugri*-
nan mi/u uclmayan.
"Aye8," krr'kitu asa/u ilkwa ; "kaga't ninganagagwata-
Truly then away started the Raven. It is not known
for certain how many moons the Raven was gone ; after
a long time he returned. Then he told, saying: "I have
not learned how large this earth is, so therefore I came
back before I could find out."
So Nanabushu then spoke to the Raven, saying : " Come,
so that you may be proud of yourself will I make you.
In what manner, then, do you wish to feel pride in yourself?"
"Nanabushu, as it looks on a clear day when the sky
is blue, so would I have you make me."
Thereupon truly Nanabushu colored him blue. Now
such is the look of the Raven, he was made so by Nanabushu.
SERIES III. Nos. 33-38.
Well, so then there they dwelt, Nanabushu dwelt with
his younger sister. And so while they were passing the
winter there, then once thought Nanabushu: "Wonder
how I shall do to marry that little sister of mine l whom
I desire!" And so he began seeking for a way, where
upon he made out as if he were sick. And now truly
by her was he nursed very tenderly. Truly, so much care
did he make his young sister bestow upon him, that at
last (she began to think) : " Wonder now if my big brother
is really going to die !" (thus) thought the woman. And
so when she had had this thought, she said to her elder
brother: "Is it really true that you are going to die?" she
said to him. And this she was told: "Wonder if you
would feel very sad about it!" he said to his younger sister.
"Yes," said the woman; "truly, I should be griev
ously sad."
1 The younger of the Foolish Maidens.
0'0'dac ugri'nan mlnawa na'kwa'tawat Ini/u ucimayan :
"Kuniga kiga'rnantam 48i/u ka/rninan. Ambasa, kigaTnin
Ii8i/u ka/rnantaman. Mlsa win cigwa kaga't 48i/u tcinibuyan,"
ugi'i'nan !ni/u ucimayan. "Anlc, ka'i'cictcigayan wlsiniwin
5 klgata'ton rrma katacicinan," ugri'nan Ini/u ucimayan.
"Migu'i'i* ajipapagantaman i'i'u aninan, anlc kawasa i'i'wln
tcipimadisiyamban," ugri'nan Ini/u ucimayan. "Miya'tagu iu
ka'i'ciwabantaman i'i'ma tcrrcipa^agitandamamban, i'i'ma
anikwacinan tci'a-ttoyan iu wlsiniwin. Po'tcidac nlngamldcin.
10 Mlsa/ iu kadicictcigayan."
Midac kagalt ka'i'cinibunit mi/u usayayan Ia8a/u i'kwa,
ka'i'cisaka'kinat. Kawlndac ugina'i-nasm, mlgu'i'ma
plndik antawat ka'i'cicininit. Midac monjag mawi Ia8a/u
i'kwa, mlsax kagabagljik mawit. Midac kaga't ka'i'cictcigat
15 (isi/u kra-'tot 48i/u wlsiniwin i'i'ma anikwacininit. Misax,
tasing patagwicingin pra'ntawabandank 4ci/u mldcim ima
ka'af'tot, kaga't owabandan ajiganjlcininit. "Kaga't mm-
angwana umldcinatug," inandam.
Midac ka*a-nimadcanitcin mi/u ucimayan, mi cigwa nniskat
20 wlsinit; anica nibu'kasu. Midac acictcigat 48i/u rrma ani-
kwacing a'tanik, iu wlsiniwin ajipapazagapi'tod. Anlc mlgu
tasing i'i*u ajictcigat, kaya wlsinit kanimadcanitcin.
Ningutingiku anitagwicing, Ia8a/u i'kwa wawabigunotciyan
pimra/cawiba'tdnit owabaman i'i'ma utickwantaming ; uta-
25 nupa'kita'O'wan, utanupaplnowan. O'O'dac udinan : "NingI-
And this he said to her when again he replied to his
younger sister: "(I) wonder if you would consent to do
what I am to tell you. Therefore I will tell you what
you should be willing to do. The time is now truly at
hand when I should die," he said to his younger sister.
"Now, what you should do is to place food there where
I shall lie buried," he said to his younger sister. "Now,
this request do you heed, according as I tell you, for
there is no hope at all that I shall live," he said to his
younger sister. "So all that I can now look forward to
is the food which now and then you will offer ; there
where I rest my head is where you will put the food.
And of necessity shall I eat it. Therefore that is what
you shall do."
And so truly, when the woman's elder brother was dead,
then did she dress him ready to put away. But she did
not bury him, so there inside of their dwelling-place was
where he lay. And so continuously did the woman weep,
even throughout the whole of every day she wept. And
so, truly, what she did was to place the food there where
he laid his head. Accordingly, as often as she came to
examine the food which she had placed there, truly she
saw where (the dead) had left the mark of finger-nails.
"Surely, in good sooth must he have eaten it," she thought.
And so every time that his younger sister would go
away, then would he rise from where he lay (and) eat ;
he was only feigning death. And that was what he did
to what lay there where he laid his head, at the food he
kept scratching. Now, that continually was what he did,
and what he ate every time that she would go away.
Now once, upon her arrival, the woman saw a mouse
come running across the entry- way ; she tried hitting it, but
without success, for she failed every time she tried to hit it.
And this she said to it: "I thoroughly detest that hateful
gagwasaganima laea/u matciwawabigundtcrrc win awimidcit
nisayanyan acimimak." Midac agut Ini/u wawabigunotcl
yan: " Wmtamawakan pina7," udigon Ini/u wawabigundtclyan.
lOsowidac ugrrgon Ini/u wawabigunotclyan: " Kitaglwmta-
5 mon ri'u ananimi'k 'aV11 kisayan."
" ' Au, wmdamawicin ! Maskut nimpmdcipimaganan kl-
ga'a'camin, wmtamawiyan."
" 1AU," udigon mi/u wawabigunotclyan. "Anica kuca
kitotak i'i>u kinibu krrnantaman. Kawln kuca kagalt
10 nibusl. Anica kuca totam. Mlginmigu ka'a*nimadcawadcin
cigwa uniskat. Anica kuca kiwTtotak. O'o* kuca kitina-
nimik, 'Ambadacsa witigamag,' kitinanimik. Ml guca anica
wantcidotank 4si/u nibu'kasut. Ml guca rru ananimi'k kiwin-
damon wawani," udinan 4a8a/u wawabigunodcl. "Mlsagu
15 mini'k aciwlndamonan," udigon Ini/u wawabigunotcra'n.
"Ambasano, ayangwamisin, po'tcigu tciwldigami'k, mrr11
"Mmangwana iu !" ilkitu au i'kwa. Misa kawln kayabi
kaskandangiban l utaiyasln. Misa7 klwabinank ajikiwat.
20 Cigwa plndigat antawat, uba'kingwabinan Ini/u usayayan.
Amc mawi pa'klngwanat Ini/u usayayan, o'O'tac udinan :
"Amc, misa intawa tcipagitanimak wa8a/u nisaya, mlsa
intawa tcina'i'nak nongum kiciga'k," i'kito 'aca/u i'kwa.
"Amantcigic ka'i'ci-a*wagan wasa/u nisaya! nirigawaci'a'
25 mawln." Misa7 aciwawanantank i'i'u aniwawajra/t. Cigwa
1 Kaskandangiban, "her sadness 5" literally, it is a construction meaning "in the
sadness she was in." Most Ojibwa dialects would have the noun kaskandamowin,
Mouse, for he is the one that keeps eating what I feed
my elder brother." And this she was told by the Mouse :
"You should by all means tell him about it," she was told
by the Mouse. And this she was told by the Mouse: "I
would have told you what designs your elder brother had
on you."
"Ah, do tell me about it! In return I will give you
(one of) my bladder-pouches (of grease) to eat, if you tell
me about it."
"Good!" she was told by the Mouse. "Why, only a
trick is he playing you, to have you think that he is dead.
Not really in good earnest is he dead. He is only sham
ming. Now, it is really true that just as soon as you are
gone, then up he rises from where he lies. Why, he is
only deceiving you. This really is his thought of you,
'Would that I might marry her!' (such) is his thought of
you. Such really is the foolish cause of his feigning death.
So what his actual design upon you is I have now told
you plainly," to her said the Mouse. "Therefore such is
all I have to tell you," she was told by the Mouse. "I
warn you, take care ! for he is determined to marry you,
and that is his desire."
"So that is the intent!" said the woman. W7hereupon
she carried (her) sadness l no longer. Leaving the place
there, she went back home. When she entered into where
they lived, she uncovered the face of her elder brother.
Still was she crying when she uncovered the face of her
elder brother, and this she said to him: "Well, the time
has now come for me to give my elder brother up for
burial, hence it is for me to bury him this very day," said
the woman. "Would that I knew what to do with my
elder brother ! I should paint his face." And then she
was at a loss as to how she would paint him. Then she
'2 It is the custom to paint the face red at burial 5 the design is round.
uglkanonigon : "O'er ijrrcin," ugrrnan Ini/u ucimayan,
"Klwi'tasklcig mri''u ijipru'cin," ugrrnan Ini/u ucimayan,
Midac kaga/t ksrrcrrgut Ini/u ucimayan.
Ka'kijra't, cigwa kimadci'ta krirji'tot wani'kan, midac
5 ka'i'jipagunagwatank o a'ki. Mlsa7 kacictcigat 'a8a/u i'kwa.
Misax cigwa kinanzi(kawat usayayan, i-i'ma kiciwinat owani-
'kaning. Midac ka-rcra'dcita'klwabinat, ka-ijiningwa'a'nk.
Midac cigwa klmadci'tad mi'tigon kri'na'kwagawat i'i'ma
ka'paginat Ini/u usayayan ; nlbiwadac mi'tigon i'i'ma ugrr-
10 na'kwagawan. "Mlma'i- aniwa'k tcibwanawi'u-'pan nomag,"
kri-nantam lasa/u i'kwa. Midac acikanonat Ini/u wawabi-
gunotclyan : "Ambasano, wldo'kawicin," ugri'nan. "Ka'i*-
cimlnat 4si/u waga'kwat : "Ambasano mawixn, kagabagljik
tcimadwa'i'gayan. 'Nisaya11!' klga'i'natam tcimawiyan.
15 Minotc nlwimadcinicima. Kagux wl'ka kibi'twa/i'ga'kan,"
ugri-nan ini/u wawabigunotclyan. Mlsax ka/rcimadcat a11
i'kwa pabimiba'tot.
Misax, Nanabucu cacingicing pisintawat ucimayan mawinit
kagabagljik, wo'O'dac kri*nandam : "Ningri'niga'a- niclma,
20 ambasano ningawabama." Mi cigwa klwrkwatcru't. Misax
ka'i'jikaski'u't, anm ka-i'cinang ima ka'paginigut mi'tigo8
ayaplta'kucininit. Onontan madwa/rganit ucimayan. Midac
ka'i'jinasi'tawat, anuanri'nabit ; kawln wabamasin antanwa-
wasininig i*i*u waga'kwat. Kuniginin uglwabaman wawa-
was addressed by him saying:1 "In this manner do you
paint me," he said to his younger sister. "Round about
the eyes, there do you paint me," he said to his younger
sister. Thereupon truly was he painted by his younger
When she was done with him, she then set to work
making a hole in the ground, whereupon she dug clear
on through this earth. Such was what the woman did.
And so then she went to get her elder brother, she
fetched him to yonder hole in the ground. And when
she had pitched him in head first, she covered up the hole.
Thereupon she then set to work felling trees over the
place where she had flung her elder brother; and many
a tree she felled over the place there. "It is possible
that for some time he will be unable to get out," thought
the woman. Thereupon she spoke to the Mouse, saying:
"Pray, do help me!" she said to him. When she had given
him an axe, "I beg of you, cry! throughout the whole of
every day I would have you heard chopping here. CO
my elder brother!' is the way you shall wail. In the
mean while I will try to flee from him. Never let up with
the sound of your chopping," she said to the Mouse.
Thereupon off started the woman, running as she went.
And so, while Nanabushu lay there listening to his
younger sister crying throughout the whole of each day,
this was his thought: "I feel sorry for my little sister,
so I will go see her." Then he began trying to get out.
And when he had succeeded in getting out, what was he
to see at the place where he was thrown but (numerous)
trees piled up high. He heard the sound of his little
sister chopping. Thereupon, when he went to where he
heard the sound of it was, he looked, but without result;
he did not see her there where the sound of the axe was
1 For the dead to speak is not inconsistent with Ojihwa beliefs.
bigunotclyan madwa/rganit. Ajinanzilkawat ajinlwanawat.
" Awananlwinan ! madcra/nim wawlto'kawat !" ugrrnan.
Mlsa ka/r'kitut : "Kawln po'tc kigawanrrsinon anti kanl-
cayan." Mlsa kaga't krklwi'tanantuwatcigat. Kaga't udo-
5 lkawi'a*n animi'kawanit, mlsa7 ka'i'jimada'a'nat. O'O'dac
ugri'nan: "Amnti pl'tcag a'ki waa'pa-i'yan? Po'tcigu
kiwldigamin," ugri'nan.
Midac a*a*wati i'kwa piminijimut, cigwa ugi'kaniman
piminica'U'gut. Midac ka/rnantank wasa/u i'kwa : "Mimawm
10 kaga't tcinicit," kri'nantam. Saga'i^gan umada'kwan.
Inabit kuma a'pl owabandan ubaclwaninig, awiya owaba-
man nlbawinit, nabanagatawan Ini/u anicinaban weyabamat.
Mlsa ka'i'cimawinanat, nayagigu uglplpagiman, wo'O'widac
ugri'nan : "Nosa, manito nimpimamltawi'rk !" ugl'i'nan.
15 Kawm kanaga uglkanonigusln. Mlnawa ugl'kanonan :
"Nosa, manido kuca nimpimamltawi'i'k !" ugri'nan. Mlsa7
ugrrgon : "Aye8, indanis," ugri'gon ; "o'o*ma pimi'ijan,"
ugri'gon ; "cibagata'a'n." l
Midac kaga't i'i'ma ka'a'nrijat inabit, abanabamat ani-
20 cinaban pamomanit maskawa'kutciwan. Mlnangwana lni/u
kawabamat kotagatan.2 Cigwa ugi'kinaomagon 'asa/uilkwa:
"Mri-wati antayan, mlgu 48i/u aniciplndigan," ugrrgon.
1 A set phrase which the Coot is made to say to all passing by, for he stood
only on one leg.
heard. He was surprised to see a Mouse that was chop
ping away. On going up to where he was, he clubbed
him till he was dead. "Pshaw! (what a) wretch that would
want to help her!" he said to him. And this was what he
said: "It is impossible for me to lose you, no matter where
you may go." Thereupon truly he sought all around for
the signs of her footprints. Truly found he the trail along
which she had gone, whereupon he followed her, keeping
on her trail. And this he said to her: "Where is the
world so large that you could escape me? for I am deter
mined to marry you," he said to her.
But that woman now far away was in full flight, for
she knew that she was being pursued. Accordingly this
was what she thought: "There is a chance that really he
might kill me," she thought. Out upon the ice of a lake
was she come. Looking across at a certain distance away,
she saw where (the lake) narrowed, some one did she
see standing (there) ; on one leg was standing the person
she saw. Thereupon she rushed to where the (person
was) ; and while on the way, she kept crying aloud to him,
and this she said to him: "O my father! by a manitou
am I hard pressed," she said to (the person). But no
reply at all she got from him. Again she spoke to him,
saying: "O my father! really by a manitou am I hard
pressed," she said to him. Then this she was told: "Yes,
my daughter," she was told; "by this way do you come,"
she was told, "through the space between my legs." l
It is true that when she had gone on (through), she
looked ; when looking back, she saw him carrying the
frozen body of a dead person upon his back. It happened
that the one whom she saw was the Coot.2 Then by him
was the woman instructed: "At yonder place is where I
2 Kotagat, the story name of the Coot, whose real name is Atcigate. \
Midac gaga't anibabimiba'tod casa/u i'kwa, cigwa kaga't
owabandan kickabi'kanig, anotc H'ma ajabi'kung wanda-
mu'tonit !ni/u osan. Cigwa kra/nitagwicin, kaga/t owaban
dan skwantam. Acipa'ka'kunang, mmangwana asin pijicik
5 wawlgiwaminit. O'o'dac ugri'gon : "Ambasano, anigu'k
kiba'ku'a-n kiblndigayan," ugri'gon. "Pama nm unagucig
ningatagwicin," ugrrgon.
Amc mada'kut Nanabucu; inabit uglwabaman anicinaban
nlbawinit awaniban ulkat pajik; unisi'tawlnawan Nanabucu.
10 Ml cigwa kra'nimadcra/nk, o*5'widac ki'rna'a'n :
"Kotugata ! akikibobo'kunontiya,
Kaya kikimama'kinontiya."
Amc utaninanzilkawan Nanabucu. Cigwa upacwabaman,
cigwa kanonan : "Anti ka'a'nrijat nimindimo'i-mic?" udinan.
15 "Anlc, kin kuca ka'i'ninan, kotagat!" udinan.
Anlc kawln uganonasm.
"Km kuca ka'i'ninan, kotagat. Anti ka'a'nrijat kiti-
nin kuca."
u Kawln kuca," udigon, "awiya o'O'ma klpimosasl laca/u
20 kimindimo'rmic," udigon. "Ml ya'ta o'O'ma ka'pimusat
indanis, kawlndac win awiya laca/u kimindimo'i'mic tcigi-
'pimosat. Kawln ninglwabamasl," udinan.
"Antikuta ka'a'nri'cat?" udinan laca/u Nanabucu.
"O'O'ma clbagata'a'n krpimri'ja."
25 Mldac ajiba'pit Nanabucu : "Kito'katinag clbagatayan
kanlcayamban !"
"Anlc, mlsa win i'i'ma ka'pimi'ijat indanis. w
" 1AU, kaya nln ima ningaija."
Mlsa kaga't cigwa ri'ma pimiayawan, ajipagitciwapa-
live; so straight in do you go," she was told. Thereupon
truly, as she went running along, then did she really see
a steep cliff, and she found her father's path leading among
yonder lofty rocks. While arriving there, truly she saw
a door. On opening it, it was found that wholly of rock
was his wigwam. And this she had been told: "Pray,
tightly shut the door when you pass inside," she was told.
"Not till in the evening shall I arrive," she was told.
Now, out upon the ice came Nanabushu ; as he looked
about, he saw a person standing only upon one leg ; him
Nanabushu recognized. So then he began singing, and
this was his song :
"O Coot! you are broken at the back of the pelvis,
And you are maimed in a bad way at the buttocks."
So up to where he was went Nanabushu. When he
was near to him, then he spoke to him, saying: "Whither
did my old woman go?" he said to him. "Why, it is
really you whom I am asking, Coot !" he said to him.
But he did not answer (Nanabushu).
"You are the one I am really addressing, Coot. Whither
has she gone? I am speaking to you in earnest."
"Really," he was told, "there was no one like your old
woman who passed this way," he was told. "The only
one who passed here was my daughter, but there was no
one like your old woman to pass this way. I did not
see her," he said to him.
"Pray, whither did she go?" to him said Nanabushu.
"Through here, between my legs, she went."
Thereupon did Nanabushu laugh. "The idea of your
having legs in between which I am to pass through!"
"Well, by that very place did my daughter pass."
"Very well, then will I too pass by that way."
And so truly, when (Nanabushu) was passing under, then
'kamat !ni/u maskawa'kutcra/nicinaban, mlsa klnisat Nana-
bucowan. Mlsa7 wanagucininik ka/a'nrrjiklwat, cigwa
tagwicin i'rwiti antat.
Mlsa7 owabaman osan tagwicininit 'a8a/u i'kwa. Misa7
5 udigon : " Kaga'tiguna klgapapagwatanimin magwagu nani-
sanisiyan !" Mlsa7 udigon ini/u osan: "Kaga't uba'ta-i'nu-
'tonan ano'katcigan.1 Awawa11, indanis, pisanigu uda'pinan
wagunan utinowa wa/a'yayan. Waji'ton kitaiya'rman
kagigickaman," ugl'i'gon Ini/u osan.
10 Anic misa kaga't ka'i'cictcigat wa8a/u i'kwa. Wo'O'widac
ugri'gon: "Ambasano, kagu7 wi'ka ciaya'kwisito'kan o'o-wisa
skwantam. Kawln kaga't ninisasl lasa/u Nanabucu. Kagu7
pa'ka'kunamawa'kan. Ta'ka'kunan,' kiga'i'k. Kaga't mas-
kawi kipa'ku-a'n. Kawln mnwl'ka nindabisi, panima unan-
15 gucig nintagwicin," udigon mi yosan ; "rnigu ri'witi klbi-
wabamiyan, pana iwiti ayayan, notci'a'gwa adi'kwamagwag.
Mldac iciaiyangwamiminan." Misa kaga't a'pana madcanit
Ini/u osan.
Ningutingiku, a'rnantinit mi/u osan, cayigwa kaga't ama-
20 nisu. "Pa'ka'kunan !" umadwa'i'gon awiya. Onisitu'tawan
Nanabucowan. Anic, kl'i'na kawln dac wlpa'ka'kun^zln,
misa7 andacimigut. "Pa'ka'kunan !" igut. Anic, kawln uwl-
pa'ka'kuna^zm. Kaga'pl madwatagickamini skwantam ;
kaga'pri'gu anigu'k, gaga'pi ninguting ajikacki'tonit, acipa-
25 'ka'kwisanik lifii/u skwantam. Misa7 ajiplndiganit. Mlgutawln
wa'kwantasing agotanig upapigwanini Ini/u osan, mlgu iwiti
pami'a*'pagisunit. Ajinonda'ku'tonit, mldugigu antipri'cikl-
1 Ano'-katcigan, "objects of barter;" sometimes "goods" fits the meaning. The
word is used for things bought at the trader's store, and also for things that are
given or received as presents, such as wearing-apparel and food and ornaments.
(the Coot) dropped the frozen human body upon him,
whereupon he killed Nanabushu. And then in the evening
on his way back he went, soon was he come there where
he lived.
And so the woman saw her father when he came home.
And this she was told: "How truly happy I shall be to
have you dwelling with me at just the time when I am
so lonely!" And this she was told by her father: "Truly
numerous are the objects of barter.1 Yea, my daughter,
at your pleasure take whatsoever thing you wish. Make
whatever garments you are to wear," she was told by
her father.
Now that, in truth, was what the woman did. And this
she was told: "Please never leave this door open. I did
not really kill Nanabushu. Do not open the door for him.
'Open it!' he will tell you. Without fail tightly do you
close it. Never am I here at home, not till in the evening
do I return," she was told by her father; "for at yonder
place, where you came and saw me, is where I continually
stay, hunting for whitefish. That is why I am urging
you to keep alert." Thereupon truly off went her father.
Now once, while her father was absent, she became
greatly alarmed. "Open the door!" she heard some one
saying to her. She recognized the voice of Nanabushu.
Now, she had been told that she should not open the
door, but she was continually besought. "Open the door!"
she was told. Now, she had no desire to open the door.
Finally she heard him kicking against the door; and at
last (it was) with so much force, that all at once he forced
his way in, and open flew the door. Thereupon he went
in. Now, truly at the rear of the lodge was hanging her
father's flute, and straight for it he flung himself. As he
blew upon it, then it was that in vain did her father try
waba'tonit Ini/u osan. Anlc mlclac Nanabucu nonda'kutcigat
caylgwa pltcipa*rtiwas 'isi/u piji'kiwa8. Minangwana iu
wandcikanawantaminit 'isi/u upipigwanini. Cigvva klpasin-
gutcisa Ia8a/u i'kwa, cigwa owabaman lisi/u piji'kiwa8 ajipln-
5 digasanit. Ajinawatcigwanigut Ini/u pajik, ajimadclba'i'gut.
Anitababandank kotagat antat, aca udanisan pimadciwi-
tcigasowan. Mlsax ka'i-jipmdigat misa'pana udanisan kima-
'kamint. O'O'dac kri'nandam : "Ambasano a'pl ninga-arn-
tawabama," kri'nandam, ugi^kaniman i'i'ma. Mldac
10 ka'i'nandank : "Pamagu nagatc ; magica nintaki;kanimigo ;
wlbaku ninganantawabama," kri'nantam. Mldac kaga't
ka'i'cikacki'tot, mldacigu krrnantank unagucininig kuckwa-
watabit: "Kaga'tsa, ningi'tcigwlnuma 'aVwisa indanis. Mlsa
cigwa tcra'ntawabamak 'aea/u nindanis." Mlsa ka'i'cimadcat
15 kra*ntawabamat !ni/u utanisan. Cigwa utababandan i'i<u
odana, picilkiwTa8 udotanawini. Anlc mlwanini11, wagimawinit
kama'kamigut Iniyodanisan. Caylgwa anionangucininik,
uda'kawa'ton tcitibi'katinik. Cigwasa kaga't kltibi'katini.
Ajina^zi'kank 49i/u odana, wo'O'dac kl'i'nandam : "Wfkagasa
20 taanona tcinibinatit !" Cigwa kaga/t onondawan madwano-
nimint tcinibinatinit. Aji'a-'kamawat ima agamlng, cigwa
owabaman kaga't. ulct," udinan ; "indanis!"
Ajiplpaginit, ajinawatinat ; ajimadclba'tot. A'panagu
kabitigwanik no'pinanigut. Anlc anigu'k pimiba'to. Kaga't
to hasten home. So it was that as Nanabushu played
upon the flute,1 then in came rushing the buffaloes. It
was for that very use that (her father) kept his flute.
Just as the woman sprang to her feet, then she saw the
buffalo come dashing inside. When she was caught upon
the horn of one, then away was she carried.
By the time that the Coot was coming in sight of his
home, already then was his daughter being carried away.
And when he went inside, then (he knew that) gone was
his daughter who had been carried away. Now, this he
thought: "Now will I go seek for her," he thought, for
he knew where she was. And this was what he thought:
"Not for a while yet (will I go to her); perhaps I might
be found out; but soon will I go to seek her," he thought.
And so truly, when he was able (to go), this was his
thought (one) evening while he was sitting silently (alone) :
"Truly, very lonesome am I for that daughter of mine.
So now the time has come for me to go seek my daughter."
Thereupon off he started to seek his daughter. Soon he
came in sight of the town, the town of the Buffaloes.
Now, it was the chief of that place who had kidnapped
his daughter. As the evening was now coming on, he
waited for it to grow dark. Soon was it really dark.
When he started to go to the town, this he thought :
"Would that she might be sent to get water!" Presently
he truly heard some one bidding her go after some
water. As he lay waiting for her there by the bank of
the stream, soon he saw her in reality. "Hist!" he said
to her, "my daughter!"
As she screamed, he seized her ; then he started running.
And there was a continuous roar when he was pursued.
So with all his speed he ran. Truly, he was hard pressed
1 The use of a musical instrument or song as a miraculous agent in having
animate objects appear, is a prominent literary element.
oga'kri'go paminica'irgut. "Mimawln tcinontayanigoyan,"
inantam. Kaga/t anigu'k pimiba'to, mawinatang Ii8i/u
andat. Mindcimigu tababandank ri'u andat, mrru cigwa
tababamat Ini/u paminicirtrgut. "Mlmawm kaga tcitaplndi-
5 gaba'rwayan," inantam 48i/u andat. Cigwa ubacwabandan
4si/u andat, mi cigwa alpidci pacwabamigut Ini/u paminica-
•u'gut. Aca kitibanantamasut, amc ugicaya'kwisiton ml'i/-u
antat. Amc ajiplndigat, kacka'kuwabinang mri7'11 antat.
Kagaku onondanigun 48i/u paminica'U'gut. Amc cigwa
10 uglplndigaba'a'n ; kawln dac takaski*u'siwas tciplndiganit
mi*i/>u andat. "Ambasano, ayangwamisin," ugri'nan Ini/u
utanisan. "Kagu7 minawa awiya ugawikacki'tosln tciwlpa-
'ka'kunang 48i/u andayang," ugri'nan mi/u udanisan. "Kaga't
kigi'kwanumin, idac ka-u*ndcinanzalkawinan. Ambadac,
15 ayangwamisin, " ugri'nan ini/u udanisan. Anlc mlsa kayabi
ayinanu'klnit Ini/u osan. Kaga'tidacigu anawi kabaya'r
ugiwitcayawan, cigwa minawa, "Kanabatc minawa kaga
tci'a'manisuyan," udinan Ini/u udanisan. Anlc ad^kama-
gwan ubabltciwananini Ini/u osan ; anlc mlguna iu amwawat,
20 "Kawln kuca kaga't ninginisasl 'aca/u Nanabucu."
Ningutingiku, kaga't awiya onontawan rrma agwatclng
madwaklgitonit. O<r i'kitowan : "Pa'ka'kunan !" udigon.
Unisita'tawan Ini/u awinit Nanabucowan, mlsa7 kawln
uwlpa'ka'kunasln. Mldac kaga'pl madwa-i-citangickaminit
25 48i/u skwantam, anlc kawln anawi ugackitoslnini 'ici/u
skwantam. Ningutingiku kaga'pl pa'ka'kwisanik i'i'u skwan
tam, miku rrwiti pama'a^pagisunit agotanik osan papig-
wanini. Acinondagwatonit, caylgwa onontan 'aca/u wada-
by them that pursued him. "Possibly I shall be overtaken
before I get home," he thought. Truly, with all his speed
he ran, when making for his home. Just as he came
in sight of his home, then he caught sight of them who
were pursuing him. "It is barely possible that I shall be
able to flee inside," he thought concerning his home.
Then he was nearing his dwelling, when very close upon
him were those that pursued him. As now he looked
back, then was the door of his home already open. Now,
as he entered, he slammed the door of his home shut.
Almost was he overtaken by those that pursued him.
Thus he then got her inside ; and unable would the
others be to get into where he lived. "Please be on
your guard," he said to his daughter. "Never again let
any one succeed in opening the door of the place where
we live," he said to his daughter. "Truly mindful was I
of you, and on that account I went to get you. Now,
please be careful," he said to his daughter. And so still
on with his work her father continued. Truly, in spite of
the long while that she was spending with him, yet again,
"Perhaps the time is near at hand for you to be alarmed
again," he said to his daughter. Now, whitefish was her
father continually fetching home in his pack ; and while
they were (once) eating it, "Why, I did not really slay
Now, once she truly heard the voice of some one speaking
there out of doors. This (the person) was saying: "Open
the door!" she was told. She knew by the voice that it
was Nanabushu ; but she was not anxious to open the
door. And then finally she heard him kicking against
the entry-way ; but, in spite of his efforts, he could not
succeed. Suddenly at last open flew the entry-way, and
(Nanabushu) rushed straight to where her father's flute
was hanging. As he blew upon it, presently the owner
•iTmit. Anublciklwabaltot ; anlcina pasi'ka 48i/u anubikl-
waba'tot. Cigwa otababantan lisi/u andat. "Kagatsa
nlngagwanisaganima Ia8a/u Nanabucu kacki'togwan lici'u
skwantam," i'kito. Caylgwa anlnabit, aca pimisagitcipa'i'-
5 mint Ini/u udanisan. Mlsa'pana mlnawa klma'kamint Ini/u
udanisan. Mldac ka'totawat Ini/u Nanabucowan kisagitci-
pasiga'kwanawat. Kaga/tsa manantam Ini/u udanisan mi-
nawa kiplma'kamint Ini/u. Misa/ mlnawa klnicikawisit. Amc,
mlsax mlnawa ka'i'ci'a-yayat pisan, u Kagatsa ningi'tcigwlna-
10 wanima lasa/u indanis. Ambasano'pl mlnawa ninga'a'nta-
wabama," kl'i'nantam. Mlsax kaga't cigwa mlnawaklmadcat.
Mlsa7 mlnawa acictcigat, anipi'tot tcitibikatinig. "Wl'ka-
gasa tawimini'kwa," udinaniman Ini/u uningwanan. Cigwa
kaga't madwaklgitowan : "Taga, nibinatin," madwa'i'niman
15 ini/u udanisan. Amc, mri/<u cigwa mlnawa kru'na'kamawat,
kao^a'tipfu kawlnidac uo^anonasi. Mldac ka^a/t owabaman
o o o • • o
pini'tcigusanit ini/u udanisan. Mlsa7 ajinawatinat lni/u
udanisan, kawlnidac mamwatc uganonasln. Mlgu iu pisan
20 Wibagu cigwa madasinima, cigwa mmawa madcinicawa.
Anic anigu'k pimiba'to. Kaga/t uga'kri'gon 48i/u pamini-
ca'u'gut. Amc ml kayabi ka'ijitcigat, klcaya'kwisitot 48i/u
antat. Caylgwa ubacwawabantan. "Mlmawln tcinontaya-
nigoyan," kri-nantam. Caylgwa o'O'wa plni'kwaniwan
25 wrpiwapa-u-gut, anlc mlsax ka/rciplndigaba'a/t. Mlgu
kacka'kuwabinang, i'i'ma pimadwacininit. Inabit, mlnan-
heard it. He tried running home, but to no purpose; why,
it was slow progress as he tried in vain to hurry home.
Finally he came in sight of his home. "Truly do I
thoroughly loathe that Nanabushu, for that he should be
able to force the entry-way," he said. By the time he
was there to look, he saw that already had his daughter
been carried out. And so gone again was his daughter
who had been taken from him. And what he did to
Nanabushu was to kick him out of doors (and send him
to the lake). Truly ugly did he feel to be deprived of
his daughter. And so once more he was alone. Well,
when again he had remained inactive, "Truly am I ex
ceedingly lonely for my daughter. Therefore I will go
seek for her again," he thought. Thereupon truly soon
was he off again. And so he did the same as before,
he waited for darkness to come. "Would that he might
thirst!" was the thought he had of his son-in-law. Presently
he truly heard him saying: "Come, go fetch water!" he
heard him say to his daughter. Well, accordingly, then
again did he lie in wait for her, and really he did not
even speak to her. Thereupon truly he saw the dim figure
of his daughter walking hitherward (through the darkness).
And so, when he seized his daughter, it was necessary
for him to speak to her. So he quietly took her away.
Now, in a little while her presence was missed, then
again she was pursued. Naturally hard ran (the Coot).
Truly hard was he pressed by those who were pursuing
him. Now, what he did was the same as before : he had
left open the door of the place where he lived. Finally
he was in close view of it. "There is a chance that I
shall be overtaken before I get there," he thought. Now
by the horned creature was he about to be hooked, but
it was then that he carried her inside. Just the moment
that he slammed the door to, then he heard some one
gwana uctigwanini klgackalkamawat ; gra*4tani rrma plndig,
kakiwa'o'danik uskiciguni, ka/rciklckigwasanit !ni/u unln-
gwanan. Mlwanini'11 wagimawinit, mlsa' ka/rcinisat.
Amc, misa pinawitclt kra'gota.
5 Amc, aTntawag ima anicinabag, Nanabucu unldcanisa6
niciwa8 wlwan kaya. Misa7 ima papiponiciwat, anlcina,
nawatciku kawin kago una'a'nimusm. Amc, misa7 tcigwa
tcipiponini, misa7 kawin w!lka na ubltosm kago. Anlc
misa7 pa'kadawad. Ningutinbiku, pabamusat, anicinaba8
10 ajiudisat ; niciwa8 abinotclya8 abiwan Ini/u ininiwan.
Amc, misa', a'kitunit : "Amn dac na, kiga'a'siwang 'a8a/u
kipiwitaminan," udinan wlwan. Anlc, skwantang nasama-
piwan lni/u i'kwawan. Aci'o'nagota'ki'kwanit. Amc, acigmi-
botonit umo'kumanini, mackimuta'kawan Ini/u wlwini. Misa'
15 ka'klcibotonit *isi/u umo'kumanini, ubiminana'tabi'tawanini
mi/u wlwini. Ajigitaska'kunamawat Ini/u wlwan udanika-
manini,3 ajimi'tawaganabinat ; ajipajicwat nawawigan ; misa7
acipa'kwaninwacwat ; kawin kanaga madapisiwan Ini/u
i'kwawan. Misa7 kaujipicagawiganacwat Ini/u wlwini, aci-
20 poda'kwawanit rrma a'ki'kung. A'ka'kanja aji'o'da'pina-
minit, acisinigunamawanit i'i'ma u'pi'kwananing. Acisaga-
'kuwat mlnawa. Misa7 kawin kanaga gimadapisiwan Ini/u
1 The Buffalo that had taken his daughter.
~ U'danikamanini, "her shoulder-straps," a sort of suspender going over the
shoulder, and thus holding up the skirt. This piece of garment is no longer worn
by the women of to-day.
come up against it. He looked, and it was the head (of
his son-in-law,1) from whom he had severed it; it lay there
indoors, out bulged his eyes, off had broken the neck of
his son-in-law. Now, the one that had been chief was the
one (the Coot) slew.
Well, so then the buttocks of the ruffed grouse now
hangs aloft.
Now, abiding at the place were some people, the two
children of Nanabushu and his wife. And so there, where
they passed the winter, why, hardly any food had they
in store. Well, it was now far into the winter, and never
a single thing did he fetch home. Naturally, therefore,
they grew hungry. And once, when walking about, to
where some people were he came ; there were two children,
(and) at home was the man.
So, therefore, said (the man): "Why, let us feed our
visitor," (thus) he said to his wife. Now, with her face
towards the door was the woman seated. Then she placed
her kettle hanging from a hook. Now, while (the man)
was sharpening his knife, his wife was weaving a bag.
And when he had finished sharpening his knife, he moved
over to sit next to his wife. Then, unfastening his wife's
shoulder-straps,3 he exposed her at the back; he then
sliced her down the middle of the back with a knife; and
he then sliced away a piece of fat from her; not a whit
did his wife budge. And so, when he had sliced a piece
from the back of his wife, she then put it into the kettle
to boil. Picking up some charcoal, he then rubbed it on
her back.3 Then he fastened her garment on again. And
3 In order to render the place whole again, — a common formula for miraculous
i'kwawan. Tcigwa klcisa/kwawan, "Amc, rnlsa iu aciwlsi-
niyamban," ina Nanabucu.
Midac kaga/t ajiwisinit, panagu kamskininu'tanig misa/
ajiwisinit. Kuma mini'k skwantciga Nanabucu.
5 aMri/>u ijiklwawita11 kimtcanisag na mini'k ackwantci-
Misa/ cigwa wrklwa. " Awagwanigic ?" kri-nantam.
Mmangwana umackoson kawudisat. Amc mlsa cigwa
krki'kanimat ayawinit. Cigwa wl'klwa, aci'a'bawat Ii8i/u
10 uglcotabisonas 48i/u wabosowayana8 ; acicangwantaginat lij:i/u
ugico'tawuna8, ajisaga'a'nk. Kuma'pl ani'a'yat, usagitcini-
ca'irgo 'ici/u abinotclya8. Midac aciplpagit "Al!" i'kito ;
"klwanl'ka kiglco'ta'u'nag !"
"Nindocimag ugapmawa," udina.
15 Mlsa7 kaga't wabamimawat abinit.
"Wasagu udciwabinamawi'k. Kawln kigapasamigusiwaV
. Midac kaga't wasagu wa/irndciwabinamagu 'ifii/u abino-
tciga8. "Ic!" udina8; "kawunagunawabinawag," udina8.
"Pimlciyu'kiku !" udina8. Amc misax kaga't awiciminigut,
20 mldac anicimadclba'i'tinit. Amc, ugri'na8 au awati wanl-
tcanisit : " Wasagu undciwabinamawi^k, kawin klgabasami-
guslwa." Midac kaga't anawi'totaminit, amc ugl'irndcra*-
nidic. Midac ka/rnat a'p! kamlnigut : "Ambasino, wabang
kosiwa tablca," ugi'i'na8. Mlsax ka'i'ciklwaba'i'tiwat Igi/u
not a whit had his wife moved. So when she had finished
with the cooking, "Well, you may now as well eat," was
told Nanabushu.
Thereupon truly did Nanabushu eat, forthwith after the
fat was boiled was when he ate. A certain part of it
Nanabushu refrained from eating.
"That much which you saved do you take to your
Therefore now was he on the point of going back
home. "Who in the world (is it)?" he thought.
Now, it happened to be the elk whom he had visited.
So then at last he found out who it was. As he was
about setting out for home, he untied his mittens of rabbit-
fur ; then, putting his mittens in the balsam boughs (under
the mat), he went out of doors. When some distance
away he was come, out of doors rushed the children after
him. And then one called aloud (to him): "Hey!" he
said, "you forgot your mittens!"
"My nephews will fetch them," he said to them.
And then they saw where they were.
"And from afar do you throw them to him. He will
not refrain from saying something to you."
Thereupon truly from afar were the children intending
to throw them to him, when, "Stop!" he said to them;
"do not throw them into the snow, (lest they be lost,)"
he said to them. "Come, hand them to me!" he said to
them. So accordingly he truly had them handed to him,
whereupon back (the children) started racing as they went.
Now, yonder parent of the children had said to them :
"From afar do you hand them to him, for he will not
refrain from saying something to you." Therefore they
truly tried to do so, but (Nanabushu) prevented them.
And this was what he said to them when he was given
(the mittens): "Now, to-morrow let your father come," he
kwlwisansag, ajiwlndamawawat unlgiigowa8 a'kitunit Nana-
bucowan : " 'Kaba'katamwasa kmawa!,'" udina 48i/u unlgi-
•i'gowa8 !gi/u kwlwisansag.
Mlsa' a'kitut ainini : "Anlcina, ninga'rca," i'kito.
5 Cigwasa' anitagwicin andawat. Anlc ubltawa8 unldca-
nisa8 48i/u ka*a'caminit. Cigwax uganonan Ini/u wlwan :
"Kawlnsana wfka tci'U'mackimuta'kayan?" udinan mi/u
"Indacka mlnawa awiya klwabamagwan Ii8i/u ajictciganit,"
10 udigon Ini/u wlwan.
"Awawar ijictcigan !" udinan.
Mlsax kaga't ajimackimuta'kat wayabaninik 'a8a/u i'kwa.
Anlc abr lasa/u Nanabucu, obl'a-n. Cigwasa7 piklgitowa8
unldcanisa8 : "Nackaginm, cigwa plwita!" udigo8. Anlc
1 5 mlsa/ aciplndigagowat Ini/u plwitan. Misa7 namadabinit.
" Wagunana7 kaglga'a-nk lasa/u plwita?" udinan !ni/u wlwan.
" Wagunandac 48i/u ayayan ?" udigon Ini/u wlwan.
Anlc madciboton omo'kuman.
Cocammgwaniwan upiwitaman.
20 Ml cigwa kro'nagota'ki'kwat. Anlc cigwa uglgidis ka-
'kunamawan udani'kamanini ini/u wlwan, acini'tawaganabinat
lni/u wlwan-, ajipacicwat ima pi'kwananing. Anlcina, "IgoM"
Cocammgwaniwan Ini/u ublwitaman. "Tagackuma, Nana-
25 bucu," udigon. Anlc, m!sa/ aci-a'ntutamagiit (i8i/u mo'kuman,
mldac agut : "Taga, Nanabucu!" udigon. "Agackuma,
Nanabucu !" udigon.
Acimlnat 48i/u mo'kuman, acipacawaganacumint mi/u
wlwan, mlsa7 kawln kanaga madapislwan. Pa'kwadicumint
30 lni/u wlninon. Cigwa uglpa'kwadicwanini, " 'Au, Nanabucu,
said to them. When the boys had raced back home,
they told their parents what Nanabushu had said. u 'You
must be hungry !' " the boys said to their parents.
Thereupon said the man: "Of course, I will go," he said.
In the mean while (Nanabushu) was arriving home. Now,
he fetched home to his children what had been given him
to eat. Then he spoke to his wife, saying: "Why do you
never weave bags?" he said to his wife.
"No doubt but that again he must have seen somebody
doing that," he was told by his wife.
"Go ahead and do it!" he said to her.
Thereupon truly did the woman set to work weaving
a bag on the morrow. So at home was Nanabushu, he
was waiting for (his guest). At last came his children,
saying: "Oh, see! here is a visitor!" he was told. So
thereupon in where they were came the visitor. And
then he sat down.
"What shall we feed the visitor?" he said to his wife.
"Now, what do you have?" he was told by his wife.
So he began filing his knife.
Then a smile was on the face of their visitor.
Then finally (Nanabushu) hung up the kettle. So when
he had unfastened his wife's shoulder-straps, he uncovered
his wife at the back ; then he sliced her down the back
with a knife. Naturally, "Ouch!" he was told.
There was a smile on the face of his visitor. "Pray,
let me, Nanabushu !" he was told (by the visitor). Now,
therefore, when (Nanabushu) was asked for the knife, this
he was told: "Do, Nanabushu!" he was told. "Please let
me, Nanabushu !" he was told.
When (Nanabushu) gave him the knife, then was his wife
sliced down the back, and so not a whit did she wince.
What was cut from her was her fat. When the fat was
cut from her, "Now, Nanabushu, therefore now do you
mli/u ajitclba/kwan," udigon. Ajro'da'pinaminit 48i/u a'ka-
lkanja ajisinagwanaminit ri'ma pi'kwananing Ini/u wlwan.
Cigwa pasigwlwan, "Mrru, Nanabucu, ta'i'ciwlsiniwag kinlt-
canisag," udigowan. Mlsa gaga't a'pana misa7 ka/a-ni-
5 madcanit !nix piwitamiwan.
Mlsa7 cigwa wlsiniwat.
Cigwa pa'kadawag a'pidci, mlsa7 acimadcat Nanabucu.
Cigwa, mlnawa udiciwa. Mlsa7 mlnawa acinawat anicinaba8,
nlciwa8 unldcanisini. Kawln kago wabandamawasm ; wa-
10 'kwagan Ii8i/u andanit. " Wagutugwanigic madciwagwan !w
"Cigwa, amndacna iu klga*a-siwank Ia8a/u kiplwitaminan?"
Mlsa7 kaga't cigwa ujl'tawan Ini/u ininiwan ; wawaci'5'wan
uka'tigwaning, udicicimani Ini/u miskosanamanan ; mlnawa
15 udontcibitonini plwabi'k a'pidci kacibotani.
Amc, unisitawinan ayawaninig, mlnangwana 48i/u ijictci-
gawat lni/u o'kunasanwm 3 cagunanit i'i'ma ucangwananing
anlc magwagu klnamadabinit. Alpl ka'kici'u'nit, panimagu
wandcinawatinanit Ini/u mi^tigon patalkisunit i'i'ma andanit ;
20 nondagusiwan. "Ku'ku7k, ku7tkuk!" inwawan.
Anic inabit Nanabucu, rnaman owabaman ; cigwa utani
kwa'kwanibabamani !ni/u mi'tigon. Cigu'ku7 udanikutcisa-
gawani; ml'ku aclgu^waninit i'i'ma tclga'tig. Anlc, plnicigu
rrwiti cpiming ani'a'yawan, apl'tcinag Ini/u caylgwa madci-
25 'kwa'i'gawan. Mldac ningutingiku, ini'kwanininit, asibanan
1 For other versions see Nos. 42 (p. 357) and 53 (p. 423).
cook," he was told. Taking up some charcoal, he rubbed
(Nanabushu's) wife with it on the back. Then rising to
his feet, "Now, Nanabushu, your children will eat," they
were told. Thereupon truly forthwith went the visitor
upon his way.
Thereupon now did they eat.
Soon were they much in need of food, whereupon off
went Nanabushu. Now, again was he a-visiting. And so
again they whom he saw seemed like people, (and) they
had two children. He saw nothing of what they had ; a
long lodge they occupied for a home. "Wonder what
in the world they eat!" he thought.
"Now, what had we better feed our visitor ?" Thereupon
truly the man began getting ready ; he painted himself
on the forehead, the kind of paint he used was the red ;
furthermore, he took up a piece of metal, with a very
keen edge due to filing.
Now, (Nanabushu) recognized what it was, for the thing
that they did was to put the bone-pointed spear 2 into
the nostrils while he was seated there. When he had
finished painting himself, he suddenly made for a post
that was standing there where they lived • the sound of
his cry could be heard: "Ku/lkuk, ku''kuk!w was his cry.
Now, when Nanabushu looked, he saw the red-head
(woodpecker) ; and (the bird) kept busily nodding his head
to see where to find something on the post. At last he
began to try pecking the post; and occasionally, ceasing
from his work, he held his head close to the post. Now,
by degrees he began making his way upward, every now
and then he would begin pecking away. And so by and
2 Okunasanwln, "bone-pointed spear 5" literally, "bone missile."
pimiba'towan, misa' minawa pajik pimibisowan. Misa' nlnj
kmisat 'i8i/u asibana8, pa/i'jinlsa'kwacimonumt. Misa' aci-
mamonit rrma ka/a^tonit ucangwananing 'i8i/u plwabi'k.
Misa7 acigaba'tawint 'ft/u asibanas ; cigwa agwa'a-mawa
5 tciwisinit. Mlsa/ cigwax klwlsinit, cigwax kanona : "Anlc
mlsa" ka'ijiklwawitawatwa kimtcanisag mini'k ackwantciga-
yan," kri'na.
Misa7 minawa, wanimo'k, slgirrma ka'u'ndcicagontaginat
minawa lisi/u uglco'ta*u-nas. Misax minawa animadcat.
10 Panimagu madwaplpagi, "AM" madwa-i^kitowan. "Kiwani-
cigagoma!" madwai'kitowan. "Amc, wagutugwanigic ?"
i'kituwan ininiwan. Mlnangwana guca kaga't kabunit 48i/u
uglcota/irna8. "Wasagu undciwabinamawi'k. Kagux win
rrwiti pacoca^kagun," udina8 48i/u unldcanisa8. "Kaya'ku'
15 tabiwabinamawag mri*ma a'pl undciwabinamawi'k," udina
'isi/u unldcanisa8. Anica7 kaga/t cigwax o'o^wldac udina
'i8i/u unldcanisa8: "Kawln ningutino klgabwa i'guslvva."
Cigwasa7 kaga/t udanawra^pagitawawan, cro7<widac udina8
Nanabucu : "Kagu7 kawanagunawabinawag." Mldac kaga't
20 ka/rcimlnawat. Anawi pimadci ba'i'tiwag Igi/u kwlwicancag
ka'i'ciinat : "A'kawa, i'i'ma ayayuck !" O8o7dac udina8:
"Kaga'tisa7 kiba'kadamwasa," udina8. "Ml guca wini iu
pabatacrkawat Igi/u kltcikiwan>rwag ; migu iu pimita papa-
•o-pagamaganiwat papatacfkawat Igi/u kltcikiwan'i-wag, lifii/u
by, as he pecked, (Nanabushu saw) a raccoon come running
(out), and then another came falling down. And so, after
killing the raccoons, he came down from the post. There
upon he removed the metal which he had placed there
in his nose. And then the raccoons were cooked for
(Nanabushu) ; then they were dipped out for him to eat.
And so then was he eating when he was addressed : "Now,
therefore, do you carry back to your children as much as
you do not eat," he was told.
Thereupon again, without being seen, he slipped his
mittens (in the balsam boughs under the mat). So then again
he set out on his way. After a while he heard somebody
calling aloud: "Hey!" he heard some one saying. "You
have forgotten something!" he heard him say. "Why,
what in the world is it?"1 said the man. It was really
true that where (Nanabushu) had been were his mittens.
"From afar do you fling them to him. Do not go near
to him," he said to (his boys). "And from as far as you
can throw is the distance you fling them to him," he said
to his children. Now, really, for fun only did he say this
to his children : " In no way will he refrain from saying
something to you."
When they were really in earnest about throwing them
to him, then this Nanabushu said to them: "Do not fling
them, lest they become lost in the snow." Whereupon
they truly went and handed them to him. In the act of
starting to run away were the boys when (this) he said
to them: "Hold, wait there!" And this he said to them:
"Really, you must be pretty hungry," he said to them.
"That is exactly the way of your brothers wherever they
are ; it is grease that your brothers give so bountifully
wherever they are, the hard frozen grease. Pray, when
1 The sense of the sentence is perhaps best conveyed by turning it into this :
"(I don't know) what it can be (that he has forgotten)."
maskawatcipimita. Ambasino, a'pl wabang kosiwa tapi-
•rca," udina9. Misa' anicimadcat. Tagucing andawat, ujl'ta
mi'tigon ; ubada'kinan andawat, wa/kwagan ugru ji'ton
kaya. Mldac agut lni/u wiwan: "Indacka mlnawa ka-i'ci-
5 nawagwan awiya," udigon Ini/u wlwan.
"Amandcigisa7, acimiwanan kago anawi cictcigayanin ?"
udinan Ini/u wlwan. Anlc, ugru'ninan kaya ini/u usanama-
nan kaya ini/u ukanasanwln. Mlsa7 krklcl'tat caylgwa
klgitowa8 unldcanisa8 : "Plwita!" i'kitowa8.
10 Anlc mlsa7 aciplndigaguwat lni/u plwitan.
Mlngwana dac Ini/u maman, anlc, mlwanini11 tinowan
ka'u'disat. Cigwasa7 oganonan lni/u wlwan: "Anln dacina
iu amba, kiga'a'siwang lasa/u plwita?" udinan lni/u wlwan.
Cigwa uganonigon: "Wagunaci iu ayayang kaglga-i'wayang?"
15 Anic unickimigon lni/u wiwan. "Caylgwusa plstca unagoc
4a8a/u aki'k," udinan mi/u wiwan. Misa7 gaga't 'a8a/u i'kwa
anagonat ini/u udaki'kon. Anlc, mlsa7 caylgwa wawacru't
Nanabucu, acimiskunank 'i8i/u ucangwan. Anic, cigwa,
minawa ucagwunan 'isi/u piwabi'k i'i'ma acingwanang.
20 Magwasagu namadabit wadcipasingwitcisat nawatinat Ini/u
mi'tigon kapatalkinat ; ania'kwantawat. Cayigwa nonda-
gusi: "Kirku'k, ku'ku'k, ku'ku'k, ku'ku'k," inwa. Cayi-
gwasa anic ka'i'cinawatigu ijictciga, cigwasa7 uwipa'kwawan
ini/u mi'tigon. Pitcinag abiting ani'kwanit, acipata'kiskagut,
25 pana mi'i-gu kipimibisu ; pangicing panagu kabi'ti'ku'ka-
migicing. Anic, miskwi ucangwanang. Misa7 a'kitonit ini/u
upiwitamiwan : aAnina iu mayawibinasiwat?" ini/u mawan
ini/u i'kwawan.
the morrow comes, let your father come over," he said to
them. And then on his way he went. When he arrived
at where they lived, he made ready for a post ; he placed
it standing in (the place) where they lived, for he too had
made a long lodge. And this he was told by his wife :
"No doubt but that he must have seen somebody else
doing that," he was told by his wife.
"Now, why should you want to dissuade me from some
thing I wish to do?" he said to his wife. Now, he put in
order for use his paint and his bone spear. And so by
the time he was ready, then said his children? "A visitor!"
they said.
So thereupon in where they were came the visitor.
It happened to be the red-head, why, the very same
one whom he had visited. Then he spoke to his wife,
saying: "Why is it, pray, we don't feed the guest?" he
said to his wife. Then he was' answered : "What on earth
have we to feed him?"
Naturally he was angered by his wife (for speaking so).
"Now, you hang up the kettle," he said to his wife.
Thereupon truly the woman hung up her kettle. So it
was then that Nanabushu began painting himself, painting
his nose red. Now, then, next he stuck the metal in his
nose. And while seated, up from there he leaped, seizing
the post that he had put up ; on up the post he went.
Presently he was heard uttering: "Ku'ku'k, ku'ku'k, ku'ku'k,
ki^ku'k!" (such) was the cry he uttered. Now, what he had
previously seen them do he was doing now, he was now
pecking the post. At the first peck he made, he was
pierced by the metal, whereupon down he fell; when he
fell, he struck the ground with a thud. Well, his nose
was bleeding. Thereupon said their visitor: "Why do
you not lift and set him up?" was what he said to the
Mlsa' gaga't ajimayawibinat 'asa/a i'kwa. Oo*widac
udigon Ini/u plwitamiwan: "Udickunan mawln Ini/u usana-
manan. Ambasino, pic," udigon. Mldac gaga't, acimmat,
acimiskunamit 'isi/u uskaltiguni. Mlnawa utibabandamo-
5 wanini kaglcagunank ima cingwanang. Kaga't, ajiwl'ku-
bitawat, aciminat Ini/u plwitamiwan.
Magwagu namadabinit, panimagu undcinondagusinit
maman ; acinawatinanit Ini/u mi'tigon, mlsa/ utanikwa kwa-
nibabamani, andigwa'ku anigakwatikwa'i'gawan. Cigwasa
10 madi'kwa'i-garwan, asibanan klpimibisowan, aca mlnawa
pacig ; misa n!nj klnisanit, pa'i'cinlsa'kucimonanit.
Amc, mi iu cigwa kimi'kawit Nanabucu, udigon: "Mi iu
ta'i'ciwlsiniyu'k kinldcanisag," udigon. Mlsax gaga't anici-
madcanit, misana kiwisiniwat.
15 Ningutingiku mlnawa a'pidci pa'kudawat; paba'a'yat,
mlnawa plwita8 2 udodisa8, ml gayabi nlnciwae abinotclya8.
Mlsax mlnawa cigwa wfkiga/rnt. Misax a'kidunit : "Wa-
gunac kaglga'a'nk?" i'kitowas. " 1AU, igickana kislnan lisi/u
unagan, mi'tigunagan."
20 Misa7 gaga't acigismamowint. Magwagu kinamadapinit
lni/u ininiwan, panimagu wandcinawatinaminit 48i/u utabacini ;
mldac anwanit : ftSa sa sa sa !" inwawan. Mldac rrma
upimita'kupitcikaniwang aji'a-gosinit, aciwacananit Ini/u
uniciwani. Migosidac uda'kunamini, nondagusiwan : "Sank,
1 See Nos. 40 (p. 341) and 52 (p. 421).
Thereupon truly the woman lifted and set him up.
And this she was told by their visitor: "Doubtless he may
have left unused some of his paint. Pray, give it to me,"
she was told. And so truly, when she gave it to him, he
painted the forehead (of her husband) red. Furthermore,
she examined what he had stuck into his nose. Truly,
when she pulled it out, she then gave it to their visitor.
And while seated, of a sudden the red-head began
calling ; when he seized the post, he examined place after
place as if, as he went along, he was testing where to
peck. Presently, when beginning to peck, a raccoon came
tumbling out, then later another ; whereupon, on killing
two of them, he then came down from the post.
Well, so when back to consciousness came Nanabushu,
he was told : "Therefore do you and your children eat,"
he was told. Thereupon truly when the other set forth
on his way, then did they eat.
And another time they were very much in want of food ;
while wandering about, to some other strangers 2 did he
come, and they also had two children. And now again
was he to be fed. So this they said: "What have we to
feed him?" they said. "Well, then you had better cleanse
the vessel, the wooden vessel."
Thereupon truly she cleansed it for him. Now, while
the man was seated, suddenly from where he was he
grabbed his lodge-pole ; and then he uttered the cry :
"Sa sa sa sa !" (such) was the cry he made. And so
upon the cross-pole (over the fire) he went (and) perched,
holding his testes in such way that they bulged out solid.
And with an awl in his hand, he could be heard saying:
2 Plwltae, "strangers." The usual meaning of this word is "visitor" or "guest;"
i.e., one to whom one renders hospitality.
sank, sank!" inwawan. Mlsa' mlgu cro'dac andasanonda-
gusit nimawat Ini/u uniciciwan. Ningutingiku acipacipawat,
panagu pimita kaslgisanik, ma'kupimita. Mlsa' cigwa
mockinabmi 48i/u mi'tigunagan. Acinlsandawanit, acra'ca-
5 mint l 48i/u pimita.
Anlc, misa' klwlsinit. Cigwa mlnawa ina : "Ka/rckwan-
taman, kim'tcanisag anikikiwawi'ta11," krrna.
Mlsax mlnawa, animo'k, i'i'ma ka/ijicagwantaginat 4ci/u
uglco'ta'U'na8. Cigwa7 anijimadcat, oglnondawan tablbaginit:
10 "A*, kiwanicigagima !w
"Taga, inabiwi'k rrwiti kagi'tanabit."
Inagwanadac kaga't ka'a'binit ugico'ta/cxna8.
"Wasagu7 undciwabinamawi'k. Kawln ingutino kibwa-
•i-guslwa. Wasagu undciwabinamawi'k."
15 Cigwasa7 gaga't udanuwra^'pagitawawan.
"Ca, ca, ca, plni'kigu !"
Mlsa7 gagalt aniwipimatclba'i'tiwa8 lisi/u abinotciya8, aji-
kanonat : " Klpa'ka'tamwasa klnawa. Wabang kosiwa
20 Anlc, migu mlnawa tagwicin andawat. Anlc mlna mi-
nawa kiwlsininit unidcanisa8. Misa7 cigwa7 krirci'tod mi'ti-
gunagans. Anlc, caylgwa piklgitowa8 unidcanisa8: "Plwita!"
i'kitowa8. Anlc pindigawan piwitamiwan, cigwa uganonan
lni/u wlwan : "Ambagickana, wagunacwina ayayang pa-
25 'kanag?"
"Mimawln a1 tana 48i/u ayayang kaglgawang Ii8i/u pimita."
1 Aci'a'camint, "he gave the grease" (to Nanabushu) to eat; literally, "they gave
it to him to eat," or, more literally, "he was given it to eat."
"Sank, sank, sank!" (such) was what he uttered. And in
time with each of these words he aimed a blow at his
testes. By and by he pricked them gently with the point,
and straightway out flowed the grease, bear-grease. And
so in a while full was the wooden vessel. Then, climbing
down, he gave the grease (to Nanabushu) to eat.1
Well, and so he ate. Then again he was told: "What
you fail to eat up, then back home to your children do
you take," he was told.
Thereupon again, when no one was looking, (in among
the balsam boughs 2) did he put his mittens. When on
his way, he could hear the sound of some one calling to
him in the distance: "Hey! you have forgotten something."
"Do you look there where he sat."
And so it was true that there where he had sat were
his mittens.
"From afar do you throw them to him. He will not
refrain from saying something to you. From afar do you
throw them to him."
By and by they tried throwing them to him.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, just you fetch them to me!"
Thereupon truly on their way back did the children
start to run, when he spoke to them, saying: "You people
surely must be in want of food. To-morrow let your father
come over."
Well, accordingly again was he come at home. So
again did his poor children eat. And then in time he
made a wooden vessel. Now, presently hither came his
children, saying: "A visitor!" they said. So when in came
their guest, he then spoke to his wife, saying: "Well, now,
what else have we that is different?"
"The only thing we have to feed him is the grease."
2 Under the mat, as a bedding.
" 'Au, ambagickana, kislnan iu mi'tiguna^gans," udinan
Ini/u wlwan.
"Kagatsa kitaiyawina'ku iu a/r'kitoyan. Anti ka'irn-
tinamang lisi/u pimita kagiga/a'wayang?" udinan. Anlc,
5 unickiman.
1AU ! magwasagu kmamadabit Nanabucu, pamagu wandci-
nawatinang 48i/u udabanc ; kawln kijinja7 kaski'irsl ani'a*-
lkwantawat. Wi'ka mina7 kaski'o* i'i'ma ubimida'kupitci-
ganiwang. Cigwasa7 klwanagosi. " l A'a/u, mindimoya !
10 Naska a'ton cibaiyaT lisi/u mi'tigunagan." Acigitcipinat
Ini/u uniciciwan, aciwacanat. Misa/ acinanlmawat nondagusit.
"Sank, sank, sank, sank!" inwat. Ningutingiku acipacipawat,
Klgitowan Ini/u upiwitamiwan : "Agwawabini'k! Awana-
15 nlwinan dac win a8a/u a'rndit wrkagickaku Nanabucu!"
Misa7 acagwawabinigut mi/u uplwitaman. Cigwa kigitowan :
"Taga kislnan iu mi'tigunagan,"
Kaga't laca/u i'kwa uglkisman.
"A'ton ima clbaiya'i'," utigon. Panimagu wantcra'lkwan-
20 dawasanit mi/u piwitamiwan, adcitarnon nondagusiwan :
"Sank, sank, sank, sank!" Misax antotaminit ; wacananit
Ini/u uniciciwani, acipacibawanit; panagu7 ma'kupimita kasl-
gitciwaninik. Kawin kanaga waya/u acimockinablnik lisi/u
mi*tigunagan. " 1AU,'' udigon kanisandawanit. "Nanabucu,
25 mri/<u taciwisiniyu'k kinltcanisag," udigon. Misa7 anici-
Misana mmawa kiwlsininit lisi/u unldcanisa8.
"Very well, come on, cleanse the little bowl!" he said
to his wife.
"Truly do I dislike you for what you are always saying.
Where shall we get the grease with which to feed him ?"
she said to him. Well, she angered him.
How now ! for while Nanabushu was seated, he suddenly
seized the lodge-pole from where he was ; but he was not
able to go nimbly up the pole. After a long while was
the poor thing able to reach his place on the cross-pole.
At last he was perched aloft. "All right now, old woman!
See that you place the wooden bowl directly underneath
(me)." On taking out his testes, he squeezed them till he
held them bulging tight. And so every time he aimed
as if to hit them, he was heard to say: "Sank, sank, sank,
sank!" (such) was the sound he made. And when he
suddenly pricked them, down he came falling.
Then said their guest : "Jerk him out (of the fire) !
What a fool Nanabushu must be to be ever trying to do
what (he sees) others do !" Thereupon he was pulled out
(of the fire) by his guest. Then he said: "Do cleanse
the wooden vessel."
The woman truly cleansed it.
"Put it there beneath (me)," she was told. Suddenly
from where he was the guest went skipping up, the Squirrel
could be heard saying: "Sank, sank, sank, sank!" There
upon he did as before : holding his testes so as to bulge
out solid, he pierced them; forthwith some bear-grease
came flowing out. It was but a moment when full was
the wooden vessel. "Now, then!" (Nanabushu) was told
when the guest was come down from the pole. "Nana
bushu, therefore will you and your children now eat," he
was told. And then away went (the visitor).
So again his poor children had food to eat.
Anic, caylgwa mlnawa pa'kada Nanabucu. Ningutingiku
mlnawa udotisan anicinaba9, ml kayabi nPciwa8 unitcani-
sinini. Mlsax aniTnabit, "Wagutugwan madclwagwan ?"
5 Cigwa klgitowan Ini/u ininiwan : "Ambasino, unagota'ki-
lkwan," inimawan Ini/u i'kwawan.
Misax gaga't anagota'ki'kwawan lni/u i'kwawan. Cigwa
wawaci'o'wan mrwininiwan ucawasko'o'sanamanan, uwlnga
ustigwanining udicicimanini. Cigwasax kl'kiciowan. Mag-
10 wagu kinamadabinit, panimagu, wandcinondagusinit : "Kwlc,
kwlc, kwlc, kwic!" inwawan. Undcipasigwaowan ininiciban3
acipomnit i'i'ma ubimita'kupitciganiwang, nondagusiwan :
"Kwlc, kwlc, kwlc, kwlc!" inwawan. Owawabaman misinit
pa'kic klgitowan: a 'O, 'o, 'o, rnindimoya! ana/a'n," udinan.
15 Anic ml a'pana misinit, " 1O, lo, 'o, mindimoya ! ana/a^n."
Misax gaga't onondan Nanabucu manomin madwaatiwan-
tanik. Cigwasa7 pangutani, acinlsipomnt. "Awisa^ mri/<u
ka'i'ciwisiniyamban, Nanabucu," ina'. "Skwantcigayan, kinl-
tcanisag kitakiwawitawag."
20 Mlsax gaga't, cigwa wrklwat, mlnawa acicangwantaginat
mri/>u ugico'ta'o'nac. Panimagu mlnawa madwablbagit.
"'Ou!" madwaplpagi.
"Nanabucu kagowi'kitotug," udinan. "Kaga't, kiwanici-
gaguma ! Taga, inabiwi'k i'i'witi gagltanabit."
1 For another version see No. 41 (p. 351).
Well, already was Nanabushu again becoming hungry.
And one other time he came to some people, and they
also had two children. And now, as he looked about,
"What in the world must they have to eat?" he thought.
Presently said the man: "Please do you go and hang
up the kettle," he said to the t woman.
Thereupon truly the woman went and hung up the kettle.
Presently the man painted himself with a green color, all
around over his head did he put it. In time he was done
with painting himself. And while yet seated, and of a
sudden, he started forth from the place, uttering: "Kwlsh,
kwlsh, kwlsh, kwlsh !" (such) was the sound of his voice.
Up flew a Mallard 2 that alighted yonder on the cross-pole,
he was heard saying: "Kwlsh, kwlsh, kwlsh, kwlsh!" J^such)
was the sound of his voice. (Nanabushu) observed him
muting, while at the same time (he heard him) saying :
"Ho, ho, ho, old woman! keep it stirring," he said to her.
And all the while (the Mallard) muted, (he was saying):
"Ho, ho, ho, old woman! keep it stirring."
Thereupon Nanabushu truly heard the sound of his rice
boiling. When it was boiled, then down from aloft came
(the Mallard). "Now, therefore shall you eat, Nanabushu,"
he was told. "What you do not eat, then to your children
may you take."
Thereupon truly, while about to return, he again put his
mittens (in among the balsam boughs). And later on he
was again heard calling with a loud voice: "Oh!" he was
heard calling out.
"Nanabushu may want to say something (to you)," (the
Mallard) said to (his children). "Truly, he has forgotten
something ! Now look yonder where he sat !"
2 Ininiciban, "mallard;" literally, "man-duck."
Mlsa' gaga't kra'biwa8 'isi/u ugico'ta'irna8.
" 'Ugapinawa8 nindocimag,' ta'r'kito. Wasagu undciwa-
binamawi'k. Kawln ningutino kibwa/rguslwa."
Mlsa' gaga't, wasagu udanawi'u'ndciwabinamawawan,
5 mlsa' anat: "Ic, pimiciciyu'kiku!" udina8. Mlsa7 gaga't Igi/u
kwlwisansag awlcimmawat.
"Ic," udina8, "ambasino a'pi wabang kosiwa tapica !
Kipa'katamwasa klnawa."
Anlc mlsa7, gaga't, wayabaninig ijanit !ni/u ininiwan. Anlc
10 mri''" paprirt Nanabucu. Cigwa madwaklgitowa8 : "A'e'e7,
piwita!" madwa'i''kitowat. Cigwasa7 plndigawan.
Cigwa uganonan Ini/u wlwan : u Amba, kackana, anago
taki'kwan ! mlsana cigwa tciglgaanguban 'a8a/u plwita."
Mltaclzan agut !ni/u wlwan: "Wagunan tana iu kiglga-i'-
15 wayanguban !" udigon Ini/u wlwan.
" Amantcisa7 win 'i8i/u kri-'kitoyan kago aninanin ! Pisanigu
unagoc o a'ki'k !" udinan.
Kaga't anago'taki'kwani a-i-'kwa. Odontcimataciman
ucawaskosanamanan ; aciwawaci'irt, aci'O'cawaskwanang
20 'isi/u ustigwan. Cigwa klklci'u* ; magwasagu klnamadabit,
panimagu, undcipasiguntcisat. "Kwlc, kwic, kwic, kwlc!"
inwat. Kawln ml nayanj. kaski*opsl mri'ma anawri'cat
upimi'ta'kupitciganiwang- • wl'kasa kaski'o*. Cigwasa7 krcv-
nagos! i*i*ma agotcininit uda'kikowan, nondagusi : "Kwlc,
25 kwic, kwlc, kwlc !" Anlc uganawabamawan agosinit, kaga-
And there truly were his mittens.
" 'My nephews may fetch them,' he will say. And from
a distance shall you fling them to him. He will not avoid
saying something to you."
Thereupon truly, when from afar they intended throwing
them to him, he then said to them: "Oh, come give them
to me!" he said to them. And so truly the boys went
and gave them to him.
"I say," he said to them, "would that when to-morrow
is here, your father might come over ! You (people) must
be in want of food."
So thereupon, truly, on the morrow thither went the man.
Naturally in waiting was Nanabushu. Presently he heard
them say: "Halloo! a visitor!" (Thus) he heard them say.
Then presently in he came.
Then (Nanabushu) said to his wife: "Oh, for goodness'
sake, do hang up the kettle ! for it is our duty to feed
the visitor."
Thereupon he was told by his wife: "For mercy's sake,
what have we to feed him!" he was told by his wife.
"What possesses you to talk that way whenever I tell
you to do something ! Simply go on and hang up this
kettle!" he said to her.
The woman truly hung up the kettle. He had his
green paint spread out ; in painting himself he colored his
head green. Presently he was done painting himself; and
while seated, and of a sudden, up he sprang. "Kwlsh,
kwlsh, kwlsh, kwlsh!" was the sound he uttered. It was
a long while before he was able to get to yonder cross-
pole ; he was a long while getting there. Finally he was
perched over the place where hung their kettle, he could
be heard (uttering): "Kwlsh, kwlsh, kwlsh, kwlsh!" Now
they watched him perched aloft, with his anus opening
and closing. He was not able, with all his efforts, to ease
gwantciskanik utcltlni. Kawln ugaski'toslni anawi mislt ;
wi'kasa' pimipitani umowancic.
"Niya, eM" udigon Ini/u wiwan.
Anic, a'pana aninawagi'kwaninit Ini/u uplwitamiwan, anic
5 gagicipawantciwantanig 'isi/u umowancic. Misa' intawa
acinisantawat Nanabucu.
"Taga, pic kiwawaci'u-n," udigon Ini/u plwitamiwan.
"Taga, awigislblgin kita'ki'kowa," udinan.
Anic mlsa/ gaga't caylgwa ki'kislbiginat. Aci*a'nagotot
10 pa'kanatinik 'isi/u nibi.
7 klwawaci'u'nit !ni/u piwitamiwan, anic cigwa non-
dagusiwan ininiciban, ajiponlnit upimita'kupitciganiwang.
Anic misa7 cigwa mlslnit, panagu manomin kaslslgipitanig.
Cigwasa/ mockinawan uda'ki'kowan, acininlsiponmit. Mlsa7
15 a'kitunit : "Nanabucu, mri/>u, ta'i'ciwlsiniyu'k kimtcanisag,"
Anic mlsa/ cigwax ka'a'nimadcanit, mlsana klwisininit 48i/u
Cigwa* mlnawa madca babamusat. Ningutingiku saga-
20 *i'gan umada'kan, owabama ki'kinantawanas l pata'kisunit.
Midac anantank: "Anicinabag inangwana ayawag," inantam.
Animadcat. Cigwa kaga't owabandan twa/i'gan wanta'i'-
plnit; mosotclt watwa'i'baninit, kagatsa mi^ca'kwatini.
1 Ki'-kinantawan, "balsam." This is an old word seldom used in conversation;
it means "the one that spots the place" (where water is). The more usual word is
cingup, which, however, refers to any kind of fir-tree.
himself; but after a long while there fell a miserable
droplet of dung.
"Oh, oh!" he was told by his wife.
Now, down at once their visitor lowered his head, for
round about in the boiling water whirled (Nanabushu's)
sorry droplet of dung. So then accordingly down climbed
"Pray, give me your paint," he was told by their guest.
"Now, go wash your kettle," he said (to the old woman).
So it was true that soon she had finished with washing
(her kettle). Then she hung up the kettle with a different
kind of water.
And when their visitor was done painting himself, then
began the sound of the Mallard, who then was alighting
upon their cross-pole. So thereupon he began muting,
and forthwith some rice came pouring out. When their
kettle began to fill, then down he alighted. Thereupon
he said: "Nanabushu, therefore now shall your children
have enough to eat," (such) was said (to Nanabushu).
Well, so then upon his way he went, and accordingly
did (Nanabushu's) poor children eat.
Soon again he was off travelling afoot. When once
out upon the ice of a lake he came, he saw a balsam l
standing. And this he thought: "Some people, no doubt,
are living there," he thought. On his way he continued.
Presently he truly saw a hole (in the ice) from which they
drew water ; with the anal gut of a moose had they made
the hole, exceedingly large was the vesicle. Great was his
desire for it. When he laid hands on it, he heard the
Kagatsa umisawinan. Ajro'da'pinang, madwakanonigon :
"Ic, Nanabucu! poni'ton Ii8i/u. Klgasanagi'a','' l udigon.
Misa' gaga't intawa ajipagitinank. "Oma plj an !" udigon.
Mlsa' gaga't kaniciku'plt, cigwasa7 uglga'i'gon, misax wlsinit.
5 Anawiwlskuntciga Nanabucu. "Migu7 ga'kina icimltcin mi
aji'a'caminan," udigon.
Mlsa7 gaga't ga'kina acimldcit. Uwabaman gaga't min-
ditowan cigwa uganonigon. "Nanabucu, intigu kuca ki-
10 "Kawln," udinan.
"Kawln, Nanabucu, kipa'kadasagu. Kigi'kanimin pa'ka-
dayan. Panglns kiwlcawanimin, wandci'i'ninan," udigon.
"Ayefi, nistclmista, gaga't nimba'kada," udinan.
"Amc, mlsa7 cigwax tciki'kino-a'monan kadicictcigayan,"
15 udigon. Ommigon bibigwans. "Mlsa7 o kagabatci'toyan,"
udigon. "Migu7 o tci'a'nikiwayan tci'o'ci'tot kimindimo'i*-
mic wa'kwagan ; manogu taginonda. Mldac klklci'tot,
o'o'widac kiwlmmin ka'u'ndcinanatwa lgi/u kapmdigawat
ima kiwa'kwaganing. Mlgu7 iu aciki'kino'a'monan, o^Mac
20 kiga'i-cictciga," udigon. Mlnangwana mi/u micicigagwan
kaganonigut. "Nlcing tciabatci'toyan kiwlmmin 4i8i/u ka/u*n-
dcinanatwa," udigon. "Tcigwasa7 taga tcangitiyacinan," ina
laVu Nanabucu.
Misa7, kaga't, cigwa7 kitcangitiya'kisut. Cigwasa7 ima
25 ijitiyaniwan aji'a'cawipogititamagut. Mlsa7 kato'tagut.
ugri'gon : "Ambasino, iyangwamisin, Nanabucu,"
1 Klgasanagi'a', "you will put us in want for another;" literally, "you will render
it difficult" (to replace).
voice of some one speaking to him: "Hold, Nanabushu!
do you let that alone. You will put us in want for an
other," he l was told.
Thereupon truly he chose to leave it be. "Come hither!"
he was told. It was true that when he went up from the
lake, then was he given food, whereupon he ate. It was
the purpose of Nanabushu to save (some of) the food.
"Just you eat all that I have set before you," he was told.
And so actually the whole of it he ate. He saw that
really big was the one who now was speaking to him.
"Nanabushu, it really seems as if you were hungry."
"No," he said to him.
"Nay, Nanabushu, but you are really hungry. I know that
you are hungry. That a little mercy I may bestow upon
you, is my reason for speaking thus to you," he was told.
"Yes, my younger brother, truly hungry am I," he said
to him.
"Well, therefore then will I teach you what you shall
do," he was told. He was given a small flute. "Now,
this is what you shall use," he was told. "That when
you go back home, then shall your old woman make a
long lodge ; let it be, oh, a long one. And when she
has finished it, then this do I wish to give you, so that
with it you may kill them that come into your long lodge.
So accordingly as I instruct you, thus shall you do," he
was told. It happened to be the Big Skunk that was
addressing him. "I intend to give you the means of using
twice what you are to use in killing them," he was told.
"Then go you down upon your hands and knees," Nana
bushu was told.
And so, truly, he then got down on his hands and knees.
Presently from the other direction faced the rear (of the
Skunk), who broke wind into (Nanabushu). Such was what
(Nanabushu) had done to him. And this was he told :
ugri'gon ; "klgaTniga/a-g kinltcanisag," krrna. "Naska-
guta ka/rcictcigayan kra/nitagwicinan antayan ; kajinonda-
gwamo'toyan oso/u kibabigwan, mldacigu kaciplndigawat
mosog 48i'u kiwa'kwagan. Nlbawadacigu pindigawat, 'o^o7
5 ta'i'cictcigawag, kiwi'tacagamawag i'i'ma tciwa'kwaganing.
Mlsa7 pisaga-a/nk au naganlt, mra'lpl kapogitiyan ; tcipin-
dcipogitiyan 'isi/u „ tciwa'kwagan. Mldac ga'kina ka'i'cini-
buwat rrwiti pindik ayawat. Misa7 tciwavvlsiniyan. Mlnawa
klgitamatwa, inlnawa klganontagamatawag. Mlsa7 tciwa-
10 baniciyan, kawm kayabi kigapa'kadasl. Misax iu ajiki'ki-
no'a-monan," udigon.
Cigwasa7 animadca Nanabucu, gagatsa7 wawicantam.
Ningutingiku, anipapimusat, gagatsa7 kistcimi'tigon owaba-
man. "Kuniga indabimigutuk niclmisa7 kagrrcit!" inandam.
15 "Taga, ningapogitcina," inantam 'aca/u Nanabucu. Mlsa7
gaga't ajipogitcinat Ini/u ki4tcimiltigon, migu iu ajipigiski-
sanit. " M11^ minangwana gaga/t tabimit 'a^a711 nislmisa7
kagri'cit," inantam.
Misax papimusat ningutingiku, mmawa owabaman aga-
20 matci/u ki'tci'a'sinm abinit "Taga7, kuniganata gaga't
indabimigut !" inandam. "Taga, mmawa, ningagutcra/
'asa/u kitci'a'sin," inantam. Misa7 kaga't cigwa7 minawa
acipogitcinat ; inabit awaniban Ini/u ki'tcrarsinln.
Anlc, udamanisu'tagon mi/u kacawanimigut. " Waguna-
25 nlwinan Nanabucu wani'tanondasi'k iniga'a't unitcanisac !"
"Please be careful, Nanabushu," he was told; "(else) you
will do your children a hurt," he was told. "Now, precisely
this shall you do when you have come at your home :
you shall blow a tune upon this flute of yours, whereupon
into that long lodge of yours will come some moose.
And after many have entered in, this they will do : they
will walk round about inside of your long lodge. And
when outside comes the leader, then shall you break wind ;
(do it so) that you make it go into your long lodge.
Thereupon shall die all that are there within. Then you
will have some food to eat. After you have eaten them
up, then again shall you blow upon your flute for them.
Consequently you will live through the winter, not again
will you be hungry. That is all I have to teach you,"
he was told.
Then upon his way started Nanabushu, truly very proud
was he. By and by, while walking along, he saw an
exeedingly large tree. "Wonder if my younger brother
could be telling me the truth in what he said to me!" he
thought. "I say, I am going to break wind at it," thought
Nanabushu. Thereupon truly he broke wind at the big
tree, accordingly he wrecked it completely. "Why, there
really is no doubt but that my younger brother is telling
me the truth in what he said to me," he thought.
While walking about on another occasion, he saw a
large rock over beyond a hill. "Now, wonder if really
he told me the truth!" he thought. "I say, once more I
will make a test on that great rock," he thought. There
upon truly did he break wind at it ; when he looked, there
was nothing left of the big rock.
Now, the sound of (Nanabushu) doing this was heard
by him who had taken pity on him. "How stupid of
Nanabushu to bring disaster upon his children by not
paying heed !"
Anlc, pasigwl Nanabucu, anri'ca abini'pan Ini'u ki'tcra/-
sinin. Wi'ka'ku ingutci apiwanltug acipigiskisanit. "Ml
nangwana kaga't tabimit nislmisa," krrnandam. Acitag-
wicink antawat, "Mindimoya, ninglcawantagus," udinan Ini/u
5 umindimo'rmican. Mlsax cigwax udinan: "Wabang uci'tota
48i/u walkwagan," udinan Ini/u wiwan.
Misa7 gaga't cigwax kruji'towat wa'kwagan. Cigwa
ka'klci'towat lasa/u mindimoya, "Unabin," udinan Ini/u
umindimo'rmican. Misa7 gaga't cigwa kru'nabiwat, cigwasa7
10 unondaguma'ton lici/u ubabigwan. Cigwa gaga't mosos
ugiwabamawa8 pldciba'i'tinit. "Indackagu kago mlnawa
kiticibabmi;tanzimitug," udigon Ini/u wlwan. Misax kaga't
pmdigawa8 moso8 i'i'ma wa'kwaganing. Cigwasa7 saga'a*-
mon Ini/u nagamnit cigvvasa7 anawipogiti, mlsax kawm
15 ugacki'tosm 48i/u tcibogitit. Gaga'tsa uniski'a*n umindi-
mo-i'mican. "Gagatsa kawm kini'tanondanzl kago anugl-
•rni'kin awiya kago," udigon lni/u umindimo'rmican.
Anicagu kagagwanguskanik 48i/u utclt. Misa7 ajibwana-
wi'tot lisi/u tcibogitit, mldac wandcinicki'a't ini/u wlwan;
20 kaga/t uglnicki*a*n ; amc pmic ga'kina saga'a'mo8 mini'k
ka'pindiganit Ii8i/u moso8, mldac wandciniskra/t !ni/u wiwan.
Mldac igu cigwa ga'kina pimisaga'a-minit, ka'rcipa'kita/o'-
watiskwatc pimisaga'a-minit a11 mindimoya. Acipo'kwuga-
dawat Ini/u mozonsan, "Awananlwinan dac win Ia8a/u !
25 Kuniga anugri'natug 4i8i/u ka'i'citcigat!"
"Aye8, gaga't! Kawmina nicing indanugiminigosi moski
nawat awaslyag tcinisagwa?"
Now, up to his feet rose Nanabushu, thither he went to
where the big rock had been. It was (only) after long
persistent (search that he could find) where here and there
lay a shattered (piece of rock). "It is really a fact that
my younger brother told me the truth," thought (Nanabushu).
On his return home, "Old woman, I have been blessed,"
he said to his old woman. Thereupon he then said to
her: "To-morrow let us build a long lodge!" he said to
his wife.
Thereupon truly did they build the long lodge. When
he and the old woman had finished it, "Sit down!" he
said to his beloved old woman. It was so that when they
were seated, he then blew a tune upon his flute. Then
truly did he see some moose running hitherward into the
place. "(I) suspect that in something else you have no
doubt been disobedient," he was told by his wife. There
upon truly into the lodge came the moose. When out
started the one that was in the lead, then did (Nanabushu)
try in vain to break wind, but he was not able to do it.
Verily, did he anger his old woman: "Truly inattentive
are you in whatsoever is told you by any one," he was
told by his old woman.
All he could do was to open and close his anus. And
since he was unable to break wind, he therefore angered
his wife ; truly did he anger her ; (he continued without
success), even when out went all the moose that had
entered, and that was why he had angered his wife.
Thereupon, when all the moose were on their way out,
the old woman then struck the one that was last coming
out. When she broke the leg of the young moose,
"What a simpleton he is! (I) wonder if he could have
been told what to do !"
"Yes, to be sure! Was I not given (the means of) twice
killing all the game-folk filling up the place?"
Mlsana klwlsiniwat agawa. Mldac ka'rcra*boda'a*nk
;i/u monsotcitms, midac Wwiti wanta'i'plwat klyupima-
Ugi'kanima8 a'pidci pa'kadanit, 'a8a/u anugicawanimat.
5 "Ambasa7 ninga'i'canan," upmanimigon. Mldac kaga't
tcigwa klmadcat 'asa/u micicigag. Misa^ cigwa udodisa8,
"Anin, Nanabucu, ka'i-cisayan ?" udinan.
Miguta win i'i'ma udagamlmining wanda'i'bmit mozotci
tms kipimita'kwisinik, 'o^o^a wanda'i'binit.
10 "Awanamwinan idac win kai'ndit Nanabncu!" uba'pi'a-n.
Amc, mlsa7 cigwa udigon : "Anin ka'i'ciwabisiyan, Nana
bucu?" udinan.
"Nislmisa7, kanamigu 'i^witi kl'pimadcayamban, ayapi-
'tawri'gu patagwicinan, ki'tcimi'tig nimpipogitcinaban, gaya
15 kistci*a'sin. Mlsa7 acictcigayan, amba idac ningra/nwandis."
Mlsax udigon: "Amc, mlnawa klga'a-cawanimin," udigon.
"Mliu pawaundci'i'cayan 4ci/u wlcawaniminan." Cigwasa7
mlnawa ubogitcitamagon. "Kagudac mlnawa ijictcika'kan."
Anlc mlnawa nlcing umlnigon ayabatci'tot. Mlsax anici-
20 klwanit.
Mldac acikibotiyanigut Ini/u wiwan. Misa7 kaga't. Cigwa7
gaga't mlnawa onondagwa'ton 4si/u pabigwan. Mlsax cigwa
mlnawa ubitasabama8 monso8, kaga't cigwa plndigawa8
i'i'ma wa'kwaganiwa. Cigwasa7 pisagamo8, nagamnit aci-
25 pogitcinat. Misa7 ajanisat, cayigwa inabiwat wandcita
Thus the poor things had but little to eat. And so
when she had turned the little anal gut of the moose
inside out, then across yonder place where they drew water
she laid it.
He knew that they were very much in want of food,
he who vainly had taken pity upon (Nanabushu). "There
fore I will go to where he is," was the thought Nanabushu
received from him. Thereupon truly then off started the
Big Skunk. And then in a while he was come at where
they were. "What, Nanabushu, has befallen you?" he
said to him.
Now, yonder at the lake where they drew water was
the little anal gut of the moose lying across the place,
the watering-place.
" How foolish of Nanabushu to have done so !" He
laughed at him. Well, and then this was Nanabushu told:
"What has happened to you, Nanabushu?" (the Skunk)
said to him.
"My little brother, at the time when I came away from
(your place), when about halfway I was come, at a great
tree I broke wind, likewise at a great rock. That was
what I did, and I feel painfully sorry for it." Thereupon
he was told: "Well, once more will I take pity upon you,"
he was told. "The reason of my coming hither is that I
want to bless you." And so again (Nanabushu) had wind
broken into him by the other. "Now, don't you do it
again." Thus was he again given what he should use
twice. And then on his way back home went the other.
Thereupon he was prevented by his wife from breaking
wind. And it was true. Then truly again he played a
tune upon the flute. And so again he saw the moose
coming, truly now were they entering the long lodge.
When they were coming out, then at the one in the lead
he broke wind. And so, after he had slain it, then they
mockinanit antawat monso8 mini'k nasawat. Anlc misana
Caylgwa udigon Ini/u wlwan: "Ambasino, ayangwamisin
kigaTniga-a/k ubinotcrarg 48i/u kaickunaman."
5 Anlc, mlsa gaga't mino'a-yawat 4si/u mosu'kawat. "Mlma-
wmi iu igu7 tatawabaniciyang," udinan Ini/u wlwan.
"Mimawm Ii8i/u," udigon. "Gaga't kigi'tcicawandagusi-
min," udinan Ini/u unabaman 'a^^wi'kwa.
Misa7, mini'k ka'kanimak.
SERIES IV. No. 39.
10 Mlsa7 wipibonici magisiwac. Tcigwasa wlmadci'ta klngon-
yan wmotci'a't, mldac i8i/u ajiwabamat kitagwicininit Ini/u
Nanabucuwan. "Nabwlna mamawitcigayang tcinotci'a'ngwa
Igi/u klngonyag?"
" 1AU, ml*i/<u aciminwantaman omagu prrcigusin."
15 Kaga't, Nanabucu pikabaci. Misa cigwa madci'tawat •,
kingonyan nlbiwa unisawan. Klngonya8 utatcitagonawa8.
A'pitcisa7 nlbiwa unisawa. Cigwa kackadinini i'8iu saga'i'-
gan. Mlsa7 acikusinit Nanabucuwan ; ka'kina omadcina8
20 Misa'pana kawm gago ogamidcism magisiwac. "Anlc
katiyang?" Anawigu pa'tamnuwa iwa anicinaba imansa
andanisit. Cigwa kipibonini, mlsa cigwa pa'kadat. Ningu-
looked, (and saw that) the place where they lived was
completely filled with all the moose they had killed. Thus
the poor creatures had all the food they wanted to eat.
Then he was told by his wife: "Please be careful, lest
you starve the children (by wasting the means) you have left."
Well, it was so that they got along comfortably on the
moose they had prepared for use. "There is no doubt
but that we shall now go through the winter," he said to
his wife.
"It is quite likely," he was told. "Truly, in high degree
have we been blessed," to her husband said the woman.
That is as much as I know of (the story).
SERIES IV. No. 39.
And now Soaring-Eagle was planning to go into camp
for the winter. And in a while he intended to set about
to get some fish, whereupon he then saw Nanabushu, who
now arrived (at his place). "Would it not be well for us
to go together to get the fish?" (said Nanabushu).
"Very well, and in that case I should be pleased if you
would move your belongings over to this place."
Sure enough, hither came Nanabushu to camp. So
thereupon they set to work ; many fish they killed. They
hung the fish upon racks, with the heads down. Ever
so many they killed. In time frozen became the lake.
Thereupon Nanabushu moved camp ; all the fish he took
away with him.
And so not a single thing was left for Soaring-Eagle
to eat. "What will become of us?" Yet, for all that,
many were the people at the place where he was. In
time the winter came, whereupon he then lacked food.
tinigu, unagucininig a'pitci wlwlsini •, kaya Ini/u wiwan kaya
isi/u unitcanisa8 nlciwa2. Kuckwawatisiwa8. Awiya pitwa-
wacinon ajipmdiganit. "Magisiwac, kiwi'kumigo."
Udonagan ka'irda'plnang, ajimadcat. Misiwa anuplndiga
5 Tni/u wlgiwaman, kawln kuca umi'ka^ln ; ml ga'kina anugi-
gapackank Ini/u wlgiwaman, intawa aciklwat. Aciplndigat
iyandat, uganonigon Ini/u wiwan : "Anln dac ici/u kiwl'ku-
migowm r
"Kawm ninkutci nimrkanzm tciwl'kunding."
10 Misa alpi ajiki'tcimawinit Ini/u wiwan kaya unldcanisac
intawa ajikawicimuwat ; weyabaninig mlsagu kawln kago
omltcislnawa. Cigwa mlnawa tibi'kadini, midac kaga/t
Cigwa, anitibi'katini, pamagu pata'pabinit awiya. " Magi-
15 siwac kiwrkumigo." Ka'u'ti'tinank udonagan, sagitcikwac-
kuni, agawagu ugasa'kawabaman animiba'tonit. Ki'tci'a'ya-
pisi'kat umatcinlcawan. Kunigimn, utanikabi'kamini Ini/u
wlgiwaman ; slpi klckabi'kanig anibintigasawan ; mlgu isi/u
anitanisit. Anipmdigawat, muckinabiwa8 wa'kuntinit. Kistci-
20 pa'pi'a'. Namagusan wa'kuntinit, kitcinibiwagu acama.
Kayabigu ickusawan Ini/u tclba'kwanan. Cigwa kanona
magisiwac : "Mlmawini iu kaga't tcinondapaniciyan. Intawa
kigaki'kino'a'mago ka/rcictcigayan. Wabank kimindimo'i*-
mic tablmina'kwa. Klklci'tot iblmina'kwan, midac isi/u
25 ka'rciki'tcitwa/rgayan iman waplgamag i*i/>u sagai'gan.
Now, one evening he craved exceedingly for some food to
eat ; so too (did) his wife, and his children, two in number.
They were living quietly (there). They heard the foot
steps of somebody approaching, who then came inside.
"Soaring-Eagle, you are invited to a feast."
Taking up his bowl, he then departed. In every wig
wam he entered, but to no purpose, for he did not find
the place (of the feast) ; accordingly, when into all the
wigwams he had entered in vain, he then went back home.
On entering into the place where he dwelt, he was addressed
by his wife saying : " Where is the food you got when
invited ?"
"Nowhere did I find the place of the feast."
Thereupon then bitterly wept his wife and his children.
Accordingly then went they to bed ; in the morning there
was nothing for them to eat. In time it was night again,
whereupon truly did they yearn for food to eat.
Now, it was beginning to grow dark, when of a sudden
some one came up (and) peeped in. "Soaring-Eagle, you
are invited to a feast." Seizing his bowl, out of doors he
leaped, and scarcely did he catch sight of him who went
running away. As fast as he could go he pursued after
him. Lo, the other sped past the wigwams • into the falls
of a river the other ran, whereupon in he rushed. As
they went on in, (he found) the place filled up with guests.
He was made much fun of. (It was to eat) trout that
the invitation was given, and with a great deal of it
(Soaring-Eagle) was fed. There yet remained some more
of the food that had been cooked. Presently Soaring-
Eagle was spoken to: "It is indeed quite possible that you
may starve before the winter is over. Therefore you will
be taught what you shall do. To-morrow your old woman
shall make some twine. After she has finished the twine,
then you shall make a large hole in the ice over at yonder
Mldac i/u usi'tank kigatana'pina laea/u kinldcanis. Kabota-
'kwawa ; mica'kisatdac mli'u ka/rciwl'kubinat, tcra/nigu'k
tcikitciwabinat. Midac iman tciwabamat asa/u namagus.
Klnigu klgatibabamag mlmawln mini'k katabisawat. Ka/a*-
5 'pi'tcibibonk mrV'u ka'ijickwa'taiyan. Misaguna iu acica-
wanimigoyan. Mri'*11, magisiwac, iciglwan. Magica abiding
klgawisinim, mri''11 icikiwan. Klwawic namagus."
Mldac rru ajipindigat iu andat, kaga't motcigisiwan mi
wlwan kaya unidcanisae ; tci'a*nigu'k wisiniwa8. Misagu iu
10 cigwax madci'tat au mindimoya pimina'kwat kabatibi'k ;
wayabaninig okici'ton i'i'u obimina'kwan. Kigicap ajimadcat
magisiwac ; wlwan wldclwat saga'i'ganing icat. Ka'tagwi-
cink wapigamank iu saga'i'gan ajitwa-i'gat. Ka'klcitod
udwa'i'gan, uda'kubinan lni/u unldcanisan, usidaning tana-
15 'pinat. Mldac isi/u acipoda'kwa'irwat. Cigwa7 mica'klsawan,
anigu'k aciwfkubinat. Ka'kidickubinat, namagusan pigi-
tciskusawan. Magisiwac kaga't minwandam. "Kavvin nin-
dayanacrtanzl kabaglcig." Mlnawa acipoda'kwawat Ini
unldcanisan. Cigwax mica'klsawan tci'a-nigu'k uwl'kubinan.
20 Acikl'tciwabinat, namagusan owabaman. Mldac kaga't
minwandank au maerisiwac.
Cigwax unagucinini. "Ambasano, midac a'ta iu kanisank
Ia8a/u namagus." Kaga't nlbiwa. "Mlmawln isi/u mini'k
kadapisawat kaya'pltcipibong. 1AU, midac a'ta iu pajik
25 tcinisank." Opoda'kwawan iniyonitcanisan. Cigwax mica'kl-
narrows of the lake. Accordingly, then by its feet shall
you tie your child with the cord. You shall put it down
into the hole; and when it has reached the bottom then
you shall draw it out, with all your power shall you pull
on it. And then there shall you see the trout. And you
yourself shall see when you think that (the fishes) are
enough. At the end of the winter then shall you cease.
And this is the way that you shall be blessed. Therefore,
Soaring-Eagle, do you return home. Perhaps for once you
(and your family) will have food (enough) to eat, therefore
do you go on back home. Take back some trout."
And so when he entered his home, truly pleased were
his wife and his children ; with great eagerness did they eat.
Thereupon then did the old woman set to work weaving
twine all night long ; when it was morning, she finished
the twine. In the morning then departed Soaring-Eagle -,
along with his wife, he went on his way to the lake.
When he got to the narrows of the lake, then he made
a hole in the ice. After finishing the hole in the ice, he
then bound one of his children ; by its feet was where he
bound it. Thereupon they put it down into the hole.
When it got to the bottom, then with all his might he
drew it out. After he had pulled it out, then the trout
came out of the ice. Soaring-Eagle was really happy.
"I will not stop throughout the whole day." Then another
of his children he put down through the hole. When it
got to the bottom, with all his power he pulled upon it.
When he gave it a great throw, a trout he saw. And
then truly pleased was Soaring-Eagle.
In a while the evening was drawing in. "Behold, just
one more trout I will kill." To be sure, (there were) many
(trout). "It may be that they are now enough to last
through the winter. Therefore only one more will I kill."
Down into the hole he put one of his children. As soon
sawan, uwfkubidon. Acibwawipitod ayangwatcic, tcra/ni-
gu'k udanawikubidon. Kaka'pl acipa'kibidot, misa'pana
unldcanisan. Tcianigu'k mawi7 magisiwac, kayayu wlwan.
Indawa, ka'i'ckwamawit, uglgo'i'miwa8 uglwawinawa ka'kina
5 andawat. Ka'i'ciwmawat isi/u klgonyas, madca awigagwat-
wat • mldac icat iniwa nigigwan. Cigwax uganonan : "Mlsa
iu kmisangit lasa/u ninldcanisinan." Aciganonint magisiwac :
"Ambasa', nawatc mbiwa ugawaci'ton kimindimowimic
bimina'kwan. Kl'klci'tot, mldac i8i/u ka'i-cimadcayan, kl-
10 ga'i'ca ima11 klpa'kibinat a11 kinidcanis. Magisiwac, klgi-
'kandanina wandcima'kamigoyan au kinidcanis? Usam
nlbiwa kiglnisag Igi/u gingonyag. Klnicki'a' 'a8a/u micina-
magwa. Mra>u ka'u'da'pinat kimtcanisan. Klga gackra"-.
Nandawabamat, ml nasab ka/rcictcigayan, tcita'kubisoyan
15 ima kisidank."
Magisiwac mi cigwa madcat. Twa'i'bi. Ka'i'ckwatwa-
•i'bit ajipa'kublt. Maca'klsat owabandan ml'kana pima-
munik. Ajimadcat, mada'irdot mi'kana. Kumagu a'pl
tagwucink, unontawa awiya piba'pinit. Owabama8 i'kwawa8;
ajiganonac :
"Anin anano'kiyag wabigamagr
"Nindawinici pa'pino'tawanan wisanta.;
as it got to the bottom, he drew it back. As he was
losing his pull on it the longer (he held on), then with
all his power he tried drawing it back. At last he broke
the line, and then gone was his child.1 Very bitterly wept
Soaring-Eagle, and also his wife. Accordingly, when he
had ceased crying, they carried all their fish back to where
they lived. After they had dressed the fish, he departed
thence to make inquiry ; and so he went to where the
Otter was. In time he spoke to him, saying: "Therefore
now have we slain our child." Then was Soaring-Eagle
addressed by him saying: "Behold, let your old woman
make some more cord. When she has finished it, then
shall you depart, you shall go to the place where you
broke the line (that held) your child. Soaring-Eagle, do
you know why your child was taken from you? Too
many of the fishes have you slain. You have angered
the Great Sturgeon. He is the one that has seized your
child. You can obtain (your child). When you seek for
it, you should follow the same method that (you did) before,
by having yourself bound by your feet."
Soaring-Eagle then departed thence. He made a hole
in the ice. After he had finished the hole in the ice, he
then went down into the water. When he got to the
bottom, he saw a path that led off (in a certain direction).
Then he started forth, following along the path. When
at a certain distance he arrived, he heard some one
coming along laughing. He beheld some women; to them
he spoke, saying : " With what are you busied at the
"We intend to meddle with the deadened pine."2
1 Because he had not obeyed what had been told him when he was blessed.
It is a common belief of the Ojibwa that he will come to some kind of grief who
kills more game than needed. Therefore wanton destruction of game is a taboo.
2 Where a net is.
Asabln miwanini11 acawat. Midac isi/u pita'a/mwat minawa
anind. Owabama8. "Anm anano'klyag ?"
" Nindawipa'pinotawanan pabamitagotag u'kanab."1
Anijimadcat, pacu' owabandan odana. Pajig owabaman ;
5 oganonan : "Nldcanis pa*irndcrrcayan."
"Mru-ma ayat aea/u kinldcanis. Kawln kidamlnigusl. Ml
au nindogimaminan ayawat Iniyu kinldcanisan. Intawa
a'kama11 tcisaga'a'nk ; unagwucig mi a'p! tcisaga'a'nk."
Cigwa unagucinini. Madwaglgito pacig inini : "A'e,
10 mlsa minawa mimisiwag cigwa tciamwangwa." Cigwa
pimisaga'a'mon ; kaga't minditowan micinamagvvan. Wasax
cigwa anitagwicinon plndigasa andanit ; uglwabaman unl-
dcanisan. Aci'u'di'tinat, tci'a'nigu'k udo'to'kablgiba'to isi/u
plmina'kwan. Ki^ci'a'nigu'k uwl'kubiton la€a/u mindimoya.
15 Pa'kic anigu'k madca Magisiwac. Cigwa udababandan
udwa'i'gan. Abanabit pltawaniwan wlnawadamigut ini/u
miclnamagwan. Midac kaega't anigu'k ajimadcat, acigitci-
pisut rrman udwa'i'baning. Ka'kitcibisut, inabit, udwa'r-
ganing pisagi'kwasawan miclnamagwan, acigi'tcipisunit.
20 " 'A'a/u, mindimoya, kiwaga'kwat mam on ! Niwana/s!"
Mindimoya11 udoda'pinan owaga'kwat ; uniwanawan Ini/u
miclnamagwan. A'ta, kaga't minditowan !
"Mindimoya, kiwawinata." Kawasa ugackiasiwawan ana-
wi udodabanawan. Anicinabac unadamaguwas, mi pitclnag
It was to a net that they were going. Accordingly
then came some others singing. He saw them. "What
are you busied with?"
"We are going to meddle with the cord that hangs
across." l
As he started on, not far away he saw a town ; a certain
one he saw; to him he spoke, saying: "It is on account
of my child that I have come."
"In this place is your child. It will not be given to
you. It is our chief that has your child. Therefore you
would better wait till he comes out ; in the evening is
when he comes forth."
In time it was evening. There came the voice of a
man saying: "Well, so then we shall have some more
mayflies to eat." Then (he beheld the chief) come forth ;
truly big was the Great Sturgeon. When a long way off
(he saw that the chief) was come, he flew into where (the
chief) lived; he saw his child. Then grabbing it up, with
all his might he ran, jerking upon the cord. As hard as
she could the old woman pulled upon it. At the same
time with speed went Soaring-Eagle. In time he came in
sight of the hole. On looking back, (he saw) the Great
Sturgeon coming with mouth open to devour him ; where
upon truly at full speed he went, out through the hole
he flew. After he had flown through, he looked, (and saw)
the Great Sturgeon with his head out of the hole in the
ice, then out upon the ice he leaped. "Now, old woman,
get your axe ! Pound him to death !"
The old woman picked up her axe; she clubbed the
Great Sturgeon. Ah, truly big he was !
"Old woman, let us carry him home!" Not even were
they able to drag him. By the people were they helped
to drag him, and that was when they were able to handle
i With the cord at the edges of the net.
kackra/wat. Misa iu cigwa' ki'tagwicimawat. "Kaga't,
kiga-a-camanan wa8a/u nigig kacawaniminang."
Kaga't minwantamog acamitwa lgi/u nigigwag. "Magi
siwac, mri/>u kawin wfka klgapa'kadasi. Keyabi wawi'i'-
5 goyan kistci unicicin ka'i-cictcigayan. 'A8a/u Nanabucu
kini'tam kigapa'kada'a*. Awikimodim lni/u uglgon'rman."
Kaga't ajimadcat Magisiwac. Ajikacki'tot ugrrcigimoti-
man mi/u Nanabucuwan. Kaga't, ugikackiton ka'kina kl'ki-
motimat. Misa win ni'tam Nanabucu kipa'ka'tat. Kaga't
10 minwandam Magisiwac pa'kadanit Ini/u Nanabucuwan.
Misa pinawitclt agatag.
SERIES V. Nos. 40-42.
Nanabucu aTnda wlwan kaya mlnawa kaya lisi/u unl-
tcanisa8 nlciwa8. Misa7 mri''u wi'pibonicit Nanabucu, kawin
kago udayasm kamldcit. Mlsax mi cigwa piboninig madci-
1 5 'tat antawantcigat. E, kawasa kago uni'tosm ! Moncag
ugigri'gon Ini/u awaslyan, kawin ogiwanisasln. Ninguting
uganonigon wlwan: "Anm ka'i'cipimatisiyank? Wllka kago
20 "Nintawa mocag ningakiyota," 3 ilkitu Nanabucu. Waya-
bank ajimadcat. Ningutingidac, pimusat, anicinaban uto-
lkawi'a*n mada'a'nat ; saga'i'ganing tawan. Amnabit uton-
1 For other versions see Nos. 36 (p. 311) and 52 (p. 421).
him. Thereupon they then got him home. "In truth, we
will feed the Otter that has blessed us."
Truly pleased were the Otters to be fed. "Soaring-Eagle,
therefore never shall you be in want of food. Something
very much better is yet to be told you to do. It is now
your turn to make Nanabushu hungry. Go rob him of
his fishes."
Truly thence departed Soaring-Eagle. As much as he
could did he rob Nanabushu. In truth, he was able to
steal them all from him. Accordingly it was Nanabushu's
turn to be hungry. Truly pleased was Soaring-Eagle to
have Nanabushu in need of food.
And so now the buttocks of the ruffed grouse hang aloft.
SERIES V. Nos. 40-42.
Nanabushu was living with his wife and two children.
It was there that Nanabushu intended passing the winter,
but he had nothing to eat. It was now becoming winter
when he undertook to seek for game. Alas ! not a thing
could he kill. Often was he given the slip by the game-
kind, none did he kill. Once he was addressed by his
wife saying: "How are we going to live? Never a thing
do you kill."
"Therefore always will I go a- visiting," 3 said Nanabushu.
On the morrow then he departed. Now once, while walking
along, he chanced upon the footprints of some people, in
whose path he now followed; by a lake they lived. As
2 Visiting among friends, generally with the sense that the visitor goes to "sponge"
off his guests.
ta-rbanining, mldac iman wabandank ma'kutiska'k ; l H'-wisa
twa-rbaganit rrman wanta'i'blnit. Anlci'kuplt, wlgiwam
klpata'kitanig. Ajipmdigat ininiwan namadapiwan, kaya
i'kwawan, kaya 48i/u unltcanisini n!ciwas. Inabit Nanabucu
5 ma'kowminon papa'kwanit.2 Kaga't umisawlnawan ini/u
Midac 48i/u kigitowan ininiwan : " Wagunacina kagiga-
•a-nk3 au blwita?"
Mldac iu ajikigitunit Ini/u i'kwawan : "Amcina antotaman
10 wawisiniyangiban, mri/<u katotamamban tciglga/i'wayan."
Ajiklgitut Ia8a/u inini : "Taga, pidon 48i/u utcictcini'k." 4
Kaga't acimmint Ia8a/u Inini. Kaijimlnint, " 'A'a/u, unagan
Kaga't 'a'itlkwa ajikasiyapi'kinank, wawmga ka'pmi'tot
1 5 iu unagan ; mlnawa 'i8i/u utcictcini'k ajikaslyapi'kinang.
Ka'klci'tot, magwagu namadapinit lni/u ininiwan, panimagu
pasingutcisawan nawatinaminit lisi/u abanj "San, san, san,
san !" inwawan, Midac iman pimita'kupitciganing kuniginm
uniciciwani owacanani, pa'kic nondagusiwan, "Sank, sank!"
20 inwanit. Midac 'isix utcictcini'k amma°wanit lisi/u unicici
wani kagicim pacipa°wanit 'isi/u uniciciwani. Ningutingiku,
acipacipa'°'wanit 4i8i/u uniciciwani, panagu ma'kupimita un-
tcitciwanini. Ajiklgitut Ia8a/u atcitamu : "Mmotc agonan iu
1 The anal gut was used to start the hole in the ice by one end of it being held
down on the ice, and some one sucking from the other.
2 The true idea conveyed here is that the strangers had so much food that they
could even use it for making a dwelling.
he looked about the place from which they drew water, he
saw there the anal gut l of a bear ; now, that was what they
used in making a hole from which to obtain water. On
going up from the shore, (he saw) a wigwam standing.
On entering, (he saw) a man who was seated, also a woman,
and their children, numbering two. While looking about,
Nanabushu saw (chunks of) bear-tallow, which they used
for a lodge-covering.2 Truly did he covet the bear-tallow.
And then up spoke the man: "What shall we give the
guest (to eat) ?" 3
Whereat up spoke the woman: "Why, the same as you
generally do when we want to eat, is what you should do
when providing your gift."
Then up spoke the man: "Well, fetch hither the awl."4
Truly was it then given to the man. After it had been
given to him, "Now, then, a vessel do you wipe."
Truly, when the woman wiped it, thoroughly clean did
she make the vessel ; next the awl was what she wiped.
After she was done with her work, and while the man
was yet seated, of a sudden up he sprang, seizing hold
of the lodge-pole. "San, san, san, san!" (such) was the sound
of his voice. Thereupon yonder upon the cross-pole (he
was surprised to see him) exposing his testes, while at the
same time he could be heard making the sound, "Sank,
sank!" (such) was the sound he made. And it was with
the awl that he aimed at his testes and almost piercing
his testes with it. And then of a sudden, when he pierced
his testes, immediately some bear-grease came flowing out.
Then up spoke the Squirrel: "Hold the vessel close up
against it!"
3 Kagiga-a-nk? "What shall we give (to eat)?" This expression occurs in such
connections as here, where food is the thing given; and so it has come to be a
synonyme for "to feed," but its real sense is in the giving of a present.
4 Utcictcini'k, uawl;" that is, the awl made from the ulna, usually of a moose,
deer, or caribou.
Kaga't a'a'r'kwa ajiada'tot iman ka/rcipangiganik 'i€i/u
pimita ; mistci wlba mockinablnik. Ka/i jimockinabmi'k i
wunagan, pinlsantawawan. aMlsaguna'i*u a/rclyan kayanln
5 Anlc, Nanabucu a'pidci pa'kada. "Ambagic wawlp klga-
gowan," inandam Nanabucu. Mlnawa wlyas kaga't wani-
cicininik, ma'kowiyas, -- abi'tagu pimitawaninig ; kayadac iu
pimita Nanabucu pagidinamawa lifii/u kamldcit. Kaga't
minowlsini, kaya nlbiwa wisini. Ka'i'ckwawlsinit, migu'i-ma11
10 wanimo'k, ka'u'ndcina'kibinat uglcota'u'na81 nawatcigu unln-
gwantagina. "Mlsa cigwa wl'klwayan." Nanabucu kanona:
"Mlgiri'11 iciklwawitau kimtcanisag 4si/u kitickwantcigan." 3
Kaga't minwantam. Midac iu acisaga*ank.
Kanisaga'a'minit, inabit laca winini, uglwabamas lici/u
15 klcota/u'na8. Anlc, wabosawayani Nanabucu ugljo'ta-u'na8.
Midac iu ajikanonat a'a* inini : "Taga, madciltawilk lici/u
ugicota-irnac lasa/u Nanabuca, wasagu undciwabinamawi'k
lisi/u uglcota'u'na8 !"
Kaga't, ajisagitcisawat lgi/u kwlwisansag no'pinanawat
20 mi/u. Cigwa udatimawin. " Klwam'kanag kiglco'ta/u'nag."
Kaga't, wasagu nawatc anu*u*ndci'a'ipaginawat, uganoni-
guwan Nanabucowan : ulcta, kipa'kadamawasa kmawa !
Wabank kosiwa tabi'i'ca. Nlwawlsinimin nmawint."
1 UgIcotJi'U'nac, "mittens 5" the usual word for mittens is mintcikawanag. The
word used here is for protectors against cold, and it may refer to mittens or ear-
protectors', it also refers to the string of rabbit-fur that is put through the hole of
the ear in order, so it is said, to keep the ear warm. The sense of this word
would often seem to imply that it meant ear-warmers or ear-protectors ; but it is
given as mittens, because the Ojibwa themselves regard that as the sense of the word.
Truly, the woman then placed (the vessel) there, where
'the grease might drip into it ; and very soon it was full.
When the vessel was full, then down came climbing (the
Squirrel). "This is just a way I have whenever I too wish
to eat."
Naturally, Nanabushu was very hungry. "Would that
I might presently be given something to eat!" thought
Nanabushu. Furthermore, there was some meat that was
truly nice, — bear-meat, — and half of it was in grease; and
some grease, too, did Nanabushu have placed before him
to eat. Truly he ate good food, and much did he eat.
After he had finished eating, he thereupon, without being
seen, pulled out his mittens,1 and he hid them under the
balsam boughs (beneath the mat). "It is now time for
me to go back home." Nanabushu was addressed (with
words) saying: "Therefore do you take back home to your
children the food which you did not eat up." !
Truly he was pleased. Thereupon out of doors he went.
When Nanabushu had gone out, (and) while the man3
was looking about> he saw the mittens. Now, of rabbit-
fur were the mittens of Nanabushu. Thereupon then (to
his children) spoke the man, saying: "Come, take the
mittens to Nanabushu, and from afar do you throw him
the mittens!"
Truly, then out of doors sprang the boys, who ran in
pursuit of him. Soon they overtook him. "You have
forgotten your mittens." Truly, when from a rather long
distance they tried to fling them, they were addressed by
Nanabushu saying: "Oh, but you people must be hungry!
To-morrow let your father come over. We ourselves always
have plenty to eat."
2 Kitickwantcigan, "the food which you did not eat up;" literally, "your left
over food."
3 That is, the Squirrel.
Anlc kiwawag Igi/u kwlwisansag.
"Anlc anri-nag 'a8a/u Nanabucu?"
"Ka, 'kosiwa taplca,' i'kito Nanabucu. 'A'pidci nan-
gwana klpa'kadam nangwana.'"
5 Nanabucu aniijimadcat klwat ; tcibwatagwicin andawat,
upltamawa unldcanisa8 kaya Ini/u wlwan utickwantcigan.
A'pidci minuwlsiniwa8, mlsagu pitclnag wlsininit.
Kaga't minwantam awi'kwa. Mlsagu cigwa ajimadci'tat
Nanabucu utcictcini^k uci'tot, kaya win wipacipa'wat Ini/u
10 uniciciwan. Ka'kici'tod, una'i'nan liei/u utcictcini'k.
Mfsa wayabanininig kabaglcik, ayabit pra't Ini/u piwitan.
Anlc udina unldcanisa8: " Acawabiyu'k." Ningutingigu
pmdigasawa8 48i/u unldcanisa8: "Cigwa piwita!"
Taya, kaga't pi'irndcipindigawan Ini/u ininiwan.
15 Nanabucu kawln kanaga kago otayasm. Misa ajiklgitut
Nanabucu: "Wagunacina ka*a-camak Ia8a/u piwita? Mlnotc,
kislnan iwanagan." Ka'i'ckwagismaminit, "Mlnotc aiciyang
kaya nmawint wawlsiniyangiban."
lI8i/u wri'cictcigat Nanabucu. Ni'tam udoda'pinan rru
20 utcictcini^k. 'A8, Nanabucu ajinawatinank utabanc, kawln
nangim kacki'irsl anawra*lkwantawat. Wrka pitclnag
ajikacki-u't i'i*man pimida'kupitciganing icat. Mlsa7 iicinl-
cominaginat 'i8i/u uniciciwa8, kawaninang utcictcini'k, "Sank!
sank! sank!" inwat. Kakicimigu'ku wlcaganamat lifii/u
25 uniciciwa8, ningutingigu acipacipa'wat 4ci/Ll uniciciwa8, pa-
nagu kapi'ti'kukamigicink rrman nawackuta. Anlc mlgu
isi/u a'pitaganantisut.
So back home went the boys.
"What did Nanabushu say to you?"
"Oh, 'Let your father come over,' said Nanabushu.
'So you really must be very hungry."1
Nanabushu was then on his homeward way ; before he
was come at where they lived, he was fetching to his
children and his wife the food he had left uneaten. Very
well did they eat, and that was a time when they ate.
Truly pleased was the woman. So thereupon began
Nanabushu on the work of making an awl, for he also
desired to pierce his testes. After he had finished making
it, he put away the awl.
And so on the morrow all day long he remained at
home, he was waiting for the visitor. So he said to his
children: "Do you keep watch." Then by and by in
rushed his children: "Here is a stranger!"
Ah, truly from without came the man entering in.
Nanabushu had not a single thing. Thereupon said
Nanabushu : " What shall we feed the guest ? However,
do you wipe the vessel." When she had wiped it, "Why,
this is the way we generally do whenever we want some
thing to eat."
This was what Nanabushu intended doing. He first
took up the awl. But when Nanabushu seized hold of
the lodge-pole, he was not soon successful in his efforts
at climbing up ; and after a long while he was able to
get upon the cross-pole (over the fire). And when taking
hold of both his testes in his hand, after that he had
seized a firm grip upon his awl, then "Sank, sank, sank!"
was the sound he uttered. Being almost ready to strike,
he was aiming at his testes, when of a sudden he pierced
his testes, and forthwith down he dropped with a thud
into the centre of the fire. Now, the fall was so severe
as to kill him.
Anicagu nantaganimusig Ia8a/u i'kwa agwawabinat,
kawmigu ugacki'a/sln anawiagwacimat. 4A8a''i<lkwa ajika-
nonat upiwitaman : "Nyan, wltcri'cin tcra-gwawabinag !"
Ajipasiguntcisat 'asa/u inini agwawabinawat. A'tawa,
5 kawlyablsut Nanabucu ! Kaga't tcagisu wilka mi'kawi.
Mlsana papa'kawisit Nanabucu.
'E8, aba'pic klnanamadapit 'a8a/u inini. Kaga'pi, kigito-
wan : "Taga kislblginint iyonagan !"
Kaga't acikisiblginit ;a'i*'kwa iu unagan, minawa 48i/u
10 utcictcini'k.
"Mri'u. Plton iyotcictcini'k." Acimmint Ia8a/u inini.
Panimagu, namadapinit, nawatinaminit apanj, "San, san san !"
Mldac 4U, "Sank, sank, sank!" wacanat uniciciwani ! Kagl-
cimigu'ku micaganamanit 4U uniciciwani, ningutingigu
15 acipacipa'wanit, panagu pimita. u 'Ala/u, mlnotc ininamu'k
48i/u unagan!"
Kaga't mockinani unagan. Kamockinani'k, pinisanta-
Ajikigitot Nanabucu: atAca/u, migu 4U kanglnka-i'wayank."
20 "Kawasa7, kmawagu intawa wlsiniyu'k," a'pan saga'a--
minit, anijikiwanit.
Nanabucu kagat minwantam wlsinint tmltcanisa8.
1 That is, "tried to fling."
'2 This sentence has to be recast with a free rendering, in order to give the sense.
Its real meaning may b-e variously rendered: "Well, we did not see what he was
Then, working with all her energy, the woman flung1 him
out of the fire; but she was not able, with all her efforts,
to pull him out of the fire. The woman then spoke to
her visitor, saying: "Oh, do help me take him out!"
Then up sprang the man to take him out (of the fire).
Oh, but Nanabushu got a hard fall ! Truly was he thor
oughly burned. A long while was he reviving. And then
came the time when Nanabushu was conscious.
Well, for a long time was the man seated there.2 Finally
he said: "Come, wipe the vessel!"
Truly then did the woman wipe the vessel clean, also
the awl.
"That is enough. Bring hither his awl." Then was it
given to the man. Of a sudden, while yet seated, he seized
the lodge-pole. "San, san, san !" and then, "Sank, sank,
sank !" while he held his testes exposed. Almost did he
strike his testes when he aimed at them ; and when by
and by he pierced them, then forthwith was there grease.
"Come on, don't mind (anything else), but hold up the
vessel !"
Truly full was the vessel. And when it was full, then
down" from the pole he came.
Then said Nanabushu: "Now, then, with that will we
make entertainment."
"It is no use, only you yourselves had better eat."
Then straightway out went (the guest), on his way back
home he went.
Nanabushu truly was pleased (to see) that his children
had food to eat.
invited for, but yet the man simply kept on sitting there," or «... without cheer
he continued sitting there."
Wayabaninig ajimadcat klyusat, kawasa kago uni'tosln.
Moncag anukru'sa, mlsontcita kawln kago uni'tosl. Mlsa/
a'pidci pa'kadat. Cigwa wayabaninig ajimadcat Nanabucu,
mldac lisi/u pabaantakiyotat. Ninguting uto'kawra-n ani-
cinaba2, omata'a-nat. Kumagu a'pl tagwicink, owabandan
andanit. Anijiplndigat ininiwan namadapiwan, kaya win
i'kwawan kaya 'i£i/u unidcanisini. Ajikanonint : " l Ala/u,
namadapin !" ina Nanabucu.
Kigitowan !ni/u ininiwan: "Wagunacina kagiga/a'nk a11
10 piwita? Taga, mmotc nibi anagoton," inimawan Ini/u
Kaga't, agi'kwan aciwanagonat a'iakwa. Magwagu na-
madapinit !ni/u ininiwan, undcipasigu'o'wan, nondagusiwan :
"Kwank, kwank, kwank," inwawan. Mldac ima11 mida-
15 'kupitciganing aciponlnint, nondagusint : "Kwank, kwank, "
inwanit. A'tawa, kunio-inm acimlsinint Ima11 a'kikimk,
O '
towan : " 'Ala/u mmotc ana'a'n!"
Kaga't Ca8a/u udana-a'n. Magwagu ana'a'nk, kuniginln,
manomin a'pidci mockina i'i'man a^ki'kunk; kaya pankuta.
20 " 'Au, mri/pU ici-a'gwacim." Mldac 48i/u acinlsiponlnint.
" Mlsaguna iu kaya mn a'i'ciyan wawisiniyanin." Mlnan-
gwana Ininciban watisat. Kawunabinit, "Ambasa7, unaga-
nink a'ton," Inimawan mi/u i'kwawan, "a'pidcigu mocki-
1 For another version see No. 37 (p. 317).
When the morrow was come, then off he went on a
hunt for game, but not a thing did he kill. Continually
without result did he hunt-, and, in spite of all he could
do, nothing did he kill. Thereupon very hungry did he
become. Then on the morrow away went Nanabushu, it
was to wander from place to place visiting (old friends).
Once he came upon the footprints of some people, in
whose trail he then followed. When some distance farther
on he was come, he saw where they lived. On entering
in, (he saw) a man that was seated there, likewise a woman
and their children. He was addressed: "Welcome! be
seated!" was told Nanabushu.
Then up spoke the man : " What have we to offer the
guest (to eat)? Well, anyhow, hang up (a kettle of) water!"
he said to the woman.
Truly, then a kettle did the woman hang up. And
while the man was seated, up he flew, and was heard to
say, "Kwank, kwank, kwank!" (such) was what he uttered.
And then yonder upon the cross-pole (above the fire) he
alighted, being heard to say, "Kwank, kwank !" (such) was
the sound he uttered. Oh, how strange that when he
muted into the kettle, he was saying, "Come on, pay no
heed, but keep it stirring !"
Truly she stirred it. And while she was stirring it, lo,
very full of rice was the kettle there ; and it was cooked
dry. "All right! now take it off the fire." And then
down he flew, alighting. "Now, this is only a way I have
whenever I want to eat." It happened to be a Mallard
whom he had come to visit. After the Mallard was seated,
"Come, into a vessel do you put it!" he said to the woman,
"and very full do you fill it."
Kaga't i'kwa omockina'ton 'isi/u unagan.
" 'Aa/u, Nanabucu, wlsinin!"
Nanabucu ajimatantcigat. A'pidci tawlsinit, ajanici'tank.
"Mlna/ mini'k wasimyan?"
5 "Amn dac ka/rcikagantackineyan ?"
"Nanabucu, m!gu*ru iciklwawic waca/u tclba'kwan. Magica
kinltcanisag pitamau."
Nanabucu ajiklgitut: "Mlcigwa wi^Iwayan." Mlgiri'man,
wanimo'k, wantcicagunat (ici/u uglco'ta'irna8. Ajisaga'a'nk,
10 pacux ani'a'yat.
i'i7-11 alkitut laca/u inini : "Ambasino, kagu iciwi-
'tawa'kag lisi/u uglco'ta'u'na 'aca/u Nanabucu. "
Mlsa kaga't kawln iciwltawasl. Cigwa Nanabucu kwl-
nawlpi'u- tciblciwltawint. Aciplpagit : "Nlwunitcigagima !"
15 Kawln anubisiskitawasi. Ackam anigu'k ajiplpagit. Gaga'pl,
"Manu, iciwitawi'k ; wasa undcra'pagitawi'k 48i/u uglco-
Cigwa owabama kwlwisansa8. "Icta, pacux picayu'k !
Mlnangwana iu acipa'kadaya'k. Kawln nlmpa'kudasl.
20 Wabank kosiwa tablca mamwatcigu nawa'kwanig." Mldac
48i/u amcimadcat Nanabucu. Ka'tagwicink antat, kaga't
motcigisiwa8 umdcanisa8 wlsininit, kaya Ini/u wlwan ; a'pidci
tawlsiniwag. Wayabaninig mlsa cigwa ajiprirt Ini/u plwi-
taman, pra't nawa'kwanig. Cigwa tagwicinon. Kawuna-
25 binit, "Wagunacina ka'a'camank Ca8a/u plwita? mlnotc a'ki'k
Kaga't, Nanabucu wlwan utonagoton 'isi/u nipi.
"Anigu'k pagitinisan, wawip taxwanso a11 a'kik." Taya,
Truly, the woman filled up the bowl.
"All right, Nanabushu, do you eat!"
Nanabushu then began eating. When his desire for food
was quite appeased, then he ceased (eating).
"Is that all you are going to eat?"
"And how am I to force (myself) to eat (more)?"
"Nanabushu, therefore then do you take back to them
at home the rest of the cooked food. Perhaps to your
children do you take it home."
Nanabushu then spoke, saying: "It is now time for me
to go back home." And so, when no one was looking,
in under the mat he pushed his mittens. When he went
outside, then near by did he tarry.
And this was what the man said : " Please do not carry
to Nanabushu his mittens."
And so, truly, he did not have them fetched to him.
Already was Nanabushu becoming tired of waiting to have
them brought to him. Then with a loud voice he called :
"I have forgotten my mittens!" He was not harkened to.
Then with a louder voice he called. At last, "Well, go
take them to him; from afar do you throw him his mittens."
Presently he saw the boys. " W7hy, come you up close !
And so it is a fact that you are without food. I am not
hungry. To-morrow let your father come over exactly at
noon." Thereupon away then went Nanabushu. When
he was come at where he lived, truly pleased were his
children to have food to eat, so the same with his wife;
thoroughly were they satisfied with food. On the morrow
he then waited for his guest, he waited for him at noon.
Soon he was come. When he was seated, "What have
we to feed the guest? Anyway, hang up the kettle."
To be sure, the wife of Nanabushu hung up the (kettle
of) water.
"With much wood do you build up the fire, soon let
magwagu namadapit Nanabucu undcipasingutcisa nonda-
gusit : "Kwank, kwank, kwank!" inwat Nanabucu. Kistci-
wl'ka ajikackru't iman mita'kupitciganing Nanabucu.
Kawanagosit iman mi'ta'kupitciganing, anigu'k kintcitanamu
5 anuwl'kwatcimlslt •, ubwanawi'ton. Ningutingigu umisa'kut-
can ajipangisinini't i'i'ma0 a'ki'kunk, ugandnan wlwan :
"Mlnotc! ana-a-n."
Ajiklgitut awi'kwa : "Acamadci, madci anim ! kigagwa-
nisagi'a- lasa/u kita'ki'kunan ! Intawa ajipimipasigwlt awi-
10 lkwa, pimipina'°'wat !ni/u a'ki'kwan ; pana agwatcing icat
awislgwapinank lisi/u nibi. Kaijikisiyabi'kinat Ini/u uta'ki-
kowa, piplndiga a'i-'kwa. Nanabucu tayoc agos pimita'ku-
pitciganing ; kawln kacki'o'sl anawlnlsantawat. Ajikanonat
wlwan: "Kawasa ningacki'O'si anawinlsantawayan."
15 Kaga't a'pidci nickatisi 'asa/u i'kwa, nanantawlpagama-
ganat ; 'a'i^kwa cigwa umi'kan mi'tig. Nanabucowan ajia-
gosinit, klgito i'kwa : "Nacka kuca, ningamwana'wa klml-
dcinat lni/u a'ki'kwan."
Cigwa wipa'kita/u-nt Nanabucu, migu iwiti wantcipisut ;
20 pi*a-nigwackwanit, mlsana kinogabamint Nanabucu.
A'tawa ! aba'pic kinanamadapi plwita. A'pidci wiwisini,
midac ajikigitut : "Taga, mlnotc anagoc au kita'ki'kowa."
Kaga't, a'i^'kwa udagonan Iniyoda'ki'towan ; cigwasa
25 Kunigimn, undcipasigwa-o'wan, kayagu nontagusinit :
the kettle boil." Aha ! now, while Nanabushu was yet
seated, up he sprang, being heard to say: "Kwank, kwank,
kwank!" (such) was the sound Nanabushu uttered. It was
a great while before Nanabushu was able to mount the
cross-pole (over the fire). After he was perched up there
on the cross-pole, then with much effort did he grunt in
vainly trying to ease himself; he could not do it. But
when by and by a lump of solid dung dropped into the
kettle, he addressed his wife, saying: "Never mind! but
keep it stirring."
Then said the woman: "Mercy sake, vile dog! you will
simply ruin our kettle." Accordingly, to her feet the
woman quickly rose ; immediately down she took the kettle ;
straightway out of doors she went on her way to empty
out the water. After she had cleansed their kettle, then
back inside came the woman. Nanabushu was still perched
upon the cross-pole (over the fire). He was not able by
his own efforts to climb down. Then he spoke to his
wife, saying: "Not at all am I able, in spite of my own
efforts, to climb down."
Truly very angry was the woman, she was in search
of something to use for a club •, the woman presently found
a stick. While Nanabushu was perched up there, the
woman said: "Look and see! for I am going to club him
to death who eased himself in the kettle."
When Nanabushu was about to be struck, then from
yonder place he fell ; he leaped down when she made as
if to hit him.
Alas! without cheer there sat the guest. Very anxious
was he to eat. Whereupon he said: "Now, forget every
thing and hang up your kettle."
Truly, the woman hung up their kettle ; presently it began
At that moment up flew (the guest) from his place, and
"Kwank, kwank, kwank, " inwanit:. Mlsa' aciponlnint
iiman pimita'kupitciganing pa'kic nondagusinit : "Kwank,
kwank," inwanit. Mlslwan ajikanonigowat : "Mlnotc!
5 Mlsa kaga't ana/a'mowat, a/tawa kuniginm manomin
a'pidci mockinatanig, kaya pangwaninig !
a 'Au, mri'-* iciagwasitok."
Kaga/t udagwasiton a'i-'kwa.
Mlsa^tawa saga'a'mon Ini/u uplwitamiwan. Mlsa7 cigwa
10 wlsiniwat Nanabucu.
Wayabaninig mlnawa anukiyusa, mlsa'irndcita kawln
kago uni'tosln. Mlnawagu animadca ; mrirntcita kawln
kago ani'tosln.
Kaga'pi ajikigitut wlwan: "Kaga't klgo'patis. Awacima
15 intawa kistcikro'tayan ; miya'ta ka'i'ciwlsiniyangiban, mlya'ta
Kigicap ajimadcat Nanabucu. Kumagu a'pi tagwicink,
saga'i'gan owabandan. A'I'nabit, awlya owabaman paba-
mataga'kunit. Ani'i'cat, owabaman Ininiwan. "Taga, kani-
20 wldclwin wrkiwayan." Cigwa owabandan wlgiwam ; ani-
pindigawan kaya win ka'U'nabit owabaman i'kwawan taci-
mackimuta'kanit. Nanagagu cigwa kanonimawan : "Taganax,
agoc 4aea/u a'ki'k."
1 For other versions see Nos. 35 (p. 305) and 53 (p. 423).
was heard saying: "Kwank, kwank, kwank," (such) was
the sound he uttered. Thereupon he alighted yonder on
the cross-pole (over the fire) at the same time that he was
heard saying: "Kwank, kwank," (such) was the sound he
uttered. By him while muting were they addressed : " Never
you mind ! only do you keep it stirring."
Thereupon, truly, as they kept it stirring, how wondrously
full the rice filled (the kettle), and how dry it cooked !
"Now it is time to take it off (the fire)."
Truly off the fire the woman took it.
And so with disappointment forth from the place went
their guest. Whereupon then did Nanabushu (and his
family) eat.
On the morrow he went on another fruitless hunt for
game, and it was just his luck not to kill a thing. An
other time he set out ; but, as ill luck would have it, he
did not kill a thing.
At last then up spoke the woman: "Really, you are of
no use. It would therefore be much better for you to go
on a visit among (your friends); for only by such means
shall we obtain food to eat, only in that way shall we
live through the winter."
In the morning then departed Nanabushu. When some
distance away he was come, a lake he saw. While looking
around, he saw somebody walking about on the ice. When
he started hitherward, he saw a man. "Pray, let me go
with you when you depart for home !" Presently he saw
a wigwam ; when in the other went, so then (did) he.
When he was seated, he saw a woman busily making a
bag. After a while she was then spoken to: "Please
hang up the kettle."
Kaga/t a'i-'kwa a'ki'kwan otonagonan. Ka'klcrtat, pani-
magu namadapinit undcipasigwa'5'wan, abaclng apagisowan
nondagusiwan : "Kwu, kwu, kwu, kwu !" inwawan. Mman-
gwana maman watisat. Cigrwa. ka'tao-wicininit iwiti sowaga-
o o • o o •
5 nink, ma^tigwa/rga'wan. Nagatciku mantaminas pislgisawa2
mri'ma11 a'ki'kunk, mldac iu acimockinanit Ini/u uda'ki'ko-
wan. Pa'i'cinisikwaskwaninit, misa/ nasap anicinaba.
Anlc, mlgu mmawa iu kiwawanabinit ini/u i'kwawan
mackimuta'kanit, kigitunit Ini/u : "Wagunacina kaya'pabo-
10 wayank? mlnacigwuna'i'u?"
Kunigimn, uga^a'kasiyabi'kinan i*i'u mo'kuman. Kuni-
gimn, acimatagwacabinat mi/u wiwini, kuniguca pi'kwana-
ning acimaticwat, kumagu mini'k uba'kwacwan. Ka'pa-
lkwacwat, mldac H<u usi'kon acisinagwunamawat Iman
15 klpalkwacwat. Mld.ac iman uda'ki'kowang acipoda^kwa'a/-
mowat i wiyas. Aci*o'nsunit oda'kikowan. Cigvva kaklci-
tanig, aci'a-gwablga-a'nk; Nanabucu pagitinamawa tcivvlsinit
kaya -i* mandaminaG.
A'tawa, mldac kaga't Nanabucu minuwisinit! A'piclci
20 ka'tawlsinit, mri/<u aci'a'nacl'tank. Mlsa/ mlnawa ajikanat
ugico^a'u'na8. "Mri-/u madcayan kiwayan." Nanabucu
ina : "Migiri<u tciglwawitau."
Mlnawa, kumagu a'p! anitagwicink, pipagi Nanabucu :
"Kiwanitcigagima!" Kawm anutabwa'tawasl. Ackam ani-
25 gu'k pipagi, kaga'pl, "Manu, icivvltawi'k Nanabucu uglco-
Kaga't kwlwisansag uticlwinawa. Anlc, wasagu utaca-
'pagitawawa ajikanonat : "Nictcimictca, pacugu plcayu'k,
Truly, the woman arranged (the kettle) so as to hang.
When she had finished, then of a sudden he that was
seated flew up, a-lighting yonder on the lodge-pole, (and)
could be heard saying: "Kwu, kwu, kwu, kwu!" such was
his cry. It happened to be the Red- Head that he was
visiting. Now, when (the Red-Head) was come at the
meeting of the lodge-poles, he then began pecking. And
after a while some corn came pouring into the kettle there,
whereupon full of it became their kettle. Down he came
hopping ; and when (he was come), then back again (was
he in) human (form).
Well, and so another time was the woman seated, making
her sack, when she said: "What shall we put (into the
corn) for seasoning, or shall it be just so?"
Lo, he now wiped the blade of his knife. Behold, when
he uncovered his wife, plump on her very back he then
began slicing her, rather large pieces he sliced off. When
he had done with carving her, he then rubbed his spittle
over (the place) where he had carved her. And then into
their kettle they put the meat to boil. Then their kettle
began boiling. Now, after the food was done cooking,
then out she dipped it ; and in front of Nanabushu, that
he might eat, she placed (the meat) and the corn.
Oh, but Nanabushu truly had a pleasant time eating!
After he was quite satisfied with food, he accordingly ceased
eating. And then again he hid his mittens. "Now I should
start back home." Nanabushu was told: "Therefore do
you take them home (some food)."
Again, after some distance he was come, out called
Nanabushu: "I have forgotten something!" But in vain
was he not listened to. Louder still he shouted, till finally,
"Well, then do you take to Nanabushu his mittens."
To be sure, the boys took them to him. Now, from
afar were they throwing them to him, when he said to
Klpa'katamawasa klnawa. Wabank kosiwa tablca, nawa-
'kwag ugapinatin kamitciyag." Misa' ajiklwat Nanabucu
ka'tagwicink antawat, mlsana minawa wlsiniwat. Mlwlnrru
krkanonat wlwan : "Nackana! mackimuta'kan." Ajikanoni-
5 gut Nanabucu wlwan: "Intaska minawa iu awlya kago
klcinawawatan. Atatagwacaku kimanici ickwa'kamik klto-
tanziwan !"
Nanabucu ajiklgitut : "Manu! mackimuta'kan."
"Wagunacina ka'a'batci'toyan i'i*u tcimackimuta'kayan?"
10 Anic, wlgublc udayan a'i^kwa, mlsana iu wanabiginank.
Anlc pabi'u't Nanabucu. Cigwa nawa'kwanig tagwicinon
Ini/u ininiwan. Pa'plndiganit, " Wagunacina ka-i'cangayang?"
Nanabucu piwabi^kuc uglkaciboton. Ka'plndiganit, Nana
bucu pasiguntcisa. uKwu, kwu, kwu, kwu!" inwat. Acicisitot
15 ublwabi'kuni ima11 ucingwanank, cigwa a'kwantawa. Cigwa
iwiti kacki'o- tisawaganing. Cigwa uba'kra/n utaballjlwa8.
A'tawa! wantagu kaga't wasa ina'kwitcit pangicink, atcuan!"
inwawacin Nanabucu.
A'tawa ! unawatinan abiwita. Manu, intawa uwrkubita-
20 wan iu plwabi'k. PangI win gu kanaga miskwri'wan,
kaslyabanawat miskwiwinit.
Nanabucu cigwa anipaga'katisi ajiklgitut: "Manu gu,
mackimuta'kan !" udinan Tni/u wlwan.
Anlc, kaga't madci'ta 'a8a/u i'kwa mackimuta'kat. Mri'u
25 cigwa kl'U'ta'pinank iu mo'kuman, cigwa umanibitawan 'isi/u
them: "My little brothers, up close do you come. You
must be hungry. To-morrow let your father come over,
at noon let him come to get some food for you to eat."
And so it is said that when Nanabushu was come at
where they lived, then the poor things ate again. There
upon he spoke to his wife, saying : " Now, come and make
a bag!" Then was Nanabushu answered by his wife saying:
"No doubt but that you have again seen somebody doing
something. Oh, how you make me ashamed in your
trying always to do everything !"
Nanabushu then spoke up: "Never you mind! just you
make the bag."
"Pray, what shall I use to make the bag?"
Now, some bast did the woman have, and so with that
she began weaving (a bag).
In the mean while waited Nanabushu. When it was noon,
then came the man. When he entered within, "Pray,
what shall we offer (him) to eat?" Nanabushu sharpened
an old piece of metal. After the other had come in,
Nanabushu then sprang up. "Kwu, kwu, kwu, kwu !" was
the sound he uttered. When he placed the metal into
his nose, then up he climbed. Presently he was able to
reach the meeting -of the lodge-poles. Then he pecked
at their lodge-poles. Alas ! right straight in for a long
way it truly entered. When he dropped, "ten!" was the
sound Nanabushu made.
Poor thing! him the visitor grabbed. However, he then
pulled out the metal. And (he saw that Nanabushu) had
nevertheless bled a little, (whereupon) he then washed him
where he was bloody.
Nanabushu was now becoming conscious when he said :
"Never you mind, but make the sack!" he said to his wife.
Now, truly the woman started upon the work of making
the sack. Then, when he took up the knife, he began
ubablnsikawaganicini. Acimaticwat pi'kwananing, panagu
nondagusinit a'pitci uwlsagicwan. "Pisan! ml guca'ku iu
antotaman wa'klga-rwayan."
Medac acikanonigut plwitan : "Pa'ka! kanabatc klganisa
5 kimindimd'rmic. Intawa plton iu mo'kuman." Acipa'kwa-
cumint Ini/u wlvvan, acipota'kwa'a'minit iman uda'ki^kowang.
Mlnawa, pasigwa'u'nit iman tiso'a'ganing, midac iman mati-
'kwa'i'ganit. Nagatcigu mandamina8 pisigibisowa8, uta'ki-
'kowang i'i'ma acislbigisunit. Kamockinanit ini/u uda'ki-
10 'kowan, mlsa'i'11 Nanabucu iciwisinit. "Mri^11 ninglwa."
Mlsa'i' pinawitcit (agatag).1
SERIES VI. No. 43.
Anipapimusa kiwan Nanabucu ; magwagu kiwa papimusat
oglwabandan slbawasaya'kwanig. Awagwagi, kiwan papa-
'kira'nk, awagwagi kiwa 48i/u a'ki kagwanisagiunicicinini.
15 "Misa o mackuta," ilkitu kiwan. Ucadinani k!wan ima
kwaya'k ajat. Wadi'tank klnwan ima ucadinanik nanlbawit
ima. Mlgu klwan iu ajinagwatinik ucadinanik mini'k taya-
babandank. Amc, mlsa papimusat, anisasagatciwat, anici-
naban klwan kipimusawan ; ayagwa'kiba'togwanltug agwa-
20 skawat. Sagatciwat klvvan, a'pidci klwan umagwaskawan.
1 The last word is supplied by the editor. See pp. 340, 341,
removing her old jacket. When he began carving her at
the back, straightway she began to be heard (crying aloud).
Very painfully did he hurt her with the knife. "Hush!
for this is what I always do whenever I wish to entertain."
Then was he addressed by the guest saying: "Stop!
perhaps you will kill your old woman. Therefore fetch
hither the knife." When (the visitor) sliced off a piece
from the wife of (Nanabushu), he put it into their kettle
to boil. Next, flying up to the meeting of lodge-poles,
(the visitor) then began to peck. After a while some
corn came pouring out, into their kettle it poured. After
their kettle was full, then did Nanabushu eat. "Now I
am going home."
Whereupon the buttocks of the ruffed grouse (hang aloft).1
SERIES VI. No. 43.
On his way, they say, was Nanabushu walking •, and it
is said that while walking about he beheld a vista opening
out through the trees beyond. Really, so the story goes,
when he broke through into the open, why, they say
(what he saw) was a country marvellously beautiful. "This
is a plain," he said, so goes the story. A ridge of high
land, they say, lay exactly in the direction he was bound.
W^hen he got there, it is said that yonder on the ridge
he stood for a long while. Indeed, according to the story,
there could be seen ridge (after ridge) as far as he could
see. Well, it was while walking along, as he went up the
hills and down again, (that he saw) a man, so it is said,
walking hitherward ; he then must have run round to head
him off, when he intercepted him. When he came out
Anlc weyabamigut nogigabawiwan. Anlc, mrrma krirdisat.
Caylgwa ajikanonat : "Paba/aTnatisiyan, niclm."
"Ac, Nanabucu, crcrma pacu' mina'kwa aya, mrrma
acayan, ninda-u'piji'ki'ka."
5 "Ta'tiya, niclm, misa kaya nin ! Mro'ma pacu7 mina'kwa
aya, mri'ina awudacipiji^akayan. Anlc, niclm, klgatani-
wltclwin. Panima iwiti nagatc klgapa^kawinin." Ajikano-
nigut : " 1AU, ambasa, Nanabucu, madcata!"
Misa cigwa madcawat. Kagwanisa mistcani kiwan wiskwa1
10 cayagwansonit; mlgu kinwan ima pasanagitiyanit ti'tibisanik.
Sagatciwawat kiwan ima ucadinanik ajijagasklnit. "Nana
bucu, cayigwa ima nisa'ki piji'kiwag pimawanitiwag."
Ajrajakiwawat, "Ningwis, pajiksana uda'U'bimwan Ini/u
pijilkiwan, kidanawatclmin sana." l
15 Panimagu, kinwan, wantcisagitcikwaskwaninit ininiwan ima
wlskwang, a'pana iwiti ani'ijipasatinanig ani'a-'pa'tonit.
Panimagu, klwan, iwiti acadinanig wantcisagatciwakwaskwa-
ninit piji'kiwan, ucimunit.
"Ambasa, Nanabucu, madcata!"
upon the summit, they say right there he met him.
Naturally, when (Nanabushu) was observed, then the other
halted, standing in his place. Well, it was there that
(Nanabushu) got to where he was. In a while he then
spoke to him: "(So) you are journeying about, my little
"Yes, Nanabushu, over here, near by, is a clump of trees
(on the plains), and it is thither I am bound ; I am hunting
for buffalo."
"Why, my little brother, so am I! Over here, not far
away, is a clump of trees, and it is there where I am
going for buffalo. Well, my little brother, I will go along
with you. Not till at yonder place after a while will I
part company from you." Then he was addressed by the
other saying : " All right, come along, Nanabushu ! let us
be going !"
Thereupon then were they off. Amazingly big, they
say, was the bladder (pouch) which the other had dangling
from his belt ; indeed, they say it tossed, whirling about
over the top of his crotch at the back (as he walked along).
When they came out upon the summit of the ridge, they
say the other suddenly crouched down (to the ground).
"Nanabushu, already yonder at the foot of the hill are the
buffaloes trailing along."
WThen they turned about on their way back, "My son,
now, one of you should shoot a buffalo, for then we can
have something to eat." l
Then suddenly, they say, out leaped a man from his
place in the bladder (pouch), and away he went running
down the slope into yonder valley. And all at once, they
say, from over the top of yonder ridge came a buffalo
along; it was in flight.
"Come along, Nanabushu! let us be going!"
1 The stranger speaking to his sons in the "bladder."
Sagatciwawat klnwan klnlbawiwan Ini/a ininiwan-, klcingi-
cinon klnwaa !ni/u piji'kiwan. Anlc, mlsa krtrdisawat ima.
" 'A11, amba ningwis, pindigan <y<rma." Mlsa' klplndi-
gakwaskunit ima wlskwang, "Anlc, Nanabuc, mlsa cigwa
5 tciwlninutcigayang." Migu iu kinwan wa-rcimadandciganit
"Ta, niclm ! kidagabacimanansa !" Ajikanonigut : "Wa-
gunac, Nanabuc, kayabatci'toyang tcigabacimang ?"
"Niclm, mnganana a'kik." A'pana, klwan, a-irsadciwat
10 ima ucadinanik. A'kikon uglpita'kunan Nanabucu.
"Anln dac lisi/u ickuta, Nanabuc?"
"Ninga'irji'ton, niclm."
Kl'u-ndcipa'kwanani kinwan, iu ickuta ima. Anlc, mlsa
mlnawa nipinatit Nanabucu, mlsa klpltot nipi. Mlsa pota-
15 'kwawat piji'kiwan; kawln ka'kina upota'kwaslnawan. Anlc,
mlgu kinwan ani'a^koglzisunit ani'a'gwacimawat, kayagu
anipoda'kwawat. Mlsa klglziswawat ka'kina.
u l Au, ningwis, amba, saga'a'm^k tciwisiniyak."
Caylgwa kinwan, ininiwan sagatcikwaskwaniwan. Alpidci
20 klwan wawlnga nlmi'tanawawan Nanabucu agimat.
"Nanabuc, panima klnawint iskwatc klgawlsinimin."
"Kamavvin ogou uda/rskwamasiwawan," inan dam Nanabucu.
"Kawin, Nanabuc, klgatickwandamagomin sa win."
Udasina'kan, klnwan, ackwantamawintwanin.
When they came out upon the summit, they say, there
stood the man ; there lay, they say, the buffalo. Well,
accordingly (he and Nanabushu) came to them over there.
"All right, come along, my son! do you enter into this."
And so when (his son) leaped into the bladder pouch,
"Well, Nanabushu, therefore now will we dress the meat."
Accordingly then, they say, did he wish to begin eating
the meat raw.
"Why, my little brother! we should cook it by boiling!"
Then he was addressed by the other saying : " What,
Nanabushu, shall we use to boil it in?"
"My little brother, I will go fetch a kettle." Away,
they say, then went he over yonder ridge. With a kettle
in his hand, back Nanabushu came.
"Now, where is the fire, Nanabushu?"
"I will make it, my little brother."
There was a sudden lift of smoke, they say ; the fire
was there. Well, so then next for water Nanabushu went,
whereupon he fetched water. And then they cooked the
buffalo in a kettle ; not all of it (at one time) they cooked
in the kettle. So thereupon, they say, just as fast as it
was done, then forth from the kettle they took it, and
then some more they put in to boil. And so they finished
cooking it all.
"Now, my sons, hither come you forth, that you may eat."
Presently, they say, the men came leaping out. Exactly
forty in all, they say, was what Nanabushu counted them
(to be).
"Nanabushu, not till after (they have) finished will you
and I then eat."
"Perhaps there will not be any left," thought Nanabushu.
"Nay, Nanabushu, we shall really have some saved
for us."
The chest, they say, was saved for them.
"Ambasa, Nanabuc, wlsinita."
Anlc misa' klkitanawawat kaya wmawa.
"Ambasano, niclm, awrrcin nindocimag nlctana." l
"Anln dac, Nanabuc, kidayanina wlskwa1?"
5 "Minanga, niclm, nindaiyan."
Migu iu klnwan ima iji'tat kagwanisa mangimigatini kPwa11
wlskwa1 ta'kunaminit. U'AU, ningwis! nlctana saga-a/mu'k."
Misa nlctana kisaga'a/minit.
" CAU, amba, plndigak, ningwis!"
10 Ga'kina kigimi'tigwabiwan.
"Ambasano, Nanabuc, ayangwamisin ! Kini'tababini'tam.
Taga, kagux katciba'kwayanin, tagandankan kmi'tam."
"Taya, niclm! kawm nindaijictcigasl. Panima sagu^ku
iskwatc ningawlsin."
"15 "Anlc, mlsagu kaya km a'pana kago kigaki'tcipisun.
Nanabuc, kita'i'man ka'kina klzi'kan."
Anlc mlsa ka'kina klglsi'kank Nanabucu uda'i-man.
atAu, ambasa, Nanabuc! madcata !"
Ajimadcawat. Taya! wandagu kiwa anra'yabanabandank
20 kati'tibisanik ima pasanagitiyat. Anlc, ml klnwan, anipa-
Caylgwa Nanabucu sagatciwat ima piji'kiwan klpima-
wanitiwan, pimitanantciganit. Aji'a-caklwat. u ' Au, pajik-
sana, nindojimitug ! uta/u'pimwan piji'kiwag ima pimawa-
25 nitiwag."
Sagitcikvvaskwaniwan klnwan pajik udociman ; pana iwiti
ajipasatinanik ani'a-'pa'tonit. Wibagu klnwan sagatciwa-
"Come, Nanabushu, let us eat!"
So thereupon they ate up all (their share) too.
"I beg of you, my little brother, do you lend me twenty
of my nephews." 1
"And so, Nanabushu, have you a bladder (pouch)?"
"Certainly, my little brother, I have one."
Accordingly, they say, on his reaching to feel for it, a
tremendously large rounded bladder, they say, was (Nana
bushu) holding in his hand. "All right, my sons! twenty
of you come out."
Thereupon twenty came out.
"Now, come, do you go inside,2 my sons!"
All of them had bows and arrows.
"I beseech you, Nanabushu, do you be careful! You
are not good at giving heed. Now, do not, when you
have finished cooking, taste of the food first."
"Why, my little brother! I would not do (such a thing).
Not till the very last will I ever eat."
"Now, therefore, shall you always have something for a
girdle. Nanabushu, all your clothes do you now take off."
So accordingly all of his clothes Nanabushu removed.
"Now, then, come along, Nanabushu! let us be going!"
Then they departed. Ah! it was a sight, they say, as
he went along looking behind at the bladder (pouch) that
rolled about over the upper part of his crotch at the back.
So then, it is said, they separated, each going his way.
When Nanabushu came out upon yonder summit, (he
saw) the buffaloes go trailing by, feeding as they went.
Then he retraced his way. "Now, O my nephews! let
one of you go shoot the buffaloes that are trailing along
over there."
It is said that out leaped one of his nephews ; away he
went running down the slope into yonder valley. Then,
1 Indicating thus that they were human beings. 2 Into Nanabushu's pouch.
kwaskwaniwan piji'kiwan iwiti ucatinanik. Mayatcagwanltug
Nanabucu ; sagatciwat, uglnlbawi'tawanini piji'kiwan udoci-
man. Misa klwudisat. "'A11, amba, nindojim ! plndigan
ima andayag."
5 * Anicina, misa cigwa madciwminu'tcigat Nanabuc. Kaki-
ci'kawat ajipotawat; ajinanata'kikon. Amc, misa ka'tagwi-
cing-, caylgwa ajipota'kwat piji'kiwan. Misa anra-'kokisi-
sunit, ani-a-gwacimat, kaya anipoda'kwat. Anlc misa ka-
'kina klkljiswat. " l Au, nindojimitug ! amba wisini'k."
10 Pangi Itug pa'kwapitogwan ima wininowaninik tcica'kamut.
Udojiman matandciganit, misa ajra*mabinit caylgwa. Misa
kaya win caylgwa Nanabucu madantcigat. Anlcna, misa
kltabisimt Nanabucu. u 'Au, amba, nindojimitug! plndigak
15 Misa ka'pindiganit, ajimadcat Nanabucu. Wandagu
klwan katanwawanik utiyang Nanabuju udojiman maml-
gatinigwan. Misa papimusat Nanabucu, ningutingigu pan-
gi'towan udojiman. Sagatciwat klnwan piji'kiwan klpima-
wanitiwan. Aja'tagwanltug. " 'Au, nindojimitug! pajiksana
20 uda'u'bimwan pij^kiwan." Awaniban kakanonigut awiya.
Ajiyabiskwlt iu ugitcipisun, misa kawln awiya udociman.
Madclba'togwan Nanabucu, nantuba'a't uclmayan. Saga-
tciwaba'tot klnwan kl'pimusawan uclmayan. Anlcna misa
ima klna'kwackawat. "Amn, Nanabuc?" udigdn.
in a little while, it is said that upon the summit of yonder
ridge came loping a buffalo. Nanabushu must have departed
thither ; (for) when he came out upon the summit, there
was his nephew standing beside the buffalo. Thereupon
he went up to where he was. "All right, come, my nephew!
enter in where you (and the rest) stay."
Well, of course it was then that Nanabushu began dressing
the meat. After finishing his work on (the buffalo), he
then built a fire ; then he went to fetch a kettle. Well,
and then he came back ; presently he had the buffalo
cooking in the kettle. Accordingly, as fast as it was done,
he took it out, and put in some more to boil. So there
upon he finished cooking it all. "Now, O my nephews!
come, do you eat."
It was perhaps but a small piece that he pulled off to
put into his mouth. His nephews then began eating, but
they ceased eating in a little while. Thereupon Nana
bushu then began eating too. Well, and then Nanabushu
had all he wanted to eat. "All right, come along, O my
nephews ! do you enter in where you live."
Whereupon, when they went in, then departed Nanabushu.
There was somewhat of a noise at Nanabushu's buttocks,
(made by) his nephews, who evidently were engaged in
zealous play. And so, as Nanabushu went along, by and
by his nephews ceased their noise. As he came out upon
the summit, it is said the buffaloes went trailing by. Then
he must have withdrawn. "Now, O my nephews! let one
of you shoot a buffalo." But from none was he given
answer. When he took off his belt, there was no one
of his nephews (left). Away started Nanabushu, evidently
on the run, to find his little brother. As he ran out upon
the hill-top, they say hither came walking his little brother.
And so of course it was there that he met him. "What
(is it), Nanabushu?" he was tolcl.
u Niwanra'gsa nindocimag !"
" Kiglninawatclna mlnawa ?"
"Kawmina tcigltangataman iu kanawatclyag ?
5 "Kawln, niclm, nintatangandasin."
" Kawln, kigitarigandansagu tcibwamitciwat."
" Kitagwicinogsawln oma ka'kina. Niclm, taga, awi'i'dn
mlnawa !"
"Kawin kita'a-wi-i'sinon mlnawa."
10 Nanabucu Itug kwayaskwanutamugwan i wlskvva1 wlma-
'kamat ; a'ta ! wandagu, klnwan, amon kawanitclsamigut.
" Ya, ya, ya!" 1 Wandagu kiwan kapabacacagawikanapagisut.
Udacipaji'kukagon 3 nimitana amon, misa klponrrgut.
Ki'tci-a-mowasiswan kinwan ima kl'a-'tani. Nanabucu, itug,
15 ningutci ajimadcagwan. Ajikigitut: "Acimadcl win wawiyac
ningitotagok amowicag!"
Misa1 a'kosit.
SERIES VII. Nos. 44-56.
Ninguting a'i'ntaawag wlgiwaming Nanaboju osani,
Kwasind, wlwan gaya nlnj uskinawag gaya, Nanaboju mlna-
20 wadac Paninl. Monjag nandawandcigawag, awaslyan nisa-
wat; mi'tigvvabln odabatci'a-wan pimwawat awaslan -- pina-
wan, clciban, nfkan, anotcigago oni'tonawa. Kinwanj ki'ta-
1 The cry made by Niinabushu. - The father of the other forty bees.
"Why, I have lost my nephews!"
"Did you have another bite to eat?"
"Did you not first taste of what you (and the others)
had to eat?"
"No, my little brother, I would not taste of it (first)."
"Nay, but you really did taste it before they ate."
"They have really all got here now. My little brother,
come, do let me have the use of them again !"
"I would not let you have them again."
Nanabushu doubtless made a grab for the bladder to
take it from him ; but oh ! at that instant, they say, by the
bees was he stung all over. "Ya, ya, ya!"1 How they
say he did wriggle at the back when down he fell. He
was harassed by one 2 and forty bees, and then he was
let alone. A large beehive they say was there. As
Nanabushu, without doubt, was starting off somewhere else,
he then said: "Well, by jingo ! I have been played a trick
by the wretched bees."
And that is as far as (the story) goes.
SERIES VII. Nos. 44-56.
Once on a time in a wigwam dwelt Nanabushu's father,
Kwasind, with his wife and two youths, Nanabushu and
also Panini. Often they went hunting, (and) game they
killed; bow and arrows they used when they shot at the
game-kind, — at ruffed grouse, ducks, geese, — and various
kinds of them they killed. A long while they tarried there.
3 For other versions see Nos. 8 (p. 73), 9 (p. 85), 30 (p. 235).
wag iman. Kaga'pi Nanabojo odinan osan : "Nose, nin-
"Andi wa-rjayan?"
"Pocga gin madcan."
5 Nanaboju ka/rjimadcat ; miziwe grrca, omi'tigwabm
udayawan. Onodcigago wani'ton madcit. Ningodingidac
wlgiwam owambandan, medac udoda'pinan obigwa'k uma-
dwa'a-n ickwandam.
Madwa gigito i'kwa : "Pmdigan!" i'kido.
10 Ka/rjipindigat Nanabojo, owabaman i'kwawan mnj kayii
abinotciya8. Pkwa ogioda'pinan mi'tig; i'kwa upa'ki'tawan
o'kading, mamackut.
"Kagu7, kagux !" i'kido Nanaboju. "Ningantawandciga,"
i'kito Nanaboju. Medac ka'ijinisat unltcanisan bajak,
15 mri'dac ka'i'ji'o'ci'tod ku'ka'a'wan, klngon ku'ka'a'wan,
mbiwa gaya wlgup plmana'kwan, migiskanan gaya. Midac
gru ci'tod ubimiwanan. "Ki'tcigitcigamlng ningabagitabi.
Nisagwa klngonyag mngabinag, tciwisiniwad abinontci'a-g.
Nanagonaga'k ningatagwicin."
20 Medac kimadcad. Nltamidac tapi'kadinig kigabaci ;
kiniba. Wayabamnigidac kl'a'nimadca ; kwaya'k klwadi-
nung ija. Kikijab, tclbwanawe'kwag, klmadabi saga'i'gan.
Uglwabaman niswi ma'Tngana8 pimi'pa'tonit • oganawaba-
man. 0, plpagi Nanaboju: "A, pa/ka, mtci ! Plciyu'k!"
25 Ma'i'nganag kanonitiwag : "A, mlawe Nanaboju!" Pajik
alkiwanzi ma'i'ngan, nljwi ugwisa8 ma-i-nganag. "Kagi/,
kagur kanonalkagun. Madcag, madcag !"
At last Nanabushu said to his father: ttO father! I am
going away."
"Where do you expect to go?"
"I want to go upon a journey."
"If it be your pleasure, then go on."
Nanabushu then started away • everywhere he went,
his bow and arrows he took along. Of the various kinds
(of game) he killed he ate. So once on a time a wigwam
he saw, whereupon he took his arrow (and) with it was
heard knocking on the door.
The voice of a woman called: "Come in!" she said.
After Nanabushu went in, he saw a woman and two
children. The woman picked up a stick; the woman struck
them on the leg, first one, then the other.
"Don't, don't!" said Nanabushu. "I am going off on
a hunt for game," said Nanabushu. And so after she had
slain one of her children, he then fixed up some bait,
some fish-bait, and also a large amount of linden-bark
twine, and some hooks. Thereupon he made up his pack.
"In the sea I am going to lay a line of bone hooks.
The fish I kill I will fetch home, that the children may eat.
In five days I will return."
Thereupon he started away. The first time that night
came on, there he stopped to camp; he slept. And then
in the morning he started on ; straight towards the region
of the north wind he went. In the morning, before it
was noon, he came out upon a lake. He saw three
Wolves running along ; he gazed at them. Oh, then
out cried Nanabushu : " Hey, hold on, my friends ! Wait
for me!"
The Wolves spoke one to another, saying: "Why, that
is Nanabushu !" One was an old Wolf, and two (other)
Wolves (were) his sons. "Don't, don't you speak to him!
Keep on going, keep on going!"
A, ki'tcipimipa'to Nanaboju! Mlnawa bibagi : "Pa'ka,
pa'ka, nltci ! Prrcln a'kawe, klwi'kanonin !"
Kaga'pi krkibitcigapawi.
A Nanaboju gltagwicin ima. "A, bonjo, bonjo, nltci!"
5 Kaya odojima8 Nanaboju ogagwadciman : "Andi ajayag?"
"O, wasa wabanung."
"Anm ajini'kadag?"
" Kici'kidigwanicing."
"Wa!" Nanaboju i'keto, "mri'wide gaya nm ijayan."
10 Ma-rngan ogagwadciman Nanabojon : "Wagonan kabi-
mondaman ?"
" Nlmblndcigosan kabimondaman."
'A, Nanaboju i'kido : "Klgawldclwininim. Wagunan
nandawabandamag ? Kaya nln mri'widi ajayan."
15 "Nibinung krki'o'sawag kidocimag ; nlbiwa awaslyan
oginisawan ; mldac nlbiwa wiyas pa'tag pimita gaya mldac
klasandcigowad ; mlwanjiicayang. Mlnawadac, wikiwusawag
kidocimag." Mi'i/>u a'kidot lasau a'kiwa^simaTngan.
"Wa," Nanaboju i'kido, "Klgawldciwlninim."
20 "A, kawin !" i'kido a'kiw^sima'rngan. "Kawin kldati-
bi'a'sig kitocimag."
" 'A8a, manon ! Ningabimiba'to gaya nln."
"Amc, bocka kin."
Ajimadcawad rnaTnganag pimipa'towad. Ani'ku'piwat
25 ododa'pinan obimiwanan ogra-'pagiton mi'tigong. "Pi'kwan-
dagag ta'i'cini'kada tci-a'i'na'kiwang."
Mldac glmadcawad. Monjag plmipa'towag ma'rnganag,
Oh, with what great speed then ran Nanabushu! Once
more he cried aloud: "Hold on, hold on, my friends!
Wait for me awhile, I wish to speak with you!"
Finally (the old Wolf) stopped and stood.
So Nanabushu arrived over there. "Well, halloo, halloo
my friends!" And of his nephews Nanabushu inquired:
"Where are you going?"
"Oh, far away towards the dawn."
"What is the name of the place?"
"Place of Cedar-Knots."
"Oh!" Nanabushu said, "that is the very place where
I too am going."
The Wolf asked Nanabushu: "What are you carrying
on your back?"
"My bag (with personal belongings) is what I have on
my back."
Why, Nanabushu said: "I will go along with you. What
are you looking for? I too am bound for that place."
"Last summer on a hunt were your nephews; much
game they killed, and a good deal of dry meat and grease
was what they cached ; that is what we are going there
for. Furthermore, on another hunt your nephews wish to
go." Thus spoke the old Wolf.
"Oh," Nanabushu said, "I am going along with you."
"Oh, no!" said the old Wolf. "You cannot keep pace
with your nephews."
"Ha, ha! never mind! I myself will run too."
"Very well, just as you please."
Then off started the Wolves running. As they went
their way up from the shore, he picked up his pack (and)
flung it upon a log. " Pinus resinosa^] shall it be called
till the end of the world."
Thereupon they started off. Always running were the
Wolves, and Nanabushu himself ran with great speed.
Nanaboju gaya win gi'tcipimipa'to. Mlnawa bejik saga'r-
gan omadablnawa ; kwaya'k nawa'kwam krijawag.
Anlcinabeg Ima tawag, owabamawan maTngana8. " Hehe,
naska maTnganag pamipa'towad ! Nlwiwag, nlwin !"
5 Nanaboju gaya owa dodam oni'kan owa bapimipa'tot.
Mlnawa blpagi anicinaba : "Anm ejinagusicl bajik ma'l'n-
gan? kawingagu osowasi !"
A, pa'piwag anicinabeg!
"Skamldog Nanaboju!"
10 Kwaya'k klmadcawag. A, aja aya'kusi Nanaboju! A'pi-
dac wranagucig kfkabeciwag. A'pitci ajikisinag tcigiblg
saga'i'ganing mri'ma kl'kabaciwad. Kawmgago skude.
Pang! klmuni'kawag koni'kang, mri'ma klkawlcimowad.
Gaya win Nanaboju pangl klmoni'ka koni'kang, mima glka-
1 5 wicimud. A'pitci aya'kusi, alpitci kaya kiabwasu, klki'tci-
pimi'pa'tot. Kawln okaskitosin tcinipat ; caylgwa klgatci,
A'kiw^zima'rngan oganonan ogwisisan. "T^ga, awi
pacig ki'konas."
20 Ma'i'nganans Inanowa pagiso Nanabucon nibamt. A !
Nanaboju a'pitci kicozi. Midac kmibat. Mldac koskusit
a'pitcabwaso. Midac a'kidot, ningutci odapagiton ma'i'n-
ganozo: "Tiwa! kaga't ki'tcabwaskagun animwanu." Mi'nawa
glniba Nanabucu. Mlnawa kuskuzi, apitci mlnawa gfkatci.
25 lA8au ma'rnganans Ima nlba. Midac minawa Nanabuju
uwi'ktibidon ma'i'nganuzu wra'gwajat, lA8au ma'i'nganans
Out upon another lake they came, straight across the ice
they made their way.
Some people were abiding at the place : they saw the
Wolves. "Halloo, see the Wolves that are running by!
They are four, four (is their number) !"
And Nanabushu was using his hand as he went run
ning by.
Again yelled the people: "Like what is the look of
one of the Wolves? He is entirely with a tail!"
Oh, how the people laughed!
"It must be Nanabushu!"
Straight on they kept going. Oh, but how tired now
was Nanabushu becoming ! When it was evening, they
made camp. Where it was exceedingly cold by the shore
of a lake was the place where they camped. There was
no fire. A shallow place in the snow they dug, and that
was where they lay down to sleep. Likewise Nanabushu
dug a shallow place in the snow, and there he lay down
to sleep. Very tired he was, and very much was he
sweating, for hard had he been running. He was not
able to sleep ; now was he becoming chilled, ever so cold
was he.
The old Wolf spoke to his little son, saying: "I say, lend
him one of your blankets."
The little Wolf threw his tail over where Nanabushu
lay asleep. Ah! but Nanabushu then became exceedingly
warm. Upon that he went to sleep. And when he awoke,
he was in a very heavy sweat. Whereupon he said, as
he flung aside the wolf-tail : " Good gracious ! certainly a
great producer of sweat is the dog-tail." Once more to
sleep went Nanabushu. Again he awoke, so very cold
was he again.
The little Wolf over there was asleep. Thereupon once
more Nanabushu pulled on the wolf-tail to cover (himself).
idac ning-utci krrnanowa pagizu. "Nongum ku'ca anim-
wanu kititan."
A ! midac mlnawa klgl'katcit Nanabuju.
Pidclnagigu padabung, madwabasigwiwag ; madwababa-
5 wlwag. Medac glmadwamadcawad, a'kiwanzimaTngan
glgito : "Amba, Nanabuju, uniskan! Aja glmadcawag
O, mlnawa gimadca Nanabuju mamawi. Mlnawa gike-
'tcibimipa'to Nanabuju kabaglcik. Minawadac wanagucig
10 krr'kido a'kiw^zima'i'ngan, oganonan ogwisan : "Wlni-
'tam klmicoma'i'wa oga'O'nabandan anindi tcigabaciyang."
Midac uskinawama'rngan : "Unabandan anindi tcigaba-
Midac Nanabuju kru'nabandang apitci tibinawanig, apitci
15 cingobikang. "Mlsa oma tcigabaciyang."
Mri'ma klnibawad. Ayabi'tatibiga'k kimadwa'irnickawag
uskinawag ma'rnganag, krkatciwag. Klmadwamadcawag.
Kigicabidac glgito a'kiw^zima'rngan : "Amba, Nanabuju!
aja klnaganigomin. Aja wasa ayadoganag kitocimag."
20 Midac gimadcawad atkiwanziag. Ogimi'kawawan tcigibig
saga'i'ganing ajlkisinag tlnung. Mlidac mlnawa kra-ni-
madcawad maxmawi. A! gi'tcipimipa'to Nanabuju. Nanin-
gutinung wasa nagana, ubabri'gundaci'ku witcikiwanyan.
"Gicfkan, gicfkan Nanabuju!"
25 Midac mmawa wanagucig ki'kabaciwad. Midac a'kidot
a'kiwa^zimaTngan. Oganonan Nanabujon : aMri/<u wabang
tciodi'tamang ajayang."
The little Wolf then drew away his tail. "It was but a
moment ago that you called it a dog-tail."
Ah! then once more Nanabushu became cold.
And as soon as the dawn was appearing, then began
the sound of them getting up ; they could be heard shaking
themselves. And while they could be heard starting away,
the old Wolf said: "Come, Nanabushu, get up (from bed)!
Already have your nephews started away."
Well, once more started Nanabushu, together with them.
Again with great speed ran Nanabushu all the day long.
And on the next evening said the old Wolf, he spoke to
his sons, saying: "It is your uncle's turn to look for a
place where we shall camp."
Thereupon the young Wolf (said): "Go look for a place
where we are to camp."
And so Nanabushu went to find a place where it was
very calm, where there was a very dense growth of balsam-
trees. "Therefore here is a place where we will camp."
Then there was where they slept. In the middle of
the night there arose a sound of the young Wolves getting
up, for they were cold. They could be heard starting
away. And in the morning up spoke the old Wolf: "Come,
Nanabushu ! we have now been left behind. Now far away
must be your nephews."
Whereupon then off started the elders. They found the
others at the shore of a lake in a cold part of the place.
And then once more they started on their way all together.
Ah ! with great speed went running Nanabushu. Sometimes
afar he was left behind, and so continually was he waited
for by his companions. "Walk fast, walk fast, Nanabushu!"
Thereupon on the next evening they went into camp.
And then spoke the old W'olf. He addressed Nanabushu,
saying : " Now, to-morrow is when we shall arrive at the
place whither we are bound."
Gigijap kimadcawag mamawi. A ! minawa pimipa'to
Nanabucu. Naya'ir'kwag, kimadablwag pacig saga-rgan.
Owabamawan namadabinit micawa'kwam. Klgito alkiwanzi-
maTngan : "Nacka, Nanabuju! kanabatc mlca/a'tcigawa^
O • • J • • • O • c>
5 kidocimag." Mldac kl'a*niodisawad Ima namadabinit.
A'kiw^zima'rngan anidada dagi'kwani, ominaman mozon.
Gaya win Nanaboju ml andodang. Ogandnigon dac wldci-
kiwayan : "Klminamana monz?"
"Ayen8," ilkido.
10 "Anm andaciwad?" i'kido a'kiw^zima-rngan.
"Nisiwag" i'kido Nanaboju, "pacig nojas nijidac mani-
"Kawin," i'kido a'kiw^zirna'rngan, "pacigwaya'ta monz."
Mldac klmadciba'towad uskinawiig, kaya winawa a'ki-
15 wanzimaTngan Nanabuju gaya, nlgan winawa uskinawag.
Mri'dac aca klmadcat mons, mlidac no%pinanawat monzon
uskinawapf. Udinan dac Nanabucon ma*rnoran : "Aniinabin
o • o •
wawani." Ningutingi'gu owabandanawa ma*rngan wlpit
pata'ka'kwisinig mi'tigung. Mldac a'kidot a4kiwanzimai'n-
20 gan : "Taga uta'pinan kidojim udasawan."
Nanabujo dac i'kido : "Anin gadodaman animwabit?"
A'kiwanzima'rngan dac uwrkupidon midac kaijipa'pa-
winank asawan, apitcunicicin asawan. Wayabandan idac
Nanabujo ilkido : "Taga nln, ningadanita'kunan mndojim
25 odasawan !"
A'kiwanzi idac i'kido : "Nongum kuca animwabit kiditan.
Animadcani^u !"
Mldac animadcawat. Mlnawadac wabandanawa maTn-
In the morning they set out together. Ah! once more
on the run started Nanabushu. When it was noon, they
came out upon a lake. They beheld some one seated
far out on the ice. Up spoke the old Wolf: "Look, Nana
bushu! maybe your nephews have shot and hit something."
Thereupon they kept on till they reached the place where
the being was sitting. The old Wolf had his head up,
looking about, for he scented a moose. And Nanabushu
himself did the same. So he was addressed by his com
panion saying: "Do you smell a moose?"
"Yes," he said.
" How many are they ?" said the old Wolf.
"They are three," said Nanabushu, - "one cow and
two calves."
"No," said the old Wolf, "there is but one moose."
Thereupon off running started the youths, likewise the
old Wolf and Nanabushu too, ahead (went) the youths.
In the mean time away had gone the moose, and so after
the moose ran the youths. To Nanabushu then said the
Wolf: "As you go, keep a careful look." Once as (they
were going along) they saw a wolf-tooth sticking from a
tree. Whereupon said the old Wolf: "I say, take up your
nephew's pointed arrow !"
And Nanabushu said: "What am I to do with a dog
tooth ?"
The old Wolf then pulled it out. And so, after he had
shaken the pointed arrow, very nice was the arrow. W7hen
he saw it, then Nanabushu said: "I say, let me carry my
nephew's arrow as we go along !"
The old man then said : " Only a moment ago you
called it a do^-tooth. Do O-Q on !"
£> o
Whereupon they started on their way. And then on
another occasion they saw where a wolf had eased himself
as he went along. Thereupon said the old Wolf: "Come,
gan kra'nimlzid. Mldac a'kidot alkiwanzimaTngan : "Taga,
Nanabucu ! anita'kunan kidojim umatatasan."
Midac a'kidot Nanabuju: "Anln kadodaman animomo1?"
Mldac alkiwanzi ugi'trda'pinan. Mldac kipa'pawinang,
5 midac madatasan ka/u'ndinat. A'pldac Nanabucu waya-
bamat madatasan, ilkido : "Nln taga, ningadanita^^unan
nindojim umadatasan !"
Mldac alkidot alkiwanzi : " Nongum guca animomo1
kiditan. Animadcanio"u."
10 Ningutingixgu klgito a4kiwanzi : "A, monzon oglnisawan
kidocimag." A'pitci pa'kada Nanaboju, aya'kuzi gaya.
Midac wabamad ma'rngana8 cingicininit, a'pitcidabisinlnit.
Kawln kago owabandazin, kawin gaya monzon owabamasin.
Mlya'ta miskwi koni'kang owabandan. Mldac a'kidot a'ki-
15 wanzima'rngan : "Uji'toda kabaciwin !"
A, Nanabuju ki'timi! Agawadac uwldci'a'n ma'rnganan
kabacinit ka'kicidowad dac kabaciwin, mri'mU pebasigvviwad
uskinawag maTnganag. Mri/>u ajibicigagowawad uskina-
wag ; tibiskogu nongum kipigickijigatag wlyas, ml ajina-
20 gwa'k monzowiyas. Mldac Nanabqjo kistciminwandank
tciwlsinit. A! midac tclba'kwawad. A! Nanaboju kaga't
Mldac iman katawat, mojagidac ki'krcrsawag uskinawag;
nlbiwa monzon unisawan ; kaya wawackaciwa6, anode gaya
25 awanslyan onisawan. Kawl'ka pa'kadasi Nanaboju; monjag
wanicicininig wlyas umltcim. Niguding idac kru'sigana
pacig uskinawa maTngan, midac pimida nlbiwa ki'O*ci4tod.
Mldac kaga't Nanaboju kiminwandank nlbiwa pimida wa-
Nanabushu! as you go along-, pick up what your nephew
has killed."
And then said Nanabushu: "What have I to do with
clog-dung ?"
Thereupon the old (Wolf) picked it up. And then he
shook it, whereupon the flesh of slain game he obtained
from it. And when Nanabushu saw the flesh of slain
game, he said: "I say, do let me carry along the game
killed by my nephew!"
Whereupon said the old man: "Only a moment ago
you called it dog-dung. Keep on going."
Now, by and by, (as they went along,) said the old (Wolf) :
"Ah! a moose have your nephews killed." Very hungry
was Nanabushu, and he was tired. And when he saw
the Wolves as they were lying down, very full were they
from eating. Nothing he saw, and no moose he saw •,
only the blood on the snow he saw. Thereupon said the
old Wolf: "Let us make a camp!"
Oh, but Nanabushu was lazy ! Much against his will
he helped the Wolves make the camp. After they had
finished the camp, then up rose all the young Wolves.
Thereupon then vomited the youths ; exactly like meat
that has newly been cut up, such was the appearance of
the moose-meat. Whereupon Nanabushu was greatly
delighted with the thought of eating. Ha ! and then they
started cooking. Ha, but Nanabushu truly ate a great deal!
Now, there in that place they made their home, and
often on a hunt went the youths ; many moose they killed ;
and deer and various kinds of game they slew. Never
was Nanabushu hungry ; often meat that was nice he had
for his food. Now, once a young Wolf was breaking up
some bones (to boil them for the marrow), and so grease
in great quantity he made. Thereupon truly Nanabushu
was pleased at seeing so much grease. Now, another time
bandank. Mlnawa dec ninguding pajig uskinawa wi'irsi-
gana. Mldac a'kidot : "Kawln awiya ningakanawabami-
gusi, kawicimuyu'k."
Panimagu, ka'tibi'katinik mldac a'kidot a'kiwanzimaTn-
5 gan : "Kagu, Nanabuju, kanawabama'kyan wa'u'siganat."
Medac ki'kawicimowad, medac a'ta arwe uskinawe ma'l'n-
gan namadabit usiganat. Mlidac Nanabuju klmotc ajika-
nawabamad, miidac wabamad andodaminit cacagwandan^
• • • o * • o
u'kanan, miidac pimida wantcitciwaninig udoning unaganing
10 idac udanra-'ton. Magwadac kanawabamad Nanabuju
andodaminit, mli ajiko'tigwandang ubi'kwa'kukanan medac
Nanabuju uskpjigung may a glbangsininig. Medac Nana
buju kra/'pisigagwat iwe u'kan. Alkiwanzidac ma'rngan
uglpapodanan Nanabojon, mldac klbimadisit. Mri'dac
i 5 anat : " Magica kigi'kanawabama."
Medac a'kidot Nanabojo : "Kawin ningi'kanawabamasi,
undcidagu nimba'kinda-u'k."
Me'i'dac mlnawa ninguding nl'biwa ayawad u'kanan,
mli a'kidot a'kiwa^ima'rngan : "Tagana, klni'tam, Nana-
20 bujo, usiganan."
Medac kaga't Nanabogo a'kidot " 'A7 wixsa ninga'O'si-
gana." Nanabuju dac uglmi'kwandan ka'todakud, kaga
klnisigut. Medac a'kidot Nanabujo : uKawicimoyuk. Kagu
awiya ningakanawabamigusi. Padagwingwacinuk."
25 Medac gaga't ka'totamowad.
Medac Nanabojo mamadowandang u'kanan, a'kiwanzidac
ma-rngan udu'O'ndci kanawabaman Nanabucon andoda
minit; miidac Nanaboju aji'o'da'pinang kitci'o-'kan, medac
ajipa'ki'tawad uskinawe maTnganan, mi ajinisat. Medac
one of the youths wanted to break up some bones (to
boil for the marrow). And so he said: "By no one do
I wish to be seen, go you to bed."
After a while, when night came on, then said the old
Wolf: " Don't, Nanabushu, (don't) watch him who is to
crack bones (and boil them for the marrow)!"
Thereupon they went to bed, except only the young
Wolf that was seated breaking the bones (to boil them for
the marrow). Now, when Nanabushu secretly took a look
at him, he then saw that what he did was to gnaw upon
the bones, and that the grease which came from his mouth
he kept putting into a vessel. Now, while Nanabushu was
watching what he was doing, (the Wolf) then let slip from
his mouth a joint-bone with a knob, whereupon it fell
square on Nanabushu's eye. And then Nanabushu was
knocked out of his wits by the falling bone. Now, the
old Wolf breathed upon Nanabushu, whereupon he revived.
And then he said to him : "Perhaps you were watching him."
Thereupon said Nanabushu: "I was not watching him,
on purpose he hit me."
And now another time, when they had many bones, then
said the old Wolf: "Come, now, (it is) your turn, Nana
bushu, to crack the bones (for the marrow)."
Upon which truly Nanabushu said: "All right, I will
crack the bones (for the marrow)." Now, Nanabushu
remembered what had been done to him, that he had
been nearly killed. Therefore said Nanabushu: "Go you
to bed. By nobody let me be watched. Cover up your
And so truly that was what they did.
Now, while Nanabushu was making a noise cracking the
bones, the old Wolf then slyly took a peep at Nanabushu
(to see him) at his work ; and now Nanabushu took up
a large bone, and then hit a young W7olf, whereupon he
aji'crniskawat ka/lkina. A'kiwanzi dac i'kido : "Amc win
"Kawln run pa'kitawasl," i'kido Nanabujo.
"Kaga't kipagi'tawa, kiglganawabamin kuca."
5 "Kawin," i'kido Nanabuju. "Kanabatc klmotc1 ningl-
kanawabamigoban, meidac ki'kutigwandaman i we pigwa-
"Kaga't kiglpa'ki'tawa kuca." Miidac a'kiwa^zima'rn-
gan kibabodanat ugwisan, mlidac kfpimadci'at, ki'pimadi-
10 sinit ogwisan.
Ninguding idaxc a'kiwanzi oganonan Nanabojon : "Mlsa-
jigwa tciguslyang. Pecig kigamlnin kidocim, ml au kaya
gin kawldclwad dcinandawandcigat. Pajig kaya ningawi-
dclwa. Kigamlnin iskuda." Medac ajipogidid a'kiwanzi.
15 "Mi awa a'pis." Mlnawa klpogidi a'kiwanzi. "Ml awe
saga'tagan." Mlnawa glpogidi. "Mri'we krrman." Mlnawa
glpogidi. "Ml awe wigwas.1 Panimagu, krkapaciyan kra--
'toyan misan, ml iu kadicipajidcigwaskuniyan iman misan
a'tag, ml iu kadici piskanasag ickoda. Kagu win anicagu
20 kudcito'kyan."
Mri'dac ajimadcawad ; papa'kan ijawad a'klng. Nlgani-
wanidac odojiman, wlnidac Nanabojo udanang pimosa.
Tcibwa'O'di'tang idac wrkabaciwad, Nanabuju kri'nandam :
"Taga ningagudcilton iskuda," mlidac, ka/i'ciuji'tdd misan
25 a'ki'kang, me'rdac ajipacidcikwaskunit, meidac ka'ijipis-
kanag iskuda. A ! gaga't kistciminwandam Nanabujo.
1 Used for starting a rapid blaze.
killed him. At that up they all rose from where they lay.
And the old (Wolf) said: "Why did you hit him?"
"I did not hit him," said Nanabushu.
"Indeed, you did hit him, for I was watching you."
"Nay," said Nanabushu. "Perhaps secretly was I ob
served by him, and that was why from my mouth I slipped
my hold on the knobbed ankle-bone."
"Truly, indeed, you did hit him." Now, when the old
Wolf breathed upon his son, he then revived him •, alive
became his son.
Now, once the old (Wolf) spoke to Nanabushu, saying:
"It is now about time that we should be moving. One
of your nephews will I give to you, and he will be the
one for you to accompany when he goes to hunt. One,
too, will I accompany. I will give you fire." Thereupon
the old (Wolf) broke wind. "Now, that is a flint." Again
the old (Wolf) broke wind. "Now, that is the punk."
Again he broke wind. "That is kindling." Again he
broke wind. "That is birch-bark.1 After a while, when
you go into camp (and) have gathered the fire-wood, then
shall you leap over the place where the wood is, where
upon up will start the blaze. Do not try to do it merely
for the sake of doing it."
Thereupon they started away ; into different lands they
went. Now, ahead went his nephew, and Nanabushu him
self travelled behind. And before they arrived where they
were to camp, Nanabushu thought: "Now, I shall try to
make a fire ;" whereupon, after he had gathered the wood
together at a place, he then leaped over it, upon which
up blazed the fire. Ah ! verily, much pleased was Nanabushu.
2 For other versions see Nos. 10 (p. 89) and 31 (p. 251).
Medac ka/rjimadcad. A'prrdac wadi'tang ima11 kra'tod
ubimiwanan a'we uskinawe, mrrman kmji'tod gabaciwin •
wlnidac uskinawa bapanandawandciga. A^Didac Nanabuju
wa^odawad, ka/u^tod misan, ml'i/<u ajibagitcigwaskonit.
5 Kaga anawi kipiskanan1. Mmawa glbajitcigwaskon1, nawa-
dcidac pangi iskoda ki'a'yan1. Mmawa glpacidcigwaskuni,
kawm ganaga ickuda oglwabandazln. Pinic kftibi^kadin1.
A'pi'i'dac padagwicing uskinawa, onondan tcitcing waga-
mingisaning ; mmangwana'a11 Nanaboju pacidci kwaskwas-
10 konit. Mldac a^kidot uskinawa. "Anln, Nanabuju, acitci-
gayan? M^gica kiglbabotawa."
"Kawin," i'kido Nanaboju.
Mldac win uskinawa ka/rcibacidcigwaskonit, medac
skuda klbiskanag.
15 A'pitci gaya krkatclban Nanabuju.
Mldac anat : "Kagu mlnawa wi'ka iu todangan, panima
ogu kfkabaciyan ml kadodaman."
Medac kaga't ka'todang Nanaboju. Panima ogu ka*a'-
'todin misan mri'u ajibajitcigwaskonit, medac skuda piska-
20 nanig. Monjagidac klbabamadisiwag, monjag kaya awasi
yan onisan awa uskinawa ; a'pitci monjag minowlsini Nana
buju. A'pitci osagra/n udojiman.
Ningudingidac Nanabuju krrnabandam odojiman ki'pa-
'kobisanid slbing. Mlidac anat odojiman: "Taga, ayam-
25 gwamisin klcpin no'pinanat a'wasi. Klcpin dac sirbi waban-
daman, manu mi'tig ani-a^pagiton, mldac iman tc^ani
ta'ku'klyan ; misav^agu a'pitci agansing slblns, manu mi'tig
anra^pagi^ton, medac Iman tci'a'nita'ku'klyan, misawagu
a/nica pasagamiga'k. Kagu wanandagan iu aninan."
Thereupon they set out. And when he arrived at the
place where the youth had put down his pack, then there
he made the camp ; for the youth himself was away on a
hunt for game. Now, when Nanabushu desired to make
the fire, he put on the wood ; and so again he leaped
over it. For all that, it barely caught fire. Once again
he leaped over it, and even less was the fire there. Again
he leaped over, and no fire at all did he see. At last
night came on. Now, when back came the youth, he heard
the sound of somebody thumping on the ground ; it turned
out to be Nanabushu leaping over and over. Whereupon
said the youth: "What, Nanabushu, are you doing? Per
haps you have been kindling fires (without any reason)."
"No," said Nanabushu.
And so, after the youth himself had leaped over, then
the fire blazed up.
And very cold was Nanabushu at the time.
And then he said to him: "Don't ever do it again, not
till you go into camp, then may you do it."
And so truly that was what Nanabushu did. Not till
he had put on the wood did he then leap over, where
upon the fire blazed up. Now, continually were they
travelling about, and often did the youth slay the game ;
ever so frequently Nanabushu had good food to eat.
Very fond was he of his nephew.
Now, once Nanabushu had a dream that his nephew fell
into a river. Whereupon he then said to his nephew: "I
wish that you would be careful when you are following
after game. And when you see a river, just fling a stick
ahead of you, for that is where you shall step ; even
though it be a very small brook, do throw a stick ahead
of you, and there you shall step, even though there be
only the dry bed of a stream. Don't ever forget what I
am telling you."
Kinwanjidac babamadisiwad. Ninguding kawin kitagwi-
ciziwan odojiman. Me'rdac anandang Nanabuju: "Mlsa
ganabatc ka'rnabandamamban."
Windac uskinawa no'pinanat awasiyan. Kaga a/dimat
5 mri/>u wabandang pasa'kamiganig. Axnawi uglmi'kwandan
ka'i'gi^pan omicomayan, mldac iman krpa^kublsad ki'tcizl-
bing • kra'yani iman.
Windac Nanabuju wayabamnig kimadca nandawabamad
odojiman. Mldac klmi'kang kitcizlbi, meya'pana odojiman
10 kiwani'a't. Medac glki'tcimawi, medac ka'i'jimadcat nisa-
dciwan. Ninguding idac animadablt zlbing, a'pitci wlmini-
lkwe ; miidac ajicingicing wlmini'kwat, mldac wabandang
mlnan anamindim, mldac wa/ijro'da'pinang, kawindac
uml'kunazinan.' Kinwanj anugidotam wlmamot. Kagabl
15 dac oma inabit icpiming, mri'u wabandang agodanig mlnan.
Minangwana ini/u mensinatapigisininig. A'pldac kawaban-
dang, kri-'kido : "Mri'we kadicini'kadag tcianraptklnwang,
Medac minawa gimadcad. Ninguding, minawa anima-
20 dabld zlbing, owabaman wabimangwan ogiskimanisln gaya;
nibrkang inabiwag. Nanabuju dac ogagwadciman : "Wa-
gunan kanawab^ndamak ?"
Medac a'kitowad : "Manidog oman taxwag. Migiwe
oda^pinawad Nanaboju odojiman. Mi/(a'we malnganiwayan
25 kebiskwanda/o'niwit, mra'we kanawabamangit."
Kagatsa onickimigon Nanabuju. Miidac ajigagwadcimad :
"Anlndi andawad? Wawani wlndamawiciyu'k."
So for a long time they went travelling about. Once
upon a time his nephew did not return home. Whereupon
thought Nanabushu : "Therefore my dream must have
perhaps come true."
But in the mean while the youth was in pursuit of some
game. Almost was he about to overtake (the game)
when he saw the dry bed of a stream. Although he was
mindful of what he had been told by his uncle, yet there
he fell into a great river ; he remained there.
Now, Nanabushu himself on the morrow set out to look
for his nephew ; and when he found a great river, then
at once he lost (track of) his nephew. Hereupon he
greatly wept, and then he started off down the stream.
Once as he went down to the river, very anxious was he
to drink ; and so, as he lay down to drink, then he beheld
some berries under the water, whereupon he wanted to
get them, but he could not get hold of them. For a
long while he tried in vain to get them. Finally, as up
this way he looked, there he beheld the berries hanging.
They were the things that cast the reflection (in the water).
And when he saw it, he said: "This is what they shall
be called till the end of the world, high-bush cranberries." ]
Thereupon he continued his way. Another time, when
he came down to the river, he saw a White Loon and a
Kingfisher ; in the water they were looking. Nanabushu
then asked of them: "What are you watching for?"
Thereupon they said : " Manitous dwell in this place.
It is they who took Nanabushu's nephew. Now, the skin
of that Wolf, which they use for a flap over the doorway,
is the thing for which we were watching."
Truly, indeed, was Nanabushu angered. Thereupon he
inquired of them: "Where do they live? Rightly declare
it to me."
1 This episode does not properly belong at this point.
Medac a'kidowad : "Ml oma andawad Igi/u manidog
ka'o'da'pinawad gidojiman."
"Wawani dibadcimoyu'k." Medac ka/ijra'ndomad ogis-
kimanisln. Mldac Nanabuju ka'i*ji*o*jibra'd ogiskimanisln
5 kaya mangwan.
A! gaga/t minwandamog. Mldac a'kidowad : "Klcpin
kistciglca'tag, ka/lkina tamo'klwag. Mro'malku nibawad
oman minising."
Pa'kic kaya nickadisi Nanabuju. Mldac pagidinad, kaga
10 oglnisan ogiskimanisln; mrrdac wlnawadinad oglpicigupinan.
Mri'dac ka/rcimadcad Nanabuju no'piming. Ogi*a'wi*o ji'a*n
mi'tigwabm kaya asawanan. Medac a'kidot Nanabuju :
"Taga tawikiltcikijalta wabang." Medac kaga't kistcimija-
'kwad wayabang. Medac Nanabuju ka'ijrrjad iman tibicko
15 minising, mldac iman tcigibig klmbawit. "Mi'tigong nln-
gadijinagus," a'pitci kasongag klckana'kad." Mri'dac iman
kra'sad omi'tigwabm iman oni'kang. A'pldac kizis pamo-
'kang, a'pitci gljalta. Kagadac nayawa'kwag ml cigwa
mo'kiwad manidog.
20 Medac a'kidowad manidog: "Kiwabandanawamban
Ini'-u^k11 klnawa iwe klckana'kad?"
"Kawln," i'kidowag anint.
Anintidac i'kidowag : "Anye8, nlwabandanaban nlni'k11."
Anint i'kidowag : "Nasana'ku Nanabuju ta'i'jinaguz1 !"
25 Anode manidog mo'klwag. Mrrdac anawad Wabima-
lkwan : "Taga, awigagwadclwadan Twe kiskana'kad."
Medac kaga't ka-rjrijad wabima'kwa •, medac kigagwa-
dcibidot, kawin kanaga oglkawibidosin. Medac a/kidot
Wabima'kwa : "An, kawin Nanabuju awisi ; mi'tig i'i'we!"
Whereupon they said: "This is the place where dwell
the manitous who seized your nephew."
"Be sure to relate it truthfully." And then he asked
the Kingfisher to come. Thereupon Nanabushu painted
the Kingfisher and the Loon.
Ah! truly were they pleased. Thereupon they said:
"If it becomes very hot, then will all come forth. It is
upon this island that they usually sleep."
And all the while was Nanabushu angry. And when
he let them go, he nearly killed the Kingfisher ; for as he
was going to seize him, he missed catching him. There
upon off started Nanabushu into the forest ; he went to
make a bow and some arrows. And then said Nanabushu :
"I will that it be very warm to-morrow." And so truly
there was a very clear sky on the morrow. Thereupon
Nanabushu went over to a place opposite the island, and
there on the bank of the river he stood. "Like a tree
will I look, (like) a stump that is exceedingly strong."
And so there upon his arm he put his bow. And when
the sun was rising, it grew very warm. And when it was
nearly noon, then out began coming the manitous.
And then said the manitous: "Did you yourselves ever
see that stump before?"
"No," said some of them.
But some of them said: "Yes, we ourselves are accus
tomed to seeing it."
Some of them said : " Woe to us should Nanabushu take
on such a form!"
All sorts of manitous came forth. And now they said
to the White Bear.: "I wish you would go wrestle with
that stump."
Thereupon truly thither went the White Bear ; and he tried
shaking it, but not a whit did he move it. Thereupon said
the W7hite Bear: "Why, it is not Nanabushu; it is wood!"
'A! kayabi anint uoa^tanawan. Kaya win Nigik kimo-
ckamu. Medac a'kidot: "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" a'pa'pid, "kawPka
nm ningiwabandazln."
Midac minawa a'kidowad : "Skoma", km, Miciginabik,
5 awigutci'ton !"
Medac kaga't krijat. Medac ka'ijitatiba'kuwad ulkwa-
ganang. Me'i'dac ka/rjibapasi'tad kinabi'k.
An, nlbiwa kra'nimadca kizis.
Kagagu tciwa'kwanamut Nanabuju mri/>u ka/i'cipagidci-
10 tanit miciginabigon.
Medac a'kidot ginabik : u 'A, kawin a11 Nanabuju awisi ;
mi'tig i'i'we!"
Mri'dac ka'i'jipomawad. Ickwadac kimo'klwag ninj ma-
nidog, ml igiwe ogimag. Mi'i'dac ka'ijinibawad klja'tanig.
15 Medac Nanabuju ka'ijinasi'kawad omi'tigwabm, wl'a'wi-
bimwad. Nln jiwanidac miskwadasiwan, ml'i'dac wa/rjidi-
batcimowad. Midac anad Nanabucu : "Ic, tci tci tci! Kagu
tabatcimu'kao'un ! Mackut klo-awawaciininim." Me'i'dac
o o •
Nanabuju ka'i'ji'O'da'pinad, mri'dac ojibiwad.
20 An ! kitciminwandamog.
Midac anad: "Miskwadasi klo-adio^om tcra'ni'a'tklwanor."
• D • O • O
Midac agud miskwadasiwan : " Kagu kwaya'k pimwa'kan ;
agawatacinuwad ijipimw1."
Midac Nanabuju ka'ijinasi'kawad mi/u manidon. Acpldac
25 ka'U'disad, mri''" ajipimwad, kwaya'kigu wiyawing, kawin-
dac uglmijwasin. Minawadac pajig odasawan uglnabisidon,
mlidec ka'ijipimwad agawatacininit, mri'dac klmljwad.
Minawadac wawlp pajig oglpimwan, Ini/u ugiman.
Ah ! but yet some of them feared it. And the Otter
too came forth. Wh'ereupon he said: "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" as
he began laughing, "never before have I seen it."
And then again they said: "Let us see you, Big Serpent,
go try it!"
Whereupon truly thither he went. Whereupon he twined
round (Nanabushu's) neck. And then tight coiled the
WTell, far on its way had gone the sun.
When almost out of breath was Nanabushu, then was
he let go by the Big Serpent.
Thereupon said the Serpent: "Why, that is not Nana
bushu ; it is wood !"
Whereupon they felt at ease. And then at the last
out came two manitous ; they were the chiefs. Thereupon
they went to sleep where it was warm.
Accordingly Nanabushu went after his bow and arrows,
that he might go shoot them. Now, there were two red-
burned (Turtles), and now they were going to tell. Where
upon to them said Nanabushu : " Hush, hush ! Don't you
tell! In return I will adorn you in gay color." Accordingly
Nanabushu took them up, and then painted them.
Ah ! they were greatly pleased.
Thereupon he said to them : " Red-burned creatures you
will be called till the end of the world."
WThereupon he was told by the red-burned (Turtles):
" Do not shoot straight at them ; where they cast a shadow
is the place to shoot at them."
And so Nanabushu went to where the manitous were.
And when he got to where they were, then he shot at
them, right at their bodies, but he did not hit them.
Now, another arrow he fixed upon his bow, whereupon he
shot at the shadows they cast, and then he hit them.
And so quickly at another he shot, at the chief.
Mri'dac ci'gwa ki'kanimind Nanabuju. "Aaa, Nanabuju
unisan ugiman !"
Medac Nanabuju ka'i'jimadciba'rwad. A ! medac nibi
no'pinanigut. Ninguding idac cigwa kaga udadimigun
z nibi, medac wabamad a'ka^widclciwan namadabinid. Medac
\j • • o • • • *
anad : "A, niclma11, manido nimamldawiik !"
"Wa/ce, amndi andanadcimat awe manido? Taga, oman
plndigan mwajing!"
Mri'dac Nanabuju ka/rjipindigad aka'kwidclciwajino-.
10 A'pldac ka'plndigad Nanabuju kaya win, aka'kwidclci krpln-
diga, mlidac ka'i'jikiba'a'ng uwac. Panima'i'dec ka'pimi-
dciwaninig nipi, mlnawa glsaga*a*m Nanabuju. Ningudin-
gidac ajipimosad, onondawan awiya nagamonit :
"A'ki ya'kwagwagiye nimbicina'U'cin."
15 Midac ka'ijinasi'tawad, mldac klwabamad mindimoyayan,
omaka'kln ; wlgubln obimondanan, kayadac jiclgwanan oja-
gwansonan 'a8au mindimoyan. Nanaboju-o'dec ogagwadci-
man !ni/u mindimoya'a'n : "Anln, no'kimis, wa'todaman
Ini/u wlgubln ?"
20 Midac a'kidot mindimoyan : "Nanabuju kuca ogl'pimwa0
manido8, nmidac nlnanandawi'a'g Igi/u manidog. Nana-
buju'u'dac winandawapini'kana onowa wlgubln ; miziwa
a'klng wri'nablginigadawan. Klcpin dec toto'kablgiskang,
mri*we tcigi'kanimint anlndi ayad Nanabuju. Kawinagin
25 Nanabuju kidawisi?"
1 For other versions see Nos. 18 (p. 145) and 32 (p. 261).
Now, then was the time they knew it was Nanabushu.
"Oh, Nanabushu is killing the chief!"
Accordingly Nanabushu started to flee. Ah ! and then
by the Water was he pursued. Now once, when nearly
overtaken by the Water, he then saw a Woodchuck sitting
up. Whereupon he said to him: "Alas! my little brother,
by a manitou am I pursued."
"Well, where is the manitou about whom you are talking?
Pray, come into this little hole of mine !".
So Nanabushu came into the Woodchuck's hole.2 So
after Nanabushu had gone inside, then the Woodchuck
went in too, whereupon he closed (the entrance of) his
hole. And not till the water had flowed past, then again
out went Nanabushu. Now once, as he went walking
along, he heard somebody singing :
"From the ends of the world do I come with the sound of my rattles."
After that he sought, listening for (the singer), where
upon he saw an old woman, a toad ; some linden-bark
she carried upon her back, and rattles too were hanging
from the old woman's girdle. Thereupon Nanabushu
inquired of the old woman: "What, my grandmother, do
you intend doing with that linden-bark?"
Whereupon said the old woman: "Why, Nanabushu
indeed has shot the manitous, and I am going to heal the
manitous. And for Nanabushu will be set a snare (made)
from this linden-bark ; all over the earth will twine be laid.
And if it pulls when he steps into it, then will it be known
where Nanabushu is. Are you not yourself Nanabushu?"
* Translated by the editor.
" Kawln, " i'kido Nanabuju. "Kldabimadcrrkina Nana-
bujti wabamad?" Mldac anad: "Anindi ayayan ?"
aMrrman pacu ugimag ayawad. Nongum unangucik
mri'-we kaga't wlkitcinanandawiiwayan, mri'-we Nanabuju
5 odojiman usagm kadacimigoyan nongurn unagucik."
Mldac anad Nanabuju. " Anmi'ku ana'a-man nagamoyan?"
Midec mindimoya kidibadcimut : "Mlsa'ku iu ana'a-man
nagamoyan :
" 'A'ki ya'kwagiye nimbicina'U'cin.' "
10 A'pri'dac ka/lkina kawindamagut mri'-* ka'ijinisat.
Mri'dac ka'ijipa'kunat me'i'dec ka'i'i'jipizi'kawad, me-i'dac
kro'da'pinang wlgobm klpimondang ; kaya dac jlcigwanan
ugljagwasonan. Me'i'dac klmadcad ajani'pan mindimoya-
yan. Kayawlndac kl'a'ninagamo :
15 "A'ki yagwagiye nimbicina'O'cin."
A'pri'dac tagwacing andanint ugima8, mri' wabamad
udojiman owayanini kibiskwanda Iganiwinint. Nanabuju
owabaman tcitcipiskanit. Medac a'kidot : " Niya ! nojis,
ijiwijiyu'k andanapiyan ?"
20 Kaga't idac ogri'jiwinigon iman andanabipan mindomo-
ya'i-ban. Miidac wabamad a'ki'kon tclba'kwan ; mriSve
Nanabuju udojiman uzagln ka'kijidanig. A'kawa'ku wisi-
mban awe mindimoyaban. Mldac Nanabuju i'kido : "Kawln
ningawlsinisl, paniman kri'ckwa'tayan, ningawlsin." Me-i'dac
25 a'kidot Nanabuju: "Ka'kina saga'a'mu'k11, nlna'ta uman
"No," said Nanabushu. ("Do you suppose that) you would
be permitted to live if you should see Nanabushu?" And
then he said to her: "Where do you abide?"
"Yonder, near by where the chiefs are. On this evening
is truly when I will do some wonderful healing, where
upon the upper arm of Nanabushu's nephew shall I be
given to eat this evening."
So then to her said Nanabushu: "What is the nature
of your song when you sing?"
WThereupon the old woman revealed (it), saying: "This
is the way I usually sing when I sing :
"'From the ends of the world do I come with the sound of my rattles.'"
Now, after he had been told everything, then he slew
her. And after he had flayed her and put on (her skin),
he then took up the linden-bark and put it upon his
back ; and the rattles too were hanging at his belt. And
then he went in the same direction whither the old woman
intended going. He too went singing along the way :
"From the ends of the world do I come with the sound of my rattles."
And when he arrived at the home of the chiefs, then
he beheld his nephew's skin used as a flap over the entry-
way. Nanabushu beheld it move with a quiver. Where
upon he said: "Ah, me! my grandson, will you lead me
to the place where I am to sit?"
Now, truly was he led to the place where the old woman
would have sat. And then he saw a kettle with food
cooking in it •, it was the upper arm of Nanabushu's
nephew that was cooking. It was usual for the old woman
first to eat (before she began with the work of healing).
And so Nanabushu said: "I am not going to eat, not
till after I have finished, then will I eat." And this said
Nanabushu : " All of you go out of doors, I only here
ningataya." A'plidac ka''kina kazaga'a/mowad, mlima11
jingicinowad Igi/u ugimag, owabandanan udasawanan sasa-
ga'kwisininig ima11 ugimanwa8 wlyawining. Mri'dac kljaci-
jigwawad, mri'dac kaga't kinisad. Mri'dac klnibowad.
5 Me-rdac a'kidot : "Mlsa klnibowad manido."
Me'i'dac ajibibagiwad : "A, mlsa klnibowad manidog !
'A'a711, madcidoyu'k wlgobm mi'ziwa a'king ta'i-nabigama-
non ; mri'dac tcigi'kanimint anindi ayagwan Nanabuju,
kicpin toto'kablgiskang." Midac ka/;kina ka'ijimadcawad,
10 kl'pimabiginamowad wlgobm.
A'pri'dac ka/lkina kamadcawad, Nanabuju ogipigiskijwan
klstcitciba'kwa manidowiyas. A'pri'dac ka'klziza'kwad,
ugra'nduman abinodclyan, meidac gra/camad. Paji^idac
abinodciyan ogiki'kanimigon Nanabuju ayawit talpabiwan.
15 Midac anad : "Pa'ka, niclma, kagu dibadcimo'kan !" Me'i'-
dac Nanabuju ka-i-jipa'kwa^'ang manidopimida, medac
ka'ijimlnad kwlwizansan. Medac anad: "Ka'ka'kijoblzi
kadicinikasyan tci'a-ni'a-'klwang."
Medac Nanabuju ka'i jioda'pinad manidowayanan kayadac
20 odojiman wayanan, me'i'dac ka'ijimadclba'tod, mini'kidac
kawabandang wlgubln bimabigamunig, kax'kina ogl'a*nito-
Medac a/kidowad ka/lkina gabimadisiwa'pan : "A2^!
ca'ylgwa Nanabuju to'to'kabigiskiga."
25 Mri'dac cixgwa nlbi klmo'kitciwang, kayadac kl'ki'tciki-
miwan ; kayadac Igi/u asinlg icpimlng gro'ndagoMcinog,
Nanabuju kl'a'ndoskonind. Nibiwa oglnisigowan asinln
nlbi gaya. Nanabujudec wadciwing anagra^pa'i'we. A'pri'-
will remain." And after all of them had gone out, then
yonder, where lay the chiefs, he beheld his arrows that were
sticking out from the bodies of the chiefs. Thereupon he
shoved them in (farther), working them back and forth,
whereupon he truly killed them. So now they were dead.
Accordingly he said: "Therefore now dead are the manitous."
And then they cried aloud: "Alas! now dead are the
manitous. Now, then, take you the linden-bark (twine)
everywhere over the earth, and string it around ; for then
it will be known where Nanabushu is, should he happen
to step into it (and be caught)." Thereupon they all
started away, laying the linden-bark twine.
And when all had started away, Nanabushu cut (the
manitous) into pieces, and made a great cooking of the
manitou-flesh. And when he had finished cooking, he
invited the children, and then fed them. Now, by one of
the children that was peeping in was Nanabushu recog
nized to be who he was. Thereupon he said to it: "Hold
on, my little brother, don't you tell!" And when Nana
bushu sliced off some manitou-grease, he then gave it to
the small boy. Whereupon he said to him : " Fond-of-
Raw-Fat l shall you be called till the end of the world."
Then, after Nanabushu had taken up the manitou-skins
and the skin of his nephew, he then started off running ;
and, as much of the linden-bark he saw stringing about,
all of it he touched as he went along.
Thereupon said all who were then living: "Halloo!
Nanabushu is now touching against the snare."
Thereupon the water now began to come forth, and a
mighty rain began to pour; and also the rocks from above
began to fall, to the end that Nanabushu be crushed.
Many were killed by the rocks and the water. Now,
Nanabushu tried in vain to flee to a mountain. But when
1 A small frog.
dec wayabandang mockaninig ar'ki, mii/u klmawandocimad
mi'tigon kruji'tod pmdazagan. Npjwaswi a'ta kl'posiwag
iman pindazaganing a'pi kani'kiplg a'ki. Mldac Ima11
kra-yawad pmdisaganing ; anindidac gaya awaslyan oglpo-
5 zi'a'n, pinajinya8, anode gaya awiya pabamisatcig. A'pri'dac
kinwanj ayawad iman pindazaganing, ogikanonan na'tago-
gmit : "Gitakaski'tonawana pangi a'ki? Klcpin pldoyag,
ninda'uji'ton a'ki."
Ni'tarnidac au anwanyan odanagra'nonan tclgogmit, ka-
10 wlndac ogrta'U'di^tazin a'ki; kinondakisabawe. Usagabini-
lkarian Ini/u wixgup, mri'gu ka/lkina ka'totawad, clcri'ban
gaya mangwan gaya ami'kwan. Medac kimojskinisat,
mlnawa beijik ciclban, mangwan, mlgu gaya win ka'i'ji-
wabisinit. Kawin ogikaski'tosmawa a'ki. Mlnawadac
15 ami'kwan ogi'a'nonan tcigoginit, migogayawin ka/ijiwabisit;
kmondanlsabawe. Ana\vilku kamonskitcisanitin, oglwawaba-
man a'k1 tcita'kunaminit, kawlndac kagon ogimi'kanzi a'ki.
Mlnawadac wajaskwan ogra*nonan tcigoginit. Mlnawa
oglsaga'pinan wlgup.
20 Midac kigogit wajask. Awaciman nibiwa ugiwi'kupidon
wlgup. Ningudingigu udodo'kibidon iu saxbab 'asau wajask,
mf-i'we msabawad. Medac Nanabuju ajiwl'kubinad ; medac
wawabamacl wajaskwan, oglmi'kan pangi a'ki ta'kunaminit
idawini'k, pang! gaya uda'kwandan, a'ki, onlngwiganang
25 gaya papangi a'tani. Medac Nanabuju ka'ijioda'pinang,
ugipodanan wajaskwan, meidec ki'pimadci-a'd. Mlgu kar-
'kina iu ka'todawad. Mri'dac ka'ijiba'a'sang unindcing
he saw that the earth was overflowing- with water, then
he gathered together some logs (and) made a raft. Seven
only embarked upon that raft when the earth was flooded
over with water. And so they remained there on the
raft ; some game-folk, too, he put aboard, birds, and all
the various creatures that fly about in the air. And after
they had been a long while on the raft, he spoke to them
that were good at diving : " Can you procure a little earth ?
If you fetch it to me I would create an earth."
Now, he first employed the (?) (kind of duck), but (the
bird) was not able to come within reach of the earth ; it
was drowned before it got there. He had it tied with
linden-bark twine, for that was what he did to them all,
- the Ducks and the Loon and the Beaver. And when
it came floating up to the surface, then another Duck,
and also the Loon, had the same thing happen to them.
They were not able to fetch any earth. And next he
had the Beaver dive ; but it also met the same fate, it
drowned before it reached the bottom. Every time that
one came up, he looked to see if it had hold of any
earth, but nothing of earth he found. So next he had
the Muskrat dive ; also he had it tied with linden-bark
So then into the water dived the Muskrat. Much farther
down he pulled on the linden-bark cord. At last he felt
the Muskrat pulling at the cord, and that was when it
was drowning. Thereupon Nanabushu pulled it up ;
and when he examined the Muskrat, he found that it
was holding a little earth in both its paws, and a little
earth it also had in the mouth, and there was a little in
each armpit too. Thereupon, after Nanabushu took the
Muskrat up in his hands, he breathed upon it, where
upon he revived it. Now, that was what he had done to
them all. Now, when Nanabushu had dried the earth in
iwacki au Nanabuju, me'i'dac ka'ijimamigunang iu a'ki.
Meidec mmawa ka/ijra-ndnad kagagiwan ningudc1 a'ki
tcisagibri'nig, kawmdac kltagwicinzi kagagi. Mlnawadac
wabimimm ugrarnonan ; miidac krpldot wadi'kwanans 'acau
umlmi. Medac Nanabuju ka'i'jipada'kidot iman iu alki
ta'kunang, miidac ka-rjra-'pagidod nibl'kang. Pakic kri-'ki-
dot : "Taga, minis oman tayamagat." Pa'kickaya ugipo-
Mri'dac iman kra-yawad minising, Nanabujudec kl'po-
10 dadciga kiwi^aya'I* minising; mlidec askam krarnimistcag
alki. Mlgu iu ka'todang kinwanj. Kaningudwasugunaga'ki-
dac ugi-a'nonan adi'kwan, "Skoman kiwitaskan 'oco/u a'ki."
Klmadcadac adi'k. A'pitci ki^a^kiwa^Iyu1 a'pl dagucing.
Mlnawadac maTnganan ugl-a-nonan, kayawindac ma-rn-
15 gan a'pitci kra-'kiwa^iyu1 a'pl tagucing. Ini'widac awan-
slyan ka^posi^a^pan a'pitci klpa'ta'rnowan, kaya winawagu
anicinabag aja kianipa'ta'i'nowag ; papamisatcig kaya pin-
acPyag. Nanabujudac ogiwawman kadijini'kasowad awasl-
yag ; kayagu pabamisawad pinacPyag uglwawlnan kadijini-
20 lkasowad ; klgonyan gaya. Kayadac klgidowag kadaciwad
klzisog ningobibon, kayadac ka-u'ndanirnak klwi'tagljik
his hands, he then rolled it into a ball. So then next
he had the Raven (go find) if the earth could be seen
anywhere out of the water, but the Raven did not return.
Then next the White Pigeon he employed, whereupon a
tiny twig did the Pigeon fetch. And after Nanabushu had
stuck it into the earth which he had there in his hand,
he then tossed it into the water. At the same time he
said: UI will that an island come into existence here."
And at the same time he breathed upon it.
And so they remained there on the island, and Nana
bushu breathed all over the island ; and all the while
larger grew the earth. Now, that was what he was doing
for a long while. And when the sixth day was up, he
then employed a caribou. "I would have you go round
this earth."
So away started the caribou. It was very old when it
Then next he employed a wolf, and the wolf was also
very old when it came back. And then the game-folk
that he had had on board were becoming very numerous,
and the people too were themselves now increasing in
number ; and (the same was likewise true) of the birds.
So Nanabushu called the game-folk by the names by which
they were to be known ; and also the birds that fly in the
air, he named them by what they were to be called ; and
(it was) also the same with the fishes. And they also
decreed how many moons there should be in one year,
and also the number of directions from which the winds
would blow, that from the vault of the sky in eight
directions would the winds blow. So this was what he
cwa'tcing tcru-ndanimak. Mri'dac ka'i-'kot: "Anlc, mlsa
ka'kina krirji'toyan kanondcipimadisiwad anicinabeg."
Medac iwa'pi kisiswa/rdiwad miziwe a'king. Ka/ijima-
dcawad, kaya wlndac Nanabuju klmadca.
5 Mlsa a'kosid.
Ningudingisa/ Nanabuju anipapimusat no'pimmg. Nin-
guding umadabln saga-i'gan, mldac iman wabamat nibawa
ni'kac. A'pidci omisawanima8 wra'mwat. Mldac anad :
alctax, niclma-rdug, ondas, oman, pijayu'k !" Anawidec
10 krpljawag ni'kag, kawin a'pidci pacu plcaslwag. Minawagu
oganona8 : "Nicima'i-dug ! oman plcayu'k, ka'o-dclmininim!"
Ogusigo pacux tciblcanit. Kaga'pl no'pimlng krija Nana
buju; mi'tigonsan ugmasi'kanan. Mi'i'dac ka'iji'u-ji'tod
wigiwamans, mlnawa oganonan ni'kan : "Amba oman,
15 udaminoda, kanlmimin!" Kagapl ogl way aj iman ni'kansa^
Medac ka'ijipindigawad wigiwamansing, mri'dac ajika-
nonat Nanabuju: "Ka'kina pasangwabicimuyu'k." Mldac
ajinagamut :
"Piisangwabicimowinan nimbidomm.
2O Pasnngvvabicimowinan nimbldonan.
Pasangwabicimowinan nimbldonan.
Pasangwabicimowinan nirabidonan."
Mlclac kacga't ajipasangwabiwad nlmiwad. A'pri'dac
ka'kina pasangwabiwad, ogitabibinan nilkan : mldac klpo-
25 'kugwabinad. Nijidac nasad, ugiki'kanimigon ; mrrdac aji-
pibagiwad : aA8eXi, Nanabuju kinisigunan !" Mldac ka-iji-
sagidcisawad wigiwamansing. Nlja'ta kanisat.
1 For other versions see Nos. II (p. 101) and 20 (p. 169).
said: "So, therefore, have I now finished the creation of
everything from which the people will derive life."
And that was the time they scattered to all parts of
the earth. After they were gone, then Nanabushu himself
went away.
And this is the end (of the story).
Once on a time Nanabushu was travelling about inland.
By and by he came out upon a lake, and so there he saw
numerous Geese. Very keen was his desire to eat them.
Thereupon he said to them: "Look, my little brothers!
Hither, come here!" And although hitherward came the
Geese, yet not so very close did they come. And again
he addressed them, saying: "O my little brothers! come
hither, I want to kiss you." They were afraid to come
close. At last up inland went Nanabushu ; some osiers
he went to get. And when he had put up a small wigwam,
again he spoke to the Geese, saying: "Come hither, let us
play, we will dance!" At last he persuaded the goslings.
And so when they had gone inside of the little wigwam,
thereupon to them spoke Nanabushu, saying: "All shut
your eyes when you dance." And then he sang :
"A dance with eyes closed do I bring (to you).
A dance with eyes closed do I bring (to you).
A dance with eyes closed do I bring (to you).
A dance with eyes closed do I bring (to you)."
Thereupon they really closed their eyes when they danced.
And when all had closed their eyes, he seized a Goose ;
whereupon he broke her neck. And when he had slain
two, he was found out; upon which they cried aloud, "Hey,
by Nanabushu are we being slain !" And then they flew
out of the little wigwam. Only two he had killed.
Mldac kra-nimadclnat Iniu ni'kansan. Kf podawa tclgiblg,
mldac iman wiklciswat ni'kansa8. Klnlngwa'a-bwa, uzidansan
ogisagisidonan. Mri'dac ka/ijikawicimut wlnibat, kimitcidi-
yacin. Mldac anat udiyan : "Kicpin anicinabag sagawa'O'-
5 wat, wmdamawicin." Kaga clgwa nabat oganonigon : "Icta,
anicinabag sagawa-a'mog."
Nanabuju onickaba'to inabit, kawm awiya owabamasln.
Minawa ki'kawicimo. Pmic nlnjing ogltclcimigon. Kaga'pl
klniba Nanabuju.
10 Anicinabag klsagawa'O'wat owabamawan awiya mitcidi-
yacininit. "Nacka! kuxca awax, mlmawln Nanabuju." Kfkaba
paejik Ia8a/u anicinaba ; owabandanan ni'kfwizidan saga-
danwangizinunig. Medac aji'a*ndawawanga'i'gat, mldac
ka'i'ji'O'da'pinad Ini/u nilkansan. Ogiklckijanan uzidansan ;
15 ajisininigiban, ogl'ijisiton 48i/u mi'tawang. Mldac kra*ni-
madcawad anicinabag.
A'pi'i-dac kwaskuzit Nanabuju, owabandanan keyabi
a'tanig uzidansan. "Mlsa7 clgwa tciwisiniyan," i'kido. Mri/<u
aji'O'da'pinang nilkiwizit, mi alta uzidans ma'kang ; minawa
20 baejik ododa'pinan, minawa ogimanibidon. "Tiwae! mawl-
ja*rdug kaminuzuwat nini'kansumag," i'kido. Mldac ajian-
dwa'a*nga'i*gat, kawln awiya ayaslwan nikansima8. Mri'adc
anad udiyan: "Magica anicinabeg krkimodiwag nini'kan-
25 "Kawm," udigon.
"K^ga't, awiya kl'kimoti. Nongum klgatanimis." Medac
Thereupon he carried the goslings away. He made a
fire by the edge of the water, and it was there he intended
to cook the goslings. He baked them in the embers, their
little feet he left sticking out. And when he lay down
to go to sleep, he lay with his bottom exposed. Thereupon
he said to his bottom : "If any people come in view round
the point, then you notify me." When he was nearly
asleep, he was addressed: "Ah! some people are coming
into view round the point."
Nanabushu leaped up from where he lay to look, but
he saw no one. Again he lay down to sleep. Even a
second time he was deceived. Finally to sleep went
Some people paddling into view round the point saw
some one lying with his bottom exposed. "Why, look!
yonder is some one, it must be Nanabushu." Ashore went
one of the men ; he saw gosling-legs sticking out of the
ashes. And so, when scratching among the ashes, he
thereupon picked up the goslings. He cut off their little
legs with a knife ; as (the feet) were before, so back in
the ashes he placed them. Thereupon the people con
tinued on their way.
And when from slumber awoke Nanabushu, he saw (that)
the little legs were still there. "Therefore now shall I eat,"
he said. So when he took hold of a gosling-leg, it was
a little leg only that he found; another he took up, an
other he pulled out. "I declare! it must have been long
since my goslings were thoroughly cooked," he said. There
upon he searched about in the ashes, but there was nothing
of his goslings. And so he said to his bottom: "Perhaps
some people have stolen my goslings."
"No," he was told.
"To be sure, somebody has stolen (them). This moment
shall you be punished." Thereupon, when he had built up
ka/i'jikistcipodawad, mldac iman ajidiyanit. A'prrdac tca-
yagisut, "TcF, tcF, tcP !"
"E'a>ce, lTci, tci, tcl,' ka/rnwayan ka/kimotimigowiyan
5 Wfkadac ki-a-nipasigvvl, ki'a-nimadca no'pimlng ; a'pidci
wlsagandam udiyan.
Ningudingidac anipabimosad, ogimi'kawa8 udclgansa^ aya-
nit. Mldac anad : "Anlndi glgiwa?"
" Pabanandawandciga."
10 Mri'dac ka'ijipopo'kutclbinat, ugimidcina8. Mldac kl'a--
nimadcad. A'pri'dac tagucing udclg ugimi'kawa* unldca-
nesas nibunit. Mldac ajino'pinariad Nanabujun. A'pl'i'dac
adimint Nanabuju, aninagamo Nanabuju :
"Udcigansug ma kabopo'kudcipinagwa.
I 5 Udcigansag ma kabopo'kudclpinagwa.
Udcigansag ma kabopo'kudclpinagwa.
Udcigansag ma kabopo'kudclpinagwa."
Udclganidac oganonigon : "Klnmawm, kigmisag ninldca-
20 "Kawln!" i'kido Nanabuju. A'pri'dac adimint, mi'tigunk
kra^pagizo.1 Udclgidac ugimlgadan 48i/u mictik, a'pidci
uglplgwandan 8ili/u mi'tig. Medac kaega't Nanabuju wlsa-
gandank udiyank.,
1 Mi'tigunk kra-'pagizo, "he turned instantly into a log;" literally, "into or on to
a "log he threw himself," but the sense is as given in the translation.
a great fire, he accordingly turned his bottom towards it.
Ard when he was burning, "Ouch, ouch, ouch!" (his
bottom) said.
: "Oh, 'Ouch, ouch, ouch!' is what you would say after
have been robbed of my goslings."
Now, a long while afterwards he rose to his feet, he
started off inland ; a very severe pain he suffered at his
And once, when travelling along, he came upon some
young Fishers. And this he said to them : " Where is
your mother?"
"She is off somewhere hunting for game."
And when he had broken them in two at the wrist, he
eased upon them. And then on his way he went. And
when home was come the Fisher, she found that her children
were dead. Thereupon she pursued Nanabushu. And
when Nanabushu was overtaken, he was going along singing
a song :
"Little fishers are the ones that I have broken in two at the wrists.
Little fishers are the ones that I have broken in two at the wrists.
Little fishers are the ones that I have broken in two at the wrists.
Little fishers are the ones that I have broken in two at the wrists."
By the Fisher was he addressed: "Then it was you, you
slew my children !"
"No!" said Nanabushu. And when he was overtaken,
he turned instantly into a log.1 And the Fisher fought
the log, ever so much did she tear the log with her teeth.
Thereupon truly did Nanabushu suffer pain in his bottom.
Menawa kra-nimadca Nanabuju a'pidci kagidcidiyat.
Minawa pinansa2 umi'kawa8 namadabinit. " Anln ajini'kasud
kigiwa ?"
5 "Nabisa'a- kuckungasi !" i'kido Nanabuju. Meclac ka'i'-
jimldcinad, midac kra'nimadcad.
A'pl'i'dac tagucing kistcipina owabama8 unldcanisa8 mo-
wiwinit. "Awanan ka'totonag ?"
"Nanabuju ninglmldcinigunan."
10 Kinickadizi lasa/u pina. Ogmo'pinanan idac Nanabujun,
mganidac anrrjanit kl'poni a pina. Klckabilkang anrijaban
Nanabuju. pinadac ki'kazu cingubl'kang. A'pri'dac iman
pamusat Nanabuju, pina tcase'ka klpasigu'u', anigu'k gita-
'tawanga. A'ta! mi a'pana Nanabuju ka'ijika'kabi'kisa.
15 Medac kltclcabi'kitiyacink. Kl'i'nabit iman kickabi'kank,
owabandanan umigln agu'kanik iman asinlng. "Wa'kunag
kigatigom," udidan. Midac !gi/u wa'kunag Nanabuju udu-
Minawa mi'tigonsan ugra*nimindciminanan. "Miskwa-
20 bimagog klgatigom tciani'a^klyunk."
Midac kra'nimadcad. Midac kmagickawad ininiwan,
a'pidci uniciciwan. 'A, migwanas uctigwaning ! Nanabuju
oganonan : u 'A, mdci, anmdi ajayan?"
On his way continued Nanabushu with a bottom exceed
ingly sore. Next some young Ruffed Grouse he found, that
were sitting down. "What is the name of your mother?"
"A Frightener."
"The deuce! she is a frightener," said Nanabushu. And
so when he had eased himself upon them, then on his way
he went.
Now, when home was come the old Ruffed Grouse, she saw
her children covered with dung. "Who did that to you?"
"By Nanabushu were we eased upon."
Angry was the Ruffed Grouse. So she followed after
Nanabushu, and in the path ahead of him the Ruffed Grouse
alighted. By the edge of a cliff was Nanabushu going,
and the Ruffed Grouse was hidden among the balsams.
And when by the place Nanabushu passed, the Ruffed
Grouse suddenly flew up ; with all her might she flapped
her wings. Ah! then off tumbled Nanabushu over the
precipice. And then, alighting upon his buttocks, down he
slid. On looking up at the precipice, he beheld his sores
sticking there to the rock. "Lichens shall you be called,"
he said to them. And so the lichens were sores from
Nanabushu's bottom.
Next he went grabbing hold of the shrubs as he passed
among them. "Red willows shall you be called till the
end of the world."
Thereupon he started on his way. And then he met
with a man, very handsome was he. Ah, the feathers
upon his head! Nanabushu spoke to him, saying: "Well,
my friend, whither are you bound?"
"A, anicasago nimbabamadis •, kinidac, anindi ajayan?"1
"Ka, anicaguna gaya nm nimbabamadis." Mi'tigwabln
oda'kunan Ia8a/u inini, Nanabujudac oganonan : "Ta, nlclci
kaegatsa/ unicici kimi'tigwab. Skuma blc, mngagagwa-
5 tagibina."
"A, kawin! Kawlka awiya ninclawi'a'sl."
"A, mano, nidci, kanagago adcina!" Kinwanj ugitacirnan.
Kaga'pi ugimlnigon lni/u mi'tigwabln, Nanabujudac uga-
gwadagibinan mi'tigwabin. "Taa, kaegatsa' minwagizi.
10 Skuma win 1'i'wa kidasawan." Kinwanj anawi oglsagi'ta-
gon, kaga'pl oglmlnigon. Ml'i'dac ka'i'jinabisitod ri'man
atcabink ; mi'i'dac kagwatagibinat Nanabucu mi'tigwabin,
mri/>u ka'i'jipimwad Ini/u ininiwan kanagickawa'pan. Mon-
zunk ki'i jinaguziwan a'pl ganisat ; a'pidci wminowan. Kistci-
15 minwandam Nanabuju kistciwlsinit. Ml'i'dac ka'ijipigickij-
wad !ni/u monzon, a'pidcidac wanicicink wiyas ugikijizan
wamidcit; pimida gaya. Ka'kljidanik, midac kl'a-gwa'i'za-
lkwat. Cl'gv/a wlmadandcigat, kiziba'kwat. "Tcien, tcie11,"
inwanik. Kawin omino'tanzln. "Icta, pizan taga!" Acka-
20 migu kijiwa ri/<u kizlba'kwat. Nanabujudac klpasigwl,
oglmanijan pangl ojobln. Midac adank ri/i11 kizlba'kwat :
"K^gatsa7 kidombigis. Klwanickwam wlwlsiniyan. Owa gaya
gin mldcin." Midac Nanabuju a'tod rix'u pimida kizlba
'kwat oglta'kwamigun. Mri'man kra/godcink kistciginwanc,
25 plnic anode awaslyag ma-rnganag; kwingwa'a'gag,
1 Translated by the editor.
"Oh, I am just simply travelling about; and you, where
are you going?"
"Oh, I too am simply wandering aimlessly about." A
bow the man held in his hand, and Nanabushu addressed
him, saying: "Why, my friend, truly handsome is your
bow. Just you hand it over to me, I want to see how
it pulls."
"Ah, no! never do I turn it over to any one."
"Oh, please, my friend, just only for a moment!" A
long while, he coaxed him. At last he was given the
bow, and Nanabushu tested the spring of the bow. " Why,
to be sure, it pulls finely. Just (hand me) over that arrow
of yours." With all his pleading, yet a long while was
it withheld from him, but finally it was given to him.
Thereupon he fitted it in place on the bowstring ; and
when Nanabushu pulled upon the bow, he thereupon shot
the man whom he had met. Like a moose he looked,
after (Nanabushu) had slain him ; he was ever so fat.
Highly pleased was Nanabushu to have a great heap of
food. Accordingly he cut the moose up into pieces, and
very nice was the meat he cooked to eat ; and the grease
too (was savory). When it was done, he accordingly took
it out of the kettle. Just as he was on the point of eating,
there was a creaking noise. "Tcie11, tcien !" was the way
it sounded. He did not like the sound. "Now, do you
keep silent !" Still louder grew the noise of the creaking.
Nanabushu rose to his feet, sliced off a little bit of (fatty)
tenderloin. And then he said to the creaking noise : "Really,
too much of a noise are you making. You are annoying
me when I want to eat. This too do you eat." And
when Nanabushu placed the fat in where the creaking
noise was made, he was caught fast. Accordingly there
he hung for a great while, until all sorts of game-folk -
udclgag, wagucag gltagwicinog kra'rnwawad mozon ;
kagagiwag gaya. Panima ka'kina ka'kidamunt lasa/u mons
mri'-" pidclnag, kipagidamigut Nanabuju ri'-u kizlba'kwat.
Alpidci wiwisini krija iiman abini'pan lni/u mozon. Mlya'ta
5 ulkanan a'tanig, ustigwanigagan kaya a'tani. Medac ajiwa-
bamad wawabiganodclya9 plndiganit iman mons ustigwanig.
Owabandan pangl a'tanig winindip. "A'pagic mldciyan !"
inandam mldac ajikanonat wawabiganodciyac : "Kitagackitd
nawana gaya nln ri/fU tcri'niginiyan ayaniginiyag?"
10 "A, kawin !" udigon. "Uzam kimindit," udjgon.
"A, manii kayanln mwlplndiga iman mons ustigwaning!"
"Awawisa^" udigon. "Oman ya'ta kistigwaning klgada-
Midec wawabiganodciyink gi'i'ni'kuguictigwanat. Mldac
15 kl'pmdi'kwanit, "Pa'kagu wlsinin," udigon. "Kagu umbi-
'kwani'kan," udigon. Uzamidac Nanabuju kru-mbi'kwani,
mldec ka'ijimistcanik ustigwan. Kawin kikackru'sl tcigl-
tcigu'tad. Mldac ka'ijimadcad tibraj'agwan ^ kawin owa-
bandanzln ajad. Ka'kina mi'tigon pa'ta'kucink ugagwatci-
20 man: "Awanan
Mina'i'k naningudino ; wlgwas namngutino ; azatiwan
ninguting. Mlnawa mi'tigon opi'ta'kuckawan, "Awanan
gin?" udinan. Kl'ijiksa. "Mlsax pacur tclgibik indayamitug,"
inandam. Wipagu kaegat nibi uda'kugadan. Mldac igu
25 kwaya'k ka'a'ni'i'jinlminaslt, kra'nipimadaga kwaya'kigu
ajad. Awiya unundawan plpaginit anicinaban : BA8e, nacka
kuca7, mons pamadagat ! ;Aa/u! mawinadawatawe !"
wolves, martens, fishers, foxes — arrived to eat the moose;
ravens too (arrived). Not till the whole of the moose was
eaten up, was Nanabushu freed from the grip of the
creaking place. Very eager was he to eat, and he went
over to where the moose had been. Only its bones were
left, its skull was there too. Thereupon he saw some
mice1 go into the head of the moose. He saw that a
little bit of the brains was left. "Would that I might
eat it !" he thought. Thereupon he spoke to the mice,
saying : " Could you bring it about so that I might be of
the same size as you ?"
"Ah, no!" he was told. "Of too large a size are you,"
he was told.
"Ah, please let me go into the head of the moose too!"
"All right, then," he was told. "Only here at your head
will you be made small."
Thereupon like unto the head of a mouse was the size
of his head. And so when he stuck his head in, "Slowly
do you eat," he was told. "Do not lift your head," he was
told. Now, too high Nanabushu lifted his head, whereupon
the size of his head enlarged. He was unable to get (his
head) free. Thereupon he started off, not knowing whither
he was going ; he did not see whither he was bound. Every
tree he bumped against he asked of it : " Who are you ?"
A tamarack (it was) sometimes ; a birch (it was) some
times ; a poplar once. Another tree he bumped against.
"Who are you?" he said to it. A cedar (it was). "Then
close to the edge of the water I must be," he thought.
Soon then really into the water he stepped. Thereupon,
when straight into the water he went, off he went swim
ming towards the way he was bound. Some people he
heard calling aloud : " Hey ! Just look ! a moose is swim
ming by ! Come on ! Let us go for him !"
1 In another version it was the flies.
Mldac kaegat ajipoziwad anicinabag wlnisawad monzon.
Nanabujudac kiwackibagizo. "A9e! aja wackataga!"
Nanabuju anigu'k pimadaga. Anicinabag cigwa pacur
pi-a-yawag. Midac Nanabuju cigwa taba'kinank, mldac
5 acimadclpa'tod pagwana, kawin owabandanzm apa'tod.
Mldac kru-jajabi'kicink, mri'dec klpasesink ri/<u monsucti-
gwanic. Mri^dac pidcmag kiwabit. Mri/<u kra'nimadcl-
pa'tod. Nanabujun win ka'i'jinaguzinit ; mra>4pana tibi
a'patogwan Nanabuju.
10 Mlsa1 a*kosit.
Ningudingisa' anipa pimosaguban Nanabuju, me'i'dac
a'pl wadisat adcidamon tanit ; krpmdigadac andanit.
Mri'dac anandang adcidamo : " Ningatacama Nanabuju."
Medac pa'tawlyas kra^tod onaganing, mlnawadec paejik
15 onagans ogimamon wra^tod pimida. Medac ka*i*jra'da-
'pinad udisinlman, mldac mo'koman ajipajiba'O'dizut. Medac
iman pimida wandcidciwaninig, pa'kic nondaguzi : "Tc! tci
tci tci tci tci, ma'ku pimida!" Medac kra'camad Nanabijun.
Ka'i'skwawlsinit Nanabuju, "Kaya nln nlngatacama
20 adcidamo," inandam. Medac mo'koman odo'pinang, mldac
aji'u'da'pinat udasiniman. Medac ka'i'jipajigibawad udasi-
mman, mri'-u klnisidizut.
1 For other versions see Nos. 36 (p. 311) and 40 (p. 341).
Thereupon truly into their canoes went the people, in
the hope of killing the moose. Nanabushu then quickly
turned about. "Hey! He is turning back!" Nanabushu
was swimming fast. The people now were coming close.
And when Nanabushu touched bottom, then off he started
running without knowing where ; he did not see whither
he was running. And then he stumbled and fell, where
upon he cracked that wretched head of the moose. And
that was when he could see. Accordingly away he started
running. Nanabushu then took on his own form ; and off
he ran, no one knew where.
And that is the end of (the story).
Now, once upon a time on his way went Nanabushu
walking, and it was then that he came to where a squirrel
lived ; and he went into where (the squirrel) lived.
Now, this thought the squirrel: "I will feed Nanabushu."
And so when some dry meat he had placed into a bowl,
he next took a small vessel in which to put some fat.
Accordingly, taking hold of his stone,3 he then pierced
himself (there) with a knife. Whereupon from thence
flowed some grease, at the same time he was heard saying :
"Tci tci tci tci tci tcl, bear-grease!" Thereupon he fed
After Nanabushu had finished eating, "So will I too
feed the squirrel," he thought. Thereupon taking a knife,
he reached hold of his stone. And so when he had pierced
his stone, he accordingly killed himself.8
2 A synonym e for "testes."
3 It is common with the Ojibwas of Canada to have Nanabushu die and then be
fetched back to life, as here; the same, too, with his grandmother. This element
is rather out of keeping with the tales of the other Ojibwas.
Adcidamodac ogipapodanan Nanabujun, mri/<u krpi-
Kra'nimadcadac Nanabuju. Mmawa ogra/nro'disan ma-
maen taanit wlmbina'kadonk. Mldac ki'pindigat andanit.
5 Mamaedec kra^kwandawa Iman pa'taclngwa'kung.
Oganawabaman andodaminit Ini/u mamaen. Anigagwati-
'kwa'u- iman mi'tigung ; a'pidcidac spimlng kitci'a'nigu'k
madwa/kwa/irt mrivman wandcipangicininit asibanan. Mi-
wanini ka'kljiswad kl'a'camad Nanabujun.
10 Ackwawisinit Nanabuju, "Kaya nm nlngatacaman mama."
Npjidac u'kanan ogru'da'pinanan. Medac ka'i'jikaciga-a'ng
namdawayaT, mldac kla'tod udanigumang. Medac alkwan-
dawat iman mi'tigung kaya win kagwati'kwa11. A'pidcidac
icpimmg ayat, mri/<u ki'tci'a'nigu'k ajimadwa'kwa'u't. Mli-
15 dac ajinisitizut. Kawln oginisasin asibanan. Mamandac
oglpimadci'i'gon. Mri/>u kra'nimadcad.
Misaguna a'kozit.
Anlc, ningudingsa klnwan Nanabucu klbabimusa paba-
madisit, wina'tagu nici'ka. Kaga'pl ninguding anicinaba"
20 odotisan ; ima dac ayawat Igi/u anicinabaeg u'pimaya'r dac
ima owabandan wlgiwamans ayanik. Mldac ka/rjinanzi-
1 For other versions see Nos. 35 (p. 305) and 42 (p. 357).
Now, the squirrel breathed upon Nanabushu, whereupon
he fetched him back to life.
So on his way went Nanabushu. Next "he went to visit
the red-head at where he was in the hole of a tree. And
so he went into where the (red-head) lived.
Now, the red-head climbed up a dead pine-tree.
He watched what the red-head was doing. (The red
head) kept testing where to peck on his way up the tree ;
and when very high up was heard the sound of him
pecking with all his might, then down from there came
falling a raccoon. That was what he cooked when he
fed Nanabushu.
When Nanabushu was done eating, "I too will feed the
red-head." Now, two bones he took. And so when he
had sharpened them at both ends, he accordingly placed
them in his nostrils. And when he climbed up the tree,
he also tested where to peck. And when very high up
he was, he then was heard pecking with all his might.
Thereupon he killed himself. He did not kill a raccoon.
And by the red-head was he brought back to life. And
so on his way he went.
And that is as far as (the story) goes.
Well, once on a time they say Nanabushu went walking
along, travelling from place to place, and all alone. Then
in due course of time to where some people were he came ;
now, off at one side of where the people were, he saw a
small wigwam standing.3 Accordingly, when he went up
2 Reference is to the menstrual lodge,
'kang, kita'pabi dac ickwandank • i'kwawan owabaman
namadabinit. Kawin kanaga plnabislwan •, a'pri'dac ka'ka-
nimigut mlkanonigut : "Kagu intawa plndika'kan," udigon;
"undcita oman nijika nindaiya," udigon.
5 "Mann, ningapmdiga !" udinan.
"Kago pmdika'kan,'' udigon. "Kawm awiya oma11 tapm-
dikasl." Kawin kanaga pi'irndci-i-nabislwan.
Nanabucii dac a'pidci inandam wl'pmdigat, midac ka'i*-
jiplndigat ; mi klnwan awi'kwa aji'a^pidcinawagi'kwanit.
10 Panima dac wayabank kiglcap pitagwicinon ogm laVwi-
lkwa pi'a-camigut ; pa'taniwlyas patod a11 mindimoya, mrV'u
ka'a'camat udanisan.
Nanabucu dac oganonan Ini/u mindimoyayan : " Kawlnina
nintawldigamasl 'afia/u kitanis?"
15 "Niya," i'kitu 'au mindimoya; "magwa kuca manido'u-i !
Kaya dac kawln tibanindisusl, osan udibanimigon. Ninga-
wlndamawa 'a11 a'kiw^zl."
"Anlc, manosa7. Minawa na'kawa ningababamadi's.
Klnicwasugunaga'k ningatagwicin, mri/>u tcibinandu ki'kan-
20 daman kadi'kitogwan au alkiwanzi.w Midac ka/ijimadcat
Nanabucu klpabamadisit no'piming ; anodci kagon ubaba-
ni'ton madcit. A4pri*dac aninicwasugunagatinig mri/<u
cigwa icat, anotc awaslyansa£ udanirnadclna55. A'pl'i'dac
ani'u'di'tang iwa wigiwamans owabandan, wawani plnictci-
1 Man is forbidden to enter a menstrual lodge; usually an old woman is about,
who looks after the wants of the woman.
2 A woman menstruating is to be avoided for the evil power she then is said
to have.
to it, he peeped in at the entry-way; a woman he saw
seated there. Not even did she glance up at him ; and
when his presence became known, then was he spoken to
(in these words): "Do not enter in, I pray," he was told;
"especially since I am here alone," l he was told.
"Please let me come in!" he said to her.
"Do not come in," he was told. "Nobody is allowed
to enter here." Not even did she look up (at him) from
where she was.
Now, Nanabushu was very keen to enter, whereupon he
then went in ; then they say the woman bowed her head,
holding it very low.
Now, by and by on the morrow, during the morning,
hither came the mother of the woman, bringing food to
feed her (daughter) • dried meat was what the old woman
fetched, and with that she fed her daughter.
Now, Nanabushu spoke to the old woman, saying : "May
I not marry your daughter?"
"Dear me!" said the old woman; "why, she is now in
the condition of a manitou ! 3 And she is not at liberty
yet to act for herself, under her father's control is she
still. I will tell the old man about it." 8
"Well, all right. For another while will I wander about.
At the end of seven days I will return, then will I come
to learn what the old man shall say." Thereupon departed
Nanabushu, travelling from place to place inland ; all sorts
of things he killed to eat during his wandering. And
when the seventh day was drawing on, then thither he
went. And when he got up to the small wigwam,4 he saw
that it was all set in neat order. And when he peeped
:* These excuses by the mother are only a formality. She really has more to
say than the father, and could have given the answer then. It is a point not to
appear too anxious, however willing one may be.
4 This is given as the same little wigwam, but as a matter of fact it would be
another into which the woman would go after her illness.
gadanig. A'pri'dac ta'pabandank iwa wlgiwamans, ubiga-
nawabamigon lni/u i'kwawan. "Amc, kitaplndiga," udigon.
Mri'dac 'a8a'wilkwa agwatcing kri'ja ; midac wabandank
Nanabuco ubimiwanan, wlyas a/tanig, mizisa8 kaya pinawa5:
5 kaya. Midac awi'kwa ka'ijitclba'kwat, midac a'kitut :
"Ningatawinandumak ninlngri'gog." Mi ka-ijimadcat
'awi'kwa, ugra-winanduman osan ugln kaya. Nlnganidac
krpitagwicin awilkwa.
A'pri'dac tagucinuwat Igiwa ki'tcra'nicinaba^g, owaba-
10 mawan Nanabucon namadabinit agamindaslng. Midac
a'kitut awa a'kiwanzi : "Anlc, Nanabucu, ninglwindamago
4fiiu ka/i-'kituwanan ananimawatan laVwi nindanisinan.
Kawin a'pidci kagon uni'tawitosin, nondasi." Wawani ugl-
wlndamawan Ini/u Nanabucon. "Kicpin dac anawanimasi-
15 wat, manosax intawa kitawidclwa." Midac ka'i'cipasigwit
lasa/u a'kiwanzi oglsagini'kanan udanisan, Nanabucondac
namadapinit ogrirnabra/n. Mri'dac klkagl'kamawat lni/u
udanisiwan wawani tciwi'pimadisinit.
Midac ka'i'jiwlsiniwat. Ka'i'ckwawlsiniwat kfkanona
20 Nanabuco: "Amba, pljayu'k andayang, kaya klnawa tci-
pi'a'yayag ima oda'towad anicinabag."
Midac ima klna'a'ngabit ; mojagidac kinandawandciga,
anode kago uni'ton awasiya^. Namngudino upiwidclwan
ma*kwan, midac ima panima pitagwicing ickwandank mrrma
25 mwanawat. Wlbadacigu Nanabucu kli'kitu : "WYkundiwin
1 All this is according to custom.
'2 At the back of the lodge, the proper place for a male visitor to sit where
there is no male owner of the lodge.
3 These words are purely formal, and have no meaning. A parent uses them,
into the small wigwam, he was met with an expectant look
from the woman. "Well, you may come in," he was told.
Thereupon the woman went out of doors ; and so, when
she saw Nanabushu's pack, meat was therein, besides
turkeys and ruffed grouse. And so when the woman had
cooked a meal, she then said: "I will go ask my parents
to come." Accordingly then departed the woman ; she
went to invite her father and mother. Before (their arrival),
back home had come the woman.1
Now, when the old folks arrived, they saw Nanabushu
seated in the space behind the fire.2 Thereupon said the
old man: "Well, Nanabushu, I have been told what you
said concerning the way you feel about this daughter of
ours. She is not so very smart at doing things, she is
dull." 3 He was careful to tell Nanabushu about her.
"So if you are not disinclined to taking her, why, you may
then marry her." 4 Thereupon rising to his feet, the old
man took his daughter by the hand, and where Nanabushu
was seated he had her sit beside him. And then he
charged his daughter that she live an upright life.
Thereupon they ate. After they had eaten, then Nana
bushu was told: "Now, do you come to where we live,
so that you also may dwell yonder where the people have
a town." 5
And so there he lived with the people of his wife ; and
continually was he on the hunt for game, every kind of
game he killed. Frequently he came home in company
with a bear, and not till he was come there at the door
way did he then lay it low with a club. So in a little
while Nanabushu said : " A feast there shall be of game-
no matter how capable his daughter is, but he does not permit any one else to say
the same thing of her.
4 Another formal statement which serves to put the responsibility on the man.
5 As a rule, a man and his wife do not go away at once to live by themselves ;
they live a while either with his parents or else with hers.
tcrirjictcigatanig awasimldcim, mizisa gaya, ka'kinagu an-
daswawanagisiwat, pinewa8 gay a."
Midac ka/rciwl'kumindwa nlbiwa anicinabaeg, i'kwawag
kaya. Ka'i'ckwawl'kunding dac mri/<u ka'i'crirdaminowat,
5 plpagadowawag. Pkwawag kaya pa'kan klwadaminowag,
klpapasi'kawawag. Mldac ka'i-'kidunk : "Mlsa*!7*11 Nana-
bucu uwldigawin nongum wandci'u'daminuwin. Ml gadici-
wabalk awlya kawldigadin," krr'kitowag.
Mri'fU kaya wlnawa ka'i'citcigawat anicinabaeg awlya
10 kawldigadin.
Mldac iman monjag ki*a*yat la'a/u Nanabucu. Ningu-
dingidac kilkusiwag Nanabucu wlwan, o'kumisandac oglwl-
dciwigowan. Mojag kra*ndawandciga. Nanabuco, amik-
kwan kaya ogmodcra/n ; ani't ogl'u ji'ton Nanabuco mri/<u
15 ka*a*batci'tot ami'kwan klpacipawat ; mistcigi/u ijini'kata
lisi/u ulkan ka/uji'tot.
Ningudingidac ugimi'kawan kistci-a'mikwa^ tanit mrcrwii
gi'tcikaming, a'pidci mamanditowan. Mldac anat wiwan :
"Ninganodci'a-g igi/u ami'kwag." Nljinon Ini/u ami'kwag
20 andawat, mi'i'we pajik Miming minawadec Micibigwado-
minising. Mi'i'we kaya ami'kwag ka'tawagubanan. Ugl-
pigwa*a!nan Ini/u ami'kuwlcan. Mri'dac klbabamajagamat
uwa gistcigami ; anint uglnisan ami'konsa8, pajik kaya ki'tci
ami'kwan ; pajikidac kistci ami'kwan kawm umi'kawasln.
1 The ceremony is always after the wedding.
- Pointed with a single barb. The shaft is longer than the barb, and has a hole
at one end through which to fasten the cord.
food, and of turkeys, and of every kind of game there
is, and of ruffed grouse."
And so there were invited to the feast many men,
women too. And after the feast was over, they then played
games, they came to play ball. The women too played
a different game, they played the double-ball game. For
it was said: "This is Nanabushu's wedding, and that is
why to-day we play. Thus shall it ever be when any one
is married," (so) they said.1
Thus too have the people done whenever any one has
And so there for a long while continued Nanabushu.
Now, once on a time to another place moved Nanabushu
and his wife, and by his grandmother were they accom
panied. Ever was Nanabushu in quest of game, for beavers
too he hunted ; a harpoon Nanabushu made, and that was
what he used when he speared the beaver ; spine-of-a-
pickerel-fm is the name of the bone (point) " which he made.
Now, once he found a place over here in the sea where
the great beavers dwelt, they were very huge. Thereupon
he said to his wife: "I am going after these beavers."
Two were the places where those beavers dwelt : one was
over here at Isle Royal,3 and the other was at Michipicoten
Island.4 Now, those were the places where the beavers
dwelt. He destroyed the beaver dwellings. Thereupon
he wandered away, following the shore of this sea; some
of the small beavers he killed, one large beaver too ; but
one other large beaver he did not find. So at last he
3 West and not far from Fort William.
4 North of Sault Ste Marie.
Kaga'prrdac kri'nandam: "Intawa ningaplgwa'a/n Ii8i/u
u'kunim, manodac ta'i'ska'ta o'o* kistcigami, mri''u tcimi-
lkawag 'aV11 ami'k."
Mldac ka*i*jiwijamat o'kumisan iwiti u'kuniming. A'pl-
5 'i'dac ka'pigwa'a'nk 'ifii/u u^unim, "Mloman ayan, kanawan-
dan tcipimabonusik 'a^11 ami'k," udinan. A ! mldac klslgi-
dciwank i'i-u nibi. Minawadac Nanabuco klmadciyacagama
owa kistcigami. Mldac ima Micibigwadominising klajawi-
kwaskunit ; magwadac ima nlbawit owabaman nigigwan
10 aniniska'tanik. Mldac ka'i'jiminawa'a'jawigwaskunit, mldac
ima ugrirjacicing ajajklkang. Mldac kapasigwit, uglpa'pi-
'ton i'i'ma11 kra/na'kwitiyacing . uwlngagu ajinagusit ijina-
gwatini. "Manu, nocicanyag pitclnag kadanipimadisiwat
15 Mldac ka'i'jino'pinanat Ini/u nigigwan uglpajipa'wan 48i/u
mistcigiwani't. Wiwlsini klwan. "Intawa a'kawa ninga-
tamwa 'a8a/u nigig," kri'nandam. Mldac ka-ijipa'kunat,
klpodawa; mldac ajra'pwad. A'pri'dac ka'kijiswat mri/<u
ajiwawanabit. Uglpada'kinan. Cigwadac kamanicank
20 pajik 48i/u nigikutawag, mri/<u nondawat o'kumisan madwa-
kwlckucinit iwiti Bawi'ting. Mldac ka/rjipasingutcisat,
klmadclba'tod. A'pri'dac pagamiba'tod iwiti Bawi'ting,
"Anln?" udinan o'kumisan.
Mldac a'kitut 'afia/u ma'ka'klmindimoya : "Aja a'pami,
25 klpimabonu a11 ami'k."
1 At the head of Sault Ste Marie. By destroying it, the rapids were made.
2 The usual expression is "my nephews," which implied also "my aunts," meaning
the people.
thought: "Therefore I will destroy the (beaver) dam,1 no
matter if this sea should go dry, for then I shall find the
Thereupon he had his grandmother go with him to
yonder (beaver) dam. And when he had demolished the
dam, "In this place do you remain, do you watch that
the beaver does not float by with the current," he said
to her. Ah ! and then out the water flowed. So once
more Nanabushu set out, following the shore of this sea.
And then across to Michipicoten Island he leaped ; and
while he was standing over there, he saw an otter where
the water was running low. Accordingly back across he
leaped, whereat he slipped and fell in the mud. And so,
when he rose to his feet, he laughed at the spot where
he had left an imprint of his bottom ; precisely like the
form on him was the way it looked. "No matter, let my
grandchildren 3 that shall live hereafter have it to laugh at."
And when he pursued the otter, he pierced it with
the fin spine of his harpoon. He was eager to eat, they
say. "Accordingly before (proceeding further) I will eat
the otter," he thought. And so, when he had flayed it,
he built a fire ; thereupon he roasted it on the spit. And
when he had finished cooking it, he then sat down. He
stuck (the spit into the ground) with (the otter still) on it.
And when with a knife he sliced off one of the otter's
ears,3 he then heard the sound of his grandmother whistling
off yonder at the Sault. Thereupon leaping to his feet,
he started off a-running. And when he came running up
to yonder Sault, "What (is it)?" he said to his grandmother.
Thereupon said the old Toad- Woman : 4 "It is gone,
floating with the current went the beaver."
3 The otter on the spit can be seen, so it is said, as a shaft of rock on the
Wisconsin shore of Lake Superior.
nother name for Mother Earth, or the grandmother of Nanabushu.
VYU. - '
A^I'tci niskadisit dac lasa/u Nanabucu mri/iU ka/ijimwa-
na'wat o'kumisan. Miziwadac klmiskwiwabi'ka iu wadci11.
"Oma'ka'klwabi'kunk ta'i'cini'kata," krr'kitu Nanabucu.
Mldac rrwiti anuglpaba'a/ndawabamat lni/u ami'kwan,
5 kawmdac ugimi'kawasln. Mlnawadac krpiklwii, kayabi
ki'pabanandawabandcigat kayabi tcra'yanit ami'kwan ; ka
wmdac awiya oglmi'kawasln. Miziwa anugipaba'i'ja ; ima
wlcan ka'u'ndclplgu'ank, rniya'ta mi'tigdn piwandamowat
ami'kwag kawabandangin.
10 Minawadac kra'nikiwa'a'yacagama. Tasing aniwaban-
dangin rrma krircacicingiban, ugi'tciba'piton. Mldac ima
Micibigwato wl'kwadunk mri'ma ka'iji'U'nabit. "Kicpin
anicinabaeg kabimiwabamiwat kicpin pang! asaman mlciwat
nandawandamowat tcinama'a'mowat, mri/>u pang! tciboda-
15 dcigayan."
Mldacigu ima a'pana namadabit, anicinaba klnamadabit
mri/>u ajinagwa'k i'i*u asin. Mldac igu kaga't ajiwaba'k -,
kicpin awlya pang! a'paginat asaman, "Nanabuju! kibln-
da'konin ningawinamaamin," mlgu kaga't ajinamaanigwa'k.
20 Mlsa1 a'kosit, pinawidis kl*a-goda.
Ningudingisa minawa anipapimosaguban Nanabuju, midac
ajiwabamad minawa nilkas ayanit iman saga'i'gamng. Mldac
ajikanonat : "Taga, kaya nm ajinagusiyag iji'i'ciyu'k."
1 In various places in the Ojibwa country may be observed a rock, island, or
high land looking like a human being either reclining or seated, when seen from the
distance, and it is generally called Nanabushu.
And so angry was Nanabushu, that he then smote his
grandmother (till she was dead). And everywhere was
the mountain reddened with blood. "Toad Mountain shall
it be called," said Nanabushu.
Thereupon off yonder he wandered, looking in vain for
the beaver, but he did not find it. So again he turned
his way homeward, still yet was he roaming from place
to place to find if yet there were any beavers ; but he
found none. Everywhere he went wandering, but with
out success ; there where he had broken up the beaver
dwellings, all that he saw were the logs which the beavers
had gnawed to pieces.
So again he turned back home, going by way of the
shore. As often as he beheld the places on the way
where he had slipped and fell, heartily he laughed at them.
And so yonder at Michipicoten Bay was where he sat
down. "If people behold me when passing by, if they
should give me a little tobacco in their wish for a fair
wind, then gently would I blow (with my breath)."
And so there he still sits, like a person sitting is the
way the rock looks.1 And that, sure enough, is what hap
pens ; if any one offers a little tobacco (with) a O Nana
bushu ! I come with an offering to you, we wish for a
fair wind," then verily there comes up a fair wind.
That is as far as the story goes, the gizzard of the
ruffed grouse now hangs aloft.
Now, once again was Nanabushu travelling along, when
he then saw some more geese that were in a lake.
Thereupon he spoke to them, saying: "Pray, do you make
2 For another version see No. 15 (p. 127).
Kinwa^j ogltajima8. Kaga'pl, " 'Awisa," udigon. Mri'dac
paepacik ka-rjimmigut umlguniwan. A'prrdac tayapisanit
mlgwana8, mri''u kaega't ni'king krijinaguzit Nanabuju.
Klpazigwa'u- gayawm klpabawidclwad ni'ka8. A4pri*dac
anitagwagininik, "Misa cigwa tcimadcayank," udigon.
Mri'dac cigwa pazigwa-crwat, cawanunk ani'i'jawad naga-
mowag :
"A'i'natinag kijiga a'i-natciwasayani.
A-rnatinag kijiga iri-natciwascayani.
A'i'natinag kijiga a'rnatciwasayani."
Mri'dac agut: "Kagu miziwa inabi'kan, kwaya'kigu
ajayank inabin. Cigwa pacu/ anicinabek oda'towag kada-
nri'jayank. Kagux kanaga inabi'kan. Tamadwanandnda-
gusiwag anicinabek. Kagu' kanawabama'kan."
1 5 A'pi ani'irdi'tamuwad anicinaba8 oda{!tonit cigwa waba-
mawag ni'kag pimisawad. "A'a, inaska kuca ni'kag !
Kaegatsa mindi'to paejik laca/u ni'ka !" Anode madwiri'n-
wa'kazowag anicinabeg. Kaga'pl krrnabi Nanabuju, mri/<u
ka'ijipi'taganamigut umngwiganang, klpo'kwisani uningwi-
20 gan ; mldac klpangicink Nanabuju.
"E'e1, paejik pangicin ni'ka !" Uglnodci'a'wan, ugipaba-
minlca'a'wawan wltabibinawat. A'pri'dac wadcanimi-i'nt,
indawa kipasigwi. "WrH'H, Nanabujun nangwana ka'i*-
jinagwi'U'nit !" Mldac klki'tcipa'pi'a'wad Nanabujiin.
25 I}inawidis kra'goda.
me look the same as you." A long- while was he coaxing
them. At last, "All right," he was told. Accordingly
by each one was he given a feather. And when the
number of feathers was enough (to cover him), then truly
like a goose was the look of Nanabushu. Up he also
flew when he went about in company with the geese.
And when it was getting well on towards the fall, "There
fore now is it time for us to be going away," he was told.
Thereupon then up they rose on the wing, as on their
way southward they went, (and) they sang :
"By way of the mountain-ranges do I fly along through the sky,
By way of the mountain-ranges do I fly along through the sky,
By way of the mountain-ranges do I fly along through the sky."
And then he was told: "Do not look everywhere, but
straight toward the way we are bound do you look. For
not far away do some people dwell in a town who shall
be in the way of our course. Do not for any reason look.
Everywhere will be heard the voices of the people shouting.
Do not look at them."
When they came to where the people lived in a town,
already were the geese seen flying past. "Hey! Just look
at the geese! Truly big is one of the geese!" All sorts
of noise did the people make. At last did Nanabushu
look, whereupon he was accidentally hit on the wing,
broken was his wing ; and then down fell Nanabushu.
"Hey! One of the geese is falling!" They went after
it, they chased it hither and thither to capture it. And
when he was on the point of being brought to bay, he
thereupon rose to his feet. "Wl'i'i'i, that was what Nana
bushu made himself look like!" And so they laughed
heartily at Nanabushu.
The gizzard of the ruffed grouse hangs aloft.
SERIES VIII. Nos. 57-63.
Ningutingsa klwan aTndawag Nanabuco o'kumisan kaya.
Mldac klwan anat ocisan : "Nojis," udinan, "iwa zibi pacu'
ka/a'yamaga'k, mfku ima plndcibonaganan uji'a;walpan
i'ku kicicanibamg," udinan.
5 Nanabucudac win kawm kago i'kitusi. Miya'tagu a'pana
nandawantcigat pabltod kago andawat. A'pidcima kaya
Nanabucu klml'kawiinimwi Ina'tisokasu. Ningutingidac,
klwaku a'i'ndawat, omi'kwandan ka'i'gu'pan o'kumisan
undci tcipintcibonaganikat pawi'tigunk. Mldec Nanabucu
10 anandank : "Icta mltagic ka/rci'pan nokkomis tciplntcibona-
gani'kayan. Magica no'knmis aiya'kusitug panii wiyas
mldcit," inandam Nanabuco. "Klngonyandac kanabatc
uwl'a'mwan," inandam. Mldac anat: "Nolkumis, ka'i'ci-
yambanidac undcipmdcibonagani'kayan ?"
15 "Aya8," i'kitu mindimoya. "Imaguta bawi'tigunk mli-
maa'ku pmdcibonawa'pan klngonyag kicicayabanlg," udinan.
"Ki'tcinanibiwa, kinlni'ku, unisawabanln kingonyac," udigon
Mldec kaga't Nanabuco madci'tad ujra/t pindcibonaga-
20 nan, kistcimiltigon udayawatciniganan, wasa kaya udonda-
wanan, wlsongi'tod uplndcibonaganan. Mldac ka'klci'a't
wlndamawat o'kumisan, midac anat: "Ml, no'kumis, kl'kl-
SERIES VIII. Nos. 57-63.
Once on a time they say that Nanabushu and his grand
mother were abiding there. And so they say that she
said to her grandson: "My grandson," she said to him,
"over there hard by is a river, and it was there your
uncles of old used to set fish-traps," she said to him.
Now, Nanabushu, so .far as he was concerned, had nothing
to say. His only occupation was always hunting for game
(and) bringing something home. And very lucky too was
Nanabushu at getting game, to judge from his fame in
story. Now, once on a time they say that while they
were living, (there), he remembered what his grandmother
had said to him about going to catch fish with the fish-
trap at the rapids. Thereupon Nanabushu thought: "Quite
so, that is what my grandmother had told me, that I
should go to catch fish with the fish-trap. Perhaps my
grandmother may have grown tired of always eating meat,"
thought Nanabushu. "Now, fish she probably wants to
eat," he thought. Thereupon he said to her: "My grand
mother, (you remember) what you told me about catching
fish with a fish-trap?"
"Yes," said the old woman. "It was at yonder rapids
where your uncles of old used to fish with a fish-trap,"
she said to him. "Oh, great indeed was the number of
fishes they used to kill," he was told by his grandmother.
And then truly did Nanabushu begin making his fish-
traps, huge logs he carried on his shoulders, and from
afar he carried them on his back, (for) he wanted to make
his traps strong. And then after he had finished them
he notified his grandmother, and this he said to her :
ci'a'g pmdcibonagan, mldac klngon tcrarmwat," udinan
"Aya8," i'kitu mindimoya.
Mldac weyabaninig Nanabucu kra'wiwabamat upmdci-
5 bonaganan, nlbawa dac k!ngonyan klplndciposowan ; mldac
Nanabucu kl'klwawanat. Ani'a'yat dac pacu7 anri-'kitu Na
nabucu : "No'kumis! nlbawa kPgoyag mingmisag," i'kito.
Mldac kaga't mindimoya kistciminwandank.
Mldac a*rndawat, nibiwa kPgoyan Nanabucu onisan.
10 Ningudingidacigu magwa nandciplndcibonaganat, ononda-
wan awiya pinondagusinit, inwanit "— — , - — !"
Acri'nabit Nanabucu, andutank, wlkatcina'u't wagunan
ka'i'nwanik ; magwadac andutank sasi'ka unondawan
ketcipacu : "Tcike tcike, tcik" kayadac minawa tibicko :
15 "— — , - -!" Mldac Nanabuco wawlp nawa-
tcipinat uginkonya8, madciba'tod ; ka'a'niwawajacacakucin-
gigo Nanabucu. Klwaba'tod i'kitut dac anitagwicing :
"No'kumidida, awiya ninnondawa!"
"Anm anwat?"
20 — , - - F ml'a'nwat," udinan.
Mldac a/kitut mindimoya : " Aa, kwlngwlci7 udinawabanm
kicicanyabanlg !" udinan. "Wlwlsini, klnandudamag tci'a*-
camat pa'irndcri'nwat. Klngonyan acam," udinan.
Midac kaga't Nanabucu uta'pinat kingonyaL', paginal
25 anlndi ina'kakaya ka'tani'tang. Mldac minawa weyabaninig
"There, my grandmother, have I finished the fish-traps,
and now some fish will you eat," he (thus) said to his
"Ay," said the old woman.
So then in the morning Nanabushu went to see his
fish-traps, and many the fish that were drawn into them ;
thereupon Nanabushu went back home, carrying them along.
And as he was drawing near, Nanabushu went along,
saying: "O my grandmother! many fishes have I killed,"
he said.
Thereupon truly was the old woman highly pleased.
And so while they remained there, many fishes Nana
bushu slew. And now, once on a time while he was out
hunting for fish at his traps, he heard the approaching
sound of some creature. The sound it uttered was: "-
— , - -!" Up Nanabushu looked, he listened
for it, for he wanted to be sure of what was making the
noise ; and while he listened for it, suddenly he heard it
very close : "Tcike, tcike, tcik !" And then again the same :
" — — — , - - !" Thereupon Nanabushu quickly
gathered up his fishes, (and) started running ; (and) on the
way Nanabushu went slipping on the logs and knocking
off the bark. On the way home he ran, and said as he
was arriving: "O my grandmother! I hear something."
"How did it sound?"
" l— — , - -!' was the way it sounded," he
said to her.
And then said the old woman: "Why, a Canada jay
is what your uncles of old used to call it!" she said to
him. "That it wanted to eat, (and) was begging of you
to feed it, was why it cried out in that way. Feed it
some fish," she said to him.
Thereupon truly Nanabushu took the fishes, (and) threw
part of them towards the place where he had heard the
Nanabucu nandciplndcibobaganat, ml mlnawa awiya klnon-
dawat nodagusinit. Mldac ka*rcipaginat klngonyan anda-
ni'tang, mi'kwandank o'kumisan ka/i'gut pitclnago. Ka-
wlndac mamwatc wl'klwapitosl. Mldac mlnawa aniklwat,
5 anrrnat o'kumisan: "Awiya mlnawa ninglnontawa nonda-
gusit, mi'ta'kamig tanwawitam."
Mldac agut : "Aa, cangwaci au udinawabanin kicicanya-
banig. Kigra'camana ?"
"Aye9," i'kitu Nanabucu.
10 "Mri'wagwaya'k," udigon o'kumisan. "Nojis!" udigon ;
"nlbawa awiya, aya'a'wicansag klga'u'disigunanig, mlcigu
a'pana tci'a'camatwa," udinan. " Kmantawiskatagok tci'a*-
camatwa wlwisiniwag kaya winawa."
Mldac kiwan Nanabucu minawa natciplndciponaganat.
15 Nibiwa a'pitci onisan klngonyac. Kaya windac mindimoya
aninama'ta'ku'ka ; wlnga omockina'ton andawat pindik ;
agwawat kaya agwatcing ; tasa'kwa'i'ganan uwlnga ma-
mockinaniwan minilk nasawat kingonyan.
Ningudingdac klwa11 a'rndawat mlnawa Nanabucu awiya
20 onondawan plnondagusinit, pri'nwanit : "Ko'koko^o,
Ko'koko^o !" Nanabucu nawatcipinat klngonya8, minawa
aniwucacakucing. Midac mlnawa ani'i'nat o'kumisan :
"No'kumidide, awiya ninondawa !"
I'kitu mindimoya: "Anln anwat?"
25 Mldac Nanabucu ajinabuwat: "Ko'koko^o, ko'koko'ho.'
44 1
sound. And when on the next day Nanabushu went to
look after his fish-trap, he then again heard the sound of
some creature. And after flinging the fish towards the
place where he heard the sound, he recalled what was
told him by his grandmother on the day before. He did
not find it necessary to run on his way back home. And
so again, when he went back, he went and said to his
grandmother: "Something again I heard making a noise,
on the ground was where it sounded."
Thereupon he was told: "Why, a mink was what your
uncles of old used to call it. Did you feed it?"
"Yes," said Nanabushu.
"That was proper," he was told by his grandmother,
"O my grandson!" he was told; "by many creatures, by
the little animal folk, shall we be visited, and you shall
always give them food to eat," she said to him. "They
will ask you to feed them, for they themselves are also
anxious for food."
Thereupon they say that Nanabushu went again to look
after his fish-trap. Many indeed were the fishes he slew.
And the old woman herself was busy smoking them on
the rack ; every nook and corner inside of their home she
filled ; and she also hung them up out of doors ; quite full
were the drying-racks of all the fishes that he had killed.
And once they say that while they were living (there),
again Nanabushu heard something making a noise as it
approached, as it came, (and) it made the sound: "Ko'ko-
ko'ho, ko'koko'ho!" As Nanabushu fetched more fish, he
again went slipping over the logs along his course. And
so again he went and said to his grandmother : " O my
grandmother ! something I heard."
Said the old woman : " How did it sound ?"
And then Nanabushu mocked the cry: "Ko'koko'ho,
ko'koko'ho !"
"Ou!" i'kito mindamoya. "Ko'koko'ho udinawabamn
kicicanyabanlg. Acam," udinan.
Mldac kagat Nanabucu aninawatinat klngonya8 ; pa'kic
nanlngickat sagisit. Mldac iwiti ajipaginat ka'tani'tank,
5 "Owa, nimicomis !" Mldac minawa nayap ajiklwat.
Mldac minawa weyabaninig natcipindcibonaganat ; magwa
dac minawa mamojiginat klngonyan, awiya onondawan
minawa nondagusinit. Midac minawa nandutank Nanabucu,
"Mna, mna, mna!" ini'tam. Ml minawa ajinawatcipinat
10 ug!ngon'rma8. Madclba'tod minawa ani'i*nat o'kumisan :
"No'kumidide ! awiya minawa ninnondawa!"
"Anln anwat, nojis?" i'kitu.
tt lMna, mna, mna,' inwa."
"Aa," i'kitu rnindimoya ; "piswaguna ko'kokoho udina-
15 wabanm kicicanyabanlg. Wlwlsini. Awacam," udinan.
Mldec minawa Nanabucu aya'pina'tigu ani'u'da'pinat
klngonyan, paginat ka'tani'tank. Mldac minawa weyabaninig
minawa natcipindcibonaganat. Minawa magwa mociginat
klngonyan, minawa kago ini'tam. Nanabucu kagwanisag
20 kipagisu owa ijipasagipagisu. Mldac minawa nondagusinit
awiya inwanit : "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" O, Nanabucu macl-
clba'tod ! wawlp nawatcipinat uglngon-i!majj. Klwaba'tod
inat o'kumisan : "No'kumidide ! awiya nin nondawa,
manido !"
25 "Anln anwat, nocis?"
" 'Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!' mrirnwat."
"Oh!" said the old woman. "An owl was what your
uncles of old used to call it. Give it food," she said
to him.
And then truly Nanabushu took up some fish ; at the
same time he was trembling with fear. And so he flung
& o
them over in the direction where he had heard the sound.
"Here, my grandfather!" Thereupon back home again
he went.
And so on the next day he went to look after his fish-
traps ; and while he was at work again gathering the fish,
he heard something again uttering a sound. And now,
as Nanabushu listened again, "M, m, m !" was the sound
he heard. Thereupon again more were the fish he fetched.
Starting to run again he went, saying to his grandmother:
"O my grandmother! something again do I hear."
" What sort of a noise did it make, my grandson ?"
she said.
" 1M, m, m!' was the sound it made."
"Why," said the old woman-, "a fine soft-feathered owl
was what your uncles of old called it. It wants to eat.
Go feed it," she said to him.
And so again, as Nanabushu with fear went and took
some fish, he threw them where he had heard the sound.
And then on the following morning again he went to
look after his fish-trap. While gathering the fish, again
he heard another sound. Nanabushu stood up with a
sudden start, and so brought himself to his full stature.
And then again he heard the sound of some creature
screaming out: "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Oh, how Nanabushu
started running ! speedily more of his fish he fetched.
Coming home on the run, he said to his grandmother :
"O my grandmother! something do I hear, a manitou!"
"How did it sound, my grandson?"
" 'Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha !' was the way it sounded."
"A, nojis, ml tcinibuyang !" udinan ojisan.
"Wawlp, no'kumis, ujl'tam, klgamadcamin !" udinan.
Anlc kaga't rnindimoya naningiwizit.
Mldac wawlp caylgwa wrirmbomat Nanabucu o'kumisan.
5 Midac anat : " 1AU, kiga'irmbomin," udinan o'kumisan.
Mldac kaga't.
Midac ana't ojisan: "Nama'tagumag !"
"Manu, gagu pabamanima'kan !"
Minawa mindimoya i'kito : "Nojis! ningackipitagan nin-
10 doni'kanan."
Midac kaga/t Nanabucu ajapagisut, awinawatinat o'ku-
misan ugaskipitaganini. Anawi wmigu Nanabucu mlnilk
wlnigu kackiwanat ki'irmbiwana, mlclac ima o'kumisan
ukitcaya'r kl-a'sat o'kumisan. Midac klmadciba'tod, naga-
15 tcinicindang upindcibonaganan. Mlclac Nanabucu madcad,
Mlnangwana win ka'i'ji'U'na^kunigavvat andaswawanagi-
siwat mini'kigfu na'ta'a'mwat kPsfonvaii, Midac kra'nonint
o • o J • •
ni'tam kwlngwlci tci'a'wiku'tasumat Nanabucon.
20 Iniwidac o'kumisan ugiki'kanimani awananen ayawinit,
midac Nanabucu ka'irndcisagisisik.
Panimadac minawa anint pa'kan kl'a'nonawag, kawm
uglsagimasiwawan Nanabucon. Midac minawa anint kra/-
nonintwa. Mldac awa paji'k iskwatc ka'ijat midac awa
25 sigwaniko'ko^o'O'n kasagimigut Nanabuco ; midac Ini/u
ka-u-ndcinagadcinicindank uplndcibonagan. Mldac wlnawa
klmeyawisiwat anodcigu aiya'a'wicansag kiwisiniwat iman.
"Why, my grandson, now are we going to die!" she
said to her grandson.
"Be quick, my grandmother, get ready, let us be off!"
he said to her.
And then truly the old woman trembled (by reason of
age and fear).
And so hastily was Nanabushu now going to carry his
grandmother upon his back. Thereupon he said to her :
"Come, let me carry you upon my back!" he said to her.
And so that (was what) truly (happened).
And then she said to her grandson : "Oh, my dried fish!"
"Never mind, don't bother about them!"
Again the old woman said: "O my grandson! my
tobacco-pouch am I forgetting."
Thereupon truly back Nanabushu hurried, as he went
and seized his grandmother's tobacco-pouch. Even though
Nanabushu put as much as he could carry upon his back,
yet there on the top (of his burden) he placed his grand
mother. Thereupon he started to run, leaving behind his
fish-traps. Now, as Nanabushu started, he began singing.
It so happened that an agreement had been entered
into among the various creatures, as many as there were
that used fish for food. Therefore the first one employed
to go scare Nanabushu was the Canada jay.
Now, his grandmother knew who they were, and for
that reason Nanabushu was not frightened at first.
Then afterwards some others that were different were
employed, but they did not frighten Nanabushu. There
upon some others were next employed. And the one
that came last was the screech-owl by whom Nanabushu
was frightened ; and on account of that one, he left behind
his fish-trap. Thereupon all the various little animal folk
enjoyed the fruits of the labor (of Nanabushu and his
grandmother) by eating the food there.
Midac klwa11 ninguting Nanabuco pabimiba'tod, kawln
wrka kibisi'kasl ; ningutingdac klwan anipabimiba'tod Nana-
bucti oganonigon olkumisan : "Nojic, mwlsaga'arm," udigon.
Nanabuc kaya win i'kito : "Pa'kadiyamn," udinan o'ku-
5 misan.
"Kawln, nojis," udinan, "niwlmlsl," udinan ojisan.
"Migu ima misln," udinan o'kumisan.
Amc, mi win kaga't mindimoya ajimizlgubanan ima.
Midac minawa a11 mindimoya anat ujicanyan : " Nojis !"
10 udinan, "tc'iga'kwa ani'a')^aba'ton. Niwra-niuda'pinan wfi-
kis!ndima-o*yan,w udigon.
"Kitoskun kisindima/u'n," udinan o'ktimisaii.'
Midac kaga't au mindimoya ajikisindima-irt odoskun.
Midac minawa au mindimoya anat ocisan : "Saga'kwang
15 ani*i'can ; nivvra-nikislya'kwisiton nintoskun," udinan oci-
Midac minawa Nanabucu anat o'kumisan: "Sobandan,"
Amc, mi win minawa ajisobandank otoskun, mldac au
20 mindimoya anat ocicanyan : "Nojis! nawatc pang! rku-
"Anic?" i'kito Nanabucu.
"Nlwlskwatciga," i'kito mindimoya.
Nanabucu i'kito : "Kuntan."
And now they say that once while Nanabushu was
travelling about on the run, never did he come to a halt;
and once they say that when he was running along, Nana
bushu was addressed by his grandmother saying : " My
grandson, I wish to go out," he was told.
And Nanabushu in reply said: "Simply lean aside with
your buttocks," he said to his grandmother.
"Nay, my grandson," she said to him, "I have need
of relief," she said to her grandson.
"Then do it there," he said to his grandmother.
Well, it was so that the old woman relieved herself at
the time in that position. And so again the old woman
said to her grandson: "O my grandson!" she said to him,
"by the edge of the woods do pass along as you run.
I wish to get hold of something on the way to wipe
myself at the anus," he was told.
"With your elbow wipe your anus," he said to his
And it was true that the old woman wiped herself at
the anus with her elbow. Thereupon again the old woman
said to her grandson: "Into the thick woods do you go;
for, as I go I wish to clean my elbow with the limbs,"
she said to her grandson.
Whereupon again Nanabushu said to his grandmother :
"Lick it with your tongue," he said to her.
Well, it was the same again, for she licked her elbow
with her tongue, whereupon the old woman said to her
grandson: "O my grandson! just raise your head a little."
"Why?" said Nanabushu.
"I want to spit," said the old woman.
Nanabushu said: "Swallow it."
Midac kaga't mindimoya ka'i'jikuntank usi'kwagan, mldac
minawa klnwan Nanabucu anibabimiba'tod anip'u'k : wlnga
• o o
caylgwa a'pidci aiya'kusi, mlgu ka'i'jipimiba'tod kljigatinig
kaya tibi'katinig. Ningudingidacigu anibabimiba'tod Nana-
5 bucu tibi'katiniguban, mlclac klnwan anandank : "Mimawln
cayigwa wasa tagwicinowanan," inandam. Nawatcidacigu
anigakipi'tciba'to ; magwa dac pabimusat, kago uda'ku'ka-
tanan, tibicko asinPsag. Mldac animanak aji'a'ndotcipitod;
mldac ajimi'kotclnang, uda'pinang. "No'komis, naska kuca
10 owa! Wagunan owa?" udinan.
Mldac mindimoya oda'pinang. "Maskigimin iu," udinan;
"unicicinon mltcinaniwang," udinan. A'pidci mamangi-
Mldac minawa madcawad, anipabimusat minawa Nana-
15 bucu. Anidatatagi'kwanit, kago ubi'ta'kuskanan uskljigunk;
mldec aji'a'ndotcipitcigat, mmangwana minan. Mldac
aji'O'da'pinang, ajiwabanda'a't o'kumisan, inat : "Wagunan
owa?" udinan o'kumisan wabanda'a't.
"Ou, ki'tci'a'sisawaminan," udinan. "Onicicinon midciga-
20 tag," udigon o'kumisan. "Ml caylgwa tci'a'niandawaban-
daman kadaTndaiyang," udigon.
Mldac kaga't Nanabucu kra'nipagitciwananat o'kumisan.
Midac kru'cigat Nanabucu magwa nangawi mini'kang,
anindi nlbiwa kago ni'tawiging maniwang. Mri'ma krir-
25 nabandank tcitawat. Mldac ima ka'a'rndawat.
And so truly, after the old woman had swallowed her
spittle, then again they say that Nanabushu went running
along at the top of his speed ; ever so tired had he now
become, for he had been running day and night. And
once while Nanabushu was running along, it happened to
be in the night, whereupon it is said that he thought :
"It is plain that I must now have come a long way," he
thought. Slower then he ran ; and while he was walking
along, something he then stepped upon, it seemed like
pebbles And so, not making out what they were, he
felt of them ; and as he felt of them, he took them up.
"O my grandmother, do look at these! What are these
things?" he said to her.
And then the old woman took them up. "Cranberries
these," she said to him. "Good are they to eat," she said
to him. Very large were they in size.
Thereupon again they started, on his way again went
Nanabushu walking. As he went along with his head
lifted up, something touched him on the face ; and as he
felt of them, they turned out to be berries. And as he
picked them, he showed them to his grandmother, saying
to her: "What are these things?" he said to his grand
mother as he showed them to her.
"Why, big cherries," she said to him. "Good are they
to eat," he was told by his grandmother. "Soon shall you
now look for a place where we are to dwell," he was told.
And then truly did Nanabushu put his grandmother
down from off his back. Thereupon did Nanabushu make
a camp in among the sand-berries, in where there was
an abundance of various kinds of berries growing in the
ground. And there he chose a place for them to live.
So there was where they continued.
Ninguding dac klwa11 udigon o'kumisan : "Nojis, kita-
kri'gwicim kuca. Ml wlnawa ka/rjitcigawat kicicayabanlg,"
Mldac agut : "Anln dac katijicitcigayan, no^kumis."
5 "Klgamadca, nojis, kawm dac klgawlsinizi," udigon o'ku-
misan. "A'pldac winibayan, nojic, plpagimicin," udigon.
"Kicpin dac tapl'tandaman, kigaganonin iman tclnibayan,'1
udinan. "Mlya'tagu ima ka'irndciki'kandainan kaarndcipi-
madisiyan," udigon o'kumisan.
10 Midac kaga't Nanabucu weyabaninig ka'i'jiminigut olku-
misan a'ka^ka^'a tcimldcit ; mldac kaga't Nanabuc klmidcit,
kaya kima'kadawlnang pangi uskljink.
Anlc mi antotamowagubanan mawija anicinabag kri'-
15 Mldac klnwan Nanabucu madcat kikicap. "Anigu'k
madcan, kagu abinabi'kan," udigon o'kumisan. Mldac
Nanabucu aniguck madcat. Kabagljik pabimusa, kaya
pabimiba'to aiya'pl. Mldac wunagucininig a'pidci aiya/kusi
kaya pa'kada. Minawa pimusa uwinga tibi'katini ; kawln
20 owabandanz!n ajat. Mldac kaga'pl ajiplpagit : "A'e1, no-
'kumis! mla'pl oma tcinibayan !" Kuma'pl onondawan
6lkumisan na'kvva'tagut : "E'eM awas nawatc ijan!"
Now, once they say that he was told by his grand
mother : "My grandson, you should indeed go into a fast.
That was what your uncles of old used to do," she said
to him.
Thereupon she was asked: "How, indeed, shall I do it,
my grandmother?"
"You shall go away, my grandson, and you shall not
eat food," he was told by his grandmother. "And when
you wish to sleep, my grandson, call for me," he was
told. "And if I think you have gone far enough, then
will I tell you to sleep there," she said to him. "It is
only by such means that you can know how you are to
live in the future," he was told by his grandmother.
It was true that Nanabushu on the morrow ate the
charcoal that had been given him by his grandmother ;
it was true that Nanabushu ate (it), and he blackened his
face a little.
Now, that was what in olden times the people used to
do when they fasted.
Thereupon they say that Nanabushu started out in the
morning. "With all your speed go, (and) look not back,"
he was told by his grandmother. And so Nanabushu
went with all his speed. All day long he went walking
about, and now and then he was running. Thereupon
in the evening he was very tired and hungry. Again he
walked till it was growing thoroughly dark ; he did not
see whither he was going. And then at last he cried
aloud: "Hey-yo, my grandmother! in this very place will
I sleep !" After a while he heard the voice of his grand
mother answering in reply : " Hey there ! farther yet do
you go !"
Anlc, nil gaga/t ; Nanabucu kaga't ki'tcra'nigu'k madcl-
ba'tod. Mmawa madclba'tod a'konamut minawa pipagit :
"No'kumis, ml oma a'pl tcinibayayan !" Caylgwa minawa
onontawan : "E'e^ awas nawatc ijan !"
5 Misa Nanabucu minawa madclba'tod anigu'k ki'tcl'a-ya-
na'konamut ; wmga aiya'kusi. Mldac minawa pipagit:
"Mma a'pi oma tcinibayan?" udinan o'kumisan. Wi'kagu
oganonigon : "E'eM awas nawatc ican!"
Mldac Nanabucu nickadisit. "Anim! Anin a'kitut lasau?
10 Ningakiwa," inandam. Ki'tci anigu'k rnadcat. Mldac
wayibagu pabiga ugi^kandan paci/ tagwicing andawat.
Mldac ani'a'yat owabandan wasa^kwanamagatinig wlgiwam.
Mldac anandank Nanabucu: "Ningaklmosabama,7' inandam.
"Wagunan wandciwasa'kunawat ?" Mldac kaga't kimotc
1 5 ajinanzitkang andawat. Mldac ajita'pabandank, anln kadi-
cinawat o^umisan ! Owabaman magwa aminit o'kumisan.
Mldac ka'i'ci'u'da'pinang miltigons paya'tanig kanwa^wa-
tinig kaya, mldac ka'ijiba'kindanag pangi. Mldac ka'iji-
sa'kisitod ickudank iu mi'tig, midac ka/ijipiskanag ; midac
20 ka'iji-a'gwunang omicomisan udiyaning.
Midac kai jisa'kisut au alkiwanzi ; mldac Nanabucu
ka'iji'kasut ingutci ; midac nanaga pimisagltciba'tod a11
a'kiwa11]!. Miclac Nanabucu ka-ijinosawabamat anra-'pa-
ltonit ka'a-niwasa'kunanitigu. Wrkadac Nanabucu ki'klwa
Well, that (was what) truly (happened); Nanabushu
truly began running at the very top of his speed. Again
he began running as far as his wind could hold out, when
again he called aloud: "My grandmother, in this very
place will I sleep !" This time again he heard her (say) :
"Hey there! farther yet do you go!"
Thereupon Nanabushu again began running with all his
speed just as far as his wind would let him ; very tired
he became. And so again came his voice calling aloud:
"Shall I sleep in the place right here?" he (thus) said to
his grandmother. A long while afterwards he was ad
dressed in the words: "Hey there! farther on shall you go!"
Thereupon Nanabushu became angry. " Wretch (that
she is)! What is she saying? I am going back," he
(thus) thought. At the very top of his speed he started.
And so in a little while he suddenly became aware that
close home was he arriving. Upon which as he drew
near he saw that the wigwam was all lighted up inside.
And then, thought Nanabushu: "I will peep at her on
the sly," he thought. "Why is she making such a light?"
And so truly on the sly did he approach where they lived.
Thereupon he peeped in,, and whom did he see but his
grandmother ! He beheld his grandmother in the act' of
receiving amorous pleasure. Thereupon, after he had
picked up a small stick that was dry and long, he then
gently lifted the flap of the doorway. And so after he
had lighted the stick in the fire, it flamed up into a blaze;
whereupon he placed it against the buttocks of his grand
Thereupon was the old man set on fire ; upon which
Nanabushu concealed himself in a certain place ; and after
a while out came the poor old man on the run. And
so Nanabushu fixed his gaze upon him to see in what
direction he was running as he went in flames. And after
andawat. Midac nayagin aniganonat o'kumisan : "No'ko-
mis, nintagwicin."
"Ou, nojis," udigon. Awidac mindimoya anawigu ogi-
'kikaniman ojisan ka'ijictciganit, kawlndac kago krr'kitusl.
5 Kaya iwa a'pl kisa'kawat, kri-'kitu au mindimoya: "Nya,
ogagwanisagi'a'n lnix omicomisan !" krr'kitu.
Midac kiplndigat Nanabucu, kawln dac po'tc kra'camasln
Nanabucu. Midac cigu ka'i'cikawicimut, mldac ka'i'nan-
dank : "Magica kiglcap ningatacamik pitcinag," inandam
10 Nanabucu kigicakidac udigon: "Nojis, kawin nonguni
kigatacamisinon. Kayabi klgaTgwicim," udinan.
Midac kaga't Nanabucu.
"Paba/a'ntuklwusan," udinan. Udigon o'kurnisan : "Iwiti
ina'kakaya, kagux win iwiti ija'kan," udinan.
15 Ina'kaka Nanabucu ka'a'ni'i'jiplskwabamat Ini/u ka'pimi-
sagitcisani'pan. "Anin!" inandam Nanabucu. "Po'tc nin-
gatija iwiti."
Iwiti na'patc inaka'kaya udininamagon tci'i'cat.
"Aye8," udinan o'kumisan. Midac kaga't Nanabucu
20 ajimadcat ka-i'ninamagut o'kumisan. Midac anat : "No-
'kumis ! kawin ningatagwijinzl unagucik kicpin kago ni'to-
siwan," udinan. "Kagu kwlnawlbi'i'ci'kan." Midac kaga't
madcat Nanabucu. Kuma'pidac aniyapimicka ani'i'cat
ina'ka'kaya ka'a-ni-i-jiwasa'kunanigiban. Midac anibabi-
a while Nanabushu returned home. And then, while out
side but on the way in, he spoke to his grandmother,
saying: "My grandmother, I have come back home."
"So I see, my grandson," he was told. And though
the old woman knew what her grandson had done, yet
nothing did she say. And at the time when he burned
(the old man), then said the old woman: "Pshaw, he played
such a mean trick upon his grandfather!" she said.
And now inside went Nanabushu, but nothing what
soever was Nanabushu given to eat. So then straight
to bed he went, and this was what he thought: "Perhaps
in the morning she will then feed me," thought Nana
bushu. But in the morning he was told: "My grandson,
not to-day will I feed you. Longer yet shall you fast," she
said to him.
And that truly (was what) Nanabushu (did).
"Go forth and hunt for game," she said to him. He
was told by his grandmother: "Over in that direction
yonder, don't you go over there," she said to him.
It was in that direction that Nanabushu saw him go in
flames as he went running out of the camp at the time.
"Wretch!" thought Nanabushu. "In spite of (what I was
told), I will go there."
Over in the opposite direction was he shown by the
pointing of her finger where he was to go.
"All right," he said to his grandmother. Thereupon
truly Nanabushu set out in the direction whither it had
been pointed out to him by his grandmother. And then
he said to her: "O my grandmother! not will I return in
the eyening if I do not kill anything," he said to her.
"Don't become tired waiting for me." So then truly away
went Nanabushu. Now, at a certain distance he turned
from the course he was bound into the direction which
the other had been seen going in flames. Thereupon, as
musat, Nanabucu owabandan wigiwamans pada'kitanig ;
undaba'tani. Midac anicta'pabit owabaman cingicininit
omicomisan. Winga klpansowan ublwayani pi'kwananing
ka/rna'kiswadin. Mldac anicikanonat : " Nimicomis," udinan ;
"O", pmdigan, nojic," udigon.
Mldac ka'ga't plndigat Nanabucu.
Mldac, "Namadapin ima agametasing," udigon omico
10 Mldac kaga/t Nanabucu plndiga't, nanamadabit, pisin-
dawat kagikitonit omicomisan. Mldac kinwan Nanabucu :
"Kaga'tsa mwlniba. Ningakic kiniba," udinan omicomisan.
"Niban, nojis," udinan.
Mldac kaga't nibat Nanabuco ajikawi'tat ; kuma'a'piclac
15 kanibat Nanabucu mrajisakinkucikasut. Mldac, "E1, Na
nabucu, kuckusin !" udigon omicomisan.
Mldac kagact Nanabucu unickaba'tod. Medac anat omi
comisan : "Nimicomic, mi kuca ki'tci'a-'pwayabandaman,"
20 "Anic, nojic, anabandaman ?" udinan.
"Awiya klnwan kiplmiganigunanig, nintanabandam. Wa-
wlnga klnwan kiki'klwi'taskakunanig Pwanag. Sasa'k.wawag
kaya nintanabandam. Mlgu kaga't tcinibuyang, nimicomis."
Mi cigwa Nanabucu anotc inanimat omicomisan iu ki'a'ni-
25 -a'i'kitut. Mldac anat: "NingaTrclta minotc, nimicomis;
mi nongum tibi'kalk tcibimawinauguyank," udinan. Midac
he went walking- along, Nanabushu saw a small wigwam
that was standing ; smoke was rising from it. So when
he peeped in, he saw his grandfather lying down. Thor
oughly scorched was the fur upon his back, according to
the way in which he had burned him. And so he spoke
to him as he went (in): "My grandfather," he said to him,
"I am come to visit you."
"Why, come in, my grandson!" he was told.
Thereupon truly in went Nanabushu.
And then: "Sit down there at the other side of the
lire," he was told by his grandfather.
And so truly Nanabushu went in, he sat down, (and)
he listened to the talk of his grandfather. And then they
say that Nanabushu (said): "Verily, indeed, am I sleepy.
I am going to take a nap," he said to his grandfather.
"Go to sleep, my grandson," he said to him.
And so truly to sleep went Nanabushu as he lay pros
trate ; and later on, after he had gone to sleep, Nanabushu
then pretended to be in a nightmare. So then: "Hey,
Nanabushu, wake up!" he was told by his grandfather.
Thereupon truly Nanabushu leaped out of bed. And
then he said to his grandfather: "My grandfather, now
truly was I dreaming of a very fearful thing," he said
to him.
"What, my grandson, did you dream?" he said to him.
"By somebody was I warned that we would be fought
against, was what I dreamed. Completely, was I told,
have we now been encircled about by the Sioux. And
they were whooping, such was what I dreamed. Therefore
truly are we destined to die, my grandfather." Already
now was Nanabushu entertaining all sorts of evil designs
upon his grandfather, in that he kept on with talk. So
then he said to him: "I will get ready, nevertheless, my
grandfather • for on this very night will they come to
Nanabucu kaga't krircl'tod; kruji'tod ubi'kwa'kon. Midac
krirji4tod anln wa/totwad omicornisan wa'i'jisagi'a't. Midac
minawa anadin : "A'pl amaniswayang, notawatwa awiya
sasa'kwiiwat, kagi/ saga'a'nkan. Nm ni'tam ningasagitcisa
5 tcimlgasoyan, km dac pisan pmdik klgataya. Panimadac
klgakanonin tcipisaga'a'man," udinan.
Midac kaga't.
Midac katibi'tatinig Nanabucu ka'ijisaga'a'nk. Midac
klwi'taiya*!' kapaba'i'jimaminslsiwit. Midac migwanan ka'i'-
10 jisasakitclckiwagcimat kipabata'kinat. Midac adank omo-
wan : "Pltabank tclkaya'r, mitcisasa'kwayag," uditan.
"Aiyangwam," uditan.
Midac kiwa11 Nanabucu ka'i'ciplndigat, midac anat omi
cornisan: " Aiyangwamisin, nimicomis. Atcina klganibamin,"
15 udinan. "A'tawa-a'n kaya ickuta," udinan. Midac Nana
bucu aiya/pl sasakinguci'kasut. "Mlgu, kaga't kanabatc
pacux prai-yawat, pamawina/u-nangwa," udinan omicomisan.
Midac caylgwa tcigaya*r weyabaninig, cayigwa kaga't
Nanabucu omowansan sasa'kwamagatiniwan.
20 Midac wunickaba'tod Nanabucu. "On, nimicomis! nln
ni'tam mngasaga'a'm !" Midac kaga't Nanabucu sasa'kwat
kaya win. Midac ajikanonat omicomisan, " 'A'a'11 nimico
mis, pisaga-arn !" udinan.
attack us," he said to him. Thereupon truly Nanabushu
made preparations ; he made some arrows. He made
what he was going to use to scare his grandfather.
And then again he said to him : " When we become
frightened by the threatening alarm, when you hear some
body whooping, don't you go outside. It will be my place
to dash out to the fight, and you shall quietly remain
inside. And after a while I will speak to you to come
outside," he said to him.
And so it truly was.
And after it was dark, Nanabushu went outside, where
upon all around the place he eased himself, dropping the
dung here and there a little at a place. And then all about
the place he stuck some feathers which he placed standing
upon every single dunghill. Thereupon he said to his
dunghills: "When it is nearly time for the dawn to appear,
then shall all of you whoop," he said to them. "Display
your zeal," he said to them.
Thereupon they say that after Nanabushu entered the
dwelling, he then said to his grandfather : " Be on your
guard, my grandfather. For a little while shall we sleep,"
he said to him. "Put out the fire," he said to him. And
so Nanabushu now and then pretended that he was in a
nightmare. "Now, truly perhaps hard by are they ap
proaching, they who are coming to attack us," he said to
his grandfather.
And then was it nearly time for the morrow to come,
already then, indeed, were all the little dunghills of Nana
bushu a-whooping.
Thereupon up leaped Nanabushu from his couch. "O
my grandfather! it is my place to go outside." So then
truly did Nanabushu also whoop. And then he spoke to
his grandfather, saying: "All right, O my grandfather!
come on out!" he said to him.
Mldac kaga't a11 alkiwanzi wa*a'ni'rjisaga*a'nk, midac
Nanabucu aja kra-'kutaskawat umi'tigwabin wfpimwat omi-
comisan. Midac klpimwat uska'tigwanining. Ka/ijinisat,
midac klmadclpa'kijwat ; kaya kipa'kunat. Pangidac a'ta
5 oglmadclton wiyas kl'klwawitot. Midac anitagwicing antawat
o^kumisan uki'a'nipagitciwanatawan.
Midac mindimoya modcigizit. Midac kactina aji-a'ba'a-nk
i11 pimiwanan. A'plidac wayabandank wiyas ugilkandan
wagunan tind wiyas. Mldac a'pidci kaskandank, kawin
10 kago ilkitusl.
iMldac Nanabucu: "Wawlp klzizan wiyas. Niwlwlsin,"
udinan o'kumisan.
Midac kaga/t gagi'twan a'l'ndana'kamigisit.
Midac kiwlsinit, o'kumisan kaya mldcinit wiyas. Midac
15 klnwan minawa Nanabucu an at o'kumisan : "NVkumis!
wawip ujl'tan, klganingunisumin." udinan.
Mldac kaga/t ajimadcawat, kagi'twanigu a11 mindimoya
animadca. Mldac anici Nanabuc nlganlt. Mldac anita
gwicing, anln kadijinank uda'kiwa^ri'mican klnanawicinon !
20 Nanabucu win aja krklciwani'ka. Mldac anat o'kumisan :
"Mlwe kaya km kapamondaman," udinan o'kumisan.
Ma'kwayanan minawa ucigan.
Mldac anicimadcat Nanabucu, "Ml ijiwajiwani'kan,"
udinan. Mldac Nanabucu anijimadcat. "Mldac kaya kin
25 wawip pimadcan," udinan.
Mldac a11 mindimoya kaga/t ajiwajiwaniikat. Mldac
wawabamat Ini/u awayanan, ml wabamat mamama'kizunit
It was true that when the old man was on his way out
of doors, then indeed did Nanabushu already have his
arrow on the string ready to shoot his grandfather. There
upon he shot him in the forehead. After he had slain
him, he then began to cut him (at the throat to bleed
him) with a knife ; and he skinned him. And only a little
of the meat did he take along on his way back home.
And so when he arrived where he and his grandmother
lived, he then laid down his pack.
Thereupon the old woman was delighted. And so at
once she untied the pack. And when she saw the meat,
she knew what kind of meat it was. Thereupon very sad
she felt in her mind, (and) nothing had she to say.
Thereupon Nanabushu : " Make haste (and) cook the
meat, I want to eat," he said to his grandmother.
And then truly with reluctance she went about her work.
And so he ate, and his grandmother too ate the meat.
And now they say that Nanabushu again said to his grand
mother : " O my grandmother ! quickly make ready, let us
go after our meat," he said to her.
Thereupon truly they set out, and against her desire
the old woman went along. And so Nanabushu went on
ahead. And when they arrived at the place, what did she
see but her dear old man all cut up in pieces! Nanabushu
himself soon had his pack all done up. Thereupon he
said to his grandmother: "And this do you also carry
upon your back," he said to his grandmother.
It was the bear-skin and the rump.
And then away started Nanabushu. "Make your pack
of that," he said to her. And so Nanabushu started away.
"And do you also quickly come away," he said to her.
Thereupon the old woman truly made up her pack.
And as she gazed upon the robe, she then saw that it
was burned at the place about the buttocks; and now the
udiyawinit ina'ka'kaya ; midac ki'kanimat au mindimoya
kmisimint unabaman. Animamawi kakimotc.
Kaya win dac Nanabucu, kawm udaglpwanawi'tosln ka-
'kina win tciklpimiwananat Ini/u ma'kwan. Anicagu wlpa-
5 'pinanimat o'kumisan ; ml ka'irndcimlnat tcipimiwinananit
Ini/u owayanan. Amc, ml klnwan Nanabucu win aja pindik
ayat. Win dac mindimoya pi'tclnag anitagwicing. Midac
Nanabucu anat o^kumisan : "Anin a'pl'tandiyan ? Amc win
mawija tagwijinslwan ?" udinan o'kumisan. "Wagunen
10 ka-u'ci'toyan iwiti? Intigu kaya kiglmau ajinagusiyan," udi
nan o'kumisan.
"Ka," udigon. "Misaguna a'pisi'kayan," udig'on o'kumisan.
"Wawlp ujrtan," udinan; "usklyandaginigan, kaya kiwi-
'taiya'r ickutang uskipingwi a'ton," udinan o'kumisan.
15 "Nlndac ningamanise. Agoc kaya au ma'kwayan," udinan.
" Animi'kwagoc, mlnawatc ka/rciminopasut," udinan olkumi-
san. Anicagu wlmrkisumat o'kumisan, ml wandci'i'nat.
Midac kaga't wawip gagi'twan ijictcigat a11 mindimoya.
Anlcina atiso'kan, pabiga kri jitciga ka/rnint. Midac minawa
20 Nanabucu o'kumisan: "Midac ijipodawan, tclba'kwan,"
udinan. "Iwe kapimondaman mlwe kagapa'toyan," udinan.
Midac kaga't au mindimoya ka'i'citcigat ka'i'gut ojisan
Nanabucon. Midac sasaga'a'nk a11 mindimoya owabaman
old woman knew that her husband was slain. On the
way and now and then she wept in secret.
And as for Nanabushu himself, he could have found it
possible to carry all the bear in his pack. All he wanted
was to make fun of his grandmother ; that was why he
gave her the robe to carry in her pack. Well, then
they say that Nanabushu was soon inside the dwelling.
And the old woman too presently arrived. Thereupon
Nanabushu said to his grandmother: "Why have you been
gone so long? Why did you not come long ago?" he
said to his grandmother. "What were you doing over
there ? It seems as if you have been crying by the looks
of you," he said to his grandmother.
"No," he was told. "That is how long it takes me to
come," he was told by his grandmother.
"Make haste to have (things) ready," he said to her;
"prepare a bed of fresh boughs, and round about the
fireplace lay some fresh sand," he said to his grandmother.
"And I myself will go and fetch some fire-wood. And
hang up the bear-skin," he said to her. "Hang it up
with the fur side towards you, much better will it dry
that way," he said to his grandmother. He only wanted
to tease his grandmother, for that was why he spoke thus
to her.
Thereupon truly in haste (and) against her will did the
old woman do it. According to the story, straightway she
did what she had been told. And now again Nanabushu
(said) to his grandmother : " Now must you build the fire,
(and) cook the meal," he said to her. "That which you
fetched upon your back the same shall you boil," he said
to her.
It was true that the old woman did what she had been
told by her grandson Nanabushu. And as often as the
old woman went out of doors she saw her grandson making
ojisan kago minawa ujitonit, kago udockutani ; paga-a-'ku-
'kwana'tig. Midac: "Wawlp, no'kumis ! kinantawanimin
oma pindik tcipra'yayan."
A-i'ntaci'taban agwatcing a11 mindimoya.
5 " 1AU, wawlp plndigan ! Caylgwa onsu kita'ki'k! Kinan
tawanimin dac tcinimi'kawiyan oma tci4kiwiltaiya'r skutang,"
udinan. "Pa'kic klgamamlgwabawana kita'ki'k," udinan.
Anic, kagi'twanigu a11 mindimoya gaga't ijictciga ka'i'gut
Nanabucon ojisan.
10 Midac mada*a*masut a11 Nanabucu, palkic aiyaprtcinak
pa'kita-o'wat Ini/u a'ki'kon kamamlgwabowananitcin olku-
misan. Midac kaga't au mindimoya kiwi'tacagamacimut,
ayalpi kaya mamigwapowanat lni/u uta'ki'kon ; mldac win
Nanabucu nagamut. Ka'i'ckwammi'a't Ini/u o'kumisan
15 mri-nat : " No'tabowadan iu pimide," udinan o'kumisan.
Midac kaga't ki'twan ijictcigat mindimoya.
Midac klnwan minawa anat o'kumisan: "Klgi'kandanina,
no'kumis, wagunan madclyan ?" udinan o'kumisan.
"Kawm," i'kito mindimoya.
20 uMi guca iwa kinabam opa'kita'i'gan madclyan, ka)rii
pimide kanotabowataman," udinan o'kumisan.
"Nya, awacima win!" i'kitu mindimoya.
"Kaga't," udinan. "Klgi'kandan na klgri'gwicimun
kri-ciyamban? Mlna oma a'pl tcinibayan kri'ninamban ?
25 mlwe a'pl klwabaminan ka-i'citcigayan. Nlndac kasa'ka-
wa'k kinabam udiyang," udinan o'kumisan.
something else, for some object was he whittling ; it was
a drum-stick. Thereupon: "Be quick, O my grandmother!
I want you to come in here and remain."
Busy at work out of doors was the old woman.
"All right, be quick (and) come inside!" Already now
is your kettle boiling ! And I want you to dance for me
round about this fire," he said to her. "At the same time
I want you now and then to shake your kettle," he said
to her.
Well, it was with much reluctance that the old woman
truly did what she was told by Nanabushu her grandson.
Thereupon did Nanabushu begin to sing, at the same
time now and then he struck the kettle which his grand
mother had shaken (to keep the meat from scorching).
Thereupon truly the old woman danced round about the
fire, and now and then she shook her kettle ; in the mean
while Nanabushu sang. After he had made his grand
mother dance, then he said to her: "Lap off the grease
(from the ladle)," he said to his grandmother.
Thereupon truly against her will did the old woman
do it.
And so they say that again he said to his grandmother:
"Do you know, my grandmother, what you are eating?"
he said to his grandmother.
"No," said tl\e old woman.
"It is indeed the hammer of your husband that you are
eating, and its grease is what you are lapping with your
tongue," he said to his grandmother.
"Oh, how disgusting you are!" said the old woman.
"It is true," he said to her. "Do you remember the
.time when you bade me go and fast? And when I told
you, 'Is it here that I shall sleep?' that was when I saw
what you did. It was I who set fire to the buttocks of
your husband," he said to his grandmother.
Amc na mindimoya kagwinawrrnabitigu •, kawln clac
kago i'kitusl. Mldac Nanabucu ajiponimat o'kumisan,
kaya win mindimoya kawln kago i'kitusl.
Mldac klnwan aTndawat Nanabucu o'kumisan kaya.
5 Ninguting klnwan Nanabucu ajinanagatawandank inandam :
"Intigasa mlgu nln ka'i'jipajigowanan," inandam Nanabucu.
Mldac anandank : " Ningagagwatcima no'kumis." Anlcina
atiso'kan, mldac kaga't anat o'kumisan : "No'kurnis," udinan;
"mlnagu klnawint a'tagu pimatisiyang ?" udinan. "Kawln
10 na wl'ka mn ningru'glsl?" udinan o'kumisan. "Minagu
ka'ijiplnicipimatisiyan ?" uclinan o'kumisan.
Wl'ka dac oganonigon, igut : "Nojis," udigon, "mlsagu
iu kaga kaki'tuyamban. Namadabin, naska, kigawlndamon.
Pisindawicin wawani," udigon. "Kaga't kra'nicinaba'ka ;
15 mldacigu kl'a*nitcatcagiunicinowat, pinic kaya wlnawa !gi/u
kimgrrgog katihatwaban kipajigu kaya kisayan," udigon.
"Kaya win dac klwanicin. Klndac kaya, naska kigawlnda
mon ka'irndcimo^inagusiyan oma dac nongum kra'yayan.
Awa kisayan mra*u kanigit, rrwitac iskwatc ayamaga'k
20 anicinabanagitcin wabinigatadac iu ; mldac ajini'katag abi-
notcru-dapi'kwacimun, ijini'kata. Mldac ima km wandati-
siyan, nocis. A'p! kanigit kisaya11, mldac klsagistcigatag
Naturally the old woman then became restless where
she sat ; so she had nothing- to say. Thereupon Nana-
bushu ceased talking to his grandmother, and the old
woman too had nothing to say.
And so it is said that Nanabushu and his grandmother
continued living there. Once on a time they say that
while Nanabushu was meditating, he thought : " I am curious
O ' O
to know if I was the only one," thought Nanabushu.
Thereupon he thought: "I will ask my grandmother." So,
according to the story, he then truly said to his grand
mother : "My grandmother," he said to her, "is it possible
that you and I are the only ones living?" he said to her.
"Have I never had a mother?" he said to his grandmother.
"Is it possible that simply without cause I came into being?"
he said to his grandmother.
So after a long while he was given reply, he was told :
"My grandson," he was told, "it was almost like that,
(as you will see from what) I shall say. Be seated, listen,
I shall inform you. Listen to me with care," he was told.
"Verily, there were some people living; but then as time
went on they gradually passed away one by one, till at
last also went they whom you would call your parents.
And there was also one that was your elder brother," he
was told. "And he too disappeared. Now about you,
listen, (and) I will explain to you from what source you
came, and why now you are here. After that elder brother
of yours was born, then that which is the last to come
when one is born was thrown away ; for it is called a
place-for-the-babe-to-rest-its-head, such is its name. So it
was from that source that you came, my grandson. At
1 For other versions see Nos. 7 (p. 49), 28 (p. 207), 29 (p. 215).
ingutcidac kra'wra'gotcigata. Mldac nagatc ka'i'cinonta-
wint apinodcl madwamawit iwiti agotag iu pi'kwacimunans.
Midac ka/rcrrcayan, mldac ima klmi'konan. Midac nm
ka'ijini'tawigrrnan," udinan. "Kaya win dac kiga kisaya11
5 uglni'tawigi'a*n. Midac ajini'kasut au kisayan'i'ban Nana-
'patam. Midac kaya kin ka'ijiwlnigoyan Nanabucu," udigdn
Mldac Nanabucu kistcinanagatawantam, kaskandam kaya
mi'kwanimat nangwana ki'irsayan-i*t. Midac Nanabucu
10 caylgwa klvvawanandank anln wa'i'citcigat, mldac anat
o'kumisan: "No'kumis, mama'kata'kamig wl'ka kago kl'i'-
cisiwan iwi nangwana ki-i'ciwabisiwangan."
" Untcitasa kawln kago kiglwlwlndamansinon," udigon
o'kumisan, "anica tcikaskandaman, kaya tcigwi'i'nawi'i'n-
15 andansiyan," udigon d'kumisan. "Pisanigu tcipimadisiyan -,
anicigu wabandaman kijik padciwayasayagin •, kaya caylgwa
kisis pamo'ka'a'ngin aji'o'nanigwandagwa'k, tci'iji'O'nani-
gwandaman. Ml'i/>u wllka ka'u'ndcikagcrrnisinowan," udigon
20 Mldac Nanabucu caylgwa inat o'kumisan : "No'kumis,"
udinan, "ninganantupanl. Ninganantawabamag awananan
kanisiguwat nigrrgog kaya nisaya11."
Mldac agut o'kumisan: "Kagu7, nojis. Ingutci klgatini-
ga'ton kl'ya11," udigon.
25 " Kawln, " udinan o'kumisan, "po'tcigu ninganantawaba-
the time when your elder brother was born, it was then
taken somewhere out of doors and hung up. And so
after a while there was heard the cry of a babe at yonder
place where hung the little-rest-for-the-head. Thereupon
I went to the place, and there I found you. Therefore
it was I who reared you," she said to him. "And your
mother herself brought up your elder brother. And the
name of your elder brother was Nana'patam. And so
the name Nanabushu was what you were called," he was
told by his grandmother.
Thereupon Nanabushu seriously began pondering, sad
too he became at the thought that forsooth he had an elder
brother. And then Nanabushu straightway made up his mind
what he would do, and so he said to his grandmother :" My
grandmother, it is strange that never did you say anything
to me concerning what had actually happened to us."
"It was for a purpose that I told you of nothing," he
was told by his grandmother, "that for no cause you
should be sad, and that you should not be disturbed in
your peace of mind," he was told by his grandmother.
"And that in peace you should live; that you should
behold with a feeling of contentment the light of day
when it comes ; and that whenever the sun comes forth,
when a sense of gladness pervades all things, you should
be joyful too. Now, that was why I never imparted any
thing to you," he was told by his grandmother.
Thereupon Nanabushu presently said to his grandmother :
"My grandmother," he said to her, "I am going to war.
I am going to seek those who slew my parents and
my elder brother."
And then he was told by his grandmother: "Don't, my
grandson. Somewhere will you bring ruin upon yourself,"
he was told.
"No," he said to his grandmother, "I am determined to
mag." Mldac ajimadcat Nanabucu awipisa'a'nk wrirji'tod
pigwa'kon kaya sawanan. Mldac kinwan pa'ijiklwat wayi-
bagu mldac agut olkumisan : "Anln, nojis?" udigon.
"Kawin kago," i'kitu Nanabucu. "Kawin pigwasasinon
5 niwaga'kwat. Skuma sipotcigan, nolkumis. Niwlckmiboton
Mldac kaga't a'pagisut a11 mindimoya, klskabak idac
nani'kibitot sipotcigan mlnat.
Mldac ajru'ta'pinang Nanabucu, mldac ajimaclcra*sipo-
10 tcigat. Mldac Nanabucu kuma a'pl magwa asipotcigat
mmondank agut: "Kos, klga," inwawag sipotcigan. "Wa-
gunan wantcrrkitut?" inandam. "Magica no'kumis undcita
niwrr'k klgagwatcimak," inandam. Minawa ajimadcipotci-
gat ml minawa ani^ank : "Kos, kos, kos, klga, klga, klga."
1 5 A'pidci Nanabucu nickadisi. " Nax, naska agwiyan iu wa-
ga'kwat!" udinan o^umisan.
"Anica kuca kidini'tam a'pana iu ijikijipantaman," udinan.
"Kawin," udinan Nanabucu, "anicagu ningagantcigi-
tamigun." Mldac Nanabucu kaga't nickadisit. Mldac
20 ajru'dakinang minawa sipotcigan. Sipotod waga'kwat, mlgu
minawa agwut : "Kos, kos, kisayan, kisayan," udigwan.
Mldac ajipasiguntcisat ; mldac ajinawatcipitod waga'kwa't ;
ajiki'tcipapa'kit^wat asinin anabitagawaninig.
look for them." So then off went Nanabushu, he went
to seek (for a small straight tree, easy) to split, to the end
that he might make some arrows and some spears. And
now it is said that on his early return to his home he
was then told by his grandmother : " What now, my grand
son ?" he was told.
"Nothing," said Nanabushu. "My axe does not cut.
Please let me have the whetstone, my grandmother. I
want to sharpen the axe."
It was true that over leaned the old woman, and from
the meeting-place of the wall and the ground she drew
forth a whetstone and gave it to him.
Whereupon over reached Nanabushu, taking it, and then
he began the work of sharpening (the axe). And so later
on, while Nanabushu was at work with the whetstone, he
then heard that which he was told: "Your father, your
mother," was the sound of the whetstone. "Why does
it say that?" he thought. "Perhaps my grandmother for
some reason is deceiving me about what I had asked her,"
he thought. Once more as he began using the whetstone,
so again he heard it: "Your father, your father, your father,
your mother, your mother, your mother." Exceedingly
angry was Nanabushu. "Hark, listen to what the axe is
saying to me!" he said to his grandmother.
"Simply are you hearing the sound of what you are
always revolving in your mind," she said to him.
"No," to her said Nanabushu, "simply am I chided to
anger." Thereupon Nanabushu truly was angry. And so
he once more took up the whetstone. While whetting the
axe, then again was he told: "Your father, your father,
your elder brother, your elder brother," he was told.
Thereupon he leaped to his feet • thereupon he grabbed
and fastened down the axe ; he thoroughly pounded it with
a stone right on the sharp edge.
Midac kaga't ki'tcrujftad wimadcat; nlbiwa ugrirjitonan
ublgwa'kon osawanan kaya. Anicina atiso'kan, kawm
tibatutcigatasinon wagunan kayogwan krirji'tod ki'tci nlbiwa
ubigwa'kon kaya odasawanan, iu klklckapitasitod owaga-
5 lkwat ; mlya/tagu tabatcirnint kl;kljllta*i'tisut. Midac klwan
Nanabucu ajimadcat. Icta, mlgaya iwa anatcimint ! Kl'U'-
ji'tod tclman ; kiwlmbikawat mi'tigon ; aniginitigu ogri'ni-
ku'kwaton ina.
Midac klmawinawat micinamagwan. Midac klnwan Nana-
10 bucu ajimadcat, pojo'a't l c^kumisan. Midac kPwa11 agut :
" Aiyangwamisin, nojis," udigon ; "ingutci klgatinikaton
klyau," udigon o'kumisan.
"Kawin, no'kumis, ningatagwicin minawa oma," udinan.
Misa7 Nanabucu cayigwa ajipa'kublnang utclnan, madcat
1 5 kwaya'k ki'tcimicawagam ; kaga dac nanawagam tagucing,
ml ajiplpagit, nagamut :
"Micinamagwatug, micinamagwatug,
Wi'kwanjicin, wi'kwanjicin !"
Nagatcigu cayigwa matakamiska ki'tcikami ; tibicko
20 pawftig ajipintciwank, ml a'pl^itciwank.
Midac kaga't Nanabucu anigu'k nagamut :
"Micinamagwatug, wl'kwanjicik !
Kmawa katcaki'a'gwa nimgri-gog, kaya nin dac wl'kwanjicik !"
Pitclnagigu ka'i*ckwaickitut, mi cayigwa wabamat mici-
25 namagwan wl'kwanigut. Ni'tamigu kagicipa'a'botani iu
tclman, midac anijikuntaya bosut, anigumigut micinama-
1 Pojo'a't, "bidding farewell to . . . ," a verb from the French bon JOTII-, and
used in Ojibwa to greet or to bid farewell.
Thereupon truly was he fully prepared to go ; many
arrows and spears had he made. So far as the story
goes, it is not told what he used when he made the great
number of his arrows and spears, for he had dulled his
axe ; it is only told of him how that he had made himself
prepared. And so it is said that Nanabushu started away.
By the way, this too was what was told of him ! He
made a canoe ; he hewed it out of a log ; the measure
of himself was the size he made it, so it is told of him.
Thereupon he went to assail the Great Sturgeon. And
so they say that Nanabushu set out, bidding farewell l
to his grandmother. And then they say he was told :
"Be careful, my grandson," he was told; "somewhere
will you bring harm upon yourself," he was told by his
"No, my grandmother, I shall return again to this place,"
he said to her. And as Nanabushu now shoved his canoe
into the water, he proceeded straight out to sea ; and
when almost at the middle part of the sea he was come,
then he cried with a loud voice, singing :
"O ye Great Sturgeons, O ye Great Sturgeons,
Come one of you and swallow me, come one of you and swallow me !"
And in a little while was the sea set in motion ; like
rapids when the current is strong, so was the flow of the
Thereupon truly Nanabushu sang aloud :
"O ye Great Sturgeons, come swallow me !
Ye that have slain my parents, come swallow me too!"
As soon as he had finished speaking, then immediately
he saw a great sturgeon coming to swallow him. At first
round in a whirlpool spun the canoe, and then down into
the water he was drawn, swallowed by the Great Sturgeon,
gwan, kigitclman. Alpanagu kiwan kasaswanik u'tawagan;
minawa mi'kawit, plndagiya11 klngonyan aya. Midac pisan
ayat iwiti ; mldac klwan caylgwa ki^kanimat lni/u klngonyan
5 Midac 'asa/u ugimakingon kiwat andawat anamiplg anawa-
ya-r ki'tcigaming. Midac kinwan madwakisttcisagaswa-i'ti-
wat, madwakistcikaya animi'tagusinit ; mamayawanit iu
Ningutingdac kinwan magwa nantutank, kago owabandan
10 Nanabucu picagiwlnigut. Anicina atiso'kan. Amantc aji-
wabigubanan ! Nanabucu owabandan klnwan kago picagi-
bitanig, mlnangwana a11 micinamagwa uda panga'a'ninik.
Mldac kinwan balka acimamatclt nani'kinank udasawan ;
mldac ajipa'pacipa'a'nk. Mldac klwan nagatc nontawat
15 madwa'i-'kitunit : "A'ta, kagatsana nimacita'a*." l Midac
madwa/rcinantutamawat wlwan tcimina'i'gut kago ka'u'n-
dcicigaguwat. Mldac cayigwa anuwfkwutod tcicicigaguwat,
kawin dac ugaski'tosln. Midac madwa*i*lkitut : "Kawasa,
Nanabucu nimani'kag," i'kito.
20 Anawi kaga't ki'tci'a'no'kl Nanabucu tcicacigaguwanasi-
wint ; mi ka/rjipimida'kwanang umi'tigwabln, mldac Ini/u
mantcima'kwlt Nanabucu.
Mldac minawa micinamagwa a'kitut : " Kawasa. Nima
ni'kag Nanabucu, " i'kitu. Mldac waylba klnibut, klnisat
25 Nanabucu. Anic anawi ka'kina mini'k wada'towat klwi-
1 Nimacita'a-, "I am sick at heart," perhaps too literally rendered; "I am feeling
qualmish" is nearer the sense.
canoe and all. All the while they say there was a hissing-
sound in the ears •, and when he recovered his wits, inside
of a fish he was. Thereupon quietly he remained there ;
and they say that now he knew that the fish was carrying
him away.
And so the chief of fishes returned to the home under
water on the floor of the sea. And now they say that
(Nanabushu) heard them holding a great smoker among
themselves, and he also heard them holding forth with
much talk ; they were giving thanks for that he was
Now, once they say that while he was listening, some
thing Nanabushu saw that caught his attention. Well,
on with the story. Wonder how he could see ! (Never
theless) they say that Nanabushu saw something in motion,
and it happened to be the heart of the Great Sturgeon
that was beating. Thereupon they say that softly he
moved (and) pulled out a pointed arrow ; and then he
began pricking it. Whereupon they say that in a little
while he heard the voice of him saying: "Oh, truly indeed
but I am feeling sick at heart." l And then he heard him
asking his wife to give him a drink of something to make
him vomit. And so presently did he begin trying to
vomit, but he was not able to do it. And then he heard
him saying: "Impossible, for Nanabushu is' making me
sick at my stomach," he said.
True was it, indeed, that hard worked Nanabushu to
keep from being cast out ; so then crosswise he placed
his arrows, and so by them he held on.
Thereupon again the Great Sturgeon spoke: "No hope.
I am in distress inside on account of Nanabushu," he said.
And so in a little while he was dead, him had Nanabushu
slain. Even though all that were living there had come
'kundiwag tciwrpimatcrarwat otogimamiwan, anlc kawin •
anlc awiya kadicipitnatisit uda klpigiska'i'gatanig ? Mldac
Mldac win Nanabucu, ima ayat.
5 Mldac kaga't kitcfrcictcigawat manido'kasuwat. Anlc
aja klnibu kiltciklngon. Mldac kinwan wa-rjipagidanimawat,
anawi kinwanj ugl'kanawanimawan ; magica ta'a'bitclba,
klinandamog. Mldac intawatc kinwan caylgwa pagidani-
mawat, nawatc na'witc anti a'pidci timlyag ki'tcigami mrrma
ip awipagidanimawat. A'pidci ki'tcimanido'kasowag.
Ka'kina dac win Nanabucu ugi'kandan ana'kamigatinig,
win dac kawin awiya ugi'kanimigusm ima ayat pimadisit
kaya. Ugi'kanimawan krkumimint, kawin dac win ugi'k-
animasiwawan pimadisinit. Mldac ka'i-ckwapagidanimawat,
15 klpiklwayawanitlwat minawa. A'pidci klpa'taylnowag, mi-
ziwa anigu'kwag iu ki'tcigami krirndciwag kra'wipagidani-
mawat utogimamiwan.
Mldac kinwan win* Nanabucu andajiwawanandank anln
katijikaski'tod tcisaga'a'nk ima plndcaya-r klngonying kaya
20 klningwa'O'mint. Mldac caylgwa Nanabucu ki'kandank
anln kadodank, mldac a'kitut : " 1AU, ambasino tawlkistci-
•i'jiwabak wrka ka'i'jiwabisinuk !" Mldac Nanabucu kisa-
guswa-a't nlwing inaka'kaya wandabinit manito6.
Mldac klna'kumigut. Mldac kaga't ka*ijikistcinodink,
25 ka'kina kago klpa'kudamika'a'n ima klkistcigaming inama-
ya-r a'tagini. Mldac kaya win Nanabucu, klmonatawan-
ga'i'ninig iima ayat; mldac a11 klngon ka/i'cru-ki'tciblskat.
together by invitation for the purpose of bringing their
chief back to life, [but] (it was) not (to be) ; for how could
any one live with his heart cut to pieces? And that was
why he had died.
And as for Nanabushu, there he remained.
Thereupon truly they were doing wonderful things as
they conjured for a miracle. It was no use, for already
dead was the great fish. And so it is said that they were
going to bury him, for really a long while had they kept
him ; perhaps he might come back to life, they thought.
And so accordingly they say that when they were burying
him, farther out upon the sea, where it was deep, they went
to bury him. Ever so mightily they conjured for a miracle.
Now, Nanabushu knew everything that was happening,
but yet by no one was it known that he was there and
alive. They knew that he had been swallowed, but yet
they did not know that he was alive. And so after they
had finished burying (the chief of fishes), then back they
came together to their home again. Exceedingly numerous
they were, from every part of the sea had they come to
be at the burial of their chief.
In the mean while they say that Nanabushu had been
thinking out a plan how he might succeed in getting out
from the inside of the fish which now was also lying
buried. And so, now that Nanabushu knew what he would
do, he thereupon said: "Oh, I would that there rise a
mighty storm the like of which there has never been before!"
Whereupon Nanabushu made a smoke offering toward the
four directions where sit the manitous.
And so his prayer was answered. Thereupon truly there
rose a mighty wind, everything that was on the floor of
the sea came to the surface by force of the waves. And
as for Nanabushu, the sand (of the mound) where he had
been was washed away ; and then afterwards the fish came
Midasugun kikistcinudin, mldac minawa ka/ijiki'tcra/n-
wa'tin, mldac klmockantcit au micinamagwa.
Midac ningutingigu Nanabucu ayat ima anamaya'i-
klngonying onondan kago a'pitci mino'tagutinig ; mldac
5 ajra/ntutank, mranitank : "(cry of gulls)." A'pidci mino
'tagusiwan awiya ; mlnangwana kayaskwag. "Amba,"
mldac anandank Nanabucu, "ningakanonag," inandam.
Mldac kaga't cayigwa minawa onondawa8 pldwawinaminit,
migu minawa pa'i'nwanit : "(cry of gulls)." Mldac ajika-
10 nonat : "let, niclmisa ! T skumana pagwanatciganananda-
mawiciyu'k au k!Dgon!"
Mldac kayackwag ajipasigwa'O'wat, kaya aninondagusiwat
kagwanisaka'kainig ani'tagusiwat. Mi Nanabucu ka'i'cina-
watinangin u'tawagan, ka'rjiki'pi'tanitisut. Nagatc dac
15 minawa kra/ndutam, inlc minawa kl'kandnat : " 1AU, niclm,2
pagwanatcigananandamawiciyu'k a11 klno-on !" udinac.
Midac kaga't ajipisanayawat.
Minawadac uganonan : "PagwanatciganandamawiciyLrk
a11 k!ngon !" uclinan. "Mackut klgasasaga-i'ninim."
20 Midac kayackwag ajikanonitiwat : "Nanabucu ima aya."
Ka'kinaguta awiya klki'kanimigon au Nanabucu. Mlc
minawa ajikanonat : " l Au, niclmitug, pagwanatcigananda-
mawiciyu'k. Mackut klgasasaka'rninim ; nlgan wanicicit
papamisat klgaticru*nicicrrnim," udina8.
1 Niclmisa, "O my younger brothers!" the ending -isa occurs in story, and usually
in the mouth of Nanabushu.
2 Nicim, "my younger brothers," a vocative singular noun rendered by the plural :
a common construction.
to the surface of the water. For ten days the wind raged,
and afterwards there was another great calm, whereupon
to the surface (came) the Great Sturgeon.
Now once, when Nanabushu was inside of the fish, he
heard something that sounded very pleasantly; and as he
listened, he then heard: "(cry of gulls)." Very pleasant
was the sound of the creature ; it turned out to be some
gulls. "Well," thus thought Nanabushu, "I will speak to
them," he thought. It was true that soon again he heard
the sound of them coming hitherward, whereupon again
they came with the cry: "(cry of gulls)." And then he
said to them : " Hark, O my younger brothers ! l Please
peck an opening for me into the belly of this fish!"
Thereupon the gulls flew up •, and as they went, they
could be heard uttering a frightful cry, for such was the
sound they made. Whereupon Nanabushu seized his ears
(and) closed them with the hands (to keep from hearing
the din). And in a little while again he listened, where
upon again he spoke to them, saying: "O my younger
brothers ! 3 peck an opening for me into the belly of this
fish!" he said to them.
Thereupon truly they became silent.
And so again he spoke to them, saying: "Peck an
opening for me into the belly of this fish!" he said to
them. "In return I will adorn you."
Thereupon the gulls spoke one with another, saying:
"Nanabushu is there."
Indeed, by every creature was Nanabushu known. And
so again he spoke to them, saying: "Come, my younger
brothers, peck an opening for me into the belly (of this
fish). In return I shall adorn you ; as beautiful as the
creature of the air that surpasses (all others in beauty) is
how beautiful I shall make you," he said to them.
"Kawln kuca nindakaskra/siwanan," udigo8..
" Awa/u" udina8. " Klgakaskra/wa !"
Midac kaga't ajimadci'tawat pagwanatciganamawat; wl'ka
dac ogackra/wan. Midac Nanabucu ka*rjisagitdtat, kaya
5 isagitci tabatank utciman mi'tigon kawlmbigawa'pan. Midac
pitclnag wawani wabamat lni/u micinamagwan kagumigut
anigininit ; intigu minis agundak ajinagusinit agwantcininit.
Midac ka'i'ji'u'da'pinat pajik !ni/u kayackwan ; midac ka*i-ji-
wawacra't. Midac ka'i'ciwapicki'a't, tibicko koning klcra't.
10 Midac ka'i'nat : "Kin win kayask kigatani'i-jiwlnigo tci'a--
Midac kaga't kistciminwandank wabandisut au kayask
" 'Au," udinan, "midac ijipazigirryu'k."
15 Midac anicina atiso'kan, miya'tagu paji'k tagimimint
kru'da'pinat kayackwan. Midac a'potc ka*ijiTrnicicivvat
ka'kina mini'k a'pl ka'kina pasigo'O'wat. Midac Nanabucu
ka'rjimadci'tat klpigickicwat Ini/u klngonyari. Midac a'pl
ka*i*ckwananawijwat, ml kri^kitut kaya pa'kic kiziswawa-
20 binat : "Klngon klgatanijiwmigom tci'a-ni-a-'klwang. Klga-
tamuguwak kaya anicinabag tcra-nra^kiwang. - - Kin dac,"
udinan micinamagwan: "Kawin minawa wi'ka klgatiniginisl
tcianra^klwang, kawln awiya tapimadisisl," udinan. Midac
kaga't ka'ijiwabatinig klngonyansas ki'tcinlbiwa krirndci-
25 Trci'a't ima micinamagwang.
Midac Nanabucu ajikiwa-u't nantawabamat o'kumisan.
Anitagwicingidac omi'kawan o'kumisan a'pidci kawanda-
"We surely could not (make an opening into) him," he
was told.
"Yea, (you can)!" he said to them. "You can do it!"
Thereupon truly they began pecking an opening into
(the fish) ; and after a long while they succeeded. And
then afterwards Nanabushu crawled out, and he drew out
his canoe which he had hewn from a log. And then was
the time that he took a careful look to see how big was
the great sturgeon which had swallowed him ; like an
island afloat upon the water was how it looked as it lay
upon the deep. Thereupon he took up one of the gulls
in his hands ; and then he adorned it. And then he
whitened it, (white) like snow he made it. Thereupon he
said to it : " You shall be called a gull from now till the
end of time."
It was true that exceedingly happy was the gull when
it looked upon itself and saw how beautiful it was.
"Now, then," he said to them, "now fly away!"
Now, according to the story, there was mentioned but
a single gull that he took up in his hands. Yet never
theless just as beautiful were all the rest when they all
started to fly away. And then afterwards Nanabushu
began cutting up the fish with a knife. And so when he
had finished cutting it up, then he said, at the same time
that he was flinging the pieces in every direction: "Fishes
shall you be called till the end of time. And you shall
be eaten by the people till the end of the world. - - And
you," he said to the Great Sturgeon, "never again so
large shall you be as long as the world lasts, else nobody
would ever live," he said to him. Therefore it truly came
to pass that he created little fishes in great numbers from
that Great Sturgeon.
Thereupon Nanabushu paddled home in his canoe to
find his grandmother. And when he got there, he dis-
minit. Mldac anijita'pabit, mic anat: "No'kumis, ninta-
gwicin," udinan.
"A1, wagutugwansa pana wandclciwagwanu'ku, aya avva-
cansag !"
5 "Kawln, no'kumis. Nm kuca, Nanabucu, kojis, patag-
wicin." Midac anijiplndigat. Mldac owabamat o'kumisan
agawa onsabinit, a^pana'I'dug klmawinit. Mldac Nanabucu
a'pidci cawanimat o'kumisan. Mldac nawatc ka'iji'a'n-
Midac awe mindirnoya ki'tciminwandank wabamat minawa
wjicayan. Kawm dac wmigu ugi'kandanzm pangi nawatc
kra'ndci'u'skinlgiint. Mldac anat ojisan : "Pana awiya
ninglpi'U'disigok ; ijiwat kinisigoyan. Minawa anint intigog,
'No'kumis, nintagwicin,' undcita pljiwat," udinan ojisan.
1 5 Midac Nanabucu niskadisit, midac anat o'kumisan :
"Kayabi klganaganin. Kawln maci nimi'kawasl awananltug
tcagi'a'gwan ningitislrnag."
"A1! nojic," udinan, "klglkitimagis. Kawln kitakaski'o'sl
tcri'jayan iwiti ayat a11 kaklwuci'i-'k," udinan.
20 "Antic ayat?"
"Mrrwiti ayamaga'k nawayaT kistcikistcigamlnk pajikk
minis. Kawindac wi'ka awiya ijasl iwiti. Migu apisi'kat
awiya acatcin. Kawindac ki'kand^zln amantc tcitagwici-
covered his grandmother grievously sad in her thoughts.
And as he peeped into the lodge, he said to her: UO my
grandmother ! I have now come home," he said to her.
"Oh, I should like to know why they continually say
this to me, these little animal-folk!"
"Nay, my grandmother. It is really myself, Nanabushu,
your grandson, who has now come home." And then
into the lodge he went. Thereupon he saw that his grand
mother was barely able to see, (showing) that perhaps all
the while she had been weeping. And then afterwards
he had made her younger.
Thereupon the old woman was very happy to see her
grandson once more. And not at all did she realize that
she had been made younger. So then she said to her
grandson: "All the time some creatures came to me here;
they told me that you were slain. Again by some would
I be told, 'O my grandmother! I have come home.'
With some design they came speaking thus to me," she
said to her grandson.
Thereupon Nanabushu was angry, and he said to his
grandmother: "Again shall I leave you. Not yet have
I found the probable ones that must have slain all my
"Alas! my grandson," she said to him, "you are to
be pitied. You may not be able to go there where abides
the one who made you an orphan," she said to him.
"And where is it?"
"At yonder place in the centre of the great sea is an
island. And never has any one gone there. And he
goes for good whoever goes there. I don't know whether
nowagwan iwiti, kunima gaya nowanda nibowagwan," udigon
o'kumisan. " Midac iwiti ayat a manido ; ajini'kasut Katcl-
kika'arnk-uka'kwan, mra*nint mi a'pana ajitcigika*a'nk iu
uga'kawan, ina. Klcpin awiya ijat iwiti ayabi'ta iji'a'wang
5 mitabwawa-a-ng uga'kwan," udinan.
"On!" udigon ojisan. Mldac kaga't kicandank Nanabucu,
inandam wrijat. Mldac anat o'kumisan : "Po'tc ningana-
tawabama," udinan. Mldac Nanabucu minawa ka'i'ji'ujrtad
minawa kru*ci'tod usawanan, nisugun minilk tci'a'batci'tod
10 ugrrjruji'tonan. Mldac ka'kici'tpd minawa Nanabucu
mamadasitot utclmanic. Mldac madcat Nanabucu kwaya'k
ka*i*ninamagut o'kumisan. Ninguting dac klwan Nanabucu
anibabimiskat, cigwa kaga't kago onondam kwaya'k iijat.
Aji'agwamut andutang ; cigwa kaga't onondan.' "Ta11 tan,"
15 ini'tam. Mlc anandank : "Nax! mri'we no'kumis ka/ijit,"
inandam. Mldac kagalt madcat anigu'k. Nanabucu ku-
malpi minawa nanductam cigwa minawa onontam. "Twan
twan, tvvan," ; ini'tam. Nawatc pacutagwatini. Minawa
madcat anigu'k.
20 Ningutingigu minawa anra-yinabit, kago owabandan uni-
ganimi ; intigu kago pamipacibri'gatag ; midac aylnabit,
" Mimawin 48i/u caylgwa tayabinagwa'k minis ajayan,"
inandam. Midac kaga't anigu'k pimiskat. Kuma'pidac
1 Uttered with a slow, deep, nasal voice.
they have ever arrived at the place, or if they died on
the way," he was (thus) told by his grandmother. "And
over there is a manitou ; he is called Hews-upon-his-Shin,
for it is said of him that ever is he hewing upon his shin.
It is said of him that if any one should go thither, then
at half way to the place would one hear the sound he
makes upon his shin," she said to him.
"Really!" was she told by her grandson. Thereupon
in truth did Nanabushu make up his mind, he thought
that he would go. And so he said to his grandmother :
"Determined am I to go look for him," he said to her.
Thereupon Nanabushu again made ready by making spear-
pointed arrows, enough to last him three days was the
number he made. And so after he had finished them,
then again Nanabushu put his canoe in order. And then
away went Nanabushu straight towards where it had been
pointed out to him by his grandmother. Now, by and
by, they say, as Nanabushu went paddling along (in his
canoe), presently something he truly heard straight (on the
way) whither he was going. He let his canoe go floating
quietly along upon the water while he listened to the
sound-, presently he clearly heard a sound. "Tan, tan," l
(such) was the sound he heard. Thereupon he thought :
"Hark! that is what my grandmother told me," he thought.
And so truly he hurried on. Nanabushu later on again
listened for the sound, presently again he heard it. "Twan,
twan, twan," l was what he heard. Nearer it now sounded.
Again he hastened on.
Another time, as he was looking about, he saw some
thing in the way ahead of him ; it was an object like a
line drawn across his course; and then, as he looked,
"Perhaps that which is now coming into view is the island
for which I am bound," he thought. Thereupon he truly
hastened on with his canoe. Farther on he listened again
minawa andu'tam, migayapi ani'tang. "Twin t\yin," L ini'tam.
Mri'ma gwaya'k andanitang pimidepinagwatinig a'ki.
Mlnangwana kaga't iu ka/rjinang. Midac minawa madcat,
caylgwa owabandan wawani alki ; mldac minawa aji'a'ndu-
5 tank, ml minawa nondank. "Twi11 twin," ini'tam. Mlgu
ajikuckwagamisag nibi apitcikiciwaganadank iu uga'kwan
au manido.
Mldac kiwan Nanabucu caylgwa anitcagisat ima kwaya'k
andani'tank ; kaga't anigabat owabandan undamuninik mi-
10 lkana. Mldac anijiku'pa'a'tod, owabandan wlgiwamans
pata'kitanig -, mldac klmotc anijinansickang ; anijita'paban-
dank, owabaman a'kiw^zlyan nananganasamapinit, mldac
ta'kunaminit kago. Mldac ajiwabamat pa'ki'ta'a/minit
uga'kwan, tibicko tclgiga-i-gangs mra'ndotank. Gagwani-
1 5 saka'kamig dac apl'twawakanandank. Mldac win Nanabucu,
ima nibawit kanawabamat.
Kuma'pidac pigwa'kitawan mldac agut : 2 " A-a-a laa,
Nanabucu! kipinantupanltawina?" udigon.
"Ayes," udinan Nanabucu.
20 "Awawasa!" Pa'kic palpilkasut, apltcimanimat Nana-
bucon ; kawin klwatandanzl tcicagotci'a't.
Midac kaya win Nanabucu, " 'A'a/u, wawlp!"
Mldac kaga't plwananglt, pipasigwit kaya ; midac ajipi-
1 Uttered with a slow deep nasal voice.
2 Kumatpidac pigwa'kitawan midac agut, "after a while the other turned about
for the souad, and he heard it the same as before. "Twi11,
twi","1 was the sound he heard. Straight from yonder place
where the land was coming into view he heard the sound.
It turned out truly to be (the island) that he had seen.
And now, as he continued on, he presently saw the land
in plain sight ; thereupon again he listened, and then again
he heard the sound. "Twin, twin," l was what he heard.
And then the water trembled, so loud was the manitou
hewing upon his shin.
Thereupon it is said that Nanabushu now drove his
canoe straight for the place in the shore from whence he
heard the sound come ; truly as he went ashore he saw
a path leading away somewhere. And as he followed it
up from the shore, he saw a small wigwam standing ; and
so secretly went he up to it; as he peeped in, he saw an
old man seated in a squatting pose, facing him, and he
had hold of something in his hand. And as he watched
him striking upon his shin, it was like hewing upon a log,
such was his manner of doing it. And frightful was the
sound that he made when he struck. And as for Nana
bushu, there he stood observing him.
After a while the other then turned about, and said : 2
"Aha, aha, aha, Nanabushu! Have you come to make
war upon me?" he was told.
"Yes," to him said Nanabushu.
"Very well, then !" At the same time he made a pretence
at laughing, so deep was his contempt of Nanabushu ; he
had no doubt but that he would prevail over him.
And as for Nanabushu, too, "Come, make haste!"
And so, in truth, up he slowly rose from his couch, and
up he rose to his feet ; and then he came out of doors.
and said." This is a very free rendering. A closer translation would be: "After a
certain length of time by the one that turned about and looked up at him, he
was told" . . .
saga-a-nk. "Amc, klga'O'nabandamin kadajiku'tadiyang,"
a4A'aV udinan.
Midac kaga't wawanabandamowad. "Mro'ma," i'kitowag.
5 A'i'nabi Tcagaka'a'nk-uga'kwan. Tatataganabit kaya win
Nanabucu ; kru'wanigabawi, udacwlwin ta'kunam, mi'tigwa-
bm kaya. Win dac Tcagaka'a'nk-uga'kwan, uda'kunan
asinm pagamagan. Midac cigwa kanonitiwat, atAu!" Dac
kaga't Nanabucu kaya win u'pimwan, kaya win dac Tca-
10 gaka'a-nk-uga'kwan pa'kita°wan upagamigan. Midac kagii't
ki'tciudcanimri'tiwat. Nanabucu kagagu miya'ta anano'ki't
tabazit, kaga't udotcanimrrgdn. Midac kaya win Nana
bucu, papimwutcigat. Magwa dac cigwa ki'tci pa'pinlku-
'tatiwat, kaya win Nanabucu caylgwa agansinadiniwan
15 udasawanan. Magwasagu Nanabucu awiya onondawan
pipagimigut icpiming ina'kakeya, igut : " 'E1, Nanabucu,
udcickipunwaning pimwi!" ini'tam Nanabucu. Nana'kawec
pipagi kaya win: "Wan!" i'kitu Nanabucu.
"Udcickipunwaning pimwi!"
20 Midac agut Tcagaka-a-minit-uga'kwan : " Anln, Nanabucu?
Awanan kanonat?" udigon.
Nanabucu dac ickitu : " A-a-a-e1, agansmawagna nicPmayag
kljigunk sayasldwabamiwat ?" udinan. Midac kaga't Nana
bucu ajipimwat mi/u Tcagaka'afminit-uga'kwan ima ka*i-nint
25 tcipimwat, anza'pitanig upi'kwanang winisisan ; mldac aji-
mijwat. Midac agut: "Wa, Nanabucu, mmangwana kin
kaga't wmiciyan?" udigon.
"Well, let us pick out a place where we are to fight each
other," (Nanabushu) was told.
"All right," he said to him.
Thereupon they truly sought for a place. "Here is a
place," they said. Round about looked Hewer-of-his-Shin.
And up into the air looked Nanabushu ; he stood in his
place, his shield he carried, so too his bow and arrows.
And as for Hewer-of-his-Shin, he held in his hand a war-
club of stone. Thereupon they now addressed each other,
saying: "Ready!" And truly Nanabushu then shot at him,
and then in turn Hewer-of-his-Shin struck him with his
war-club. Thereupon exceedingly hard at work they truly
kept each other. Nanabushu nearly all the while was
occupied in dodging the blows, truly was he kept stirring
by the other. And as for Nanabushu, he too was active
with his shooting. While they now were in the thick of
their fight with each other, then the supply of Nanabushu's
pointed arrows began to run low. And in the midst (of
the fighting) Nanabushu heard the sound of some one
calling out to him from above, saying: "Hey, Nanabushu!
at the scalp-lock shoot him !" was the sound Nanabushu
heard. Though busily engaged, out he also cried : "What!"
said Nanabushu.
"At his scalp-lock shoot him!"
Whereupon he was told by Hewer-of-his-Shin : " What
(is the matter), Nanabushu? With whom are you speaking?"
he was asked.
Nanabushu then said: "Ah, few do you think are my
little brothers of the sky who protect me?" he said to him.
Thereupon truly Nanabushu shot the Hewer-of-his-Shin there
where he was told to shoot him, there where his hair was
tied in a bunch at the back •, whereupon he hit him (with
the arrow). And then he was told: "Alas, O Nanabushu !
is it true that now you really intend to kill me?" he was told.
" An-an-an-an-an !" udinan. "Minanga kipapa'pinrrn !" 1
udinan Nanabucu. Minawa pimwadin udcickibanwanining.
Mlcru minawa nasab asfiit : "Wa, Nanabucu! minan^wana
o o • o
klnigu kaga't wlniciyan?" udinan.
5 "Mlnanga'ka!" i'kito Nanabucu. "Km kanisadwa mgl-
•i'gog," udinan, "kaya km dac kiwmisin!" udinan. Pa'kic
Nanabucu a^rndanwawa'to kaya bapimwutcigat. Midac
cayigwa kawinawat. Midac agut minawa: "Ml, Nanabucu,
ijiponrrcin ! Maskut kago klgamlnin."
10 "Wawip micin!" udinan. " Windamawicin kaya anmcli
katotawatwa nos ninga kaya ga'kina kaya pamadisiwa'pan !"
udinan. Midac kaga't agut: "Kiwabandan na owa nongun
andaclku'tadiyang mimis? Ingiwidac mi'tigog wayabamatwa
pata'kisuwat mi'i'gi/u pamadisiwa'pan. Midac iwe ka/rci-
15 >73Lgw^ tcimi'tigfri'wat," udigon. "Klcpin dac poni'i-yan,
klgamlnin kadabatci'toyan tciabitciba'a'wa," udigon.
"Wawip Windamawicin anln katotaman tcra-bitciba*i'-
"Ima ijan pindik kapi'u'ndcipasigwlyan, klgawabandan
20 ima mi'tiguma^ka'kons •, pidon dac oman."
Midac kaga't Nanabucu nanzitkank ; kawin kaya upagi-
tinasln umi'tigwabln. Midac agut: "Kiwabandan o a'tag
oman ma'ka'konsing, mi'tiguma'ka'tonsing ; mi oman a'tag
1 Minanga kipapa'pinH-n ! "You surely do not think that I am merely trifling
with you!" More literally: "Why, of course I am making fun of you!" But the
sense is better with the freer rendering.
"Ah!" he said to him. "You surely do not think that
I am simply trifling with you !" l to him said Nanabushu.
Once more he shot him in the crown of the head. Where
upon again the same thing he was told: "Alas, O Nana
bushu! is it true that surely now you mean to slay me?"
he said to him.
"Of course!" said Nanabushu. "You who slew my
parents," he said to him, "you too shall I slay!" he said
to him. At the same time that Nanabushu was talking,
he was all the while shooting. And then presently he
brought him down with his shooting. Thereupon he was
told again: "Now, O Nanabushu, do leave me alone!
In return something will I give you."
"Hurry and give it to me!" he said to him. "Tell me,
too, what you did to my father and mother and to all
those who used to live in times past !" he said to him.
Whereupon truly he was told: "Do you see this island
where now we have fought each other? Those trees that
you see standing are the same as they who used to live
in times gone by. Such is the form I have made them,
that they be as trees," he was told. "Now, if you leave
me alone, I will give you something to use to make them
come back to life again," he was told.
"Make haste and tell me what I shall do to bring them
back to life!"
"Go yonder inside to the place from whence I rose to
my feet, and you will see there a small wooden pail ; and
bring it here to me."
Thereupon Nanabushu truly went to fetch it ; but he
did not lay aside his bow and arrows. And then he was
told: "You see what is here contained in this small pail,
in this small wooden pail ; there is contained here the
ka/irndcra'badciba'a't kos klga kaya," udinan, " minawa
anint pa'kan. Midac kadotaman : klgabasagwa'kuwa a11
mi'tig pmic tciwabamat mi'tiguwit ; midac mi'tigons katiji-
tca'kinaman o^o' oma11 ma'ka'konsing a'tag ; midac katiji-
5 cico'a-man ima klpaskanaga'kuwat au mi'tig," udinan.
"'U11! mma ga'kina?" udinan.
"Misa" ga'kina."
Midac minawa ajipimwat udcickibunwanining, midac nisat.
"UwaM" udinan. "Anim1 km a'pana wa'i'cka'toyan a'ki !
10 Nongumidac klgadici'i'n tci'U'ndcipimadak a'ki," udinan.
Midac ka'i'jimadci'tat klpigickijwat. Midac ajisaswawa-
binat, papa'kan ka'kina ijra'ya'paginat ; dac wawlnat ka-
dawiniti, pabamiba'i'tiwat a'klng aya*a*wacansag, kaya
pabamisatcig, ki'tciawasiyag kaya. Midac minawa Nana-
15 bucu ka-i'cota'pinang iu oma'ka'kons, kl'i'jictcigat ka'i'gut.
Pitclnagigu pajik ka'todawat mi'tigon, pabiga klnibawi ima
inii^i. Midac minawa pajik ki'totawat. Minawa nlbiwa
kri'citciga. Ninguding idacigu ml gimi'kawat osan ogln
kaya, osayaayan kaya Nana'padaman.
20 Midac Nanabucu agut usayanyan, pabigagu oma mikizu-
migon pa'piwat : "Kiginondawina klganoninan ?"
Nanabucu dac udinan: "Anlndi?" udinan.
"Kaga kimamaji'i'k a11 alkiwanzl."
1 Anim, "Dog" .... The rendering is literal, but the sense is better with some
such word as "wretch."
means by which you are to bring back to life your father
and your mother," he said to him, "and all the others.
Now, this you shall do : you shall scratch the bark from
the tree until you see the part in wood ; and then a stick
shall you dip into this that is contained here in the little
wooden pail ; and then shall you rub it upon the place where
you have scraped the bark from the tree," he said to him.
"Oh! Is that all?" he said to him.
"That is all."
Thereupon again he shot him in the crown of the head,
whereupon he slew him. "There, now!" he said to him.
"Dog1 that you are, who was ever bent upon destroying
the earth! So now I will derive from you the source by
which the earth will be replenished," he said to him.
Thereupon be began slicing him into small pieces with
a knife. And as he scattered the pieces about, in all the
various directions he flung them ; then he named them
what they were to be, they that run about upon the earth
as the little animal-folk, and they that fly about in the
air, and also the large animal-folk. And then next after
Nanabushu had taken up the little pail, he did what he
had been commanded. As soon as hes had done it to
one tree, straightway there stood in the place a man.
And so to another he did it. Again to many he did (it).
And then by and by he found his father and his mother,
and his elder brother Nana'padam.
And then Nanabushu was told by his elder brother,
for immediately was he here teased by him while the people
laughed: "Did you hear me when I spoke to you?"
Whereupon Nanabushu said to him: "Where?" he said
to him.
"When the old man was about -to prevail over you."
Mlnangwana au Nanabucu kablbagimigogubanan magwa
klpa'piciwa'i'tiwat Tcagaka'a'minit-uga'kwan. Midac Nana
bucu kayabi a'pidci undami'tad apitclba'a'ti mi'tigo8 ; nan-
gwana anindowiwat pamakisiwagubanan. Uwlnga moski-
5 namagat iu minis.
Midac Nanabuco anicina atiso'kan tibatcimint, kra-nimi-
^catogwan i'i'we minis, ka'pltcipa'tinlnit pamadisinit ima11
minising. Midac kaya win tibadcimint ima kiwunanigwan-
dank. A'pidac Nanabucu ga'kina ka'i'cictcigat, migrrnat
10 klwawlndamawat . wagunan ka/u-ndcipimadisinit. Midac
kaya iwa a'pi klwawinat iu kadicini'kananit awaslya8 kaya
awaslyansa8 kaya pabamotanit a'klng. Midac kaya tiba
tcimint iwa alpi kiwawlnat iu k!ngonya8 ka'u'ci'a't undci
mi/u micinamagwan kabigickicwat, kaya wananan kadam-
15 wasinig; mri* anadcimint Nanabucu.
Midac kiwa ajikanonat osan ugm kaya: "Nos," udinan,
"mlsa cigwa tcimadcayan. Klndac, nisayan, Nana'padam,
mi gin oman ayan tcikanawanimatwa oma ayadcig," udinan ;
"tciuglma'kandawatwa," udinan. "Nlndac niwri ja ; niwl-
20 nandunawa no'kumis," udinan. "Nlnglwawindamawa,"
udinan. " A'po'tcinanga tabicko kiglyawimin a'pana kawl-
tcayawindiyang," udinan. "Kin win, nisaya11, wantci'ta
And so it was by him that Nanabushu was called upon
while he and Hewer-of-his-Shin were fighting. And now
Nanabushu was yet very busy bringing the trees back to
life ; truly it was they that used to live in a former time.
To its full capacity was the island crowded.
Thereupon Nanabushu, according to the story that is
told of him, must have set to work to enlarge the size
of the island, so great was the throng of them living there
on the island. Now, it is also told of him that there was
he very content. And after Nanabushu had finished every
thing, he then spoke to them, and told them upon what
they should subsist. And that was also the time he named
what (the people) should call the big animal-folk and the
little animal-folk and them that crawl upon the ground.
And the story is also told of him how that at the time
he named the fishes which he had created from the Great
Sturgeon which he had cut up, and them that should not
be used for food, such is what they tell of Nanabushu.
And then they say that he spoke to his father and
mother, saying: "My father," he said to them, "the time
is at hand for me to go away. - - And you, my elder brother,
Nana'padam, do you stay here to watch over them who
are here," he said to him; "to be ruler over them," he
said to him. "And myself, I shall go away; I wish to seek
for my grandmother," he said to him. "I had made her
a promise," he said to him. "Anyhow, we both have
not had the same kind of birth, so that we should ever be
together," he said to him. "You are yourself, my elder
brother, like a real human being ; and (as for) myself, from
anicinabang kiglya11 •, nlndac wayabinigatag mrrma wandci-
yan," udinan usayanyan.
Anawidac Nana'patam kawin minwandanzl pabiga tci-
palka/a/t uclmayan, anodac pagusaniman tciwldclwat.
5 Nanabucu dac ugi'kaniman, midac anat : "Nisaya11! non-
gum kijiga'k klgawldclwin, mwlkicipa'kan o'O'we minis
nawatc tcimistcag," udinan, "pa'kic tcigi'kandaman anm
anigu'kwag kaganawandaman."
Midac kaga't ajimadcawat, tcatcikakusawat a'kubiganig.
10 Anibabimusawad dac ningudingigu maminonandam awi
nini ; abanabit, a'ki a'ta wayabandank ! Pa'kic kaya
anigagigitowag, kawln dac kago i'kitosl wasaya'i'mint.
"Kicrkata," udigon uclmayan Nanabucon. "Wlba tavvun-
agucin, kawln kigatagwicinzlmin andayang," udinan usa-
15 yanyan. Midac kra'niwawlndamawat usayanyan kadici'ir-
gima^kandawanit ima ayanitci8.
Kaga^idac udigon usayanyan : "Niclm!" udigon, "wagun-
andac km wandciogima'kandawasiwatwa, kin kipimatcra'twa
lgi/u pamadisiwat ?" udinan.
20 Midac Nanabucu ajina'kwa/tawat usayanyan : "Nisaya"!"
udinan, "kin ma kldinanimin tcikanawanimatwa," udinan.
Ut0n!" udigon.
Midac cigwa anitagwicinowat ka'U'ndcimadcawat ; cayigwa
ima anra-yawat pacu7 mi wabandank wasaya/rmint ki'tci
what was thrown away (at birth) was the source from
which I sprang," he said to his elder brother.
And though Nana'patam was not pleased with the thought
that so soon he was to part from his younger brother,
yet it was useless for him to beg (Nanabushu) to let him
go along.
But Nanabushu knew his feelings, and so said to him :
"O my elder brother! during this day will I go with you,
for I wish to walk round this island, so that larger it may
become*" he said to him, "and at the same time that you
may know how big is the region over which you are to
keep watch."
And so they truly started off, they went walking along
the shore by the edge of the water. Now, as they thus
walked along, of a sudden mindful was the man ; as he
looked behind, land only did he see. Now, as they went
they talked, but nothing to say had he who was the elder
brother. "Let us quicken our pace!" he was told by his
younger brother, Nanabushu. "Soon will the evening come
on, and we shall not have returned to where we live,"
he said to his elder brother. And then, as they went
along, he explained to his elder brother how he should
rule over them who were there.
And so at last he was asked by his elder brother :
"O my younger brother!" he was asked, "what is the
reason that you are not chief over them, you who brought
back to life them that now are alive?" he said to him.
Accordingly Nanabushu gave answer to his elder brother :
"O my elder brother!" he said to him, "it is you whom
I wish to watch over them," he said to him.
"Oh!" he was told.
And now they were arriving at the place from whence
they had started ; as they were now drawing nigh to the
place, then he who was the elder brother beheld a mighty
zibi undi'tagwayanik. Mldac anat uclmayan : "Anti wand-
clmaga'k owa zlbi? Kawin kago niwabandanzlnaban,"
udinan uclmayan.
Mldac Nanabucu anat: "Kaga/t," udinan. "Kiwabandan
5 na agaming? Mrrma ka/u-ndcimadcayang," udinan.
Mama'kadandam idac Nana'padam. Mldac anandank :
• "Tibi ka-u'ndcikaski-o'wangan?" inandam.
Nanabucu dac awantcicigu pa'ba'pi ; ani'i-yinabit pa'kic
ani'aTndawabandank kago mi'tig owayacawa'kuwabinank
10 slbink ka'Lrndcikaski'o-wat. Medac kaga't kra-nimi'kang.
"'Au!" udinan usayayan. "Kin ni'tam acawandawan."
"Anln ka'ijikackioyang?" udinan.
"Awau, kawln klgapwanawiuslmin !" udinan.
Mldac kaga't ajra-cawanduwat ; migu ni'tam a'tod uzit
1 5 minawa dac pajik umbinang, ml aja agaming kita'ku^klt.
Midac tcipwapigwalkitat ml aja kaya win Nanabucu.
Mldac inabit, ml wabandang anigu'kuta'tigwayanig iu zibi
abiding a'ta ka'u'da'a*mlt.
Mldac ima caylgwa Nanabucu wlpa'ka'a/t usayanyan.
20 "Mlsa iu, nisayan," udinan, "tclpa'ka-i'nan. Mi iwiti kwaya'k
ijan. Mi iwiti tciwabamatwa kanaganangwa," udinan.
"Owitidac kaya nln nlngatija," udinan.
Mldac pa'ka'i'tiwat. Anicna atiso'kan, kawln Nanabucu
tibatcimasl ina'kawe tcigra'wina'kawa wabamat umgi'i'go
25 a'pl wanagadank iu minis. Mlya'ta tabatcimint ajipa'ka'a't
river flowing by. Thereupon he said to his younger brother :
"From whence flows this river? Nothing (of a river) did
I see before," he said to his younger brother.
Whereupon Nanabushu said to him: "Ay," he said to
him. "Do you see the other shore? It is from over
there that we started," he said to him.
Astonished then was Nana'padam. And then he thought :
"Wonder where shall we be able to get across?" thus he
But Nanabushu, on his part, only gave a laugh ; as he
went he observed, and as he went he was at the same
time seeking for some kind of a log to lay across the
stream so that they might be able to cross. It was true
that he found one on the way. "Come on!" he said to
his elder brother. "You first cross over on the log."
"How shall we be able to get over?" he said to him.
"Why, we shall not fail in the undertaking!" he said
to him.
Thereupon truly crossed he over upon the log ; the
moment he put down one foot and then lifted the other,
that very instant he stepped on the other shore. And so
before he turned about (to see if the other was coming),
then was Nanabushu also across. And as he looked, he
then beheld how wide was the river which only at a single
step he had passed across.
It was there that Nanabushu now meant to part with
his elder brother. "The time has come, my elder brother,"
he said to him, "for me to part from you. Straight
yonder way do you go. Over there will you see them
whom we have left," he said to him. "And over in this
(other) direction I myself will go," he said to him.
Thereupon they parted from each other. According to
the story, not is it told if Nanabushu first went to see
his parents when he left the island. All that is told of
usayayan kaya awi wabamat olkumisan. Midac Nanabucu
kiwan anitagwicing o'kumisan andanit ayeyanit, inat tibicko
ka'i'na'pan udanang : "Nintagwicin, no'kumis."
"Nya'ais! nya'ais! Anlnsa a'pidci wa'i'jinanapagansumiyaj
5 acpana!" i'kito mindimoya.
"Kawm, no'kumis! Nm kaga't" udinan.
Midac a-i'ji'i'nabit skwandang, mldac kagat wabamat
ojisan pipmdiganit. "Nya! nojis mmangwana kaga't tii-
gwucing !" udinan. "Kmibu nintinandanaban," udinan.
10 Midac Nanabucu wabamat o'kumisan, a'pidci wabiskanig
ustigwanini mldac anandank : "Papiga ajiwabickanig usti-
gwan," inandam. Mldac agut o'kumisan : "Nojic, katcinana
ningrirndand kitinandam ? Kinwanj aniwak kigri'nand,"
udinan ojisan. "Mldac kaya kanabatc caylgwa tcinagani-
15 nan," udinan ojisan.
"Ayec, no'kumis. Mi owiti kadacayan ka'pi'u'ndciyan,'
udinan. "Mri'witi nisayan kra'sak tci'irgima'kandonag."
Mldac kaga't mindimoya ajimadcat, aja'a'nat ojisan.
Kaya win dac Nanabucu animadca, ningutci pa'kan ijat;
20 kayabi nongum pimusatug, tibi nongum ayagwan ; magica
kaya kayabi nongum pamusagwan.
him is that he parted from his elder brother and that he
went to see his grandmother. And now they say that
when Nanabushu arrived at the home where his grand
mother was, he said to her the same thing that he had
said to her in times gone by: "I have come home, O
my grandmother !"
"Oh, dear me! Oh, dear me! Why should you always
desire to afflict me grievously with such words!" said the
old woman.
"Nay, my grandmother! It is truly I!" he said to her.
Thereupon, vas she looked toward the doorway, then
verily she beheld her grandson come entering in. "Ah,
me ! it is my dear grandson who has actually come back
home!" she said to him. "He is dead, such was my
thought of him," she said to him.
And so as Nanabushu looked upon his grandmother,
exceedingly white was her hair. And this he thought :
"In so short a while has her hair whitened," he thought.
Whereupon he was told by his grandmother: "My grand
son, do you think that you have been absent but a little
while? A long time have you been gone," she said to
her grandson. "And perhaps the time has come for me
to leave you," she said to her grandson.
"Yes, my grandmother. To yonder place from whence
I now have come shall you go," he said to her. "At
that place have I placed my elder brother, that he might
be ruler over you (and the rest)."
And then truly the old woman departed, she followed
back the footsteps of her grandson.
And Nanabushu himself went his way, off in some other
direction he went •, still to this day must he be travelling
along, wherever the place he now may be •, and perhaps
even to this day he may be walking.
Vols. I-HI, 1845-51. (Out of print.)
1860-63! (Out of print.}
YORK. Vol. i, No. i, 1871-73. (Out of print.}
Dr. C. H. BERENDT, Analytical Alphabet for the Mexican and Central
American Languages (printed in facsimile). (Out of print}
Vol. III. Reprinted in 1909.
I. WILLIAM JONES, Fox Texts. 1907. 383 pp.
II. EDWARD SAPIR, Wishram Texts. 1909. 314 pp.
III. JOHN R. SWANTON, Haida Songs; FRANZ BOAS, Tsimshian Texts.
1912. 284 pp.
IV. ROLAND B. DIXON, Maidu Texts. 1912. 241 pp.